OHÏIŒ ÀI LADOt utiny Among Federal Prisoners at Leavenworth. one man killed and five wounded Twenty-Six Desperadoes : Broke the Cordon of Armed Guards and Escaped—Carried an Official With Them. Leavenworth,, Kan., Nov. 11.—One man was killed, five others were wounded and 26 deseprate convicts are at large as a result ot a mutiny late this afternoon at the site of the new United States prison, two miles Southwest of here, where four hun­ dred prisoners from the federal prison, in charge of 3U armed guards, were at work. When the trouble began the rebellious prisoners had only two re­ volvers. These revolvers had been secreted in one of the walls ot the building by some unknown person. There are two walls partly completed and the rest of tne site of the build­ ing is surounued by a high wooden stockade. Gus. Parker, of Ardmore, I. T., one Of the ringleaders of the mutiny, ■walked to the corner of the stockade, where the revolvers were concealed, and, under cover of some weeds, se­ cured them without being detected. He returned to the gang and passed one of the revolvers to Frank Thomp­ son, a negro from South McAlister, 1. T., who secured it about his person. When E. Hinds, superintendent of con­ struction, and tuiee unarmed guards prepared to round up the men at the end of the day s wora, tne two aimed convicts covered mem with revolvers, and, encouraged by the other mutin­ ous convicts, lurced tne men to walk before them toward the not th west (corner of the ciockade, where they ex- . pec ted to make a rush through an opening. The outside of the stockade was guarded by armed men, and when the convicts appeared at the opening they were met by C. E. Burrows, a guard, who fought them back, but who received two shotB in the neck. The convicts then rushed over to the I south wall to another opening and were met by Arthur Trelford, an arm­ ed guard, who is in charge of ail the I convicts. Trelford resisted the con­ victs and was shot twice, but not dan­ gerously wounded. Defeated in their attempt to escape at this point, the men rushed to the guard house, a temporary frame structure where the arms are kept. The guards from the outside rushed in at this point and drove the convicts away from the guard house. P. J. Waldrupe, a guard, shot and killed Ford Quinn, from Ryan, I. T. The prisoners then made rush for the main entrnce, and 26 of them succeeded in escaping. Most of the , escaped men are from Indian Ter­ ritory. Closely followed by the guard, the men ran to a nearby forest and succeeded in evading their pur­ suers. The men went in the direc­ tion of Eas.on, Kan., and it is report- ■ ed that they have held up many farm­ ers, taking horses and clothes en rout«. The convicts in their flight, com­ pelled F. E. Hinds, superintendent of construction, to go with them, and he was not allowed to return until they had gone almost two miles. W. F. Peasless, one of the fugitives, who had but 15 months more to serve, deserted the band a few moments af­ ter Superintendent Hinds was re- | leased. The two men reached here almost at the same time. They re­ ported that the fugitives, after hold- ! ing a consultation, decided that they would form themselves into several small parties, so that some might es­ cape though others should be cap­ tured. It is the intention of all of them to attempt to reach the rough | country southeast of here. BETRAYED HIS TRUST. Head Treasurer of the Maccabees Is a Defaulter —Surety Companies to Bear Loss. DICKINSON He Refuses Io Pry the IS FIRM. Ransom Until Miss Stone Is Released. Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov. 12.—Informa­ tion has been received here from Doubetza that the band of brigands holding captive M îbb Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary, called j about a fortnight ago at the village of Smetchevo, and subsequently pro­ ceeded to the monastery of Hilo, but the movements of troops compelled the brigands to flee toward the fron­ tier, where they are now in hiding. It is also asserted that the brigands have recently been treating t Miss Stone with mote severity in order to exercise pressure and to compel a more ready acceptance of their con­ ditions. Consul General Dickinson is inflex | ible. He insists that the surrender of Miss Stone must precede or be simultaneous with the payment of the ransom. His attitude is justi­ fied by the known determination of some members of tile band, particu­ larly the captain, Yanne Sandsby, to kill Miss Stone and her compan­ ion as soon as the ransom is received, owing