/ PHYSICIANS LOCAL NEWS. E. UOCCHEK, H. b. Physician and Surgeon. G. 8. Wright, dentibt. Lhe Newberg schooU o[«n September . 30th. Seven-room house anil barn to rent, ' on B street. L. R oot . Office over McMinnville National Bank. Dr. Martin Adams has been up from I'alls responded to Pay and Night. MCMINNVILLE - - - - OREGON. Portland this week. Try Whiteson creamery butter. For OOK & CABLE, sale by Wallace & Walker. tf Mose Ballard returned from Astoria Monday evening. Physicians and Surgeons. Rooms in Jacobson Block, M c M innville , ... C. AHCHAUX, n. D., The Grange store is making some big cute on the price of ehoes for a few days. There are five Peatls attending the O bxson . college this year, young ladies whose 6ret name is Pear). Physician and Surgeon, Mi MINNVILLE, OREGON. Oiliee in flight Block |)R. C. T. SniTH, Osteopathic Physician Union Block, McMinnville, Oregon. Oilice Hours, 10-12 and 2-4. Examination Free. BARBERS. j OGAN BROS., BARBERS We are located opposite H. C. Burns’ and aim to give all customers good treatment for little money. Balti rooms in connection. Your pat ro.iage solicited. HARNESS J7LSIA WRIGHT, Manufactures and Deals in HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, fcnd brushes, and sells them cheaper than they can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. yyiLLARD &EHRMAN, Proprietors of CITY MARKET. Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds South side Third St. between B and C. DRAYMEN ßROWER & SON, McniNNVILLE Truck and Dray Co Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful handling guaranteed. Collections will be made moot lily. Hauling of all kinds done cheap. Loban carries a good stock of light and heavy harness. Call and get prices. Workmanship first-class. tf John Ehrman has returned from Port­ land, and is again behind the block at the meat market. Lambert Bros, want all the poultry, eggs and farm produce, tor which they will pay the highest cash price. At Palmer’s old staud. The Independence Enterprise and WeBt Side have been consolidated, H. E. Waggoner of the Enterprise continuing the two. For Sale—A thoroughbred Poland- China boar. lnquire of C. S. Hulin, at the Wheeler place. 40-2 During the carnival the W. C. T. U. will have charge ot a free rest room. Mr. Hodson has kindly offered the upstairs of his uew building. Buy your grass seeds of J. A. D erby & S on . The annual county convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held Oct. 1st and 2d at Lafayette. Lena Scott, secretary; Mrs. R. H. Grover, county president. Services will be held as usual at the Baptist church on Sunday. Subject for morning, “David's Prayer Against Sin.” Evening, “His Own Brother.” Rev. H. T. Atkinson and Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Hoberg are attending the Methodist conference at Hillsboro. We make feed chopping and rolling a specialty. Farmers, bring your grain to us and we will make both your pocket book and animals glad. J. A. D ebby & S on . A McMinnville lady who with many others finds the name of Czolgosz, the assassin, hard to pronounce, simply calls it “Gol darr,” and passes on. One man after exchanging all his son’s old school books, had to pay $8 for the new. They come high, but we have to have them. Married, at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 25th, 1901, at the residence of the bride’s parents near town, Mr G. G. Taal of LaGrande and Miss Rose Hilary of this city, Rev. L. W. Riley of the First Baptist church officiating. A silver medal contest will be given under the auspices of the ladies of the W. C. T. U. of Lafayette at that place, Friday Sept. 27th. Admission five and ten cents. Everyone invited. ' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat­ ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree­ ably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur­ The rains this week have not caused face* over which it diffuses itself. Druggists Walter Miller great anxiety, as lhe six sell tho 50c. size; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue acres he had remaining to he picked were not yet fully matured. Ho seems the treatment. Announcement. more fortunate than most of the hop­ To accommodate those who are partial growers this year in having a yield to the use of atomizers in applying liquids iuto the nasal passages for catarrhal trou- equal to that of last year. fries, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in The attendance at McMinnville col­ liquid form, which will be know.n as Ely’s Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the lege this year ¡8 probably more widely spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by distributed than ever before. One young mail. The liquid form embodies the med­ lady, Miss Pearl Tindell, comes from icinal properties of the solid preparation. eastern Tennessee. Others are from Mias Idaho and eastern Oregon. Mifylene Fraker, an accomplished solo (nLtflKIM M'HOOI. NOTES. ist irom Pendleton, has enrolled in the School started off nicely the 23d, and musical department. has been running smoothly ever since. Attorneys from abroad who have been Everybody seems to be working hard and minding his own business, and if present at the sitting of court this week such continues there will be no trouble are: Judge Pipes and Judge Magers of all the way through the year. Portland, 8. B. Huston of Hillsboro, Prof. Aiderman and Miss Bird have C. C. Linden and J.T. Simpson of Sher­ charge of the 9th and 10th grades. Miss idan, J. N. Hart of Dallas, C. W. Tal­ Bristow the 7th, Miss Newell the 6th, Miss Green the 3d and 4th and Miss mage of Tillamook, Clarence Butt of Hembree the 1st and 2d grades. Total Newberg, Judge Ramsey of Salem and enrollment of both schools, 320. Ore Price of Portland. We have new text books throughout Mrs. Annie Evenden left on Saturday the grades and, although a little harder for Pullman, Wash., after spending a than the old ones, they are very inter­ brief vacat'on with her family in Gopher esting and instructive. There are about forty-five high school valley. During that vacation she not students at present and several more yet only cooked for threshers bnt put up 150 to come. quarts of fruit. Mrs. Evenden has been Our literary societies are being talked chosen by the faculty of the Washington of and will soon be reorganized. state agricultural college to a permanent Some of the boys are talking foot ball l>oeition in the chair of music and they and we hope to see some good games be­ are very proud of her rare musical skill. fore the end of the season. The first double wedding that ever took place in Polk county, was performed Kitchen Drugs. in Independence last week by the Rev. J. R. Baldwin, Miss Julia Izske and Of all the products used in the kitchen W. C. Williams, and Miss Ada Locke flavoring extracts that are pure and and C. E. Tedrow, being the contracting strong are hardest to get. Try our ex­ tra t of vanilla, it is absolutely pure, parties. The clergyman |«rforming the ma le from the highest grade of Mexican ceremony says that this is the first vauilla bean. There is one danger in its double marriage with but one ceremony use: do not use more than one-half as he ever performed, though he has “tied niich as of other kinds; if you do yon the knot” for several hundred couples. w ill spoil your pastry. It is double the strength of other kinds. The same rule Oregon climate must be ¡>eculiar. It applies to our lemon extract. We only makes men so ambitious that they seek make two kinds, lemon and vanilla. • ither articles for the kitchen cream of after additional honors to the neglect of tartar, soda, turmeric, mustard seed, duties to which people have chosen mustard, celery seed and pure olive oil them. This county has at least two cases in any quantities of unquestionable of this kind at the present time that are purity. Ixt us remind you the safe place to attracting public criticism. It may be laid down as a well grounded truth that get drugs is at a drug store. R ogers B ros .’ P harmacy , when a man is elected or appointed a McMinnville, Oregon. public servant tbe people expect him to give his first attention—personal atten­ tion, if you please—to the duties thus im­ posed, and the people will not be satis­ fied with anything less. G. 8. Wright, dentist. Capt. H. L. death is in Seattle. Consult free, Dr. Smith, the osteopath. See my 5c tablets. Oeo. L. Williams. Established in Yamhill County in 1881. School Books at Williams' book store Mrs. I. J. Littlejohn has moved to Oregon City. Good farm for rent, near this city. In­ quire at this office. 