The Doetor’S dilemma "By Hesba Stretton CHAPTER VI.—(Continued.) We walked home together. We had a good deal to talk of during the evening, and sat tip late. It was midnight before 1 found myself alone In my own room. I had half forgotten the crumpled paper In my waistcoat pocket, but now 1 smoothed it out before me ami pondered over every word. No, there could not be a doubt that it referred to Mias OUivier. Why should she have strayed from home? That was the question. What possible reason could there have la eit, strong enough to impel a young and deli­ cately nurtured girl to run all the risks and dangers of a Hight alone uud unpro­ tected ? What ought I to do with this adver­ tisement, thrust, as it would seem, pur- i 1 posely under my notice? What was I to do with the clue? I might communicate at once with Messrs. Scott an I Brown, giving them the information they had ad­ vertised for six months before. 1 might sell my knowledge of Miss Ollivier for fifty pounds. In doing so I might render her a great service, by restoring her to her proper sphere in society. But the recollection of Tardif's description of her as looking terrified and hunted recurred vividly to me. The advertisement put her age as twenty one. I should not have Judged her so old myself, especially since her Imir had been cut short. 1 was not prepared to deliver her up until 1 knew something more of both sides of the question. Settled—that It I could see Messrs. Scott and Brown and learn something about Miss (Jllivier's friends, I might be then able to decide whether I would be­ tray her to them; but I would not write. Also, that I must see her again first, and once more urge her to have confidence In me. If she would trust mo with her secret, I would be as true to her as a friend as I meant to be true to Julia. Iluving come to these conclusions, 1 cut the advertisement carefully out of the crumpled paper, and placed it in my pocketbook with portraits of my mother and Julia. Here were mementoes of the three women I cared most for in the world my mother first, Julia second, ami my mysterious patient third. "We must take care you are not lame," I said. “You must promise me not to set your foot on the ground, or In any way rest your weight upon it, till I give you leave.” “That means that you will have to come to see me again,” she said; “is it not very difficult to come over from Guernsey ?" "Not at all," I answered, “it Is quite a treat to me.” Iler face grew very grave, as if she was thinking of some unpleasant topic. She looked at tne earnestly and ques- tioningly. "May I speak to you with great plain­ ness, Dr. Martin?" she asked. “Speak precisely what is in your mind at this mommt,” I replied. “You are very, very good to me,” she said, holding out her hand to me, "but I do not want you to come more often than is quite necessary, because I am very poor. If I were rich,” sho went on hurriedly, "I should like you to come every day—it is so pleasant—but I can never pay you sufficiently for that long week you were here. So please do not visit me oftener than is quite necessary.” My face felt hot, but I scarcely knew what to say. I bungled out an answer. “I would not take any money from you, and I shall come to see you as often as I can.” “You are not offended with me, Dr. Martin?” she asked, in a pleading tone. "No," I answered; “but you are mis­ taken in* supposing a medical man has no love for his profession apart from its profits. To see that your arm gets prop­ erly well is part of my duty, and I shall CHAPTER VII. I was neither in good spiritis nor in good temper during the next few days. My mother and Julia appeared astonish­ ed at this, for I was not ordinarily as tom by and fractious as I showed myself immediately after my sojourn in Sark. I was ashamed of it myself. The new house, which occupied their time and thoughts so agreeably, worried me as it had uot done before. 1 made every possible excuse not to be sent to it, or taken to It, several times a day. It wns positively necessary that 1 should run over to Sark this week—I had given my word to Miss Ollivier that I would do so—but 1 dared not mention "HALF such a project at home. My mother and Julia would be up in arms at the first fulfill it without any thought of whether syllable 1 uttered. What If I could do two patients good I shall get paid for it or no.” “Now," she said, "I must let you know at one stroke kill two birds with one stone? Captain Carey had a pretty little how poor 1 am. Will you please tofetch yacht lying idle iu St. Sampson's har­ me my box out of my room?” I was only too glad to obey her. This bor, and a day's cruising would do him all the good in the world. Why should seemed to be an opening to a complete he not curry me over to Sark, when I confidence between us. Now I came to could visit my other patient, and nobody think of it, fortune had favored me in thus throwing us together alone. be made miserable by the trip? I lifted the small, light box very easily "1 will make you up some of your old medicine,” I said, “but I Strongly rec­ —there could not be many treasures in ommend you to have n day out on the it nud carried It back to her. She took water; syven or eight hours at any