The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, November 15, 1901, Image 4

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    TI««' Govrriior al Home.
The United States has not vet
Governor Geer returned borne Illis'
ceased to pay stamp duties to Great
from campaigning in Ohio
He ;
Britain, and that “without repre. week
visited the tomb ot President McKinley.
sedation” in her parliament. Reve­ He says; "The casket is still coveretl i
». I. A1BIHV, Editor A Propr.
nue stamps to the value of twenty- by a large American Hag, which, in
J. <2. ECKMAN, Ak.ociute Editor.
five thousand dollars were required turn, is almost completely bidden by
to make legal the ten-millioudollar the wealth of withering bouquttl placed
Subscription $1.00 Per Year. deed of gift bv which Mr. Carnegie there on the day of the funeral. At the
endowed the Scottish universities. foot of the casket stall«Is the magnifi­
So large a stamp duty was never tic- cent wreath furnished by the czar of
FRIDAY, NOV. 15. 1901.
Russia, which is at least four feet in di­
fore paid into the British treasury. ameter.
Yet the Patrick- Henrys and Sam
He thus describes his visit to the ohl
“My father was born 73
Nearly 17,000,000 American chil­
—---- ♦ • ♦---------
years ago near the town of Loudon, in
dren are today attending school- in­
cluding the million or two that are
An ingenious vankee has discov­
speech there 1 said as much and ex-
ered ti process whereby the ordinary presseil my intention of finding the old
playing hookey.
4 W »
grasshopper in large numbers can homestead while there, if possible, and
When the Nevada senators openly be compressed into bricks to be sold requested the assistance of those in the
admit that the silver question is for poultry food. Having thus be­ atulieiice who might know where it was
dead it is time for William J. Bryan come useful and valuable, the grass­ locate I. Upon the a«ijoiirnment of the
hopper may grow scarce, and Kan­ meeting there were more than a dozen
to put crape on his hat.
sas farmers may yet express fears men ami women came to the platform I
to say that they could be of assistance
Poor old Senator Hoar. An Amer for the failure of the grasshopper to me, and in less than an hour the mall
was found who owns the pla e today.
ican statesman who could eulogize crop.
My grandfather came to that part of
Aguinaldo and cannot praise \\ illiam
The country is unanimously Ohio in 1818, from Conneticut, with all
McKinley is to be pitied.
his belongings, in a small wagon drawn
pleased with the way Admiral by
one horse. He had a wile and two
Schley's colors grow more brilliant children,
the older being my uncle
The irrigationists are going to
Ralph, now <le -eased, who was then two
Washington this winter determined
which grew out of a most deplorable
to die in the last ditch unless con meanness and malicious jealousy in years obi. In 1840, when my father was
12 years old, the entire family moved to
gress will agree to fill it with water naval circles.
It is a shame the Illinois. That was 60 years ago, and
country feels keenly
There was my father lias never been back. The
The Boers continue to behave most glory enough to go around and those lions« where my father was born was
outrageously for a people who have responsible for this scandalous busi built of hickory logs, and was burned
been conquered and subdued. They ness will yet reflect upon the ruin down 20 years ago, ami the present
don’t seem to realize their status tit wrought to themselves only. The house was built immediately in the rear
of where it stood, so that when I was
country did not know before this in­ there the four large flat stones which
vestigation that Schley’s ship alone served for corner supports of tile old
Let us not be too hard on the sul­ fought four of the Spanish war ves- structure were to be plainly seen peep­
tan. There are quite a number of seis, but it knows it now and is not ing above the blue grass lawn. They
never been disturbed.
I have
us in this country who would dislike surprised. Schley is one of the have
with me some apples that I gathered
to have a war ship come at. us every country's heroes and bis naval rec from the old orchard which was planted
ord is one in which cowardice would by my gramlfather, also some walnuts
time we neglect to pay a bill.
long ago have demonstrated itself, Irom an old tree standing by the spring
did he possess it in his makeup. In from which the water supply for the
It is said that the court of inquiry 1860 he graduated from the naval
Consisting ot
family was obtained, as I can imagine
will cost Admiral Schley *20,000, and
ami went to sea. taking bv the repeateil trips of tile barefect
it will cost the government many academy
Tapestry Brussels, Imperial Body Brussels, Royal Wilton Velvets and
part ill all the engagements that led • hildren ¡is they triiilgeil down and up
times that amount all due to the up to the capture of Port Hudson, the little bill that slopes off in that «li-
Ingrain Carpets. New Fine Line of Mattings and Linoleums.
pestiferous folly of the fool friends and in other fights he has been ac­ rection I will
” send these apples and
of the admirals.
