Yamhill County Reporter U. I. AMBURV, F'. <11 tor A I'ropr. J t*. F. that it is apt to add a loss of fait h to loss of crops. Still, it is better than fret­ ting Corn, hay and provisions will lie scarce, but a niagiiiticent wheat crop stands between Ivan, as and a reinstatement of populist, ruli . I Take a philosophic view. Irj hasn’t been nearly so hot as it wou’d have been if it hail been a great deal , hotter. Think of - that......... The Does not depend on the start but on the present season is severely testing; finish. It's staying power which carries the theory that nothing can be dryer many a runner to victory. It's like that business. Many a man starts off in than a populist argument on the ill race for business success with a financial question Here is the the burst of speed which seems to assure silver lining. Mosquitoes breed in victory. Presently be begins to falter swamps and damp places. The and at last he falls and fails. The cause ? swamps are all dry as bone dust, Generally "stomach trouble.” No man hence there will be no mosquitoes. is stronger than his stomach. Business haste leads to careless and irregular eat­ Shake.” Q. L. GRAY« Berlin dispatches announce that while tbe German emperor’s lac erated jaw is improving, it has not FRIDAY, JULY 20. 1901. yet reached its normal strength. His majesty is still compelled to put Tbe press of the country is print­ his most vigorous, remarks into ing pictures of democratic presiden­ writing. tial possibilities with Bryan left out. ----- -------- * Elevators at c innville. Yamhill County This,too,in face of the fact that Bry­ Colonel John S. Mosby, the con­ and at Shedd, linn County. an has a paper of his own and can t federate leader duriug tbe civil war, be shut out even if he has to print has been appointed a special agent AVING purchased the Heudrick Warehouse, I his own picture in his Commoner. of the federal land office. He claims am prepared to receive and store grain. .Many his present residence in California. years ’ experience in the business in the valley The trutli that riches have wings He has been assigned to duty in Ne­ and in the largest mills of the State enables me to was never more clearly exemplified braska. offer to the farmers the very highest market price than in the case of John Pondir, who ing. The stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition become diseased. There is a deadlock among the for their grain. just died almost in want in New A promise of belated relief for the The body is inadequately nourished and York. He was once an influential ministers of the foreign powers who farmer so grows weak. ’s wife is seen in the proposi­ member of the New York Stock Ex­ are trying to settle up the Chinese tion of a Wisconsin man to establish Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery change and a power in Wall street. affair, that promises to be as stub­ a steam laundry at every crossroads cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It born as a senatorial deadlock in Del­ in the state, to which the farmers’ strengthens the stomach and so strength­ washing and ironing may be brought ens the whole body which depends on An observant Portland woman aware. Great Britain is causing the every week. As the state is dotted | the stomach for the nourishment from delay by a kick that Russia got the who has been visiting the Pan-Amer­ all over with creameries and cheese which strength is made. There is no alcohol in " Golden Medical ican exposition says the Oregon ex­ best of the indemnity agreement. factories, it would be an easy matter Discovery,” and it is entirely free from hibit is nothing to be very proud of, The deadlock has continued a month to operate steam laundries in connec­ opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. There is nothing but that it is far superior to the and there is no apparent prospect tion with them Accept no substitute for the " Discov­ impossible or visionary about this Washington exhibit, although Wash­ of a settlement. Li Hung Chang is plan. It embodies the principle of ery.” There is no medicine "just as good ” for diseases of the stomach and ington appropriated twice as much urging haste. co-operation which has already been allied organs. I successfully applied to nearly every ” Your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery 1 has per­ money as Oregon did It is also re­ formed a wonderful cure, ” writes 'Mr M. H A farmer in Lane county experi­ form of agricultural activity from House, of Charleston, Franklin Co., Ark. "I marked that the mineral exhibit is had the worst case of dyspepsia, the doctors mented with lime on his wheat field, the old grist and saw mills to the say. the best of any and attracts the that they ever saw. After trying seven modern creamery. Divest the farm­ doctors everything I could hear of. with no using it in place of vitriol at sowing er's household of this form of drudg­ benefit, and most attention. I tried Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ covery. and now I am cured.” time. He used the lime liberally, ery and then introduce in the kitchen Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure some of the modern labor-saving de ­ knowing that his land needed lime The democrats who have always vices that are used in hotels and the constipation clamored for foreign markets anyway, provided that the effect on life of the farmer's wife will begin to through the medium of free trade the grain was not all that he hoped approach that standard of ease and