Carnival Is Over. LOCAL NEWS. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Glass & Prudhomme U »i G L Williams .......... Irwin Hodson Co. . . McMinnville News . Telephone-Register O O R hude................ Irwin Hodson Co.. . . Blacksmithing— Johnson & Neul ... J C McKern.............. P P Durant................ Circuit Court— Witness fees.............. The carnival is over and everybody CieHt values to he had in ink and bargain. My grocery stock is complete, atee too often, if the fresh and clean. I am paying the high­ pencil tablets and bchool HUpplies ut the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child E L Wing, liverv............................ J L Vickery, hardware................ Racket store. reaches an age when it ohould be able tc Frank Barber, wood...................... est market price for eggs, butter, lard, control the passage, it is yet afflicted with President Edwin McGrew of Pacific bacon, chickens, etc., ami I am giving Wade & Co, hardware.................. College, New berg, will preach in I he bed wetting, depend upon it. the cause oi Pacific States Telephone, rent away another Rambler bicycle. the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first Willamette Valley “ “. . Cuinb. Presbyterian church next Sunday step should be towards the treatment o: C. C. MURTON. morning at 11 a. m. All are invited. these important organs. This unpleasant XV. D. Wright, who was kept at home i : k . You get the Best values in hats, sboep, trouble is due to a diseased condition cf th< kidneys and bladder and not to a habit a; during the carnival with illness, is very corsets, hosiery, <»¡1 cloth, ribbons, lace, This is splendid weather for the fall and embroidery, tinware and notions, most people suppose. grateful for the consideration shown him Women as well as men are made mis work. at the Racket Store. erable with kidney and bladder trouble by the band and parade on Friday in E. H. Taylor spent Monday in Sheri The first lecture of the Star conry, on and both need the same great remedy coming around lo his residence and per­ dan. Monday evening, by Tiios. \ Buyer, The mild and the immediate effect o mitting him to hear the sweet music anti G. Benton anti wife were Sunday vis Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sole see the beautiful queen ami her attend­ was an able effort, bnl poorly attended, itors at E. H . Taylor's. by druggists, in fifty- ants. It was a kind act and fully ap- Prune drying at Fanning’s is over and owing to the peofde being tired out by cent and one dollar those employed there returned to their carnival festivities. predated by the old gentleman and his sizes. You may have ag; homes Sunday. sample bottle by mail good wife. For sprains, swelling« Mr. J. Evenden made a business trip there is not hing as good free, also pamphlet tell- Home of Swauip-Root. Lester P. Fraker anti Miss Edith mg all about it, including many of th( this week to a place near Salem, return Iain’s pain balm. Try it. thousands of testimonial letters recelvec Mitehell Mere married last week at ing home Tuesday Iloworth 9 00 tober, 1901, administrator of the eslate of W. R. ing and two at the evening service. The lie was not married. Johnson, deceased, and all persons hauing t.eo Lepptrt.............................. ........ 14 25 claims against said estate are hereby required lo prayer services are growing in interest Next Sunday morning Rev. Henry T. Spaulding in McCain X Vinton . . ...100 oo HtlininistnUor of the estate ot Joseph \i alt. cordially invited to attend all these ser- the reform school at Salem and were < > O Rhttde . ........ 4 00 deceased, has tiled with t he county court of (In­ vices. . ........ 6 00 state of Oregon, for Yamhill county, his linai apprehended Monday evening in the County clerk, filings........ at.... tint as such administrator of said estate barn of Mrs. Hill south of town, Mr. J M Yocoiti ............................ ......... 122 25 and that Monday, the second day of liecemher. Advertised l.etters. I N Branson .......................... ........ 35 So A. it Itali, at the hour of eleven'o’t-loek a. m , Shreeves, tha ollicer who came after J M Chapman, inquest. ........ 32 IO has been fixed hv said courts« the time lor hear­ The following letters remain uncalled all objections to said report ami the settle­ 27 20 ing for in the McMinnville postotlice Oct. them, secured Granst.rom, but the otiu r I C McCrea ............ ment thereof. V» . 1.. BOISE, . ........ 66 67 Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Watt, boy got away. thought I should surely die, and tried a 1* Rasmussen.................. claims and that said proofs will be ina \ \ M mock . . . 10 00 continnous residence upon and cultivation of worth A Co. Sutton, C ilkins X Co . ........ 20 OO said land, viz: MexanderA. Walker anti ( has. Jones, of Chase, Ore.; Isaac Lambright and J. E. . . . 16 00 Stow . of <¡opher. Ore.. The < »illiert pro|M»rt v at the foot of D Nichols N Gabriel................ C 1» Frisscll 8 00 And Alexander A Walker; IT. E. 117GI for the street was Hohl by the executor, T Jas Thomas........ 16 00 S hf of NE .¡r and N hf of SE qr Sec. 1?, T. 4 s -. \\ Long, on Monday to Misses Hattie ami I W f isbhurn ... 18 00 i: He names the following witnesses to prove . . IO OO his continuous residence upon and cultivation .Myrtle Williams for i'lmv will <»• < « W I leiidersbott . . of said land, viz: John M. Patterson ami ( has. I ’ I- Small . . . .... I 00 cupy it as their resilience. The following of Chase, Or.: Isa a* Lambright, of Go­ J II Hibbs ... IO 00 Jones, pher, Or.; William Ileckard. of Chas«-. Or. bids were submitted: .lames M. Pugh Stationery — CH AS. B MOORES, Register. That’s a good name for Hattie ami Myrtle Williams '•ono. Jas M* C lilt................................ tb 20 ^(ITICI. rOH Pl lll.K’1TIO\. Scott’s Emulsion. Children \. S. Campbell $SI0, John Newell, » ---- T--------- - Mis. D. A. Pennington, E. T i Laud Office at Oregon City. Ore. arc like young plants. Some Branson $72<>. Sept. 28, T mii \rOTICE is hereby given that the following- will grow in ordinary soil. The little son of Roswell Bewlov was! named settler has filed under See. 2301. IC S. notice of his intention to make final proof in badly hurt last Thursday afternoon while! Others need fertilizers. support of his claim, and that said proof will be iilk I c before Register and Re ceiver at Oregon ridings horse I'he hors<* slipped ami * W (’ity. Ore., on November 12th, 1901; viz- Amos The nature of some children fell, and the little boy’s left leg was Bergseth: II E. 12121 for th«' E hf of NE qr, NE qr, NE qr of NW «¡r Sec. IS, T.2 s . prevents them from thriving caught under the horse ami the ankle The hhvvl tuny be in bad condition, K NW 6 qrof W yet u i I h no external signs, no skit He names the following witnesses to prov«* on ordinary food Such chil­ joint was badly rinshed. Dis. Smith A ■•ruptton or sons to indicate it. The his continuous residence upon ami cultivathm ol said land, xiz: William G. Rhnde, ofGray’> Barber were called in ami reduced the I dren grow right if treated right. fracture, ami he is getting along as well ' f V* ; >-'is in such cases being a variable River, Wash.: William T. Macy, George ('. East­ of Eainlale. Or. p’ , ‘it ?, | i«r
  • rly showing the blood hu Scott’s Emulsion is the right Vant'love < 'o. dm ing the carnival. Pho 'ttTb K i« hereby given tosll |n rsotts inter e-tetl. that the nnderalitned h.-isdniysp- I : its nutritive qualities, has become thir l>hed 10 the County Court for Yarnhill eonnlt treatment. two gentlemen at the bead of the show pid w . It is in ju t such cases that Slat, of OleKOll, to; la- apfaiinteil a us r< 11101 ■ > I are tine actors ami true to life, while the Waller H. E, Anthony, a minor w bo resides with­ S. S. S. ■ lone some of its quickest anc Fertilizers make thingsgrow. out the stale of Oregon, hut w ho has real uroja-r- two ladies of the company are not a whit ni t u. i\e work by building up the ty within -aid Yamhill i-oitmy. and said f.'ourt That’s just what Scott’s Emul­ lu-himl. The versatility of Miss Babe! bl«* 1 and ju; plying the «dements lacking lias set Saturday, thtober I'.ith. A l>. Isol, at th. hour of one o’clock p. in of said .lai. at th»- < ourt house of raid county, as the time and plan sion does. It makes children Fischer is remark able on aemmit oi In < to make it strong and vigorous. to hi ar saut application.' youth. I'hecompany plaxe«I toj Thia notice is published by order of the Coun­ grow in flesh, grow in strength, extreme My wife teseti sev- ty Judge of said Yamhill county, made Septem­ good houte* ami won their esteem, ami U.ttL s of S. S. S. ber lath, a . It. grow rich blood, grow in mind, when they return, as they e\|»e« t t< II H. BI RVON, Applicant. ! punto r an<1 weak f.nd three niontlia, M< Minnvillv grow happy. That’s what we alwmt 1X14 1 TOK'* r 14 I OF % II I (II ;trn»,with give them a cordial uelrome. REAL F*l’ITK. . IT I by Ilirsch, their a«hanre man. is make it for. ovetti, nt. gentleman ami a shrew*! u/ent. V I ICE is hereby tiven that the umb p-ien»-.5 Send for free sample. ’tirtl it a as« xt < inur <>t thv estate ot \nnie I Hr- Osteopath}* not only treats chronic SCOTT i BOWNK. Chetm-t . «.