rate. a key out of her pocket and unloeksd it If the weather keeps as fine ns it is now. with some difficulty, but she could not raise the lid without my help. 1 took it will do you a world of good.” care not to offer any assistance until she "It is so dreary alone," he objected. "If I could manage it," I aaid, delib­ asked it. erating, “I should be glad to have a day I Yea, there were very few possessions ill that light trunk, but the first glance with you.” "Ah! if you could do that!" he replied showed me a blue silk dress aud sealskin jacket ami hat. 1 lifted them out for eagerly. ' 1'11 see about it,” I said. "Should you her, and after them a pair of velvet slip pers, soiled, as if they had been through mind where you sailed to?" “Not at all, not at all, my boy," he . muddy roads. I did not utter a remark. answered, "so that I get your company. Beneath these lay a handsome watch aad You ahull I h * skipper or lie nismuu, or chain, a tine diamond ring and five sover­ eigns lying loose in the box. both, if you like." “That is all the money I have in the "Well, then, I replied, “you might take me over to the Havre Gosselin, to see world," she said sadly. I laid the five sovereigns in her small how my patient's broken arm is going on. It's a bore there being uo resident med white hand, and she turned them over, one after another, with a pitiful look on leal uiau (here at this moment.” The ruu over was all that we could ; her face. I felt ¿oolish enough to cry wish. The cockle-shell of a boat be- i over them myself. longing to the yacht bore me to the foot I "Dr. Martin,” was her unexpected of the ladder hanging down the rock a( question after a long pause, "do you Havre Gosselin. A tery few minutes know what became of my hair?" "Why?” I asked, looking at her fin­ took me to the top of the cliff, and there lay the little thatched nest-like home of gers running through the short curls we my patient. 1 hastened forward eagerly. haoy named Pierre Boutllller. When the nurse wanted to take Lord L’ffington home he yelled loudly: “I want that Finally his grandmother, Mrs. 8Merrill Street, Amesbury, Mass, lottar »hould oarry Faith and Oonvlotlon to the Hoar tu of all Sick Women. flbfe “ I Buffered with inflammation and falling of the womb and other dis­ agreeable female weaknesses. I had bad spells every two weeks that would last from eight to ten days anti would have to g' -o to bed. I also had head- •cuc ache and backache most of the time and such bearing down pains I could hardly walk across the room at times. I doctored nearly all the time for about two years and seemed to grow worse all the time until last September I was obliged to take my bed, and the doctors thought an operation was the only thing that would help me, but this I refused to have done. “Then a friend advised ma to try the Pinkham medicine, which I did, and after using the first bottle I began to improve. I took in all ive bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Blood Purifier, four boxes of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Dry Form Compound, three boxes of Liver Pills and used three packages of Sana­ tive Wash, and I am as well now as I ever was, 1 am more than thankful every day for my cure.” — M rs . F rank C a BTEB, 3 Merrill St., Amesbury, Mass, VISCOUNT UFF1NOTON. Bradley Martin, was called In, and she said that if he wanted the boy he must have him. She then bought the lad of his mother. The poor boy now wears THEY GOT BISMARCK'S CONSENT the same sort of clothes as his lordship, plays with him on equal terms, and has But It Was fxpre.wd in Language all the toys he can ask for, and is gen­ Altogether Unconventional. erally having a royal time. The deference of the English royal family to the opinions of their German PHILADELPHIA MILLIONAIRES. cousins was never better hit off than by a story which comes from one of the Quaker City Claims 140, Whose Posses- «ions Amount to #8 >0,000,000. ftNflOn •r,n *• If IM" royal household, who told it to tbe fa amu in, taetltno- If the city of Penn were to start a writer. tjrSla £. Pinkham Madldna O°*. Philadelphia millionaire's club, the;e When Lord Archibald Campbell was would be eligible for membership la Let the Old Man Settle. about to be engaged to Miss Janet Cal- this extraord nary organization 117 men Dr. Curem—But I don’s see why you lender, whom he eventually married, he and twenty-three women. In other will not pay my bill. You said I had dutifully went to his father for his ap­ words, 140 men and women in this made a new man of you. proval. "Delighted, I’m sure," said the plneid Quaker city own more than $1,- I Mr. Gooph—That’s just it, doctor. It Duke of Argyll. "She Is In every way 000,000 apiece. Some, of course, own was the old man who ordered the work desirable. Has money, good looks, considerably more. done, and he ought to pay for it. brains, accomplishments. But—er— The richest man in this Philadelphia perhaps you had better let me speak Holding Him Guiltless. millionaire’s club is William We’ght- to I-orne. He may think the Princess He—Have not all my actions shown man. He is said to be worth some- has a right to be consulted.” where between $75,000,000 and $100,- you that I love you? Recognizing the responsibility of She—I’m sure I don’t know, Papa 00,000—the slight difference of $25.000,- says you are not answerable for your having a royal highness for a sister-in- 000 one way or the other not appearing actions.