The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, August 02, 1901, Image 7

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    Disfigured Skin
Waited muscles and decaying bones.
Wbat havoc!
Scrofula, let alone. Is capable of all that,
and more.
It is commonly marked by bunches In
the neck, inflammations in the eyes, dys­
pepsia, catarrh, and general debility.
It is always radically and permanently
cured by
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Which expels all humors, cures all erup-
Durability of Wood.
In the very dry atmoaphi res the
durability of wood is almost incred­
ible. Pieces of wood, wooden caskets
and wooden articles have been with­
drawn from Egyptian catacomba of
an antiquity 2 000 or 3,000 years
antedating the Christian era.
Busin«» is Business.
ti >ns, and builds up the whole system, ness, I
on my
whether young or old.
Hood's Pills curs liver tils: ths non Irritation and ried
only cathartle to lake with Hood's Saraapariha.
He Knew
Teacher—If you are polite and kind
to your young comrades, what will be
the result?
Bully Jones—They’ll know they
can lick you.
Thia signature la on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine T*bieu
the remedy that cure* a cold in on* day
For three years Miss Georda Layton
has been the mascot of the crews that
Penn sent to Poughkeepsie to contest
for aquatic supremacy. She Is Fhe
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Layton, of New York, aud is probably
Millionaire—Yes. your high-
intend to settle ten millions
daughter the day she is mar-
Duke—Just ______________
give me a month’s
on that and I’ll consider it.
Automobile« as Tranaport W»om.
Expérimenta in France have proved con«
vineinir. and the French believe they are
certain to play a role of tnuch importance
lit modern warfare. It is odd to note the
different uses to which nature and science
ure put. On the battlefield they tight for
the destruction of life, while throughout
the country. Hostetter’s Stomach Hitters
tights to preserve it. For fifty years the
Bitters lias been curing dvsjiepêia. indiges­
tion constipation and biliousness. It will
also prevent malaria, lever and ague.
A Matter of Enviornment
the "Anchor” Clamp.
Not Capable.
She—Poor Jack’s doctor told him
that he had narrowly escaped an acute
infiamation of the brain.
He—The doctor is an ignoramus.
Jack’s brain couldn’t develop any­
thing acute.
No More sour Stomachs.
When you’re constipated, undigested food
roti in your st niaeh like garbage in a swill
barrel. C ean it out with Cascarete Candy <’ a-
thartic! lbc. 'JOc, 50e.
A Question.
Observing (lent—Pardon me, Mrs.
Oldday, but your hair is coming
Mrs Oldday—Mine!
Observing Gent—Well, I thought it
was yours.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contnln Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole svs-
tem whenentering it through the mucous sur­
faces. Such articles should never be used ex­
cept on prescriptions from reputable physi­
cians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J
Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury,
and is taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
the genuine. It is taken internally, and made
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney <x Co. Testi­
monials free.
Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Hadn't Reported Yet
"You say he died a soldier’s death.
What was the fatal wound?”
"It isn’t known. The investiagt-
ing committee hasn’t decided whether
it was due to the tobacco or to hot
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s SooSh-
Ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
A great deal is heard now about the
“anchor” fences that have sprung
into wide popularity of late.
It is
claimed that they are the cheapest
and most durable fences on earth,
hence their general adoption.
nute inquiry into details of construc­
tion reveals the fact that "anchor”
clamps hold (rivet tight) the large
wires of which the fence is made, thus
making the fence five times as Btrong
and durable as any other fence on the
I market.
The manufacturers, The Portland
Anchor Fence Co., 742 Nicolai street.
Portland, Or., give a full baker’s
dozen reasons why’ the "anchor”
clamp is so efficient:
1. It is made of the best hoop steel,
therefore is strong and durable.
2. It is simple; can be applied by
any one.
3. It does what other ties pretend
to do—makes an immovable anchor.
4. It prevents loose and sagging
5. It keeps a fence always in repair.
6. It prevents injury to stock.
7. It makes a fence that stock can­
not break down.
