The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, November 08, 1901, Image 8

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Crockery and Glassware
Been very busy this week opening up
a line of crockery and glassware which
is now on display at very low prices,
This is a new line with me and makes i
my store a complete general merchan-
disc store where you can buy uiore for
your money or produce than you can
unywlierc else. I handle all kinds of
produce and pay the highest market
price for it, butter, eggs, chickens, bacon,
lard, hides, etc. That line of manufac­
turer’s samples of hosiery that I placed
on sale last week has been greatly re­
duced in size, but there are still some
great bargains in the pile, including
ladies,’ misses' and men's hosiery. I am
showing some rare bargains in under­
wear for men. women and children. It
will pay you to see my line before pur­
--------------------------------- —--------- - -------- —
Stock hogs for sale. Also a good wag
on. Enquire at ibis office.
A son was born to tbe wife of Lee
Damewood on Friday, Nov. 2d.
Mrs. John Berry arrived honie last
Monday from her visit at Pullman, Wash.
< tKi/l
The literary society had an open meet­
ing last Friday night, in Mr. Howe’s
hall. The program was a great success.
Dr. Merchant ami mother have re-
turned from eastern Oregon and the
Doctor started last Wednesday for San
We enjoyed the rain very much atid
are ready for more.
Mr. Harris, the butcher, is building a
new house just east of the school house.
Last Tuesday the Degree of Honor
lodge had a program and a lunch of
coffee and cake.
Marion Smith is again seen on our
streets, having just returned from Wash­
Stop the
For ail kinds of dressmaking call on
Mrs. V. L. Griunold.
Bring your lient butter and fresh eggs
to Wallace A Walker and get their worth
in cash or mdse.
Mrs. J. B. Handley will spend the
winter with relatives in Ashland.
The liest values to be had in ink and
f«ncil tablets and school supplies at the
Racket store.
Hip, hip, hooray! The gold medal for
hops at the Pan-American exposition
lias been awarded to Oregon.
Saturday next, one sack of peanuts
given away witb each sack of McMinn-
vilh Hour at 75c cash.
J. A. D ebby & S on .
Parents who named their boy babies
Dewey three years ago, are now com­
pelled to furnish cbarta to their friends,
explaining how they came by the name
Mies Marguerite Thomas of Selma,
Alabama, has been engaged Io assist Mies
Tiumbull in the musical department ai t
the college.
She arrived it this city
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Jennie Derby of Gresham, ac-
cotnpanied by her little daughter, bas
been visiting at the home of her si ster,
Mrs. J. R. Derby, They departed for
their home oil Wednesday.
I have opened a jewelry shop 4 doors
west of Hotel Yarnhill. Plesse give me
u trial.
I. O. A lderman ,
Jeweler and Optician.
“Home Circle No. 57 requests all mem­
bers to tie present, on Monday evening,
Nov. llth, for impoitaut business.
M iymii ; W ooiiki M, Clerk.
The dispatches announce that Charles
Granstrom and two other Ixiys have
igain made their escape from the reform
school at Salem.
L oh I—A black calf, six weeks old, crop-
off left ear. Last seen along the H o I hihu
place V. mile from town, middle of Oc­
tober. Reward for information leading
to recovery.
H. R ummel .
J. C. Cooper returned on Sunday from
a brief stay on the Sound, during which
time lie was engaged in surveying. He
says Seattle ix a hummer, and wages up
there in his line is $10 a day.
Charley Yonng'scondition from intlatn-
mution of the laiwels is reported as grow­
ing quite serious. Many friends u re
anxiously hoping for his recovery, He
has been ill about two weeks.
Scott’s Emulsion can stop
that blight. There is no
reason why such achiltl should
stay small. Scott’s Emulsion
is a medicine with lots of
Scott’s Emulsion makes
children grow, makes them eat,
makes them sleep, makes them
play. Give the weak child a
chance. Scott’s Emulsion will
make it catch up
with the rest.
This picture represents
the Trade Mark of Scott's
Emulsion anil is on the
wrapper of every bottle. /
Send for free «ample.
409 Peart St., New York.
50 and *1. all druggists.
In all its stages.
Ely’s Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and heals
the diseased membrane
It cures catarrh and drive«
away a cold in the head
Crrtiin Huliu ia placed into the nostrils,spreatla
over the membrane and is nbsorl»««l. Relief is im­
mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does
not produce sneering 1 ar ’e Sire, SO cents at Drug
jrlsl* or by mail; Trial Size. 10 cents.
