The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 13, 1901, Image 8

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    The R kcobtek and Weekly Oregonian
one vear for $2, strictly in advance
The best values to be bad in ink and
I want 5(X) hop pickers to come to my ‘ |>encil tablets and school supplies at the
store as soon as hop picking is over and Racket store.
get tickets on the Rambler bicycle which
8. C. Hamden and family, recent arri­
1 am going to give away. Remember it
vals from Billings, Oklahoma, are occu­
will be the beet the market produces,
pying the Mrs. Hodson resilience on
with coaster brake, uml every 50c you
First street.
spend with me gives you a |w>ssibility of
Miss Ball lias just opened up a nice
being the owner of it. We are very busy
just now, opening fall goods, which are Hine of street hats and invites the ladies
arriving every day, getting ready for the j to call and see them.
Hop-Pickers Wanted.
big rush which we expect next month.
Visitors to the carnival will do well to do
their trading as early in the morning as I
possible, to avoid the great mhl-day
rush during the three carnival days.
Special sale on calico and percale wrap­
pers for the next, ten days, to make room
for new lines.
Tom McCourt has entered his Oregon
Maid and Oracle Dell for the races a' the
state fair in the three and font-year-old
I. O. Aiderman, the Amity barber, is
going to move to McMinnville, and is
constructing a residence 18x21 feet on
north B street.
Charles Palmer returned from Mon
tana last week after several months’ al>
sence, and has entered the employ of
Lambert Bros.
Star !> Star shoes at the Racket Store.
President H L. Boardman was in Eu­
gene on business the past week.
Mrs. T. H. Small, late of Marion coun­
ty, has moved into tire I). M. Caldwell
property on Grant street.
You get the best values in hats, shoes,
corsets, hosiery, oil cloth, ribbons, lace
and embroidery, tiuware and notions,
at the Racket Store.
One of Madam Schell’s lions recently
reached through the bars of its cage at
Spokaue and came near fatally injuring
an actor named William Harris.
“Liquid Electricity” is becoming a
wonderful remedy’ for internal or exter­
nal pain, particularly rheumatism and
neuralgia. Mrs. Nettie Hively is agent,
and is making many sales.
Frank C. Ferguson moved his family
to Portland on Saturday. His residence
here is rented to Prof. L. R. Aiderman,
who moved in on Tuesday.
Robert Venson has returned to Mc­
Minnville. He has for some time been
cooking in a logging camp in the state of
Alex Miller is in eastern Oregon, look­
ing after mining interests and endeavor­
ing to dispose of some mining stock.
Are you going east ? Write to R. W.
Foster, ticket agent, the Burlington
route, Portland, Or., for the lowest rates,
quickest time and best service. Choice
of routes.
W. M. Johnson, the butcher, has
bought a meat market at Twelfth and
Everett streets, Portland, anti is to take
charge soon. This market is two blocks
from that of Adolf Matthies.
Hon. John R. Sanders, lately deceased,
was a member of the Oregon legislature
in 1884, instead of 1865, as given by the
account last week.
J. B. Gardner and J. S, Linn are re­
pairing the Cumberland Presbyterian
parsonage, by putting in new ceilings
and cupboards and painting and paper­
The new residence being constructed
by Win. F. lfielschneider is going to be
one of the handsomest in tow n, and ap­
parently very convenient in ita arrange­
ment. The building is now being er.
School teachers are not scarce in Ore­
gon. A single vacancy in the Corvallis
schools called forth 47 applicants.
1 bm. Binger Hermann, conitnisaioner
of Ihe United States general l„ ml oil ice, at
Washington, is in Oregon ami will spend
lii.s annual vacation al his old home in
There is to be a street fair ami carni
val in McMinnville, October 3d, 4th and
5th. They are providing attractions to
draw the natives from afar.—Dallas
The oldest married couple living in
l.inn county reside in Waterloo. They
are M L. Zeigler, who is 95, ami his
wife, Mary I,., who is 96. They were
married 75 years ago.
Tillamook county lias about 4,500 in­
habitants and its butter and cheese pro­
ducts for the past year have footed up
fi 77.500 in value, or about $40 to each
one of tile population. Not many other
sections in the world can produce such a
'file county board of Clackamas coun­
ty recently gave an electric railroad the
right of way over tlie public highway
from Oregon City to Canemah, without
exacting one cent. It is said they could
have received ¿8,000. There is too much
granting of free franchises in Oregon,
without a doubt.
