4-4-M-+++++++++++++++++-»•-M-+-i + r-i-+i-++++++++++++++++++v++-» The Doetor’$ dilemma By Hesba Stretton "H-W- t » I HIH4* > CHAPTER XVI.—(Continued.) “You are looking rather low,” »he said triumphantly—“rather blue, I might »ay. 1» there anything the matter with you.' Your face is a« long as a fiddle. Perhap» it U the sea that make« you melancholy. ’ "Not at all,” I answered, trying to apeak briskly; “I am an old sailor. Per­ haps you will feel melancholy by-and- by.” Luckily for me, my prophecy was ful­ filled shortly after, for the day was rough enough to produce uncomfortable aenea- tions in those who were not old sailors like myself. My tormentor was pros­ trate to the last moment. When we anchored at the entrance of the Creux. and the small boats came out to carry us ashore, 1 managed easily to secure a place in the first, and to lose sight of her in the bustle of landing. As soon as my feet touched the shore 1 start­ ed off at my swiftest pace for the Havre Gosselin. But 1 had not far to go. for at Vandin’s Inn, which stands at the top of the steep lane running from the Creux Ilarlior, 1 saw Tardif at the door. He came to me instantly, and we sat down on a low stone wall on tho roadside, but well out of hearing of any ears but each others. “Tardif,” 1 said, “has mam zelle told you her secret?” "Yes, yes,” he answered; “poor little soul! and she is a hundredfold dearer to me now than before. But mam aelle is not here. She is gone!” “Gone!” I ejaculated. 1 could not ut­ ter another word; but I stared at him as if my eyes could tear further informa­ tion from him. "Yes,” he said; “that lady came last week with Miss Dobree, your cousin. Then nmm’zelle told me all, and we took counsel together. It was not safe for her to stay any longer, though I would have died for her gladly. But what could be done? We knew she must go else­ where, and the next morning I rowed her over to Peter-port in time for the steamer to England. Poor little thing! poor little hunted soul!” "Tardif,” I said, “did she leave no message for me?” “Site wrote a letter for you,” lie said, “the very last thing. She did not go to bed that night, neither did I. I was go­ ing to Jose her, doctor, and she had been like the light of the sun to me. But what could I do? She was terrified to death at the thought of her husband claiming her. I promised to give the letter into your own hands. Here it is; It had been lying In his breast pocket, and the edges were worn already. He gave it to me lingeringly, as if loth to part with it. The tourists were coming up in greater numbers, and 1 made a retreat hastily towards a quiet and re­ mote part of the cliffs seldom visited in Little Sark. There, with the sea, which had carried her away from me, playing buoyantly amongst the rocks, 1 read her farewell letter. It ran thus: "My Hear Friend—I am glad 1 can call you my friend, though nothing can ever come of our friendship nothing, for we may not see one another ns other friends do. 1 niu compelled to tlee away again from this quiet, peaceful home, w here you and Tardif have be« n so good to me. I began to feel perfectly safe here, and all at once the refuge fails me. It breaks my heart, but I must go. and my only gladness is that it will be gooil for you. By aud by you will forget me, ami return to your cousin Julia, an 1 be happy just as you once thought you should be—as you would have been but for me. You must think of me as one dead. 1 am quite dead—lost to you. "Good-by, my dear friend; good-by, good-by 1 OI,I VIA.” The lust line was written in a shaken. Irregular baud, and her name was half blotted out. as if a tear hail fallen upon It. I remained there alone on the will and solitary cliffs until it was time to return to the steamer. Tardif was waiting for me at the en­ trance of the little tunnel through which the road pass«-» down to the harbor. lie did not speak at first, but be drew out of his i«ocket sn old leather pouch filled with yellow papers. Amongst them lay a long curling tress of shining hair. He touched It gently as if it bail feeliug and consciousness. "You would like to have it, doctor?" he ■aid. "Ay,” I answered, and that only. I could uot venture upon another word. CHAPTER XVII. Throe mouths passed slowly away af­ ter my mother’s death. l>r. Dobree, who was utterly inconsolable the first few weeks, fell into all his old maundering, philandering ways again, spending hours upon his toilet, and paying devoted at­ tentions to every passable woman who came acroM his path. My temper grew like touchwood; the least spark would set It a blase. I could not tuke such things in good part. We had l«een at daggers drawn for a day or two, he ami 1, when one morning I was astonished by the appearance Of Julia in our consulting room, soon after my father, having dressed himself elabo rstely. had quitted the house. Julia’s face was ominous, the upper lip very straight, and a frown upon her brow. “Martin,” she began in a low key, "I am come to tell you something that fills me with shame aud anger. 