M. O. Lownsdale got through picking
apples November 1st.
Mrs. Ramsey of this city returned
home last Wednesday after a three-
weeks’ visit in Forest Grove.
Mr George Lewis came up from Port­
land ami returned Monday.
Rev. C. T. Hurd has been quite ill
from an ulcerated tooth.
Frank Davis’ youngest daughter, who
has been ill for the past month, returned
home from the hospital in Portland.
Mr. Case’s little boy is quite ill and the
doctor's aid was needed.
Mr. Sam Laman is moving into the
house formerly occupied by Mr. Dutt
Lecture to be given in the M. E.
church Wednesday evening by Miss
Frickcy. Subject, missionary.
Miss Della Blough is on the sick list
this week.
A lecture to be given in the Evangel­
ical church Friday and Saturday eve­
nings by Frank E. Coulter.
Miss Lena Green is on the sick list
this week.
The locks work will be completed 1 to-
morrow for this year.
Iteal Estale Tranafera.
The Kind You Have Always Boiitflit, and which has been
in use tor over 30 years, has borne (he '^natnie ol
._»n<l has be«>n made iimlcr Ills per-
gonal super« ision sin< its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive «ou in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitute- re »mt «•’.«-
perimeuts that trille xiilh ami eiuhuurci‘ th- iu...<h <d
Infants and Chihlreu-I’.xp< r!eiiee tutain-t I ¡ h t in -nt.
----- ‘,1 .
Hot, ( oal U h . Isiscovered at Norlli
The coal prospect at North Yamhill is
on the farm of Peter Goeser, who has
lived there for the past 25 years. It was
discovered through the curiosity of his
son William, who in defining out a
spring, found a few small pieces of shiny,
black mineral that he thought must be
coal. Upon a test he found it would
burn readily, and that dispelled any
doubt as to the character of the mineral
He scraped around the rocky wall from
which the spring issued, and soon dis­
covered the seam of coal. It was only
an inch or two thick, but unmistakably
coal. He dug away at it, excavating a
large basin and ruining the spring, but
it was slow work for the boy and he re­
ceived no encouragement to persevere
with it
That was some five years ago.
At o<ld times as he could get free from
the regular work of the farm he dug
away at tbe coal seam. Early last sum­
mer he had penetrated about 60 feet in­
to the hill when the water flooded his
tunnel and he came to the conclusion
that further development was beyond
his power. It had reached the stage
where capital and engineering skill were
necessary to go forward.
The Goeser coal prospect was brought
to the attention of outsiders, and in July
last the Portland Coal & Development
Company was incorporated and organ­
ized, with Clifford N. Terrell, assistant
chief clerk of the railway mail service,
Portland, as president; Charles Whitmer,
a postal clerk, Portland, vice president;
Joseph E. Worth, a Portland 'druggist,
secretary; John T. Bodwell, of the Port­
land fire department, treasurer; W. D.
Fenton, the Portland lawyer, as corpor­
ation attorney, and William Steadman,
an experienced coal mine operator, who
has been prospecting in Oregon for the
past 14 years, as general m mager This
company immediately took up the work
of driving the tunnel into the base of the
hill on the seam, and the progress and
condition of tfle seapi are both satisfac­
tory. The company obtained rights to
take minerals from 2400 acres of land
by paying a certain royalty for the min­
erals mined.
What is CASTO Fît A
Castorlu is ¡1 substitute for Castor 0.1. I’areffori-, Drops
hik I Soothing; Syrups. Il is Harmless and de., ant.
contains neither Opium, lllorphine nor »ither Narcotic
substance. Its a;re is its Ifiiarantce. it >le-t 1 <>.« ■> Worm-;
ami allays Feverishness. It cures Diarihœa ami Wind
Colic. It relieves Teeiliinif Troubles, cures < onstipatimi
......... regulates the
ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food.
Stomach ami Bowels, giving' healthy amt I natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea - The .Mother’s Frieud.
Week ending Oct. 30:
O. H. Irvine to Emma Irvine lots
i, 2, 7, 8 blk 2 Oak Park add to
McM and l, int in e hf nw qr
and e hf sw qr sec 24-2-6.......... f
Amanda J and W L Warren to
to Mary L Burns % int in lots 1
and 2 blk 34 Oak Park add to Me
Mary M Ertle to Mrs. Bertha A
Kelly 2 a t 4 r 4 ............................