Marion county has been seriously af­
flicted with illness in its chief county
court officers. County Judge Scott has
been prostrated for several months with
but a short period of capacity’ for public
duly, and County Clerk Hall lias been
suffering iu a similar way.
II. V. Gates of Hillsboro has sub­
mitted a proposition to the city of Dallas
to < -toldish and operate for her a system
of waterworks to cost $25,000, the city
to have right of purchase after 20 years
at arbitrated price. A mass meeting
will consider the proposition.
Nbould 1‘oster Elllerprlo.
The need of citizens of this state awak­
ing to the resources within her borders, '
is pretty well stated in the following
from tlie Salem Statesman regarding
the matter of investigating for oil:
So far Oregon has been very slow in .
taking up the proposition of prospecting I
lor oil, and were it not for the enterpris- I
mg citizens of Ashland there would not
be a string of tools going in this state at |
the present time. It has been predicted
time and again by oil ex]>erts and geolo­
gists that oil and plenty of it exists in
Oregon, and why the matter lias not been
taken up before this is hard to under­
stand. It is not for the want of idle cap­
ital, for there is plenty of it here seeking
investment, but it does seem to be the
lack of enterprise. It is asserted that
nowhere on the Pacific coast or, for that 1
matter, in the east, are the indications
more favorable for oil than in the vicin­
ity of Salem, and vet a great many peo­
ple who can well afford it are afraid to
risk a few dollars in an enterprise that
may bring them a hundred in return for
every one invested. They are willing to
admit that oil has been and is being
found in nearly every state m the union, 1
but when you suggest to them that there
is oil to be found iu Oregon they become
quite skeptical, either through lack of
faith in finding it here, or for fear they
may be called upon to invest a few dol­
lars toward prospecting for it
The proposition of sinking a well in
Polk county by the White Mountain Oil
Co. should receive hearty support, as the
money will be spent legitimately in the
■purchase of material and labor. If oil is
found everybody will be benefited, and
if it is not found, the question will be
settled and the individual amount in­
vested in this proposition will never be
Ileal Estate Transfers.
From Sept 1st to Sept 10th :
Stephen Burrows to J A Pike 30 a
pt sas M orri s d 1 c t 3 r 2............... $ 2435
John Landingham and wf to A C
White In a in sec 2-4-5................
A G Anderson and wf to Co-opera­
tive Investment Co lot 5 blk 12
Faulconer’s 1st add to Sheridan
Jas M Pugh and wf to John Kirk­
ley 78.64 a in sec 27-3-2 ......
Peter Christenson and wf to Barnes
Wiltz sw 64 sec 33-3-5..................
Jos T Funk and wf to A C White
136.63 a in sec 11-4-5..........
F Robinson and wf to A E Harri­
son parcel adjoining Amity ...
Jas M Pugh and wf toC W Peck­
ham lots 1-2 blk 50 Oak Park
add to McM......................................
W T and M M Macy to Jos Phillips
40 a sec 29 4-6 .............................. 9 60
Esther A Cook et al to J Royce
Cook 229.28 a pt Micheál Horan
dlct4r 5......................................
J Royce Cook to Esther A Cook'
same land........................................ 1500
Esther A Cook to Jas H Cork lots
7-8 blk 3 McM college 2d add to
McM.................................................. 1300
Jno Kirkley and wf by sheriff to
J M I’ngh resale tax deed 56.64
a sec 27t3r2................................
O A C R R Co per sheriff to W T
Macy tax deed to 40 a sec 29-4-6
Israel Osburn and wf to August
Carl n hf lots 13-14-15 16 blk 21
Edwards’ add to Newberg..........
J M Pugh and wf to Jas T Leach
s hf nw qr sec 30-2-3............................. 2
J C Barrett and wf to Trustees
Yambill Lodge No !0 I O O F
lot 142 Dayton................................
J G Wisecarver and wf to J W and
J H Cochran 160 a t 2 r 6..........
Esther A Cook et al to James H
Cook 155.98 a sec 34 and 35-4 5
Mary A McPhillips to Tressa May
McPhillips 100 a pt Cornwall d I
c t. 5 r 5 and lots 8, 9, and 10 Mc­
Phillips add to McM ................
