The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, August 02, 1901, Image 6

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    A HAVEN.
Ships are anchored, sails are furled,
Shore-lights in the dusk appear;
Faint, and far away, we hear
Roaring sea-ways of the world.
In the haven’s sheltered walls
Soft the starry silence falls!
Winds that drove us through the deep
Touch us now as soft as sleep;
Waves that smote before are now
Rippled whispers at the bow.
Dim lights glimmer on the ships,
Shadowy figures cross the decks.
Golden Hushing phosphor-specks
Sparkle w here an oar blade dips.
Large, above the steady spars.
Shine the radiant southern stars;
Falls, from crystal heights of air,
Sound of wings that seaward fare;
Inland, still and dark and lone,
Night enfolds a land unknown.
Weary wanderers may stay
Here awhile the unknown quest;
Seekers of the far-away
Here a little while may rest,
—Sidney Royse Lysaght, in “Poems of
the Unknown Way.”
-3 HE old sluggish monster of revo-
jP lution, long since drugged to
** sleep, some think to death, yet
sometimes stirs. Its movements are
dream-movements, its snake-llke con­
volutions are harmless. It is merely
the habit of the dead past, when Diaz
was not yet Power, which causes the
beast to heave its lethargic sighs and
open up, from time to time, a red orb
devoid of meaning.
Up over the Cuernavaca railroad
comes now the military detachment
lately sent Into Guerrero. The little
company eats dinner by the Cuernava­
ca station. Five lank soldiers in san­
dals sit at a distance on the ground;
and, whereas all the others are gay,
these live sit depressed with gloom, re­
calling a strange thing.
The heart of Guerrero, state of gold­
en miracles. Is not yet opened to the
world. Mountains and mysteries shut
It away from modern life. Away down
south, two hundred miles from the rail­
road, is the town of Three Sandals.
Into it came, five years ugo, 1111 Ameri­
can named Stlrge. He bought a mine
and worked it all alone, and they said
he stacked up gold In an adobe house
as high as the roof. He was tall, with
silken beard, feline grace, mild, deep,
unreal eyes. Gold turned his head;
gold made his house an empire, Three
Sandals the center of the universe. He
dreamed of severing this southern land
from Mexico, and insane ideas of a
monarchy came to him.
The chief of police was fat and flab­
by, and often full of pulque. lie lived
in a large house on the plaza by tho
palms. His sister was a beauty, aged
1», named Otllia.
"Otllia, 1 call you a failure,” com­
plained the chief, drinking three quarts
of pulque in the patio, while she
lounged languid under those enormous
yellow flowers called “cupe-of-gold.”
“Manjarrez killed himself for you.
Elias slew Negrete for you. Oli­
vares robbed the hacienda to buy
you a ruby, and was shot. The gov­
erned at Chilpanelngo made a fool of
lilmself for you. Hah! what good Is
all this If you cannot lind out the
revolutionary schemes of that cursed
American, ami save my reputation. I
want to kill him, and, alas!" with a
comic shrug, spilling pulque "there is
no way.”
"Hang him by his sweet, soft beard,
l’epe, my love," said she, with a smile.
"But! the shadow of an excuse! 1
know he plots, but never a linger can I
lay on him. Make him fall In love with
you. witch; worm It out of him. Our
reputation Is at stake.”
She dreamed, lying there graceful,
beautiful, mischief in her languid eye.
”1 will," she said, and plucked a cup
of gold, ami burled her flushed face
She was shrewd. She was not of the
dashing type. She was leisurely re­
served. She had watched Stlrge for
months. She knew him slightly; she
bad smiled at him. Into her deep
thinking came the knowledge that
there was something of the mystic In
his nature, that mystery might win him
where other means would fall.
Every evening at 11 she wrapped her­
self In a black rebozo so that eyes glow
Ing and portions of a face artificially
pale were seen beneath lustrous hair.
