The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 18, 1901, Image 3

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Launch With
Chinee Capturad—Cap-
tain Escaped.
Port Townsend, Wash., Oct. 11.— British Steamer Bored by Colom­
Another evidence of the determina­
bian Rebels.
tion of Chinese to invade this country
and evade the exclusion law was
ransom of miss stone will be paid brought to light by the capture of a RECEIVED WITH CANNON AND RIFLE SHOT
sloop with four Chinamen on board.
It Was Feared the Brigands Would Kill the The capture was made by the United And Forced to Flee For Safety—British
Cruiser Leaves Panama, Probably to
Missionary If Closely Pursued—May
States revenue launch Guard, in com­
Investigate the Incident.
Mutilate Her as a Warning.
mand of H. B. West, a few miles
south of Fort Flagler. When the
Colon, Colombia, Oct. 10.—(Previ­
I Constantinople, Oct. 14.—In com­ captain of the sloop sighted the
pliance with a requestjfrom Washing­ launch approaching he ran his sloop ous cabling of this matter prevented).
ton,the search by the Ottoman troops close inshore and jumped overboard, —A force of Liberals numbering at
for the abductors of Miss Stone, the swam to the beach and took to the least 250 attacked Morro island, com­
American missionary, has been aban­ woods. A portion of the crew of the manding the entrance to the port of
doned, it being feared that the brig­ launch landed and gave chase, but Tumaco, September 24. The island
ands would kill her should they be owing to the dense growth of the un­ had all along been garrisoned with
closely pursued. Arrangements are derbrush the pursuit was abandoned. less than 100 troops, well supplied
now being made to pay the ransom On the sloop were found four China­ with arms and ammunition and com­
men, who were brought here, ana missary stores, including more than
stated to Collector of Customs Heustis 150 head of cattle and other provis­
that they paid $50 to be brought ions in proportion. The landing
over from the British Columbia side. was effected before daybreak by means
The sloop belongs to a resident of of canoes.
Only Half the Amount of the Ransom Has
Simultaneously the island was
British Columbia named Jamieson.
Been Raised.
This makes the fourth sloop cap­ stormed from the other end by Lib­
Boston, Oct 14.—The misunder­ tured from him with Chinese on board erals on the mainland. Morro island
standing existing in various parts of in the past 30 days. Two other is surrounded by shallow sand banks,
the country, indicated especially in sloops belonging to other men were and the only means of approaching
private advices received here,as to the captured during the same period. I Tumaco is by the narrow river which
progress of the fund to ransom Miss The Chinse are being smuggled across is within easy range of the island.
■tone, the missionary, is considered the line daily and the authorities are | The British steamer Quito, bound
a sufficient reason for the issuance of putting forth increased efforts to put from Guayaquil for Panama,and touch­
ing at ports between, anchored off
another appeal for funds by the cler-1 a stop to the business.
Morro island the night of September
»ymen who signed the first one. The
26, and weighing anchor at daybreak
Idea is to impress upon the people of
started up the stream toward Tumaco.
America the danger that still threat­
The reliéis fired a shot across her
ens Miss Stone. The second appeal is Britain Forced to Extend Martial Law—Will
bows. Suspecting the situation she
As follows:
Inaugurate “Vigorous” Measures.
immediately turned, but rifle shots
' ‘ Boston, Oct. 11.—The people of
Town, Oct. 11.—The Gazette and one cannon continued to be fired
America: The prompting of our
liearts compels us to issue a second today proclaims martial law in the at her, the former striking her several
Urgent appeal to the people of Amer­ districts of Cape Town, Wynberg, times, and the latter once, making a
ica to come to the rescue of Mi s Simonstown, Port Elizabeth and East hole right through her above the
jllen M. Stone, the American mis­ London. The proclamation is the water mark, though the damage in
sionary, now held captive by the outcome of the recent visit of the other respects was slight. The Quito
then steamed to the farthest point
brigands in the Balkan mountains for
A ransom of $110,000. Nearly one- premier of Cape Colony, Sir John Gor­ the tide would permit and again an­
don, and the under secretary of na­ chored. The firing was now resumed,
lialf that sum is yet to be raised.
