à • M'MINNVILLE, ORE. Kutered at the PoMofficc In McMinnville, as Second-class matter. XXXI. SECOND ANNUAL t, STREET FAIR ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A CHALLENGE. >■ >x "Yamhill Against The World,” ♦ 1 ♦ 1 ♦ MCMINNVILLE, OCT. 3, 4, 5 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ C A R N ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ >• ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » •» >• ♦ ♦ ♦ i ♦ Get Ready for the Big Event ♦ » >■ >■ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : I V h ♦ ♦ ♦ A* Yamhill County is signally blessed this year with good crops. It will be a rare year for the display of BIG THINGS in all lines. Let us make lots of the opportunity to show what our soil and industry can do. We will have visitors looking for new loca­ tions. Treat them cordially, and spare no pains to show them our resources. We have everything to be proud of—noth­ ing to be ashamed of. Rule out all obnoxious fakirs, who would rob the unwary of their hard-earned shekels. Admit the man with the legitimate enter­ tainment, that will educate while it amuses, and will teach the people the world’s progress. Be particular to tidy up your own place of business, even if it costs you a few dollars. Study features and secure something unique and original. v ♦ w - ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ I : I i i » >■ Is a common expression, well known over the entire Pacific coast, and the directors for the McMinnville Street Fair and Carnival for October 3, 4 and 5 of the present year propose to make the claim good, and to put up money on the nine following propositions, against any county or district on earth of approxi­ mate area and population, covering five years’ exhibits, begin­ ning with present year 1901, and ending with the Lewis and Clark Exposition of 1905. This means business, and managers of expositions and fairs are invited to correspond to arrange terms aud conditions Rest and greatest variety of wild fruits and flowers. Best aud greatest variety of cultivated fruits and flowers. 3- Best and greatest variety of Vegetable products and hops. 4. Best and greatest variety of grains and grasses. fi­ Best aud greatest variety of live stock and poultry. fi. Most artistic display of products. 7- Best and greatest variety of game fish, lumber and building material. 8. Most healthful, equable and pleasant climate. 9- Oue hundred of the most beautiful young women; beauty complexion, face, form, deportment and physical excellence. United States army rules governing admission to the volun­ teer service to apply as far as may be to this competition. On this last proposition the challenge is to the whole world and the world to come, not excepting Kentucky, and on an}- terms from mum­ ble peg to gatling guns. C. 1. 2. & ♦ : I I : . ♦♦♦ DALLAS COLLEGE and LaCREOLE ACADEMY Located at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. In a Beautiful and Healthful Location. First Term of School Year Opens S°pt. 25. 1901. Co-Educational. Complete College and Academic Courses; also Courses in Music, Art and Business. Thorough Instruction. First-class Dormitory Privileges. Expenses Reduced to the Minimum. For Further Information Address C. C. POLING, Pres. One Dollar if paid in advance, Siuglenumbersfive cents. “YOE GIT I P !” 1 There’s lots of folks that has good times, There’s lots that never does; But the ones that don’t like morning naps Is the meanest ever wuz. It’s very nice to eaf a meal With pie for it’s wind-up; 'Taint half so sweet’s th’ nap Ta spoils When he yells, "You git up!” I’d rather lay in bed and snooze Jest one small minit more In the morning when the sunshine Comes a creeping o’er the floor, Than to go to Barnum’s circus or To own a bulldog pup, The meanest thing Pa ever said Wuz, “Come now—you git up!” I like to go in swimming. And I like to play baseball; I like to fight and fly a kite, 'N' I sometimes like to bawl; But them there forty winks of sleep Pa tries to interrup' Is better 'n' all. It breaks my heart When Fa yells, “You git up1“ I’d stand the hurt and ache and pain And all the ¿mart and itch Of having him turn the bed clothes down To wake me with a switch, Ef he’d only jest go way • And let me finish up The nap I started jest before He yelled out, “You git up!” You bet when I git growed up big ’N’ rich and old as Pa, ’N’ never hafto go to school, Nor work nor stand no Jaw, I'll sleep all day and all night, too, And only jest git up When I git nough sleep to suit me Ef all the world yells, “You git up I” --Joe Kerr, In New York Herald. Board nt Equalization. ASTHMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF TOSTAL. write your name and address plainly . CHAINED FOR TEN YEARS There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails Notice is hereby given that the board of equalization of Yambill county, Ore­ gon, will meet at the court house on Monday, August 26th, at 10 a. m. and continue in session for one week, tor the purpose of examining and correcting the assessment rolls in any errors that may occur thereon ill valuation or description of property, and for transacting any other business that may lawfully come before the board, and all parties inter­ ested are requested to appear before said board at said time and place, and show