great Red uetioq iq all urqrqer [^oods will doubtless lose all interest in for. At the same time he used vit­ comfort long since attained by the LOCAL NEWS. free trade since we have foreign riol on an adjoining field and there farmer himself. Prices gut^ay ßoulq markets in greater measure now was a marked difference. Lime is Harvesting and threshing crews can <>l K STKELT FAIR. find all supplies fqr the cook wagon at than ever before, and greater foreign much cheaper than vitriol, and, if it markets in prospect than any na­ serves the double purpose of insur­ What a splendid opportunity this Kegg’s. tion of the world ever anticipated. ing grain against smut as well as en­ county will have to exhibit its products John and Walter Adams left the first In Dress Goods, Shirt Waists, Parasols, Summer Silks Our foreign markets will be antag­ riching the soil, this discovery is an at the street fair and carnival this fall. of the week for their big ranch in eastern visitors who may be here from the onized and denounced as the out­ important one for the grain grower. The scorched and famine stricken east will Oregon. ------ ► --- MILLINERY AT COST. growth of imperialism look on with big-eyed wonder F. S. Harding near Pittsburg gazed on The futility of the idea of a hostile The committee has named October 3d, the cabin constructed by his wife’s combination of European nations 4th and 5th for the dates. This will be grandfather in 1820. Also some lines in Shoes. The secret service agents of the the week immediately following the against the United States is clearly state fair. It was not possible to get Miss Stella Patty went to Portland on United States have the biggest job Just take a look at our windows and see what a cut shown by the attitude of Austria away from the Portland exposition, as it Monday to meet her cousin, Miss Stella yet on their hands in ascertaining we concerning some German tariff leg­ covers all of the fair season. have made in prices. who took the >30,(MX) out of the mint J. C. Cooper 1.as been appointed sup­ Patty from Tennessee, who will be her islation which is operating against erintendent and is at work raising the guest for a season. at San Francisco. That mint and certain Austrian products. Count funds necessary, and is meeting with Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Harding returned vault was considered one of the success. A number of young ladies Galuchowski, the Austrian minister good talk of organizing a “ladies’ minstrel’’ Wednesday evening from their eastern closest guarded and securest depos­ of foreign affairs, has given a hint to be given at the opera house every and southern trip, after an absence of itories for money in the world, and McMinnville’s Greatest Store. that if Germany persists it will call afternoon and evening during the three nearly two months. yet some one walked away with |30,- days of the fair. A prominent poultry out retaliatory legislation by Austria man living near Newberg suggests that Ward Wisecarver writes Iris partner, 000 in gold, and the most discreet poultry show be one of the features of Dr. Lewis, that he rises in the morning secret service men in tbe employ of against German products. If the a the fair. This is a capital idea, and a in Chicago worn out with the heat of nations of Europe wrangle among tbe government are unable to find committee will see that all necessary ar­ themselves on tariff matters, how rangements are made. It is the inten­ the previous Dight, and sighs for Oregon. even a clue as to who took it or when can they unite upon a plan to pre­ tion to use about twelve hundred yards The Jacobs-Perkins-Fender party got it was taken. l|r nr ' Why go miles to trade, when you can get near canvas to cover booths along both home from Netarts at midnight Wednes­ QTr sent a united front to American of your home Groceries, Work Clothing, Socks, sides of Third street from B to E. day. The weather was foggy and rainy trade? Gloves, Flour. Confections, Etc., at same prices as elsewhere. See during most of their absence. Newspapers in the Willamette val­ Anent The Coming Carnival. J. T. COOPER, The New Merchant. ley are beginning again to tell cheer­ Oregon produced the best hops E. J. Koskey’s “Travelers’ Guide and Reporter—Pledges are now be­ HOPEWELL, OR. Business Directory ” is out, and em ­ ful tales of farmers with fields of that were grown in America last ing Editor taken for a fund to carry on another wheat which will average 35 bushels year, and present indications point to carnival, which makes it an oppurtune braces a dozen towns in this valley. per acre. It appears probable that a crop equally as good if not better. time for a little suggestion. The papers Forty-four business houses in McMinn­ last year pronounced the street event as the crop of the valley will be up to H. J. Ottenheimer, a Salem hop buy­ a great success, and most outsiders ville are rdpresented. It is not without Locks 13c and 2no«l W ork Proreed. The Fortland Coal Development Co., recently organized by a number of busi­ ness men of Portland, have secured con­ tracts on several pieces ot land near North Yamhill and are now actually en­ gaged with a force of tnen in develop­ ment work on the Peter Goeser place about four miles northeast of this town. Their princij'al object in development appears to be for the discovery and de­ velopment of coal deposits, although their work will eventually go far enough to determine if there is petroleum or other mineral products in this section, it is now believed. Their work so far has consisted in drilling into the grounds where was believed there were coal de­ posits. and. although the work is yet in its most preliminary stage, it has de­ veloped results which the company re­ gards very encouraging.