MCMINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, AUG. 9, 1901. Entered atibe Poetofflceln McMinnville, a. Second-class matter. VOL. XXXI AT HAKVIST TIMF : * ♦ ♦ ♦ a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ V ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SECOND ANNUAL STREET FAIR <* ♦ ♦ : MCMINNVILLE. OCT. 3, 4, 5 AND c A R N I V A Li ♦ : Get Ready for the Big Event Yamhill County is signally blessed this year with good crops. It will be a rare year for the display of BIG THINGS in all lines. * ♦ Let us make lots of the opportunity to show : what our soil and industry can do. ♦ ♦ We will have visitors looking for new loca­ ♦ ♦ tions. Treat them cordially, and spare no -» ♦ pains to show them our resources. ♦ ♦ We have everything to be proud of—noth­ ♦ ♦ ing to be ashamed of. ♦ ♦ Rule out all obnoxious fakirs, who would ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ rob the unwary of their hard-earned shekels. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Admit the man with the legitimate enter­ ♦ : ♦ ♦ tainment, that will educate while it amuses, ♦ ♦ ♦ and will teach the people the world’s progress. Be particular to tidy up your own place of ♦ ♦ business, even if it costs you a few dollars. ♦ ♦ ♦ Study features and secure something unique ♦ * ♦ and original. I ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦v ♦♦♦♦♦<-♦♦ <-♦.♦♦♦♦♦♦ <♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ i : <* r- DALLAS COLLEGE and LaCREOLE ACADEMY I Located at Dalias, Polk County, Oregon. yj«? In a Beautiful and Healthful Location. First Term of School Year Opens Sept. 25, 1901. ‘ ’ ; & Co-Educational. Complete College and Academic Courses; also Courses in Music, Art and Business. Thorough Instruction. First-class Dormitory Privileges. Expenses Reduced to the Minimum. For Further information Address j C. C. POLING, Pres. * p- ' ïy 8°° g OREGON 8 STATE EAIR X SALEM Big Livestock Show. Good Racing in the Afternoons. 8 Sept. 23-28,1901 8 Great Aguicul tural 8 and 8 Industrial Fair! PITIE! I The quarrel between Admiral Sampson and Admiral Schley, of the navy, is not only disgusting: it is pitiful. Both are worthy old gentlemen: both are brave men. But it hap­ pened when Ceryera s fleet left San­ tiago harbor. Sampson was making a tour of inspection and was ten miles away. Schley promptly sunk Cervera’s fleet and Sampson made the mistake of sending a dispatch announcing the fact without men­ tioning Schley's name. Sampson so much regretted that he was not present: he had waited for weeks and then missed the fight. He regretted this so much that he became envious and omitted Schley’s name in his dispatch. This fact pre­ cipitated a row. And now these white headed old men are abusing ea -h other like thieves. It is pitiful that envy and jealousy can carry worthy men to such extremes. Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building every Evening, with Good Music. Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special rates on campers tick­ ets. Come and bring your fam­ ilies. Reduced rates on all rail­ roads. ' For further particulars ad­ dress n. D. WISDOM, Sec. Portland, Or. Only One Way tn Do It. Get from Portland to Chicago in 72 hours—just 3 days. The "Chicago-Port­ land Special,” leaving Portland daily at 9 a. tn. via O. R. & N., arrives at Chi­ cago at 9:30 tbe third day. New York and Boston are reached the fourth day. This train, acknowledged to be the fast­ est between tbe northwest and the east, is solidly veetibuled and its equipment is unenrpassed. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, up to-date tourist sleeping cars, library smoking care, free reclining chair cars, and unexcelled dining cars, the meals on which are equal to those served at the very best hotels. Remem­ ber this train runs solid Portland to Chicago; there is no change of cars, and the good ot it is, it costs no more to ride on it than on other routes. We have other trains. The "Pacific Express” leaves Portland daily at 9 p m via Hunt­ ington, and the "Spokane Flyer” leaves at 6 p. m. daily via Spokane and the east. For rates, sleeping car reserva­ tions. etc., call on or write to any O. R &N. agent, or write to A. L. C raig , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. o Bean tka Bijnatnn rf TORI JL. Ih» Kind