cause, if any, why their assessment should not remain upon the roll. Do not neglect to examine your assessment, as the assessor has no power to correct errors after the meeting of the board. Dated this 31st day of July, 1901. J. M. Y ocom , County Assessor of Yamhill Co. The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, Ill., says: “Your trial bottle of Asthmalene receiv- ed in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful 1 feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid «ore throat and Asthma for ten years I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Carnival at Portland. Asthma, and thought you had overs|»oken your­ selves. but resolved to give it a trial. To my The business men of Portland have astonishment, the trial acted like a charm Send subscribed f 15,000 to guarantee the ex­ me a full-size bottle.” penses of a carnival to be held in the exposition building from Sept. t8 to Oct. ■ T9. A notable exhibit of all the industries , of the Pacific northwest will be made iu 1 the big exposition building, aud athletic , exercises, a horse shew and a military j tournament will be held on Multnomah Field adjoining. Two full military band, have beeu engaged, and there will be Avon Springs. N Y , Feb. 1,1901. many fine features in the amusement E very Dr Taft Bros. Medicine < o. Gentlemen: __________ _ 1 write __ this testimonial __ from a line. sense haring 1..... of ‘ duty, ‘ ' ”... tested the wonderful effect The carnival is in charge of a com- j RELIEF. - of ; your ...». L Asthmalene, — *~ for the cure of Asthma Mv wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asth­ inittee comprising 28 representative busi-' x ma for ___ _____ the ,___________ pa-t lJveart ____ Having ______ exhausted rny r wn skill as well as minr other«, 1 chanced to see your «ijn upon your window on Frith street, ness men, of which Gen. Owen Sum­ Xew York. I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. *My My wife commenced connnt-nced taking it about the tir«t of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma mersis president, I. N. Fleischner vice 1 has disappeared and sh« is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can conristently recom­ president, A. B. Steinbach treasurer,' mend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease I and J. D. Mann secretary. Yours respectfully, O. D PHELPS. M. D With such men at the head of the Dr T«it Bro«. Medicine Co . . , Feb. 5,1901. affair the carnival is sure to be well Gentlemen; I was troubled with AM h ma for 22 yean» I have tried numerous remedies but thr-v Have «U failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found re­ worth visiting. Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel New York, Jan 3, 1901. Dr«. Taft Bros,’ Medicine Co. Gentlemen : Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, aud it.« com­ position alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success ia astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully Analyzed, we can state that Asthmalene contains no opium, mor­ phine, chloroform nr ether. Verv truly yours, REV DR MORRIS WECHSLER ELSEWHERE IN OREGON It is expected that a million pounds of prunes will be dried in the vicinity of Dallas this fall. The poplar trees in The Dalles and Portland will be girded because the roots are injuring the sewers. Wadhams & Co ., wholesale grocers of Portland, have presented the Hillsboro base ball team with new uniforms. a cushion handle bar invention. Mr. Hullt has made application also for two other inventions—a cushion seat sup­ porter. working on the same principle as the cushion handle bar, and a new sprocket coaster brake. This coaster brake is similar to those now in use, only that it is applied to the sprocket wheel and permits the revolving of the chain. Its construction is simple, containing but nine pieces, while the brake now used has 22. Being attached to the sprocket there is necessarily less friction and the brake will last the lifetime of the wheel. Mr. Hullt has some good in­ ventions and should be able to realize considerable money from the sale of the same U. S. Consul Geo. W. Colvig, of Grant’s Pass,has arrived at Barranquilla, Colombia, South America, aud writes to the Observer as follows: “We arrived here safe aud well on July 5th and found the city to be a very nice one and one of the most healthy in South America. It is on sandy soil and there is no marsh land anywhere near it, as it is built on low rolling sand hills. It is a large place and is built of brick, stone and cement. Many of the buildings are three-story and the streets are clean and dry, except when it is raining, and then the sand is simply wet for a few hours. We are slopping at a first-class English hotel, and you will be surprised when I tell you that it only costs us six dollars per month each in U. S. gold, and that you have as good fare as you would get in any Oregon hotel outside of Portland. We are today fixing up sleeping and liv­ ing rooms in the U. S. Consular build­ ing, and I think it is one of the coolest aud most agreeable locations in the city. ” Hop New«. Lillian, eldest daughter of State Supt. Ackerman, was married on Monday to Talkiug about hops, it has been re­ Edmund F. Carleton, principal of the ported that the Horst yards