to the fact that the captives have now acquired information con­ cerning the secret committees. Com­ petent persons, however, express the opinion that the cupidity of the bri­ gands will overcome their fear of rev­ elations, and all such approve the declaration of Mr. Dickinson. Yesterday, Mr. Dickinson made energetic representations to the Bulgarian government against the movements of the Bulgarian troops, reproaching the officials with the tact that notwithstanding their solemn promises to give him all assistance in their power, their action was embar­ rassing the negotiations, retarding a settlement and placing the life of Miss Stone in jeopardy. He made a definite declaration that the Bulgarr- an government would be held respon­ sible for the death of Miss Stone and of all the consequences of her death, should it be proved that the attitude of the Bulgarian government forced the brigands to kill their captives. COAL FOR THE NAVY. Department Hat Big Stocks all Over the World —What It Costs. Washington, Nov. 12.—A striking illustration of the growth of the American navy is presented in a sin­ gle statement in the annual report of Rear Admiral R.B. Bradford, chief of the equipment-bureau of the navy, that he spent $2,227,111 the last fiscal year for 324,108 tons of coal, at an average cost of $9.01 per ton. The report says that this was nearly 95,- 815 more tons of coal than was used during the preceding fiscal year. Ten years ago the coal consumption was 73,00 tons per annum. The domestic coal costs $8.60 per ton, and the for­ eign coal, of which 106,066 tons were used, cost $8.50 per ton. Admiral Bradford has scattered American coal all over the world wherever suitable storage could be found. He has placed 12.000 tons at Yokohama, and 5,000 tons at Pichilique, Mexico, and he has sent large quantities of coal to Guam and to the Philippines. He carried 9,000 tons by water from the Atlantic coast to Mare Island, Cali­ fornia, where it came into competi­ tion with English Cardiff coal. They have averaged the same in cost—viz., $9.29 per ton—but at present, owing to the scarcity of American freight vessels, the best Ca"diff coal is con- sideraby cheaper at Mare Isiland. It is recommended that two large steam 10,000 ton colliers be built to keep depots supplied in time of-peace, and to accompany the fleets in time of war. A Strike Averted. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 12.—The com­ munity is greatly relieved by the ac­ tion of the Temple Iron company in reinstating the alleged blacklisted men and thereby averting a strike of its 5,000 men. What prompted the company to change its position can­ not i>e learned, as none of the officials will discuss tiie matter. Port Huron, Mich., Nov. 11.—By his own written confession, Charles D. Thompson, supreme finance keeper of the Supreme Tent, Knights of the Maccabees, and a prominent vessel Gasoline in a Kitchen Stove. and tug man of this city, is a default­ er in the sum of $57,000. Mr. Thomp­ Minonk, III., Nov. 12.—In a fire son, however, was heavily bonded in that destroyed the home of Joseph the National Surety Company, of New- York, and the Fidelity and Deposit Tomashiski, a Polish miner, today, Company, of Baltimore, and the or­ ! his 12 year old daughter and 11 year der. therefore, is protected from loss. j old son burned to death. The father Thompson made no effort to escape and another son, aged 7 years, were after his defalcation had been dis­ seriously, but not fatally burned. The covered. He is now at his home man’s daughter attempted to start a awaiting the action of the bonding blaze in the kitchen stove with gaso­ companies. line. Kate Greenway Dead. Turkey Calls on England. London, Nov. 11.—Miss Kate Gren- Paris, Nov 6.—“The porte asked w-ay, the artist, is dead. Great Britain,” says the Constanti­ Miss Greenway won her fame as nople correspondent of the Echo de an artist through her sketches and I Paris, “to fulfill the terms of the paintings of children. These were I convention of 1878, whereby, in ex­ drawn with such a whimsical grace change for the island of Cyprus, and her children depicted in such Great Britain guaranteed the integ­ dainty fashion, in such a novel garb, rity of the sultan’s Asiatic possess­ that "Greenway” children became the The porte holds that under fad. Her art produced a revolution ions. in the dress of children, leading to the this convention Great Britain should adoption of sensible as well as pretty protect Asiatic Turkey against attack styles. She contributed to many mag­ by France, and suggests that Great azines and illustrated many children's Britain should send «.squadron to the books. Levant for that purpose.” General Greelv at Washington. Patted Worthiest Check«. Astoria, Nov. 7.