Mary A McPhillips to Charlotte
McPhillips 85 a pt Richmond
Hall d 1 c t 5 r 5 and lots 4, 5. 6
and 7 McPhillips add to McM
Esther A Cook et al to Cora P
Cook 320 a in sec 27-4-5 .....
Esther A Cook to Wilbur C Cook
100a J W Rogers d 1 c t 4 r 4 ...
Esther A Cook et al Alma E Cook
321.46 a secs 26 and 27-4-5..........
John Aspinwall, by sheriff, to J
M Pugh 80 a sec 30-2-3 .
Union Savings A Loan Assn to W
K Allen lot 4 and s hf lot 5 blk
15 Newberg ..................................
In the Cotmty Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Yamhill.
Sufferers from this horrible malady
In the matter of the Estate »
of .
uearly always inherit it — not nece-s. rdy
Joseph K louuheck, u minor. '
from the parents, but may be from son;,
Joseph Kloiicheuk, Mary K lour heck» next
re roots ancestor, fur Canc.-r often runs of To
kin of snhi w a rd, ami lo all other l»t‘iiN i»i >ai«i
liuough several generations. This deadly ward and next of kin, uml to all person« intvi-
poison may lay dormant in the hl xxl for ♦ sh d in the estaltv of Haiti ward: V«m ami each
you are hereby notified that the County Court
years, or until you reach
idle .then of
above named did on the ’-'Ith »lay of AugUNt,
the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap­ 1901, make the follow iug order in >ai«i eatate, to-
pearance— or a swollen gland in the wit:
In the matter of the Estate » August 21, l'Aff., or some other part of the body,
gives the first warning.
Joseph Kloiiuiieck, a minor. »
To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma­
at this day (oim - < liii l« - KH ih In i'k
nently all the poisonous virus must lx INI
diminated from th.- blood—every’ vestag. ing guardian ot .Joseph Klouche« k. said minor,
tiles in this court his wiitleii, vvritled peti­
jf it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and ami
tion for tlie sal«* of the real property of said
£ the only medicine that can reach deep- minor w hich isdrwribed as follows, to-wit:
tented, obstinate blood troubles like this
Beginning at the northeast coi ner of the Peter
When all the poison has been forced oul Sax iami in the north Ixmmmry of the donation
lan«l claim of Samuel ('ozine in township I
of the system the Cancer heals, and th. south,
range I west, in Yamhill county. Oregon,
disease never returns.
and iunning thence east (var. _h-:>o east) 7:32
Cancer begins often in a small way, as the chains to tlu northwest l><minlar\ of lauds for­
following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows . merly belonging to \\. I>. Mclfonald: thence
A small pimple came on my iaw about an inci south with said McDonald's lands S2U chains to
below the ear cit the left side or my face. It gave a hr 12 inches in diameter; thence west 7: •?
chains to th«* southeast corm r of .-id«l Peter Sax
me no pain or inconven-
lami; thence north s : ju «’liains to tlie place of
eince and I should have
Beginning, containing n.17 acre* of land, more
forgotten about it had it
or less.
not begun to mdameaud
And it appearing to the . ourt that said minor
itch ; it would hired a
is indebted in the sum of $397.0 », and that the
Little, then scab over, hut
only means of paying said indehte«lnvss is to
<roul l not heal. This
sell said property, and that it is therefore nee
continued for some time,
cssary to sell the same,
then my jaw began to
It is therefore ordered by the court that Tues­
swell, becoming very
day, the Nth «lay of October, P.MH, al the hour of
painful. The Cancer be-
one o'clock in th«* afternoon of said day. at the
ijan to eat and spread,
«•ourt room in the court house at McMinnville,
until it was as large aa a
Oregon, be, and the same is. set as the time and
half dollar, when I heard
place to hear said petition, ami this order shall
i»f S. 3. S. and determin­
be serve«! by publication tor four weeks in the
ed to give it a fair trial,
Yamhill County Reporter, a weekly newspaper
and it was lemarkable
pubhshe«! at McMinnville. Oregon, on Joseph
what a wonderful effect
it had from the very beginning; the sore began tn Kloucheck an«i Mary Kloucheck who are the
next of kin of sai«i ward as well as all persons
heal and after taking a few bottles disappears«
entirely. This was two yenrs ago ; their are sni: interested in said estate.
no signs of the Cancer, and mv general he itlh
jominuea good.—Mas. R. S iiiher , JLa Plata, : Io.
