The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, November 08, 1901, Image 5

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and Surgeon.
Office over McMinnville National Bank.
Calls responded to Day and Night.
M c M innville
O regon .
and Surgeons.
Rooms in Jacobson Block,
O regon .
M c M innvillb ,
» 9 •
Physician and Surgeon,
M c M innville ,
onice in Wright Block
[~)R. C. T. SfllTH,
Osteopathic Physician
Union Block, McMinnville, Oregon.
Office Hours, 10-12 ami 2-1.
Examination Free
il'r are located opposite H. C. Burns' ami alm
to give nil customer« good treatiueut for little
money. Balli rooms in connection. Your put
ro lage solicited.
G. S. Wright, dentist.
Best by test—Dr. Lowe’s glasses.
School Books at Williams’ book store.
Dayton holds her city election on Mon­
day, November 18th.
Lobau curries a good stock of light and
heavy harness.
Call and get prices.
Workmanship first-class.
C. Unruh of Dayton has removed to
Salem for school privileges.
Mrs. Tiios. Rogers returned this week
from a visit to her sister at Hopewell.
Mme. Davies-Boilinger. the contralto,
will sing ‘‘Asleep in the Deep” Monday
night at the opera house. Admission 35
and 50 cents.
The socialists will hold a public meet­
ing in this city on Saturday, November
Campbell’s hall, Friday, Nov. 8. Port­
land HighSchool vs. McMinnville Col-
1 ige. Admission 25c.
Dr. Lowe’s glasses strengthen the
eyes and brain.
Mrs. C. M. Kirkwood lias moved into
town from Hopewell, and is occupying
the Talmage residence.
Mrs. M. J. Washburn arrived yester­
day from Olympia, Wash., to look after
her property interests here.
Rev. K. E. Storey will preach in the
Climb. Presbyterian church next Sun­
day morning and evening.
Mrs. L. C. Rogers of Echo, Or., is here
m a visit to her falber, Dr. N. K. Sitton,
and family
The doctor continues to
improve in health.
Ruthyu Turney plays many composi­
tions which, on account of the enormous
difficulty are very seldom heard. Mon­
day night, Nov. 11, opera bouse.
Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes­
day, Nov. 11, 12, and 13, three days, no
longer, you can consult Dr. Lowe about
youreyesin Dr. Wright’s oilice,
(Successor to E. Wright)
Manufactures aim Deals in
R. V. Short of East Portland, who was
the first surveyor of Yamhill county
away back in the early ’50’s, and who
was a member of the state constitutional
convention, visited D. B. Kingery and
«.nd brushes, an J sells them cheaper than they other old friends in this city this week.
can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette
Valley. Our ail home made sets of harness are
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them.
The Boston, Mass., Herald says : “This
city is the home of many renowned vio­
linists, but in Ruthyu Turney at the
Great Southern last night the vast au­
dience found great individuality and a
style that copies after none. It is a
Proprietors of
most refreshing treat to hear him.
Sunday morning at the Baptist church
the subject will be “A Prayer for
Evening subject, “Special
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds Prayer.”
Benefits of Christ’s Death to the Believ­
Smith side Third St. between B and 0.
er.” All church service« st the usual
hours. Everybody cordially welcomed.
L. W. Riley, pastor.
castohta .
While in San Francisco recently Dr.
Bran th«
IM K""1
purchased all that is new and up
to date in the line of scientific eye test­
ing instruments, spectacles, eye glasses,
4 Headache Faits.
W. A. Howe of Carlton, through bis
First—Headache is an almost univer­ business manager, Mr. CuDDingbam, is
sal ailment; 86 per cent have it, at least putting forth energy in the creamery
business worthy of the people’s patron­
They send their teams to the
Second—Headache could always
relit ve<l by means of strong opiates, but farmers' houses for the milk, charge
10 cents per hundred pounds for hauling,
drugging a pain is not coring it.
Third—It is now possible to cure a return the separated milk each day. and
headache quicker than any opiate will pay the cash the first of each month for
relieve it. and to cure harmlessly by re­ the cream. T. D. Henderson says he is
highly pleased with their way of doing
moving the cause.
