PHYSICIANS LOCAL NEWS E. UOUvH^k, n. D. Physician and Surgeon. Oilice over McMinnville National Bunk. Culls responded to buy and Niglit. H c MINNVILLE - - - - OREGON. q OOK & CABLE, Physicians and Surgeons. Rooms in Jacobson Block, M MlNNTlLUr, O r soon . c. MICHAUX, n. D., G. 8. Wright, dentist. Dr. Lowe the optician is coming soon. C. M. Agee of Gopher was a pleasant caller on Monday. Well bred Cotswold sheep for sale by R. Baird, North Yamhill. 43-lm Mr. Milo Triem, late of Iowa, has ac­ cepted a position with Logan BA». 1 he Grange store is making some big cute on the price of shoes for a few days. A daughter was born to l’rof. anil Mrs. Northup on Thursday of last week, Oct. 10th. Lohan carries a good stock of light and heavy harness. Call and get prices. Workmanship first-class. tf G. S. Wright, dentist. Investigate osteopathy. C. 8. Ilulin has a fresh cow for sale. Star 5 Star shoes at the Racket Store. Consult free, Dr. Smith, the osteopath. School Books at Williams' book store See my 5c tablets. Geo. L. Williams. Carl Michaux is visiting in Winlock, Wash. The R kuokter and Weekly Oregonian one vear for |2, strictly in advance Mrs. Elizabeth Mills has been visiting friends at Hillsboro. To rent—House of nine rooms, Second and I sts. Address “Snowden,” box 105. W. T. Vinton was a delegate to the grand lodge K. of P. this week. Highest prices paid for chickens, but­ ter and eggs at the Grange store. Dr J. D. Baker attended the Baptist convention in Portland this week. Wardle has moved his barber shop across the street to Gaunt's old stand. 4 it. 0. Hoberg hue reuted a large dairy Physician and Surgeon, f irm in Coos county, and ships his pro­ duct to San Francisco. M c M innville , OREGON. I Buy your grass seeds of J. A. D erby A S on . office In Wright Block. Potatoes are taking a second grow th, Finest line and best prices in tablets jjR. C. T. SMITH, and farmers say the late spell of nice in the county, at Williams’ book store. weather has greatly helped the crop. Colon Eberhard was over from Salem Harris Bros., Photographers. Take first stairway west of postoffice. First- on a visit Monday and Tuesday. class work guaranteed. The Grange store is selling good coun­ Allie Houck advertises a public sale try butter at 25c a roll. for tomorrow’. He has rented his farm Mrs. H. L. Boardman returned from to Will Duerst, and he will visit Cali­ her visit to Eugene on Wednesday. BARBERS. fornia for a few montbs. The St. Charles Store sells good gro­ In feed and seed lines McMinnville ceries and provisions, and offers no baits, I (MAN BROS., produce market is the place. Three doors south of McMinnville National /the league pennant for best base ball for 1901 lias been awarded to Portland. Bank, J. A. D erby & S on . •^be following ladies are the new clerks For Sale—Ten high-grade Cotswold and We are located opposite ¡1. C. Burns* and aim at the Chicago store: Miss Edith Seit- one thoroughbred buck. F rank S ully . >give all customers good treatment for little money. Batbroonis in connection. Your pat- ters, Miss Esther McCann, Mrs. Nena Archie Crease went up to Halsey >e solicited. Martin and Mies Minnie Schenk, cashier. 'lately, and is attending school there. Wanted, a strong young girl to help We are paying this week 30 to 35 cts with the housework and take care of per roil for good butter, and 20 cts for tresti eggs. W allace & W alker . baby. Enquire at this office. tf pLSiA WRIGHT, Mrs. J. H. Cook and Mrs. Wm. In the award of medals on foods and Manufactures and Deals in their accessories at the Pan-American Houck attended the stale Baptist con­ exposition. Thomas Prince and eon of vention at Portland this week. Home grown English rye grass seed the great prune orchard at Dundee, come SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, in for a silver medal. Be it remembered for sale by R. Baird, North Yambill, Or. ^ndbrushes,and sells them cheaper than they that no national Exposition is ever held The Grange store means business and 3un be bought any where nlse in the Willamette Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are in this country in which Yamhill county the stock of goods will be closed out at pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. does not capture one or more medale. cost. Having closed up our branch in Mi­ Those indebted to S. A. Manning yy ILLA RD & BHRMAN, Minnville, we desire all accounts ami please call and settle at the office ot notes to be settled at once. You »ill K. L. Conner. Proprietors of Mrs. 8. I. Hibbs, Jessie Reid, Bert find them with W. G. Henderson. I’erkins and Bessie Houck have been 43-2 M itchell , L ewis & S t iver C o . Rev. H. L. Bates of Pacific University, added to the force of clerks at the Grange Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds Forest Grove, will occupy the Climb. store. South side Third St. between B and Lambert Bros, want all the poultry, Presbyterian pulpit next Sunday morn­ eggs and farm produce, ior which they ing and evening. He is a good preacher, I It »I I \l «. I It A 4 «til’s s A 1.1C. will pay Hie highest cash price. At and all are cordially invited. Palmer's old stand. The undersigned will sell at public A new remedy for biliousness is on The ladies of the C. I’, church, in line auction six miles northwest of McMinn­ sale at Howorth’s drug store. It is with tlie spirit oi the age, will conduct a ville, on the W. R. Johnson farm, on called Chamberlain’s stomach and liver Tuesday, Oct. 22d, 1901, at 10 a. m. tablets. It gives quick relief and will rummage sale, beginning next Wednes­ sharp, the following described property: prevent the attack if given as soon as day. One gray horse weight 1400, one black the fiist indication of the disease ap­ A reception was given to college stu­ horse weight about 1350, one bay horse pears. Price 25 cents per box. Sam dents at the Baptistchurch Friday eve­ weight 1100, one brown horse weight pies free. 1100, one sorrel horse weight 900, one President H. E. McGrew of Pacific ning, at which a Japanese wedding sorrel mare weight 1000, 5 head milch C >llege, Newberg, occupied the Climb. was enacted. cows, 5 head calves, 19 head of sheep, The Grange store will close at 8:30 p. 21 head of hogs, one Bain wagon nearly Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday morning new, one Mitchell wagon, one 1inch and had a good audience. He is a in. every evening during the coming Newton wagon, 2 sets double harness, week except Saturday to enable the one set single harness, one buggy with quiet, argumentative speaker, and deep­ top, one stake rack bed, 125 cedar posts, ly spiritual. His effort was much appre­ clerks to straighten up the stock for the one grain drill, one 12-iuch walking plow, ciated. Accompanying him were his next day. one sulky plow, one Osborne mower, one wife and daughter, and l’rof. and Mrs. Prof. Rutherford, principal of the com­ hay rake, one iron harrow, one land mercial department, will conduct, a night roller, .and various other farming imple­ Ke Isay ments and articles too numerous to men­ . An archaeological exploration party school at the college on Monday, tion. hpaded by l’rof. Brumback occurred last Wednesday and Friday evenings. Indi­ Terms of sale: All sums of $5 or less, Saturday. The Indian burying ground vidual instruction given in penmanship, cash; over {5, 5 months’ time will be given on secured note with 6 per cent to the west of Amitj’ was investigated, arithmetic, book-keeping, shorthand and interest 5 per r ent discount for cash. and the fruits of the search were several typewriting. No classes. tf Tree lunch. W.G. H enderson , old skulls of prehistoric aborigines and The air is full of dry goods prices just Admr. Estate W. R Johnson. divers sorts of beads with which their now, and there’ll be no better time to A. A. W alker , Auctioneer swarthy necks were adorned. A petri­ lay in winter supplies. The careful buy­ fied or mummified hand and arm were al­ er watches and reads everybody’s ad, castoux - a .. The Kind You Have Always Bought so secured, y Bears the and the best business men recognize the Signature W. K. Newell, of the state board of value of the Reporter’s circulation to of horticulture, is writing on the great need reach the people. There is nothing bet­ of more canning factories and fruit ter to post yourself on at this time of ■•i-¡liti«’ sali :. unions, and the morn for expansion