The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 20, 1901, Image 1

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    Entered at the PostoOicein McMinnville,
asSecond-clas» matter.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single unmbers five cents.
For Infants and Clnlarnn.
These The Lines Along Which McMinnville’s Memo
rial Service Was Held.
Bears the
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­
ness and Rest Con tai ns neither
2num.Morphine nor Mineral.
ot N arcotic .
ZL 7úlu--?
/‘lunp/na orti'
¿ix.Srarui *
fiodiilii Salts ”
/huje tad *
Jhppcrmint -
Jfi CilfütMuli SodO/ 4
liárm Seed -
( ¡ardí«: Suçar -
« Ha vue
A perfect Remedy f or Constipa­
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions,Feverish­
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
H ''
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t ■i'll .V
Dr. R. E. Smith of Portland, specialist in diseases of men, has
perfected an appliance by wnich men suffering wirh sexual dis­
ease, can treat themselves at their homes, and thus avoid the
loss of time and expense of going away to be cured. The ba
sic principle of this instrument is the application of heat di
rectly to the prostate gland, which has never been done by any
other method. With one of these instruments you can cure
vourself of any inflammation or enlargement of the prostate
gland, difficult or painful urination, emissions, weakness, lost
manhood, varicocele, chronic or acute gonorrhea, or stricture.
For particulars address
Oregonian tJuiiding, Portland, Oregon.
DR. C. T. SMITH of McMinnville uses these appliances in lus prac
tice, and any one will be shown the instrument by calling at his office.
Do You Read?
Latest Books $1.35
A Large Line of Books Just Arrived at
Williams’ Book Store.
Take The Reporter and Get the News
One Dollar Per Year.
EPTEMBER 19th has passed into history as one of the saddest days of the
nation and of her communities everywhere. An itnmeuse assembly of
people came together at the court house at 2:30 p. tn., for memorial ser­
vices. It was the president’s funeral <lay
Evidences of respect and loyalty were
everywhere visible. Business was generally suspended. Appropriate and beauti­
ful decorations were made 111 many windows, and at the court room.
Four ad­
dresses were given by local citizens. J C. Cooper spoke on McKinley as a soldier.
He said, in brief:
"Turning back the leaves of history,
40 years ago we find that the Ohio school
boy, William McKinley, at the age of bS
enlisted on the nth day of June. 1861,
as a private in Company E, 23d Ohio in­
fantry, commanded by Colonel W. S.
Rosecrans; Stanley Matthews was lieu­
tenant-colonel and Rutherford B Hayes
was major. He was among the first to
answer the call of President Lincoln for
volunteers to suppress the great rebel­
lion. His patriotism was genuine, and
he never felt prouder in all his life than
he did when General Fremont, after
thumping his chest and looking into his
bright boyish eyes, said, ‘You’ll do.’
Only the American volunteer, after the
searching examination, knows what it is
to be pronounceil the best breed of all
the earth. Young McKinley carried a
musket in the ranks for 14 months, ris­
ing to the rank of sergeant. Many years
afterward, when governor of Ohio, he re­
ferred to that period in these words:
‘I always look back with pleasure upon those 14 months in which I served in the
ranks. I was but a school boy, and it taught me a great deal. I have always been
glad that I entered tli-> service as a private ami served those months in that capac­
ity.’ There was no more popular or braver boy in the regiment, nor did they have
atiy lack of fighting. Within six weeks after leaving Columbus, they were in the
battle of Caruifex Ferry, where they drove the confederates back and forth through
the mountains, were drenched with incessant rains, suffered for food and met the
roughest kind of campaigning. In all the four vears of McKinley’s volunteer ser­
vice the battles and skirmishes came thick and fast, more than thirty in all. He
was never a day off duty nor missed a fight. Antietam ranks as the bloodiest bat­
tle of that awful four years war. The heroic boy came out of this battle with a
lieutenant’s sword by his side. The rise was slow, but his promotions were well
earned. He was first lieutenant, captain, and at the close of the war, a major.