Window Shades and Lace Curiains A Fine Line. A Larger and More
tive in all parts of the world, For a One of my father’s schoolmates, whose
■‘coward," his record lias been a re- father’s farm joined that of my grand­
Superior Stock of Furniture than ever. On WALL PAPER, old stock will
Creditors are urging the sultan of markable one.
father, succeeded to his father’s farm
Turkey to pay up, but he pleads in
be put dowu to bedrock, to make room for new. I do not give commissions to
and has lived there all his life ”
ability to do so.
Here in Oregon
Weather conditions always favor Ore­
paper hangers, preferring to give it to my customers.
Having in mind the case of the
we often make that excuse, and
ami the comparison is thus made'
old maid in Douglas county, lately gon,
by the governor
“Every maple and
along comes the sheriff. Why should
the terrible Turk be smarter than on trial in the U. S. court at Port­ walnut tree in Ohio has, for two weeks,
land on a charge of victimizing a been as bare of leaves as they will be in
the average?
New Funeral Car may be found at Henry & Newell’s.
number of susceptible old bachelors February The weather was delightful
by means of a matrimonial adver­ until the «lay after the campaign closed,
“The fact is,” says Mr. Bryan s tisement, the editor of the Salem when it began to rain with a decided
Commoner, “that in none of the Statesman strikes the keynote thus: tendency toward zero. In Dakota the
southern states has an attempt been ’One of the silliest and most incom­ snow was six inches deep, and a half-de­
made to take from the negro the prehensible elements of social life, veloped blizzard was sending out its
guarantees enumerated in our eon today, the world over, is the system first samples. The nearer we approached
stitution and in the bill of rights. of advertising for husbands and the Pacific coast the more decent the o<xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Which might all be precisely true if wives through the columns of the so- weather became, and when we reached
home and saw the roses and swee^ peas
it were not wholly, grossly and no called matrimonial papers,
The still thriving in the open air, , we were
toriously false.
practice is not only repulsive, but again reminded that we have the best
It state in the union.”
pernicious to the last degree,
The reported danger of a beef fam cheapens the man and woman thus
ine is not unwelcome to our farmers. joined, hi the eyes of each other, and
The noble winter apple is coming
They are raising more cattle than negatives the sanctity of the mar­ to th«* front as a wealth producer,
ever before, and theV may go on in riage relation in every way. It de and it appears that to meet the
creasing their herds with full assur stroys all the romance aud sentiment wants of th«* apple eating people of
auce that they will realize good that attaches to the happiest quest lh<* United States great quantities
prices for a long time, and at least in life, and passes th«* nugatory ef of the fruit must be imported from
reasonable prices permanently. The feet on to all the children of such foreign lauds annually. Although
Willamette valley may yet be called haphazard matings.
It is prolific these imports are growing year by
upon to furnish beef to the “cities of divorce and tends to obliterate year, the price of apples is not ma-
of the plains ”
340 Ladies,’ Misses’ and Children’s Capes and Jackets to be closed out at one half former price,
the standards of home life. Once in terially affected thereby, and t he
hi pieces of fancy and all-wool suiting, regular 50c goods, to close out at 25c per yard.
i great while, perhaps, two beings (tregon farmer who sets out an or­
I hir entire stock of Ladies' Wrappers at one-half from former price.
Here is a good one now going the arc really made happy in this pitch­ «■hard of winter varieties may be as-
50 pieces 12c Flannelette, while they last at tic per yard.
rounds of the Kansas press A wife fork fashion, but the general out sured of a profitable income there­
The remainder of all our Walking and Sailor Hats—all this season’s styles at one-half former prices.
remarked to her husband that, their come is sure to be on a par with the from.
Frorrt a business point of
500 Remnants, all the way from a piece of Calico to a piece of Silk, to be closed out at a sacrifice.
daughter was 20 and should be mar reckless expedient used in setting up view apple raising has been henefit-
REMEMBER our Entire Stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Hoots A. Shoes, Hats i Caps, Furs, Furnishing Goods, Mil-
ried. “O, she has plenty of time. the relation. It is one of the dismal <*d, not only by the ever increasing
linerv and Carpets, in fact everything carried in our large establieroent is offered now at Cost.
