VOL. XXXI. Enteredatthe Postofticein McMinnville as Second-class matter. M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, OC T. 11,1901. One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents. NO. 43. OP CHICAGO STORE Retiring From Business! 1 ENTIRE STOCK AT A( TEAL NEW YORK COST EING about to engage in other business, we commence . . . •L J Of Our Entire Stock at Actual New York Cost. The Stock Must Positively be Turned Into Money on or before December 15th. nothing but Extremely Low Prices will accomplish the result. As the time is short, we realize that We had no idea of this change when our Eall Stock was bought. All our old goods had been sent to our Astoria House during the Summer, and an Unusually Large and Complete Stock was secured for the McMinnville Store. Now this Entire Stock has got to go__ no reserve. You know the Chicago Store gets up no Fake Sales. commencement of the season, This is a reality. If you want to get New, Fresh Goods lower than you ever bought them before, and at the very you had better not delay, as the extreme low prices will clean up many desirable lines in a short time. Positively no credit during this sale. ALL STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Some of The Pniees That Will Do the Work 12} Flannelette, Fleece Lined........... 61c 8Jc Outing Flannels........................... ................ 5c 25c Japanese Silks, all colors................................................... Fine Wash Taffeta Silks and Silk Flannels, all colors, 79c regular price fl, now................................................. 39C 50c Black Silks................................................................... $1.00 “ ..................................................................... 79c $1.25 “ ..................................................................... 98c Double Fold yard wide Wool Suiting, all wool, plain colors and mixtures, worth 50, 60 and 65c, all go at 39c 75, 85 and 90c fine wide Wool Dress Fabrics................ 59c Fine French Wool and Silk and Wool Waisting in plain and stripes, all colors, bought to sell at 75c all go at 39c 45c a pair 75c full 10-4 Cotton Blankets.................... .. 19c each Ladies’ Heavy Fleece-lined Underwear 19c each Children’s Fleece-lined Underwear all lines Wool Blankets at actual mill prices. Best Indigo Print, 4{e per yard. 20-40 Huck Towels........................................ 10c 18-36 “ ....................................... 8c Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Fine Underwear at actual New York cost. Gents' Heavy Fleece-Lined Ribbed Uuderwear, Shirts or Drawers......... .................................. ............... 33-inch Frenchette Flannel Waistings, was 20c, now Same Goods in 32-inch..................................................... Ladies’ Fine, Full Reg. made Hose, never under 25c. 35c Rib Top Fleeced Hose now......................... Child's 2-thread Cotton Hose, all sizes, now ......... Fine 25c Ribbons, wide, all silk, all colors, Fancy and Plain, now all............................................................... Mackintoshes, all Ladies', Gents' and Children’s Mack­ intoshes reduced 25 per cent. 14c SHOES. A chance to buy Honest Shoe Leather lower than you ever saw it sold before. GENTS’SHOES, $2 grade............................................... 12 50 grade............. $3 00 grade ............ »3 50 grade . . . . $4 00 grade $4 50 grade ............ $5 0(1 grade LADIES’ SHOES- $1 75 grade ............................................................ 2 00 grade ......................... ............................. o 50 grade .................................... 3 00 grade ........... * ............................. ............ 3 50 grade ........................................................ Children's and Bovs' Shoes Reduced 25 per cent. Ladies Rubbers, 1st Quality.................. Second Quality...................................................... Men’s Short Rubber Boots.................................. Men’s Long “ .................................. Ladies' Rubber Roots........................................... Boys’ Heavy “ .......................................... WRAPPERS— All $1 Wrappers ............................................. All $1 25 cl All $1 50 39c 15c 12c 19c 21c 9c Dress Trimmings, all kinds, 20 per cent. Mon’ Best Blue Overalls...................................................... 37c O. N. T. Spool Cotton, 3 spools.......................................... 10c Gents’25c Wool and Cotton Socks 19c. All finer and cheaper ones show the same reduction. Fascinators, Hoods and Knit Goods 25 per cent Men’s 50c. shirts................................ 39c 4 65c 4 4 ......... 48c 4 95c 59c 4 4 fl ......... '79c 4 4 4 I 11.35 98c Our entire stock Best Warranted Kid Gloves, all colors. 95c GENTS’ WORK GLOVES— 50c Kind............................................................................... 39c 75c “ .................................. 48c. $i “ ..................................... ; 79c UMBRELLAS— 25 per cent discount on any Umbrella in the house. Men’s and Boys’ Caps, all kinds 19c HATS— $1.50 Hats all 98c 4 4 2.00 4 4 ....... fl 48 44 2.50 1 89 2 ! 13 3.00 4 4 4 4 44 3.50 2 ! 69 Yard Wide New Fall Percales 9c, was 12c Ready Made Sheets 39c Pillow Cases............................. .......... 9c KID FITTING CORSETS 59c Kind 39c A 75c “ ............................ . . 59c $1.00 “.................... 79c 1.25 “.................................... 98c 1.50 “ ................................. fl 13 z a 4 44 4 $1 1 2 2 2 3 3 39 79 19 69 98 39 98 i i 1 2 2 29 48 89 19 79 Xi 44 4 32c 23c 2 : 19 3 I 0(1 1 09 1 59 75c 98c 1 13 4 Never was a Stock more complete, never were prices at the commencement of the season made so low. We’re positively going to leave Mcninnville, and the goods must be sold. Dress Goods and Silks, the Finest Stock on the West Side, all at New York Cost. 25 per cent on all Boys’ Clothing. Not an article reserved during this Sale; everything at actual cost CLOAKS,SUITS AND JACKETS—Never was our Stock more complete, never were prices marked so low,and from these prices, which are all marked in plain figures, we give yon a discount of 25 per cent. You should not delay. Goods at these prices will go like the wind. When they are gone there will be no more, as we are clearing out for good. All Store Fixtures, Show Cases, Mirrors, Etc., for sale at a bargain. Never in the history of old Yamhill lias there been a Stock like this thrown on the market at the very commencement of the Season at Actual Cost. We have reasons. We’re going into other business, and we don’t want tin- goods, but do want the money. Country Merchants will do well to look through our Stock Indore buying. In fact there is not an article in the entire store but what is reduced. You had better lay in a good supply for Fall and Winter while the stock is complete. You may never have another opportunity like this. I Mr 5 Salesladies Wanted Apply at ©nee CHICAGO STORE £