The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, August 16, 1901, Image 2

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D. I. AIBl’BT. Publish«,.
tïtiiis ot tnt mi
Interesting Collection of Items From th«
Two Hemispheres Presented In •
Condensed Form.
Annuel Report of General
MacArthur on the
Turkey has given in tothedemands
of France.
Colombia has severe^ relations with
Flour and cereals will be on the
Chinese free list.
The plants of the Carnegie group
are still working.
New York police methods are to be
investigated again.
A Cotton Belt tram was wrecked in |
Arkansas and two men killed.
Great forest fires are raging along
the coast of British Columbia.
Fourteen thousand steel workers
obeysd Shaffer’s general strike order.
Eastern wheat market is booming
on the strength of unfavorable crop
Lipton’s yachtmen l>elieve the Co­
lumbia is a better boat than the Con­
A freight locomotive on the Denver
There is a possibility that in
A Rio Grande exploded, killing the
case the trouble between Vene­
engineer and fireman.
zuela and Colombia breaks out
Germany and France are both after
in war one of the war vessels
American islands of great stragetic
now on Puget Sound will be
value lying just north of Cuba
sent to Panama.
The available warships on
Rear Admiral Johnson has l>een
Puget Sound are the Oregon
selected by the navy departm nt to
and the Iowa.
The Oregon is
succeed Admiral Sampson, in com­
at Puget Sound navy yard and
mand of the Boston navy yard, when
the Iowa at Anacortes.
the latter retires.
Ex-Premier Crispi is dead at Naples.
Sound yard, but is not in shape
The United Mineworkers indorsed
for active service.
If but one
the steel strike.
battleship is sent to Panama it
will be the Iowa, owing to the
Forest fires are beginning in West­
ern Washington.
need for permanent repairs to
the Oregon.
Another Negro was burned at the
•take in the South.
Steel workers in Western mills of
will In time conciliate the natives and
the trust refused to strike.
Engagements with insurgents were make them friendly to the United
, States. The education of the people
fought recently near Panama.
in times past made them suspicious
Business men of San Francisco are of any governmental beneficlence, and
working hard to end the strike.
I they evidently looked on the lenient
Civil government will be established attitude of the United States as in­
dicating weakness.
General Mac-
in northern Philippine provinces.
Arthur says the proclamation Issued
The funeral service over the late on December 21, firmly declaring the
Empress Frederick occurred at Cron- Intention of the Ualted States to hold
the island and to have the laws
obeyed, had a good effect, and the sec­
The I’hiippine commission granted ret resistance was much abated.
|25 ,(XX) to each rinderpest stricken
A considerable portion of the re­
port Is devoted to the field operations
Shamrock II has arrived at Sandy of the army, showing that October 1,
1900, it occupied 413 stations, which
Hook, after a 14 days’ passage across | was
of necessity Increased to 502 sta­
the ocean.
tions. every command being in con­
John Winters, the man under ar­ tact with some hostile force. He
rest, has confessed to the robl>ery of j speaks of the good service of the
’ army and says, as a result of the co-
the Selby smelter.
I operation between the army and the
Admiral Evans was censured by the people who have accepted the lnvl-
navy department la-cause of state­ tatlon to combine for mutual protec­
tion. the armed insurrection is almost
ments in his book.
Governor Taft, of the Philippines,
■ays tariff legislation is necessary to |
develop the islands.
An attempt was made by Boer sym-
pathizers to blow up a British trans­ Anarchists Intended to Assassinate Him at
port at New Orleans.
NEW YORK. Aug. 12.—Saya the
The steel trust is preparing to start
T-ondon correspondent of the Tribune:
up its idle mills.
Rumors are current that the rea­
Another Negro was burned at the
son why the departure from London
■take by an Alabama mob.
for Germany of King Edward and
Thousands were drowned by the other royal mourners has been de­
overflowing of the Yangtse river.
layed was that the German police
Police working on the Sei by smelter authorities had received information
robbery have made one arrest on sus­ of a plot which the anarchists had
intended to put into execution at
The gunboat Machias has l>een or­ Friedrichshof. It is certainly some­
dered to Colon to protect American what significant that even now the
exact hour of the King’s departure
has not been made known. However,
The German army has la-en ordered It Is known that preparations for his
to go into mourning for six weeks 1 departure are complete. Accompanied
for the late empress.
by Queen Alexandra and Princess
France has warned Turkey that t he | Victoria, he will leave London to­
porte must settle claims or France’s i morrow evening and reach Cronberg
In time to he present at the memorial
minister will be recalled.
service which is to be held there Sun­
Foreign men on warships of Colom­ day.
bia quit and have left the country,
Boers Captured a British Post.
being afraid of being murdered.