Now’, therefore,
is the greatest of al) IN THE NAME OF THE ST ATE OF OR EGON,
blood purifiers, and the I You and each of y«»u arc hereby cite«l and
to appear at the court house at Me-
only one guarar eec required
Minuville, Oregon, at the county ««»Hi t room
purely vegetable. Sent thereof, on the sih day of October, l‘H»l, at the
tor our free hook ot hour of one o’clock in the afternoon of said «lay.
show cause, if any there be, w by a license to
Cancer, containing valuable and intetesi to
sell said real property should not he granted to
injj information about thi3 disease, air »aid guardian as prayed for in sai«i (a* til ion.
Wituess the Hon. K. P. Bird, Judge of the
wnte our physicians about your case. We
County Court of the Stat«* of Or. gon, for the
make no charge for medical advice.
County of Yamhill, with the seal of said tour’;
affixed, this 24th day of August, A. h. 1901
(L. S )
Attest: J. H. NELSON,
County Clerk
BY IRA NELbON, Deputy.
The pulpit of the M. E. church will he
filled next Sunday morning by Hie Itev
E. B. Lockhart of Lafayette. A most
cordial invitation is extended to every­
body to come and hear him. In the ev­
ening the pastor will have returned ami
will preach at the usual hour.
Have you a sense of fullness in the
region of vour stomach after eating" If
Through the liberality of Mc­
so you will be benefited by using (’limn-
Minnville’s Leading Merchants,
tierlain’s stomach ami liver tabletH. They
A. J. Sawtell, the pioneer teasel grow­
also cure belching and sour stomach. er ol the Pacific coast, who died at his
They regulate the bowels too. Price, 25
home near Molalla last week, was born
cents, bold by Howorth & Co.
Purchased from the old reliable music
in 1839. He had resided in Clackamas
dealer Geo. C. Will, Salem, Oregon, will
Uncle D. 8. Nash brought into ibis county since 1859. In i860 he sowed the
he given to the one holding the largest
office Wednesday one of those twigs from first teasel seed in the west. His experi­
number of coupons on November 16th,
1901. All coupons must be signed by
a Golden Prop plum tree which you so ment proved a success and he had con­
the merchant issuing the coupon, and by
often see bearing 200 or 300 plums w ith­ tinued in tlie business for 41 years.
the holder of same Tlie purchaser can
in the length of six or eight inches of
give his or her coupons to some one else
The latest estimates of the Oregon hop
stem. We appreciate tlie fact that Mr.
and let them sign them. It will pay you
crop, by leading dealqrs of extended ex­
to trade at the following stores and re­
Nash watched faithfully for several days
perience, are that this year's output will
ceive a coupon with every 25c C ash pur­
till tha fruit should ripen that lie might
be from 65,000 to 70,000 bales, a decline
chase :
remember the editor witli this horticul­
ofTrotn 10,000 to 15,000 bales from pre­
McMinnville Grange & Farmers store,
tural wonder.
Dry Goods, Clothing & Shoes.
vious estimates and from last year’s
on exhibition at this store.
Authorities differ considerably on w hat crop The quality, however, is excellent
H. C. Burns, Furniture Store.
is really the average yield of wheat in and all dealers and growers, on this ac­
J. G. Wiesner—Cigars and Tobacco.
Yamhill county. Some claim as high as count, look forward to a good market.
Wm.F. Dielschneider & Bro., jewelers.
25 bushels, others say it will not exceed
Willard & Ehrman & Co., meat mar­
Dr. J. L. Hili of Albany’ recently re­
18. Here is a good straw: The Sheridan
moved from the head of Nathan Sump­
Rogers Bros , Drugstore
Sun of last week quotes the yield per
ter a Winchester bullet. The bullet was
T. A. White—White’s Restaurant.
acre from the crops of 23 different farm­
8. P. Houser—Second-hand store and
located at tlie top of the head by Dr.
On striking an average we find it to
Sewing Machines.
Give them oil—cod-liver oil. ers.