39-3 Wm. Black of Vancouver has been visiting in the city this week. Gus Gaunt will work for Adolf Maltb­ ies in his Portland meat market. The Grange store is selling good coun-1 try butter at 25c a roll. Mr. Kelly of Seattle is assisting as pharmacist at Howortb's drug store. Charley Galloway will exhibit 100 OUR GREAT STOCK is arriving daily, direct from the Largest Manufac­ plates of apples at the carnival. turers in the United States, consisting of the Mrs. L. R. Henrichsen of Portlaud In all Styles and Shades is the guest of R. Nelson's family Ranging in price from $10.50 to $30 To rent—House of nine rooms, Second and I sts. Address “Snowden,” box 105. Will open nicer Highest prices paid for chickens, but­ Than Ever. ter aud eggs at the Grange store. Wm. Arthur’s son .Morris has entered Will be Nicer and Better than ever the Telephone-Register office to etudy before, and a full line of the art of printing. Harris Bros., Photographers, Take first stairway west of postoffiee. First- class work guaranteed. Lair Thompson visited his home at Albany last week, getting in readiness to again attend college. We have the Newest and Best Line of Goods we have ever kept. All sizes and H. J. Reintz, wife and two daughters, fashions, and prices no one can touch, considering the quality we keep. We mean have been over from Saiem the past what we say and say just what we mean. We propose to treat everyone alike. We do week, visiting at E. M. Law's, not give baits, but give you what your honest dollar deserves. Our BOOT and Finest line and best prices in tablets SHOE STOCK is the best in the market. We keep nothing but the best brands in the county, at Williams’ book store. made. Geo. G. Bingbatn, tbe Salem attorney, spent last Sunday with his mother in We carry a full line of TRUNKS, VALISES, TELESCOPES, CARPETS and this city MATTING, W RAPPERS and FEATHER PILLOWS, and would advise you to Members of the Commercial club will call early and secure the best selections. Thanking you for past favors, we hope to hold a social this evening, followed by a continue in the future, Respectfully Yours, supper at White’s restaurant. Wanted, a strong young girl to help The Largest Store outside of Portland. with the housework and take care of baby. Enquire at this office. If No preaching service will be held at tbe Cumb Presbyterian church next Sunday, but regular services will be held the following Sunday. One of the criminal charges against Rhude is the purchase of $1,688 in coun­ ty warrants with county money, for the purpose of speculation. Miss Jennie Anderson, formerly of this place, now of Everett, Wash., was married on Wednesday to Mr. James D. We have just opened up the finest line of Ladies’ Hats, Jackets, Capes and Dress Mifflin. Goods ever brought to the city. Ladies’ Capes at $i to $18; Ladies’Jackets at $2.35 Rev. H. N. Rounds of Monroe, Oregon, was in the city Sunday evening, on hie to $22.50; Misses’Jackets from $1.50 to $10; Children’s Jackets from $1 to $2.50; wav to attend the Methodist conference Ladies’ Hats at 75c to $8,50; 100 pieces Dress Goods at 10 to 40c per yard; 148 pieces at Hillsboro. at 45c to $1 per yard; 130 pieces at $1 to $2 per yard. For Sale—Ten high-grade Cotswold and one thoroughbred buck. F rank S ully . QHflpC The largest and most complete stock in the county. Rubbers are 25 Prof. R. W. Doane and wife of Pearson, Ollv7L«O per cenf cheaper than last season. We have all kinds and sizes. We Wash., are in the city, visiting Mrs. invite you to call and inspect our store and purchase your fall supplies. Doane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Have you seen the $100 ORGAN in our window to be given away Nov. 16th ? Cooper. ~ — _ C has . P. N elson , We are paying this week 40 to 45 cts per roll for good butter, aud 20 cts for Manager. fresh eggs. W allace & W alker . H. C. Hannon of Eugene took pos­ session on Saturday of the McMinnville produce market, formerly operatedjby Miss Geòrgie Irvine is