of year than prices, which concern the | The undersigned will sell at public the canning industry in the Willamette great problem of living, and living right. motion six tildes wesf of McMinnville, valley. He says truthfully that if the Fourteen members of Rebekah lodge n Happy valley, on Saturday, Oct. 26, waste of fruit was taken care of, Califor­ 901. at 10 a m. sharp, the following nia and eastern jams and jellies would of this city attended a session of that [escribed property: order in Dayton last Friday night. A 2 3 year-old geldings, Van S; 1 3-year- not be for sale in the Oregon market. It like number attended from Newberg. Id filly, Van S; 1 2 year-old gelding, is believed that McMinnville is fast com­ 'an S ; 1 4 year-old filly; 1 ro-year-old ing to the appreciation of this need. In Those going from here were W. G. Hen­ lire, bred to English Shire; I 8-ycar-old fact, “there is a hen on,” and we are derson, Mrs Susie Ford, Mrs. Laura lire, bred to II nry & Perch.; 1 3-year Nicklin, Mrs. C. F. Daniels, Mrs. Mollie Id mule, 5 milch cows; 1 4 year-old cow only keeping quiet for the nonce for fear Klyver, Mr and Mrs. H. M. Bond, Asa nd calf; 1 8-year old cow, fresh soon; of scaring her off. dry cow, 3 yearling steers. 3 yearling There is always a fellow after every Gant, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Woolette, Mr. leifers. 4 steer calves, 1 heifer calf, 1 place, and sometimes several of them. and Mrs. 8. I. Hibbs, Miss Bergita Nel­ -year-old Hereford it Durham bull, 2 son and Miss Jessie Reid. A bounteous Inland China brood sows and pigs. I This is the case w ith the Sheridan post­ supper was served. meh steel skein wagon and box, 1 3’4 office, soon to be vacated by Geo, W. E. J. Wood has closed out his partner­ ’ X-'J1 complete, I 12-ineh steel beam Bibee for the receivership of the Oregon il..w>rjf-section iron harrow, 1 28 inch City land office. Five candidates are ship business with Albert Odell, and iultman it Tavlor thresher. 1 io-horse next Monday will depart for Aberdeen, Voodbury power I), pattern, I set double named, viz: John W. Bones, ex-assessor, larness, 1 cart. John M. Chapman, county coroner, for a stay of several months, if not per­ Terms of salt: All sums of $1° or lpss- I John K. Sander», Thos. Scroggins and manently. The change is made primar­ ash; over |to, one veer's time will be I Bell. Mr. Sanders was in the ily for the benefit of Mrs. Wjfod, who is [iven on secun d notes without interest Peter county seat seeing the “influences” on in poor health. Mr. Wood will engage t paid promptly when due; otherwise 1 per cent interest from date of sale. Mondav, Mr. Bones was a close second in the insurance business. He and bis Six per cent discount for cash. All on Tuesday, and Mr. Chapman came family are the kind of people we dislike property must lie settled for before be­ down Wednesday. It promises to lie a to lose. Ed is asocial, useful and cap­ ing removed from premises. Free lunch. pretty fight. To the victors belong the able man, and his wife is a lady held in A. F. C ate , Propr. high esteem. That they may receive A A. W alker . Auctioneer. spoils. Mrs. F. C. Ferguson came np from every benefit, contemplated by their CA.STOT1.TA. Portland to report proceedings of the change of location, is voicing the wish of I he Kind You How Always Bougtit Bears the circuit court the first of the week, and all who know them. Signatare George Cramer visited in the city incidentally to visit a nunil>er of friends. of She tells how Frank C , her husband, briefly tbis week. Since his last visit he Notice ol Stwrr Aoaessmenl. came in for bis turn at being held up in has been at Ashland, Dunsmuir and Notice is hereby given that the assess­ East Portland, that section which has be­ Hillsboro. While at the latter place he ments levied tinder ordinances No. 226 come famed for the tough with the was called to the bedside of his mother and 232, for the construction of a sewer, are due and payable at the office of the masked face and ready pistol, ft hap­ at Monmouth, and death relieved her city treasurer, ami if not paid at once pened last Saturday night. Frank was sufferings last Friday. George took tem­ the