will not schools of Joseph, Oregon. yield a half crop, because of the high Mrs. Kessler of Washington county, trellis work. But the men in charge near Glencoe, filled the shoe on her left here deny the report. They say there foot full of boiling hot water last week. will be a large crop in the Beak yard, Skin grafting will have to be resorted to. which has the high trellises. The Dove More fruit dryers are being built in yards will not have a full crop, but it is Benton county this year than during all on account of the weather and soil con­ the past. One of them is expected to ditions, and not due to the high wiring. require the services of 200 persons dur­ The theory of the high wiring is to let in the sunlight and thus mature a good ing the drying season. quality. Some of the growers think that Prof. E. D. Ressler, late superinten­ neither the wires nor the poles should be dent of Eugene schools, has remembered too high. They say it does not give the the high school with a gift that will be vines sufficient opportunity to form hops valued highly by the students for years because too much strength is required in to come. It is a library of 1000 volumes, climbing. But the managers of the all booksof exceptional value to students. Horst yards still think the high trellises The city of Hillsboro under a pro­ arc the thing, and while they may not vision of the franchise permitting con­ prove especially advantageous this year, struction of the waterworks, has made they will be just the thing in wet seasons. purchase of the plant after ten years of —Statesman. private ownership. The price paid was £24,500. This added to $10,000 bonded The Two-Jllnule Trotter. indebtedness makes her total debt $34,- Recently at Columbus, Ohio, the fa­ 500. mous stallion Cresceus trotted a mile in W. A. Miller, of the Oregon mining exhibit, has been entertaining Thos. A. Edison, the great inventor. Mr. Edison has become greatly interested in Ore­ gon's nickel mines. He has taken down every detail as to locality, extent of de­ posits, transportation facilities, topog­ raphy of the country and geological age He has inquired into timber and water supplies. Owuers of the mines and their postoffice addresses have also been listed. Ml’. Edison has sent one of his best men to talk with Mr. Miller, and Oregon nickel mines will soon receive some attention. The new crop of potatoes is moving at an unusually lively rate for so early in the season. Many carload lots have been shipped to the upper country aud Puget sound. Dealers are paying 90 cents per cental, or about $1.10 per sack and growers are hastening to get as many as possible off their hands at this rate, which is better than ft.25 in the spring, for it saves a lot of hauling and loss by shrinkage. Califoruia is also shipping large quantities of potatoes south to Texas and contiguous territory. Potato growers in this section say their potatoes will not be so large as usual on account of lack of rain, but the quality will be A I. 2.02,4. He trotted the first half in 59,4 seconds or less than a minute. The feat, after a gradual lowering of the trotting record for 95 years, makes it certain tnat the horse will yet be born that will trot a mile in two minutes, a fact that horse­ men a generation or two ago refused to believe. The only question in the mat­ ter is as to when the event will happen, whether in a few or in a score of years. The following figures show the gradual development in the past century on the trotting track: 1806—Yankee ...... . .3 59 1810—Boston Horse . . 2 48'4 1834—Edwin Forrest . .3 3i K 1845—Lady Suffolk ..2 29H 1859—Flora Temple. . .2 19'-4 1867—Dexter .......... . . 2 «7'4 1879—St. Julian........ . .3 12JÍ 1885—Maud S . .3 08*»' 1894—Alix . .3 03JÍ 1900— The Abbot . . 2 °334 1901— Cresceus . 2 02% Only One Way to no It. NO. 35. GOPHER Mr. Redd, a stock buyer from Carlton, was in the valley Sunday and Monday. Andrew Flynn and E. H. Taylor each made flying trips to Sheridan Monday. H. Wade has been marketing chittim bark. He realized a neat little sum from the sale. , Dan Kirby and family of Bellevue were visiting with Mrs. Cronin a few days this week. Mrs. Newt Branson and daughter of Bellevue visited with Mrs. M. Potter Saturday and Sunday. Miss Isabel Evans has gone to Upper Willamina to spend a few weeks prior to the hop-picking season. Mrs. A. J. Flynn and children re­ turned home Sunday after a visit of sev­ eral days with relatives on Mill creek. By the end of the week nearly all the grain will be cut excepting the late-sown oats. Threshing will begin next week. Mrs. J. Eboralf and little daughter, ac­ companied by Miss Agnes Eborall, vis­ ited relatives near McMinnville Saturday and Sunday. Miss Olive Lambright left Monday for .McMinnville, where she will visit a few days. She intends going to Forest Grove to visit with Miss Elva Baker be­ fore her return home. AMITI. J. W. Briedwell, Jr., has sold a half interest in his elevator at this place to B. W. Rea. Enough threshing has been done in this vicinity to show that the yield of wheat will be fully up to the average, some fields have averaged over thirty bushels to the acre, and those were not among the best. Friday evening Elder Cane, pastor of the Christian church at this place, lost the little finger of his right