The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, July 26, 1901, Image 5

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Miss Carrie Schenk is visiting in As­
Hay baling, low prices, good work.
J. A. D erby & S on .
Dr. Arthur 8. Cooper is inspecting the j For feed, hay, flour ami berries,
Th«* uoUbiMnt drop of water
I: 'V GOUCHER, n. D.
J. A . D erby & S on .
met its of the Alsea country.
Wears away the bardebt bloue,
The constant gnaw of Towner
Mose Ballard is spending a few weeks
Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Cable are spending
Masticate» the toughest bone,
in Astoria.
the week at Tillamook.
Thu constant roving lover
Carries off the blushing maid,
Highest prices paid for chickens, but­
and Surgeon.
Bring your best butter aud fresh eggs
And the constant advertiser
to Wallace A M alkerand get their worth ter and egga at the Grange store.
Office over McMinnville National bank.
Is the one who gets the trade
in cash or uidse.
Calls responded to Day and Night.
Mrs. Jas. Rennie of Portland, and Mrs.
A H. Gaunt arrived home Tuesday Wm. Rennie of Salem, were visiting
Jelly glasses and fruit jars at K'ugg's.
evening from a long sojourn at Pueblo, with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rennie a few
Carl Fuchs made a business trip to Colo.
days this week, accompanied by their
Tillamook the past week.
W. G. Herschberg and family, late of children.
Try Whiteson creamery butter. For Nebraska, are occupying L. Root's resi­
The family of P. P Wright and Miss
sale by Wallace & Walker.
dence ou west First street.
Katie Jones will go to Ocean Park next
The W. C. T. U. of McMinnville lias
The Grange store is making some big Tuesday, to be absent about one month.
Roouitj tn Jacobson Block,
adjourned until the first Friday in Sep­ cuts on the price of shoes for a few days.
Mr. Wright will engage in business while
V iwon . tember.
Mrs. E. D. Fellows of Medford is vis­ there.
Loban curries a good stock of light and iting Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Conner and
There will te initiation and conferring
heavy harness.
Call and get prices.
c. MICHAUX, n. D.,
Mr. and Mrs B. F. Fuller.
of second rank in Diana lodge, K. of P.
Workmanship first-class.
Miss Sue Dorris, proprietress of the next Wednesday night, with lunch on
G. Wiesner is filling in his lot with
Physician and Surgeon, soil J. taken
from the Hodson excavation. Dorris art studio, Eugeue, is visiting her the side. All members requested to be
sister, Mrs. H. L. Boardman of this city. present.
Leave orders for peaches from Mr.
M c M innville , O regon .
Last Saturday evening Occidental
Lambert Bros, want all the poultry,
Post’s orchard with any of the leading
eggs and farm produce, for which they lodge I. O. O. F. enjoyed a fraternal visit
Office in Wright Block
will pay the highest cash price. At from sixteen representatives of Portland
Miss Nellie Gardner assisted in the Palmer’s old stand.
lodge, of the metropolis. The visitors
QR. C. T. SniTH,
publication of the Sheridan Sun last
The marriage is announced of J. Sher­ presented Grand Master J. H. Nelson
man Wallace to Mies Grace Maxwell of with a gold-beaded cane during the
Photo mounts cut to any size you wish Corvallis on the 23d inst., by Rev. A. L. course of the evening. The festivities
at this office, and for sale cheaper than Black.
ended with a banquet prepared by the
the cheapest.
Union Block, McMinnville, Oregon.
F. A. Fletcher of Willamina trapped a ladies of the Rebekah degree.
Mrs. J. C. Cooper is visiting her bear last week, which was purchased by
Office Hours, 10-12 and 2-4.
According to the report of Capt. I.ang-
daughter, Mrs. Nora Doane, at Pullman. tV. M. Johnson, the butcher, who dis­
fitt, IL S. engineer, there have been
posed of the meat in short order, and since the completion of the Yamhill riv­
Those iudebted to 8. A. Manning will tan the hide.
er lock last September, 1,738 tons of
please call and settle gt the office of
Prof S. 8. Duncan will go to Tilla­ freight and 2,170 passengers passed thro
R. L. Conner.
mook tomorrow, to remain a week as­ the lock. McMinnville and Lafayette
M. B. Hendrick has been a sufferer
sisting in institute work. His oldest being the only landings above the lock
from facial erysipelas the past week.
son, Arnet, will accompany, and they this represents the river commerce of the
He is now improving.
two towns during a portion of the year
will travel by bicycle.
We are located opposite H. C. Burns’ and aim
Have your carpels renovated during
to give all customers good treatment for little
This was carried by the only boat plying
money. Bath looms in connection. Your pat­ the warm summer months, at the Mc­
per roll for good butter and 16 cts the upper Yamhill—the Bonita.
ronage solicited.
Minnville steam laundry.
for fresh eggs. W allace & W alker .
For quick work here is a record not
Eugene Loper is returning from Ne­
Elsia Wright expects to start his excelled by carpenters anywhere. Wm.
braska, probably driven back by the in­ new thresher on the field of Jesse High Arthur, and his force, composed of Ed
tense heat. He is now at Walla Walla. a week from next Monday, August 5th. Fuller, Wm. Agee, Wm. MaloueandMr.
The Catholics, who have acquired Port­ Threshing is two to three weeks later Arthur’s two sons, began work on Drs.
Manufactures and Deals in
land University, have named it Colum­ than is customary in Oregon.
Calbreath, Goucher and Wright’s new
bia University. Students will be re­
Co. Supt. Littlefield was able to sit up prune warehouse on the north railway
ceived irrespective of religious belief.
on Tuesday, following the operation the switch last week Wednesday, and will
Remember the summer clearance sale previous Thursday for appendicitis complete it this week, a period of ten
„nd brushes, and sells them cheaper than they of shoes at F. Dielschneider’s. 15 per This is a very good record, and we hope days. The building is 30x100 feet, sided
can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette
Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are cent discount. Odds and ends and bro­ to see him in his office soon, hearty and and shingled. It adds much to the busi­
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. ken sizes at cost and below.
ness appearauce of the depot grounds.
strong again
Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Black were in
Henry Bruer, who has been here some
Notice To Contractors and Builders
time superintending the work of building the city on Monday, on their way to visit
The undersigned invites sealed bids for
Geo. L. Brown’s new house, returned to Mrs. Black’s home at Lebanon. In Au­
the construction of a dwelling according
Proprietors of
his home in McMinnville last Monday.
where Mr. Black will complete his edu­ to plans and specifications on file at his
—Stayton Mail.
place of business. Further details upon
in theology.
We keep right np with the styles. We
application. W m . F. D ielschneider .
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds are only a week behind New York and
The team owned by Mr. Frainey, the
Chicago. We are making close prices sewer contractor, ran away last week
Their Retention Desired.
South side Third St. between B and C.
Thursday, joined together with a neck-
on suits this month. J ohnson , Tailor.
At the quarterly conference held the
yoke. On C street they struck the bug­ past week by the Methodist church of
Rev. and Mrs. Geo. W. Fender, Mr.
gy in which was E Estes He was not this city, it was voted that Rev. H. T.
and Mrs. Chas. P. Nelson and Miss Car
hurt, but the buggy was somewhat de­ Atkinson be returned to this charge for
rie Walker will go up «to Mr. Nelson’s
moralized. The team was caught with­ the third year, and. such will probably
mountain ranch on the Willamina early-
out further damage.
be the action of the general conference
next week, and remain in camp for
Newspaper history is being made fast in September when the appointments
about two weeks.
in McMinnville. C. E. Harbaugh, who, are made. This seems to us eminently
Having made arrangements with the on his own testimony, was clearing (400 proper. During his ministrations here
Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful
handling guaranteed. Collectionswill be made largest milling company of the states of
a month, got released from his obliga­ the church has prospered, and we want
monthly. Hauling ot ail kinds done cheap.
Oregon or Washington, to handle our tion this week on the News, and goes to to testify that it is our firm conviction
grain the coming season, we are now pre­ Everett, Wash., to solicit insurance for
that Rev. Atkinson is one of the bright­
pared to handle all grades of grains at a Frank Martin’s new company at Seattle est and most agreeable pastors who have
better advantage and at the leading pri­ Mr. O. G. Estes is continuing the News
had an abode in McMinnville for years.
ces of any warehouseman of the county with the realization that an equal in­
It is understood that Rev. D. H. Leech
C hristenson & H ouck .
vestment in a good farm would pay bet­ has also been recalled as pastor of the
Charles Gtissen, proprietor of “Soli­ ter.
Methodists at North Yamhill.
tude'’ ranch at Willamina Falls, with
Quite a party spent last Sunday at
Daily Round Trips eicept Sunday.
hie family, received a visit from the fol­ Baker falls. Among them were the fam­
Did »'oiks’ Service.
lowing friends on Sunday : E. C. Walk­ ilies of W. H. Logan, Mr. Privatt, Mr.
Next Sunday morning it is expected to
Leave Portland............
tA. M er, E. W. Wallace, D. I. Asbury, Ver­ Hobbs and guests, Mr. Hoskins, W. L. hold an “old folks’ service’’ at the M.
Leave Astoria.... .
................... .......... < r. M non Derby, Floyd Long and son, Misses Warren, F. W. Fenton and eon, and
E. church, which will be conducted by
Myrtle and Ida Stewartson and J. G. probably others. Mr. Logan’s little girl Rev. Hosford, a pioneer minister from
Eckman. Nothing is more delightful to fell in the creek by being frightened at a Portland. This service will be conduct­
those who are pent up in the city than horse, and there was a stirring about ed according to the custom of fifty years
an occasional visit of this kind.
