THE VOICE IN THE CHOIR. Up in the music loft 1 heard * A voice of wondrous tone. Like warbling of a happy bird That joyed o'er winter flown. As singer I was never plaun'd; So I could not aspire To rise to such a height as stand Beside her in the choir. I loved her, and I thank my wits Another plan 1 knew; I tried it, and—well, now she sits Beside me in the pew. Her voice sings, and my heart replies Rejoicing in love's crown; She “raised a mortal to the skies,’’ I "drew an angel down.” —Town and Country. T the beginning of the spring term of bls Junior year "Jack” Long was sent home from col­ lege In disgrace. For some months he had been on the tenth course of dis­ cipline, and when he was discovered to be the ringlender of a gang of Juniors who had stolen the seniors’ mortar boards and tied the President of the class of 1900 to an oak tree on the campus the faculty decided that It was time to act. They sentenced "Jack” to temporary retirement, only promising that If he did the proper amount of “its raoPusKD to hkk oxk NIOHT.” moonlioiit work out of college he might be per­ mitted to graduate with bis class. Prof. Thomas Erskine Hope was “Jack's” class officer that year, and Wns held chiefly to blame for the deci­ sion to send hint home. Prof. Hope, Irreverently called “Skinny” In joint allusion to ills middle mime and to his gaunt and emaciated figure, was a young man not much older than "Jack" and his fellows of the Junior class. He had worked his way through college and had taken a post graduate course nt a German university, coining back then to take the chair of botany at his alma tuater. He was a young man who took everything seriously, as one might have known after looking at Ills little brown side whiskers and the white string tie which always encircled his neck, lie had no sympathy with and no understanding of the point of view of rich and fun-loving youths like “Jack," to whom life was still a jest. But whatever the professor undertook lie did thoroughly, which accounts for the rapidity with which "Jack" Ixtng advanced through nil "eoerses of dis clpllne” allowed by the college rules, until finally he was rusticated on mo­ tion of "Skinny." And "Jack" and his classmates, with whom he was popu­ lar, held many a conference to discuss ways and means of getting even with “Skinny.” When “Jack" went home for the Easter vacation It was understood that lie would not return until the next fa IL a matter which gave that young man small concern. He looked uism It sim­ ply as a chance to enjoy himself. In pursuance of that Idea lie was de lighted when Ills mother announced tlir‘ us "Jack" would not be busy in college tin* family would move up to their Pike Lake cottage in northern Wisconsin on June 1, a month earlier than usual. The family consisted of "Jack,” Ills mother, and his pretty sister, Fanny, v ho wns Just out of tluisbing school. When commencement was over "Jack" had a couple of the “fellows" from college up to s|s*nd a moot h with him. while Miss Fanny was hostess for a bevy of pretty girls, of whom the most Important, from Jack's stand point, wan Miss Helen Harvey, a black eyed daughter of Louisiana, who was tqtemlliig her first season In the North. "Jack” had met Miss Harvey at the school which she and .Fanny both at­ tended. and had so far lost Ills heart to her ns such a thing was |s>sslble to him. Now he found himself more strongly under the spell of the old In­ fatuation. With a quick yielding to Itnpu'se which waa characteristic of him. lie proposed to her one moonlight night under the oaks and was laughed at for Ills pains. "Why, Jack.” said the smiling Miss Helen, "you're really amusing You've never taken anything seriously In your life, and so you mustn't expect me to listen to you. The Idea of a reckless boy like you. who's Just been expelled from college, talking about getting married Is absurd. Besides, 1 don't love you. Now. let's go back to the house.” for the next mouth "Jack" repeated his proposal on an average of once a Week. Each time he got practically the same answer. He discovered that un der her light and gay manner Miss Helen narvey was really an extremely serious young woman. She even had "views” of life, and she told “Jack” that the man she married must be one who had "a work” to do In the world. One good quality about "Jack” Long was the fact that he was persistent and hopeful, und he never for a minute gave up the idea of winning the girl’s consent at some time. But he and the other "fellows” agreed that she was a sad flirt. Then something providential happen­ ed. A log hotel stood on the lake shore close to the Longs' cottage. It was patronized chiefly by hunters and fish­ ermen, who came up for a week or two at a time, and "Jack” and his college friends had found plenty of good fel­ lows among them. One night when they dropi>ed Into the hotel "office" they were startled to see none other than Prof. Thomas Erskine Hope. The professor was sitting In a big chair with his back to them, and when they boys bad made certain they were not mistaken they slipped out of the hotel without a word. Here was a heaven­ sent opisjrtunity for them to get even with “Skinny.” How would they do