8. It can be used on smooth or
barbed wire.
9. It can lie used for making new
or repairing old fences.
10. It is the only tie yet devised by
which a fence can be made in any
manner desired, or repaired without
11. It makes the BEST and most
durable fence on the market.
13. Merit alone can stand the test
of time.
The company will send you an
illustrated book on the subject free, if
you write to them.
Not Expensive
Mr Park Slope—Do vcfti believe
that the doctors will agree that, after
Refered to one Direction.
all, salt is the elixir of life?
“I see money is reported easier.”
Mr. Midwood—Never! It’s
"Then it must mean that it goes cheap!
that way.
It doesn’t come any
Stop« T A o Cough and
easier. ”
WnrJtt Off th. Cold.
Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in
Piso's Cure is the best medicine weever Laxative
one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents.
nsed for all affections of the throat and
lungs.—W m . 0. E xdhlky , Vanburen, Ind..
A Narrow Escape.
Feb. 10, 1900.
May—You came near accepting
Jack once, didn’t you?
Belle—Oh, yes; I offered to toss a
Hair dye is considered so detri­
mental to long life that a continental coin to see if I would marry him or
assurance compr.ny refuses to insure not, but he didn’t have a coin to toss.
the lives of persons using it.
I-earn to take pictures. The‘‘A. B.
C. of Photography” tells you how to
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless do it. The best book on photography
Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in
Your dealer can get it
a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. Price foe. ever written.
for you. Camera Craft, 330 Sutter
Triumphant Flattery.
street, San Francisco, Cal.
“So Dick and Daisy have made up.
Maud's Pleasing Fiction.
By George! I wonder how. After the
"Maud never wears rubbers. ”
way she laid him out I never expected
"Why not?”
it. How did he pacify her?”
*‘She’d rather say she couldn’t get
“He told her that he’d rather quar­
pair small enough to fit her.”
rel with her than kiss any other girl. ”
Hair Dye and Insureance.
What S. S. S. Does
for Children
Children are constantly exposed to all sorts of dis­
eases. The air they breathe is filled with germs, sewer
gas and dust from the filthy streets are inhaled into the
lungs and taken into the blood. At the crowded school
rooms and other public places they come in contact
almost daily with others recovering from or in the first
stages of contagious diseases. You can’t quarantine
against the balance of the world, and the best you can
do is to keep their blood in good condition, and thus
prevent or at least mitigate the disease. You have
perhaps learned from observation or experience that
healthy, robust children (and this means, of course,
children whose blood is pure) are not nearly so liable to
contract diseases peculiar to them, and when they do it
is generally in a mild form. On the other hand, weak,
emaciated and sickly ones seem to catch every disease
that comes along. This is because their blood is lack­
ing in all the elements necessary to sustain and build
up the body. Poisons of every description accumulate
in the system, because the polluted and sluggish blood
is unable to perform its proper functions.
Such children need a blood purifier and tonic to give
strength and vitality to their blood, and S. S. S., being a
purely vegetable remedy, makes it the safest and best for
the delicate constitutions of children. S. S. S. is not only
a perfect blood medicine, but is pre-eminently the tonic
for children; it increases their appetites and strengthens
the digestion and assimilation of food. If your child­
ren have any hereditary or acquired taint in their blood,
give them S. S. S. and write to our physicians for any
information or advice wanted ; this will cost you noth­
ing, and will start the little •weaklings on the road to
Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free.
In an Interview He Relates How He Ac-
coinpllsheil What Many Others
Have Failed to Du.
•• I bave *eeu aatng CASCAKET* and aa
a mild and effective laxative they are aunpiy won­
My daughter and 1 were bothered with
sick stomach aud our breath was very bad
taking a few doses of Caecareta we Lave Improved
wonderfully. They are a great help in the family.
1137 Rittenhouse St.. Cincinnati. Cbio
Holtt’e School.
