PHYSICIANS LOCAL NEWS. G. S. Wright, dentist For feed, hay. flour and berries. J. A. D erby 4 S on . M Underwood bad a yield of 20 to 25 p E. GOUCHER, fl. D. bushels of wheat per acre. Wednesday night was the hottest of G. 8. Wright, dentist. the season. Hay baling, low prices, good work. Wheat is now 48 cents. J. A. D erby A S on . Physician Miss Dora Peuuiugton is visiting Jelly glasses and fruit jars at Kegg'e. John Holland and w ife have moved 1 friends in Salem. and Surgeon. "e suggest a daily balloon ascension back to McMinnville from Tillamook. Highest prices paid for chickens, but- as a feature of the coming carnival. Office over McMinnville National Bank. Bring your best butter and fresh eggs J ter aud eggs at the Grange store. Calls responded to Day and Night. Try Whiteson creamery butter. For to Wallace enter. construct­ charged and his bondsmen exonerated. are able to furnish samples of this year's j rnercial and household nee. ing army posts. He sate he drove nails excellent crops are requested to leave Capital Normal aud Correspond- on top of buildings last winter with the Wm. Smith of Pike claims to have the the Bame with the agent at McMinnville, «••ice School. Snlem. Orefon« lieat thresher engine in Yamhill county. thermometer at 35 degrees below zero, Normal, Academic, Buainew. Civil who will forward them to Portland free [ It is Baid to be liis own design. It is and with nothing on hie hands but ordi­ Service, Mechanical Drawing, College of charge made with double cylinders immediately nary buckskin gloves. Ice 20 feet thick A. B. Cady, of Beaverton, formerly of over the boiler, and as a result is an es­ remained in the bay there till July Preparatorv. The Home Study depart­ ment offers yon a rare chance to spend this place, writing in regard to Canadian pecially powerful machine, and has no 2d, and people bail begun to think it your evenings pleasantly and profitably thistles, believes that Oregon would la- dead centers ai d consequent chugs of wasn’t going to" break up at all this year. done for if a crop was allowed to go to motion. He gets the water both by On the morning of the 3d they woke up in fitting yourself for your life work seed. Aa to killing the thistle be gives pnmp and injector, and besides his water to the vision of a clear bay. It bad gone Fall term begins Sept. 30, 1901. this advice: “To get rid of them is the wagon, carries a hundred gallon steel out to sea in one night. Mr. Miller says Address, J. J. K raps . Prin., question. Summer fallowing will not do tank of water in front of the smoke stack, about 2,Out) people remained at Nome al) Salem, Or. it, although it will decrease their growth. as a reserve force. He claims he can winter, and since spring from four to five Farm t or sale. My father bad a small patch on our drive his engine and draw his separator thousand have been added to the popula­ One hundred and sixty acres of land farm and they were all cut down, taken after it up or down any hill where a plow tion. They were eleven days coming on summit of Coast Range. Good house . offend burned Then we went on the cm go. After hearing Mr. Smith, we down on the government transport War­ and barn, other out buildings of sawed ; patch, crawled around on our hands and are convinced that he would rather talk ren, and came within a hair’s breadth of timber, twenty-five acres in grass, and knees and split open every stock and put engine than eat a good meal of victuals running upon the rocks in a fog. Mr. considerable fruit. Inquire of J-.O• salt in the split, and that fixed tbem. He says Elsia Wrigbt will come to his Miller may become a resident of this Hanchett. or address Mrs. M. E. Paige. 1 They never came up again ’’ 1 county, as he is very favorably irnpreseed. standard of machine about next year. East Portland, "The Brown. E d H endricks , Vice Pres. A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier J acob W ortman , Pres. J ohn W ortman , Cashier. '> ?♦ » » !♦ The First National Bank Of McMinnville, Oregon. The Oldest Bank iu Yamhill County. Established in 18S5. Capital and Surplus, #90,000. Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the Uni’ed States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited. è» è» Physicians and Surgeons. Osteopathic Physician BARBERS. Don’t forget Your Camera FRESH FILMS, PLATES, PAPER. ETC. At W. L. HEMBREE’S. J. f. COOPER, The New Merchant. ItiTBinding Twine at our Store. HOPEWELL, OR. CLEARANCE SALE of FURNITURE. We never have had a time-worn stock of Furni­ ture, but we are making a Clearance sale just now of a nice, durable aud medium grade of goods, and in their place will put iu the best stock ever landed in McMinnville, both as to styles aud quality. Aloug with this we will continue to carry the cheaper goods to suit that class of trade. But for Something Really Nice in Furniture You should see H. C. BURNS, HARNESS, CITY MARKET. On Your Summer Trip ------- Third St., former stand of Racket Store. <2 fhe McMinnville National Bank. P aid C apital , Of McHINNVILLE, OREGON. $50,000 S urplus and P rofits , $25,000 Transacts a General Banking businens and extends to Its patrons efery facility consistent with safe and prudent banking. DIRECTORS: L. E. Cowls Wm. Campbell W. L. Warren Lee Laughlin, Pres. J. L. Rogers, Vice Pres. E.C. Apperson, Cashier W. S. Link, Asst. Cashier Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Truck and Dray Co Big Livestock Show. OREGON Good Racing in the Afternoons. STATE FAIR SALEM Sept. 23-28,1901 Great Aguicultural and Industrial Fair ! Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building every Evening, with Good Music. Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special rates on campers tick- ets. Come and bring vourfam- ¡lies, Reduced rates on all rail- roads. For further particulars ad- drees n. D. WISDOM, Sec. Portland, Or. 0000000 Take The Reporter and Get the News Temperature for the Week. The following record of the weather for the week is taken from the thermom­ eter at Williams’ book store in this city at 3 p. m. Monday, 89 degrees. Tuesday, 89 degrees. Wednesday, 98 degrees. Thursday, 94 degrees. A Narrow R.cape. White Collar Line. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. TAHOMA Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD. Leave Portland....... Leave Astoria...... ............ 7 A. M ............ ......... 7 P. M Thos. Rogers received a letter from his brother Frank, now at Netarts, un­ der date of 13th inst., telling of the fol­ lowing exciting experience: “We had quite a little excitement here on Satur­ Daily Round Tripcxcept M