UMIILI COUNTY REPORTEN. FAMINE IN RUSSIA. 782,000 Poods of Rye Will Be Required to D. I. ÀIBB1IT, Publisher. M c M innville ............. O regon . mnis onnt dat ------------ Aa Istereittng Collection ot Items Tram ths Twa Hemisphere* Presented In • Condensed Farm. Cuban election law will be promul­ gated. King Leopold, of Belgium,will visit America. A general strike of tobacco workers is on at Seville, Spain. Ex-Governor Pillsbury, of Minne­ sota, is dying of Brights disease. Senator Frye will remain at the head of the commerce committee. Palouse farmers are selling wheat readily at the local price of 40 cents. England orders 29,000 soldiers to be in readiness to proceed on active service. Cudahy withdraws the reward of $25,000 he offered for the abductors of his son. No passengers are allowed to sail from Cape Town porta without mili­ tary permits. Burglars blew open a safe at Bluff­ ton, O., setting fire to the building. They got nothing. The sultan says he will oppose any effort of Great Britain to assume au­ thority over Koweit. House of deputies of the Episco­ palian convention at San Francisco regulates remarriage after divorce. Johann Most, the anarchist leader, is sentenced to one years’ imprison­ ment for publishingarticles regarding the assassination of McKinley. Malvar is preparing to operate in Bulocan province. Pat Crowe states the terms on which he will surrender. The business section of Los Gatos was destroyed by fire. There is much demand for cheap Eastern Oregon lands. Catches of the Behring Sea fleet were reported by a sealer. , General Otis wants better garrison prisons in his department. Russia demands that Turkey pun­ ish the murderers of Armenians. The construction of more naval ves­ sels will be recommended to congress. A French aeronaut is trying to cross the Mediterranean in a balloon. There is criticism at Manila of the recent statements of Congressman Weeks. General Merriam calls attention to the necessity of better drill work by soldiers. Braganza, who ordered the execu­ tion of 103 Spanish prisoners, will be hanged. The steamer Ha Ting from Skag­ way to Vancouver, ran ashore on Jar­ vis Island. The attorney general of Washing­ ton holds that high schools cannot be supported by common school funds. Admiral Schley was placed on the retired list. Russians believe Afghanistan is on the verge of civil war. Martial law has been declared throughout Cape Colony. King Edward has bought back his former racing cutter Brittanin. Dr. H. P. Tuttle, inventor of thorite, dropped dead at Tacoma. Oregon's farm exhibit took first prize at Pan-American exposition. Prince Ching asks that foreigen merchants Is* removed from Pekin. Halifax police took two deserting British seamen from an American ship. Charges of drunkenness are made against Commander Tilley, of Tu- tuila. Ex Chief Justice Scott, of Wash­ ington,charged with criminal assault, proved an alibi. Miss Stone has l«een located in the mountains on the Turkish frontier, alive and well. Lipton’s offer to race Shamrock next year for the cup was rejected by the New York Yacht club. Colombian rebels fired on a British steamer at Tutnaco. A Seattle firm has l>een awarded a $2,0110,000 contract for dredging and improving the harbor of Manila. Fifteen Mexican artillery officers have been sent to France to study manufacture and manipulation of ordnance. Child instantly killed on the West Side railroad. Caleb Powers’ second trial opened at Georgetwon. Sensation was sprung in the trial of ex-Chief Justice Scott, of Washing­ ton. Accordng to the anthropologist, Al­ fredo Nicefore, a North Italian differs lees from a German than he doe* from a Cicillian. At a historic place not far from Albany, N. Y., a certain young man who is fond of having his name ap­ pear wherever it will be seen, care­ fully carved his initials, which hap­ pened to be "A. 8.” Some mean per­ son wrote directly under it, ’’Two- third* of the truth. ” Relieve Distress in One Province. St. Petersburg. Oct. 16.—(Corres­ pondence of the Associated Press.)