Then, solemn, sad. a moving statue, she
walked to mid fro. to and fro. before
tho American's house. When he stood
III the door stroking Ids silken beard
and gazed on her. she mslded slowly,
as though unseeing, and sighed a heavy
sigh At dusk, having walked to and
fro for an hour, she sighed more heav­
ily still and went away.
After one week of this mystery, the
form of Otllia began to haunt him. She
was very beautiful, said lie. There
wore lurking In her eyes vast dreams,
restlessness, towering ambitions ah!
like Ills own. like his own. He tossed in
the night, somehow drawn to her. After
nil, was It gisid to lie lonely? With
such a mate to what grand heights
might any Ilian not soar! So, from see­
ing her by chance, he came to watch
for her. and when she passed tils hand
was frozen on his beard, or burned with
tire tliat ran in all Ida blood. Mean
while a plan to overthrow the town's
authorities, to gather men, to march on
Chilpanelngo. took form. Two officers
nearest the person of the chief were
Btirge’a fellow-plotters.
On the eighth evening of this moving
to and fro, wrapped In mystery, she let
her reboxo wave a litttle wider open.
He was devouring her with his eyes I
He was like a gist, strong and full of
grace. Her sweet lipa were pinkish;
her neck was white. She sighed, but
•be looked on him with quick flamea
bursting from her eyes. The street was
lonely. He stepped out and laid bis
exceedingly long slim Angers on her
arm. She paused, and they gazed at
one another.
“Otilia, some dread thing haunts
"Yes, senor.” Her eyes were down.
“Otllia. a great weight is on you. I
am one used to speaking out. When
God puts Are into a man's heart, the
man should never hide it, lest It burn
him. Otilia, 1 seem to see myself in
your eyes. Heart of my heart, I love
She, exceedingly white, raised her
eyes just enough to see his chin; and
with a startling mixture of mischief
and emotional upheaving, she remem
bered her words: "Hang him by his
sweet, soft beard, Pepe.”
He kissed her as the dusk came. She
went home, bewildered to And that her
eyes seemed blind. When she put her
rebozo to them it came away wet. She
walked statelily, looking at all the low.
barred windows.
She entered her
brother’s patio and sat down under the
great cups-of-gold.
At supper she
could not eat. In bed she could not
sleep. In the night her little bare feet
went softly up and down the room. In
the morning she was afraid of herself,
something within her heart seared her
The love passage thus began, and
Otilia, In winning him, had lost herself.
Ah, bls god like form, his foreign
strength, his whiteness! She loved
him. The same old difference between
so many loves characterized these. The
man's vast schemes were mightier than
his love.
The woman’s love was
mightier than all else.
At the edge of the town was a de­
serted alameda full of mango-trees.
Here were aged stone benches seldom
used. Here the shade was like dusk
at noon, like midnight at dusk. Here
they met, evening after evening, she
falling panting into his arms, he gazing
at her scarcely seen face with hungry
“You are incarnate truth,” he said.
Blood flew to her face; her brain
seemed drowned. “Yet—I was false."
“What bud jest is this?”
She lay trembling. Somehow a fear
entered him.
“Speak!” he cried, almost letting her
from him.
“I—I plotted against you.”
“How—It is a lie!”
“Oh, my soul’s soul! I set about to
win you, Instigated by my brother, that
I might learn your plan of revolution,
and conquer you and bring you to
death. Crush me If you must—thus
have I lost myself—thus have you over­
thrown me!”
He let her fall on the old stone bench.
The shade of the mango-trees was deep.
He stood a little way off, tall and still,
and looked at her. Just here the re­
vulsion came; for gold had made him
Insane with dreams. His love was sec­
ond to his plot. Distrust sank deep In
him. He felt himself betrayed. Cold
drops were on his forehead. He had
walked as in a deep gold mist. He
gazed on this girl. She was incarnate
treason; his love for her was turned to
Wounded, Ignoble, but grand with
rage, he turned, and she was left alone.
