The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, June 14, 1901, Image 7

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    Difficult Digestion !
Thar is dyspepsia.
It makes life miserable.
Its sufferers eat not because they want to,
— but simply because they must.
They know they are irritable and fretful;
but they cannot be otherwise.
They complain of a bad taste in the
mouth, a tenderness at the pit of the stom­
ach. an uneasy feeling of puffy fulness,
headache, heartburn and what not.
The effectual remedy, proved by perma­
nent cures of thousands of severe cases, is
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
F ills are
the best cathartic.
“Mrs. Ladd used to worry terribly
when her husband was away on his
trips, but she’s got over it.”
"Conquered her nervousness, I sup­
“Oh, no; succeeded in making him
have his life insured.
Qnite Likely.
Fine Progress.
Ethel is doing just lovely with her
music,” said Maud.
"She doesn't play any better than
— used
.....J to. ' answered Mamie.
Life to the most favored is not always
“No. But she has gotten so she
of sunshine, but to the average
refers to ‘rag time’ as ‘syncopated full
American girl or woman who is obliged
time.’ ”
to work for her living, and, perhapi
"Of course I am master of my own
house,” said Mr. Meekton, a little in­
"How do you manage it?”
"I tell Henrietta to do just what
she pleases and she goes ahead and
does it. ”
Shop Talk.
to help others at home, life is often »
heavy drag in consequence of illness
Women who work, especially thus,
who are constantly on their feet, ar.
peculiarly liable to the developmeui
of organic troubles, and should par
ticularly heed the first manifestations,
such us backache, pains in the lower
limbs and hover part of the stomach,
irregular and painful monthly periods,
Wliat Our Flag Stands For.
Whever the American Ila» is raised in
token of sovereignty, it stands for liberty
ami independence. What me lag is to tne
nation, Hostetter’s Stomach Hitters is to
tne individual. Ic gives you freedom and
protection from vonr ailments. Wnen
your stomach gets out of order causing
dyspepsia, indigestion and biliousness, or
when you are nervous and unable to sleep
you should try it. It will strongmen your
stomach, steady your nerves and induce
sound sleep.
Bloomer (to ragged urchin)—Your
parents left you something when they
died, did they not?
Urchin—O, yes, sir.
—What a fiery waist
Bloomer—And what did they leave
you have on! What color is it?
Mrs. Ferguson—Oxblood.
Urchin—An orphan, sir.
Mr. Ferguson—I begin to under­
ÏOÜ KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING stand now why you told the dress­
When von take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic maker to put in an additional gore.
because the formulais plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui-
tine In a tasteless form. No Cure, Ne Pay. 50,-
Our Working
Shop talk sometimes penetrates
even to the nursery. A young and
successful artist was heard'to exclaim HOW ONE LITTLE SUFFERER WAS
with profound conviction, while he
was contemplating his son and heir,
24 hours old :
Words of Gratitude and Praise from Par­
“There is a great deal of tone about
ent« for the Ram^dy that Saved
that baby.
the Life of Their Child.
From the Traveler, Arkansas City, Kan.
Our new extra heavy focusing cloth
Rapid as has been the advance of
costs no more than others, but lasts
science along many lines, it
twice as long. Price by mail, 3x3, 50
cents. At all dealers, or Kirk, Geary is only in recent years that a remedy
& Co., 330 Sutter St. San Francisco. has been discoevred for one of the
most dreadful of nervous diseases that
children—St. Vitus’ dance.
Reason for Economy.
This and other nervous disorders
Newlywed—Since I’ve been married that cause the pale and wan faces and
my tailor bills are scarcely one peevish, irritable dispositions of so
fourth what they used to be.
many children can now be scien­
Quizzer—Do you put what you save tifically treated by a remedy that
in th? bank?
strikes at the root of the disease by­
Newlywed—No; I put it on my renewing the impoverished blood and
strengthening the nerves.