At Menlo Park, S«n Mateo County. Cat., with
Its teautiful, «urroundinga, perfect climate,
careful Mtt-er vtaion, thorough instruction,
complete laboratories, and gymnasium, easily
maintains Us position in the front ranks of
tchools for bovs on the Pacific Coast. Ira G.
Holtt, Ph. D., Principal.
"You ought to rise with the lark.”
"Well, if I had to perch all night
Very Likely.
McJigger—There is a rumor that on a cold twig I suppose I'd be glad
China is secretly raising another army
by, conscription.
woman In the
Thingumbob—Ah! I suppose the
country on the subject of intercolle­
open door is responsible for this
Thirteen Reasons Explaining Popularity of giate rowing. From the time the crews
Permun'-ritly Cured. No fits or iiervousnet
rilv after lirst 'lav’* i»?ofpr. Kline's Great Nervt
Restorer Send lor PK El< $2.00 trial bottle and treat­
fee. DtuR-H K lisc . Ltd..‘.'31 ArchSt., Philadelphia,Pa.
“Robbing Peter."
Towne—For godness sake, what are
you so cranky about ?
Browne—Oh, I asked my wife to
sew a button on my coat.
Towne—And wouldn’t she do it?
Browne—Yes; but I’ve just discov­
ered that the button she sewed on my
coat was cut from my vest.
take up quarters until the final race
Miss I.ayton Is assiduous in her devo­
tion to the Red and Blue oarsmen. She
leads the rooting while the races are
on. and never fails to be on hand to
greet the crews as they come from the
water, either to rejoice with them over
victory or console them for defeat.
Bright Lttle Actress Is Eqnul to the
Emerge ■icy.
A bright little actress recently in De­
troit was asked how she got the jokes
that she and her husband use to bright­
en their team work, for it was noted
that they were always invariably crisp
aud fresh instead of the rehash so often
visited upon the public, says the Detroit
Free Press.
“Don't say anything about It.” and
she positively blushed, “but here’s j
where they come from. I never knew
that I had any taleut in that direction,
and none of my friends suspected it.
Tom and I were bad actors when we
started out together. Very bad. Our
jokes had gone through the almanacs
and we knew what It was to do our
turn before an audience that never
grinned and sometimes expressed its
feeling with a hiss or worse.
“We had a week in Cleveland that
made us very melancholy and then we
opened in Pittsburg. We were so des­
perate that we ignored our lines occa­
sionally and when nothing seemed to
be doing so far as our tickling our audi­
ences was concerned. Tom asked me
what we were going to have for break­
fast next morning.
" 'Eggs.' I retorted.
“ 'What!* be shouted, 'eggs at 30 cents
a dozen?’
"There's where I first tried to be
I funny on my ow n responsibility. It
was a poor little joke, but it was a be­
ginning. 'Why. In Cleveland Saturday
night,’ I laughed, 'they let you have two
or three dozen eggs for nothing. Pitts­
burg ought to do as well.’
"Tom roared, the audience warmed
to a little snicker, and then a big river
man In the gallery who had not quite
caught on. roared: ‘And you kin bet
she will do as well.’
| “That brought them and that was
what I had been needing all the time. I
cut loose from my lines entirely. Even
Tom got cute, for hint, and ever since
that I've been our Joke maker. Some­
times they are studied and sometimes
I they are impromptu, but we've been
I prosperous and happy ever since the
' bad egg break.”
Jack Williams, of No. 401 Dela­
ware street, says the Kansas City,
Mo., Journal, is well known as an en­
terprising news agent and a thorough­
ly reliable man. He had been a suf- ,
ferer from kidney trouble and endured
much pain from it until recently,
when he tried Dr. Williams’ Pink
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Pills for Pale People and with such Good,
Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe 10c. 2àc. 50c.
success that within a short time he
was entirely and permanently cured. •UrUa* BeaeOy Caapaay. Chl«-a*o. lealrraL Sa* Tark. Sii
.Tn.RAfì Sold and guaranteed by all drug-
To a reporter he said:
• I U-DAU stau u> CIMI: Tobacco H a Diu
“For two years I had pains in the > M
back constantly, causing me serious
His View of It.