—Harper's Bazar. law, I.ord Archie "waited.” Lord to worry Mr. Weightman. Mr. Weight­ Lome, on being told of the proposed man made bis money in war times. He Queer Japanese Custom alliance, wTas agreeable to the young sold quinine pills to the Government. lady as far ns he was concerned, but At the birth of a Japanes baby a Ills wealth is of the solid sort—real tree Is planted that must remain un­ thought It only right that the Princess estate. He is said to own more real touched until the marriage of the should be consulted as to who should estate than any other man in Philadel­ child. When the nuptial hour arrives enter the family. Now her royal high­ phia, and, luckily, to have selected the tree is cut down and the wood is ness in her frank, impulsive way said: property which is now in the very heart transformed into furniture. "If Archie likes her, she suits me of the business district. down to the ground. She Is handsome A Good Enough Way for Him. John Wauamaker comes next in the and clever, and has strong opinions of list of real estate holdings, and is said “ I wouldn ’t cry like that, my little her own. All the same I think I must to be worth about $10,000,000. Most of man." Well, you can cry any way you speak to the Queen first.” the members of this exclusive million­ want to; this is my way,” Which she did. Victoria not only re­ aire coterie believe in real estate, but membered Mies Callender's presenta­ How He Did It. William Weightman and John Wana­ tion at court, but graciously approved maker have gobbled up tbe choicest Moses — How did you make your for­ of the match, saying: tune? bits in Philadelphia. "However, Louise, I think I ought to Levi—By horse racing. The richest woman in town is Mrs. consult my German cousins first.” Moses—Not betting? Sarah Van Rensselaer. She was a And the Queen wrote to Germany. Levi—No. I started a pawnshop just Drexel, married John It. Fell, and at The Kaiser remembered meeting Miss Ills death became Mrs. Alexander Van outside the race course for the people Callender and replied to the Queen ap­ who wanted to get home when the Rensselaer. Her wealth is estimated at races were over. provingly, adding, “But I will leave $ 12,000,000.— Philadelphia Press. this letter open for a last word, for I He Conldn't Connect. should not care to speak finally until ROSTAND’S SISTER Mrs. Handout—I think a little water I had consulted Bismarck.” LIVES IN WASHINGTON. would do you good. The Kaiser found Bismarck taking Hardened Hobbs—So do I. mum. But his ease with rye bread, sausage, beer, Mme. de Margerie, the briliant and folks ain't giving away Amalgamated and a long pipe, and told him of the beautiful sister of Edmond Rostand, Steel Stock, not much.” mighty alliance In prospective, When the author of "Cyrano de Bergerac” the Emperor had finished Bismarck The Intricacies of It. and “L'Aiglon,” took his long pip»» out of his mouth and has taken up her "Why didn't you study the time table replied: residence in Wash­ and then you would not have missed "Me? Oh, I tion't care a d— your train?" ington. Her bus- “That was the trouble. While I was 1 nrned Down. f band. M. de Mar- “It Is true," said Miss Welloph, “that I gerie. one of the trying to traslate the time table the train pulled out." I have a fair income, but 1 have to be most promising I careful of It.” young diplomats iu I Tiresome. "Don’t you think," said Mr. Forchen- the service of “ I ’ m so tired, ” she sighed to the wo­ Hunt, "that It would be well to marry France, is first sec­ I man next door. someone who would help you to take—” retary of the' “What doing?” "Pardon me." she interrupted, “but French Embassy I "I’ve been the last four hours at the Pin not prepared to 'husband my re­ in Washington. photographer’s having an instantane­ sources’ iu that way.”—Philadelphia Mme. de Mar­ ous picture of the baby taken.” Press. gerie. whose moth­ A Great Man. er was a Spaniard, Literary Chat. has inherited from Mias Midwood—What has Edwin MMK. I count him a great man who inhab­ Markham written beside "The Man her her dark beauty of color and fea­ its a higher sphere of thought, into tures. with an expression of indefina­ which other men rise with labor and with the Hoe?" Miss Flatbush — Why. don't you ble charm. She possesses also the rep­ difficulty. He has but to open his eyes know? "How I Came to Write •The utation of being one of the brightest to see things in a true light and in large relations, while they must make Man with the Hoe.' ” "How I Came and wittiest young women of the diplo­ painful corrections and keep a vigilant Near Not Writing 'The Man with the matic corps. eye on many sources of error. • » • Hoe.' " "How 1 Came to Write 'Hew I He Is a great man who is what he is Pat's Opinion of the Sermon. Wrote "Tbe Man with the Hoe.” ’ ” etc. from nature and who never reminds A priest, who hail delivered what us of others.