Words of commendation for this
remedy come from all parts of the
civilized world. This is the interest­
ing story told by Mr. and Mrs. Chris­
This .ignaturo ia on «very box of the genuine topher Armstrong, of Jefferson, Okla. :
"Our youngest daughter was for
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet«
the remedy that cures n eol.l in one day three years afflictetd with St. Vitus,
dance, and we almost despaired of
finding relief in medical treatment.
Faint Heart.
Miss Timidity—I’ve thought it all She was so helpless that she had to be
over, and I believe it would be wiser fed and would fall over at times and
be unable to rise.
for you to ask papa for my hand.
“We had heard and read a great
Cautious Lover—Oh, I’m sure it
’ Pills
would be a most indiscreet thing for deal about Dr. Williams’ Pink
me to do. I think we’d better have for Pale People, and, as a last resort,
some disinterested third party ap­ determined to try them, The effect
was alomst miraculous,
From the
proach him on the subject.
first box there was a noticeable im­
provement and by the time she had
CATALOGUES WORTH HAVING. taken six boxes she was almost well.
Altogether she took about a dozen
Agricultural Implement Firm Giving Away boxes, and by the time she was 13
years of age, was strong and healthy,
Remarkable Books.
weighing 114 pounds.”
The new catalogues for 1901, just
issued by Mitchell, Lewis & Staver
Co., are very valuable books to the I Subscribed and sworn to before be.
majority of the citizens of the North­
W. D. Kramer, Notary Public.
west. This company’s headquarters
The power of Dr. Williams’ Pink
are in Portland, Oregon, and it main­ Pills for Pale People in the vast num­
tains branches or agencies at all prin­ ber of diseases due to impure blood or
cipal points throughout Oregon, derangements of the nervous system
Washington and Idaho. The Im­ has been demonstrated in thousands
plement Catalogue, the Vehicle Book of instances as remarkable as the one
and the Harness and Bicycle cata­ related above. No one who is suffer­
logues, all can be had free by anyone ing can rightfully nelgect this way
who will write to the firm or to any to restore health.
Dr. Williams’
of its agents. The books not only Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by
show everything up-to-date, but are a all dealers, or direct from Dr. Wil­
great help to the man who is think­ liams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.
ing of making a purchase.
Y., 50 cents per box, or six boxes for
Miss E lla B uennkb , *E. R ochestxx , O hio .
faintness, weakness, loss of appetite
lud sleep.
The young lady whose portrait we
publish herewith had all these symp­
toms, and in addition leucorrhoea,
and was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound. First, she
wrote a letter to Mrs. Pinkham’s lab­
oratory at Lynn, Mass., describing her
trouble, received in reply accurate in­
structions what to do to get well, and
now wishes her name used to convince
others that they may be cured as she
The same helping hand, free of
charge or obligation, is extended, to
every ailing woman in America.
you are sick you are foolish not to get
this valuable advice, it costs you noth­
ing. and she is sure to help you. Don’t
Wait until it is too late — write to-day.
When there is a natural and healthy circulation of tne blood, the entire
quantity, estimated at one-eighth the weight of the body, passes through the heart
every five minutes. This rapid flow of the blood through the system prevents the
entrance of disease germs and impurities of every description. It filters out all that
is not necessary or good for the growth anil development of the body and nourish­
ing and strengthening the muscles, tissues, nerves and bones. But, unfortunately,
few persons can rightly claim an absolutely pure blood supply and perfect and
unpolluted circulation, and in consequence are exposed to innumerable diseases.
