PHYSICIANS Walter Holman is visiting his parents Hay baling, low prices, good work. J. A. D ehby 4 S on . here. J. B. Mellott of Dayton is raising white A. M. Stratton of Carlton was in the p E. OOUCHER, fl. D. Jelly glasses aud fruit jars at Kegg's. blackberries city yesterday. Prof. L. K. Alderman is conducting an i Bring your l>eet butter aud fresh eggs A girl was born Wednesday to the wife Physician institute in Tillamook. I to Wallace A Walker ami get their worth of Arthur Smith. hiteaon creamery butter. For in cash or mdae. and Surgeon. eale Try by U Wallace Ira Nelson and family have been in A Walker. tf Mrs. M. G. Kennedy from Astoria is; camp at Meadow lake this week. Ottte«* over M< Minnville National Bank. Miss McCann of I'ayton is visiting her ■ visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. McCann. < alls responded to Day amt Night. M. E. Holmes of Amity was in the sister, Mrs. Pr. Lewis. Mrs. Wilbur Cook and family of Port­ city on business yesterday inoroing. McMIXNVILLh - - OREGON. Chas. I*. Nelson has constructed an land have been visiting at J. Wilson For feed, hav. Hour aud berries, Cook's the past week. addition to his residence. QOOK & CABLE, J. A. D khby A S on . We are paying this week 30 to 35 cts Lohan carries a good stock of light and Waute«l — A buggy horse and bnggy or heavy harness. Cali and get prices. per roll for good butter and 16 cts Elevators at McMinnville. Yamhill County buckl>oard H B. R eeii . for fresh eggs. W ali a « k A W ai ker . Woikuianobip first-class. tf and at Shedd, Linn County Mrs. Roy Martiu was taken quite se­ C. C. Robbins, a former architect with Miss Hettie Baker was seriously ill Rooms in Jacobson Block, Jones A Adams, is now a reaideut of verely ill on Wednesday. the past week from heart trouble. Highest prices paid for chickens, but­ UKsaoN. AVING purchased the Hendrick Warehouse, I MCMINN VILLAS, Attorney C. W. Talmage will remove Portland. ter and eggs at the Grange store. J. P. Irvine, wife and daughter, spent am prepared to receive and store grain. Many to Tillamook this week, and open an C. MICHAUX, fl. D., Mrs. T. B. Kay of Salem is visiting her yesterday in the mountains at Petch’s office for the practice of bis profesoion. years’ experience in the business in the valley parents in this city. Leave orders for peaches from Mr. mill. aud in the largest mills of the State enables me to Physician and Surgeon, Post’s orchard with any of the leading G, S. Wright, dentist, I ish returned The Grange store is making some big offer to the farmers the very highest market price from San Francisco and will be in bis cuts on the price of shoes for a few daye. grocers. for their grain. M c M innville , O regon . Geo. Murton of Portland spent Sun­ Travel to the coast has begun in earn­ office on and after Monday, August Dtk). Lambert Bros, want all the poultry, day with his brother C. C. in this city. est. The trains from Portland to Ya- Office iu Wright Block. eggs and farm produce, for which they quina particularly are well filled. Mrs Isom Small of Lafayette is visit­ will pay the highest cash price. At ing this week with McMinnville friends. Photo mounts cut to any size you wish Palmer’s old stand. QR. C. T. SniTH, at this office, and for sale cheaper tban Harry Watkins of Boise visited friends The Sheridan school board has chosen the cheapest. C. C. Linden as principal, and W. S. in this city several daye the past week. Walter Hembree and F. H. Johnson Buell, Bessie Linden and Mildred Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Manning of Seattle spent Monday and fuesday in the moun­ Daugherty as teachers. are visiting at the home of 8. A. Man­ Union Block, McMinnville. Oregon. tains on the head waters of the Willa­ J acob W ortman , Pres. E d H endricks , Vice Pres. Deering binder, seven foot folder, used ning. Office Hours, 10-12 and 2-1. mina. J ohn W ortman , Cashier. A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier three years, for sale or trade. Also Miss Ella Hendrick visited Miss Fran­ Those indebted to S. A. Manning heavy team of horses for sale or trade ces Mann in Portland from Friday until please call and settle at the office of BARBERS. Inquire at this office. Tuesday. R. L. Conner. , A. C. Chandler visited relatives in Harvesting and threshing crews can Mr. and Mrs. Robt Thompson of Oak­ [ O man BROS., Of McMinnville, Oregon. land made a brief visit to the family of Forest Grove from Saturday until Mon­ find all supplies for the cook wagon at The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885. their unde, Wayman Hembree, on Mon­ day, Mrs. Chandler and son remaining Kegg’e. Capital and Surplus, $90,000. several days longer. day. Joe Herkoeky and wife departed yes­ Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United Mrs. Belshaw of Eugene, who has been terday for a season of camping at Jones' Have your carpets renovated during We are located opposite H. C. Burns and aim States, anil draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The to give ali customers good treatment for little the warm summer months, at the Mc­ visiting her sister Mrs. Dwight Carlin mill. accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited. money. Bath looms in cuuneciiou. Your pat­ for the past two weeks, expects to return Lost—Black serge cape on road between Minnville steam laundry. ronage solicited. to her home today. Meadow lake and Carlton. If finder will J. W. Hobbs left Monday morning for Miss Mary Jones gave a farewell party return to Mrs. J. A. Cunningham at Carl­ -T- -T-T’-T-T- -’T Eugene and points south on revenue HARNESS at her home Wednesday evening to Miss ton the trouble will be rewarded. 