Henry Unter and wf to August
Windhorn lot 9 Fairlawn subdiv
5 a ami blks 4 and 5 pt Cozine
die and lots 5, 6 and 7 blk 49
Oak Park add to McM.............. 1575
Elizabeth Wright to M E Hayes
46 a pt T M Wright die t 3 r 4
and 5 ...............................................
Jas and Victoria Barr to Elizabeth
Unger lots 1, 2 and 3 blk 68, La­
fayette .............................................
Albert M Eades to Abraham Bus­
kirk 40 a sec 20-4-5 ....................
W W Wright and wf to Hattie M
Lynch 45x100, pt lot 9 blk 2
Newby's add to McM..................
Jesse Edwards and wf to Audrew
J Winters 40 a in sec 10-3-2
Francis Hauswirth to Susan E
Russell lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 3 Haus-
wirth's 2d add to North Yam
S A Deskins to Sarah Ellen Carl
lot 4 blk 4 Deskin's 4th add to
New lierg...........................................
First National Bank of Indepen­
Bears the
Tl* Kind You Have Always Bought
dence to Geo C Carl blk 30 in
H & L add to Newberg and 6 a
in Newberg ................................
Chas J and Dollie Leavitt to Geo.
C Carl 30 ft off s side of lot 1 blk
12 H
I. add to Newberg ........
Wm Edw Swentzel and w f to E A
OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
Witbee I54.22apt Albert Gaines
has been by the county court of Yamhill
die sets 8 and 17-5-3 ..................
county, Oregon, <lnly appointed joint executrix
and executor of the lust will and testament of
J W and Emma Gorman et al to
lames O. Guild, deceased, and all persons hav
Jas E Durham blk 2 Mrs Chand-
ing claims against said estate are hereby noti­
1« r’» ttt add to McM
. . .
fied and required to present tbe Mime duly veri
Daisy and John Byrne to Josepn
tied within six months from the date of this
notice, to said executrix and executor, at the
C Williams to a in sec 8-2-4
residence of said executrix, in the city of Me
Nancy E Farris et al to Ira D
Minn Ville, Yamhill county, state of Oregon
Stepheps lot 7 blk 6 in Sheridan
Dated October sth. A. I>, 1901.
U S to Albert M trades PW qr of
nw qrsec 20-4 5 ..................... ....
Join) czepiityir apj CYcpijtor of the last will
and testament of Janies O Guild, deceased
John Crawford to Nancy Crawford
I.. CONNER, Attorney for said estate.
160 a secs 6 and 31 t 4 and 5 r 3
Jos R Lewis to Jno Birch lot II
Oaks Fruit farm—5 75 a............
G. A. Phillips of Whiteson was in tl.<
city on business Monday. Mr. Phillips
has just recovered from an attack of
quinsy, and this was hie first trip out-of-
doors for some time.
A two-point buck deer was seen on
the college campus early Monday morn­
ing. It is supposed to have lieen run
down from the mountains by doge, and
came down the creek into the campus.
Some ol the students gave chase and the
Week ending Nov 6th:
little deer shot over the 8-foot fence of L. M. and Louisa C. Parker to Em­
ily Gardner and wife se qr of
the athletic grounds as easily as anuriow
qr sec 15-3-2................................
from a bow, and made its escape.
R 1, Booth to L R Booth parcel
sec 35-4-7 •
........ .........
Friday evening, Nov. 1st, the Junior
C. E. of the C. P. church held a busi­ R L Booth to J L Booth parcel
sec 1-5-7 ............... ..
ness meeting and social, and elected the Ursula Yager to Philip ) agcr
following officers : Ethel Ford, president ;
int in 5 lots in Oak Park add
Ellie Mil tonaid, vice-president; Catha­
rine Brjan, secretary; Esther Hamblin, Viola E Fierce and husband
Jennie Hudson 10 a t 3 r4
assistant secretary; Ethelyn Gunning, ( )
C R R Co to R L Booth ne
treasurer; Stella Bryan, librarian; Eph-
of ne 11 sec 35 4-7 ..................
riatn Ford, assistant librarian; Emily J B David ami w f to M H and R L
David 312.72 a t 3 r 2 ................