inconvenience. But I did not at- ‘
tempt to do anything for* my com- *
McJigger—I thought your wife was
plaint until the latter part of last ! econoni ical.
winter, when I saw an advertisement ■ Thingumbob—Such ignorance! My
of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for dear man, no woman is ever econom­
Pale People and decided to see what ical. She is either extravagant or
they would do for me. I was relieved stingy.
within one week after I began taking
them; the pains disappeared and so YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ABE TAKING
vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic,
complete was the cure that I have When
beesuse the formula is plainly printed on every
not found it necessary to take further bottle showing that it Is simply Iron aud Qui­
treatment nor have I been troubled nine in . tasteless form. No Cure, Ne Pay. 50c.
at all by the disease since.”
Fond of the Baby.
Kidney complaint is an insiduous
"My wife doesn’t stay but a week
disease. First come almost unnoticed
pains in the back and some slight in­ down at her mothers.”
convenience. The pains grow gradu­
“No; but her younger sisters ad­
ally worse and the inconvenience
greater till finally, if not given medi­ mired our baby so much that they
cal treatment, the person suffers awful nearly washed it to pieces.”
torture and becomes unfit to follow
Not Essentials.
bis ordinary occupation. Blood pois­
oning sets in. the constitution is
Friend—But you say the charges
wrecked at,id death often results.
are without foundation.
Mr. William stook the one unfailing
Campaign manager—Yes, but in
remedy and was readily cured within politics a big superstructure can be
a few weeks.
His statement was built without any foundation.
sworn to before Lionel Moise, a no­
tary public, and the facts above will
bear the most searching investigation.
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale
People will not only effect a cure in
cases similar to the one above, hut.
acting directly upon the blood and
nerves, are an unfailing specific for
such diseases as locomotor ataxia, par­
tial paralysis. St. Vitus' dance, sei- 1
atiea, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous t
headache, after effects of the grip, I
palpitation of the heart, pale and sal- ,
low complexions and all forms of I
weakness either in male or female.
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady,
N. Y. Price 50 cents per box; six We Guarantee
Thar the Eccentric Sprocket Wheel on thia
boxes, $2.50.
machine will give an absolute gain of 16A^ per
Mayor ■ Harn.
The soundings of the Mayor's horn
at Rlpo is one of the moat ancient cus-
! toms In the kingdom. It formerly an­
nounced the setting of tlie watch; but
It has now lapsed Into the formality
of three blasts given at 9 o'clock every
evening at the Mayor's residence by
bls official horn-blower and three more
at the market cross.
Probably every child cherishes It
against bls parents that they on-e
gave him a calf, and kept the money
when they sold It.
After a man gets Into trouble It Is
easy far him to see how be might have
kept out of it.
Fashion in Kansas.
"What did that Kansas woman
"She wanted a hatehet pocket put
in the side of her seal coat. ”
ON 4
UES-EiSL............. ..
li. P. M. U.
JI*. S1-1HL
HEN writing t* advertiser* pleas*
mention this paper«
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrison Street.
Can give von
Bnggiw. flows.
Windmills an<i
Machinery. See
the beat bargains in
Boilers and Engines,
Pnm os an 1 General
us lie I ore buying.
Where do You
Sell Your Hides?
rffr wr.
We always pay the Highest Price.
Chas. L. Mastick & Co.
cent of power at time of tieing and discharging
75 Front St., cor. Oak, Portland, Or.
The Necessary Advances.
The Force-feed Elevator will waste leas grain
She—You should speak to papa
The Relief Rake keeps inner end of platform S m rer Resolutions
first. You don’t expect him to make clear.
Everyone of those using Champion Binder
the advances, do you?
says it has no equal.
He—Well, if he doesn’t,
we to get married?
how are
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU
lruggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
E. W. Grove’s signature Ison each box. 25c.
She Knew Him.