—North Yam Hill Record. College is Prof. Frank B. Rutherford, of Atkinson’s business college, Sacramento. Mr. Rutherford and family will remove to this city before the fall term opens. ♦j ♦j « « The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885. Capital and Surplus, $90,000. Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited. ECZEMA’S ITCH iS TORTURE, Eczema is caused by an aci 1 humor in :he blood coming in contact with the skin and producing great redness and in­ flammation ; little pustular eruptions form and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which tries and scales off ; sometimes tlie skin is hard, dry ami fissured. Eczema ill any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times arc almost unbearable; the acid burning humor seem* to ooze out and set the skin an fire. Salves, washes nor other exter­ nal applications do any real good, for as long as the poison remains in the blood it will keep the skin irritated. 040 FORM OF TETTER. " For three years I had Tetter on my hands which canaca them to swrU to twice their natural size. Fart af the tune tbe disease was tn the form , f run­ ning sores, very pain­ ful. nnd causing me mrch discomfort Four lectors sairl the Tetter had progressed too far :o be cured, and they eould d- nothing for ate 11 -ok onlv three bottles of S s. s. and iris completely cured, Miss O«a Robert« is assisting in the t hi- was fifteen years First National bank. igo. and I have never lince seen any sign of mv otd tr >ub.e " — M rs . Geo. Martin and wife will spend Au- | L D J ackbox .,!*!* NcGec St . Kans«*City Mo. gust in the vicinity of Mt. Hood, in com- panv with Mr. Martin's brother and family. Mr. and Mrs Arthur McPhillipa drove to Woods on Wednesday for « reason of camping. Of McMinnville, Oregon. Take The Reporter and Get the News SOUTH AND EAST VIA The Shasta Route Through the liberality of Mc­ Minnville’s Leading Merchants, A $100 A. B. Chase Parlor Organ Trains leave McMinnville for Portland and Purchased from the old reliable music way stations at 5:58 a m., and 8:06 p. m. Leave dealer Geo. C. Will, Salem. Oregon, will for Corvallis at 10 a m. Leave Portland.................... 8:30 a. m. 8:30 p. m. Leave Albanv............. 12:30p.m. 1135 p.m. Arrive at Ashland............12*55 a. m. 12 35 p. m. “ Sacramento................5:10 p. m. 5:00 a. m. i “ San Francisco.......... 7.45 p. m. 8:45 a. m. Ogden .................... 4:55 a. m. 7 00 a m. Denver............... ......... t»:S0a. m. 9.15 p m. Kansas City ............. 7:25 a.m. 7 25 a.m. Chicago...................... 7 45 a. m. 8:30 p. m. Los Angeles............... 2 00 p. m. Fl Paso...................... 600 p. m. Fort Worth................. 6:30a.m. City of Mexico 11:30 a. m. Houston ......... 7 00 > m New Orleans . 6:30p. m. Washington 6 42 a m. New York .12 10 pm <05 a. m. 6.00 p.m. 6:»^ a. m. 11 JO a m. 7 00 a. m. 6:30p.m. 6 42 a.m. 12 10 p m. I S S. S. neutralizes this «cid poison, ; tools the blood and restores it to a hr.Utliy, natural state, and the rough, unhealthy Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. I tkin becomes soft, smooth and clear, Chair car» Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, cures Tetter, Ery­ and Tourist car? to Chicago, St. Louis. New Or­ sipelas. Psoriasis, Salt leans and Washington. Rneum and all skin A. 8. Pense, former station agent at diseases due to a pois­ Connecting at San Francisco with several this place, is still in Good Samaritan ! oned condition ot the steamship lines for Honolulu. Japan. China, ItoepHiff. incapacitated by rheumatism | aiood. Send tor our book and write us Philippines, Central and South America. of tlie leg He writes that be has qnit; tbout vour case. Our physicians have nade these diseases a life study, and can naming a date for returning to work. Sec MR A. « PENCE, agent at McMinnville Help you by their advice; we make no Mr. D F Marzolf. la'« of Michigan :barge for this service. All correspondence «talion, or address ie the new assistant station agent at this • conducted tu strictest confidence C. H MARKHAM, place. J O. Smith, tlie former assistant, Gen. Passenger Agen t. i THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANT«, GA. take« the station at Sherwood, Portland, Or. 4 Wills' Modern Advertising Plan_ _ be given to the one holding the largest number of coupons on November 16th, 1901. All coupons must be signed by the merchant issuing the coupon, and by the holder of same The purchaser can give his or her coupons to some one else and let them sign them. It will pay you to trade at the following stores and re­ ceive a coupon with every 25c C ash pur­ chase : McMinnville Grange & Farmers store, Dry Goods. Clothing it Shoes. Organ on exhibition at this store. H. C. Bums, Furniture Store. J. G. Wiesner—Cigars and Tobacco. Wnt.F, Dielschnetder & Bro., jewelers. Willard St Ehrman St Co., meat mar­ ket. Rogers Bros . Drugstore T. A. White—White's Restaurant. S. P. Houser—Second hand store and Sewing Machines. Geo L. Williams—Bookstore. F W Spencer—Hardware, Farm Ma chtnerv. Bicycles and Sewing Machines J. S. Roscoe—Bicycle Sundries and Repairs. Mrs. C W. Spring—Photo Gallery. A. J. Loban. Harness Shop. Triplett 4 Hendershott—Confectionery C. F. Daniela—Feed, Seed A Produce. Laml>ert Bros.—Groceries & Comtnts »ton.