Hamblin, chorister; Kathleen Bird, or­
C F Daniels and w f to 1. Root 4.06
ganist; Edna Hodson, assistant organ­
a in -F W Martin’s add to McM
Let it be known to the hard working,
<elf sacrificing parents who are endeavor
ing to educate their children 011 the re­
turns from 15-cent wheat. 9-cent Imps
and 3-cent prunes, that there is one col­
lege in Oregon that has abolished foot­
Catarrh l;a^ I rronv' suclj » commo:
ball. The trustees of Dallas College have flint'.re that a peinoii entirely free iron
sail! that football must tie ruled out. this <iis; idling compl.iint is seldom me
Dallas College be praised I She ia in the with. It is customary tospc.ik of Catarrl
as nothing more serious than a bad cold
vanguard. A few veers hence she can a simple intlainmatioii of the nose am
look back and say
"I started this re­ throat
It is, in fact, a complicated an<
form in athletics in Oregon educational very dangerous disease; if not at first, r
very soon becomes so.
Tbe blood is quickly contaminated to
C. F. Harbaugh, the ‘‘rustler" and the foul accretions, and the poison thiuugl
newspaper promoter, writes us that the the circulation is carried to al
strings he had on the News should have parts of the system.
Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis
read "string of accounts that 1 was anx­ fact« rv aud disappointing, because tbev d<
ious to collect " He not only said what not reai'h the seat of the trouble. S. S. S
we quoted him as saying, but further in- ! docs. It cleanses tbe blood of the |»oison
tiniatod that he might remove the New- and eliminates from the system a l catar secretions, and thus cures thoroughly
to Everett. To show that he has no and permanently tbe worst cases.
ground for any claim, Mr I stew has in
Mr T. A Willinm«. a leailing <1ty-gooda liter
his possession a paper of July 22d last,
Spartanburg, 8. V . write«;
‘ For years
t had a arvrte c;t-e <4
in which Harbaugh lor a consideration nasal Catarrh, will» all
«li‘.irrr- able efferK
of *107.33 relinquished his half interest the
t<» tt-it
and was released from all obligations disease, a n <1 w hlc II
make life painful a»»«1
connected therewith.
unendurable. 1 used
A claw in right ringing and choral
work haa h<*en organised at the college
and ih o|>en for adnrieeion to anyone who
deeiree toetiidv the only successful wav
of reading music at sight.
In a tow 11
like McMinnville there ought to l>e a
large choral club and many ought to
avail themselves of thja opportunity
The « law* ia in charge of Mr S K Pie-
bel, and meet« every evening
from eeven Io eight o'clock. The tuition
fee haa Iwen placed at 50 rents per
month, which ia certainly within the
reach of everyone. For further parti, it
tars apply to the director or to Mia* R M
Trumbull, principal of the conservatory.
Jno M Shaw aud w f to John Green
53 65 a pt David Ramsey die. ..
Jno Green and wf to Jno M Shaw
same land........................................
U S to Russel R Jones 160 a in sec
O & C R R Co to R R Jones 40 a
in sec 29-4 6 ...................................
E C Apperson, executor, to Geo.
A and Wm T Kidd 175 a pt Jno
Monroe die 15 r 5....................... 2268.75
Ahio S Watt to J W Wells 2 a in
Cove Orchard ............ ..................
Ahio S Watt to E F Schneider 2 a
in Cove Orchard............................
Irene Everest to Flora Hall lots 5
and 6 blk 7 Everest’s add to
Pacific College to Karl Spehrer
I8H a pt J110J Hash die..........
zteil »'Hies pieseril»ed by
I.-.ithuK pliisicians an.I
►■•mje-tetl Lv nitml»eis
of ftiends, but witiiout
getting any better
then began tn take 8
3 It had 111 ’ desi
effect, and cure«!
after l.ikbig ‘eighteen
I «»tiles |it mv opitii.'H 3 S _ ___
s *.•* __
i he
cine n w m nse will effect a perturtuent cur»
of Catarrh.'*
is the only purely veg
et.ible bl<w 'I purifii r
known, ami tbe great­
est of all I I. kh I inedi-
cin< « at;.I tonic*
If ion have Catarrh »Ion t wait until it
I*, inics devp sealrrt and clirwiie. I lit be­
gin .it ■ •■i.e the n e «.f S S S . and send
for our b i k on BI. vm I and Nkin Diseases
find w rile our pin st< 1.111« alwnit your < ase
Bears the Signature of
But we are in our new building, roomy and
airy as you please, and ready to sell you the
best of goods at living rates. Our Stove
Stock is specially fine.
