TUET GOT $».» UPHELD MONROE DOCTRINE, Ztlya Touched a Popular Chord in Hi» AWFUL LOSS OF LIFE. Thousands Drowned by An­ Flooding of Yangtse nual Message. River. New York, Aug. 8.—General San- Approval oi Federation of Labor i toa Zelaya, president of Nicarauga, i of Selby Refining Co. Is Freely Given. 1 has touched a popular chord in his | message to the Nicaraguan congress, ! 1,200 POUNDS OF rURE GOLD BULLION just assembled, by advocating the THE TRUST MAKES AN IMPORTANT MOVE Monroe doctrine and declaring his I anxiety for the construction of the Tunneled Under the Vault and Cut Through Nicaraguan canal by the United Ordtrs Its Immense Plant at McKeesport to be the Steel Floor—Escaped In a Boat. Removed to Kiskiminetas Valley— States, says the Managua, Nicaragua correspondent of the Journal and Ad- Leaving No Possible Clue. Strikers Still Defiant. I vertiser. J “At the head of our continent ap­ San Francisco, Aug. 7.—The Selby pears,’’he said, “the grand republic PITTSBURG. Aug. 12.—Tnere wero Smelting & Lead Company has lieen of the United States, with the Mon­ gravely important developments in robbed of $280,000 worth of gold bul­ roe doctrine on its forehead, the grand the strike situation today. The United lion. The theft occurred some time international principle that forbids States Steel Corporation moved de­ European colonization of American cisively in its strike campaign, with last night, and was not discovered soil. With that government the a peremptory order directing that the until morning. The thieves tunneled friend and protector of the weak na­ Dewees-Wood plant, at McKeesport, from outside the building under the tions of our continent, we maintain, be dismantled and removed to Kis­ vault at the Selby Works, which are as is natural, close and cordial rela­ kiminetas Valley. President Gom- located on the bay Bhore, about 30 tions. pers, of the American Federation of “We have, moreover, with the great Labor, after a two days' conference miles from San Francisco. They ' American republic,the common in­ got away with nearly 1200 pounds of terest of our respective lands in the with President ShafTer and his asso­ tine gold worth $20 an ounce without opening of the inter-ocean canal ciates, issued a formal statement to­ night, specifically holding the Feder­ leaving a trace of their identity. through our territory, which to her ation to the moral and financial sups The robbery is the most successful means the realization of her dear pur­ port of the Amalgamated. His writ­ and remarkable ever accomplished pose to occupy among the nations of ten review of the tra.n of events on the Pacific coast, and was evi­ the earth her proper position as a leading up to the industrial quarrel maritime power of tho first class, and dently the work of skilled mechanics. to us means the incalculable benefits sustains the course of the Amalga­ The whole affair was most skillfully which we will obtain by our future mated Association, and declares that planned and as skillfully executed. progress and aggrandizement If the nothing remains for labor but to bat­ It is supposed that when the robbers realization of this is as it promises, tle for the cause of unionism. The official announcement of the secured their loot they loaded it into Nicaragua and the United States will a boat that was waiting and disap­ come closer and travel united in the order to dismantle the Dewees-Wood future, because of this wonderful link plant came this afternoon toward the peared in the fog that had come over thsit entwines in a positive way their close of an otherwise uneventful day, San Francisco bay. national interests’’ and its importance was such that it In their haste to get away they left claimed the serious consideration of two gold bars, worth nearly $50,000, TUNG FUH S REBELLION. either side of the great industrial lying on the bank at the water’s conflict now being waged here. Per- edge. The police at all the bay cities Chinese Court Alarmed by the Rebels' Ap­ sifer F. Smith, district manager of were notified of the crime, but all the American Sheet S.eel Company, proach Upon Singan. they could discover were a few of the made the formal announcement in tools that the robbers had used. Victoria, B. C. Aug. 8.