1 do not know how to contain myself. I could never have believed that I could have been so bliml ami foolish. But It seems as If 1 were dvomeil to lie deceived ami disap- pointe«l on every hand I who wonlil not deceive or disappoint anybody in thed worl. I de.-lare it makes mo quite ill to think of It. Just look at uiy hands, how they tremble.” "Your nervous system is out of order," 1 remarked. "It la the world that ia out of order." ahe said petulantly; "1 am well enough Oh. I do not know however 1 ant to tell you. There are »»me things it is a alia me to speak of." “Muat you apeak of them?" I naked. "Yea; you must know, you will hare to know all aooner or later. If uay poor, dear aunt knew of it she could not rest in her grave. Martiu, cannot you guess? Are men born so «lull that they cannot see what is going ou under their own eyes ?” "I have not the least idea of what you are driving at," I answered. “Sit down and calm yourself.” "IIow long is it since my poor, dear aunt died?” "You know as well as I do,” I replied, wouderiug that she should touch ths wound so roughly. "Three mouihs next Sunday.” “And Hr. Dobree,” she said in a bitter accent—then »topped, looking me full in the face. I had never heard her call my father Hr. Dobree in my life. “What now?” I asked. "What has my unlucky father been doing now?” "Why,” she ex laimed, stamping her foot, while the blood mantled to her fore­ head, "Hr. Dobree is in haste to take a second wife! He is indeed, my poor Mar­ tin. He wishes to be married immedi­ ately to that viper, Kate Daltrey." “Impossible!” I cried, stung to the quick by these words. 1 remembered my mother s mild, instinctive dislike to Kate Daltrey, and her harmless hope that I would not go over to her side. Go over to her side! No. If she set her foot into this house as my mother’s successor, I would never dwell under the same roof. As soon as my father made her his wife 1 would cut myself adrift from them both. But he knew that; he would never ven­ ture to outrage my mother’s memory or my feelings in such a flagrant manner. "It is possible, for it is true,” said Ju­ lia. “They have understood each other for these tour weeks. You may call it an engagement, for it is one; and I never suspected them, not for a moment! Couldn't you take out a commission of lunai-y against him? He must be mad to think of such a thing.” "How did you find it out?” I inquired. “Oh, I was so ashamed!" she said. “You see I had not the faintest shadow of a suspicion. I had left them in the drawing room to go upstairs, and 1 thought of something I wanted, and went back suddenly, ami there they were—bis arm around her waist, and her head on his shoulder—he with his gray hairs, too! She says she is the same age as me, but she is forty if she is a day. The simple­ tons! I diil not know what to say, or how to look. I could not get out of the room again as if I hail uot seen, for 1 cried, ‘Oh!’ at the first sight of them. Then I stood staring at them; but I think they felt us uncomfortable as 1 did.” “Julia,” 1 said, "I shall leave Guern­ sey before this marriage can come off. 1 would rather break stones ou the high­ way than stay to see that woman in my mother's place. My mother disliked her from the first.” “I know it,” she replied, with tears in her eyes, "and I thought it was nothing but prejudice. It was my fault, bringing her to Guernsey. But 1 could not bear the idea of her coming as mistress here. I said so distinctly. ‘Dr. Dobree,' I said, 'you must let me remin«! you that the houst« is mine, though you have paiil me no rent for years. If you ever take Kate Daltrey into it, 1 will put my affairs into a notary’s hands. I will, upon my word, anil Julia Dobree never broke her wor.l yet.' That brought him to his senses better than anything. He turned very pule, and sat down beside Kate, hardly knowing what to say. Then she began. She saiil if I was cruel, she