The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, May 24, 1901, Image 5

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E. GOUCHER, fl. O.
G. 8. Wright, dentist.
G. 8. Wright, dentist.
II. A. Palmer for groceries, eggs and
Just arrived. A new barrel of pickels
at Kegg’s.
The St. Charles has no bait sales.
Highest grade white lead 8c. at Jones
T. I). Henderson ban some good, fresh
& Adams'.
milk cows for sale.
Mr. Johnson, the tailor, will keep your
Office over McMinnville National Bank.
A. D. Hoskins has sold his harness
suit in order—clean, press, sew up rips
Calls responded to Day and Night.
shop to T. E l.oban.
M c M innville
O regon . aud fasteu on buttons for $1 per month.
Born to the wife of Prof. R. Storey, on
Newest and latest designs in wall paper.
Thursday May 16th, a daughter.
Show window is full. Prices from 5c up.
Hendrick A Briedwell have added a
O. O. H odson .
line of cook stoves to their stock.
Mr. Sweet the creamery man contem­
We still have the famous “Kegg’s
plates being able to receive cream at his
various skimming stations by the 15th of blend”of coffee at the St. Charles.
and Surgeon.
The important thing in buying a truss
is that it shall fit. If it does not tit it is
worse than none—it works harm. A low
priced truss that suits the case is worth a
dozen costly ones that do not. The
I truss bought of a dealer who kuows how
to fit you is a bargain, no matter what
it costs.
We have a large line of trusses and we
know how to tit them. Our skill iu fit­
ting costs you nothing extra. We have
R. Jacobson A Co. have made arrange­ never heard of our prices being beaten.
O bxgon .
Ida Little and Bert Spooner, both of ments to open a branch store in Tilla­
this county secured a license and were mook.
McMinnville, Oregon.
T. C. Shreve of Denver, is visiting bis
married by Rev. G. W. Fender, one day
friends H. Walker and E. C. Walker
this week.
G. S. Wright, Dentist, first fifteen days this week.
C hicago S tore
and Surgeons.
Room« In Jacobson Block,
M c M innville ,
, •
C. MICHAUX, n. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
M c M innville , OREGON.
Oliiee in Wright Block
[)R. C. T. S.1ITH,
Osteopathic Physician
Union Block, McMinnville. Oregon.
Office Hours, 10-12 and 2-1.
of each month at McMinnville, last fif­
teen days at Portland. Failing building,
3d and Washington streets.
Rev. Mr. Humbert, of Corvallis will
occupy the pulpit at the Christian church
next Sunday at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m.
Every one cordially invited.
Mrs. Gus Gant and son, who have been
living in Pueblo, Col., for nearly a year,
are returning to McMinnville. They
were expected to arrive last evening.
Miss Bergitta Nelson gave a pleasant
party Wednesday evening in honor of
her cousin, Miss Elsie Heinrichson of
Portland, who is her guest this w-eek.
Whist was the feature of the evening,
with a number of musical selections. A
dainty lunch w’as served.
We are located opposite H. C. Burns’ and aim
The D. of H. lodge will give a “sock
to give all customers good treatment for little
money. Bathrooms in connection. Your pat­ social” at IVright’s hall Saturday eve­
ronage solicited.
Manufactures and Deals in
ning. Those who received an invitation
were also presented with a miniature
stocking, and will be charged for ad­
mission a number of cents equivalent to
the number of sock or stocking they
wear, multiplied by two.
Strictly pure linseed oil 80c. at Jones
& Adams’.
Send in your carpets, quilts, blankets
•aid brushes, and sells them cheaper than they and heavy bedding to the McMinnville
cau be bought anywhere else in the Willamette
Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are Steam Laundry before the spring rush
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. is fairly on. That new feather bed reno­
Proprietors of
vator is now ready for business, and the
laundry is well prepared for all this
heavy work.
Satisfaction guaranteed
and prices very low.
See Dr, Lowe in Dr. Wright's office
Geo. Roberts is erecting a barn on his
when he is here. He does not go from lot.
bouse to house.