—The steam­ the following statement: The Selby Smelting & Lead Com­ er Queen Adelaide brings news that “I have orders from Piesident Mc- pany is the largest concern of its the Tien Chuan Lui rising is grow­ Murtric, of the American Sheet Steel kind on the Pacific coast. Ores are ing. A report reached the French Company, to at once tear down the sent from all over the Western coun­ force in Pekin from Cheng Ting Fu Dewees-Wood plant at McKeesport try to be smelted and refined, and to the effect that a large number of and remove the same to Kiskiminetas the gold is then turned over to the defeated soldiers of Tung Fuh Siang, Valley. Tnis I shall proceed to do mint. A steamer makes special combined with Lian Chwang Hui, immediately.” The publication of the order was a trips between San Francisco and the have unfurled in the government great and McKeesport re­ works, carrying the ores one way and premises of Shen Chow many banners ceived surprise it at first with doubt. Actual bringing back the refined gold. with the motto, “Sweep China and preparations were made later in the This morning when the workmen destroy the aliens.” day for the dismantling of the plant, entered the vault to prepare the gold “On receipt of a report that Tung and there is little doubt but that it for loading on the steamer the rob­ Fuh Siang has started a rebellion and will be torn down. The strikers heard bery was discovered. The thieves had is marching upon Singan.” says a the order in a spirit of defiance. They taken the precaution of fastening Shanghai paper, “the Chinese court simply said that it showed the steel was convinced that it the door of the vault from the inside, has enlisted braves in order to prevent corporation could not reopen the plant in the face so that it would be difficult to open him, the number of the present im­ of the opposition of the Amalgamated from the outside in case they were perial bodyguard being inadequate to Association. Strike leaders here said interrupted in their work. meet this for. e. The braves of the that the order was a bluff that had Probably preparatory engineering two provinces of Shen Si and Ho Nan been worked unsuccessfully before, extending over several weeks was done have now gathered, and their number and declined to take it seriously. l>efore the robbery could be accom­ has reached 15 or 16 battalions, but President Shaffer refused to discuss plished. Close to the wall of the build­ they are devoid of good weapons. the matter. The steel officials declined to give ing in which the vault is located a The governors and other officials of any reason for the order, but it is shaft was sunk below the foundation. the two provinces are therefore or­ stated here that the pro ounced sym­ Then a tunnel was run ' to the dered by the court to procure arms pathy of citizens and city officials at vault, and holes were bored in the I for them at once.” McKeesport with the strikers is re­ Great loss of life occurred in Japan sponsible for it. It is also said that iron floor until a hole sufficiently large to admit a man was made. It ' because of floods. In one colliery 69 the plant of the National Tube Com- was then easy work to pass down the J were drowned, and loss of life is also panj at McKeospoit will be at and the old Carnegie plan for treasure into the tunnel and load it reported from many places, as well doned a tube plant at Co.ineaut, O., re­ into a boat. The robbers sprinkled as destruction of property. vived. red pepper in the tunnel to make GENERAL STRIKE ORDER. things as uncomfortable as possible G< m urs Pledges Support for anyone who might attempt to President Gompers, of the American All Union Mtn In the Employ of the Steel pursue them. Federation of Labor, war closeted There were four fine gold bricks in Trust Are Called Out- with the advisory board of the Amal­ the vault which the robbers looted. gamated Association for more than Pittsburg, Aug. 8. — After weeks of Each was 10 inches long, five inches three hours. This evening he gave preliminary skirmishing, at last the wide and four inches in height. out the following statement: great battle between the gigantic In addition to this there was stolen "Since the arrival of Secretary Mor­ from the bullion vault crude gold in steel trust and the thousands of men rison, of the American Federation of marshalled under the banners of the all shapes and sizes, and some of it in Labor, and myself, we have been in Amalgamated Association of Iron, almost continual conference with the bars of different lengths. Steel <• so difficult if a reser­ A landslide near Morgan, Utah, de­ voir was dug and built on the farm, so layed train service on the Union Pa­ that tlie water could be stored. Such a cific for over four hours. reservoir could easily lie increased In Salt Lake’s water supply was great­ size each year, and with the water ly curtailed today, owing to a land­ stored in it. what would prevent dig­ slide in Parley’s Canyon, which sup­ ging ditches to carry tlie water to the plies a portion of the city’s water. fields when needed? Some will say Shortly before midnight a severe that such work represents an Immense electrical storm broke over the city, amount of labor; but If the farmer In­ seriously interfering with the tele­ tends to live permanently on ills farm, graph and telephone service. The will it not pay him to do a little toward plant of the electric light company tlie Improvement each year, even was disabled soon after the storm though It may take ten years to com­ commenced, the city being left in plete the Job? He can rest assured that darkness. he Is increasing the value of his farm fully 10 per cent every year, a fact MAY BE INVESTIGATED. which he will realize when he cotnes to sell it.