General Crook recommended him to appointment to a higher grade, endorsed by
General Sheridan. A few years ago, while
governor of Ohio, he delivered an ad­
dress on the battlefield at Lookout
Mountain, during the national encamp­
ment. It was a reunion of‘the blue and
the gray’ on that historic field. He
urged the veterans of both armies to lay
aside all thought of bitterness engen­
dered by that terribie strife, and paid
highest compliments to the bravery of
the soldiers of both north and south. He
said: ‘No greater valor was ever shown
than that possessed by the American sol­
Americans never surrendered’—
then pausing a moment, continued—‘ex­
cept to Americans.’ The whole moun­
tain shook with the tremendous ap­
plause, veterans of both armies vieing
with each other to do the greatest honor
to tbe grand sentiment. They clasped
hands, embraced, and tears coursed down
many a scarred cheek and grizzled beard.
Afflictions though they seem severe, whether of divine intent or chance calamity,
make surer the fact that
There is no great path, whithersoever it be,
But somewhere leads through Gethsemane.
The people he served and loved are gathered in a legion places to cherish his mem­
ory. None feel this sorrow more than do his comrades of the Grand Artny of the
Republic, and none will hold his memory more dear. When the last sad rites are
over and the final’taps'sounded above his grave, they know it is one more com­
rade added to the ranks of the Great Commander of us all, undone less here, and
they too can sing, ‘Nearer My God to Thee.’ ’’
Rev. H. T. Atkinson spoke of the martyred president as a Christian. He said:
“The opinions of a great man always possess a peculiar value in the minds of
the people, and of those names which stand highest in history today, the most hon­
ored belong to men who were never ashamed to acknowledge themselves as hum­
ble servants of Almighty God. In this illustrious list will be included in the histo­
ry of the future, the name of William McKinley, the honored president whose trag­
ic death the nation so bitterly mourns today
In the true sense of the word, a
Christian means one whose life is a continual reflection of the spirit of the Master;
one who does justly, loves mercy, and walks humbly with his God. In this light
of the word. I am ready to maintain that our late president was in every particular
worthy of the name. Both public and private testimony conspire to show that his
life was modeled according to his faith in Christ, while a spirit of resignation like
that of his Master in Gethsemane was exhibited iu bis last earthly moments, as was
shown by the words he uttered when in the valley of the shadow: ’Goodbye, all,
goodbye; it is God’s way, His will be done.’ As a Christian he shared the hopes of
all who trust in Christ, and the parting from earth was made easier by knowledge
of the reunion to which his faith inspired him to look forward in the land of tbe
blessed, beneath the shadowless skies of which are gathered the truly great who
have preceded him from earth. As a Christian he has left a memory which will be
For Men and Boys
Made with attention to detail that insures satisfaction to the wearer.
All wool Cheviots and Black Clay Wor­
steds. sizes 34 to 44. square or round
$ 7 85
Smooth check and striped Worstedsand
io (Ml
Cheviots, sizes 34 to 44
The very latent in Scotch Cheviots,
Cheviots and Smooth Worsteds, all
sizes and cuts
......................... 12 50
Through and Through Worsteds in a
variety of patterns; others ask $18
15 00
for them, we put them out at.
The finest Foreign and Domestic cloths
made by Crouse & Brundigee.. . $18 to $25
Reliable all-wool Kerseys, black or blue
7 50
well made..............................
Nobby and attractive all-wool Kerseys
lo oo
black, blue or brown, fast colors
Handsome Stylish Coverts and Kerseys
You will like 'em................................ 12 50
Elegant Serge and Silk Lined Over­
coats. all that is best and newest. $15 to $18
Bovs' Long Pant Suits
$3 to $12 50
Men’s extra size Overcoats and Suits,
sizes 44 to 50
Our Furnishing, Hat and Shoe Departments are full of all that is the latest
and most durable.
Money back if not satisfied.
The Hamblin Clothing Co
M c M innville ,
A bsolutely P ure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
The Kind You Have S
AVefic table Preparation lor As-
similating thcFoodandRegula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels al’
Is always fac­
ing you when
you cease to
have the cor­
rect time.
You can best answer the
question by bringing your
watch to us for repairs, or,
better still, buying from us an
elegant new watch.
