The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, November 08, 1901, Image 7

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    The Small
of the Back
A Disagreeable Characteristic.
Katharine—I detest that Mr. Tit-
Voting Men -or I ivitet to a "eldtiiK
> c
••nep»- .eiUHtivefc”
Margaret—Why, Katharine?
A popular young man who lives on
“Oh, he’s the kina of man who al­
That is wheie some people feel ways calls when you are expecting A TRYING OCCUPATION FOR WOMEN tlie West Side was married a short till)
somebody else who doesn't come.”—
ago. uud this event ill Ills life seemed
weak all the time.
to estruitge tiltil from at least three ot
They are likely to be despondent
and it is not unusual to find them
borrowing trouble as if they hadn’t
enough already.
The fact is their kidneys are
weak, either naturally or because
of sickness, exposure, worry or
other influences.
Smith’s Handicap.
The Hard Work Entailed by the Charge
of a School Room Often Causes
the Health to Break Down.
Rev. Dr. Thirdly—I wish to an-
, Bounce brethren and sisters, that next
Sunday my place in this pulpit will
J-row» thé Tribune Minneapolis Minn.
be occupied by the Rev. Mr. Smith,
Teaching school is an occupation
j We will now sing three verses of
I hymn No. 196, “That Awful Day Will which has many attractions for cul­
Surely Come.”
tured women, but it also has many
drawbacks and often affects their
henl'h seriously. Especially is this
Caller H If Up.
•‘I am thankful to say,” writes J. L. Camp­
so in the case of women with delicate
bell, of Sycamore. Ill., "that Hood’s Sarsapa­
nervous systems and those with a ten­
rilla has cured me. For many years I was second girl before?
to pulmanary troubles. Miss
troubled with backache. At times I was so
Mistress—Then, when a caller Mary K. Powers, of Ellsworth, Wis.,
bad I had to be helped from the bed or chair.
1 am now well and strong and free from pain.” comes you take the card, show the is a teacher whose health was broken
What this great medicine did for him it has lady into the reception room and down by the hard work which the
bring the card to me. I will then charge of a large school entails. She
done for others.
tell you what to do.
says :
Next afternoon: Jane appearing at
“During the winter of 1898, while
the door of her mistress’ sitting teaching
school, I became subject to
Promises to cure and keeps the
Mistress—In the hall? Why didn’t nervousness, which grew worse until
promise. Begin treatment with you show her Into the reception my whole system was run down. My
back ached and at times I was so
Ilood’s todav.
dizzy that I could hardly stand. My
Jane—She didn’t have no ticket.
limbs were swollen and always tired,
His Experience.
School« in Porto Rio,
so that I felt no more rested in the
"Suspense,” sighed the condemned
The expense of maintaining schools in
man. "Ah, my young friend; you Porto Rico is very high if we consider the morning than when I went to bed. I
don’t know what moments of torture amount spent for the small number of was also troubled with a cough and the
i pupils enrolled. Education, however, is food I ate did not strengthen me.
are. ”
al ways essential to success. In our coun­
"Oh, yes I do,” interposed the cal­ try the people are being educated to the This condition, accompanied by pal­
low youth. "I have often sat quietly fact that there i- asurecure for indigestion, pation of the heart, kept up for sev­
months until in March, when I
with only a dime in my pocekt while dyspepsia, constipation, nervousness and eral
malaria, fever and ague, ami that medicine read about Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
my best girl leisurely persued the is
Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. Try it.
menu of a French cafe.”—Chicago Our Private Die Stamp is over the neck of for Pale People in a Juneau, Wiscon­
sin, newspaper.
“I began taking the pills and in
about a week I noticed a change for
Those Low Characters.
Greene—That fellow in the short the better. I felt so encouraged by
was a wonderfully fluent talker. this improvement that I kept on tak­
For Infants and Children.
Gray—Yes, I was wondering wheth­ ing them until I had used three boxes,
I always
er he was a labor agitator or only just and was entirely cured.
keep Pink Pills by me and I take
a prizefighter. — Boston Transcript.
them occasionally when I feel the
There is more Catarrh in this section of the need of a tonic.
country than all other diseases put together,
“I believe firmly in the good ’done
and until the last few years was supposed to be
A Genuine Surprise.
incurable. For a great many yearn doctors pro­ by Pink Pills for Pale People and
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
Her Mother—I saw him kiss you! remedies, and by constantly failing to cure have advised many of my friends to
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. use them.”
I am terribly shocked. I did not Science
has proven catarrh to be a constitu­
All the elements necessary to give
imagine for a moment he would dare tional di • ‘ase, and ther fore requires constitu­ new
life and richness to the blood
Hull’s Catarrh Cure, man-
take such a liberty.