Contagious Blood Poison, the greatest enemy to mankind, enters the system
through the blood, and Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema, Salt
Rheum, Tsoriasis, Tetter—in fact the majority of human ailments —are caused by
poisons or humors that are engen-
_ _
dered and fostered in a sluggish ThO Bl 00(1 IS ftlC SOUT*CO
and impoverished blood. Old
_ _
sores, chronic ulcers and rheumatic pains are com- ST All
mon, especially among old people, whose blood
naturally grows thin and pale because of the lack of the red corpuscles that give
color anl strength to youthful blood. Sallow complexions and rough, oily shins
evidence some constitutional or blood trouble, which salves,, lotions, powders nor
any external treatment can cure. Diseases that originate in the blood, whether
they manifest themselves as ulcers, tumors, itching eruptions, muscular or bone
pains, require a tonic and blood purifier such as S. S. S., which not only antidotes
and neutralizes blood poisons and humors, but possesses health-giving tonic proper­
ties that no other blood medicine does. It goes down to the very foundation of
the disease and eliminates from the system every-
Polluted Blood thing of a poisonous character or that obstructs and
clogs the circulation. It builds up and imparts
Bf^CedS DlSOIISO Bew strength and vitality to the old innutritious
blood, and when the arteries and veins are once
more filled with new rich blood, the general health begins to improve, muscles
grow stronger, and sores and eruptions of every kind disappear.
S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier, and the purest
and most reliable in all blood diseases. It has been tested in thousands of cases
during the past fiftv vears and is more popular today than ever. We will be glad
to send you our book free, and if in need ot medical advice write our physicians all
about your case ; this information will co*t you nothing and comes from experi­
enced and educated doctors. All cor-.-spondence is conducted in stricter
Describing a Circle.
A pupil in the juvenile depaitment
astonished his teacher recently by de­
scribing a circle as “A straight line
that’s crooked all the way roKi d.”
The reader« of thi. paper will be pleased to
Hearn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure lu all its
(laxes. and that iscatarrh. H.U'sCatarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis­
ease, requires a Constituí lonal treatment.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the founda­
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constltnt'on and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro­
prietors have so much faith In its curative
power., that they offer One Hundred Dollar,
for any ease that It falls to cure, bend for list
of testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists. 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the bo«»
Man’s Harder Lot.
"Ma, I wish I was a girl."
"Why, Tommy?”
“Well, ma, girls don’t have to fight
on the way home from school.”
Throw Pliyale to the l>ojç«!
Constipation is treated by an intestinal tonic
and liver stimulant, palatable, gentle, yet po­
tent <’asearets Candy Cathartic. All drug­
gists. 10c. 25e, «’>0c
The Wrong Adjective.
Wife—Why don’t you smoke those
cigars I gave you at Christmas time?
I’m sure they’re delightful.
Husband—My dear, delightful is
not the word.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­
ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their
children during the teething period.
Worte Of* the Cold.
Force of Habit.
A Question
of Taste.
Customer—What's this? Seventy
A Division.
Burlier—Shall I shave you with five cents for a two cent stamp?
Biggs—What do you call your scented or unscented soap?
Why, that is outrageous!
Customer—Use scented soap, please.
Druggist—Beg pardon, sir.
It tastes nicer.
thought you had a prescription for it.
Biggs—But that’s only one mime. I
---------------‘------------------- -
Diggs—Yes, we divide it between
them. We call the boy Henri and
the girl Etta.
You need our new three fold tripod
to complete you outfit. The best ama­
teur’s tripod made. Price, express pre-
pid, $2.75. At dealers, or Kirk, Geary
& Co., 330 Sutter St., San Francisco.
Pennsylvania and New York.
Factory, Battle Creek, Michigan.
When the first census was taken in
“A Hot Literary Dinner.”
1790 Pennsylvania’s population was
A Georgia paper has an account of I
14,253 greater than that of New York.
By the census of 1900 New York’s “A hot literary dinner, after which I
population leads that of Pennsylvania there wils a wrestling match to decide
who was the best literary man in]
by 965,897.
town. Mart Tompkins throwed Luke'
Landers five times, and was afterward |
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All declared head writer and literary pres-.
Iruggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
ident. ”
L VV. Grove’s signature Ison each box. 25c.