Bright New Hardware
’E is hereby given that the undersigned
was duly appointed by the county court of
\ 'OTI(
Yamhill County, Oregon, on the 7th day of Oc­
acob W ortman , l’res.
«Í J J ohn
W ortman , Casähief.
is •
j« hereby give» t|ujt the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Joseph Watt,
deceased, has tiled with the county court of the
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885.
Capital and Surplus, $90.000.
Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United
State», and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The
accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited.
The McMinnville National Bank.
P aid C apital , $50, ( mm )
S vbpi .13
P rofits , $25,000
Transacts a General Bsnkinjr bn-inr’s and extmdi to its patrons every facility
Consistent with safe and prudent banking.
L. E. Cowls
Win. Campbell
W. L. Warren
Lee Laughlin, Pres.
J. L. Roger s, Vice Pres,
E.C. Apperson,Cashier W. S. Link, Asst. Cashier
Office hours o a m. to 4 p. m.
l and Office at Oregon City. Ore.
Sept « 1901
’OTICE i« hereby given that the foll<»wing
named-etl 1er h i« filed under Aec. 2301. R
s nojii » o| his intention to make fiual pnwtf in
sifpr-i-rt o/n^s claim. an<l that said proof will be
made b* fore Rcgi.«»er rtfid Kcgetv’r at Oregon
< itv Ore , on Noveinher 12th, l'Mn , viz: Anios
B« rgaeth H E.
for the E hi of NE ur.
N "
of NE qr, NE qr of NW qr See IS. T.’2 3 .
He names the following witne«aen to prove
hi» continuous residence upon and cultivation
ot «aid land, tiz William G. Rhude, ofGrax’s
River. Wash.; William T. Macv. George C. East­
erly and Patrick Doughnev, nf Fairdale, Or.
CHAS B MOORED, Register.
is hereby given to *11 persons con­
cerned, that the nndersijnied has duly
tiled in the county court for Yamhill county,
Mate ot Oregon his final account as executor
of the last will and testament of Nancy A
Davis, deceased, ami that «aid court ha< set
Tuesday, the <d day of December. A D WM. at
the hour ot one o'clock in the afternoon of
said d iv. as the time, and the county court
r.H-m in the court house in the city or MeMinti-
ville. in said county, as the place to hear said
final account and ot.jeetions thereto, and to
the allowance thereof
Executor of the last will and testament of
Nancy A. Davit. ds'Ceated
Ad ti) i ni* trailo r'3 police of Final
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.
Sept. 28.1914.
'OJICF i.s hereby given that the folio« ing-
named s»}ttier< bavf fHe<J notice of their
intention to make tjnal proof in support of their
claims ami that «aid proofs kill be made before
Register ami Receiver at Oregon City. Ore., on
November Hth, 1901. viz; Jonp M. Patterson;
H E 1
for the 8 hf of HE qr Sec. 12, T. 4 S..
K 6 W
He names the following wit new« to prove his
continuous residence upon ami cultivation of
said land, viz: Alexander A. Walker and Chas.
Jone* of ChMe, Ore ; Isaac I.Ambrighi and J. E.
Stow, of Gopher. Ore..
And Alexander A Walker; H. E. 11761 tor the
8 hf of NF. qr Hud N hf of BE qr Sec 12, T. 4 3.,
R fiW.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis John M. Patterson and Cha«.
Jone«, of Chase. Or.; I«aa' Lambright, of Go­
pher. Or ; William Heckard. of Chase. Or.
CHAS. B MOORES, Register.
tober, ¡901, administrator of the estate of W. R
Johnson, deceased, and all persons bailing
claims against said estate are hereby required to
present them to me in the city of McMinnville,
Oregon, at the office of McCain A Vinton, veri­
fied as by law required, within six months of
the date of this notice.
Dated this theipth day of October, 1901.
Administrator of the Estate of W. R. John­
son, deceased.
Attorneys for Administrator.
state of Oregon, for Yamhill cpynty, his tinai
account as such administrator of said estate,
aud that Monday, the second day of December.
A. D 1901, at the hour of eleven o’clock a. m .
has been fixe»! by said court as the lime for hear,
ing all objections to said report and the settie­
inent thereof.
Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Watt,
Will Have A Large Assortment of—
$ Ladies' and Children's
Before buying elsewhere, be sure
and see what we have. - - . .