Filtered at the Postaflice m McMinnville, an Secoud-clasb matter. M MINN VILLI AFTER THIRTY YEARS One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers Ave cent«. law which was given to us by men who got our laws from the same great spirit you got all your laws?' ” BENT COAL IN OREGON. For Infants and Children. CASTORI* A brief visit after an absence of thirty mon stuffed Indian, or drawn from the years from this town was enjoyed the ‘innocuous desuetude’ of an historic vac­ past week bj’ William I.ysander Adame, uum.” He says he regrets that iu his next younger brother of O. H. Adams of coming book of sketches of pioneer life - this city. Only the oldest old-timers will he cannot attribute Moore’s fairness to ÄVeßetable Prcparaticnlor As­ remember him, unless, perchance, they the fact that he ‘got his start in Yam­ similating (he Food and Regula know him as a prominent resident of hill.’ ” Boshneku, the son of Wianishut, ting ite Stomachs and Bowels of Hood River. He was one of the earlj- died long ago in Yamhill. Ipowis Van- school teachers of Yamhill county, and count died ten years ago on the Yakima j WÁKlk /CMÌkPyKX at the same time one 01 its most exten­ reservation. Tslamit and Ismallie, who sive farmers. His was that spot of land came down from middle Oregon to kill Promotes Digestion,CheerFul­ from which has sprung so many who an old doctor woman squaw, and took ness and Rest.Contains neither afterwards became prominent in public with them Kowesha, an Indian who had Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. life, among them Gov. Geo. L. Woods, formerly worked on the farm for the N ot N arcotic . the McBrides, Rowlands, Deadys and Doctor, are all dead. One of them died others. The little old log school house soon after getting out of the penitentiary, of Cid SrSMVTL F.7\ that stood on the Thompson place west where he had served two years, sent from JKunplm Stiti~ of Carlton was the location where he Lafayette by Judge Boise for shooting iüx. Scnnu * taught the young ideaB how to shoot. the medicine squaw, because in her ex- JltnAfld Sdii ~ Atute Sud . In the 50’ b he was editor and publisher tensive “lamachin” practice among the /fy/crawit - id (d’Anit'O jada . of the Argus at Oregon City for nine Yakima tribe, she had lost several pa- ffám dui - years, the paper afterwards being merged tients. Dr. Adams thus describes the 4lardu nce obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the pale-faced heroes “who got their start in an eloquent and impassioned speech, tir«t of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recom­ j Yamhill.” On the whole, though, the j which being translated ran this way: mend the medicine to all who are’afflicted with this dktres-ing disease. ‘I do not want you to punish these In­ ■ Doctor gives Moores the credit of having Yours respectfully, O. D PHELPS. M. 1» I come nearer the mark of a truthful wri­ dians. They tried to kill me. I know, Dr. T«ft Rror. Medicine Co . _ Feb. 5,1901. ter than has most any one of those who but they didn't succeed, for I am here as Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years I have tried numerous remedies, but If they had they havi all failed. I ran across your advertt-ement and started with atrial bottle. 1 found re­ “have been dumping their wheelbarrow you see, alive and well. lief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle and I am ever grateful. I have family loads of trash into the distended sides of killed me, I suppose that by Boston law of four childrerf. and for six vear« was unable to wors I am now in the best of health and am doing busbies« every dav This testimony you can make such use of as you ace fit. the Oregonian and other publications they would have to be killed themselve». Home address. 23.’» Rivington street. _ 8. RAPHAEL. which have been enlightening us with The (ndian law justifies them for killing 67 East 129th st., City. parly time history, (?) not even except­ any doctor who has lost a patient. 1 ing the brilliant legends of Indian tradi­ have lost patients and perhaps ought to Then what jus­ tion which have been kindly dished out die. 1 am not dead to us in the Native Son, after having tice is there in punishing men who were Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR TAFT BROS.’ MEDICINE been pumped out of the belly of a sal-' ordered by their chief to execute Indian CO., 79 East 130th St., N. Y, City, Bears the Signature V H. Dr. W. L. Adams Visits in the City, and Leaves With Us An interesting Iiit of History. DALLAS COLLEGE and LaCREOLE AC ADE Al Y $ S W ♦ C. C. POLING, Pres ASTHMA CURE FREE! Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free on receipt of Postal. NO. 36. EL9BWHERE1N OHEGOK. Hillsboro is voting for a queen for her Native Sons’ carnival, which occurs the first days of October. Dr. Thompson of Independence savs he has married nearly 1000 couple, 250 couple being in Corvallis alone. This is The Portland Coal & Development Co. a rare record among clergymen. continues to get good reports from sam­ It is reported that the postoffice at ples mined on its property near North Newport is a fright, as it is not equipped Yamhill. The first sample assayed tor handling the mails for such crowds showed high in moisture, because it was as gather there during the summer mined in a damp place, and was not months. seasoned. It was taken from the ledge Horst Brothers, prominent hop buy­ last Saturday and analyzed the following ers, have declared their insolvency. Monday. The second sample was taken out the same day as the first, but it was They owned 1200 acres of land in Polk not assayed until Thursday. In the and Marion counties. This is mortgaged for $125,000. meantime it had become seasoned, and The La Grande beet sugar factory has the result was less moisture and a great­ er per cent of fixed carbon. The differ­ begun marketing the first of its sugar ence between the two assays is shown in output of this year. The factory will use 15,000 tons of beets this year against the following comparison: First. Second. 