After that he smiled at her no more,
nor looked at her. He dared not flee;
that were confession and meant death.
He dared not prolong delay.
She had groped her way home from
(he mango-grove. Though she was
sweet ami leisurely and shrewd, she
had in her that fuel which, touched
with Are, burns on to vengeance. But
she was sad; and it seemed some sec­
ond self mercilessly drove her on to the
revenge which her better nature did
not want. She wept, and grew thin In
three days miraculously. Sometimes
she Joked with herself even yet. in man­
ner ghastly. "Hang him by hie sweet,
soft beard,” murmured she In bad
night-dreams; and she saw his bead, In
visions, hung thus, horrible.
The first night of their estrangement,
the fat. pulque drinking chief found let­
ters nt the home of one of Ills subordi­
nates. They incriminated the subordi­
nate, who was arrested and put in the
little adobe Jail across the plaza. The
chief strove in vain to find one word of
those epistles which might give ground
for the arrest of Xtirge. But tho Ameri­
can's tracks were yet covered. The
chief shed maudlin tears of exaspera­
The third night Otilia came knocking
at Ills door at 10 o’clock. She was ad­
mitted; the chief sitting in a gown ou
Ills bed’s edge.
"This subordinate, the arrested one."
said she. steady-voiced, "w hen Is he to
be shot?"
“At sunrise. I am writing the order
for the soldiers who will arrive to-night.
Oh. you failure!"
"Come, keep these railings for an­
other. Give me the order, but leave
the name a blank."
Iler manner was cold, stern, aud she
was pale and sick.
"Why?" he growled.
She put one hand on the foot board
and leaned close to him. “1 may do
that which your secret soul longs for."
whispered she. "Do I not know that it
la his gold that you want? Think!
They say It la stacked to the roof.”
"But I should be called to account for
a baseless execution, you fool!"
“1 have a fading ink. I write the
name and show it to the captain. He
executes tlie order. The Ink fades.
You aulmtltute the rightful name, aud
on the captain Iles the blame."
He fell back In bed with a choking
"it’s on the table," he said, weakly.
She brought him the blank. He tilled
It out all save the name. She left him
staring stupidly at her. ami presently
heard him call for three mors quarts of
Otllia was not so villainous as she
seemed. She was tottering. She had
The dawn came. Yes, the chained
scarce an Idea that she should execute man's face began to show a little white,
so dreadful a plan. It was the warring out of the s'hadow. The captain formed Art of Pollshlns Diamonds Unknown Million» Hein« Sank lu Search for the
Cripple Creek Mother Lode.
Upto tbe Four teen til Century,
between those two differing selves of his Ave men and hade them be ready.
8. Stratton, who attained to
hers that drove her on to make these So. the day thus slowly coming, they
preparations. In these ugly hours, too, stood waiting till they could see; and ceived all the majesty of nature united fame as the owner of the celebrated In­
was the playfulness yet alive in her. he stood yonder, his arms chained high iu small space. Epitomes of all that Is dependence mine at Cripple Creek,
most perfect, these Aowers of the rock which he discovered and developed,
She thought that to threaten him, in up on the post.
play, with this ghastly thing would be
The minutes went by. The scene was add to splendor of form and color the from which he took millions, and which
sweet mischief’s way to win him back. wild and rocky. The east began to quality that most Impresses the imag­ he Anally Bold for $11,060.000 In cash,
If he would but smile at her once faintly glow. Strange—strange. As he ination of Unite man, durability, while is now at work on a project at Cripple
[ more! And deep in her the other self appeared yet a little clearer—how still In virtue of their rarity they become Creek which, if successful, will make
said: “Kill!”
he stood—how white. Merciful hand of most truly precious—attributes all pos­ him tbe richest man In the world.
He is hunting for the mother lode,
She could not rest. She wrapped her­ Mary! Is that hanging creature there a sessed in sovereign degree by the dia­
mond, the Greek adamas, the “indom­ from which all the millions of gold
self In her black rebozo and went out. human being?
itable," the marvelous stone which that have been taken out of the Crip­
"Aim!" commanded the captain.