Let her wail till the right sort of a failures of latter-day civilization.
demand, but by the introduction of
You will have to hurry, as Hundreds of Bargains are selling out very fast.
man comes along. " “Wait nothing,
cold storage.
The producer need
replied the wife.
I didn't wait for
not now be affected by the rush of
I il H ETTE.
the right sort of a man.
the season
Th«* cold-storage con­
Mr. Spooner lost one of his horses one cerns are always ready to pick up
the surplus, thus stiffening prices at
England is threatened with a ea day last week.
lamity as dire as that which has fall
Mrs. M. O. Lownsdale left Friday a time when they would be most
likely to fall. It is certainly anom­
en on this nation. The Roberts morning for California.
that this profitable branch of
Buller controversy promises to equal
Mrs. Sam Luman litis been <|uite sick
industry should be neglected by so
that of the Sampson Schley trouble, for the past week but is improving.
many farmers.
Oranges, bananas,
and a long-suffering, nauseated
Mr. Howard went to Portland Friday
American public can extend he arty morning and returned the same evening. lentous, and other tropical fruit,
peaches, pears, plums, and other do-
sympathy to our neighbors over the
Mr. Hyde went to Portland Friday m« Stic fruit, are very well in their
impending affliction, ami utter an
ardent prayer that they may be morning and returned the same evening. way. but apples outclass them all.
A surprise party was given at the Tlu-v are marketable at all seasons
home ol Mr. Edward# Friday evening, of th«* year, ami tlrrr«* is vastly more
mone\ in an apply* orchard properly
Even among democrats there i IV- and a good time is reported.
The missionary society will tie held at care«l for in Oregon than then* is in
joiciug that "Boss " Croker, other
wise known as The Squire of Mont tin- home ol Mrs. Blough on Friday an orang«* grove in California.
House, Wantage, Berks. England, evening.
11. « . .1 Wood Stone of HanforJ, Cal ,
was defeated in the late New York
Rev. Coulter preached both morning
election. And that his defeat was and evening in the Evangelical church will fill the pulpit at tin* Climb. I’r«*sbi -
overwhelming, the country at I «»•■*«• Sunday.
t< « hurt'll
All are cordially invited
is to be congratulated. As Mr Seth
Messrs Bass ami Kimberlin will make t * 1*01111* ami hear him. lie is ong of the
Low, the successful candidate for a business trip to Portland Friday morn­ beet preachers in the church.
mayor, said, “The outcome is a ing, returning Saturday evening.
We mean the following facts: That the
splendid vindication of universal
The Christian Emleavor business
meeting ami social was he 1.1 at the home
Yamhill County Reporter
Closing Out Sale !
Cntire Stock Ht Cost for Cash
Grange & Farmers Company
Fall Line of Carpets
Complete Line of Undertaking Goods.
And For a Half=Month Only,
Commencing Friday, Nov
Closing Saturday, Nov, 30.
ot Rev. U T. Hurd on Monday evening.
Are Made Miserable by
Five years ago an appropriation
William Perry leaves Wednesday
of $10 Itoti was nmde In eongre-s for morning for Vancouver, where he in­
Kidney Trouble.
the rural free delivery service, and tends to spend the winter.
this year it required an appropria
Mr an«l Mrs. V Olds celebrated their
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
tion of $3,500.tlttO to meet the grow twentieth wediling anniversary Sunday,
ing system
The postmaster gen i and many mid valuable presents w ere re­ Courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
erul will ask for an increase in this ceived bv them.
disappear when the kid­
amount by the next congress to iti,
Mr. S. G. Dorris cam.- up Monday
neys are out of ordei
250.000 for tins coming year.
The evening to visit his mother. Mrs. C. E.
or diseased.
growth of the service is phenomenal 1 Watts. He c mu- to Portland to attcllil
Kidney trouble has
and is an enduring monument to th, the timeral of his lather, Mr Felix Dor
become so prevalent
glory of the administration of the!
that it is net uncommon
was buried Monday morning Mr. Dor­
for a child to be borr
I*'«* President McKinley
ns leaves Tuesday afternoon for Wasco
According to the New York Modi
Cttl Journal, there is an epidemic of
typhoid all over tin* I cited States.