After to secure dry clothing. Mr. Hobbs res­ ago. All are invited and especially the
Daily Round Trip except Monday.
disposing of the horses in one of Mr. cued the child, and Mr. Warren delivered old people. In the evening the pastor
Griesen’s natural log corrals, he led the quite an eloquent tribute to the hero will preach at the usual hour, this being
way to the falls, and descanted on the after the excitement abated.
preceded by the Epworth League ser­
merits and power of the water leaping
A number of young people have or­ vice, which will be conducted by Miss
over this 100-foot gorge, and he has the ganized a tennis club to be known as Mabel Neal at 7 o’clock.
Leave Portland
..............- a. m
figures down to a nicety. At low water the Hi-yu Wa-wa club, court to be situ­
Arrive The Dalles
.......... 3p.m
........................................ .. p. m stage a power of 85-horse is estimated.
ated north of the court house. Officers
f or Mole.
Arrive Portland......................
. .10 p. m By constructing a reservoir at the top
and members are as follows: Eva Hem­
in Fairlawn, with
Meals The Very Best.
and inclining a large steel pipe to the bree, president; Clara Irvine, 1st vice
berries, new
/»“Sunday Trips a Leading Feature.
B^Tbis Koute has the Grandest bcenic At­ bottom, an immense force can be ob­ president; Ward Sitton, 2d vice presi
tractions on earth.
tained. Nature seems to have designed dent; Frank Spencer, 3d vice president; bam 16x24, near college. For terms in­
Landing and Office: Foot Alder StK
that at some future day the arts of civ­ Dot ha Daniels, recording secretary ; Jesse quire at this office.
Both Phones, Main 351.
ilization might be coupled with her un­
Irvine, corresponding secretary; Alta
Turin For Sale.
forces, and the nearby cities be the Booth, treasurer, Maude Hembree, Win­
E. W. Crichton, Agt. Portland. used
one-half under cultivation
recipients of the resultant utility. When nie Gilbert, Dora Pennington, Stella
Price very reasonable. 1%
John M. Filloon. Agt. The Dalles. such time comes, McMinnville and Will­ Patty, Francis Smith, Mrs. Jack Wies­ miles from Carlton.
Inquire of Mrs M.
amina and Baker falls seem destined to ner, Francis Dielsclinieder, Ed Allen,
A. J. TAYLOR, Agt, Astoria.
be indiesolubly associated. Mr. Grissen Walter Hembree, Art Pennington, Jack J. Carl, Carlton.
estimates that the wire for connecting Wiesner, Ward Wisecarver.
» arm For Sale.
the power with McMinnville, and the
The surveying party in eastern Ore­
One hundred and sixty acres of land
construction of the line would cost about
(8,000, and to place all in readiness for gon, to which County Surveyor Branson on summit of Coast Range. Good house
use would probably cost (20,000. At the belongs, has been heard from. A mem­ and barn, other out buildings of sawed
present cost of coid wood to operate ber of the party writes from Minatn river timber, twenty-five acres in grass, and
Inquire of J. O.
this city's water and light plant, about Wallowa county, as follows: “Our party considerable fruit.
(2,000 per year, this expenditure would consists of Col. C. E. Branson, of Mc­ Hancbett, or address Mrs. M. E. Paige,
be offset in about ten years, leaving a Minnville; A. L. Porter, Wesley Atchin- East Portland, “The Brown.”
permanent power obtainable at low ex­ son, John VanOrsdel and T. L. Duns­
pense and unexcelled in quality.
It more, all of Dallas, and Uncle Tom
More Than Mixing.
seems a question worthy» of considera­ Turner of McMinnville, who has sported
tion. Mr. Griesen has a comfortable
Prescription compounding is more
two-roomed cabin, constructed of siding man in Oregon. He officiates as chief
weighing, measuring and mixing.
floored with flooring lumber and has a
Since leaving the town of Sometimes it isn't, but it ought always
shake roof. It is the most modern arch­ Adams.
itecture in the community, though John Union we have seen no one outside the to be. To rightly and safely fill pre­
The new mole! Watch Movement
crew save a few sheep herders. A brown scriptions requires a knowledge of drugs,
measures but little more tn thickness Wortman’s house is a close second, being
their properties and chemical affinities.
than the length of the screw holding the shake siding. There is considerable bear, which was making an early morn­ A prescription specifies the drugs and
plates. No more bulging pockets. No country opened about these two places, ing meal out of an ant hill, proved an
exposure to knocks. We carry them— and the work is progressing. Mr. Gris­ interesting Btudy, but he would have quantities only; the druggist must know
all grades. Cases to match, adding but
been more so to a naturalist. This in what order and manner the ingredi­
little to their size, yet so constructed as sen bad a number of large logs on fire.
Mrs. Grissen prepared a splendid dinner, would be a perfect paradise for the hunt­ ents must be combined. Ignorance or
to afford ample protection.
You will find our prices right. We will and the several lunches being thrown er and angler. The streams are alive error can easily impair the compound.
not be undersold. We get the credit for together made a varied and choice bill with mountain trout, while the hillsides We kpow prescription work thoroughly
selling watches at reasonable prices be­
are thickly dotted with deer, elk and and our drugs are of standard potency.
cause of superior facilities in buying. of fare. Wes Wallace had a good-sized
sheep This is truly a great Yon can safely entrust your prescrip­
Most jewelers make their entire gain in camera and Vernon I>erby a smaller
selling. We make half our profits in one. and the way they busied themselves country—great rocks and great moun­ tions with us. 30 YEARS EXPERI­
buying. and take it off the selling end— during the day, should be productive of tain». Our presept altitude is about ten ENCE.
your end.
R oorrs B ros .' P harmacy ,
considerable art. There is only one I thousand feet, and there is plenty of
McMinnville. Oregon,
Wai. F. Dielschncider & Bro.,
"kick coming. ’ Tbs outing was all too snow—in places tcu and twenty feet
of Yamhill county.
and Surgeons.
Osteopathic Physician
C hicago S tore .
Shoe Slaughter I
\\ e place on sale Saturday nearly iooo pairs
Shoes at one-half price and less. We have just
ceived invoice for over ioo cases of New Fall Shoes.
\\ e must dispose of our present stock and do it quick­
ly. Just 7 short days, if they last, in which to buy
shoe leather lower than you ever bought it before.
38 pr Men’s Satin Calf and heavy plow shoes, *1.75 values..
68 prs Men's Satin Calf bal and Congress, regular *2.25 value
48 prs Men's fine Vici Kid and Colt Skin Shoes, values *2.50
now.. .. .................................... .........................................
275 Snow's Welts, Sego-Lilly make, calf shoes, fine Vici Kid
in black and tan Vesting and Vici tops, not a pair
worth less than *3, many worth *3.50, choice
. .
200 prs Snow's Hand Sewed Welt in Vici and Kangaroo Calf
in Vesting and Vici tops, the regular *1 and *4.50
sort, for 7 days all go at........................................ . . 2.39
24 prs Men s Bicycle Shoes, the *2.50 sort, choice.........
160 prs Ladies' Vici Kid Shoes, common sense last
200 prs Lads' *2.50 and *2.25 fine Vici Kids in this season’s
best styles, choice .............................
For Seven short days the Shoe Stock will be
turned Topsy Turvy. Better get there quick.
Truck and Dray Co
White Collar Line.
Dalles-Portland Route
Cascade Locks. Hood River. White Salmon
Lyle SI. Martin’s Springs and The Dalles.
See How
Thin It Is?
McMinnville's Reliable Jewelers.
C hicago S tore
The McMinnville National Bank.
S urplus and
P aid C apital , *50,000
P rofits , *25,000
Transacts a Ueneral Banking buslne«3 and extends to its patrons every facility
consistent with safe and prudent banking.
L. E. Cowls
Wm. Campbell
W. L. Warren
Lee Laughlin, Pres.
J. L. Rogers, Vice Pres.
E.C. Apperson.Cashier W. S. Link, Asst. Cashier
Office hours
a. m. to 4 p. m.
We never have had a time-worn stock of Furni­
ture, but we are making a Clearance sale just now
of a nice, durable and medium grade of goods, aud
in their place will put in the best stock ever landed
in McMinnville, both as to styles and quality.
Along with this we will continue to carry the
cheaper goods to suit that class of trade. But for
Something Really Nice in Furniture
You should see
Third St., former stand of Racket Store.
__ •
T7JTAVING selected plans for a two-story and base-
¿111 ment brick building, I must move and clear
the ground, and as it is cheaper to handle cash than
goods, I will sell for the next 6o days for cash:
Machine Oil................................................ 25c per gal
Boiled Linseed Oil..............
80c p«>r Rai
Engine Compound
15c a lb
lj Leather Belting
. 8c per ft
1} Rubber Belting
. 5c per ft
Other widths in proportion
Wall Paper from 25 to 50 per cent discount
Large size, 8 inch Tin Wash Boilers, Copper
bottom .............................................. . *1.10
. 25c
Large size galvanized water bucket...........
St. Louis Washer (same as Boss)
Western Washer .......................................... .... *4
Large Camp Stove............................................
No. 8 Cook Stove and Pipe......................
3 ft Wail Tents with Poles
21-qt 2 X Re-tinned Dishpan
Parties desiring to purchase soil for filling lawns or
roadways can find a bargain before excavating be­