Burnis Hoffman visited Portland last
Bring your best butter and fresh eggs week.
to Wallace A Walker and get their worth
Scott McCutcheon is on the sick list
in cash or mdse.
this week.
Mrs. S. Howorth arrived home on Fri­
Prof. Kingery was a McMinnville visi­
day evening from a two weeks visit to her tor last Saturday-.
mother in Portland.
The smallpox scare is all over, as the
The St. Charles Store has no baits to one case proved to be measles.
offer, but sells groceries as cheap as can
Wm. Hudson was in Portland last
be bought at living prices.
week taking the barber examination.
Dr. Lowe puts the cream of i5 years
Miss Oliva Swanson who has been ill
of experience into his glasses, Thia
for some time, has completely recovered
makes the eyes run smoothly.
Another case of cancer has been com­
The finest photoes are made on Cjko
pletely cured by M. D. Smith. Anyone
and Royal paper. Free samples at
thus afflicted should not hesitate in giv­
O. O. H odsons .
ing him a call.
Mrs. Pieifler and little boy are visiting
Work on the new dwelling being erect­
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oli­
ed is progressing rapidly. This building
ver. Their home is in Michigan.
when completed, will rank among the
C. T Sailing, formerly a deputy of finest in town.
Ex-Sheriff Henry, arrived last Friday.
The revival services at the Baptist
His home is now at Boise, Idaho.
church conducted by- Rev. Day, assisted
O. H. Irvine was able to go to Albany by Mrs. Short of Albany, still continues
with bis sister last Saturday, but Mrs. with unabated interest.
Irvine has received the news that he is
Prof. Bristow, prinicipal of the Mc­
very much worse.
Minnville public schools, was present at
You get the best values in hats, shoes, the meeting of the literary society last
corsets, hosiery, oil cloth, ribbons, lace Friday’ evening, and gave an able address
and embroidery, tinware and notions, on “Ethical Education.”
and big cut in rubbers at the Racket
Mr. Johnson of White Cloud, has been
very sick for the past two or three weeks.
The secretary of war will ask congress
Mr. Stallcoop and son Claud, of Tilla­
to re-establish canteens at army posts,
in the interest of temperance, Probi bi- mook City were seen on our streets Mon­
tion doe» not work at the army posts, it day.
Mr. Crabtree of Kingston, Oregon, who
We are paying this week 25 to 30 cts has been suffering from cancer is pro­
per roll for good butter and 11# cts nounced well.
Most alarming reports come from the
growing wheat fields of Washington coun­
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds ty, says the Hillsboro Independent. One
careful observer finds that on the north
South side Third St. between B and C.
plain three straws out of five are tenan­
ted by the Hessian fly in the larva? state. for fresh eggs. W allace A W alker .
It is feared that there will be no wheat
In the spring the young lady’s fancy
turns to thoughts of a new organ or piano
harvested in the districts effected.
Wm Scott is supplying the demand all
District Attorney Chamberlain of Port up and down the valley. Prices the low­
land holds that a sheriff cannot collect est and payments easy. See him.
expenses incurred in making arrests
Mattings, all styles and prices, at
where no process was in his hands. For Hendrick A Briedwell’s.
instance, should he see a murder com­
Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful
The best line of trusses, braces and
handling guaranteed. Collections will be made mitted and witnout having time to se­
syringes ever carried in Yambill county.
monthly. Hauling of allkinds done cheap.
cure a warrant of arrest follow the mur­
Perfect fit guaranteed.
Twenty’ years
derer to New York and arrest him, the
experience in this line. Our goods are
county would not pay one cent of the ex­
the best, our prices the lowest.
penses incurred. A peculiar law.
P eery D rug C o .,
California is receiving a serious set­
Prescription Druggists.
back as a famous health resort
We can
Judge R. P. Boise held an adjourned
charge up the failure of the president
term of circuit eourt Tuesday and dis­
and party to visit Oregon to the abomin­
posed of the following business: Sidney
able climate of that state.