She walked by the jail and paused and
nothing lu nature, so the ancients be ple Creek district have come. If he
The guns were raised.
scanned It. The plaza was dark and
the palms rustled. She went down a
“A minute more aud it will be light lieved, could impress; which placed on flnds It, the word millions will be In­
an anvil and struck with a hammer, as adequate to describe his wealth, and
street and sadly walked to and fro be­ enough to see.”
fore the American’s house, recalling the
They waited. The light came rapid­ Martial and Lucretius record (an erron­ nothing less than billions, and possi­
day he kissed her as the dusk came. At ly. Behold! Suddenly the culprit seem­ eous test, responsible for the loss of bly even a greater term, will do to de­
times bate raved in her. Memory drew ed to start fully from the shadows. A many Ane stones), shivered the iron scribe his treasure.
Mr. Stratton's theory is that all the
without being affected by the blow.
her at length to the alameda, and be­ second more aud they would Are.
yond ft. Under these trees had she
The guns fell. The men staggered. Plato described this gem as a kind of veins of gold that underlie Cripple
rested In his arms. Beyond, where the Horror chilled them. The face that kernel formed in gold, condensed from Creek, and which constitute the great
fields were rocky—yonder in that lonely looked on them was the face of a skull. the purest and noblest part of the mines from which over 100 mlllion i In
spot beside the gorge—was the tall Iron The body that hung there by the chain metal, and prized more for its medical gold have been taken In a few years,
post to which criminals were chained was a clean, white skeleton. So terri­ and psychical virtues rather than for converge toward one point. This the­
to be shot. Out of the mango-grove, ble is the devastation of the warrior its beauty; in fact, up to the fourteenth ory is borne out by the maps of the
out of the days of love, she might lead ant. So perfect is the labor of millions. century the art of polishing the dia­ district, which show a general dip or
Stumbling away, they found Otilia mond with its own dust had not been trend of the veins of gold toward a
him here to this Iron post—and her An­
gers held the paper of death. The night swooning on the rocks.—San Francisco discovered. His theories were sustain- common center. Mr. Stratton has lo­
was very black. She shuddered.
I ed as late as the beginning of the flf- cated the spot where these veins
Suddenly she heard a crying out.
teenth century by the alchemist Car­ should meet, and has bought all tbe
Women and men were shouting back DISASTROUS FIRES IN MINES. dan, who believed that precious stones land over and about It, 600 acres In all.
there by the town. She walked In that
were engendered by juices distilled Now he has a big force of meu at work
direction. The shouting was Increased, Great Wealth of Anthracite I estroyed from gold, silver and iron in the cavi­ sinking shafts, and Is spend from $35,-
in Mammoth Vein,
and there was a scurrying about near
ties of the rocks, and who asserted sol­ 000 to $50,000 a month on this work.
The announcement from Tamaqua,
two thatched huts.
emnly that these masterpieces of na­
“The ants! The warrior ants!" was Pa., that the Are in the Mammoth vein, ture, these quintescences of the pre­
started in the winter of 1860-61 in a
the shout.
cious metals, not only live, but also
colliery within the limits of the town,
She came nearer to a hut. Men in
suffer illness, old age and death. This
sandals went leaping with torches.
conviction that even the impenetrable
There was a strange crackling in the
crystal of the diamond Incloses Its
Behold! the ground was level on the other, where the vein atom of the universal spirit, together
black with marching millions. Scor­ strikes the Schuylkill, brings to mind with all the vague mystical notions
pions, lizards, spiders, ran terror-strick­ how great has been the destruction by I concerning the influence of gems, the
en from that army. Tlie thatches were underground Ares of the unmined waning and rejuvenescence of the
being pierced by thousands of unseen wealth of coal in the anthracite re­ , pearl, the opal, tbe turquoise, in accord­
marauders. Human beings, seizing all gion of Pennsylvania.