“Private advices received yesterday tive affairs in South Africa, J. Boss but it ceased after a few moments, the
tvere to the effect that it was abso­ Innes, to the British high commis­ Liberals having discovered the im­
lutely necessary to raise the full sioner, Lord Milner. It places under prudence of their action.
It is significant that shortly after
«mount at once. The story of 30 military control the few points in
the Quito incident became known the
days’ respite is absolutely discredited
in the best informed circles. Today’s Cape Colony hitherto exempted and British ship Icarus left Panama for
information from Washington is that the constitution is therefore suspend­ a destination not made public, but
the outlook is far from being so reas­ ed over the entire colony. This ac­ presumably Tumaco. The steamship
suring as was hoped yesterday. The tion probably foreshadows the com­ agents have been officially notified not
public should not be deceived by the mencement of vigorous measures to accept freight at the port.
The situation on the isthmus is
idea that the American board, as which those on the spot are under­
jsuch, will pay any of the ransom. stood to believe necessary to end the unchanged and quiet.
Jt has officially declared that it could war.
Outrage! an British Subfecti.
Martial law will be modified in its
aiot, although its membes have unani-
Kingston, Jamaica, Oct. 10.—The
knously declared sympathy with the application to the ports by leaving
movement. Will not pastors, ten­ the docks, railroads and harbors un­ newspapers here print a number of
der-hearted women, patriotic men and der the control of the civil authori­ letters from Bocas del Toro and other
'representatives of commercial and ties. Military rule will be mitigated ports of Colombia, complaining of
outrages on British subjects, includ­
financial activity everywhere; will in some other respects.
ing women.
Strong appeals are
‘not everyone aid by giving and so­
made to the government to send a
liciting, until the entire fund is in
warship for their protection, and
[hand A life is at stake, and the life
■of a Christian, a missionary, a patriot Remarkable Gold Discovery Reported from I also to demand compensation.
Over 100 refugees have arrived here
land a noble American.
Mountains of Arizona.
from Colon.
“All contributions should be sent
Tucson, Arizona, Oct. 10.—Charles
idirect to Kidder, Peabody & Co. 115
’Devonshire street, Boston, or Baring, R. and Porter W. Fleming, of this
IMagoun & Co., 15 Wall street, New place, arrived here this a-fternoon
York. All money contributed will be from the Galluro mountains, where About Half the Paiiengers Arriving Can
returned to the donors in case its use they report a remarkable gold dis­
Neither Read Nor Write.
I is not necessary or in event of its be- covery. Tne rich find is located 70
Oct. 10.—The annual
1 ing hereafter returned by or through miles north of Tucson, and the vein
report of Thomas Fitch, commission­
the United States government.
of ore, according to the Flemings, er of immigration at New York, has
is 200 feet wide and 6,000 feet in been received at the treasury depart­
Brigands Shy of Future Traps.
length. A canyon cuts through the ment. The report shows that the
London, Oct. 14.—The United vein for 200 feet, exposing the vein on number of aliens who arrived during
■ States legation here has received in- either side the entire length of the the fiscal year ended June 30, 1901,
, formation, which they withhold, of cut. The Fleming brothers assert was 453,496. There were also 113,-
some expected developments in the that from the bottom of the canyon 056 citizens of the United States who
; Stone affair. Tuesday it was sup- to the surface the outcroppings of ore arrived from abroad. From a com­
, posed an attempt would be made to will run from $5 to $1,000 to the ton. parison of the steerage immigration
capture the band, but nothing has They estimate the amount of gold in for the last two years it is shown that
teen heard since then, when Mr. Has­ sight at the enormous sum of $7.000,- nearly 30,000 of the increase of last
kell reached Samakov. He is not 000.