Yo» Haw Always Bought Bealde the lane. The golden grain Is nodding to each passing breeze: His wealth untold, In seas of gold, The happy, prosperous farmer sees. The harvest moon, The flowers in bloom. Bring back again their magic charm; His life is spent In sweet content; The man's a king who owns a farm. NEWSPAPEB FI NR HAU SFR’IOS. Mr. Ball, representing the American Type Founders’ Co., was in the city last Saturday and made purchase of the Val­ ley Transcript plant, which Mr. Snyder had stored in tbe Odd Fellows’ build­ ing. The type in the cases was all dumped in a barrel and shipped for re­ casting into new faces. The imposing stones were too heavy to pay to ship, and no local printing office desiring to buy, they were smashed into smithereens with a heavy hammer. Likewise the Maun press, which consisted of a large cylinder, filled with sand, designed to roll on a long frame from end to end, each roll printing a paper, was also found unsalable and worthless to ship, and was converted into kindling wood and old iron. The job presses and cases were shipped. An old newspaper man happening along and observing the housecleaning, remarked: "Well, I sup­ pose that’s the funeral?” And thereby hangs a tale. Mr. Snyder invaded this field with a third newspaper in 1894, moving his effects down by wagon from Dallas with as little stir as is attributed to the fabled Arab and his tent. Two years previous he went to Dallas from Astoria, and in his opening issues there he declared, “We are here to stay, at least as long as the ladder we shall en­ deavor to climb will stand on end.” It is a safe assertion that Mr. Snyder made no money at either place, along the strict lines of newspaper work. As a leverage for securing office, he may have made a success of what has other­ wise been a losing game. But his was not the original third newspaper to enter the field. The Lafayette Register, es­ tablished in 1881, remained in Lafayette eight years, when it was moved to Mc­ Minnville by Mr. Harding, this field then being occupied by the Reporter, established in 1870, and the Telephone, established in 1S86. Messrs. Heath and Harding soon saw that the field was too narrow for three papers, and effected consolidation Feb. 1st, 1889. Then Sny­ der broke over the line about five years later, and after a five years’ struggle, was tricked out of the little business he had. The demand for newspapers in McMinnville today is no greater than when Harding and Heath consolidated, though the two older papers have had a natural and steady growth, as they have merited it. In the foregoing, which is true as gospel, there is a clear lesson for news­ paper men in choosing a field. There is also a lesson to be found for business men. Don’t allow yourself to be im­ posed upon under the plea of “treat all alike.” Advertising is a necessity, yet it is a matter of discrimination as well. Do you get the same service? should be the question. The thorough business community, and there are many exam­ ples in the east, and a few in the west, does not encourage those ven­ tures of which it feels no need. They realize that more than enough of any­ thing, as justified by the community’s needs, is a detriment, and they set about seeking for those things which they have not and shotiln have. McMinnville has one college. She does not need another. Yet there is as much need for two, as there is of a third newspaper. Portland is another example. Two dailies fill the field, and the repeated attempts to es­ tablish others have signally failed. The two give good service and the patronage justifies it. CtnarA nt Equalisation. Notice is hereby given that the board of equalization of Yamhill county, Ore­ gon, will meet at the court house on Monday, August 2fth, at to a m. and continue in session for one week, for the purpose of examining and correcting the assessment rolls in any errors that may occur thereon iu valuation or description of property, and for transacting any other business that may lawfully come before the board, and all parties inter­ ested are requested to appear before said board at said time and place, and show cause, if any. why their assessment should not remain upon the roll. Do not neglect to examine your assessment, as the assessor has no pow-er to correct errors after the meeting