— It can now b forseen that the wide­ spread crop failures, the consequent famine and the relief work of the government and of philanthropists will be engrossing subjects in this empireduring the approaching winter The word famine is not used in the official publications, which speak of famine-stricken districts as "places that are in an unfavorable condition as respects the harvests,’’ but the facts that are freely admitted show that the struggle to keep the peasant population alive until a new harvest will l>e harder than has been known since 1891-2. The extent of the disaster can be vaguely surmised from an inspection of the government re­ port, which names the province of Viatka as among those where there was an "insufficient harvest,” and which gives the amount of govern­ mental assistance required at 782,000 poods of rye. FOUR CASES OF SMALLPOX City Authoritie» Have Patients Under Sur­ veillance. Chehalis, Wash., Oct. 16. — Four cases of smallpox have developed at Chehalis within the past few days. The authorities took the matter in hand promptly and quarantined three houses. The disease was brought here from Ellensburg. There is no general alarm or disturbance of busi­ ness, as nearly everyone was vacci­ nated when the scare first came, two years ago. New cases that may de­ velop will be promptly quarantined by the city authorities. Smallpox, in a mild form, was prevalent in sev­ eral parts of the county for a long time after its first apperance in 1899, but there has been none in Chehalis for over a year until now, and no cases are known to exist in any other part of the county. Three Deaths From Black Damp. Connellsville, Pa., Oct. 16.—Black damp today caused the death of John Gilleland a miner, aged 50 years, and bis two sons James and Winfield,aged 11 and 15, at the mines of the Juniata Coke company, near Juniataville. The bodies were rescued, but in the effort John Nicholson, mine fireman, and John Baker,a fire boss, were over­ come by black damp and are in a precarious condition. James had climbed to the top of some of the boards surrounding the pit, which had been abandoned, when he was over­ come by a sudden gust of the fumes and fell in. The brother went to his rescue, and not returning, the father entered the pit. All three were over­ come immediatelyand were dead long before it was possible to send fresh air into the shaft and attempt a res­ cue. «I STATE UTO Items of Interest From All Parts of the State. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL HAPPENINGS A Brief Review of the Growth end Improve­ ments of the Many Industries Through­ out Our Thriving Comrrmawooith. Umatilla county has 103 schools and nearly 3,000 school children. The slope is now down over 1,200 feet at the Beaver Hill mine. A Hubbard correspondent says the Pudding river bridge will be rebuilt. R. C. Edwards’ big log drive of 3,- 500,000 feet for the Harrisburg saw­ mill has reached its destination. The Empire Gold Miningcompany, of Portland, will station a $75,000 gold dredger on the John Day river. The Monument school board has decided to purchase new desks and make improvements on the grounds. A stamp mill will soon be put on the Merritt, Applegate & Leever quartz mine in the Elk Creek district. Through the kindness of Charles Martin, the citizens of Hubbard have access to over 1,500 books, which he has placed in the room over the post- office. William Allen had the largest pota­ toes of the season on exhibition last week at Lostine. Among them were three that averaged three pounds and six ounces each. The oil fields above Vale are creat­ ing an excitement next to the famous Big Bend gold fever a few weeks ago. More than 12,000 acres are now lo­ cated and half a dozen surveying parties are in the field. The hotels at Vale are crowded. The latest news from the Malheur oil fields is to the effect that loca­ tions and locators have become so thick that the county recorder is obliged to insist that the applicants form in line and take their turn when they come to tile their applications. Michael Primeau.a miner employed at the Red Boy mine, was injured last week by the explosion of a cap that was placed on the wrong end of a fuse. A small piece of copper imbed­ ded itself in his right thigh and ne­ cessitated his going to the hospital at Baker City. Sumpter’s new hotel is nearing completion. City election at Albany will take place December 2. A lodge of Woodmen of the World has been organized at Milton. An institute of Jackson county teachers will be held at Ashland, October 16-18. A. A. Davis warehouse at Medford, which collapsed recently, will not be rebuilt until the grain in it, of which there is about 10,000 bushels, is sold. The onion crop of Milton is large. Several carloads have already been shipped out, mainly to Kansas and Nebraska. Probably 20 carloads will be shipped from Milton this season. Dr. N. G. Blalock, of Walla Walla, is purchasing-large quantities of fruit throughout the Walla Walla valley and in the vicinity of Weston and Ath na. ALASKA LINER ASHORE. Struck in a Dense Fog—-Passengers Not in Danger. Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 15.—In a dense fog the Canadan Pacific steamer Ha Ting, from Skagway to Vancou­ ver, went ashore yesterday afternoon at Tucker Bay, Jarvis Island, and is now hard and fast on the rocks. The place is a small rocky islet lying to the northeast of Lasquettl Island, at the entrance to Sabine Strait, 49 miles north of Vancouver. When the steamer went ashore Cap­ tain Gosse was on watch, and first officer Newrotsos was on the bridge with the master of the vessel. The fog at the time was so dense that it was impossible to see 10 feet in any direction. The Ha Ting had on board 170 passengers, of whom 130 were first class and 40 second class. There was no panic when the steamer struck, and the passengers were soon made aware that there was no danger to be apprehended. After examina­ tion of the steamer, when it was found that she could not get off the rocks by her own efforts, the captain started Pilot Gunns off to Vancouver in a ship’s boart with four men. Gunns rowed down, arriving in Vancouver this afternoon. He met no steamer until his crew had rowed 35 miles distance, when a tug picked them up. The Ha Ting is a particularly good boat, having been brought from Hong Kong for the northern trade about eight months ago. Her esti­ mated value is $240,000. The Ha Ting a Total Loss. , Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 15.—The latest reports from the steamer Ha Ting are to the effect that a big hole has been discovered in the steamer’s bottom. It is stated that at high tide the stern is under seven feet of water. The passengers have all been landed on adjacent islands. Canadian Pa­ cific officials here have advices to the effect that the Ha Ting will be a total loss. Captain Gosse, who was in command, was considered a most care­ ful and successful navigator. This is his first accident. LETTER FROM PAT CROWE. He Will Surrender If Bail Is Placed at $500— Letter Believed to be Genuine. mi miLADit nm '“FIREWORKS" TO COMBATANTS Armi and Ammunition Being Shipped From New York to South America. To be Held in Readiness for Ac­ New York, Oct. 14.—The Tribune says: “The Colombian government tive Service. has been buying several rapid-tiro — guns here and shipping them south. 29.000 BRITISH SOLDIERS AT ALDERSHOT Speculators in the West Indies and Central and South America, expect­ Other European News — Large Majority of ing eventually to dispose of arms and French Miners Vote Against Strike— ammunition to the revolutionists, They Fear Loss of Trade. who are paying good prices for such wares, áre sending stocks to South London, Oct. 16.—The Pall Mall America marked "fireworks.” The Gazette this afternoon says: use of the term fireworks is not in­ “Orders have been received at Aider­ tended to conceal altogether the na­ shot to hold every available man in ■ readiness to proceed on active ser- j ture of the shipments, as they are vice. The garrison totals 29,e swindles. For years Mr. Sands ! who have settled upon Indian allot­ ask assistance of Emperor Nicholas had engaged in the banking business ments to vacate at once. No trouble of the diplomatic corps, a bond for dozen ; turkeys, live, 12® 15c; dressed, and the Ameer of Bokhara.” in Missouri and Nebraska. is feared. the indemnity of 450,000,000 taels. 10(812>$c per pound. Mutton — Iaimba, 3t$c, gross; Bad Fire at Beaumont. Escap'd In Their Cellar. Maintaining Order at Cabul. Boer Forces Disappear. | dressed, 6(86 ^c per pound; sheep, Beaumont, Tex., Oct. 16.—At 12:2oj Clifton, Kan., Oct. 14.—At 6 30 London, Oct. 15.—"A large Af­ New York, Oct. 16.—Heavy rains $3.25, gross; dressed, 6c per lb. Hogs — Gross, heavy, $6(46.25; ghan force has been assembled around this morning fire was discovered burn­ last night in a clear spell that fol­ have temporarily interfered with the communication between the columns light, $4.7 d (35; dressed, 7