would be cruel, too. Whatever grieved you. Mar­ tin. would grieve me, anil she would let her brother, Richard Foster, know where Olivia was." "Does she know where she is?” 1 asked eagerly, in a tumult of surprise and hope. “Why. in Sark, of course,” she rep led. “What! Did you never know that Olivia left Bark before my inothe«’« death?" I said, with a chi.I of disap­ pointment. "Did I never tell you she was gone, nobody knows where?" "You have never spoken of her in my hearing, except once—you recollect when, Martin? We hare supposed she was still living in Tardif’s house. Then ther«« is nothing to prevent me from carrying out my threat. Kate Daltrey shall never enter this house as mistress.” "Would you have gLen it up for Olivia's sake?" I asked, marveling at her generosity. "I should have done it for your sake.” she answered frankly. "But," I saiil. reverting to our original topic, “if my father has set his mind upon uiarryiug Kate Daltrey, he will brave anything." "He is a dotard," replied Julia. "He positively makes me dread growing old. Who knows what follies one may be guil­ ty of in old age! I never felt afraid of it before. Kate says she has two him dre«l a year of her own. ami they will go and live on that in Jersey, if Guernsey t ecotnes unpleasant to them. Mart n she is a yiper ahe is indeed. Ami 1 have made such a friend of her! Now I shall have no one but you and the Careys. Why wasn't I satisfied with Johanna as my friend?" She stayed an hour longer, turning over this unwelcome subject till we had thor­ oughly discussed every point of it. In the evening, after dinner. I spoke to my father briefly but decisively upon the same topic. After a very short and very sharp conversation, there rvmaiued n> alternative for me but to iniike up my mind to try my fortune once more out of Guernsey. I wrote by the next mail to Jack Senior, telling him my purpose. I did not wait for my father to commit the irreparable folly of his second mar­ riage. Guernsey had become hateful to me. In spite of my ex« eeding love for my native island, more beautiful in the eyes of its people than any other spot on earth. I could no longer be happy or at peace there. Julia could not con eal her regret, but I left her in the «harge of Captain Carey and Johanna. She prom ised to be my faithful correspondent, and I engaged to write to her regularly. There existed between in the half-betrothal to which we had pledged o.irselvea at my dying toother's urgent rrquest. She would wslt for the time when Olivia was no longer the first in my heart; then she wwnld be willing to become my wife. But it ever that day came she would require me to give up my position in England, and settle down for life in Guernsey. Fairly, then, I was launched upon the career of a physician in the great city, as a partner with Jack and his father. The completeness of the change auLed me. Nothiug here, in scenery, atmos­ phere or society, could remind me of the fretted past. The troubled waters sub­ sided into a dull calm, as far as emotional Life went. To be sure, the idea crossed me often that Olivia might be in Lon­ don-even in the same street with me- I never caught sight of a faded green drees but my steps were hurried, aud I followed till I was sure that the wearer was not Olivia. But I was aware that the chances of our meeting were so small that I could not count upon them. Even if 1 found her, what then? She was as far away from me as though the Atlantic rolled between us. If I only knew thut she was safe, and as happy as her sad destiny could let her be, I would be con­ tent. Thus I was thrown entirely upon my profession for interest and occupation. 1 gave myself up to it with an energy that amazed Jack, and sometimes surprised myself. Dr. Senior, who as an old vet­ eran loved it with ardor for its own sake, was delighted with my enthusiasm. He prophesied great things for me. So passed my first winter in London. CHAPTER XVIII. Early In the spring I received a letter from Julia, desiring me to look out for apartments, somewhere in my neighbor­ hood, for herself and Johanua aud Cap­ tain Carey. They were coming to Lon­ don to spend two or three months of the season. I had not had any task so agree­ able since I left Guernsey. Jack was hospitably anxious for them to come to our own house, but I knew they would uot listen to such a proposal. I found some suitable rooms for them, however, »'here I could be with them at any time in five minutes. On