“All is lost save honor, ” telephoned
the defeated candidate to his wife at
2 a. tn.
“Well, you’ll have to walk home,
then, ” she answered, "forthat won’t
do you any good on the owl cars.”
And then nothing but the low, hoarse
buzzing of the telephone wires answer­
ed her.
Started Her Song.
Mrs. Brown (at Mrs. Smiths tea
party)—Oh, dear, that dreadful MisB
Smith is singing again.
I wonder
what started her.
Tommy Brown (aged seven)—I
dropped a penny down her back when
she wasn’t looking.
Flral and Taylor Sta.
Keeley Cure
ture rslief fioin liquor, opium an i tobáceo
habiU. Send for particulars to
V aa I au Insllhila
Keeley institute.
Moved to 4’30 William*
a »*.. ■
Wholesale Boots and Shoes
87 and 89 First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Catalogue Furnished
Upon Application.
All Kinds Carried in Stock.
Chamber of Commerce,
Secures patents for Inventions
In the ( nited States an I foreign
countries. Also negotiates mar­
kets und defends patent inven­
No better terms or fact!Illes
than we offer obtainable any­
where. Par men i of our fees
may be deferred till patent is
allowed. Write for pamphlet.
Hotel Flavel
4 00
D rops ]
Promotes Digestion.Cheerful-
ness and Rest Contains neither
anum.Morphine norMuieral
ot N arcotic .
Open« for aeaaon June ?», 1901.
Col. J. F. Hervey, Manager
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
AVfcgetable Preparation for As­
similating ihe Food and Regula­
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
*. i
Moat beautiful and perfectly eqnipncd I'ira
mer rcaort. Every convenience aud comfort.
Free bu« from hotel to «urf. Bathing, tUhlntf,
dancing, towline.
A iplen.lnt hotel with
lovely M.rroundinita. Under new management
thia year. For rat.-« and re«ervati<>na add re«»
Bears the
HOTEL FLAtfiL, Fl...I, Ora
81S Mar^uam Bldg.,
Fart I and. Ora
A Private
The Gulf Stream
Recent investigations have shown
that the principal source of the Gulf
Stream Is not the Florida channel but
the region between and beside the Isl­
ands of the West Indies. At Blnloni
the volume of this warm water Is Gd
times as great ns the combined volume
of all the rivers In the world at their
The First American Duel.
In the year 1H3O occurred the first
| duel known to hnve taken place on
| American soli. The principals, Edward
Doty and Edward Leister, were ser­
vants of a Mr. Hopkins, one of the New
England colonists. The tnen had quar­
reled over some trifling matter ant! re
sorted to the field for Its settlement
The affair was stopped by the authori­
ties. but not before one had been
wounded In the thigh and the other in
the hand. There wits no law covering
such matters, but the Governor of the
province decided that the men should
be punished neverthless. At his orders
they were sent to have their heads and
feet tied together, and He In that condi­
tion twenty-four hours, without food or
drink. They suffered so much, how-
! ever, that tljey were released at the end
of an hour.—Pittsburg Dispatch.
A Forced
Muggins—He married the cook, I
Buggins—Yes; you see she wanted
to leave. ___________ _____ _
perfect Remedy forConsUpa
for Constipa
Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
.Feveristv ­
ness and LOSS
Facsimile Signature of
\ I I) UlOillllS
For Over
Thirty Years
< »
rst eenrrau« eowMwv.
»o«« errv.
For boarding and day pHplla.
<)|* ib September 18. Fine
new building. The principal
ha« had twenty-three year«’
experience in Portland. Cor­
respondence solicited For
catalogue« address
J. W. HILL, M. !>.,
P. O. drawer 17, Portland, Or.
la beat tlm* to enre Catarrh,
Hronchltta and Cotisunipilon.
Oar remedy is guaranteed, *1.
P. 0. Hoi »73.
W. H. SMITH 1 CO., Buffilo, N. Y.