of the boar< Dated this day of July, 1 J. M.V o COM, County Assessor of Yamhill Co. Evidence Not Sufficient. The preliminary examination of wit­ nesses in the case of the State of Oregon vs. Ed Duclos, of the Webfoot neighbor­ hood, charged with cutting, mutilating and torturing an auimal on July 26th, was heard before Justice J. M. Pugh at the court house on Monday, There were six witnesses for the state, The defense introduced no evidence. James Shipman, the prosecuting witness, testi­ fied that he turned his cows into the highway about seven o’clock in the morning in good condition, and next saw them about 4 in the afternoon, in very bad condition. They were punched full of holes. There were five holes in one, two in auother, and five in a third cow, which was lying in a ditch, and ap­ parently with a broken hip. At the lime of the examination the cow was still living, but could not stand. Dan­ iel Gubser testified that he was working near his house about nxo’clock, and heard Duclos hollering and hissing his dog at some stock, and then heard him pounding as if fixing some fence. Next day he saw' the cow and examined her as to how badly she was hurt. She had four or five wounds—one more severe than the rest, on the thigh, which had bled considerable. By carefully exam­ ining and lifting it, he was satisfied that the limb was broken. The whole ham was swollen and the wound on the sur­ face looked as if it had been shot with a revolver, or prodded with some sharp instrument like a pitchfork. He said on cross examination that he was certain it was Duclos’ voice he heard, because he was often hollering, and no one else in the neighborhood hollered like him. Lynn Gubser also heard the sicking of the dog, and heard Shipman’s cowbell ring, and also the hammering, at about 11 :30 o’clock. Mr. Ausbe was passing abcut that time with a load of lumber and passed the injured cow in the road. She was barely able to get out of the road as he slackened his team in passing. He saw Duclos a few minutes afterwards. Miss Alma Hewitt testified that about the same time she was riding her wheel along the road in the direction of Day­ ton, and passed Duclos, followed by his dog, which was panting. Duclos climbed he fence in the direction of his house, having come from the direction of the cattle, which were passed a little further on. She noticed that some of tbe cows were bleeding. H. M. Lambert saw the wounded cattle next day. (At this point attorney for defense objected to w’liat he called dragnetting the complaint to cover three cows when only one was al­ leged as injured, and was sustained.) He was in the neighborhood about the time hollering was heard, and also heard swearing, such as "damn it,” in the di­ rection of Duclos’ house. He stepped up on the church steps, which enabled him to look over into the depression in the road where the cattle were, and saw a man he believed to be Duclos. Thus ran the evidence. Argument followed, R. L. Conner speaking for the state, and J. J. Spencer for the defendant. The justice decided that while the fact of in­ jury was established, the evidence did not connect Mr. Duclos sufficiently with the crime to justify binding him over to tlie grand jury and he was set at liberty. Quite a number of spectators were pres­ ent from the neighborhood, and the be­ lief seemed quite general that Duclos bad committed the injury. Ouu Dollar if paúl iuadvauee, Single numbers five cenia. EI.KF.UHFRK IN OK EGON NO. 34. LATAYETTE Master Norval Gates of Dallas is visit­ The first new wheat of the season came into Corvallis Thursday of last week. It ing friends here. was of the Surprise variety, and yielded We are having quite a hot spell of 30 bushels to the acre. i weather for Oregon. There is a rumor that W. R. Hearst is The band boys gave an ice cream to start another daily paper in Portland. social Saturday evening. The time set is January 1st. Why not George Lewis returned home Saturday start this one next month? It would evening from Portland. look more plausible. Victor Ballentyne of Portland is vis- According to the last census Oregon ] iting here with friends. has a population of 414,500. Of this Mr. Davis’ youngest daughter is quite number 40 per cent, or 165,000, live in ' sick, but is improving somewhat. towns. This is certainly a