—Professor James S. Doty, Charges Likely to Be Made Against Judge New York Humphreys, of Hawaii. Washington, Aug. 9.—Judge A. H. Humphreys, of the First circuit United States court, Hawaii, today had a conference with Attorney Gen­ eral Knox. Some time ago the bar association of Hawaii filed a com­ plaint with Judge Humphreys, al­ leging, among other things, arbitrary and unjust treatment of members of the ba* and specifying the arrest of three well known attorneys upon a charge of contempt of court. The sentence, however, was not executed, and subsequently the accused were pardoned by the governor On the other hand, it is said a large number of letters have been received here tes­ tifying to the uprightness and integ­ rity of Judge Humphreys, and other testimony bearing upon the case is expected very soon. It is expected that the Bar Association of Hawaii will follow its complaint by formal charges and then the matter will be taken up by the department of justice and disposed of. It is intimated by persons in a position to have know­ ledge on the subject that the com­ plaints against Judge Humphreys are a result of the antagonism that has existed for some time between the new federal officials and the old regime. Judge Humphreys will re­ main some days. Pouttrv Hon.i for L.rce Chicks. When the chicks are about one-quar­ ter grown and have left the mother ben they should be provided with some GOOD POULTRY HOUSB. sort of a shelter for night use and for use on stormy days. A coop for these chicks may be built for very little money. One side of the coop Is formed by the side of a building or a fence, ami at the lower end comes within two Inches of the ground. The roof of rough boards Is covered with tarred or waterproof paper. An opening Is cut In one side next to the fence or wall. Inside, roosts are arranged, and in one corner Is placed a dust bath. The roosts will have to be put In before the roof Is put on, as the house Is not designed in any way so that one can even reach Ordered to Colon. the Inside except through the small Washington, Aug. 9.—The navy de­ hole provided for the entrance of the partment has ordered the gunboat chicks. Machias, now at Boston, to proceed Indigestion In Horses. to Colon to look after American in­ It Is difficult to give causes of Indi­ terests there. This is in connection with the reports of disturbances and gestion In horses, for it may come from interruption of traffic at the isthmus. improper water, as from Improper foods, although the latter are usually The Brooklyn at Manila. at the bottom of the trouble. A proper Manila, Aug. 9.—The United States variety In the foods will do much to cruiser Brooklyn flying the flag of keep the digestive organs In good con­ Rear Admiral Remey, has arrived dition, particularly If In the variety here from Australia, where the vessel there Is considerable green food of a took part in the celebrations attend­ succulent nature, as most root crops ing the opening of the first Austral­ are. When Indigestion la caused by Improper water, It is usually the case ian parliament. that the water la foul In some way, Gold Strike in Georgia. although very hard water often pro­ Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 9.—Samples of duces Indigestion, or, what Is worse, ore, accompanied by attested affida­ stone in the kidney or bladder, the lat­ vits, have been received in Atlanta ter being a disease quite common showing a remarkably rich strike of among horses in districts where the gold in Wilks county, near Washing­ water Is hard. If the food Is of the ton, Ga. proper kind and hard water Is being used, attention should be given It be­ To Save the Vermont fore a valuable animal Is lost. If pos­ New York, Aug. 8.—According to sible. give rain water, but If this Is not the Tribune the latest proposition convenient add a small quantity of concerning the old training ship caustic potash to the hard water, which Vermont, which comes as a result of a will materially Improve It. number of protests to the navy de­ Feed Instead of Breed. partment against the conversion, on The famous dairy expert. Black- sanitary grounds, of the old boat into well, once gave ten rules for the care junk, is to establish a naval museum of dairy cows, and of thia numtier six or trophy room. The room now used referred In some manner to the feed as a museum is small and it is need­ given them, showing that. In his mind ed for offices. at least, feed was much more import­ ant than anything else in the handllac of the dairy. Much complaint is being made by dairymen that some of their, cows are