—A man by the Washington, Nov. 11.—General A. W. Greeley, chief signal officer, re­ name of E. R. Harroun, who repre­ turned to Washington today after an sented himself to be an advertising absence of five months spent in the solicitor, arrived in Astoria a few days ago, and has been engaged in Philippines inspecting the cable and different occupations until yesterday, telegraph service of the islands. Gen­ eral Greeley had an Important confer- when he disappeared for parts un- •nce In London with the officials of I known. Before leaving he had sev­ (be cable and telegraph companies. eral checks cashed for small amounts. Wtch resulted in an agreement to re- The checks were drawn on the First 4bce the tolls to and from Manila on National bank, of this city, and GBvernment business about one-third. ! signed by himself. WIPCOUTAntGICAnS That Was the Plan of Natives of Luzon, P. I. CONSPIRACY A Well-Planncd REVEALED BY A WOMAN Attack Frustrated —Twenty Five Filipinos Killed, One Hundred Seventy-Five Houses Burned. • CAUSE OF LI'S DEATH. Violent Dispute With Lessar, the Russian Minister, Over the Manchurian Treaty. Pekin, Nov. 11.—A violent dispute with Paul Lessar, Ruslan Minister to China, over the Manchurian treaty, ap­ pears to, have been the immediate cause of the death of Li Hung Chang. The diplomatic events preceding this tragic climax nave enabled Japan for a moment to frustrate the designs of Russia. A fortnight ago the Jap­ anese Legation secured a reliable out­ line of tne terms of the treaty and thereupon demanded that the Chinese plenipotentiaries officially lay before them the text, basing this demand up­ on the allegation that Japanese inter­ ests were involved in any change of the status of Manchuria. The Chi­ nese plenipotentiaries iefused to com­ ply with the demand. Thereupon, tne Japanese Government, from Tokio, communicated with the Southern Vice­ roys aud induced them to use their influence with the impress Dowager against the treaty. In the meantime, the Empiess Dowager instructed la Hung cnang to communicate the treaty, after certain modifications, to the Ministers of the powers, and, if they did not object, to sign the same. Li Hung Chang visited M. Lessar and explained to him the instructions. The Rusian Minister strongly object­ ed to tevealing the text of the treaty to the Ministers of the other powers, and a stormy interview ensued. Li Hung Chang went home in a violent passion aud had a hemorrhage, which the doctors attributed to the over­ exertion of a weakened system. The Burlington ticket office in Portland is a veritable Bureau of Information for travelers —a place where they can learn what it will cost to reach ANY point in America or Europe; how long the trip will take, and what there is to see on the way. If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and get full information, or. if you prefer, write me about it Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis—and EVERYWHERE beyond. Manila. Nov. 7.—A plot to massa­ cre the America garrison at Moncada, province of Tarlac, Island of Luzon, has been revealed by the wife of one of, the conspirators. Several town offi­ cials are implicated. The woman who revealed the plot hid a dettxitive . beneath the house in which the lead­ A. C. S hildon , General Agent, ers of the conspiracy were meeting. Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. Arrests followed and many incrimi­ nating papers were seized. The plan was to set fire to a house [ close to the barracks, after dark, and when the soldiers came out to assist I in extinguishing the flames, 150 con- ; •A spirators, armed with bolos, were to I rush on the guard, capture their arms I and proceed to massacre the garrison, i Commissioner ¡¡Wright today took the oath of office as governor. He will be acting governor during the absence of Governor Taft, who prob­ ably will be unable to resume his duties for some days to come. The newspapers approve of the appoint­ ment. Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. The United States Philippine com­ mission today passed the treason laws, OFF FOR THE PHILIPPINES. with slight alterations. Several Fili­ SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. pinos spoke against them. The Federalists are holding a con­ Twenty.Eighth Infantry packing Up at Van­ WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. vention to arrange for a petition to couver— a>a)«r Roach mil Be in oununand. congress, asking that body to grant Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 11.