—Emerson. —Brooklyn Eagle. seemed to him a striking sermon, was Ostrsctsed. anxious to ascertain its effect ou his Beat the Typewriter. Ascum—It seems strange that you flock. "I can take 100 words a minute.’1 and Popleigh should be such good “Was the sermon to-day to your lik­ said the shorthand writer. “I . often friends, and yet neither his wife nor ing. Pat?" he inquired of one of them. take more than that," remarked the any of her relatives ever hare a good “Throth. yer riviretice. it was a grand other, in sorrowful accents; “ but then word for you. sermon intirely,” said Pat. with such I have to. I’m married.” Teller No. they simply hate me. You genuine admiration that his reverence see Popleigh Insisted on naming his felt moved to Investigate further. first born after me. — Philadelphia "Was thete any one part more than Press. another that seemed to take hold of you?" he enquired. Broken. “Well. now. ns ye are for axin' me. Maud I made the worst break last begorra I'll tell ye. What took hould of night I ever made in my life. me most was yer rlvlrence's persever­ Mabel—How? Pt" haven't a resnlar, healthy movement of tbs Maud Broke off my engagement ance—the way ye wint over tbe same revels every day. yon re Si«», or wiil be Keep y 5? I a oven, and be walk Force. In the »bare oJ thing agin and agin and agin, Such re»» with Jack Blllfwlnk. His uncle died vlo.»nt pbyalc or pill poison la dangerous Ths eaaleat most reflect way of xaepiua lbs thia morning and left him independent­ perseverance I nivlr did see In anny swdotheat BOWl« clear and If w ly rich. Hadn't you heard?—Chicago man. before nor since." Tribuna. CANDY I I ASLEEP.” slowly. I hailed him, and he quickened his pace, hie honest features lighting up at the eight of me. “How do you find mam'xeile, doctor?” were his first eager words. “All right, I said; "going on famously. Sark ia enough to cure any one and any­ thing of itself, Tardif. There ia no air like it. I should not mind being a little ¡11 here myself." “Captain Carey is impatient to bo gone," he continued. "He sent word by me that you might he visiting every house in the island, you had been away so long.” "Not so very long," I said, testily; “but I will just run iu and say good by, and then I want you to walk with me to the efiff." I turned back for a last look and a last word. No chance of learning her secret now. Ths picture w«s as perfect as when I had bad the first glimpse of it, only her face had groan, if possible, mors charming after my renewed scru­ tiny of it. "Shall I send you the hair?" asked Miss Ollivier. "To be sure," I answered. “I vhall I dispose of it to advantage, but 1 havs not time to wait for it now." "And may I write a letter to you?” "Yes." was my reply. I was too pleas­ ed to express myself more eloquently. "Good-by," she said; "you are a very good doctor to me.” “And friend?" 1 added. "And friend," she repeated. For the next few days 1 waited with sonu- Impatience for Mias Ollivler’a prom ised letter. It came at last, and I put it I into my pocket to read when I was alone —why. I could scarcely have explained lo myself. It ran thus: "Dear Dr. Martin—I have no little commission to trouble you with Tardif telle me It was quite a mistake, his moth­ er taking a sovereign from me each week She does not understand English money; aad he ssys I have paid quite sufil lent to stay with them a whole year longer without paying any more. I am qul.s conteut about that now Tardif says, too, that he has a friend in Southampton who will buy my hair, and give more than anybody in Guernsey. Bo I need not trouble you about it, though I am sure you would have done it for me. "Good by, my good doctor. I am try­ ing to do everything you told me exact­ ly : and I am getting well again fast. I do not believe I shall be lame; you are too clevet for that. Your patient. "OLIVIA." Olivia! I looked at the word again to make sure of It. Then it was not her anrnaase that was OUivier. and I was still ignorant of that. I saw in a moment how the mistake had arisen, and how inaoceat she was of any deception in the matter. She would tell Tardif that her Mistaken Grief. lams was Olivia, and he thought only Suitor Tray, don't cry; I assure yon of the OUIvlers bo knew. It was a mis take that had been of uoo in checking I will love, cherish and protect your curlosfty. and I did net feel bound to put daughter, sir. It right. My mother and Julia appeared | Prospective Father-In-law—O, It Isn’t to have forgotten my patient ia Sark al­ that; I am supporting two sons-ln-Iaw together. now.—Ohio State Journal. Olivia! I thought It a very pretty The early circus catches the small name, and repea ted It to myself with Its abbreviations. Olive, Livy. It was dlffi boy's quarter. BESTFORTHE BOWELS The Khedive an a Fireman. ïucoutô —__ CATHARTIC The Khedive of Egypt Is an energetic fireman, and has each of his palaces supplied with the latest appliances. Pe­ riodical drills of his domestics are thor­ oughly carried out. He occasionally turns them out on false alarms, and finds that they answer to bis satisfac­ tion. ter tree sampl«, sag boreWe re bguta. juirJ?,“* A dentist finds work for bls own teeth r™”’ ' caimsw linn , !<• fare. re« by depriving other people of thelra. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAR