- sands of people are thinking and say­ ing all over the south. The demo­ cratic party, as now organized, i.-. a reactionary party, and has no part in the present and no faith in the future. It is not the parly of Jeffer­ son, for it has repudiated or aban duiied nearly everything lor which The great steel workers strike ( Jefferson stood. ■'This is the sort of talk which is which it ifc hoped is in course of set demerit, will not be the final battle . heard from a large proportion ot the between capital and labor, for the southern democratic papers of stand­ reason that it appears to be based , ing ami ability. Of course not all on a false conception of the relations of these papers are preparing to of capitalists and laborers. The | come over to the republican party. steel trust on the one hand is fight Senator McLaurin himself has not ing to retain the liberty for itself of1 said he has become a republican. maintaining non-union mills, and the This movement which has started amalgamated association of steel; agaiuut Bourbonism in the south workers is fighting for the right to i will make republican voters in that act as the representative of labor in region. It will cause a break in the all the mills of the trust, no question < ranks of tne democracy. The bolters of wages, hours or other conditions ' will come over to the republican side. of labor beingdirectly involved. The I They will be reenforced by thousands strikers assume that because the em who are saying nothing now, but ployers are combined intoone organ who have been waiting a favorable ization, the employed should be band-! opportunity to get out of the organi­ ed into another, and the interests of zation which still thinks and feels the two become antagonistic. The as it did in 1865-75. The republican present strike will decide no vital vote in the south in 1904 will be point, for there appears to be no vi­ many hundreds of thousands larger tal point at issue. The public is ap­ than it was in 1900. athetic, since it cannot very heartily sympathize with either party to a Wlllll III. Ess SPASISI« SIRVEY. conflict which never ought to have Fr»tnk L. Strong in the Engineering Magazine for May. arisen. With the possible exception of Alaska no transfer on a large scale W II V TO TH E SOI TH Y lias ever been made in modern times Mr. Bryan advises the democracy of land about which so little is known to go south to find a candidate. The by either the old or the new owner advice is interesting, not so much by as in the case of the Philippine is­ way of apparently announcing his lands. Spain, indeed, left many own retirement from the race as in records, geological, climatical, agri­ suggesting a radical departure from cultural, mining etc., many of which recent democratic precedents. It is were made with the appearance of interesting, too, in connection with elaborate painstaking as to facts. suggestions favorable to the nomina­ These records present many a rosy tion of a republican candidate from picture to the new arrival. Clear, that section of the country. The explicit, frequently accompanied by very considerations which give elaborate drawings, he feels he has rise to the latter will make it but to follow to success a track made A few difficult for the democracy to follow clear by bis predecessors. months and the illusion is dispelled; Mr. Bryan’s advice. The south is year by year getting to be less re­ he has learned to distrust all infor­ liable from a democratic standpoint. mation derived from Spanish sources. To illustrate the Spaniard’s lack The historic “solid south” has ceased to exist, and states which for geuer- of accuracy may be cited the case of ations have figured four years ahead the Manila & Dagupan railroad, some in the Bourbon column are now car­ 120 miles long, the only railroad on the islands. The Spanish govern­ ried by the republicans. The republican position on issues ment had the land surveyed by its upon which the last campaign was own engineers. Elaborate charts fought and which bid fair to occupy were prepared, showing all details, a large part of the next presidential —route, grade fillings, borings for English platforms of both parties received bridge foundations, etc. capital became interested, a rigid especially enthusiastic support from the south. An industrial revolution contract was entered into, and the has taken place below Mason and work was begun It was discovered Dixon's line, the effects of which in many cases that the engineers re­ have been shown in the votes cast porting the survey had never been at every election in which issues upon the ground—that the road as were at stake affecting the pros­ laid out was inpracticable. Marshes perity and progress of the country. and quicksands were found where The protective tariff has no more the drawings indicated solid ground, vigorous supporters than in certain and dense jungles existed on the sections of the south There is no route where the foot of man had ne­ spot in all the land where the nation’s ver trod. Even rivers were there honor has more jealous defenders. of whose existence the engineers were ignorant. The English com­ The Filipinos have few’ friends in pany was obliged to expend largely the home of Fitzhugh Lee, and Joe in excess of the estimated amount, Wheeler, and Hobson, and Bagley. »nd had to face many grave engineer­ When even South Carolina is rent ing problems the Spanish engineers from Charleston to Yorkville by the had not dreamed of while surveying the route from their comfortable protest against all that Tillman office in Manila. stands for, the outlook would seem to suggest little comfort to the em­ |t is predicted that the United peror-baiters. The democracy can- States treasury will contain not less not hope to appeal .successfully to than $550,000,000 in gold at the close the south in 1904 on the issues of of the present fiscal year. When 1900 and of 1896. Grover Cleveland was president— but that is another story. a cniiHH T ruoi-um. —---- --------- a pair of murderers and bandits. Yamhill County Reporter i ' to Wiiv is it that honors are heaped i upon a dishonest man while honest, U. I. A»HI H». Edll»r A Propr j rsepectable, hard-working men lack, J. 44. IX'KM A»»»elale Editar i not only honors, but due apprecia- ■ tion? It is enough to discourage Subscription $1.00 Per Year ■ decency. FRIDAY, Al'G. 2. 19ol A Missouri farmer killed himself because he couldn’t keep the hogs out of his corn. Those who never tried to keep bogs out of corn will probably consider this a trivial rea­ son. English papers admit that Great Britain is on a decline and is losing trade and political prestige. They are trying to find out where the trouble lies, and are viewing with alarm. It is now said that Emperor Will­ iam of Germany will act in the role of peacemaker to end the Boer war Emperor William has powerful in­ fluence with the followers of Mr. Kruger and may be able to bring about a settlement. Coleman aDd James Younger, pop­ ularly known in Missouri as “Cole” and “Jim,” recently released on parole from the Minnesota peniten­ tiary, have found employment as salesmen for a tombstone concern. Having contributed in former years toward creating a demand for these articles, it is only proper now that they should derive some benefit from the industry they did so much to promote. In connection with the price of $6.30 paid for steers and $6.25 paid for hogs in the Chicago market on Wednesday, June 12, the Chicago Daily Drovers’ Journal says: “Not­ withstanding the fact that prevail­ ing prices for both cattle and hogs are unusually high for this time of year, everything is encouraging that high prices will continue for some time to come, especially on the bet­ ter grades.” Here is another blow directed at the ex-candidate. Ex-Senator But­ ler, of North Carolina, the populist national chairman, declares that his party will have its own candidate for the presidency in the field in 1904, but that he will not be placed on a sixteen to one platform. Kicked out of the democratic party, Mr. Brvan might be disposed to return to his original populistic allegiance, but what hope for biin would there be in so doing, if even the middle-of-the roadsters repudiate the Chicago and Kansas City fads. A determined effort will be made to secure the passage by the next congress of a law which will provide for some effective method of disclos­ ing the actual constituents of goods sold as woolen goods. This is a thing which should have been at­ tended to long ago. The growing use of shoddy and cotton in goods sold as genuine all-wool has been in creasing at such a rate in the past ten years as to very materially re­ duce the amount of wool used The fraud is one which can be prevented in no other way, apparently, than by national supervision. Scientists are busy trying to dis cover thecause of the hot wave, and some of them have decided that it is due to solar phenomena ascribed to sun spots, and declare that intense heat will continue for four years. But an Emporia, Kansas, minister disagrees with the scientists uud de­ clares, ‘'The present atmospheric conditions are it punishment of God for the'cohlne—lukewarmness and indifference of our people in religious mutters Accepting the theory of the first gentleman, there is consola­ tion in the fact that the sun spots or other solar phenomena do not. inter­ fere with the usual delightful climate of Oregon. And then if the other one is correct, what a nice, pious lot of people, by the same token, we jnust be out here in Oregon. <’ IKI.TOX. ---- Young Girls Are often engaged in doing the work of a home under the most trying condi­ tions. Nature cries out against the stooping anO0 k 00 8 CASH PRICES for 60 DAYS ITU AVI NG selected plans for a two-story and base- Lf~Ll ment brick building, I must move and clear the ground, and as it is cheaper to handle cash than goods, I will sell for the next 60 days for cash: 25c per gal Machine Oil .................. . 80c per gal Boiled Linseed Oil. . .. . 15c a lb Engine Compound 1} Leather Belting........... . . 8c per ft ....... 5c per ft 11 Rubber Belting Other widths in proportion Wall Paper from 25 to 50 per cent discount Large size, 8 inch Tin Wash Boilers, Copper bottom $1.10 Large size galvanized water bucket..................... 25c St. Louis Washer (same as Boss) . . $7 Western Washer ..............................................$4 Large Camp Stove .. $2 No. 8 Cook Stove and Pipe.................. $10 3-ft Wall Tents with Poles $7.50 21-qt 2 X Re-tinned Dishpan 50c 8 of The McMinnville National Bank at McMinn­ ville, in the State of Oregon, at the close of busi- ness, July 15, 1901: BESOt’RCES. Loans and Discount»............ Overdrafts, secured and unse­ cured ........................................ U.S Bonds to secure circula­ tion ........................................... U. S. Bonds on hand............... Stocks, securities, etc............... Banking-house, furniture and fixtures..................................... Due from State banks and bankers ................ ,. Due from approved reserve agents...................................... Internal Revenue Stamps Checks and other cash items Notes of other National banks Fractional paper currency, niekles and cents....... Lawful money reserve in Bank, viz: 121 122 95 Specie....................... Legal tender notes 419 OU Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of cir­ culation)................................... O. O. HODSON. è» J» I You Are Interested M» « «Î If you are a buyer of Groceries in getting the ft» « }♦ Ml. 3857. REPORT OF THE CONDITION _ « « ♦i « « ♦j « « ♦i most and the best for your money. In the coming and going of grocery’ stores the little opera house grocery’ goes right along. Our Sugar, Coffee, Flour and fruits are down to bottom prices this month. Come and see. L. E. Walker. ta » t> t* è» è» è» » t> A letter received from Supt. J. A. Sim­ I mons of the West Side mining com pant’ from their mine in the Sumpter district conveys the news that he is sinking on a six-foot ledge, three feet of which is solid Through the liberality of Mc­ 21,571 95 quartz, carrying good values in gold, Minnville's Leading Merchants, some of the precious metal being visible 2,500 00 to the naked eye. This is good news to 1339,27« 89 the West Side stockholders, and those Total...................................... Purchased from the old reliable music LIABILITIES. in this community are correspondingly Capital Stock paid in................ 50.000 00 jubilant............... Work continues unabat­ dealer Geo. C. Will, Salem Oregon, will Snrulus fund............................... 10,000 00 be given to the one holding the largest Undivided protits, les less ex­ ed on the coal prospect on the Goeser number of coupons on November 16th. penses anu id taxes paid paid........... 17,746 13 place by the Portland Coal Development 1901. All coupons must be signed by National Bank notes outstand ing............................................. 47,540 00 company, and, though no startling de­ the merchant issuing the coupon, and by Due to State banks and bank­ The purchaser can ers........................................... 467 29 velopments have been made duriug the the holder of same give his or her coupons to some one else Individual deposits subject to check ...................................... 172,808 64 week, Supt. Steadman informs us that and let them sign them. It will pay you Demand certificates of deposit 40,664 83 everything is meeting with the com­ to trade at the following stores and re­ Total...................................... $339,276 89 pany’s fullest expectations and, there­ ceive a coupon with every 25c C ash pur ­ State of Oregon, County of Yamhill, ss. fore, very encouraging. He informs us chase : 1, E. C. Apperson, cashier of the above-named McMinnville Grange & Farmers store, bank, do solemnly swear that the above state­ also that the company highly appreci­ Dry Goods, Clothing &. Shoes. Organ, ment is true to the best of my knowledge and be ates the good will and encouragement <' APPER8ON, Cashier, lief. .. E. ............. ............. on exhibition at this store. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st so far shown them by the residents of H. C. Bums, Furniture Store. day of July. 1901 J. G. Wiesner—Cigars and Tobacco. this section.—North Yamhill Record. C. W. TALMAGE, Notary Public for Oregon. (Seal.) Wm. F. Dielschaeider & Bro., jewelers. The Congregationalists of Forest Correct—Attest; Willard & Ehrman & Co., meat mar­ W L WARREN.) W m . CAMPBELL. -Directors. Grove will build a new church on the ket. W. S. LINK. ) Rogers Bros , Drugstore site of the one recently burned. T. A. White—White's Restaurant. 8. P. Houser—Second-hand store and A HITT Sewing Machines. Geo. L. Williams—Bookstore. Miss Rida Newby is home from Cottage F. W. Spencer—Hardware, Farm Ma­ chinery, Bicycles and Sewing Machines. Grove, where she was visiting her sister, J. S. Roscoe—Bicycle Sundries and Mrs. Warner. Repairs. Henry Miller, who is working in Mrs. C W. Spring—Photo Gallery. The liability to disease is greatly A. J. Loban, Harness Shop. Washington, is here visiting his mother lesse led when the blood is in good con n,t Va., Tinies. The Charlotte, N. C., Sc» MR. A. S PENCE, agent st McMinnville of the W.C. T. V , will lecture in the supper and by the time they and others «citizens invite them to dinner, imig •Observer says “McLaurin’s speech ’OTICE i< twrebr riven th»t the undersigned station, or address \ ha« been by the county court ot Yambill Obe people are doing everything to • »»* gjj tegument for the assertion of Baptist church Sunday at 11 a. ill got there the mill was past saving The cotintv, Oregon duty appointed executrix of the C. H MARKHAM, Everyone invited to be present traction engine whs gotten out, but the lore «111 and testament of Isidore Ertle. de­ den. Passenger Agent. ilium feel welcome to the cities ' southern jwunhnod. for the extention ceased, and all person« having claim« againM Portland, Or. Among the camper^ nt Meadow lake mill and quite a lot of lumber and logs raid estate are hereby notified and required to wiiere ,weiity-six years ago it was of southern trade for the abaudon This is the third time present the «ame duly verified within six this week are Rev. Dav and family, Dr. were burned up months from the date of this notice, to «aid ex­ almost wup<f old ami settled issces and Coffeen and wife. Mr Edson’s. Mr. that Mr. Simmons has bad a loss of this ecutrix at the otBceof R L. < onner, in the city Steamer Bonita^-sz^^^-^ 'from being mobbed, If it conquer- for the spread of democratic ideas Merchaat'a end Mrs. Swanson and fam-1 kind, atid it seems that luck is against of McMinnville. tn Yamhill countr. state of oj. exo»- 33< , heyiex McMinnville for Portland and way Dated this 90th day of Julr, A. D. 1901. ing hero came ho«,.< from a war, over the earth.' In the same strait: iljr. Tlic lake ^em tv be a very invit­ him. landings ruestay, Thursday and Saturday mart * m ertle morninysu 6 uu Arrive» trutn Portland on Minnesota could have no honors left the Louisville Evening Post declares ing place, judging from the laige num­ The RsroRTra and Weekly Oregonian Fxecutrix of the Last Will and Testament 01 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 p. m Isidore Ertle. deceased. Fare, round trip »1.50 Freight at lowest that Ale Laurin 'says just what thou- io show him which it has pot pbovp ber who Ireqneut it. I ope ycxr for strictly in wlvsnce R. L. CONNER. Att y for said Estate rate». L. P. HOSFORD. Muter.