the appointed day I met them at Waterloo station, and in­ stalled them in their new apartments. It struck me that Julia was looking better and happier than I had seen her look for a long time. Her black dress suited her, and gave her a style which she never had in colors. Her complex­ ion looked dark, but not sallow; and her brown hair was certainly more becom­ ingly arranged. Her appearance was that of a well-bred, cultivated, almost elegant woman, of whom no man need be ashamed. Johanna »’as simply her­ self, without the least perceptible chauge. But Captain Carey again looked ten years younger, ami was evidently taking pains with his appearance. I was more than satisfied, I was proud of all my friends. “We want you to come and have a long talk with us tomorrow,” said Jo­ hanna; “it is too late to-night. We shall be busy shopping in the morning, but can you come in the evening?" “Oh, yes,” I answered; "I am at leis­ ure most evenings, ami I count upon spending them with you. I can escort you to as many places of amusement as you wish to visit.” “Tomorrow, then,” she said, “we shall take tea at eight o'clock. I bade them good-night with a lighter heart than I hail felt for a long while. I hehi Julia’s hand the longest, looking into her face earnestly, till it flushed an I glowed a little under my scrutiny. “True heart!” 1 saiii to myself, “true nn«l constant! ami I have nothing, and shall have nothing, to offer 11 but the ashes of a dead love. Would to heaven," I thought as I paced along Brook street. “I hail never been fateil to see Olivia!” I was punctual to my time the next day. I sat among them quiet and si­ lent. but revelling in this partial return of olden times. When Julia poured out my tea, aud passed it to me with her white band. 1 felt inclined to kiss her jeweled fingers. If Captain Carey had not been present I think I should have done so. We lingered over the pleasant meal. At the close Captain Carey announced that he was about to leave us alone to­ gether for an hour or two. I went down to the door with him, for he had made me a mysterious signal to follow him. In the ball he whispered a few incomprehen­ sible sentences into my ear. "Don't think anything of me. my boy. Don’t sacrifice yourself for me. I'm an old fellow compared to you, though I'm not fifty yet; everybody in Guernsey knows that. So put me out of the ques­ tion, Martin. ‘There's many a s ip 'twixt the cup and the lip.' That I know quite well, my dear fellow.” He was gone before I could ask for an explanation. I returne«! to the drawing room, pondering over his words. Johan na ami Julia were sitting side by side on the sofa, in the darkest corner of the room. — “Come here. Martin." said Johanna; “we wish to consult you on a subject of greet importance to us all." I drew up a chair opposite to them and sat down, much as if it was about to be a medical consultation. "It is nearly eight months since your poor dear mother died," remarked Jo­ hanna. Eight months! Yes; and no one knew what those eight months hsd been to me —how desolate! how empty! "You recollect,” continued Johanna, "how her heart was set on your marriage with Julia. an«l the promise you both made to her on her deathbed?” "Yes." I answered, beuding forward am! pressing Julia's hand, "1 remember every word.” There was a minute's silence after this, and I waito«l in some wonder as to what this preside was leading to. "Martin." aske«l Johanna, in a solemn tone, "are you forgetting Olivia?” "No,” I said, dropping Julia's ham] as the image of Olivia flasheii across me reproachfully, "not at all. What would you have me say? She is as dear to me at this moment as she ever was.” “I thought you would say so," she re­ plied; “I dM not think yours was a love that would quickly pass away, if it ever does. There are men who can love with the constancy of a woman. Do you kuow anything of her?" “Nothing." 