LONDON. Aug. 12.—I-ord Kitch­
Patterson, N. J., anarchists will
ener, In a dispatch from Pretoria, an­
produce a play depicting the tragedy
that a post of 25 men, be-
connected with the assassination of nounces
longing to Stevnacker’s Horse on the
Humbert I, of Italy.
Sabi River, has been surprised and
A bad wreck was caused on the captured by the Boers.
I-ord Kitchener reports also th<j
Great Northern in Washington. A
burnt tree fell across the track, wreck­ surrender at Warmbaths of Com
ing the engine and killing the en­ mandant Devilleres, who was second
in command to Selers.
Several others were injured.
Two hundred sand teamsters at San
Francisco have joined the strikers.
Russia After the Jews
government will hereafter llmtt the
Admiral Howison Wil) la» the third number of Jewish students in Russian
member of the Schley court of in­ universities to 3 per cent of the total
number of students, except in th«
University of Moscow, where they are
Governor Gage will be asked to entirely prohibited.
mediate between the contestants in
Contrihutlon from a Soldier.
the San Francisco strike.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 12—Secre­
St. Paul's cathedral, in London, is
■ettling from the vibrations caused by tary Gage has received from a sol­
dier In the Philippines a contribution
passing underground trains.
of |270. The money was sent to
Thirty Turks were killed in a bat­ Father Conaty, rector of the Catholic
tle between Bulgarian bandits and University, for transmission to the
Turkish government troojw.
Colorado leads all the states in the
production of troth gold and silver.
English opponents of ostentation
at funerals will extend their propa­
ganda to the United States.
The United States will not prevent
Cuba assuming payment of bonds is­
sued by the New York junta.
Lord Pauncefote's talk a trout a new
eanal treaty is taken to mean that
England will make concessions to ad­
just differences.
De»th Sentence Approved.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 12—For the
first time since the outbreak of the
Spanish war, President McKinley has
approved the death sentence in the
case of an enlisted man. The case
Is that of Private Phineas Fouti. Com-
panv K. Nineteenth Infantry.
soldier was convicted by a general
court-martial at Cebu. P. I., for the
murder of Genevlva Torres, a native
Filipino girl, by stabbing her to
deathwarlth a sword cane In her home
at Mandaue, Cebu, November 15, 1900.
Dewet Intends
Items of Interest From All
of the State.
Brief Review of the Growth end Improve­
ments of the Many Industries Through­
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Cherries are just coming to market
around Enterprise, Wallowa county.
A street fair promoter is in Eugene
trying to work up a carnival there for
There are five Ed Millers in Baker
City, and each gets the mail of all the
others, so it is said.
Between hot weather and harvest
the valley towns are almost deserted
and business is very dull.
It is estimated that 1,000,000
pounds of prunes will be dried in the
' icinity of Dallas this fall.
A big piairie fire raged at Ella, in
Morrow county, caused by small boys
playing with matches.
It burned
several sections of bunchgrass.
A submarine diver has been engag­
ed for about two months in placing
blasts to blow up a reef outside the
entrance to the Umpqua harbor.
Rabbit killing is the leading sport
now around Paisley, Lake county.
The pests are thick and do damage,
when able, in the grain and alfalfa
There is no apparent scarcity of
harvest hands in the Weston neigh-1
borhood; neither is there a
and those in search of work
W. H. Bruminond, of Connell,
Grant county recently killed two coy­
otes with one rifle shot. One of the
varimnts was standing 10 feet to one
side of the one he aimed at.
Grasshoppers are present in great
numbers on both Birch creeks, above
Pilot rock, in Umatilla county, and
are doing considerable damage both
to grain and gardens, th* latter par­
Great activity is reported in the
Galice mining district, 25 miles west
of Grants Pass.
Quartz mines are
working steadily and placers are pre­
paring for the work of next season.