Wm. f. Dielschneider & Bro.,
McMinnville’s Reliable Jewelers.
like light along the path of those who, as he did, are striving to walk in the path
of the just which shineth more and more even unto the perfect day.”
President Boardman spoke in substance as follows, on McKinley as a type of
the successful man. “President McKinley exemplified, in marked degree, some of
the elements of character which make for success. He thus becomes a model de­
serving of study by those who hope to succeed. Strength of purpose may be men­
tioned as one of these elements of his character. Had Mr. McKinley not possessed
a clearly defined purpose in his life, who supposes that he could have reached the
eminent position attained ? Prudence seems to me to be perhaps tbe most marked
element in this man’s character. He was a type of the conservative man. McKin-
ler was no radical. Cautiousness was conspicuous in all his political career. His
conservatism has often been the object of severest criticism. It nevertheless is true
that this element, prudence, is of greatest value in the well-developed and largely
successful life. President McKinley was an houest man iti his dealings with his
fellows. Business integrity no one has ever denied
lied him. Though many years the
holder of lucrative offices aud of such command!
_ 1 ___
_____ ___
ding political
as ___
to _
opened easy access to large material spoils, he died a comparatively poor man.
This is one of the highest compliments which can be bestowed upon his life. Pres­
ident McKinley was a chivalrous man. He was a knightly man. In his domestic
life he is said by those who have known him best to have been a model. In hie
devoted attentiveuess, under all circumstances, to his wife, always in delicate
health, he appears as the tender, chivalrous man. Iu this regard lie’ may well be
taken by our young manhood, too often thoughtless of these fiuer parts in charac­
ter, as a model eminently worthy to be copied. The iufluence of a life, thus sue,
cessful, thus characterized, must be far-reaching in its good, now that the life as
lived here has passed away.”
’ ‘Nihil de niortuis nisi bonum’ is the well-known but exceedingly tender senti­
ment nursed by centuries in regard to poor departed mortals. Let nothing but
what is good be said of the dead. Let no bitter criticism escape the lips. Let the
pall of sweet charity drop over the cold remains.” Such was the opening of Father
Hickey’s splendid address. The reverend gentleman portrayed the prosperous,
happy and in the main contented conditions of our republic under the late presi-’
dent’s benevolent statesmanship in comparison with the discord and broils and
restless conditions, the result of centuries of misgovernment and ruin reaching their
climax in the older nations of the world. The speaker alluded in very feeling terms
to the last wordsol Mr. McKinley, when, after bidding his wife and friendsand all
goodbye, he said: “The will of God be done,” and after a pause added, "It is His
way.” Here is a great guide and a great lesson for the country to adopt, he said.
The way of God, righteous, unchangeable and eternal, not the shifting, vacillating,
treacherous ways of man. His way leads to life; the ways of the world to a certain
It is up to Patterson, N. J., to set the
first example to the country in dealing
with anarchists.
We should make every assailant of the
president guilty of treason, and have
him executed, as all traitors ought to be.
They say there is a woman at the bot­
tom of everything, and you can general­
ly depend on it there is: Emma Gold­
The fate of anarchists lias been decid­
ed on thousands of street corners in the
last few days, and it is to be hoped for
once that curbstone law will bring forth
some vigorous legislation against these
unspeakable wretches.
Presidents should cut out handshaking
at public receptions, or adopt the Arizona
method of checking weapons at the door.
There is no real sense in promiscuous
handshaking, anyway. It only satisfies
a false sentiment and tires out the presi­
out the members of this order; in de­
stroying the organization, preventing it^
meetings and suppressing its publica­
tions. Furthermore, every believer in
the doctrine of anarchy should be made
to show good evidence of reform or else
be deported. If there is nowhere else to
send them, let some remote, isolated
«pot of the earth be sought where the
snakes and the vultures will make them •
lit companions. It is ridiculous to say
that congress has not the power to rid
society of such a scourge. The people
with one voice demand it and we believe
that congress will find a way.
Mrs. L. Dixon is visiting here.
Grandma Perkins is quite sick again.
J. L. Smith lost a valuable horse this
Prof. A. Bitner and wife moved to Dal­
las this week.
All the hop growers near here have
finished picking their hops.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Belcher of Portland
are visiting relatives and friends here.