—Major autonomy to the Philippines, with a There is nothing like Asthmalene. It Roach, uow at Dulse Barracks, Idaho, brings instant relief, even in the worst governor appointed by the president will be iu cuiuaiaud of cue four com- ; cases. It cures when all else fails. of the United States, with veto power panies of the Twenty-eighth Infantry j The Rev. C. F. WELL8. of Villa Ridge, Ill., over the two houses, the senate to which will sail from Portland for the ■ says: “Your trial bottle of Asthmalene receiv­ consist of 30 members, 14 of them to Philippines on the transport Rose- ed in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful 1 feel for the good derived from it. I lie named by the governor and 16 to craus November lo. Those compan­ was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat be elected. In case' of the death of ies of the tegimeat which will sail and Asthma for ten years I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the the governor, it is proposed that his from San Francisco on the transport j cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, duties shall devolve upon the presi­ Grant on the same date will be in 1 Asthma, and thought you had overspoken your­ selves. but resolved to give it a trial. To my dent of the senate, temporarily. The command of Coionei Mott Hooten. In j astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send view of the early retirement of Colo- ! lower house, according to the pro­ me a full-size bottle.’’ nel Hooten for age it was believed posed plan, shall consist of a repre­ that officer would not be ordered to sentative for each 100,000 inhabi­ the far East. Coionei Hooten, how- : Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. tants. Finally, the Federalists desire ever, expeets no such order, and has ! New York, Jan 3, 1901. that every Filipino be pardoned for made ready to accompany his regi- , Drs. Taft Bros,* Medicine Co. Gentlemen : Your Asthmalene is an excellent political offenses arising from the war. ment to San Francisco next Tuesday. I remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its com­ The sessions of the Federalist conven­ Lieutepant-Colonel John Stretch, the position alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonishing and tion were noisy and turbulent. The second officer in command, will also wonderful. chairman had difficulty in controlling sail on the Grant. After having it carefully analyzed, we can Evidence of the marching orders state that Asthmalene contains no opium, mor­ the convention. phine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours« Paterno has been expelled by the are to be seen on every hand at Van­ REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. Federal party, Buencamino saying couver Barracks. The “packing up" is about at an end, and the baggage that his union with Sabella Rios for and frieght will be shipped to San Avon Springs. N. YFeb. 1,1901. Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. the formation of another party de­ Francisco at once. Gentlemen: 1 write this testimonial from < barred him from connection with sense of duty, having tested the wonderftil effect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. the Federalists. “The petition,” STRUCK GOLD IN HELENA. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asth­ Beuencamino said, “to be sent to ma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, 1 chanced to see your sign upon your window on 130th street. congress must be as pure as crystal. Rich Ledge Found on the Site of the Federal New York. I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the It would not be so if Paterno were first of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that lean consistently recom­ Building. allowed to participate in it.” mend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Paterno was formerly president of Yours respectfully, O» D. PHELPS, M. D. Helena, Mont., Nov. 11.—A ledge of the so-called Filipino cabinet. free-milling gold ore was struck to­ Buencamino is one of the directors of day while grading the foundation for Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co Feb. 5, 1901. I was ti on bled with Asthma fpr 22 years. I have tried numerous remedies, but the Federal party and was at one time the United States Federal building, they Gentlemen: av • all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. 