More miners and prospectors are now
at work than at any time for 15 years.
Answer to Sheffer's General
Captured by Boere After Severe
Philippine Situation.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 12—The an
nual report of Major-General Mac-
Arthur, dated July 4, 1901, the day he
relinquished command of the division
of the Philippines, has been received
at the War Department. The period
covered by the report is from Oc­
tober 1, 1900, when the last report
from General MacArthur was dated,
He reviews the policy of the Fili-
pinos that were hostile to the Ameri-
cans, saying that their action since
the practical collapse of the insur­
rection has been a perplexing prob­
lem. With the disbandment of the
insurgent field armies, the Filipinos
organized desperate resistance by
banding the peoDle together in sup­
port of the guerrillas. This was car­
ried out by means of secret commit­
tees, who collected contributions, in­
flicted punishment« and carried on a
considerable opposition to the Ameri-
cans. General MacArthur reviews
the manner in which operations were
carried on against these guerrillas
and sayB he hopes the policy adopted
OBEYED BY 14,000.
to Attack Cape Town.
Loudon, Aug. 13.—A dispatch from
Lord Kitchener, dated Pretoria, says:
‘‘A blockhouse near
Orange River colony, was rushed and
captured by the Boers, after severe
fighting, the night of August 7.
“Elliot has captured 70 prisoners
and large quantities of stock and
wagons, which he is sending in.
details have been received.’’
Mail dispatches from Lord Kitch­
ener issued today in a parliamentary
paper, say his constant endeavor is to
improve the fortifications along the
lines of communications, thus re­
leasing men from active service. The
garrisons off the railways have mostly
been withdrawn.
Lord Kitchener received certain in­
formation that Dewet intends to at­
tack Cape Town, while General Botha,
as soon as he hears that the concen­
tration in Cape Colony is effected, is
to enter Natal with 5,000 picked
horsemen and make for Durban.
Mr. Russell Will Represent Government of Co­
lombia During Trouble—The Iowa
Will Be Sent to the Scene.
Willemstad, Aug. 14.—The Colom­
bian legation left Caracas today.
This Would Please Colombiana.
Panama, Colombia, Aug. 14.—The
editorial of the New York Herald urg­
ing the United States to end the con­
flict by taking sides with Colombia
against Venezuela, has caused great
enthusiasm here, and will
Americans very popular, as such a
step would put an end to the state of
anarchy existing.
Russell's Good Office!.
Substituted for
consin at Panama.
Washington, Aug. 13.—The state
department was without additional
information today concerning the
Venezuela-Colombia situation, or of
the revolutionary outbreak on the
Isthmus. These two troubles are dis­
tinct, one being on the west and the
other on the east coast of Colombia.
The Ranger, which has been ordered
to get in readiness at San Diego, Cal.,
for a trip to Panama, is a small cruis­
er of 1,020 tons displacement, and has
been engaged for some time past in
survey work on the Pacific coast and
in Central American waters. It is
possible that her services at the seat
of trouble will suffice and that a bat­
tle ship will not be needed to make
the long trip from the north.
Ranger has a main battery of six four-
inch rapid-fire guns and a secondary
battery of four six-pounders and a
Colt gun. She has a complement of
21 officers and 127 men.
As the battleship Iowa has report­
ed her arrival at Bremerton, while
the Winconsin has not yet been heard
from, it is probable that the former
may be substituted frtr the prospect­
ive trip to the Pacific side of the Isth­
mus, if it is decided to send a battle
ship, although the formal announce­
ment of the change has not yet been
A big natatorium has been finished
at Baker City, with two large tanks, TRAFFIC
30x90 and 15x30 feet.
Pittsburg, Aug. 14.—The struggle
Legation Withdraws for mastery between manufacturer#
land men in the steel strike is now
From Venezuela.
Will Probably
Sixty Thousand Men Now Out.
Washington, Aug. 14.—The state
department has authorized Mr. Rus­
sell, the American charge d’affairs at
Caracas, Venezuela, to use his good
offices for Colombia in case the Co-
lombian minister at the Venezuelan
capital leaves that country.
Russell telegraphed last week, seek-
ing information as to his epurse of
action in case of the withdrawal of
the Colombian minister, which ap­
parently was in contemplation at
that time.