slowly recover­ C. F. Daniels. Mr. Hannon and wife ing front typhoid fever. occupy rooms at J. C. Cooper’s. C. C. Murton is selling best country Jones Howell was up from Portland over Sunday looking after business in­ butter at 25 cents per roll. Mrs. Taff and Miss Fay Martin have terests. He took home with him speci- mens of teasels five feet tall grown on accepted positions with C. C. Murton. his premises here, which will be exbib- A daughter was born Sept. 20, 1901, to —Will Have A Large Assortment of— ited at th« Portland carnival. the wife of B. E. Coulter, at Baker City. Edward L. Snowden of San Francisco The popular steamer of the upper Co­ is here looking after his farming inter­ lumbia, the Bailey Gatzert, is represent­ ests north of town. Mr. Suowden’s work ed by a neat souvenir showing the mag­ as a machinist was affected by the strike, nificent scenery along the route. and he concluded to move with his wife Some distinguished persons will con­ to tbe farm until conditions settle stitute the queen's retinue at the carni­ A good many subscribers are taking val. They have been chosen, but ac­ * advantage of the fine fall to come in and ceptances have not all been received. Before buying elsewhere, be sure * settle arrearages on their paper. We Edgar Allen, the head man of the and see what we have. trust that others may see their way clear * Chicago store, is home from Astoria, to perform the same duty soon, and be where he has had a profitable season in enabled to sleep the sleep of the just. wanson merchandising. He is here to remain. Parties going to Salem will 1« glad to The Queen of Hayti minstrel show on learn that Oito Williams is running a double stage daily, except Sunday, be­ Mondaj’ night was one of the very best tween McCoy and Salem. The fare is $1 troupes this city has ever seen. The each way. He leaves McCoy at 1 :15 p. audience was thoroughly pleased with tn. and leaves Salem at 6:4’> a. m. He is prepared to haul trunks as well as the performance. light baggage. 40-2 Amos Schrock of Amity left with his Miss Fern Stout has been added to family for Indiana on Tuesday. On the the teaching force of the Dayton puhlic previous day he settled an old claim of schools. It is believed that the board $140 sent from Kansas and placed in the A Large Line of Books Just Arrived at has made a good selection. The entire hands of the sheriff here. corps now consists of Prof. Hanville, On case No 29 of the circuit court, Williams’ Book Store principal, Mrs. R. L. Harris, Miss Judge Burnett appointed E. V. Little- Madge Dunn and Miss Fern Stout, as­ field to defend. It was fa is first case, Public Rale. sistants. and he did well with it, but any lawyer I will sell at public auction at the Kes­ Miss Louise Voran last week resigned would have lost it. It was a foregone terson farm, miles northwest of her position in the city schqols, and the conclusion. - We have special arrangements with North Yamhill, at 10 o’clock a in, on board on Saturday evening elected Miss At the Christian church on Sunday the following leading publications, Tuesday, Oct 8, 1901, the following de ­ Addie Bri«tow, daughter of Prof. Bris­ the bible school will meet at 10 a. m., whereby we are able to offer them in tow, to fill the vacancy The resigna­ and preachiDg by the pastor at 11. Sub­ scribed property: span of horses, cow, connection with our own at exceedingly tions of Mi sees Yoran and Akin have ject, “Why Must Christ Die?’’ Y. P. 8. 10 hogs, 5 dozen chickens, sewing ma­ low rates, as follows : The R eporter and wagon and harness, grain drill, Weekly called forth a good many regrets from C. E. at 7 p. m. Preaching at 8. Sub­ chine, , rr H I Inter Illt'I szr VISII.......................... • Ocean ................................... (1 M different school patrons, who recognized ject “The One Thing Needful.’’ You 14-tnch plow double shovel plow, furni-|u„rnl H„rthwt.,i. p„rtlnl„i, semi monthly... 1.25 ture, household goods, heating stove, Oregonian, weekly.................................. . great progress in their children who at­ are invited. I !.. . kl\ Bow York Tribune............. tended these departments. Frank W. Vaille, assistant superinten­ cook stove an