it? They might "send him to Coventry," but that would probably suit him ex­ actly. "1 suppose,” said Fred Elliot, who, next to "Jack,” was the wildest man in the class of '01, “that old ‘Skinny’ has come up here to study coniferous cryptograms In their native haunts. If we let him alone that’ll be just what he wants. We've got to get up some other scheme to make him miserable." It took until midnight to decide on a plan of action. When the boys went to l>ed they were agreed that poor old “Skinny” would soon be “up against it.” They had a scheme which they were sure would result In his undoing. They could hardly wait until morning to try it on. Now, at college Prof. Thomas Ers­ kine Hope was noted as the most mod­ est and retiring of men. At sight of a woman lie blushed, and he almost re­ signed his chair when co-education was introduced into the college. The plan of the conspirators was based on their knowledge of this fact. They would go over to the hotel In the morning and welcome the “dear professor” with the “glad hand.” They would insist on ’ Ills coming over to the cottage, where be would be presented to Miss Fanny and her girl friends, and, by­ way of preparing a pleasant time for him, they would tell the girls in ad­ vance of what was on deck. “And if he once gets his eyes on Hel­ en Harvey,” said Fred Elliot, “he'll never have another quiet moment, eh. Jack?” Next morning the plan was can-led out. It worked to perfection. The poor professor blushed and stammered when he was presented to the array of girls, and he almost had a tit when Miss Helen sat down beside him and asked about ills work. The conspirators went out into the woods and almost explod­ ed with laughter when they heard "Skinny” accept an Invitation to stay to luncheon nt the cottage. That afternoon the plot thickened. The professor did not go out to study conifers until 4 o'clock. When he started out Miss Helen Harvey went with him, currying a basket and a the woods when “Jack” and young Elliot came up. "We’ll steal the boat and bide ft," said Elliot, "and then, when they've botb bad a good scare we'll go back aud give them the laugh. They make me tired, and I think it's about time that Helen let up on poor old 'Skinny,' any­ how. She'll drive him daffy.” The professor’s boat was bidden and the boys waited for the couple to re­ appear. When an hour bad goue by and there was still no sign of them botb “Jack” and Elliot began to get alarmed. "There are plenty of cats in the woods, you know,” "Jack” said, "and now and then a bear. I guess we had better go and see if anything has hap­ pened to them." Accordingly the boys got out of the boat and pressed their way into the woods. As they broke through the un­ derbrush which cut off a little moss- covered knoll from the water a sight met their eyes which startled them botb into speechless and open-eyed silence. Helen was sitting on top of a low stump. At the foot of the stump knelt the professor, looking up at the girl and bolding one of her hands tightly clasp­ ed In his. "A-hem,” said Elliot. The professor turned and Helen climbed down from the stump and stood at bis side. “Youung gentlemen." I>egan old “Skinny,” In his most formal classroom manner, "Miss Harvey has promised to be my wife. We had not Intended to announce It until after I have had the honor of calling upon her father, and I am sure we can trust to your honor as gentlemen to keep our engagement a secret until you nre released by a pub­ lic announcement. In the meantime. Mr. Long," went on "Skinny,” “I have to thank you for bringing a great hap­ piness into my life.”—Chicago Tribune. FIRST MINISTERS IN VIRGINIA. All-Round Men, Who Went to Cock- Fights b < Well as Prayers. trowel. It was almost dinner time when they came buck, and Helen appeared in­ tensely Interested. She Insisted that the professor stay to dinner. "We've found three rare varieties." she said nt the table, "and Prof. Hope Is going to show me how to Identify them after dinner." The professor and Miss Helen work ed over their books and specimens until after 10 o'clock that night, and when the somewhat worried "Jack" went in to ask Helen to come out In the moon light and sing he waa told to run along and not bother. Next day the professor and Helen hud another engagement to look tor conifers, and they spent the evening again (Miring over their speci­ mens. The boys felt that their Joke was rather getting away from them. ‘Jack" (>ut on a playful maimer and ventured to remark to Helen one morning a cou­ ple of weeks later that "she was lead Ing old 'Skinny' a merry chase." To his astonishment the young woman flushed up rosy red and declared that If he was alluding to Prof. Hope as “Skinny” he bad la-tter mend his manners. That she found a man who bad some serious purpose In life a great relief as com­ pared with a lot of fillers. That con­ vinced "Jack” that matters had gone quite far enough, and be determlued to do something desperate. One afternoon Helen and the profes­ sor, who by this time were Insepar­ able, had rowed across the lake to a bank where the professor felt sure he would find something new In the line of lichens. They had pulled up the boat on the bank