Next time
Root vs Mary Root'—decree of divorce
President McKinley and party should
granted. Sidney A. Burnett vs Michael
visit Oregon first, last and all the time
Hilary—decree of foreclosure.
to be assured of good health.
Mills et al vs Levi Hagey et al—cause
The state treasurer has remitted to the continued.
On foot wear. Will you grant county clerk in full for two-thirds of the Try the new remedy for costiveness,
bounty warrants issued under the
us a trial? We can show you scalji
Chamberlain’s stomach and liver tablets.
new law. During Marell and April war­ Every box guaranteed
as fine a line of footwear as any rants were issued by the clerk in the For sale by Howorth & Co. Price, 25 cents.
dealer can produce, and at pri­ sum of $46, and the state reimburses the Attend the intercollegiate field meet
ces that many cannot touch. county $30.66 of this sum. Heretofore on the college campus Friday, May 31st,
Our expenses are small and the ow ners of scalp collateral had diffi­ 2:30 p in. A grandstand with seating
we give you the benefit of it. culty in securing returns, but under the capacity for 500 will lie erected, and
present law, upon proper affidavit, the there will be foot racing, hurdle racing
Come and verify our claims.
count}’ clerk issues a warrant direct.
and jumping to make it a gala day for
Truck and Dray Co
We Want
Your Trade
County Treasurer Rhude has sent to
the state treasurer the sum of $3,500
general and $1,586 47 jjounty tax, and
will remit next week $2,000 more, to be
applied on Yamhill county's state tax for
1900. We are stuck for $31,961.71 this
year, for
which we mutt thank a gay,
legislature which was too liberal in ap­
propriating money raised by taxation.
Beware of a Cottxh.
Of this sum $4 770.11 is to pay for the
A cough is not a disease but a symp­
state bounty on wild animals, sea lions,
Consumption and bronchitis,
which are the most dangerous and fatal
One of the greatest events of the an­
diseases, have for their first indication a
persistent cough, and if properly treated nua) assembly of the Willamette Valley
as soon as this cough appears are easily Chautauqua Association at Gladstone
Chamberlain's cough remedy park July 3-13, will be the Fourth of
lias proven wonderfully successful, and July celebration. An elaborate program
gained its wide reputation and extensive will be presented, a balloon ascension,
sale by its success in curing the diseases i fireworks in the evening, etc. General
which cause coughing, If it is not bene- Thomas J. Morgan, of New York, who
For was superintendent of Indian affairs un
ficial it will not cost you a cent
der President Harrison, will be the ora­
sale by Howorth & Co.
tor of the day. His topic will be “The
A British Columbia dog jumped from Building of a Nation.”
a cliff 200 feet high to the aid of a drown­ ’ f “It is with a good deal of pleasure and
ing man, saved him and then died of satisfaction that I recommend Chamber­
injuries received in the terrible fall. It lain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea rem­
is to be hoped the rescued man was a edy," says Drnggist A W. Sawtelle, oi
little above the average or his neighbors I Hartford, Conn “A ladv customer, see-
may be hinting to him that they would ing the remedy exposed for sale on my
rather have the dog.
■how case, said to me: ‘I really believe
We are closing out our entire stock of ■ that medicine saved my life the past
pocket knives at cost and less.
Call summer while at the shore,’ and she be-
while assortment ¡scomplete and get a , came »0 enthusiastic over its merits that
I at once made np my mind to recom­
J ones A A dams .
mend it in the future. Recently a gen­
Two liar »talli*««.
tleman came into my store so overcome
Van S.. the trotter, and Pollox, the ' with colic pains that be sank at once to
Percheron, will make the present season the floor. I gave him a do«e of this rem­
as follows: Amity, Mondays; Sheridan,
■pesdavs, Wednesdays and Thursdays; edy which helped him. I repeated the
McMinnville. Fridays and Saturdays. dose and in fifteen minutes he left my
store smilingly ioforming ine that be felt
Terms made known on application.