_ _____________
year over the year before was in the
provided with funds, but is ' empow­
immigration from Southern Italy
ered to arrange the lowest terms.
The number of returning
The attempts to capture the band
London, Oct. 11.—“It is regarded alien residents stands at 10 6 per cent
have made the brigands shy of here as certain that there will be an of the total immigration. In the
future traps, thus rendering negotia­ outbreak of civil war in Afghanistan, ” amount of money brought per capita
tions difficult. Such tactics are se­ says a dispatch from St. Petersburg, j there appears to lie an appreciable in­
verely criticized here. The brigands "arising from the claims of the fourth crease over last year, but the report
may in revenge kill their captive. son of the late Ameer, Mohammed says:
Moreover the fact that no money was Umar Khan, who is favored by Rus­ “The conclusion unfortunately is
produced on the first demand may sia. Telegrams were sent to Kush unavoidable that our immigration is
cause the brigands to mutilate Miss ordering large reinforcements of Rus­ constantly increasing in illiteracy.
Stone as a warning.
sian troops along the frontier to be Not only are we drawing more and
in readiness, if necessary, to seize more from the countries were illiteracy
Robbed Theatrical Trunks.
is high but also the immigrants
Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 14.—Charles
themselves are showing higher per
Norris, car inspector for the Lehigh
centages of illiteracy. Nearly one-
Berlin, Oct. 11.—Privy Councillor half of our steerage immigrants now
Valley railroad, was arrested here to
day for the theft of bonds, jewelry Gotseberger, who was recently appint- present an illiteracy of from 40 to
■ n:td other property valued at $70,000, ed by the Imperial government a over 50 per cent. ”
belonging to Mrs. Denman Thompson member of the consulting board in
and Mrs. Franklin Thompson, of the the connection with the preparation
Residence of Clau. Spreckeli Robbed.
“Old Homestead’’ company. Most of political and commercial measures,
Francisco, Oct. 10.—The resi-
■of the property, including $(50,000
worth of bonds, has been recovered. 17. He proposes to make an unoffi­ ■ dence of Claus Spreckels, corner of
The articles are said to have been cial tour in America for the study of Clay St. and Van Ness avenue, was en­
by burglars last evening. They
stolen from trunks in a baggage car. industrial and commercial-conditions I tered
forced a rear window while the family
: were at dinner, went upstairs and
Record-Breaking Coaching Trip.
Armour Plant at St. Louii.
i gathered in jewelry amounting in
Chicago, Oct. 14.—Armour <fc Co.
1 value to fully $5,(XX). Not until late
today completed the purchase of a bilt and James H.Hyde are scheduled at night was the loss discovered. No
tract of land at the National stock to leave the Holland House at 6 clew to the burglars was found.
yards, East St. Louis, and will soon o’clock tomorrow morning on a coach­
begin the erection of a packing plant ing trip to Philadelphia and return,
Gold Du.l Robbery.
to cost $1,000,000.
and they hope to make the trip a
Seattle, Oct. 9.—A $2,500 gold dust
record-breaking one. They will try robbery was committed on the Yukon
Rolling Milla May Ba Moved.
to be back at the Holland House at steamer White Horse on her last voy­
Everett, Oct. 14.—It is reported 110:30.o'clock at night. The distance age up the Yukon from Dawson. The
here that the Lakeview rolling mills by road for the round trip is about 200 I treasure was owned by Dr. P. D.
at Tacoma contemplace a change of miles. Seventy-two horses will be Carper, who arrived in Seattle today
base. The management has a site in used over the route, th^y being j from the north. The dust was a por­
changed every six or seven miles.
tion of a $25,000 shipment.
Everett under advisement.
Bv Order of the United States
Venezuela Inclined to Peace.
Caracas, Venezuela, Oct. 14.—Ven­
ezuela, on the surface, is inclining to
the attitude formerly expressed, of
favoring a friendly and conclusive ar­
rangement between Venezuela of the
existing trouble, principally because
the Venezuelans were defeated at
Guajira. They see small chance of
vanquishing the Colombians on the
Tachira frontier. President Castro
fears the vivifying effect upon nation­
alism of another military disaster.