1 said despondently; “I have no clue as to where she may be now." "Nor has Tardif,' ahe continued; "my brother ami I went across to Sark last week to ask Mm.” “That was very goo«l of you." I inter­ rupted. “It wss partly for our own sakes.' ahe said, blushing faintly. "Martin. Tar­ dif says that if you hare onew loved Olivia, if la once for all. You ««raid 1 never conquer it. Do you think that ! this is true? Be candid with us.” “Yes,” I answered, "it is true. I could never love again as I love Olivia.” "Then, my dear Martin,” said Johan­ na, very softly, “do you wish to keep Julia to her promise?” I started violently. What! did Julia wish to be releused from that semi-en­ gagement, and be free? Was it possible that any one else coveted my place in her affections, ami in the new house which we had fitted up for ourselves? I felt like the dog in the manger. It seem­ ed an unheard-of encroachment for any person to come between my cousin Julia and me. “Do you ask me to set you free from your promise, Julia?” I asked, somewhat sternly. (To be continued.) CAT NOW IN FAVOR. Crippled, but bhe Helped to Find u Fortune. "I recently filed a claim for the widow of a Mexican war veteran,” said H. G. McCormic, of Cincinnati, “that has a rather funny story attached to It that I think will bear repeating, as It was brought about by a one-eyed, bobtalled cat of no pedigree aud of absolutely no worth, that is now petted as a price­ less treasure by Mrs. Maggie Tuttle, an aged widow, residing at Harrison, about ten miles from Cincinnati. A small boy with a sling destroyed one of the cat’s eyes, aud a few days after­ ward, lu an attempt to knock a train from the track, the cast lost half its tall; but the cat came back, and there­ by hangs the tale, uot the calt’s tall, by the way. “When I filed the papers for the pen­ sion of Mrs. Tuttle, whose husband was a sergeant in the Twelfth United States Infantry, it was found that all was iu good shape, except bis discharge papers, and I at once requested that a search be made for these documents. She was certain that her husband had left them somewhere in the old home­ stead, and a diligent search was at once Instituted. The old bouse was ransack­ ed from cellar to garret with no re­ sult, aud when the effort was about to be given up in despair it was noticed that the old cat took a great deal of interest in the old garret. It went to a box In one corner of the room aud jumped into it. Upon looking into the box it was found that four kittens wrere nestled In some old paper. When an effort was made to look into the box the old cat grew ferocious aud attacked the searchers. One of the party, who did not like the cat any way, picked upa book and threw it at it. This book missed the cat. but struck an old paste­ board box on a shelf and knocked it to the floor, where It burst open and the contents rolled out on the floor. Upon lacking them up the discharge papers aud $3,000 In government bonds were found. The old cat now wears a blue ribbon aud has the run of the house­ in fact, nothing Is too good for it.”— Washington Star. How to Become Wealthy. Ina New Hampshire city there dwells an octogenarian physician who, iu addi­ tion to his wide medical skill, is known far and wide as a dispenser of blunt philosophy. The other day a young man of his acquaintance called at his office. “I have not come for pills this time, doctor,” said the visitor, "but for ad­ vice. You have lived many years in this world of toll and trouble aud have bad much experience. I am young and I want you to tell me how to get rich.” The aged practitioner gazed through his glasses at the young man and iu a deliberate tone, said: “Yes, I can tell you. You are young I and can accomplish your object if you j will. Your plan Is this: First, lie Indus- I trious and economical. Save as much as possible aud spend as little. Pile up ' the dollars and put them at interest. If you follow out these instructions by | the time you reach my age you'll be as rich as Croesus and as mean as h----- 1.” —Buffalo Commercial. Literary Landmarks Doomed. I HEROIC EXPLORER'S MEMORY. Hoaored by the Erection of a Monu­ ment to Gen. Fike. A lofty monument, dedicated at Kan- ’ sas City, marks the spot in Republic County, Kan., where Gen. Zebulon M. Pike first raised the flag in Missouri. The dedication was marked by interest­ ing ceremonies, and the gallant soldier and heroic explorer was ban dsomely eulogized. The Pike family were New Jersey people, and Zebulon Montgomery was UEN. z. M. rur. skirts of what Is now Trenton, In 1779, while his father, a captain in the Revo­ lutionary army, was fighting the Brit­ ish. While the son was a child, his father removed with his family to Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and thence in a few years to Easton, w here the boy was educated. He was appointed an ensign In bls father’s regi­ ment, March 3, 1799, first lieutenant iu November, and captain in August, 1806. While advancing through the lower grades of his profession be sup­ plemented