ance with the fortunes of their human
Considering the narrow limits of ter­
things of value, flqd crying into the
owners, the prescriptions of the an-
[ cient pharmacopeia which administer­
These ants march in terrible battal­
ed powders of topaz or of hyacinth for
ions. There is no way known to man ure there has been as great, compara­ the cure of hypochondria or sleepless­
to stop them. They have their officers. tively, as that wrought by Are in the ness; the superstitions of astrological
They select a goal. On they come, and forests of this country. The great 14- mineralogy, which assigned a stone to
all things flee before. A house is over­ foot vein in which this Tamaqua Are each month and to each sign of the
run. Every living thing, or piece of has for forty years swept on a steady zodiac; Theophrastus’ division of gems
food, vanishes. All other insects are path of ruin Is that In which the flnest into male and female, and the theories
devoured. Men must absent themselves grade of anthracite is always found. j of Dioscorides, of Avicenna, of Al­
beyond dispute, as all
till the ants depart. Returning, all Is
bertus Magnus and of St. Thomas
bare. The army has conquered, devas­ length every atom of that coal has Aquinas—all these may be traced back the mining men of Cripple Creek know,
been reduced to ashes In this single
tated, passed on.
to their origin in that magnificent that practically all the big veins of the
Fascinated, she stood with some san­ Are.
treasury of jewels, that dwelling place Cripple Creek district run into Mr.
There have unfortunately been many
daled laborers, who, on the outskirts
of mystery and witticism. India, whose Stratton's territory. The indications
of this scene of ruin, watched it by other similar Ares. Three of the most philosophers held the cardinal principle are that many of these veins converge
ruinous besides this have been tbe fa­
that the souls of the erring might be to a common point within his ground.
“Where will they go next?” cried one. mous Summit Hill burning mine on the imprisoned in the rock and serve out an This would indicate that the great
"Yonder, yonder. In this direction. mountain between Mauch Chunk aud Incarnation in a gem,—Lippincott's mother vein, the center from which the
great veins and ore shoots of the dis­
See! The vanguard is already advanc­ Tamaqua, the Empire mine tire at Magazine.
Wllkesbarre, the Butler mine Are at
trict radiate, is directly under the
ing thither!”
ground owned by Mr. Stratton.
She beheld the leading battalion Pittston, All three Ares were in col-
From the shafts being sunk good
forming In fours, and heading away leries where the vein lay high on the
the Young Woman'* Mother ore is being taken, the different veins
across the barren fleld. She looked up.
Cinchel the Case Early.
being followed up as they show them­
A strange chill ran over her. That iron the valleys below, thus making them
It was the second time that the hero selves.
post, yonder by the gorge, stood In their more difficult to combat. Both the Em­
pire and the Butler mine communicated of the story had accompanied the young
Japan's First Sleeping Cars.
At midnight she passed Stirge’s so closely with other underground lady home. She asked him if he would
In spite of Its reputation as the most
not come in. He said he would.
house, and he was going in. His door
enterprising and progressive of Eastern
She was hardly gone before her moth­
was open and a faint light shone on cessity to And a method to cut them
nations, Japan has been entirely with-
him. She paused, where he saw her.
out sleeping cars
ping down beside the young man, said:
She looked at him, with her soul in her
until the last few
“I always did say that if a poor but
eyes, and he spurned her. Her bad self now under control.
months. Their in­
flamed up. She ran away, wild with
troduction into the
our Sarah, he should have my consent.”
hate. She stood a moment under the
land of the Mikado
The young man started with alarm.
palms, and there a diabolic purpose tlie thousands of tourists who stopped
is due to H. Iwa-
came to her.
saki, the superin­
famed switchback, was left to burn she loves you,” continued the mother,
It had )o :g been a custom in this dis­ itself out. The earth’s surface gradual­
tendent of the San-
trict to lead the culprit out very early ly sank In aliove it. leaving the whole "and whatever is for her happiness is
go Railway at
111 the morning. Chained in darkness space a picture of desolation.