costs of collection will be added wending homeward, having spent his porary charge of the McCoy station on thereto. last dime for a little wsd of lieefeteak. Wednesday. While a caller at this ui- Given by order of the city council Oct. comfortably reposing in his pocket. It fi«*e be picked up a sample of the Yam- *• 1901. T homas If. R ogers . took but a brief moment to inform the hill Coal and Oil Co.’s rock, and re- 42-3 Recorder Citv of McMinnville. robber of the financial shortage, but thia marked the striking resemblance to the When vo>i cannot sleep for coughing, it i* hardlv nece**ary that anyone should only enraged him, and he demanded material taken from the oil well After now being sunk at Ashland. He pro­ tell yon that von need a few doses of Ferguson’s watch and chain, ChamlierlAin e convh remedy to allay the getting it, he demanded that Frank noun, ,-ed the rock identical, and each as Ylrritation <,f the throat and mak" sleep march and say nothing, and Frank all the California oil experts declare is a po“«ible. It is good. Try it. For sale •ure forerunner of oil. marched. by Howorth A Co. Osteopathic Physician BARBERS. HARNESS, CITY MARKET We Ask You To Compare Our Prices on Suits and Overcoats with 5 any Store in Oregon X If You Do, We Will Certainly Get Your □ o Trade. 3 0 The Hamblin Clothing Co., M c M innville , OREGON A Pl BLU' »ALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction 5 miles southwest of McMinn­ ville, at the Jas. Owens farm, on Thurs­ day, Oct. 24th, 1901, at to a. m. sharp, the following described property : I John Deere plow.i 4-section iron har­ row’, 1 4-horse Monitor shoe drill, 2 sets harness, 1 5-year-old black mare, by Du- roc Prince, dam by Hambletonian Mam- brino, grand dam by St. Louis bred to Vinmont; I 3 year-old black filly, by Duroc Prince, dam by Magnacharta; 1 4-year-old gelding, by Duroc Prince, dam by Hambletonian Mambrino, grand dam by St. Louis; 1 match team of young gray mares, one by Duroc Prince, the other by Adirondack; 1 yearling bay filly, by Planter, dam by Hamble­ tonian Mambrino, granddam by St. Louis; 1 well-bred colt; 1 1516 Clyde 2 year-old colt; 1 imported Clydesdale stallion; 1 6-year-old black all-purpose mare, and a number of other young work horses; 2 young cows, soon fresh; 2 pedigreed red Durham bulls, one year old; 2 yearling heifers, 1 full-blood Jersey cow, 1 full-blood Jersey heifer, some good billy goats, also some mixed goats, a lot of full-blood Cotswold bucks and other sheep, 6 nice shoats, and other things too numerous to mention Terms of sale : All sums of $10 or less, cash; over #10, one year’s time will be given on secured note without interest if paid when due, otherwise 8 per cent in­ terest from date of sale Six per cent discount for cash. Free lunch. G eo . O wens . 50 HOUSES WANTED. Horses from 1100 to 1250 lbs., age from 4 to 8 years, and from 15 to 16 hands Colors, blacks, browns, bays and sorrelB. All geldings. Must be broken to bar nesH, and gentle under the saddle. Wil) bain McMinnville to buy such horses on Wednesday, October 23d. W illiam F razier . C hicago S tore . * I Retiring from Business a -a- l x Never in the history of Merchandising in Yamhill County has a sale created so much stir as the Cost Sale now in full blast at the Chicago Store Gvery Article in the house bas been Reduced in price All our high grade stock placed on the market at the commencement of the season at actual New York Cost. Eastern Finishing Touches. Two McMinnviJle young ladies. Miss Maud Hobbs and Miss Ethel Harris, tal­ ented in music and elocution respec­ tively, left for the east on Tuesday to complete their education in these lines. Miss Hobbs goes to Chicago and Miss Harris to Indianapolis. All their friends are pleased to know that their wishes are to be gratified in the particular art of their choosing. Dr. Smith returned from Portland Wednesday. Prof. W. I. Reynolds of Dallas was in the city on Saturday. The court house is to have cement walks inside the yard. New sidewalk ane fence are being built north of the Christian church. J. H. Chapin and Miss Maude Agee were married at 6 p. m. Wednesday evening by Justice J. M. Pugh, at his office. The contracting