1 h Chicago the l-lord shows that
the typhoid mortalil v for tin* past
three months is four time** wh it it
was during the eorresminding «piar
ter of last year
In New York the
hospitals are crowded with typhoid
patients, although tin* prevalence of
the disea. .e there mai bo dm* to th«*
feneral tearing up of the *tr«*ets.
n Boston, Baltinior«
< '.n. .
The Odd Fellows gave a big hunt
supper last Fridav night nud invited
th«- Rebekahs and their families. It w as
a grand success and everyone seem« .1 to
do justice to the supper. It was attend­
ed by a large crowd.
The tmcialMl. will hold a meeting at
ten o'clock tomorrow to make a conntv
organization. Many of the leading
eiali.ta of the state are oppoenl to put­
ting a ticket in the field at the coming
election, preferring to make a straight
tight for direct legislation in.tead of
“juat «landing up to I m * counted.'' All
parties have declared in favor of the in
illative and referendum
And the rc-
publican, have showed their good faith
by panting the amendment through two
There were 3-1 a»-i.ili«t
vote, in thia county at the la«t preahlen-
tial election, and about 1500 in the .tale
Minneapolis. New (Mean-. Phiia
delphin, Pittsburg, St l.ouis ami
Washington more than tlo* u-imi an
tumnal increase is report?«!
In this
connection the n«*wspa|»»*rs of those
cities are very generally telling their
readers of the absolute necessity of
either filtering all drinking water
through germ proof filter# or by
tailing it
They claim to be much stronger now.
afflicted with weak kid­
neys. If the child urin­
ates too often, if the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause ol
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the firs'
step should be towards the treatment ol
those important organ.-. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit at
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erablc with kidney and bl.ukler trouble,
and both need the same great remedy
..a —
a *«--
The -----
the * immediate
Swamp-Root is soon realized, It is sok
by druggists, in fifty-
ccnt and one dollar
sizes. You mav have a
. ample Kittle by mall
free, also pamphlet tell- R>w.,
tng all about It, Including many of tht
thousands of testimonial letters receiver
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
A Co.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure an<
mention this paper.
and WHITNEY PIANOS, and the
Are not equale«l in sw eetness of tone, ease of action ami wearing qualities. They are not affected by bad weather,
but adjust themselves to it. That the prices at which we offer them are as low as those of any house handling the
same or other makes, and that the easy payments—from «5 up—which we offer, and the taking of old instruments
on liberal exchange, absolutely brings to the people of Yamhill and adjoining counties the most liberal terms they
have 1 «< 1 en-oveii
A fact which proves thi« is the---- --------
number we are selling. You can't get away from it.
No home is complete in its happiness and jov w ithout one of our instruments. See us or write.
wn. SCOTT, McMinnville.
Police ot Aiiiulni.tralrlx mid Ad-
■ii in 1st rm or*. tai«.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed will sell at public auction on tile
farm of the late John Crawford, de­
ceased, situate about four miles south of
Dayton on the Dayton and Salem road
in Yamhill county, Or , on Saturday,
the 23d «lav of November, 1901, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. the following
described personal property;
One wagon, 1 grain see«ler, t harrow. ■
11 head of hogs, 9 bea«l of cattle, t bay 1
horse six years old, 1 gray mare 7 years
ol«l. one old gray mare. 2 sets of work
harness, I wind mill, bay rack, t mower,
t three seate«! hack, 2 plows, 1 self-bind­
er, single trees. 1 roller, 25 sacks of po- j
tatoes. 1 yearlong colt, 5 chairs, 1 tent. '
20 gallons of vinegar, and various other
farming implements anil articles too
nnmerous to mention, also a lot of house -
hold furniture. Terms of sale, cash in
Dated this Nov. 12, 1901.
x «-
\ C bavkm 1*.
;■ You Are Interested
3 «
» i»
If you are a buyer of Groceries in getting the »
most and the best for your money.
In the »
coming and going of grocery stores the little »
opera house grocery goes right along.
Our »
Sugar, Coffee, Flour and fruits are down to »
bottom prices this month. Come and see.
L. E. Walker.
S hmkman C kawi - ord ,
Administratrix and administrator of
estate of John Crawford, deceased.
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