Fourth—R. B. Headache Capsules are business. He Las been furnishing milk
a perfect remedy. They can’t harm. the past few days. He showed us a
They relieve the severest headaches in sight draft of »10.50, the net cash price
from to to 30 minutes. Price 25 cents for 891 pounds of milk at 23 cents per
pound for the butter fat. He says when
R ogers B ros .’ P harmacy ,
be can sell milk for over a cent a pound
McMinnville. Oregon.
at his own door it beats 50-cent wheat.
The drug center of Yamhill Co.
Basket Ball!
G. S. Wright, dentist.
Miss Mamie Casey attended the fair in
McMinnville last week
Investigate osteopathy.
Mrs. M. Casey is having a large barn
Star 5 Star shoes at the Racket Store.
constructed on her farm.
Consult free, Dr. Smith,the osteopath.
E. Duvall and Chas. Smith of Port­
See my 5c tablets. Geo. L. Williams. land are visiting at J. Thompson’s.
Ted Taylor was visiting in McMinn­
The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian
ville Friday and Saturday of last week.
one vear for »2, strictly in advance
Since the late rains the farmers have
To rent—House of nine rooms, Second been puttiug in their full time in the
and I Sts. Address “Snowden,” box 105. fields.
Miss Lillie Cockerham is out from Mc­
MisB Irene Orth, a sweet soprano at
opera house, Monday, Nov. 11. Admis­ Minnville visiting her sister. Mrs. J.
sion 35 and 50 cents. Reserved seats on Eborall.
sale at Rogers’ drug store.
Milton Potter has been inspecting
Finest line and best prices in tablets sheep in this region. A number of the
sheep men are having their sheep dipped.
in the county, at Williams’ book store.
Mrs. J. W. Davis and family started
Let no one miss the basket ball game Sunday for Eastern Oregon. They ex-
between P. H. 8. and McM. C., Friday. ?ect to settle in Wasco county near F.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cable of Browns­ aylor, who left here last spring.
The Dairy va. Kops.
ville visited their sons in this city on
Carmichael & Co. of Salem bought
The St. Charles Store sells good gro­ 139,600 bales of hops in Hillsboro last
week. At the price, lie, $15,000 came
ceries and provisions, and offers no baits. into the county. The Independent
John Rennie of Eugene visited at makes the following comparison in tlie
premises: ‘‘The sale is large but com­
home in this city on Sunday.
pared with the dairy interests it is small.
P. H. S. vs. McM. C. at Campbell's Statistics of six creameries in almost the
hall Friday evening, Nov. 8. Admis­ same territory covered by the hop fields
above named, were compiled recently
sion 25c.
for the year 1900. The footing w’as »50,-
Miss Mollie Patty will shortly make a 000. The hop money comes in a lump
month’s visit in Washington and Port­ sum, while the other is distributed over
a period of twelve months. It takes
land, with various friends.
twelve months, though, to grow’, pick
Six new members were welcomed into and market a crop of hops.” Oregon
tlie fellowship of the Baptibt church last will yet realize the truths stated by
Sunday morning.
“Minnesota” Smith
Dairying is the
8. Howorth is enjoying a visit from coming business for this valley
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ho-
Yamliill l.ock* Repaired.
worth of Hamilton, Ontario.
The repairs and extensions of the
The T. S. Townsend Creamery Co. at slopes and dam at the locks in Yamhill
-14 2d St., Portland, will pay highest mar­ river, in charge of Captain Langfitt, of
ket price for your cream. Ship by ex­ tile United States engineers, has been
press, from any station or landing. Will
B. Ogden, who has been superintending
sell you U. S. Cream Separatorsand take the work, has returned to the city and
your cream in payment.
says that the works are now in such
The ladies of tlie Christian church are condition as to make practically im­
continuing the rummage sale inaugurat­ possible a recurrence of such damage as
ed by the Presbyterian ladies at the Nel­ was caused by the flood of last winter.
son building on B street. The latter About 50,000 square feet of surface of
For Three Days only, we want to close out every
the slopes on the sides of the locks have
cleared over »75 in ten days’ run.
been paved and riprapped with rock,
Remnant in the house. There are tables full of
Mordaunt Gcodnough piano playing and tile dam has been extended 25 feet
Price is no object, they must be sold.
has been favorably compared with lhe into the east bank. The wing wall at
work of great Joseph Hoffman. Opera the head of the lock has been extended
house Monday, Nov. 11. Admission 35 about 25 feet into the west bank, and
and 50 cents.
the bauks above the riprapping have
Morning subject at the Christian been resloped at a lesser angle ami seed­
church next Sunday morning will be ed to grass. It is thought that with
“The Valiev of Ditches.” Evening sub­ these improvements the works will be
ject, “The Destinies of Man.” All ser­ able to successfully resist future floods
vices at the usual hours. A. L. Platt, in the raging Yamhill.—Oregonian.