aud had disappeared Into Many of Joseph Jefferson’s amusing sayings are quoted by James 8. Met- calfe In the account In the Ladles' Home Journal of a visit paid to the vet­ eran actor in his winter quarters at Faint Beach, Florida. He list's a tri­ cycle for th«' short Journeys possible about that place Once, as he dis- mounted from it. he remarked: "My horse Is like David Hamm’s; he'll stand without hitching. Ami lie's better than a 'bicycle because he doesn't have to have anything to lean up against." On another occasion, when caught in a rain storm and the wind made It dlffi cult for one rain coat to keep both the actor and his companion dry. Mr. Jeffer­ son said, philosophically, not complain Ingly, “I don't mind being wet all over, because then you don’t notice any one place. But this being wet in spots klud of calls your attention to them." Lines on Dean Swift- The subjoined lines on the "witty dean" were affixed on the night of his Installation, in 1713. to the doors of the cathedral of Saint Patrick: This place he got by wit and rhyuie And other ways most odd; And might a bishop be in time— Did be believe in God. Ixtok down. Saint Patrick! look, we pray. On this thy church and steeple; Convert thy dsan on thia great day. Or else God help the people. —Notes and Queries. Doctors Scarce In Hungary. In Hungary there are thousands of villages and hundreds of small towns without a doctor within ten miles. Do good for good's sake and seek neither praise nor reward. • Every man knows worse of himaelf thau be knows of others. i WILD-ANIMAL LIFE. Unwritten Hietorjr of the Many Trag­ edies of the Woods. SENEGAL DANIELL BUTTER FI E LD. The recent death of Gen Daniel Butterfieki at his country home in New York takes front the muster rolls of the Civil War almost the last of the surviving general officers of the volunteer army. He was never a soldier of surpassing genius or achievements, blit his patriotism was unquestioned and his services to his country were important and long continued. Front the time when, as Colonel of a New York regiment, he volunteered to drill the home guard organized for the defense of the national capital until the final surrender of Lee, he was al­ most continuously in active service, taking part iu twenty-eight battles, being twice severely wounded, and three times breveted for bravery. When the war was over Gen. Butterfield held commission as a Major General of volunteers, and also held a brevet of the same rank in the regular army. Though he re­ tired from the army in 1869 to take up large responsibilities in civil life, he never lost his strong patriotism and his military spirit. When the Spanish-American war broke out he strongly urged upon the Secretary of War the advisability of calling out the members of the Grand Army post to which he belonged, the mem­ bers of which were ready to fight again for the country they had once de­ fended. |t'hough not a graduate of West Point, he was by Instinct and training a soldier, and hie body was buried in the national cemetery on the Hudson, where sleep so many gallant soldiers. Landon Knight, the correspondent, has made a special study of the early church history of Virginia. The fruit of one of his latest Journeys is a time­ ly and patriotic article, "Where the Spirit of Independence Was Born.” It appears In the Woman's Home Com­ panion. He touches many old cus­ toms, and has the following to say of the ministers of the established church: “If there Is a striking characteristic of this early church It was the mutual "THE OTHER WOMAN.” devotion of pastor an 1 flock. In this day. when the church and Its members To Her Pierre Lorillard Left a Hani- occupy so largely a merely business re­ some Share Of Hie Estate. lation to each other, it Is difficult for It bus become the rule rather than us to understand the regime of that the exception that the wills of men of time. With tender words of hope the great wealth are contested by the nat­ pastor soothed and strengthened the ural heirs, who are disappointed with departing soul; he married them, he the shares bequeathed them or indig­ settled family quarrels, and If he were 1 nant at the provision made for some not present when they came into the world he was pretty sure to be on the ! person or persons whom they consider as having no moral or equitable right premises, for the rector of that day to share in the estate. Unfortunately loved excitement, lie occupied In noth­ in many instances these contests are ing a position apart from his parish­ accompanied by revelations of discred­ ioners, but lived the fullness of their itable chapters in the lives of the testa­ lives, thought with them, ate with tors, which during their lives have been them. and. it must be confessed, drank sealed books to the general public. with them, sometimes to excess. If The will of the late Pierre Lorillard, lie did not like to miss any races, and who died recently leaving an estate of frequently himself rode the $4,000,000, Is to be contested because of horse under the wire; If sometimes he a handsome bequest to Mrs. Lillie Al- presided with great dignity and fair­ ness as referee at aristocratic cocking mains, or put new