Kobe. Mr. Iwasa-
“I—I haven't----- ” stammered the
to the post, he was confronted by a
kl has traveled in
young man.
priest. The black hours dragged on,
Work by Daylight.
America, and from
giving the criminal the most solemn
Although many writers do their lit­
the sleeping cars in common use here he
reason for repentance. Five soldiers erary work at night, it Is wiser to write I know you haven't much money, but, drew the plans for the four cars which
and an officer were stationed near. only in the daytime. The night worker J of course, you’ll live in my house."
are all that are at present running in
When dawn came, and they could clear­ generally wants a stimulant, and be­ | “I had no idea of----- ” he began.
Japan. Since these pioneer cars were
ly see, they fired.
comes addicted to strong coffee or
put into service they have been at all
At 11 o’clock a detachment of soldiers ' worse. That kind of regimen exhausts continued Sarah’s mamma, reassuring­ times profitable and popular, so much
had arrived. About 1, Otllia came to physical powers, and Is inclined to se­
so that there Is a loud demand that all
the door of the decrepit barracks. The riously affect mental ones. The greater boarders will bring In we sha'l get Japanese roads should be equipped In
captain had orders to obey the chief of I flow of blood to the brain of nights is along as comfortably as possible.”
the same way. Mr. Iwasakl has slight­
The young man’s eyes stood out like
police. She came to him and said: ' apt to bring about exaggerations. Day
ly modified the plan of the usual Amer-
"My brother is ill. His servants are j workeis are sometimes forced to write
iean sleeper. Each of his four cars con-
sitting with him. So lie sent ine with far luto the night. Next day. looking say something.
tafus. for instance, a little dining-room,
“Never mind about thanks,” she 1
this order."
seating eight, in which meals are served
over their nocturnal productions, they
She disappeared. The captain read I are unpleasantly surprised with the
ships. The 20th of May Is my birth- | at all hours of the day or night. In
the command for the Immediate execu- j general wild character of their copy.
Interior finish the Japanese cars are
day. and It would be nice for you to be said to fairly outdo the barbaric and
tion of one Stlrge, American.
Wilkie Collins, as may readily be be­
A little later the unfortunate Anglo- . lieved from the character of some of
hideous splendor of their American
“But—but—but---- ” he gasped.
Saxon schemer was seized I11 bed. They his books, was a "habitual and aban­
prototypes. In one way they are a
“There, there! I don’t expect any 1 great improvement over anything in
put on him clothes somewhat similar doned night worker.” who stopped only
to those worn by runners In athletic I when, during the small hours of the reply.” she laughed. "I’ll try and be a j this country, in that each upper berth
contests, so that he was nearly naked. night, another Wilkie Collins appeared model mother-in-law. I bel'eve I’tn I contains windows which admit air and
In tlie night they led him out and on ! before him. If we remember the story good tempered and kind-hearted, though 1 keep out dust.
through the black mango-grove. In rightly, (he second Wilkie Collins sat I did once follow a young man a couple
Flattery All Too Sincere.
that stony field by the gorge they chain- I at tlie same table with him and tried to of hundred miles with a broomstick for
Addressing his students, Dr. Wyllie,
ed him to a post. A priest came, was , monopolize the writing pad. Then agreeing to marry my daughter and
received with haughty contempt, and there was a struggle, and the Inkstand then backing out of the engagement.” the professor of medicine in Edinburgh
Site patted him on the head and sailed University, adduced an experience of
went away. Well for the soldiers that was upset; anyhow, when the true
his that is not without its literary mor­
they stood ten yards to the gorge’s Wilkie awoke, the Inkstand had been out.