Duel to ths Death.
San Deigo, Oct. 11.—Two rival sa­
loon-keepers were killed in a barroom
here last night. The two men were
standing on opposite sides of the bar.
Angry words passed and they drew
their revolvers and fired simultane­
ously. Posey sank down behind the
bar and expired almost instantly.
Quinlan staggerd into the street and
fell. He was picked up and taken
into a nearby saloon, where he died
a few minutes later.
Commander Randall Says Troops Deteriorate
in the Climate.
Washington, Oct. 10.—The war de­
partment has made public the annual
report of Brigadier General George
M. Randall, commanding the depart­
ment of Alaska. General Randall
lays much stress on the rigors of an
Alaskan winter. The cold he says is
intense and continues so from No­
vember to April, with severe and fre­
quent blizzards. There is no dock­
age for ocean vessels at the supply
port, Fort St. Michael, and all sup­
plies must be lightered from ships in
the open. If the weather is rough
the work of lightering becomes im­
General Randall says that the
moat important work in the depart­
ment, after providing for the housing
and supply of troops, was that of con­
structing the military telegraph line
and military road through Alaska.
The total length of the line construct­
ed up to August 15 was about 400
The work is being pushed as fast
as possible, and by the close of navi­
gation this year it is hoped that tel­
egraphic communication between
Fort St. Michael and Fort Gibbons,
420 miles distant, will have been es­
tablished. The constructing of these
lines, General Randall says, is attend­
ed with many dieffiulties peculiar
to an Arctic climate.
Owing to the isolation of army posts
and to the lack of facilities for in­
struction in drill and for convening
court-martial, General Randall says,
troops left to serve there for several
years must deteriorate in military effi­
ciency. He, therefore, recommends
that troopB stationed in Alaska be
relieved every two years, and that
only men with more than two years
to serve be ordered there. In con­
clusion General Randall says: “The
location of department headquarters
in Alaska for the past year is be­
lieved to have had a pronounced ben­
eficial effect toward the protection
of person and property and the estab­
lishment of good order in the terri­
tory. This has been accomplished
without friction with the civil au­
thorities, and in harmony, it is
thought, with the sentiment of all
law-abiding and self-respecting citi­
zens. ”
A Bureau * Information.
The Burlington ticket office in Portland is a veritable
Bureau of Information for travelers—a place where
they can learn what it will cost to reach ANY point in
America or Europe; how long the trip will take, and
what there is to see on the way.
If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and
get full information, or, if you prefer, write me about it
Mil. Stone's
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure In All Cases.
There is nothing like Asthmalene. It
brings instant relief, even in the worst
cases. It cures when all else fails.
The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, Ill.,
says: “Your trial bottle of Asthmalene receiv­
ed* in good condition. I cannot tell you how
thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I
was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat
and Asthma for ten years I despaired of ever
being cured. I saw your advertisement for the
cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease,
Asthma, and thought you had overspoken your­
selves. but resolved to give it a trial. To mv
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Sena
me a full-size bottle.”
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel.
New York, Jan 3, 1901.
Dr8. Taft Bros.’ Medicine Co.
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent
remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its com­
position alleviates all troubles which combine
with Asthma. Its success is astonishing and
After having it carefully analyzed, we can
state that Asthmalene contains no opium, mor­
phine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours,
Release to be Ad­
Avon Springs, N. Y ., Feb. 1,1901.
Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co.
Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a
sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect
of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma.
My wife lias been afflicted with spasmodic asth­
ma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my
own skill as well as many others, 1 chanced to see your sign upon your window on 130th street.
New York. I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the
first of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma
has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that lean consistently recom­
mend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease.
Yours respectfully,
O. D. PHELP8, M. D.
Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co.
Feb. 5,1901.