The state department
has no infornfation as to whether Mr.
Russell is fulfilling this temporary
There have been no additional
developments as to the situation on
the Isthmus of Panama, where the
trouble is far removed from that
along the Venezuelan border. Consul
General Gudger’s course in looking
after the interests of Chinese along
the Isthmus is not in pursuance of
any specfic instructions from Wash­
ington, but follows a procedure estab­
lished 12 years ago in connection
with points at which the Chinese
were entirely without official repre­
The navy department has now de­
finitely determined to make use of the
battleship Iowa instead of the Wis­
consin on the Pacific side of the
Isthmus in case affairs become ser­
ious there. The Iowa is the flagship
of the Pacific station, and as such
flies the flag of Rear Admiral Silas
Casey. At last reports received here
the admiral was on board the Iowa,
but it is hardly probable that he will
proceed further south than San
The gunboat Machias has reached
Norfolk, and wiil probably sail for
Colon tomorrow morning.
fairly launched, and on the first
show of strength advantage is with
the former. The general strike order
issued by President Shaffer, of the
Amalgamated Association, has so far
j been obeyed by only about 14,000
men, according to the best figures ob-
j tainable here.
The first two calls
' were answered by about 45,000 men,
! so that the total number now out is
in the neighborhood of 60,000.
strikers made gain: here today over
the showing of last night, and their
prospects for further accessions at
both McKeesport and Wheeling dur­
ing the week are very favorable.
The action of the Amalgamated men
at Chicago, Joilet and Bayview in re­
fusing to come out, and their failure
to secure any recruits in the Carnegie
group throughout the Kiskiminetas
valley, and in the big plants at
Youngstown and Columbus, O., have
been marked by disappoitment to
They are keeping up the
fight, however in a spirited manner,
and claim that they have strength in
reserve which will surprise their op­
ponents. They assert that they have
gained a foothold in the Carnegie
mills in this city, and at the time de
sired the men will come out. They
are pressing their advantage at Mc­
Keesport and Wheeling and their or­
ganizers are still at work in those
towns. President Shaffer has decided
to visit Wheeling, and will address a
mass meeting of his followers. He
plans to spend tomorrow here direct­
ing the fight and conferring with his
associates as to plans for the future.
An appeal for financial aid has been
made to organized labor and to the
general public, and it is expected the
responses to it will be liberal.
Will Protect
Colon, Colombia, via Galveston,
Aug 13.—United States Consul Gen­
eral Hezekiah A. Gudger has publicly
notified the Chinese that they are en­
titled to the protection of the United
States consulate. He draws attention
to the acts of violence committed
against them in the recent insurgent
raid along the railroad line, and ex­
presses the hope that their rights as
foreigners will in future be recognized
and respected.
Wheat—Walla Walla, export value,
55(456c per bushel ;bluestem, 57«t58c;
valley, nominal.
Flour—best grades. $2.90(43.40 per
barrel; graham, $2.60.
Oats—$1.15(41.20 per cental.
Barley—Feed, $16(416.50; brewing,
$16.50(417 per ton.
Millstuffs—Bran. $27 per ton; mid­
dlings. $21.50; shorts. $20; chop, $16.
Hay—Timothy, $11(413; clover,
$70 9.50; Oregon wild hay, $5(46 per
Butter—Fancy creamery. 17ls(420c;
dairy, 14(415c'8 ; store, 11(412c j>er
Eggs—17c per dozen.
Cheese—Full cream, twins. 11 (4
lll8c; Young America, 12(412l8c per
Poultry—Chickens, mixed. $3.(X)(4
3.75; hens, $3 .75(4 4.75 ; dress, d. 10(4
lie per pound; springs, $2.50(44.00
|H-r dozen ; ducks. $3 for old ; $2 50
03.50 for young; geese. $4<<r4 50 per
dozen ; turkeys, live, 8(4 10c; dressed,
10<412'8c per pound.
Mutton — Lambs, 3L4c.
dressed, 6(47c per pound; sheep,
$3.25, gross; dressed, 6(46*Bc per lb.
Hogs — Gross, heavy, $-> 75(46 ;
light, $4.75(45; dressed. 6l8(4”c per
Veal — Small. 8(49c;
large, 7
(<t7l«c per pound.