And now the young man wants ad­ al. He was called one day to see a
left. Thus did the flank of that black upset nnd the ink was running over
unseen army pass them by uuliarmed. the writing table. After that Wilkie vice. He.wants to know whether he young man. As he was entering the
Silence, darkness, weird waiting for Collins gave up writing of nights. An had better get in the way of a locomo­ house the patient's sister exclaimed:
the dawn. The gold-maddened dreamer 1 authoress once told Huxley that when tive or jump off the n. arest bridge.— “Oh, it’s all that horrid book!" In­
quiry elicited the fact that the pa­
was a stoic. He was as Iron as the she sat up at night her prevailing fear Tlt-Illts.
tient's favorite reading was "Sherlock
post aud chain. Out of the night shad­ was of burglary. Huxley replied."When
Politeness as a Fine Art.
Holmes." The young man was in a very
ows a ghost voice called from yonder In I am working at night I not only hear
A Vienna correspondent writes that low state, and his tell-tale arm was
the rocks:
burglars moving about, but I actually there Is a law in Austria which makes
dotted with hypodermic punctures. His
“I can free you. I can yet free you. see them looking at me through the
It a very serious offense to insult a pule admiration for the most popular of pa­
Tell me once more you love me, and life crack of the door,”
He official, or even to offend lii< dignity llet detectives had betrayed him Into
is yours."
in any way. Public officials Include all the cocaine habit.—Academy.
Inhabitants of Mars.
He did not answer. The soldiers be­
“As for me.” says M. Flammarion railway employes from traffic director
lieved her crazy, or thought that St.
An Exhausted Resource.
speaking of the inhabitants of Mars in to porter, policemen, tramway drive:si
Mary had come down.
When Mr. Paterson, the Australian
"It is I who brought you here. Give
war correspondent, was at the Maori-
me your heart, and It Is I who shall them. A world where It is always beau­ cleaners. Recently an electric tramcar land Hot Lakes, the local Maoris were
tiful. where there are neither tempest» ran Into an omnibus and overturned It.
take you away.”
very anxious to hear all about a war.
The night was yet black. He did not nor cyclones, where the years are twice One of the omnibus passengers, Frau so by special request he lectured to
answer. What stole, beyond man's
them. At the end of the discourse the
dreama of stoicism, waa that man of of 376 grams, and where, therefore, doctor In Vienna, was badly cut and re­ Maoris all began to jabber at once, and
Anglo-Saxon blood! Ay, Indians can men and women who here weigh sev­ ceived a severe shock to her nerves, the translator turned to Paterson with
endure. Savages can suffer and emit enty kilos there weigh only twenty- which prostrated her for week». After a beaming smile and said: "There is
no sound. But of all God’s creatures six. and where. In a word, everything tbe collision, in her alarm and pain, she one ting none of us understan'." "What
there Is none so strong as the American Is lighter, more delicate and more re- cried, referring to the driver cf the elec is that?” “If te troops so hungry why
flned." And In another place he g >es trie car: "The wretched fellow! Why
steeled to bear.
not eat te Boer?”—Sydney Bulletin.
There was wild war In her. She bad further, pointing out that if the Mar couldn't he stop sooner?" For th s ex­
meant to torment him. She had not tlans wishing to communicate with us pression she was summoned and sen­
Natural Enough.
they wonld doubtless have made the tenced to a Ane of £1 13a SI "for insult­
meant that he be shot. She could never
“Why is It,” she whispered at the
effort many times In the past and prole ing a public official."
consent to kill, her better self was too |
close of the ceremony, “that the bride­
ably long ago abandoned it. deciding It
timid. But his spurning had crazed |
groom always looks as If he couldn't
a hopeless business to attempt coniniu
The women are wearing a white call his soul bis own?"
her. At dawn, she thought, sinking 1
nlcation with a planet so stupid.
glove now that looks exactly like the
down on the rocks, she would confess
"Probably.” replied her brother, “it's
the substituted name, release him. But
Tbe beat thing to do In a hurry la gloves men wear when they act as pall­ because from that moment be really
the second self joyed In torture.
can't"—Philadelphia Presa.