Memorial services were held in the M.
E. church on Thursday at 2 o’clock.
At the the pastor preaches
his farewell sermon next Sunday morn­
Mrs. Case had the misfortune to sprain
her ankle while picking hops in Shtrer’s
yard last week.
We notice in reading the personal
opinions of prominent Oregonians on
anarchy, that a number have the impres­
sion that the wretched anarchists are very
rare. This is a great mistake.
every exchange that comes to our table
gives some account of seditious utter­
ances on the part of some person in the
community, and the summary knocking
down or discharge from employ of the
offender. The latter act shows a healthy
public sentiment, but it is also manifest
Mrs. Nettie Burlingame and daughter
that rabid enemies of the government of Columbia county arc visiting Mrs.
are altogether too numerous.
An exchange says: “The despicable
lunatic, who with one hand grasped the
band offered in the spirit of fellowship,
while with the other be treacherously
laid low the one who extended it, is not
of himself, worthy of thought or atten­
tion, but the spirit abroad of which this
dastardly act is the exponent, is worthy
the most careful attention.’’ The paper
does not mean what it says. The wretch
is worthy of the most summary attention
as a public example, and if the plea of
lunacy is made in his defense, no insane
asylum in this country is strong enough
to hold him. Indeed, there are but two
good reasons why his life should lie
spared fora moment from the vengeance
of a mob. Such an act would constitute
an endorsementof mob rule in all cases,
might result in the hanging of innocent
men, while all who have studied the
lofty character of Wm. McKinley know
that he would never endorse violence
that would destroy the diguity and ma­
jesty of the law.
We admire General Nelson A. Miles'
position on this question of anarchy and
iiow to treat it. He says “I feel that
we have been lax in guarding the presi­
dent. When you consider that three
presidents in 36 years have met the as­
sassin's bullet, it shows that we are toe
free ip exposing the president to unnec­
essary dangers. I believe that the pres­
ident should be safely guarded, and that
he should not take part in public func­
tions that would render him liable to at­
tack from any anarchist and lunatic
that may be privileged to mingle in such
a crowd. As to the punishment of an­
archists, I believe that congress should
pass a law which would inflict the death i
penalty for any attempt to take the life !
of the president, or for any conspiracy j
on the part of an anarchist circle against I
tbe office, whether the attempt were sue- I
cessful or not.''
If anarchy cannot be turned over to
the military for suppression, let it lie del­
egated by special act of congress to the
department of justice, with powers ex- !
Thoee indebted to 8. A. Manning ceeding those of the ordinary courts. 1
please call and nettle at tbe office of Then let the entire secret service force of |
the United States be engaged in ferreting 1
K. L. Conner.
W. True and family of Middleton are
visiting Mrs. True’s mother, Mrs. C.‘
Mrs. Joda Hays and daughters of Tilla­
mook city are visiting friends and rela-.
lives here.
Mrs. S. A. Boone, having purchased
her fall and winter stock of millinery,
will have her opening on Saturday.
We are sorry to hear that Rev. Hurd,
pastor of the Evangelical church of this
place, is not improving in health as was
expected from his vacation.
Prof, and Mrs. T. Cone moved to Dal- .
las on Thursday, Prof. Cone having beep
chosen as one of the professors in the
public school and Mrs. Cone as one of
the teachers in the college.
On Monday after the pickers had fin- .
ished picking P. P. Olds’ hops and they
were all measured up, Mr. Olds invited-
them up to the house where expert caudy
makers were making taffy. After pulling
taffy and playing games around a camp­
fire they returned home, reporting a
very pleasant time.
Natlce to Public Mcliool
The teachers will meet at the Colum­
bus school at ten a. ni., Friday, tbe loth.
Be sure and be there.
L. K. A lderman , Principal.
Notice to School Patrons.
Do not buy school books until you
have a list from your child’s teacher.
The teachers will be in their rooms Sat­
urday afternoon.
L R. A i . dkrman .
<’wntrlbntl»ns from Portlau*.
The following Portland merchant»
have contributed to the street fair and
carnival fund here:
Blake, McFall Co.
t «0
H Yaring & Soa ....
Mason, k.hrman & Co
Total to date............