Gentlemen: I was ttoubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numerous remedies, but
they t aveall failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with atrial bottle. I found re-
liefat once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have family
of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am
doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see fl t.
Home address, 235 Rivington street.
67 East 129th st., City.
Absolutely Free on receipt of
Do not delay. Write at once,
CO., 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City.
O regon
a«» union P acific
Notoriety While In 9:00 a. m.
Albany, Oct. 10.—State Superin­
tendent of Prisons Collins has given
orders that Cozlgosz, the murderer of
Presient McKinley, must not be the
subject of noteriety while in Auburn
prison awaiting electrocution. He
must not be seen, and visitors must
not be permitted to enter any part of
the prison where knowledge might be
gained of his location. The warden
of the prison has been instructed to
inform the guards and other em­
ployes of the prison that the divulg­
ing of any information concerning
him or his doings will be considered
a grave breach of discipline, and will
be dealt with accordingly.
Working In Wrecked Mine.
Victoria, B. C., Oct. 10.—Work
has l>een resumed in the tunnel at the
extension mines this morning, a com­
mittee of miners having inspected it
and reported it to be free from gas
and damp. It will be some time be­
fore they are able to open |tortiona of
the mine in which the bodies are.
A Barroom Murder.
Charged With Train Wrecking.
Price, Utah, Oct .10.—Peter Fran­
cis was shot and killed at his ranch
last night 40 miles from here by
Dave Russell, stage driver. Bad feel­
ing has existed between the two for
some time. The killing occurred in
a barroom. Those present have no
re)iable story to tell,as the lights went
out when the trouble began and all
was confusion until the shooting had
all been done.
Middlesl>oro, Ky., Oct. 10.—A wreck
on the Louisville A Nashville rail­
road at Wasola,Ky.,seven miles north
of here, last night, resulted in the
death of Engineer James Bchumate,
of Middleaboro. James Hale, a brake-
man, was perhaps fatally injured.
The wreck was caused by a cross-tie
being placed on the track. A man
was arrested at Wasola charged with
the crime.
Re-covered and
Will Gain
A. C. S hildon , General Agent,
vanced by United States.
Paris, Oct. 10.—A letter received by
the Havas agency from Salonica,
dated October 6, says:
"The American consul here has
just received orders to make the ar­
rangements with the vali (governor)
for the payment of the ransom of
Miss Stone. The United States will
advance the money, afterwards set-
tliing with Turkey.
“The Turkish authorities have
made numerous arrests among the
Bulgarian population, without dis­
tinction of religion, and nearly all
have teen put to torture in the hope
of abstracting information. A prison­
er named Dimtri said an under­
standing existed between the protes­
tants and the Macedoonian commit­
tee, and that Miss Stone was even
acting in concert with them with
the view of obtaining funds for a
political-religious propaganda. These
declarations, wrung from Dimitri un­
der torture, are valueless. What is
certain is that the captain of the
band designated for the payment of
the ransom a place in the proximity
of the Roumanian frontier, which
proves that he hopes to escape the
Turkish police, and that the Bulga­
rian police do not cause him anxiety.
“The condition of affairs is shown
by the fact that five or six bands of
brigands of 12 to 15 men each have
become so bold between Strumitza
and Kuprili that the officials of the
Oriental railroad have requested the
military authorities to reinforce the
troops guarding the track and
bridges. ”
Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
Money for
9 p. m.
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8 p. m.
Daily Ex.
8 p. m
10 p. m.
Full line of repairs and all repair work dons
in the best style. South side Third Street near
Salt Lake, Denver. Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kan­ 4 :.T0 p. m.
sas City, St. Ixiuis,
Chicago and East.
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. 8:40 a. m.
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Ex Sunday
Salem Independence
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WIIlametta and Yam­
3:30 p. m.
7 a. m.
hill Rlv.r..
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and Sat.
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THE REPORT!*, McMtnnvlII., Ot.
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and Sat.
Willamette River.
4:30 p. m.
Portland to Corvallis Mun. We.
and Way-Lan dings.
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