Beef—Gross top steers, $3 500 4.(X);
cows and heifers, $3.25(43.50; dressed
lw-vf. 6l,o7’-4C per pound.
Hops—12(414c per pound.
Wool— Valley, 11(4134*0; Eastern
Oregon, 8(412 Sc; mohair, 2O(421c j«r
Potatoes—90c(4$1.00 per sack.
Washington, Aug. 13.—In assuring
the Chinese on the isthmus that they
are entitled to the protection of the
United States consulate, Consul Gen­
Pressure is Being Brought to Bear on the
eral Gudger is, in all probability, act­
Panama Railroad Company.
ing simply as a matter of comity to
NEW YORK, Aug. 12—F. A. Drake,
citizens of China resident there.
secretary of the Panama Railroad
There being no traety between Colom­
bia and China, the latter has no dip­
Company, says that the communica­
lomatic or consular representative in
tion which J. Edward Simmons, pres»
that cuuntry. Several years ago the
ident of the company, sent to the
Chinese requested that the United
State Department suggesting that an
States officers be authorized to look
American warship go to the Pacific
side at Panama, as well as to the At­ Selby Pec pie Have Dug Up All But $80,000 out for the interests of Chinese resi­
dents on the isthmus, and Consul
of Stolen Treasure.
lantic side at Colon, was sent largely
General Gudger is doubtless, acting
as the result of the pressure which
San Francisco, Aug. 14.—It was
residents of the isthmus have brought stated at the office of the Selby in accordance with that precept.
to bear on the company. Since Smelting Company at noon that a
Wednesday night officers of the com­
pany in New York have received mail
advices from the isthmus showing in­ ment of the Pinkertons, had today General Gomez Suggests the Names of Palma
creased activity on the part of the ' taken $65,000 worth of gold from the
and Masso.
Insurgents in the shape of depreda­
Havana, Aug. 14.—General Maxi­
tions by bands of from 40 to 50 spot where it was hidden by Winters,
guerrillas, who have raided outlying making nearly $200.000 already re­ mo Gome has addressed a letter to the
towns, looting property and captur­ covered.
It is expected that the local committee of the National party,
ing citizens for ransom.
in. Havana, declining to be a candi­
Traffic, however, even In the ab­ balance of the stolen treasure,amount­ date for the presidency of Cuba, and
sence of any reported depredations ing to $80,000, will be recovered in-1 suggesting the name of Senor Estrada
along the railroad line, is clearly tend­ side of 24 hours.
Palma and Senor Masso as the best
ing. In the opinion of the officers, to
Winters is still detained by the selections that could be made for the
become unsafe and the significance
of the movements of the rebels, they officers in this city, but has not been presidency and vice presidency.
“Let all Cubans agree upon this
think, it that it appears to be a re­ formally charged with the crime.
vival of the Insurrection that was The fact that he has not beencharged important matter,’’ says General Go­
supposed to have been suppressed with any crime lends additional mez in his communication, “and
last year.
weight to the belief that he will be Cuba will have a strong and stable
leniently dealt with for confessing the government, entirely fitted to deal
Storms on the Southern Border.
’ crime and locating the spot where he with the external relations in which
Cuba will have to exist as a republic. ”
Tucson, Ariz., Aug. 13. — Rain secreted the bullion.
There promises to be a lively fight
storms continue to rage in Southeast­
A movement backed by a number
ern Arizona and Northern Sonora. between the detectives over the re- of revolutionary generals was started
The road from Benson to Guaymas ward money, atid this matter may some time go to endeavor to make
was badly washed out last night and eventually be taken into eouit for Senor Palma the unanimous choice
Detective Morse, who, of the people for president.
this afternoon again, stopping trains. settlement,
It is
A hurricane rain storm visited Tucson it is stated, definitely fixed upon asserted that thus far Masso has de­
this afternoon, totally destroying the Winters the authorship of the crime, clined to fall in with the plan as sug­
gas works, leaving the city without states that he got his first informa­ gested by Gomez, as he relies upon
light. Several large smokestacks and tion from Donaldson, an employe of the Negro vote to elect him president.
buildings were blown down and a the works, who formerly roomed with
Kruger Intends to Come.