sufficiently Miss Minnie Hines of Portland is vis­ large percentage of urban population, unless greater manufacturing industries iting her sister, Mrs. Trevilla of this city. are created in the towns. Mr. Jesse Baker returned home from There was a find of marsh gas on the farm of Amos Wann in Polk county Idaho July 31st after being absent three while digging a well last week About months. Mr. Sowers of this place traded his sixty per cent of marsh gas is made up of natural gas, and the finding of this property to Mr. Crittenden. His fam­ kind of gas may be a good indication of ily have moved here. the existence of natural gas in the neigh­ August 4th quarterly meeting was borhood. held in the M. E. church conducted by The apportionment of interest on the Rev. Waters. . irreducible school fund just made by the Miss Bessie Rhinehart returned home state treasurer shows the total school from Portland Saturday evening on a population of the state as 135,818, and week's visit with her parents. the amount of money apportioned $165,- A week from Tuesday the bible con- 697 96, making a per capita ditribution ference will be held in the Evangelical of fl.22. Yamhill countv has 4,826 church. A good program has been pre­ school children and draws from this pared. fund $5,887.72. Mrs. Ramsey of this place started for As an example of how the old dona- Newport Tuesday, but will go to Salem tion land claims in Polk county are be­ first and go with Mrs. Bingham and ing divided into small farms, Uncle daughter. William Grant tells us that his parents’ Rev. Lockhart has returned home 640-acre claim below town, which for from California, where he has beeu at­ many years yielded a living for a family tending the Epworth League. Sunday of only five persons, now affords a good morning he will preach on "Missions.” home for over sixty people, and there is Charles Burt of this place started much waste land in the tract.—Observer. for Humboldt Co., California,as railroad At no time in several years has the bridge carpenter, his wife and daughter wool stored in The Dalles warehouses accompanying him as far as Portland beeu so nearly sold out as at present. and returning the same day. Only a few clips remain in the hands of Next Saturday evening there will be producers, and what few are left will no doubt be disposed of within a short time. an ice cream social given by the M E. Ice cream, It is a difficult matter to aim at the ex­ church in tbe seminary. All are act average price at which wool has been cake and candy will be served, sold here this year, but it is not far invited to attend and have a general from 10X cents per pound.- Titnes- good time. Mountaineer. HOPE WELL. J. A. Todd & Co. will probably again enter the fish packing business. When Mr. Bigler of Salem is visiting at J. T. the Jobst Packing Co. entered the field Cooper's. here, these gentlemen surrendered their The new store of Mr. Cooper is gain­ interests, thinking, perhaps, they would ing in trade, and he expresses himself do a considerable amount of business. as well pleased with the venture. But since that company dissolved and Neal Versteeg has bought 640 acres of our fishermen need a market they are land four miles west of Philomath for willing to help out, and if matters are #2,600. He will take possession October at all promising they will no doubt put up quite a number of barrels of salmon 1st. Smith Stephens will begin threshing during the season,—Tillamook Herald on his home place Aug. 8th. Grain is Some five years ago Mr. Osborne, fine,clean and plump, and big yields are who lives at the southern edge of town, certain. killed a wild goose and found two large Fred Kirkwood has sold his interest grains of wheat in its craw. He planted them and replanted the product until in the steam thresher to Tom Kirkwood, now he has 2% acres of as fine looking and he will run a beef wagon during the grain as you ever saw. The heads are threshing season. quite long and the grains quite large, John Campbell’s team ran off wjlile the yield being perhaps one third more hitched to his binder one day last week, than ordinary wheat. He has no name and damaged it so badly that he thought for it but believes it to be a prospective it wise to purchase a new binder. John big thing.