«l Trail St. N Y. -c ;»r- >uc*nd ¿a.out all druggists. court ot Yamhill county, Oregon. «July diMww, but also treat*aP mute o to do, wtII. at his office at th«* ferii« » uh 4li«enaeu, vhihlren’a ih<. ;ii“i John Mnotoa an*l free. C. T. Smith, 1>. ()., graduate under I» all pa<<$ of the nstem. nite. Notification No I.LT.’, claim N«». 74. and in Section No. 13, in T As R. 5 W of the Willam­ founder of the avierce. S is the only j u».l;- vegctT*"k ton R.1,.1 at ,Br. ette m«ri«1ian, and running thence north with It rlranra*. »r*ahe« .nA Ni-«! j'-.tnfier known. It contain« no min- •v» «t line of «aid claim IvtO chains; them »'east be»t. ihr.>> *t*rrh west % chains to che place of beginning, and and dH.. . >•>, a VuM n Uood and ski i «, and N‘ing . la th. H m K quH -kl». It_______ _______ ______ part of said donation lan«t claim above name<1. physUSaus for any ¡»•ionp.Ri i or advùt la almorí .4 III. and Proust» the M.-n Dated this Sept« mher It^h. K D. 19i»l .9 . Hiii» «igni to n» 1» on even box ef th«» genuine ReMorra lha Nena*, of and Sn>. It Eul| F « APPRR4OX. iv-inti'-l No ch-ir - for uu .lie.'! advice. Executor of Estate of Annie E. Breon, de •Ar : Trial Ritte |nr.: at ne hr mail Laxative Bromo Quinine T»Meu Kt! BROTUKKS, M W arrea Surat, New TurV ^eaMxi. Io¿ .*>» f SPECIFIC C0„ AILANT«, SA. Ibe ramraiy that rar., n r«ld tn <»w .1», W J’EiiTUN. A try for Estate. V® <-*M . . > - ■>, in. and «hi» •« has been You Ila . .. .- 30 years, inis liofile the sign;.lute <> over nt t. . z/ _ litui hits been made under hi P‘ ‘- ani situ <■ >ts'• no one to deceive you h‘ ♦!>'*• All ( -i .Jo.ns ami Substitute- uve but I». ■>-. tn« 1 ■. - <; t.'iio v.ith tntd endaiipev the lieaiili <> Inltmts : <1 t h - '. .-a - >. vuoi >e«u e ag,:iiust !•?;pet intent. sS C/Sistorh ¡t *’ibst it lift* for Oil, Parrx'01’*4*« i>roF^ :in,l S<»o( S.yi t'.p . It »s Harmless anti Plt'a-ant«* Ei colli. . - I« • < ium, Jlorphinc nor other ^.trroi.e Hiibsta .< ' s .«* is .. ¡Ls its guarantee. git:natt(c<\ I ( tlcM ro.( M ornK anti allays PoverisLiiess, St, cures 1 »iarilnett ami Wind .l’pipr Tfotiblcs, cures «’onstipatiitn C-olir. It relieves ami Phy tilt :><\v. 9‘ as itatl.-ilcs (lo- l-'ootf, régulâtes the . gititi" healthy and natural sleep. Ktoimieli and !*<»< The Childn*ii’s Pumu*«*»— The Mother’s Friend. CEHumrz CASTORIA always Scars the Signature cf f » A m I ilo ' ■* ' .. g ■ I a JL ck i f j i’fd A yU JOB A VT A v 1 V N JAH. 1st \ in ■ < Síil : • tí I will give to someone A Fine $50 Peninsular Range 3 N N Druggist CATARRH rcfftMBAurl Ely’s Cream Balm FEVE S’ 8 1 8 Buy One Dollar's worth of goods and you may get the lucky number. My building is almost completed, and it costs money , > move. I will pay you to take the goods. Call and get the cut in prices. Goods must go. O. O. HODSON. X Children's Fertilizer I IFRFF. ! OOOOOOOtXX : OOOO <1 «I <1 «I «< <» « J xeon W ortman , Pres. J ohn W ortman , Cashier. l.i» H endricks , Vice Pres. A rthur M c P hillihs , Asst. Cashier The hirst National Bank ;< Of McMinnville, Oregon. 'I'he Oldest l’atik in Yamhill Comity. Established in 1S85. Capital and Surplus, $90,0«x>. Buys and .ells . xt hai.-c on all the principal cities of the United Stat .in ii aws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The accounts of Firm« .’mi Individuals solicited. ’¡JA» 3Ä57 The McMinnville National Bank. Of McniNNVIl.LE, OREGON. I’ aih t \pi> \i -. o.uiiu B i rplus and P rofits , S25,000 Tranra.-t. h «i.-ti.-nt i.aukin -I -t it.... «mi rxtends to It. patron« every fatilitv eon.'.-t. it with safe and prudent banking. J DIREfTORS: L. E. Cowls XV m. Cain fibril W. L. Warren Lee Laughlin, ¡’re'.. .1. L. Hogers, Vice Pres E.C. Apt>ct son,Cashier XV. S. Link, Asst. Cashier Office hours o a m. to 4 p. m. —Will Have A Large Assortment of— t Ladies' and Children's Fall and Winter Hats Before buying elsewhere, be sure and see what we have. - - - - M rs . H. A. S wanson .