the deficiencies of his edu­ cation by the study of Latin, French and mathematics. After the purchase of Louisiana from the French, Lieut. Pike was appointed to conduct an ex­ pedition to trace the Mississippi to its source, and leaving St. Ixmls Aug. 9, 1805, he returned after nearly nine months’ exploration and constant ex­ posure to hardship, having satisfactor­ ily performed the service. In 1806-7 be was engaged In geographical explora­ tions In Louisiana Territory, in the course of which he discovered Pike's Peak in the Rocky Mountains and reached Rio Grunile River. Having been found on Spanish territory he and his party were takeu to Santa Fe, but, after a long examination and the seiz­ ure of Pike’s papers, they were re­ leased. He arrived at Natchitoches on July 1, 1807, received the thanks of the government, and in 1810 published a narrative of his two expeditions. Capt. Pike was made a major in 1808, a lieutenant colonel in 1809, dep­ uty quartermaster general April 3, 1812, colonel of the Fifteenth Infantry July 3, 1812. and brigadier general on March 12. 1813. Early in 1813 he was assigned to the principal army as adju­ tant and Inspector general and selected to command an expedition against York (now Toronto), Upper Canada. On April 27. the fleet conveying the troops for the attack on York reached the harbor of that town and measures were taken to land them at once. Gen. Pike landed with the main body as soon as prac­ ticable. and. the enemy's advanced par­ ties falling back before him. he took one of the redoubts that had been con­ structed for the main defense of the place. The column was then halted until arrangements were made for the attack on another redoubt. While Gen. Pike and many of his soldiers were seated on the ground the magazine of the fort exploded, a mass of stone fell upon him and he was fatally injured, surviving but a few hours. M ul 11 ni i 1 Hn n «i re Packer Die I Rece-itly. Have been rostored to health by Lydia £. Pinkham’» Vege­ table Oompound, Their let­ ters are on file and prove this statement to be a fact, not a mere boast. When a medi­ cine has been successful in curing so many women, you cannot well say without try­ ing it — “ I do not believe it will help me." r. or 3 B > ¿4» P inkham ’ s Vegetable Compound Is a positive cure for all those painful Ailments of Women. It will entirely cure the worst forms ot Female Complaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and Displacements ot the Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life._________________ Your medicine cured me of ter­ rible female illness. M hh . M. E. M uller , 1 a Concord Sq., Boston, Mass. Backache. Tt has cured more cases of Backache and Leucorrhaea than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expel) Tumors from the Uterus in an early stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous humors. Irregularity, Suppressed or Paintul Menstruations, Weak­ ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding. Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility. It is a grand medicine. I am thankful fur the good it has done me. Mrs. J. W. J., 76 Carolina Ave., Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass. Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, “ don’t care ” and “want to be left alone” feeling, excitabil­ ity, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy, or the “blues,” and backache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the Uterus. ___ I was troubled with Dizziness, Headaches, Faintness, Swelling Limbs. Your medicine cured me. M rs . S arah E. B aker , __________________ B ucksport, Me. The whole story, however, is told in an illustrated book which goes with each bot­ tle, the most complete treatise on female complaint4 ever published. HERMAN O. ARMOUR. The 500,000 WouBt Who Herman Ossian Armour, the multi­ millionaire packer of Chicago and New York, who died at Saratoga recently, was a brother of the more famous Philip D. Armour, whose death occur­ red some time ago. Herman was born a t Stockbridge, Madison County, N. Y., March 2, 1837, and from the farm went to Mil­ il. V. A ilhUL . . waukee in 1855. After a few years’ business training there lie embarked In 1862 In the grain commission business in Chicago. His younger brother, Joseph. Joined him (here, and In 1865 took entire charge of the Chicago establishment, while Her­ man O. Armour removed to New York and organized a new tirm under the name