—Dallas Itemizer Stoutenberg's team ran away two days The Catholic orphanage at St. Paul later with his binder, and he also turned was burned last week Loss $10,000; the binder over to the dump pile ami insurance $2,000. The sisters in charge bought a new one. had been ironing and had up a hot fire in the laundry, and it is thought the ORBITI; ARY. flames caught while they were at din­ ner. In less than an hour the structure I The infant child of Jasper Agee died GOPHER. was laid in ashes and the flames were so on Sunday, Aug. 4th, and was buried hot that the fences, walks and trees on the following day. This is splendid harvest weather. all sides were burned, and many of the The grain is ripening up fast and a houses of the town of St. Paul were set Mrs. I.eons Martin, wife of Roy Mar­ number of binders are going. on fire and only saved by the most de- tin, died in this city on Sunday, Aug. Miss Mary Cronin spent a few days of voted efforts of the people. 4th, of brain fever, aged 29 years. She last week with her sister, Mrs. D. Kirby, Mr. Max Burgholzer, whose land takes was the mother of twin daughters, but a of Bellevue. in a short stretch of the Upper Nehalem few days oldX I)eq»(ased was buried at Milton Potter started Saturday for River in this county, reports a petroleum Dayton on Monday, the service being Sumpter for a visit with his parents at seepage of which he has known for held at the Methodist church, conducted that place. He has appointed A. Mc­ several years. At ordinary stages of by Rev. Bowersox, and the Rebekah Cullough to act as stock inspector during water the oil discharges below the sur­ lodge of Lafayette. his absence. face and is not visible, but in the sum­ The infant son of Jasper Agee died mer when tho water in the river is at its Mrs. Rachel Davidson of Ballston, Sunday, Aug. 4th, very suddenly. In­ low stage tbe oil seepage is plainly seen, died on Monday, Aug. 5th, at the age of terment was made at the family ceme­ not only where it flows from the banks 78 years and 22 days. The burial was but for rods below as it floats off on the on Tuesday, at Pleasant Hill cemetery, tery Aug. 5th Hillsboro patties the service# being conducted by Rev. Church services were not very well at­ mountain stream. interested in such property will go to Lee of Amity. Deceased was an aunt of tended, as the coming of tbe minister was unexpected. Those who listened to the mountains in a few days and in­ Mrs Updegraf of this city. the sermon delivered by Frof. Nortliup spect the seepage.—Hillsboro Indepen­ dent. Francis Lebold, aged 75 years and six enjoyed it very much. Two boys, barely in their teen», killed months, died at his home in Muddy val- John Aikin of Astoria came up on a deer within little more that» a mile of 1 ley on Sunday, after an illness of several Monday to begin repairs on the engine town Wednesday evening. The boys months. The lufieral was held at the belonging to the threshing outfit of J. were Walter Wicks and Cash Bryant. | CatholiAghurclf on Tuesday, at >0:30 a. Thompson. Each carried a slip» gun loaded with tn., conducWfl by Father Gregory of Mt Fred Howenstein and family were vis­ number six shot As they strolled , Angel, and burial was made at the ceme­ iting relatives in the valley Saturday and through Joseph Bryant » prune orchard tery near St. Joe, by tbe side of his wife. Sunday. They returned to their home late in the afternoon, a two point buck . Deceased is survived by four sons and near Whiteson Sunday evening. jsuddenly loomed up before them, and I two daughters. the boys with goAd American grit The BcroRTKR and Weekly Oregonian promptly blazed away. Three »hots Rtapa tke f:«wgfc an» Wwrka Off one vear for »2, strictly in advance the Cwltl. were fired, the last of which promptly Mrs II. L. Heath and daughter re­ took effect in the deer's head. Laxative Rro-no-Quinine Tableta corea was turned from Seattle last Thursday. fired by the Wicks lad. boys have <-old in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cent#. Mrs. Ada Unruh of Portland came ap a right to feel proud of their feat. Tbe Grange store is making some big Wednesday evening on a visit with her Grown up msn could not have done a Senator W. A. Howe of Carlton w»ob cut» 00 tbe price of sboee for a few days. brother F. W. Wallace. bettex job.—Corvallis Times. over to Newport on Tuesday.