Hill s X ray machine and the operation
Geo. L. Williams—Bookstore.
be 27 l(>-23ds bushels per acre. Farmers
was quickly performed. The bullet was
F. W. Spencer—Hardware, Farm Ma­
iu other parte of the county are not ready
It’s curious to see the result.
flattened and pretty well used up by
chinery, Bicycles and Sewing Machines
to admit that Sheridan can or does raise
J. S. Roscoe—Bicycle Sundries and
Give it to the peevish, fret­
coming in contact with Mr. Sumpter’s
any better wheat than they can.
ful child, and he laughs. Give
A. J. Lohan, Harness Shop.
There are now six boats running on not feel the effects of the operation. This
Triplett A Hendershott—Confectionery
it to the pale, anaemic child, the Willamette river from Portland up to is a very remarkable case, as the ball
C. F. Daniels—Feed, Seed A Produce.
Lambert Bros.—Groceries & Commis
and his face becomes rosy and way points daily The O. R. <k N. steam­ went through the brain, and several
er Elmore runs to Newberg ami (he Mo­ ounces of the brain matter were removed.
full of health. Take a flat- doc to Payton. Ibe Bonita makes daily
It is a most unkind cut that Hearst's
chested child, or a child that trips to McMinnville, connecting at the San Francisco Examiner gives the pro­
moters of the enterprise of starting a new
Notice is hereby given that I have ap­
has stopped growing, give him
which boat Captain Hosford lias leased paper at Portland. It takes time and
pointed the following deputy stock in­
the oil, and he will grow big for the season. The <>. <’. T. Co. run space to remark that Mr. Hearst is not
spectors for Yamhill county:
John Redmond, South McMinnville
their two limits, the Altona and Pomona behind the game as the booming pros­
and strong like the rest.
precinct; poetoffice address McMinnville.
and also have the Albany leased, which pect us calling for a $75,IKK) subsidy
Ahe Blackburn, Checowan precinct;
This is not a new scheme. makes daily trips to Newberg.—Payton
postoflice address North A’amhill
strongly intimated, and quite savagely
It has been done for years. Herald.
Chas. Mitchell, Amity precinct; post­
says that those who are exploiting the
office address Amity.
The Oregon state fair at Salem, Sept.
Of course you must use the
enterprise are buncoing the people. Con­
to 28th, 1IH1I, inclusive, promises to sidering the glowing tributes of praise the
Stock inspector for Yamhill Co., Or
right oil. Scott’s Emulsion 23d
be the best this year that has yet been promoters showered upon Mr. Hearst's
is the one.
held. New features for amusement ami three yellow journals, they evidently
Scott’s Emulsion neither instruction have been added, and par­ think he is ungrateful to thus nip their
ticular attention will he given to the
looks nor tastes like oil because stock exhibit, owing to the great and budding scheme
For Infants and Children.
we arc so careful in making it constantly increasing interest in dairy­ I lere is a puzzle that puzzles everybody.
ing throughout the state. For this oc-
pleasant to take.
casion the Southern Pacific Co. will a puzzle to n merchant which made that
The farmers are busy with hauling
Send for free sample.
make a rate of one fare for the round wideawake voting gentleman feel that
grain to tlie mill and warehouse at Sher­
SCOTT S l’.OWNF, Chemi*'». ..x, Pearl St. N. Y.
trip, from all its stations in Oregon, to he was dealing with a wizard, says an
$oc and f i.oo; al druggists.
Salem and return, and it is Imped that 1 xeliange I he puzzle is as follows : Take
Hop picking at Shumate’s began Mon­
everyone w ho can do so will slmw Ins the number of your living brothers, dou­
To Kchool 1’ntrom.
ami on the following day a crew of
appreciation bv taking advantage of this ble this amount; add to it three, multi­
As we are to have new text-books in
op|s>rtiinity to pass a few days pleasantly ply the result by five; add to it the num­
Miss I.ouella Agee came home Sunday all the grades, it ie of great importance
ber of living sisters; multiply the result
and profitably at our state capital.
by ten ; add number of deaths of brothers for a two weeks' visit with her sister. that every pupil be present the first day
The following threshing record is her
of school, which will be Sept. 23d.
and sisters; subtract 150 from the result. Miss Annie Agee.
allied to other Yamhill crews as the ban­
L. R. A lderman , Principal.
I he right hand figure will be the number
Mrs. D. M. Evansand son Will, were
ner record of the county, ami if they
On Jellies
have anything better to show let them
preserve* nud pick lea, spread
a thin coating of
apeak up; if not the "grubby end" will number of living sisters and the left fig­ amina Sunday.