33 2 business. Mabel Reynolds, who took her departure The Reporter is pleased to announce The framework is up for a new two- pLSIA WRIGHT, for Troutdale yesterday. that Mrs. E. A. Turner, who has been story residence for Marvin Thurber, just Manufactures and Deale in Mrs. Jennie Jones of Aurora, Neb., ar­ very ill, is now much improved and her west of the college grounds. It will be rived Wednesday evening on a visit to recovery is looked for. a good-sized house the family of J. M. Fink. They were Newt Wisecarver of Geyserville, Calif., Remember the summer clearance sale formerly neighbors in Nebraska. SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, is visiting hie former home here, looking of shoes at F. Pielschneider ’ s. 15 per ..ndbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they L. E. Walker’s grocery is headquarters after farming interests. He is well can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette cent discount. Odds and ends and bro­ for supplies for threshing crews. His pleased with the golden state Valiev. Our all home made sets of harness are ken sizes at cost and below. - pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. force is kept busy. He makes a special­ F. E. Rogers and family and Miss ty of bread. See him for terms. » Epworth League Social. Josie Gortner and Roy Turner depart to­ !> The Epworth League will give a social The North Yamhill town council is yyiLLARD & EHRMAN, day for Netarts to remain from two to to iis members and friends at the M. E. endeavoring to find a sufficient supply s four weeks, as the notion takes them. Proprietors of of water for the town by tunneling the church this Friday evening, beginning We keep right up with the styles. We Blackburn hill. Progress is reported. promptly at 8 o’clock. A short literary are only a week behind New York and program has been prepared under the The St. Paul ball team will play a Chicago. We are making close prices supervision of Mr. Clarence Stout, the £ Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds match game with the high school nine on suits this month. J ohnson , Tailor. literary vice president, and at its con­ of this city next Sunday at 2:30 p. tn. South side Third St. between B and C. W. S. Houck and Mellic Martin were Admission 15c, ladies free. Grand stand clusion there will be a social hour and In Dress Goods, Shirt Waists, Parasols, Summer Silks refreshments, which will be in charge of on the head waters of the North Yam- 10c. DRAYMEN the social department of the league. The hill the first of the week and caught 118 -> Every purchase draws a prize in the chapter extends a very cordial invitation tront. This is better fishing than is gen­ MILLINERY AT COST. quality of goods and the extremely low » ßROW’ER & SON, to all its friends to be present on this oc­ erally reported. prices at the Racket store, and you do casion. The program prepared is as fol­ » McniNNViLLE Al Campbell will occupy the property not help pay for some one else’s prize Also some lines in Shoes. lows: ■> now occupied by Dr. Lewis, as soon as or premium. Rally Hymn. the latter moves to bis newly acquired Just take a look at our windows and see what a cut Sam T. Shaw, the popular comedian, Words of Welcome................................. President Our Convention Experiences........ F. 8. Harding « Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful property on C street have made in prices. who visited this city in 1899, and whom handling guaranteed. Collectionswill be made Recitation ................. Villa Brown County Superintendent E. V. Little ­ 4 monthly. Hauling of allkinds done cheap. everybody liked, died in Kansas City on The League's Social Side Bev. J. Hoberg field announces that the regular exami­ July 18tb, of the brain trouble which Solo Miss Fay Martin nation of applicants for state and county overtook him last year, and from which Reading............................... Hattie Brown Remarks H. T. Atkinson teachers’ certificates will be held be never recovered. Solo........................ Arthur E. Lambert Wednesday, August 2-lth, and continue McMinnville’s Greatest Store. What most people want is something till the following Saturday at 4 o’clock. Old Age. mild and gentle when in need of a physic. George Dorsey, we are informed, re­ Chamberlain’s stomach and liver tablets Next Sunday the pastor of the M. E. ceived $40 for the crop of cherries on his fill the bill to a dot. They are easy to church will preach morning and evening STR. TAHOMA big Royal Ann tree this year. It is take and pleasant in effect. For sale by as usual. In the morning he will preach Daily Round Trips except Sunday. very doubtful if he made near that much Howorth A Co. a special sermon, the subject of which TIME CARD. off an acre in any other crop on his farm, W. S. Houck of this city has bought gill be “Old Age.” In the evening the Leave Portland........ - p’\l unless it is some small fruit.—Dayton the partnership interest of M. B. Hen­ Epworth League devotional service, Of McniNNViLLE, OREGON. Herald. drick in the McCoy warehouse. J. J. which begins promptly at 7, will be con­ Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Conner entertained P aid C apital , 350,000 S urplus and P rofits , 325,000 Hill is the other interested party and ducted by Rev. Joseph Hoberg and will a number of friends at their home be followed by the monthly roll call. Transact. * General Banking business awl extend, to its patrons every facility will personally conduct the business un­ consistent with safe and prudent banking. Wednesday evening in honor of their All are cordially invited to attend these der the firm name of Hill A Houck. DIRECTORS: guest, Mrs. Fellows of Medford. Whist services. Daily Bound Trip except Monday. Threshers seem to be operating with L. E. Cowls was indulged in and dainty refreshments concerted action They will generally Ciscade Locks. Hood River, White Salmon were served. Wm. Campbell W. L. Warren Prescriptions Compounded. start up next Monday morning The Lee Laughlin, Pres. J. L. Rogers, Vice Pres. Lyle st. Martin's Springs and The Dalles. Public schools have about fifteen crew of E. Wright, Joe Roth, John Penn­ E.C. Apperson, Cashier W. S. Eink, Asst- Cashier Not mixed or dumped together, but TIME CARD. months yet in which to change from the ington, Lambert’s, Geldard’s and others always put up by an accurate pharmacist. Office hour« o a m. to < p. m Leave Portland ........................... a. m old to the new series of school books, but are preparing to start in at that time. Arrive The Dalles • the book firms, who allow 50 per cent ex­ The most reliable makes of drugs only Leave “ • ■ 4 p. m change on old books, will not exchange The Southern Pacific will employ ouly used. We buy right and sell you pre­ Arrive Portland 10 p. ro after Dec. 31st this year. Probably most Japanese on the section work hereaiter, scriptions for less money than any place Meals The Very Best. of the schools will commence using the and will erect houses along the line for in Yamhill county. We also carry a fine £^^“ August 6, 1867, when Samuel L. A prescription specifies the drugs and exposure to knocks. We carry them Mrs. E. T. Hatch, whose husband was Brooks, Malcolm Moody, Mies Julia quantities only; the druggist must know- KB~ Binding Twine at our Store. HOPEWELL, OR. all grades. Cases to match, adding but Johnson, of The Bailee; W C. Johnson, in what order and manner the ingredi­ formerly collector of customs at St.- little to their size, yet so constructed a. Oregon Citv; A. R. Booth, White Bluffs, Michael, committed suicide Friday night W.T. ; Edwin Fell«, Walla Walla, Wash.. ents must be combined. Ignorance or to afford ample protection. You will find our prices right. We will by drowning herself in a well on the and Miss Catherine Anbert, Hood River, error can easily impair the compound. not be undersold. We get the credit for home of her father, John P. Emmett, of ascended Mt. Adame, reaching the sum­ We know prescription work thoroughly selling watches at reasonable prices be­ mit in seven hours. Brooks descended and our drugs are of "Jandasd potency. Whistles, Handle Bars. Lacing, Bells, Tires, Inner Tubes, Cements, Etc, cause of superior facilities in buying. McCoy. The coroner's jury returned a on a tin plate in one and one-half hours. verdict of suicide induced by temporary Most jewelers make their entire gam in August 31, 1869, Miss Lucy Hay, Port­ You can safely entrust your prescrip­ at the same rates while they last. tions with 'AS. so YEARS EXPERI ­ selling. We make half our profits in insanity on account of ill health. She land ; Misses Fannie Case and May Rob- GEO. L. WILLIAMS. buying, and take it off the selling end was 29 rears of age and a former resi­ ioaon, Salem; John M. Garrison David ENCE. your end. , Janies Powell started to tsc;nd Mt. R ogers B ros .' P harmacy , dent of Salem. Her husband had joet and Hood. All reached the summit except We. F. Dielschneidcr & Bro., returned the previous Tuesday from Miee Hay. Miss' Robinson is now Mrs. McMinnville, Oregon, The drug center of Yamhill county. J 'Jary A- Q»l^ey of Payton, Or, McMinnville's Reliable Jewelers. Alaska. LOCAL NEWS. 0. L. GRAY B Warehouse and Storage Physicians and Surgeons H Sacks Furnished. Osteopathic Physician « ♦f « ♦j « « «S « « BARBERS. The First National Bank » » » » » » » » » W » » » Ml L [ HARNESS, y R. JACOBSON & CO S Midsummer Clearance Sale oq iq all ^urqrqer good CITY MARKET. prices gut ^Jat| ßoulq Truck and Dray Co R. Jacobson & Co., White Collar Line. PORTHND-ASTORI* ROUTE. The McMinnville National Bank. Dalles-Portland Route STR. “BAILEY G1TZERT” CLEARANCE SALE of FURNITURE. See How Thin It Is? ) Something Really Nice in Furniture H. C. BURNS, Qrr UCDCI New Store at Hopewell BICYCLE SUNDRIES -¡xOFs®* Take The Reporter and Get the News