of Armour. Plankinton & Co. His new enterprise was a great success from the start, and the firm grew until It became recognized throughout the country. Mr. Armour’s ability won for him an enviable reputation as one of the foremost among the merchants and financiers of the metropolis. The busi­ ness which he was Instrumental in es­ tablishing now employs 15,000 band». The doom of another batch of liter ary landmarks lias lately been sealed. First the old Black Bull Tavern in Hol I born, where Mrs. Gamp nursed Mr. . Lewsome tn partnership with Betsy I Prig—“Nussed together, turn and turn J about, one off. one on.” Then the Red ; l.lou, at Henley-on-Thames, in which Shenstone was said to have written fa­ miliar lines which Dr. Johnson quoted' to maintain his thesis that “there is nothing which has yet been contrived J by man by which so much happiness Is produced as by a good tavern or Inn.” j Lately, too. Burford-bridge Hotel, near Box-hill, where Keats finished "Endy­ He Hsd the Money. mion" toward the end of 1817. has been A Western millionaire, who has made in the market—whether for demolition a fortune out of mines, and who Is re­ or uot, we cannot say.—Literature. markable alike for his liberality and for his ignorance of bls bank account, says Bailor Poet* Wanted. An English literary writer says that the Chicago Inter Ocean, was asked one “the time is fully ripe for the advent of day to contribute to an object of char­ a sailor poet and the marine engineer ity. The canvasser suggested that one poet. "Whether they write In terms of thousand dollars would be an accepta­ rhyme or no I care not A virgin field ble contribution. "That isn’t enough.” replied the cap­ awaits them, a noble inheritance, ma­ turing for ages. They can. If they come, italist. “I will give you five thousand utterly refute the false and foolish if I have the mouey In the bank. Wait prattle of the armchair philosopher* until I call up and Inquire." He summoned a clerk an«l told him to and prove triumphantly that so far from the romance and poetry of the telephone to the bank to inquire if he sea lielng dead it has hardly yet been had five thousand dollars on deposit, as given any adequate expression what- i he desired to contribute that sum. If possible, to a worthy object. The clerk ever." returned, and reported that the bank To Help the Thing Along. advised that he had three hundred and "Yes. grandfather Is 99 years and 6 eighty thousand dollars In the bank. months of age." "Dear me." cried the capitalist, "as “You ought to get him a bicycle.” much as that! Well, make out that -What for'." check for five thousand dollars.” "So na to help him make a century.” ■ length of Facial Features. —Judge The proper length of the forehead Is one-third of the length of the face; the Commerce of the Thames Five hundre«! trading vessels leave nose should also measure one-third, the the Thames daily for all part* of the mouth ami chin together the other.— Ladies' Home Journal. worliL MwOfe For eight years I Buttered with □¿SAP womb trouble, and was entirely cured by Mrs. Pinkham’s medicine. M bs . L. L. T owne , Littleton, N. H. Kidney Complaints and Backache of either sex the Vegetable Compound always cures. Ljdia E. Pinkham* Li»*r Pills curt Constipation, Sick Headichs, 25«. The Vegetable Com­ pound is sold by al) druggists or sent by mail, in form of Pills or Lozenges, on re­ ceipt of Ml .OO. ( drrenpondrncefredj answered. You can address in strictest confidence* LYDIA K. PINKHAM MKB. CO., Ly»n, Ma The Wreck of the Birkenhead. J. Johnson, who died recently in Liverpool was the last survivor of the famous wreck of the Birkenhead, the troopship that went down In Si­ mon's Bay in February, 1852, when cnly 184 men out of 638 got ashore. The troops stood drawn up under arms on deck till the ship sank. These Good New Days. “Are my codfish ball» as good as those your mother made, David?” ‘‘Better, my dear, 100 per cent bet­ ter. We didn’t have any boneless codfish in those days, and every time we had codfish balls some body got choked.’’—Chicago Herald. A Battle of Giants. "Smithers can tell as good a fish story as anybody I know. , I told him an awful whopper the other night, but he matched it.” “How?” "Said he believed it.—Stray Stories. HEP YOUR SADDLE. DRY! //,,,// ¿ss ™ e original ” POMMEL SLICKER BUACR 0WYIU0W PROTECTS BOTH PIPER AND SADDLE MA WEST “STORM CATAL06UE3 EREE run. line cr garments ano mata anowiM A J TOWER CO. BOSTON. MASS. as