Miss Mary Cronin went to Bellevue I
gracefully wear the honors. On last ure will show the number of liviug
Sunday to join her sister. Mrs. Kirbv, in ,
Saturday, in a twelve lmur run, during brothers.
This ai^nature is on every box of »he genuine
------ « •
a trip to the coast.
which five moves were made, llagey A
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
»( H's !»,,,• ai Carnival.
Johnson's machine threshed thirty four
Mrs. J. N. Grohe made a flying trip to the remedy that enres a eohl In one day
All the transportation lines in the
hundred and t w enty-tive bushels of gram,
Sheridan Saturday.
«'ills and Kriilsee Quickly Healed.
900 bushels being wheat ami the rest northwest arc arranging to give specially
Highest prices paid fer chickens, but­
The funeral services of Canby low rates to and from the Portland car­
Chamberlain's pain balm applied to a
ent. bruise, burn, weld or like injury
Heston, w ho w as drew ned in the Willam­ nival. w hich runs from Sept. 18 to Oct. ter and eags at the Grange store.
will instantly allay the pain and heal the
ette river, took place Friday morning in 19, and the excursion tickets will lie
parts in less time than anv other treat­
This is the longest
the Friends’church, the large attendance gvssl lor 7 days.
Bear» th»
Ihe Kind Von Haw Alwan Bought ment. Unless the injury is very severe
in spite of the very short notice given, limit I V. 1 given on such tickets, ami will
it will not leave a scar. Pain balm also
cures rheumatism, sprains, swelling and
attesting the high respect in which the givt people ample time to see all the •77"
lameness. For sale by Howorth 4 Co.
deceased was held as a citizen of worth sights connected with the great exposi­
With two full military bands, i
ind integrity. A short ami impri -rive tion
When yon want a pleasant phyeic try
funeral sermon was preached by Rev I. a military tournament, a horse show, I
the new remedy, Chatnberiain’e stomach
P. Barr, after which the remains were athletic sport*, exhibits of mining, agri­
and liver tablets. They are ea^v to take
and pleasant in effect.
Price 25 cents.
lollowed to the cemetery where the Ma­ culture. horticulture and manufacturing, I
reïïMM BALWl Samples free at Howortii’s drug More.
sons took charge of the burial service“. a full midw iv, tireworks and an array of
In the tragic death of Canby Heston ! imusement attractions, the carnival will
eight orphan children have lost a faithful i be one ol th»- greatest events of the sex-
and adoring father and the community ; >i»n. and the admission fee is going to s
has lost an honorable, progressive and I be only 5 cent«, to cents for children.
OH for the
Wills’ Modern
Advertising Plan —
A $100 A. B. Chase Parlor Organ
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Ely's Cream Balm
useful citizen
Newlierg Graphic.
Xnthr in I lie I’nhllr.
1 have engaged J A Frisbie as local
manager ot mv lumber yard located at
the old toun.lrv site. McMinnville. He
Laxative Rro no-Quinine Tablets cure a will tie pleas d to figure with you on all.
cold in one day. Ko cure, no pay. Price I house bills or smaller orders.
2o cents.
A. T mudk U. ■
t olagli itttil
lite • «Id.
Wark. Oft
Ktwy and pleanxnt
pleasant to
n<*. Contains no in-
jurhYna drug.
I •» q ih kly aiswlMi
Gives Relief at owe.
!» Opens ami < l«*anMs
State ot Oregon, Treasury Department.
Salem, '•ept. 12. 1901.
’OTTCK is hereby given that there are fund«
in the Treasury with which to ledcem all
outstan«1ing stale warrants drawn on the «taie
scalp bounty ftind and end<irsc«1 "Presented and
not paid for want of fund«” pri«»r io January 1,
Heals and !>»tecra the Membran«. Rektoren th« 1901. <11 «nch warrau»# properly end<»r«t d will
S»-n*e« nf Taate and Smeli. Large ?rxr. in» cent« ai be paid upon presentation at tbi< office interest
thereon erasing from and after this »late.
IX’'igräts«r hv mail; Trial Rae, lflrrnta hv mail.
( HAS. 9 MOORE, State Treasurer.
ELY BKOTUfil^S M Warren Street, New \ ork» 1 M2
%A I»E.
VTOTh E is hereby given that tn amiersiened
administrator of tin . tan < i Theod«»r«-11.