hand by getting it caught in the elevator of a sacker at Roth's threshing machine, while trying to put on a belt. He was brought to town and the member was taken off close to the hand. C. E. Stone sustained a broken ankle which will lay him up for some time. Saturday morning while working with a hay baler, he slipped and let a bale of hay fall on his right leg, which broke the ankle joint. He was brought to town and the fracture was reduced, and it is thought he will get along all right, yet the fracture is a bad one. Two Far.lteacliing Rtrlke. Effects of The big strike in San Francisco has bad its effect on the lumbering industry in Astoria and the surrounding country. While the effect in the city has been beneficial, in the logging districts it has been detrimental. The strike has caused one peculiar state of affairs, in that it is possible for some of the San Francisco fruit canneries to receive boxes from Astoria mills, while they are unable to get supplies from San Francisco box factories, locat­ ed, in some instances, not more than loo yards away from the cannery. This is due to the fact that there are no rail con­ nections between the San Francisco canneries and factories, while all the canneries have sidetracks from the Southern Pacific railroads, over which boxes from outside points are hauled. The Clatsop mill company has a big force of men at work manufacturing boxes, and the daily output is about 4000. All boxes not required for the local demand are shipped south to the bay city. As a result of the condition of the Sau- Francisco lumber market, all the legging camps in Pacific county. Wash., with four exceptions, have been closed down, and one of the four is expected to sus­ pend operations within thirty days. Another cause for the close-down is that A. M. Simpson, the millionaire lumber dealer, is building a new sawmill, and there will be lighter demand for logs un­ til this mill is finished. The closing down of the Washington camps will throw out of employment for a time a large number of men. It is thought that the lumber industry will be much more active in Clatsop and Tillamook counties when the Nehalem river is improved. The settlers have re­ monstrated against the leasing of the river to the Wheeler lumber company, but President Vosberg and Attorney Ma­ gers will personally call on the farmers and endeavor to show them thst the its- piovement proposed by the company will be a good thing for everybody con­ cerned. The extension of the Northern into that country is now regarded as a matter of much uncertainty. Get from Portland to Chicago in 72 hours—j'lst .3 days. Ihe “Chicago-Port­ land Special,” leaving Portland dally at 9 a. in. via O. R. & N., arrives at Chi­ cago at 9:30 the third day. New York and Boston are reached the fourth day. Thia train, acknowledged to be the fast­ est between the northwest and the oast, McKinley Mitchell and wife of Ger­ is solidly vestibuled and its equipment vais have just returned from an extended ia unsurpabsed. Pullman drawing loom visit to points in the east. Mr. Mitchell sleeping cars, up-to-date tourist sleeping made some inquiries in regard to the care, library smoking cars, free reclining chair cars, and unexcelled dining cars, bop market, as a matter of course, He the meals on which are equal to those found that some of the dealer* were bit­ served at the very beet hotels. Remem­ ten last year. They bought at good ber this train runs solid Portland to prices, expecting to make large profit*, Chicago ; there is no change of care, and the good of it is, it costs no more to ride but did not realize their full expectations. on it than on other routes We have They are not now disposed to make other trains. The "Pacific Express'’ deals for the new crop They want to leaves l’oitlsnd daily at 9 pm. via Hunt­ see what the English grower* turn off. ington, and the “Spokane Flyer” leaves at « p. m. daily via Spokane ami the The New York crop will be short, and if east. For rates, sleeping car reserva­ in i at once. I have since purchased your f nil-site bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have family the English crop doe* not turn out well tions, etc., call on or write to any 0. R. of four < hildren, and for six years was unable to wort I am now in the be«t of health and am If it does turn out, A N. agent, or write to A. L. C raig , doing bin in. everv «lav This testimony you can make such use of as you see fit. Map« the « mash a aid W nrks Off prices will tie high. Home address, 235 Rivingtun street. 8« RAPHAEL. General Passenger Agent, the Cold. well prices will be fair anvway. Mr. 67 Last 12L»th st., Citv. Lle.n... <• Marry. Portland, Oregon. Laxative Rro no-Qninine Tablets cure a Mitchell say* there will be a good mar­ Aug. 8—John Jordan, 34,and May Mc­ mid in one day. No cure, no pay. Brice ket for all of our fruit, potatoes and Daniel, 34, both of this county. 2j cents. other produce thi* year. The fishing season for salmon closed, John Hullt, a Hood River bicycle re­ Bifaatua The RicroKTKB and Weekly Oregonian Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.’ MEDICINE lsst night at midnight. pair man has been granted a patent on j one vear for $2, strictly in advance CO.. 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free on receipt of Postal.