1 found re­ which is now under construction. The a member of the so-called Filipino lief nt once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have family ledge iB a very strong one ot iron of four children, and for six years w as unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am congress. doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see fl t. Advices from Tacloban, capital of, stained quartz, containing tree-mil- Home address, 235 Rivingion street. 8. RAPHAEL, lin gold. The Government, when let ­ 67 East 129 th st., City. the Island of Leyte, rej>ort that the ting the contract for the Government presidentes of the various towns in building, expressly stipulated that the island have waited on Brigadier any finds of mineral made by the con­ General Smith and complained to tractor should go to the Government. him that the people are unable to This is the seconu strike of rich ore Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.’ MEDICINB procure food because of the blockade made within the Helena city limits that is maintained along the Strait within the last 30 days. The ledge i CO., 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. of San Juanico. General Smith re­ extends across the street under the plied that the strictest kind of a residence of Colonel Thomas Cruse, J S. ROSCOE, blockade would be continued until and was shown up again while grad­ the people of Leyte brought in their ing for a street at a point about 1000 feet northwest of the Government UMBRELLAS guns and gave the authorities full building site. The ground through information concerning the insurg­ which the ledge runs is the best resi­ Re-covered and ents who infest the country. All the dence district in elena. There are a arguments of the officials of the towns series of these big ledges running Repaired were unavailing. northwest and southeast across the Full line of repairs and all repair work done General Smith has ordered the de­ site of the city. The diversity In In­ in the best style. South side Third Street near portation of the wife of General Luk- terests in the ground has been the B. ban, leader of the Samar revolution­ difficulty in the way of development. ists. Addrets of tht Cherokees. The wife of General Lukban was Tahlequah, I. T., Nov. 11.—T. M. the main cause of the refusal of the Samar insurgents to surrender. Buffington, principal chief of the Che­ Some of the principal men. who have rokee Nation, in his annual address DEPART TIME SCHEDULES arrive been captured are willing that their to the National Council of his tribe, wives be held as hostages while they recommended per capita payment to Chlcago- Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. people on account of the failure portland Worth, Omaha, K hu ­ 4:30 p. m. go into the field for the purpose of the of crops this year, and that a com­ Special fus City, St. Louis, persuading their relatives to surren­ mission to negotiate a treaty be ap­ 9:00 a. m. Chicago and East. der. pointed. Two thousand people were Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Ft 8:10 a. m. Four native police officers were present, including the Dawes Com­ Express Worth, Omaha. Kau­ killed and their horses captured yes­ mission and other United States offi­ 9 p. nc.. Nafe. Always reliable. I.adlea. ask Druggist for nas City, Nt. Louis, (HKIIfAtrK* EWULIMI In lied and Chicago and East. terday at Baybay. Island of Leyte. cials. «■old metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. — Take no other. Kefuae dangeroa« aubatl- Lieutenant Julien E. Caujot, with Walla Walla. L-wiston tutlon« and imitation«. Buy of your Druggist, Islands Connected by Cable. 7 a. m. a detachment of scouts, encountered or send 4r. in stamps for Particulars, Testi­ Spokane, Mimitapo- Spokane monial« and •• Hellef for I,a«tl<•«.’’ in letter * lis, St. Paul, Duluth, Washington, Nov. 11.—General Gree- b Iyer a body of insurgents southeast of by return Mall. 10,000 Testimonials. Hold by Milwaukee, Chicago 6 p. m. ail Drugrista. Calbalgan, Samar Island, ami in the ly has received a cablegram from Ma­ and East. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. fight which followed 25 rebels were nila announcing that the Islands of ; «100 Madison •Mjuiire, I* HI LA., PA. OCEAN STEAHSHIPS 4pm. killed. One hundred anil seventy- Masbate and Panay have been con- j sp. m. Mention thia *spsr. All Hailing dales sub­ nected by cable. It is expected that five houses were burned and 5.000 I this cable will materially assist the ject to change. For San Francisco— pounds <>f rice and 2,000 pounds of Army operations now in progress. Sail every 5 days. palsy were captured. ASTHMA CURE FREE! Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free on receipt of Postal. O regon SHOgr L ine a»» U nion P acific Boers Got Awry With Two Guns. Pretoria, Nov. 6.—It is now known that the Boers got away with the two guns captured from Colonel Benson’s column in the recent engagement near Brackenlaagte, Transvaal. $300,000 Grain Elevator Fire. Port Huron, Mich., Nov. 6. — Fire tonight destroyed two large adjoining elevators, owned by the Botsford Elevator company, entailing a loss of $800,000. The loss on the buildings is estimated at $125,000: on the 265,- (XXI bushels of grain, $175,000. Daily Ex. Sunday 8 p. in Saturday 10 p. m. The Warren Disabled, Washington, Nov. 8.—A dispatch from Manila was received at the war department today confirming the news that the transport Warren had , lieen disabled, and stating that the Hancock had lieen coaled and dis­ patched to Kobe, Japan, where the Warren now is, to bring the Warren’s i passengers to San Francisco. The I congressional party, who has been visiting the Philippines, were among the Warren’s passengers. Columbia River 5tmrs To Astoria and Way- Landings. Willamette River 6 a. m. City. Newberg, Ex Sunday Oregon Salem Independence aud Way-Landings. •fcT Sunday 1:30 p m. Ex. Sunday Willamette and Yam­ 3:30 p. m. 7 a. m. hill River». Mon*. Tue. Thur. Oregon City, Dayton, Wed. and Hat. and Way-landings. and Fri. | To Reform Russian Factory Laws. Socialism in Holland. New York, Nov. 6.—According to advices from St. Petersburg to the London Times and the New York Times, the Russian minister of fi­ nance, M. Witte, js engaged on a scheme with a view to substantial re­ forms in the factory regulations. The scheme will shortly be submitted to the council of state. M. Witte is convinced that the proposed reforms will strengthen the handicapped in­ dustrial position of Russia. New York, Ndv. 8.—The proposed boycott of British commerce, says the correspondent of the London Times and transmitted to the New York Times, has degenerated in Holland j into a simple manifestation of social­ ism against capital. Many who would otherwise sympathize with thr movement detest socialism and there­ fore withhold their support. CHICHESTER’S EHGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS The St. Louis Globe-Democrat The Great Republican Paper of America. The Greatest Newspaper of the World. Twice Every Week—One Dollar a Year. IN CONNECTION W ITH THE REPORTER 11.75 Both Papersone year 11.75 The St. Ixniia Glol.*-Democrat has no rival aaa treat modern newspaper Its reputation la world-wide, and It ctrculatea wherever there era readers of the English language It gives tha Leave Leave latest telegraphic news from all the world every Snake River Lewiston Riparia Tuesday and Friday. Its market reporta ara Daily 3 «) a m. Riparia to Lewiston. complete In every detail, ft has special depart* 8:30 a. m Dally. menu devoted to ‘‘The Farm, Garden and Dal* A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A., Portland, Or. ry,” “The Family Circle” and “The Home,” and many other features which combine lo fornlah help, amusement and Instruction for people la all conditions andclicumstanceaof life. In each department, and as a whole, It Is the peer ofany The following venera) forms are always In stock and for sale at th» Report» r offh e : family newspaper In the world, and it ought la Warranty Deeds Real Estate Mortgage be at every IIreside during the coming year. Quit-claim Deeds Chattel Mortgage Do not mlsa thia opportunity to get the great* Bond for Deed Satisfaction of Mort. Farm Ix-ase Transfer <>f Mortgage eat National News and Home Journal and your Notes and Rece pta. Bill of Rale favorite local paper, both one year for only fl 7ft, Crop Mortgagee. Order books. Thia offer la made In spite of the advance In tha Acknowledgem« nil, Abstracts. Justirea* Blank« price ot white paper and will be open for a llna* We carry a large stork of stationery and are Ited time. Send your subecriptlon today, la prepared to do jot printing of every sort in the THE REPORTS*. McMinnville, Ot. MotatvU of the art and at low figures. Willamette River. 6 a. m. 4:30 p. m. Tue« Thur Portland to Corvallis Mon. We. ■ nd Sat. ami Way-Landing». and Fri. LEGAL BLANKS.