■ ufaetured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
restore shattered nerves .are con­
Herself—Nor did I, ma. In fact, j is the only constitutions! cure on the market. and
is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to tained in a condensed foim, in Dr.
I bet him a pair of gloves he daren’t! a It teaspoonful.
It acts directly on the blood Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People.
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 81st.—After investigat one hundred dollars for any case it fails to They are an unfailing specific for such
Ing Garfield Tea, which is quite universally cure. Send for circular« and testimonials. Ad­ diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial
F. J. CH KNE Y A CO., Toledo, O.
acknowledged to be the best family remedy, it dress,
paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica,
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
is not difficult to explain its success—it is the
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
medicine for GOOD RESULTS. It is manu­
factured here by the Garfield Tea Co. in their
headache, the after effects of the grip,
Bitter Experience.
new and attractive labratory and is made
palpitation of the heart, pale and sal­
wholly from simple, sweet and withal health
Mrs. Rasin
Kane—Oh! Rasln; low complexions, and all forms of
giving BERKS. Garfield Tea is the ORIGINAL
herb cure for constipation and sick headache there’s the wedding march. Do you weakness.
At all druggists, or direct
remember when we marched up the from Dr. Williams
Medicine Co.,
Where He Wai.
aisle to it ten years ago?
Mr. Raisin Kane—Yes, and I have Schenectady, N. Y., 50 cents per
A little four year old occupied an
box; six boxes $2.50.
uper berth in a sleeping car. Awak­ been marching ever since.
ening once in the middle of the night,
Way They Played Partners.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­
his mother asked him if he knew ing Syrup tlie best remedy to use for their
“They had been married a year be­
where he was.
children during the teething period.
fore anybody knew it, and even then
their secret was discovered only by­
“Tourse I do,” he replied, “IJm in
accident.” “Indeed?” “Yes, one ev­
Expert Testimony.
the top drawer. ”
ening at a card party, they thought­
"Jenkins has just wrote a book on lessly played partners, and the way
EBTQ Permanently Cured, no fits or nervoucneE
I I IQ after first fay’s <i»eof Dr Kline’s Greet Nerve 'How to Succeed.’ ” -
they quarreled let the whole thing
Restorer. Send for Fit EE $*.¿.00 trial bottle and treat­
“I wonder if it will be a success.” out!”—Detroit Free Press.
ise. Da. R. II. K link . Ltd..931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa
"It ought to be, Jenkins has failed
Helpful Hints.
I||l||Tm Eve v ma i. wonia i and child
at everything else.”
w " c,,1,ls- Hthma. cr
. nrwii
HKlllLU moi.ia or comumptivn to write UB.
"Are you the man who used to
Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infal­ American Lun 4 lialin I’ad Co., Chattanooga,
write articles about ‘How to live on
lible medicine for coughs and colds.—N.
Ten Dollars a Week’?” asked the W.
.S amcel . Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17,
A Pekin Musicale.
caller of the pale gentleman with the 1900.
From the pagoda of the late Prince
bulging brow.
Li Sum Whot we heard strains of
Very Probable.
“I am he,” responded the pale
and weird tnusic.
Teacher—What led Columbus to strange
Turning to the guide we asked:
"Well, say, won't you give us one conclude the world was round.
“What causes that peculiar melody?”
on 'How to Build a Thousand Dollar
Bright Boy—Well, his experience
“Why,” he explained, “that is one
Cottage on Five Thousand Dollars’?” with it proved that it was anything of our soldiers playing on his loot.”—
—Baltimore American.
but square—Boston transcript.
Baltimore American.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Kind You Have Always Bought
bis former companions. I lie ill-feeling
grew out of the distribution of iuvita-
t’ous ill which the trio was Innoeeutly
ignored. No explanation would eon
vine« the young uieu that tlie slight
was not premeditated.
"I will huve the young woman write
each of you a personal iuvltnti. n If you
say so.” the prospective bridegroom
volunteered. “1 want you to feel that
it was all a mistake.”
The three shook their bends dolefully I
and insisted that the bride be spared
the annoyance.
•‘We won’t be there.” said one of
them, with a wink that told of a plot
In contemplation, “but we will be rep­
resented all right.” The young man
about to be married gave little heed to
the covert threat of ills friends.
Upon ariving at the young woman's
house on tlie day set for the wedding
the bridegroom was greatly annoyed at
the discordant sounds that came from
four handorgans that were ranged
along the opposite curb. He thought
that they had been retained by a politi­
cal club in the neighborhood that had
planned for a rally that evening. Their
real purpose dawned upon him when,
upon emerging front the church with
ills new-made bride leaning on his arm.
he descried the quartette in a promi­
nent place near the carriage. It was no
time to cause a disturbance, so the
youth passed on. swallowing bis Joy
and indignation.