Our 1901 Vehicle Book
Our 1901 Implement Catalogue
The Beat Prescription for Malaria
We present »hove « cut ot the latest and
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteleaa
Chill Tonic. It la simply iron and quinine in
Send vonr name and P. O. address and we most popular Traction Engine built.
We nave just received a full line ot Advance
a tasteless lorm. No Cure. No Pay. Price 50c. will mail one or both, as desired, free of all
Engines and Separators of different st vies and
sixes, and invite our friends to call and inspect
Frank and Free.
«Hine or write us for descriptive catalogue and
"Excuse me,” said the very new
Only Half a Success,
“Your club meeting was a feast of
“Yes, a ¡together; that committee
lid not get a bite of anything to
reporter, getting his notebook anti
pencil ready, "what is the first thing
you would if you had an income of First and Taylor Sts.
$50 per minute?”
“Take another breath,” replied the |
leading citizen. "Say, send me a MILWAUKEE MOWER
marked copy of the paper containing
this interview, will you?”
No. 314 Front
, Portland, Oregon.
Or call upon our nearest agent.
The McCormick machines are t he most Mod­
em. They are the pride of the new century;
highest in awards nt the Paris exposition
Built best—work best—are best. With every
test they prove the best.
“I •iifreretf Che torture* of the UMitiitet
with protruding piles brought on by constipu
tion with which I was afflicted for tweiiti
years. I ran across your CASCARETS in tlit
town of Newell. In., and never found am thinr
co equal them. To-day 1 am entirely free iron
piles and feel like a new man.”
C H. K bitz . 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la
Little Liver Pills
Must Bear Signature of
With Steel Wheels, made for the
“Wild and Woolly Weal.”
J. A. FREEMAN, General Agent,
290 F. Water St.
Call on the agent, or address for catalogues
Complete Stock of
Sec F ac- SI mi le Wrapper Below.
Pleasant. Palatable Potent. Taste Good. Do
Qood, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 15c. 50c
Sterling Itsmedy (nmpawy, Chicago. Montreal. R«w fork. 311
||A TA DIA Sold and gnnraiiteed by all drug
HU* I U-DÄU giara in «I IC F. Tobaren Habit
An Active Proselyte. .
The Indiana preacher who allowed
his boy to fight another urchin to set­
tle a quarrel, was delighted when his
boy thrashed the other l>oy, but when
the licked boy’s father licked the
preacher the good man appealed to f
court. Alas for the inconsistenciei
of human nature!
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet« eure a cold in
one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents.
Depth of Misery.
“The saddest, most blighted-life
easel ever knew, ” said the major,
“was that of a man who received a
life pass over a new railorad. ”
“How was that? ” asked the colonel.
“Why, that pass was issued before
there was a rail laid—and then the
road was never built.
He has felt
swindled ever since.”
The oldest and most curious herb­
arium in the world is in the Egpyian
museum at Cairo. It consists of
crowns, garlands, wreaths and bou­ Had Headache, Backache and
quets of Howers, ail taken from the
ioutv Indigestion—Pe-ru-
ancient tombs of Egypt, most of the
examples being in excellent condi­
na Cured.
tion. Nearly all the flowers have
been identified. They cannot be less
Miss A. Brady, corresponding secre­
than 3,000 years old.
tary Illinois Woman’s Alliance, writes
CITQ Permanently Cured. No fits or« from 2725 Indiana avenue, Chicago,
Tllu after li:«» ■ Is»’« ll.eof Dr Kline’« Great Nerve
Restorer Semi lor Kit Eli A'2-OG trial larttleaml tleat- Ill.:
I m . Da. ail K lin «. Ltd.. SSI ArchSt.. Pbllad>l,hla.Pa.