life into the bettin; by offering to wager a year’s tithing on the winning bird, he was at nil times an elegant gentleman in all that the word implies; his teachings were sound, and despite his faults tils In.ltt- enee was decidedly good. Narrow In some things and very intolerant in oth- i ers. lie was nevertheless religious, and It may be said of him. as It was of poor IMck Steele, that he spent his time equally between sinning and repenting, j In the ceremonials and outward forms 1 of religion he was a martinet, and lie | could forgive a duel somewhat more re.idily than absence front church." Jeff -rson's Horse Like David Harum's “Wills UK STAKTKK MISS ItARVKY WENT WITH HIM.” CIVIL WAR HERO GONE. husband. The ceremony that gave Lillian Barnes the name of Allien was performed In a New York church. Pierre I.orillnrd was present and It is said gave the bride to the husband. Some servants acted as audience and witnesses. When the ceremony ended the bride coolly nodded adieu to her husband at the church door. She spoke to him as one who addresses an ordinary ac­ quaintance. In truth she did not know him very well. Mrs. Allien entered Mr. Lorlllard’s carriage and was driven away. Allien caught a train for the West and, it is reported, he has oblig­ ingly died. Mrs. Allien lives at No. 11 West 31st street, the home which Lorillard gave her years ago. Her father lives with her. Here Mr. Lorillard. being es­ tranged front his wife, lodged when­ ever he was in the metropolis. Mrs. Allien wns abroad eight months with Lorillard when bis health was falling, and she accompanied him when he came home to die. She was with him at the Fifth Avenue Hotel when he died. Mrs. Lorillard was notified that her husband was dying and wanted to see her. The family are divided in their statement as to whether Mrs. Lor­ illard went to the hotel. It is generally believed she answered her dying hus­ band's summons, that she met Mrs. Allien and that a painful scene ensued. While the stock farm is all that Mrs. Allien receives by her admirer’s will, it is claimed that he had provided for her very liberally during the years they were together, presenting her with whole blocks of stocks and bonds. Her : Jewels are among the finest in New York. Mrs. Allien feels no doubt that the courts will uphold her rights in the will. She has stated that she and Mr. Loril- MKS. I.It.I.IK ALI.1KN. lnrd were merely good friends and com­ { lien, wlio was not a relative, but who panions. and that they never met until wns the friend and companion of Mr. | after Lorillard and his wife were es­ Lorillard for several years Just preced­ tranged. ing his demise. To his widow Mr. Lorillard be­ Machine Threads Needles. queathed an annuity of $."> To two A little machine which threads 1,000 grandsons he left $800.000. The bal­ needles a minute is in Minneapolis. It ance of the estate, excepting the fa­ was seen by L. 8. Donaldson, of Minne­ mous Baneoeas stock farm in New Jer­ apolis. In St. Gall, Switzerland, on a sey. Is left in trust to his three children, recent visit, and he had it sent to his they to have the Income; the estate to place of business in Minneapolis, mere­ go to Ills grandchildren on the death of ly as an exhibit. The purpose of the their parents. The stock farm, valued machine is to thread needles that are at $200,000. is bequeathed to Mrs. Al­ placed afterward in an embroidery lien. loom for making the Swiss or Ham­ It is not the mere matter of money burg Ince. Tlte device is almost entire­ which inclines the Lorillard heirs to ly automatic. It takes the needle from contest the will. Mrs. Lorlllard's son a hopper, carries it along and threads, and daughters are determined that ties the knot, cuts the thread off a uni­ what they consider her rights shall lie form length, then carries the needle upheld. They object to any recognition across an open space and sticks It in a of the other woman. rack. The work of threading these Mrs. Allien. Mr. Lorlllard's friend­ needles wns formerly done by band, ship for whom Is dt'clared to have been nttd the advance from what may be a scandal at Newport by bls daughter's done by hand to a thousand a minute husband, is a beautiful woman, tall, by machinery is an index of the prog­ witha charming figure and great brown ress of the Swiss republic.—Chicago eyes. She Is about 33 years of age. In Journal. 1891, when she waa Lillian Barties, she Canal Tolls. met Mr. Lorillard and he was capti­ The toll on an ordinary ship passing vated by her beauty. Soon afterwards she went on a long cruise with him, and through the Suez Canal averages about front that time forward they were rare­ $4.000. The distance Is ninety-two ly separated. She was the ruler of his miles. yacht and presided at his table when be Every one In the world has kin that entertained. Protests from his family become a problem at a time of a wed­ were of no avail. ding or a party. Four or five years ago Lillian con If there is a drunkard In a brass vinced Mr. Ixwlllard that she should we«l An Englishman. Lewis Allien, lit­ band. It is nearly always the bass tle known in New York, became her player. One day in the fall of 1888, in the mountains of Northern