The serenade was continued at the
bride’s house. A policeman was sent
for, but the operators displayed city li­
censes and could not be dlstttrlted. At
the depot they reappeared again, but on
the last demonstration their employers
stood beside them.
As the couple mounted the steps of
the coach a cheer came from the three
who had sent their "representatives.”
It is needless to say that the bride and
groom continued on their way. never
turning to wave adieu to the young
men who bad accomplished such a mer­
ciless revenge.—Chicago Chronicle.
Francises Mansion of the
Collis P. Hnntinaton.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrison StrooC
Can give yon
Fuggic. flow.,.
Win mills and
Machinery. See
the best bargains in
hollers and Engines,
Pnmnt an 1 General
us before buying.
I __ ________________________________ .
Has la>l bearing in turn-table.
Turns freely to the wind.
Hall bvaruiKS thrutt m wheel, insuring
lightest running qualities, «nd reserving
greatest amount of power t<»r pumping.
Galvanized a;:er making.
1'ut together
with galvanized bolts, d«»uble-nntted; no
I art can rust or get loose and rattie.
Weight regulator: perfect regulation. No
spring to change tenxio • with every change
of tcmnerftturi, and grow weaker with age.
Repairs always on hand.
Tin be things Hie worth money to you.
Then why not buy a STAR?
| ...Columbia University...
Academic and Collegiate Hails.
COURSES—Clanica’, Literary. Scientific and
Commercial. For particulars apply to
BICKFORD, W <shlng on, D. C.. they will re­
ceive quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vol*. Staff I
20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since lb76.
REV. E.P. MURPHY, President,
University Park, Portland. Oregon.
So 1.000 ros chickens ts the
It makes Hen« Lay and Kepi them Laying.
It cure. Roup, Cholera and All
Diseases. It strengthens young chicks, them grow. Price 25c and50c.
My young chickens commenced dying, and after lesiog four dozen I pur­
chased a package of your PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD, which stopped them
from dying and I hare constantly kept it on hand ever since I can recommend
it as just what <8 needed in raising poultry.
C R RIGGIN, Latah, Wash.
K J. BOWKN, Coast Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Pointers for Souvenir Collectors
“My sister likes you,” said little
Willie, shyly.
“O, does she, Willie?” exclaimed
Swellhedde, with interest.
“Here’s a nickel, Willie; now, tell
me how you know she likes me, be­
fore she comes in. ”
"Well,” said Willie, convictingly,
“I heard her say you wuz the green­
est thing she ever saw, ail’ green is
her favorite color.” — Ohio State
Souvenir collectors will be interest­
ed to learn that 100 large tables, six
dozen chairs, twelve dozen work
boxes, 11 desks, 24 dozen knife hand­
les, 24 dozen cigar cases, 100 dozen
umbrella handles and over 10,000 pen
holders have so far been made out of
the only original surrender tree of
Santiago, and the tree is nearly all
there still.—New York World.
Block Hou es to Defend Railroads.
A series of block houses are being
built to defend the railway lines in
South Africa. When the order to
build these block houses was given by
General Kitchener a chain of tlietn
180 miles in length was completed in
a fortnight.
A Coincidence.
"I “uppose it is merely a coinci­
dence," said the young man who is
anx ous to learn.
"What is?” inquired the experi­
enced friend.
’* 1 he fact that the most sensational
reformers have been men who were so
rich they didn’t need any more money
oi so poor that they had lost hope of
getting any.”—Washington Star.
The San Francisco mansion of the
Inte Collis I*. Huntington, which Is soon
to be converted into a charity hospital z
? Struggling minister—There was a
by gift of Mrs. Huntington, stands on z
in church today.
Nob Hill, the aristocratic residence
z stranger
—Well, what did he look
place of the town, lit a cluster of bouses
z z like?
the owners of which are known to fame
z Struggling Minister—I did not see
as California's wealthiest men. The
Huntington house Is a three-story resl-
z / him, but I found a five-shilling piece
Trifling that Costs.
Sciatica and Lumbago
And you may be disabled and
’ncapacitated for work for
many long days.
St. Jacobs Oil
in the contribution box.—Cassells
Author—What do you think of my
article in the Graphic?
Critic—It was a remarkable pro­
One thing about it. I
thought was particularly wonderful.
Author—What was that?
Criitc—That the Graphic ever pub­
lished it.