COLI till! S ACliOOI. NOTE«.
A suit was brought last week by Stout
The total enrollment of both schools
& Daniels vs. M. Hillary, for recovery of
some cordwood, liefore Justice Pugh, who is 420.
decided in favor of plaintiffs. Judge
Miss Violet Kegg of the 9th grade has
Ramsey was attorney for defendant and been on the sick list this week.
W.T. Vinton for plaintiffs.
All of the students are doing fine
Never in the history of the
About »8,000 remains delinquent on work
school have things gone so smoothly as
the tax roil. The sheriff and deputy they have so far this year
were worked “to the queen's taste” last
Owing to the teachers' institute there
The fair held at Campbell’s hall last
week in receipting for taxes, and collect­ will be no school next Wednesday,
week by the ladies of tlie Catholic church
Thursday and Friday.
ed about »17,000 during the week.
Our lootball team expect to have a was quite a success financially, and was
OTICE 1« hereby given that the unilernigned.
The foothall game between McMinn­ game with the second tr am of Newberg a very enjoyable occasion socially.
c U lohiiMin. han been duly «|,pointed |,y
ville and Newlierg last Saturday on the College tomorrow at college grounds at
lhe county-court of VHinblll county, Oregon,
of lhe last will anil testament of Ran­
grounds of the latter team was a lively ‘ThPe „
he high school have selected, yellow chinery for the Yamhill Coal and < til Co. ey Pswsou, det-easeil. Ill persons having claims
tussle, resulting in a score of 45 to 0 for as their class color.
may lx.- ready to start early next month. HRinn-t Ilie e-tale of sniil deceased are beret,y
and required to present them with
The amount of their capital stock and notified
McMinnville, and one fine young man’s
prop« r vouchers, duly v< rilled, within six
At the Methodist church next Tuesday the number ol acres under control in­ months from the date of this notice, to the un­
shoulder dislocated twice. Smith was
evening at 8 o’clock a public reception sures hundreds of dollars for every one dersigned al McMinnville, in Yamhill county,
handicapped by going into the game will be given to Rev. Joseph Hoberg ami invested when success is assured. A Oregon.
Dated Nov. 1st, lyOI.
with a broken collar bone. McMinn­ his wife, thislx-ing the eve of the fiftieth dead man cannot see this, but others
Executor of tlie last Will and Testament of
ville male six touch downs in 30 min­
Nancy Dawson, deceased.
It. F. Kllolihs, Att’y for Estate.
utes, netting 34 points, and made II
interesting program in which friends will has made fortunes for its holders; it was
pointe in the first half. Pilkington was have part, and as the children of the fam­ purchased as an investment or specula­
Basket Ball!
the bright particular star and shook off ily will be present, the occasion prom­ tion. No appeal has been made to those
Elon Wallace is home from northern
the little Newberg fellows much as a
has been of- California.
big St. Bernard dog would dispose of a cordial invitation is extended to all. - a chance of making money
Mr. and Mrs Hoberg each have classes fereri and accepted, Dollars are the at­
Dr. .1. F. Calbreath was over from
dozen little terriers. We have two-thirds . in the Sunday school, and few are more traction, and these same companies have
of a column write-up of this game con-1 interested in their classes than they. one twentieth the amount of holdings Salem this week.
Rev. F. E Coulter, state organizer for
tribnted, but it baa to be a very dull Rev. Hoberg's "boys” have been heard ami from ten totwenty times the amount
week when we can devote more space to j of in the Oregon conference more than of capital stock as compared to the Yam­ the prohibition party, will speak in the
a football game than ie here given. The I once. It was be who built the first M. hill Coal ami Oil Co., whose stock is United Evangelical church at Lafayette
score and tbe broken limbs ie about all 1 E. church in McMinnville. A cordial now selling at 50 cents a share, with n on this and Saturday evenings. Subject,
certainty of a raise in pnce
price soon.
“True vs False Economy.”
, invitation is extended to all.
we regard as news.
C hicago S tore
Great Cut in Ladies’ Jackets
$7.00 Jackets $3.98
Saturday, Nov. 9
C hicago S tore