Colorado, while engaged about the ranch, I saw up at the bead of the meadow, a half-mile away, a buuch of a dozen antelope com­ ing down from the hills at full speed, closely pursued by some black animal. I knew that It must be a black wolf, since an occasional one had been seen, and nothing else that I could think of could run as this was running. All who are familiar with antelope know how wonderful is their speed; there are a very, very tew animals which can equal them. When I first saw them the wolf was perhaps live or six rods behind, and during the distance I could see them (possibly eighty rods) it was gaining steadily but surely, and as they went out of sight into the hills on the other I side of the meadow It was seemingly I about two jumps behind, and they be­ gan to scatter as it was closing In on them. I was so intensely interested that I was fairly riveted to the spot, and not until they had disappeared did 1 awak- | en to action. I ran to the bunk-house, got my’ gun. and ran up a steep, tim­ bered hillside for a near cut to an open valley, for which they were headed, i believing it would catch one within a short distance. When I got te the edge of the timber on top of the hill I saw ! the antelope all huddled together and j standing still, just as sheep do after being scared. The antelope would have offered a good shot if it had been meat I was after, but I cared nothing for get- j ting an antelope, but I did want a shot at the wolf. Judging from the actions of the oth- ! ers, I felt certain it had caught one, but the surrounding country was com­ posed of ridges, ravines and patches of timber, and notwithstanding my care­ ful search, I failed to And any trace of the wolf and its prey. As I trudged back home after my fruitless chase, I meditated, as I have often done since, on the long unwritten history of wild animal life in regions where man has not broken in upon the natural conditions; of the contests and conquests among nature’s wild crea­ tures, from the smallest up to the mon­ archs of the forest, all unknown and unrecorded, save on rare occasions when we by chance see for ourselves or see the evidence thereof, termina- ' ting, of course, in the “survival of the fittest.” At one time I was passing along the edge of the woods In winter when there was snow. I saw the track of a lynx, where it had been leisurely traveling along, when the tracks showed where It had stopped behind a pine bush and squatted down In the snow, then made a tremendous leap out into the open field and ran a few rodo, evidently at its best pace. There was the track of a jack-rabbit coming down at right angles with the course the lynx was going, until direct­ ly opposite where the lynx was crouch­ ing behind the bush and about fifteen feet away, then a sudden turn, and their tracks were mixed together in the race for life or a meal; but soon the tracks showed where jack had left his pursuer behind, and the lynx went on his way at his regular gait, but, we will suppose, not rejoicing, thus showing the “survival of the swiftest.” Had jack failed to get out of reach and the lynx made the proposed connec­ tions there would have been a bloody trampled spot on the snow, a few patch­ es of white fur. and only the lynx track leading thither. Written on the snow like the great white pages of a book the observer may read most interesting tales as he passes along, and learn the life and habits of nature's wild crea- tures.—Forest and Stream. Chinese Learning. There is much to be learned aftvr the world captures China. Many scientists believe that the nucleus of great events is imbedded amid the mysteries of that great region of country, which may not be so benighted as is generally sup- posed. The preservation of grapes, to make use of one illustration of Chinese Industry, is one of the many things that is only known in that country. Millions have been spent in civilized countries in futile attempts to.preserve this fruit. The Chinese have knowu the secret for many centuries and mil­ lions more have been vainly used In the effort to drag from them the recipe. Holman Hunt. Holman Hunt, the celebrated artist, who painted "The Light of the World." Is a subdued-looking man, well past middle age, with a snowwhite beard and small, sunken blue eyes. He re­ sides at Putney, near London, in an old-fashioned bouse furnished in the most artistic style. The present Mrs. Holman Hunt Is the artist’s second wife. They have two children, a boy and a girl, who are prettily named Gladys and Hilary, and who both give promise of artistic abilities. The Same Effect. It is observed by travelers In Siberia that the effect of constant cold Is prac­ tically the same as the effect of con- »tant heat The people develop a dlsin- tllnation to work, ami become strangers to ambition of any description. Ancient Dictionary. The Chinese dictionary compiled by Pa-cut-she. 1.100 years B. C., is the most ancient of any lexicon recorded in literary history. Fggsin France More than in number ally. eggs are produced in France any country In the world, the being about 42,000.000 annu­ _____________________ The only blusterer from which a brave man will take a blow is the wind.