Summer Resolution*
donee, occupying an entire block It Is
built of marble, and Its simple stately Z
appearance gives it a charm which at
Will cure surely right away,
and save time, money and
taches to very few of the palaces of
suffering. It
buie relief Dom liquor, opium and tobiwoii
California's millionaires. Its color Is
habite» Send for particular« to
pure white and its general architec­
Keeley Institute, A:«v.7r,<.7u».?d?o,r,«,;;nn:
tural plan Is modeled after the l'itti
Palace in Italy. Its neighbors are tlie
Price, 25c and 50c.
N. I». N. V.
No. 45- 1HO1.
house of the late Charles Crocker, of Z
Mrs. Hopkins-Searles, the Flood man­
HEN writing
advertiser« pleas«
niei'ti^n thia paper.
sion and the old home of Governor NXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIk
ttV Keeley Cure
Conquers Pain é
A h ¿W
TO TME -[-AS t .
A nd A cts
P leasantly and (¡ ently
The Fee Fee Baptist Church at Pat­
tonville. St. Louis County. Mo., erect­
ed In 1828, Is the oldest church west of
the Mississippi River. It was founded
during the administration of Zenon
Trudeau, Spanish commander of St.
Rev. Thomas Musick was the first
pnstor, and he remained In charge of
the church till 1842.
In 1876 a new
building was erected on the St. Charles
Rock Road, and Ilev. William Barnes,
the present pnstor. was installed. The
old building wns abandoned, but some
of Its timbers were used In th« new
|TA“'31'3 °NS
T° OvEt^COflB
P ermanently
With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the
ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome
one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup
Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product,
which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the
most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all
who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents.
Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with­
out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect
freedom from any unpleasant after effects.
In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the
combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene­
ficially on the system.
laiUKhs of European Nations.
An American traveler in Europe re- '
mnrks the Italian Inngh Is Innguld but 1
musical, the German ns deliberate, the
French as spasmodic and uncertain. |
the uppef class English as guarded ami
not always genuine, the lower class’
English as explosive, the Scotch of all
classes as hearty and the Irish as rol­
Io det its beneficial effects —
Etiquette to lie .Avoided.
buy -the ^erxxjirxerMaLnxjfactvred by
California FicjSump C© 4
Louisville. Ky-
Franaiaco. Cal. Hew York’MY
row i*Lt BV ALU d » uoci » t 8___________________ fbice 30» PER
The etiquette that makes us do an
Inslncen- act Is an etiquette to be avoid­
ed. Houesty of action is the foundation
of the finest manners.— Ladies' Hom«
Cost of Printing Rank Notes.
It coats almost exactly a cent apiece
to print Bank of England notes.
Eat them like candy. They
remove any bad taste In the mouth, leav­
ing the breath sweet and perfumed. It la
a pleasure to take them, and they ar«
liked especially by children.
sweeten the stomach by cleansing the
mouth, throat and food channel. That
means, they stop undigested food -from
souring In the stomach, prevent gas form­
ing In the bowels, and kill disease germs
of ar.y kind that breed and feed In the en­
tire system.
are purely vegetable and contain no mer­
curial or other mineral poison. They con­
sist of the latest discoveries In medicine,
and form a combination of remedies un­
equal,d to make the blood pure and rich
and make clean skin and beautiful com­
tone the atomach and bowels and stir up
the lazy liver. They do not merely soften
the stools and cause their discharge, but
strengthen the bowels and put them Into
lively, healthy condition, making their ac­
tion natural.
never «Tip nor «ripe. They act quietly, pos­
itively and never cause any kind of uncom­
fortable feeling. Taken regularly they make
the liver act regularly and naturally as it
should. They keep the sewerage of the body
properly moving and keep the system clean,
increase the flow of milk In nursing moth­
ers. If the mother eats a tablet, it makes
her milk mildly purgative and has a mild
but certain effect on the baby. In this way
they are the only safe laxative for the
nursing infant.
taken patiently, persistently, will cure any
form of constipation, no matter how old or
how often other remedies have failed. They
are absolutely guaranteed to cure any case,
or purchase money will be cheerfully re­
cost 10c, 25c, GOc a box Samples sent free
for the asking. We publish no testimonials
but sell f’aecarets on their merit under ab­
solute guarantee to cure. Buy and try a
box to-day, or write us for free sample«
and booklet
taste good.
IO A Df W A on w111
P*id to a°T re«l»f of thii paper who will r«.
There are some men who Just natur­ M j IK
z XZ
IXL vv •AlXlz port to ua any attempt of eubatitution, or tala of
ally look as if they should be named
" aomething Juat as good” when Cascarata are calleA
tor, and furnish «rid.ncs upon which ws cm convict. All corrsspoodsnes confidsntiaA.