parties are from Bellevue. e George Woolette is unfortunate. By the explosion of a lantern in hie barn early Wednesday morning the building caught fire and he was powerless to stay the Hames. The building was a new and pretty structure, painted red with white batten. Insurance >230. Capt. H. L. Heath has organized a party of Portland capitalists who will en­ gage in some line of business in the Philippine islands not yet announced. The Captain is to leave this week as manager. During his long vacation since returning from the war, he has not been idle, and we sincerely hope his project may prove all that he anticipates for it. The ministerial association of McMinn­ ville will meet to reorganize for the win­ ter, at the Baptist church study, next Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock. There is important busiue«» to come before the meeting, and the members are all urged to be present; the membership consists of the pastors in charge of the evangeli­ cal churches of .McMinnville. Thousands of weak and nervous people have found Puritan distilled water a grand tonic and invigorant, but there are still thousands of men and women dragging their lifeless, listless bodies around who could he made well and strong in a few weeks by drinking larga quantities of it anil driving out the poisons. Try it. Mrs. 8. M. Cook of this city is agent ior Yamhill county, for the Puritan still. We would request city trade to call as early in the morning as possible, as we can devote more time to their wants than if they come in the afternoon. C hicago S tore W. K. Church. “Testing God” will be the subject up­ on which the pastor of the M. E. church will preach next Sunday morning at 11. In the evening the Sunday School will hold its rally service, at which there will be a special program. All members and friends of the school are urgently re­ quested to be present at this service. The program is as follows: Song ser­ vice; address of welcome and explana­ tion of "rally day” by superintendent; prayer by Chas. F. Mills; responsive reading; Gloria; address, “Our School and the Responsibility of Parents,” Rev. Joseph Hoberg; "The Superintendent's Experience,” Mrs. C. F Mills; address, “Our Scholars and the Help They May Give,” by Arthur Lambert; address. “Our School and the Responsibility of Officers and Teachers,” Rev. H. T. At­ kinson; offertory, benediction. Tooth Sense Did you ever stop to think how much gold is hammered into the teeth? It is estimated that one million dollars would not cover the amount; it is also estimat­ ed that less than twenty per cent of the people have perfect teeth. Begin at once on the children's teeth, get a good tooth preparation and see that the chil­ dren use it. Dentaline removes the lac­ tic acid, which is the direct cause of de­ cayed teeth. It is fragrant, cooling and soothing to the mouth and gums It is antiseptic and healing, deliciously fla­ vored. 25 cents a bottle. R ogers B ros .’ P harmacy , * McMinnville, Or. Your Life is at Stake When in the hands ot the man who com­ pounds your prescriptions. He must know his business and have the right kind of fresh, pure, reliable drugs for the compound your doctor wants you to have. We have both—the skill and the drugs. Over twenty years at the pres­ cription counter, of hard work and study, assures you that you get what your pres­ cription calls for. Our prices are always the lowest. Yours, for business. PEERY DRUG CO., Prescription Druggists. Mrs. W. H. I-ogan and children are visiting relatives at Dallas. Claire Brown, the Indefiewdence den­ tist, spent Sunday in this city. I»e Wright of Douglas county is visit­ ing his parents in this city. Jones A Adams have their tnen en­ gaged in getting out shingle bolts for the new shingle mill which they will soon install. Members of Friendship Rebekah lodge are requested to meet for drill Tuesday evening next. By order. Campbell Hendricks and son bare re­ turned to Carlton from Dawson City, after an absence of two years. They will go back in the spring. F. Dielschneider joins the procession in the close out ssles. Come in and price our line of boots and shoes; w* have cut ths prices down to meet th* lowest. No humbug.