not profltable, and while, In many eases, the trouble is due entirely to some poor In­ dividuals In the herd which may be discovered by weighing the milk of each cow aud keeping a record of It, there la no doubt but that poor feeding Is at the bottom of the trouble In many cases. It is frequently found that an animal which Is a loss lu the hands of Brown Is profitable when Jones gets bqld of the cow. In such cases It is evident that the method of feeding or the foot! Itself was wrong In the first case. Dairymen who are complaining of their cows and thinking of bringing about Improvement by changing the breed will do well to study the ques­ tion of feed anil see If they are not makiug some mistakes In that direc­ tion. Four Horse Kvener. A correspondent sends to Iowa Homestead a sketch of a four horse evener for a binder which, he says. Is tn almost universal use In Ills section of the country: Take a com­ mon evener off from your disk, buy a 15- cent pulley and about ten feet of stout rope or chain, which will cover all the expense. Take a piece of 2 by 6 and bolt on tongue A FOUR HOUSE EVENER. with one bolt where the evener goes to serve as prop for the evener, pass the rope through the pulley and tie on each end of the evener. This gives free play to both sides of the evener. There is no side draft, but put the heaviest team on the outside. This device can be used on either a right or left hand binder and gives perfect satisfaction. The illustration Is self explanatory. There should also be a clevis from tlie center of the evener to fasten the even­ er to the outer end of the prop. Protect the Farm Well. Tests made at experiment stations show that water from farm wells is frequently contaminated with some Im­ purity drawn from surrounding stables, pens, etc., nnd a lack of drainage to carry off surface water. Wash and dishwater, both filled with animal mat­ ter, Is thrown around the house, year In and out, until the ground Is alive with the poison, which eventually finds Its way Into the well. The fields are tiled to produce healthy nnd abundant crop life, but seldom»ls a tile or ditch put down around the house to protect the well. When the water begins to run low In the well that Is not driven below rock. Is the time to begin to boll It for drink­ ing purposes. Heat of water or sun destroys the typhoid bacillus. Enough water should be boiled at a time to allow It to stand several hours before drinking. It la the heat driving the air out of It makes It so sickening to taste. In a few hours the air will again get Into It and restore the taste. Put It In jugs, and set the Jugs upon the cellar floor, or In a cave prepared for this pur­ pose. If you have lee, put It around the vea- sels, but never In them. There are high and specialized forms of life that Ice will not kill, and some of the lower forms It preserves In all force, it seems. The contents of slop bowls from the room of the patient sick with typhoid had. If the sun Is shining hot, better by far be thrown upon the ground than burled. A log heap Is the proper dis­ infectant In these cases, kept burning night and day as long ns there Is any­ thing from the sick room to throw Into It.—Indianapolis News. Imperfect I turn Bloeeom«. Fruit growers have met with a diffi­ culty In the successful cultivation of the native plum In the fact that soma varieties are self-sterile; that In, they do uot fertilize themselves. Isolated trees and large orchards of Wild Goos« aud Miner have proved ally bearers, while when planted Intermingled with other varieties blooming at the sumo time nnd furnishing an abundance of pollen they have borne many crops. Hence It Is Important to determine the most suitable list of varieties for an orchard so as to Insure the most perfect pollenation of all the blossoms. New­ man Is considered a good pollenlzer for Wild Goose, while De Soto. Wolf, and Forest Garden are regarded as good fertilizers for Miner. Isolated trees of the self-sterile varieties may tie made fruitful by top grafting some of the limbs with suitable varieties, or by planting trees of these sorts adjacent. Mixed planting of self-fertile and Im­ portant varieties In hedge-llke rows or In alternate rows Is now advocated and practiced by our best growers. Some growers prefer to confine their choice of varieties to those that are self-sterile. —Farmer’s Review. ISalry rhermometer*. A good dairy thermometer costs less than $1. and tons of butter go Into the grease vats every year liecause thou­ sands of farmers’ wives do not use a thermometer In churning. A noted dairy Instructor once told the writer that he firmly believed that the avenge prlceof all the butter sold In the United Statea could be Increased at least 2 cents per pound In two years If the thermometer was u»ed at every churning and the cream churned at the proper tempera­ ture.—Land and a Living.