9,000 tons last year. Per ct. Per ct. A 50-minute schedule is to be put on Moisture................................ 17-50 15 60 the electric line from Portland to Oregon Volatile combustibles........ 30 20 28 00 City, which shortens the time 20 min­ Fixed carbon...................... 46.80 49.20 utes, and makes it the same as the trains Dark brown ash.................. 5 50 *7.20 on the Southern Pacific. ♦Light brown ash. The Eugene city council had an ordi­ J. H. Fisk, who made the second as­ nance before it at its meeting, Tuesday say, reported to the company that 100 night, raising the saloon licence of that parts of raw coal gave a residue, not city from $400 to $rooo per year. The coke, of 56.4 per cent. This residue was matter was laid on the table by a vote of composed of 87.05 per cent carbon and 3 to 2. 12.95 per cent ash. There was very lit- Two of the judges and executioners of tie sulphur or phosphorous, Reporting the Bender family reside in this state, on the coal, Mr. Fisk said: one near Oakville and one at Salem. “This is the best coal of the kind that They say they know the Benders are I have yet analyzed in Oregon. It is »lead and that they were in their graves far superior to the Bucoda coal, which in less than 24 hours after the discovery used to sell in this market for $5 a ton. of Dr. York's remains. The moisture is about the same, while Southern Oregon has suffered some’ the fixed carbon is much higher and the what from drouth this year. In Jack- ash 10 per cent less.”—Oregonian, Sat­ son county, which raises a considerable urday. quantity of corn, that crop is nearly a failure and it is reported that in conse­ Stops the Cough and Work« Off quence there are a good many more pigs the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets curea there than they have grain to feed . cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price The Salem city council has adopted 25 cents. resolutions directing the issuance of $30,000 in 4 per cent 15-year bonds for Teacher« Receiving Certificate«. the purpose of refunding that amount of First Grade—James A. Campbell, 5 per cent bridge bonds, due October I. Mildred Daugherty, Daisy D. Pape, The bonds will lie subject to payment Cora E. Comer, Minnie Helyer, Bessie at any time, and will be issued in Leighton, J. J. Ellyson, Mary A. Bur­ amounts to suit small investors. rows, Flora Blough, Annie L. Dudley, P. A. Kline, a wealthy property owner W. A. Johnston, Pearl Leonard. of Brook, Indiana, started this week on Second Grade—Anna Carter, Stella the trip to his home. He has been ex­ Smith, Hattie G. Brown, Pearl Church­ ploring in Oregon and Washington and man. now goes east to dispose of interests Third Grade—Edna McNeill,D.Chesla there with the intention to return and Bones, Grace Webster, Myrtle Stewart- invest $25,000 in farm lands of Wash­ son, Alice J. Kidder, Mabel Neal, Bessie ington county near Forest r'-ove.—Hills­ Daugherty, Christine K. Seitters, Mabel boro Independent. Wheelock, Nellie Stockman, Lillian The Corvallis Times reports that the Johnston. Green Peak Fruit Farm Co., in which Primary certificate—Minnie Newby. Prof. Bristow of this city is interested, W A. Johnston received the highest which has 1 to acres of prunes, besides general average, viz, 95% per cent. 30 acres of apples and 20 of pears, now There were three failures. has an Allen dryer and is building two tunnel Kurtz dryers It also intends to Board ol I'qiinll-zatloll. erect a 30-stock Schneider evaporator, Notice is hereby given that the board and expects to be able to cure in all of equalization of Yamhill county, Ore­ 1200 bushels of fruit every 24 hours. gon, will meet at the court house on The Oregonian reports that there are Monday, August 26th, at 10 a. m. and 4,500 rural free delivery mail routes in continue in session for one week, for the operation. There are 357 representa­ purpose of examining and correcting the tives in congress, wherefore there are on assessment rolls in any errors that may an average t2>i routes to each congress­ occur thereon in valuation or description man. But in the First district of Ore­ of property, and for transacting any gon there are known to be 20 routes. other business that may lawfully come That over number of eight is to the before the board, and all parties inter­ credit of Congressman Tongue, and he ested are requested to appear before said can’t be blamed with neglecting his board at said time and place, and show people. cause, if any, why their assessment Alfalfa is showing up remarkably well should not remain upon the roll. Do at the Oregon experiment station. not neglect to examine your assessment, When Dr. Withycombe took charge of as the assessor has no power to correct the station he found a piece of land in errors after the meeting of the board. alfalfa of several years’ standing. Last Dated this 31st day of July, 1901. year he gave this piece a treatment of J. M. Y o C om , land plaster and the growth of alfalfa County Assessor of Yamhill Co. was so encouraging that he seeded a new plat this year. The old plat has Only One Way to Iko It. this year given two heavy cuttings and Get from Portland to Chicago in 72 is now about 15 inches high again. hours—just 3 days. The ‘‘Chicago-Port­ On the 30th day of next month there land Special,” leaving Portland daily at will be thrown open to settlers two 9 a. tn. via O. R. & N., arrives at Chi­ cago at 9:30 the third day. New York townships of the Cascade forest reserve, ane opened for settlement. It the good of it is, it coats no more to ride on it than on other routes. We have is expected that there will be a geteraL other trains. The ‘‘Pacific Express” rush for these lands, as they axe very leaves Poitlan