Gilbert, deceased, under, by virtue of and pur­
suant to an order of the county four t of Yamhill
county, state of Oregon, made and dated Sep­
tember 3.1, A. D. 1901, authorizing, licensing
and empowering him .»o to do, will at McMinn­
ville, in Yamhill county, state of Oregon, from
and after the 5thday«»f October, A. D l?H)i, pro
ceedtosell at private sale for cash iu hand, a*
the law directs, the hereinafter described real
property belonging to said estate, to secui«* funds
with which to pay th»* charge>, expenses and
claims against said estate still unpaid and un­
satisfied, and that -uid property will be offered
for sale in one par« cl, and that s ii«l propertv will
be sold after giving due and legal noli« ;* there­
of. Tlie property above referred to is j articit-
larly described as follows, to-wit:
Lots numbered Two and Three of College Ad­
dition to the city of McMinnville. Yamhill coun­
ty, state ot Oregon. as per the duly iteorde«l
plat of said addition now of record in th«* re­
corder’s office of said conn tv.
Dated at McMinnville, Oregon, this Gth «lay of
September. A. 1». 190]
< . t . long ,
Administrator <»i said Estate.
B. F. RHODES, Attorney for the Estate.
VTOTK ’Eis hereby given to all persons con-
<•* m. d that th« c< unt. c< urf ol thi
i tte
of Oregon, for the County ot Yamhill, duly
appointed the undersigne«! a<lministiat«.i of the
estate of John W. Watts, deceased. All persons
having claims agairiM said e-tat«* are hereby
notified ami require«! to present them lo me,
with proper vouchers, at my residence in l.aiay
et to, in said N uni hi 11 county, wit h in six months
from the date hereof.
;*(tj 5
Dated this 15th daj’ of August. A. D li'ol
-I. H. OLDS.
Administrator of the Estate of John U Watts
EXECl TOK’S Mil 14 t; py SAIA; OF
1VTOTICE is hereby given that the umler-^n« <l
as executor of the « stale «d Annie I Bn -
on, «kecaaed, by virtue of an order ot the county
court of Yamhill county, Oregon, duly made
and entered in said estate on th.* ;d «layoi Sep­
tember, A. I). Ibid, etnpoweriicj, ordering and
licensing him so to «lo, will, at his «.tlice nt the
Mc Minnville National Bank at McMinnville, in
Yamhill county. Oregon, from and alter th«- 19ih
-lay of October. A. D 1901. pna eed to s.*il for
cash, at private sale to the highest bidder, the
follow ing described real nropertv belonging li>
said estate, to-wit.
Situate,lying and being in the county of Yam­
hill, and state of Oregon, and bounded as fol­
lows, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest coiner
of the donation land claim of Monroe and
wife. Notification No. 1 .’2. claim No. 74, and in
Section No. 13, in T. 5 S R. 5 W of ihe Willam­
ette meridian, and running them e north with
west line of said claim ls.10 chains; thence east
96.60chains; thence south is 1C chains; thence
w est 96 60 chains to the place of beginninp, an«l
containing 17*> acres in.»re <»r le*.-. amt bciug
part ot said donation land claim above named.
Dated this September loth, A. D. Ihol.
Executor of Estate of Annie E. Breon, de­
F. W FENTON. Att’y for Estate.
White Coilar line.
Daily Roun»i Trips except Sunday
Leave Portland.........
Leave Astoria
7 \ M
Dalles-PortM Route
Paily^Ronnd Trip except Monday.
Vancouver Cascade Locks. St. Martin s Springs.
Hood River. White Salmon. Lyle and
The Dalles.
Leave P«>rtland
Arrive The Dalle»
Arrive Portland....................
................ 7 a.
.. ..
3 n
-. •'»: 1» p.
10 p.
Menis The Very Bost.
-unilni 1 I - , 1 .|!hu I ....
ll-'-Ro'. ( . tit. <,IH|,.b t
traction«« on earth
landing and Ofllcr* F. m » c Alder st
Both Phones, Main .V»1.
John M. filloon. Agi. Fhe Dalles.
A. J. TAYIOR, Aqt, Astoria.
J C Wyatt. Aqt. lancsunr
Volford 4 Myers. White Salmon
Tather W Barnes. Agts Hood River
E. h. Crii hton. Aqt. Portland.
Harria Pro*.. Photographer*
fire« stairway west of postoffice,
class work guaranteed.
I irst-
•*> }