“Last year from
continued strain
Old Horn Snuf Box.
in literary work I
An old horn snuff box, once Im­ became very
. longing to Sir Francis Drake, possi- much exhausted,
bly the one which he used at Ply- my nerves seemed
mouth Hoe during his famous game io give way, and
| of bowls, has just been sold for £3 10s I had backache,
in London.
The snuff box is a headache and ser­
quaint old relic, bearing the coat of ious indigestion.
arms of Sir Francis, with his name One of my friends
on the lid.
suggested that I
I ant sure Piso’s Cure for Consumption try Peruna. It certainly acted like
saved toy life three years ago.— M rs T ros . maige on my system.
K obrins . Maple street, Norwich, N. Y.,
“Within 10 days I felt new life and
Feb. 17,1900.
health given me, and by taking an
occasional dose off and on when 1 feel
extra tired, I keep my system in per­
"I just saw young Widow Weeds, i fect order.’’—Miss A. Brady.
She looked just charming in her
In view of the great multitude of
mourning, ” said the pretty woman. women suffering from some form of
"1 suppose, ” remarked hercrochety female disease, I)r. Hartman, the re­
husband, "that you wouldn’t mind nowned specialist on female catarrhal
being a widow yourself. ”
diseases, will direct the treatment of
“Oh, it’s hateful of you to talk as many cases as make application to
that way, when you know I’ve got a him during the summer months with­
blue silk waist that 1 haven’t worn out charge. Address I)r. S. B. Hart­
man, president of the Hartman Sani­
tarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Af ope the Cough and
Chas. L. Mastick & Co. 75
Consignments solicited. Pay highest market price. PROMPT RETURNS.
Dealers in Leather and Findings.
Refer to Wells, Fargo A Co. Bank, Portland, Oregon.
Agents wanted in every town.
I V- Keeley Cure
Sure relief from liquor, opium and tobacco
habit . Send for particular« to
EDWARD HUGHES, General Agent.
Catalogue Mailed Free.
182-186 Madison St., Portland, Oregon.
Johnny Wise—Paw?
Mr. Wise—Well, my son.
“Noah had two of every being on
Springtime Resolutions
the ark, didn’t he?”
"Yes. my son. "
"Well, paw. it must have kept him
busy herding the microbes.”
Mother—I wonder how this new
book got in such a horrible condi­
Little Max—I heard papa say it
was too dry for him, so I poured water
on it.
Portland. Oroffon.
Builder« of High Grade
Remedied the Dryneie.
Lady—What do you think, I hav<
a servant who gets up in the morning
without being called.
Chorus of Voices—Impossible!
Lady—But it’s true,; she’s in
with the milkman.
A Hard Task.
If yon have never used it send and get a trial
lot. It will pay you. For information address
Foot of 14lh Street,
with which repairing can be done neatly and to stay.
A Kitchen Romance.
yp The perfection of Wall Plaster, la the only material
Keeley Insthiti.
¿.7* SX,”n’
BICKFORD. Washlngon, 0. C.. thev will re
ceive quick replies. B. ftth N. H Vol« Staf
20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1*7*
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrtoon Street,
Education of Boys.
The German emperor has assigned
Can give yon the beet bargain! in
the sum of 100.000 marks, collected Bnggiee, Flown, Rollen and Engine«,
by East Prussians at the bicentenary Windmill« an<l Pnmpe an 1 General
of the kingdom of Prussia, as a fund Machinery. See us before buying.
for the education of boys who are no
1« best tlms to enrs Catarrh,
longer under the care of their parents.
Broncnltl« and Cotiaumption.
Oar remedy ia guaranteed, (1.
P. O. B«.« 973.
W. H. SMITH 1 CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
M. P. N. V.
MKN wrltln. ts. ad.ertlMn pl.a.s
mention thia papor.
What Does It Cost?
We have just issued an excellent little Cat­
alogue on Fence subjects. Full illustrations;
all the newest Fence information.
A postal
card will bring it to you.
Portland Anchor Fence Co.
742 Nicolai St., Portland, Or.