Morse, who is a detective
large number of trees destroyed, The Winters.
for the Selby people, does not claim
BRUSSELS, Aug. 12.—Mr. Kruger
destruction is considerable.
any of the reward, but states that has received at Halversum a repre­
a large portion of it should be divided sentative of the Holland Society of
Anarchiit Play Prohibited.
Chicago. He confirmed the rumor of
NEW YORK. Aug. 12.—Mayor Hin- between Donaldson and Sheriff Veale, his intention to visit the United
cliffe. of Patterson. N. J., has issued
States, but said he had not yet fixed
orders to the ‘Right of Existence" are opposed by the other detectives the date, on account of possible
group of anarchist! that he will not engaged in the case.
events in Europe.
permit the performance in the city
Death of Premier Christe.
of the advertised play depicting the
Admiral Sampson's Successor.
Naples, Aug. 14.—Signor Crispí
murder of King Humbert. The Mayor
says he will, In future, take steps to
... He
Washington, Aug. 14.—Having in died at 7:45 o’clock last evening,
prevent meeting of anarchists such
was surrounded by the members of
as the one held recently to glorify
his family and several intimate
tion of Admiral W. T. Sampson for
relief from duty as commandant of
The news was immediately tele-
German Punitive Expedition.
the Boston navy yard, pending his re­ graphed to King Emmanuel and
BRISBANE. Queensland. Aug. 12 —
The German punitive expedition sent tirement, the navy dejiartrnment offi­ Queen Helena. The evening papers
to avenge the massacre of Dr. Menc­ cials have selected an officer for as­ assert that the body will l>e conveyed
ken and other members of the first signment to that duty. The admiral to Palermo, where the municipality
German South Sea expedition on the
will arrange for a great public funeral.
cannibal Island of St. Matheas. land­ has been in delicate health for some
It is rumored that Signor Crispi's
ed from the German cruiser Cormor­
authorizes a prominent Italian
ant. near the scene of the massacre officials here should he seek an early
politician to examine his papers and
relief from duty.
killed 80 natives and captured 17.
to publish his memoirs.
Senator Clark, of Montana, owns
•bout 40 gold stiver.andcopj>cr mines.
A species of wood that expands like
rubber is one of the newly discovered
products of the Philippines.
Andrew Carnegie has offered the
city of Portsmouth, O.. $50,000 for a
public library.
It has l>een judicially decided that
women who |»ay rent directly to a
landlord in Toronto are entitled to
vote for aidermen.
Damaged '# • Cotillion.
Endoreed the Steel Strike.
London, Aug. 13.—A dispatch from
Nagasaki says the British steamer
Ching Wo, from Seattle July 21 for
London, is at Nagasaki with a hole in
her port bow. her bridge damaged,
and with the Ions of her anchor and
105 fathoms of chain.
Repairs will
be made temporarily in a few days.
The injuries were sustained in a col­
lision with the Hoyoku Maru, which
was also damaged.
New York, Aug. 14.—The Build­
ing Trades’ Council, the House­
smiths' Union and the Bridgemen's
Union of this city has adopted reso­
lutions pledging the moral and finan­
cial support of the oragnizations to
the steelworkers
It was also decided
to refuse to handle all products of the
United Steel Corporation which have
been manufactured since the strike
was declared.
Buyers are offering Hood River
apple growers $1.25 a box for apples,
to be delivered in the fall.
A rattlesnake was killed near Ash­
land recently. It measured seven feet
one inch in length and had 27 rattles.
A German farmer residing on the
Necanicum is reported to have discov­
ered a three foot vein of gold bearing
Douglas county growers are already
looking for labor to pick their prunes.
Wages to be paid are not yet an­
Threshing machine operators of the
Powder valley have formed a thresh­
ers’ union, and fixed the prices to be
paid for this work.
A large gray timber wolf, of the
genuine tpye, was killed near Elgin
It measured 65 inches
from tip to tip and 38 in height.
Portland Markets.
Bomb Outrage at Troys.
Pari«, Aug. 14.—A bomb was ex­
ploded this afternoon near the alter
of the Church of St. Nizier at Troys,
doing considerable damage to the 13th
century windows, but not injuring
any of the 100 children who. together
with a priest, were in the sacred edi­
fice at the time.
A Spaniard ha«
been arrested on suspicion of being
(he author of the outrage.