J. W. H ewbv . I as well as ever. " Sold by Howorth 4 Co,
Shoe Dealer
We haven’t time to talk to you very much this
week; we’re kept on the jump every moment. The
Chicago Store has always been noted for its success­
ful sales, but this without doubt is the
Those of yon who thus far have been unable to
be waited on will kindly be patient; we have done
our very best. We knew the prices which we made
throughout the house would keep ns busy, but we
did not expect the immense throng from every part
of the country that has packed our store from morn­
ing until night ever since the sale started.
We’re adding new lines daily at Clearance Sale
prices; better join the crowd at the
C hicago S tore
Fifteen of the Endeavorers from Carl­
ton visited the North Yamhill society
Sunday evening.
On Thursday’ evening a program will
be rendered in Howe’s hall by the liter­
ary society. Admission free.
Prof. W. H. Kingery- and Miss Lena
Pagenkoff have been chosen as teachers
for the Carlton schools for the coming
On Friday evening a very interesting
program was rendered by the Carlton
literary society, after which Prof. Bris­
tow of McMinnville, gave an excellent
On Monday evening the members of
the Degree of Honor visited the lodge at
Lafayette. After lodge was dismissed
they listened to some excellent music.
Some time was then spent in games, and
lastly they were treated to ice cream and
cake, which was delicious. Lafayette is
certainly a good place to go.
HAMBLIN, The Clothier!
Call and see our line of CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES and FURNISH­
For Men and Boys.
Men's suits in all the popular fabrics and cut in the latest styles.
Boys' long pant suits in styles and quality to please all, and our
POPULAR PRICES will fit your pocket just as perfectly as the garments
fiit the wearer. JsuT received n large line of the latest in neckwear
at 25c, 35c, 50c, which would be cheap at double the price.
Each dol­
lar spent with us entitles you to a ticket on the three tailor made suits
to be given away July 5th.
Suits Made to Order. Fit Guaranteed.
HAMBLIN. The Clothier,
M c M innville , ore .
XÙ. ¿4. suive,
Our public school closes Friday, May
24 th.
Adam Bellis is reported as being seri­
ously ill of stomach trouble.
Miss Della Brown and Mrs. Walter
Scott were McMinnville visitors Tuesday.
Mrs Charles Wiley, of Netarts bay, is
all attending. There have been 254 en
visiting friends in Sheridan and Willa-
tries for the contest from Dallas, New­
berg. Albany, Monmouth and McMinn­
Miss Zaidee Linden’s school in the
ville colleges, and the meet promises to
be interesting. It is the biggest college Scroggin district closed last Friday,
May 17th
event of the year.
The infant son of Prof. C. C. Linden
The Tillamook and Nehalem region is
going to lie a great country in a abort has been quite sick the past week, but is
time. The Southern Pacific people are improving.
Mr. E. Sims of Highland Eden says
going to build a railroad in from Sheri­
dan, the Northern Pacific is about to his strawberry crop will begin to ripen
build one from Scappoose, and Portland about the iotli of June.
influences are at work to have an inde­
There will be a picnic at Ballston on
pendent line
All this will result in Saturday, May 25th. also one at Buel's
development of the lumber and coal in­ chapel, so take your choice.
terests of the Nehalem valleys and the
Miss Ethel Graves and Mrs, Laura
oil fields of the Tillamook coast region, Sawyer drove over to McMinnville Tues­
and will make that part of Oregon's day, and spent the day.
coast line the richest and most indus­
Mrs. T. J. Scroggin and Mrs. G.
trious section of the Pacific country.
Epperlv, left Tuesday morning for a
Nature has placed its treasures there in
brief visit with Portland friends.
rich abundance and the building of com­
A meeting of our citizens was called
peting railroads into it will do the rest
on Monday night, and it was decided
that Shendan would celebrate the com­
The usual summer force of forest rang­
ing fourth of July.
ers to protect the forest reserves of < tregon
Rev. G. W. Grannis of Salem, will de­
and Washington will be taken on the
the Memorial sermon in the Metho­
payroll about June 1st, as in seasons
past, and will be retained through the 1 dist church, Sunday May 26th. Come
dry summer months.
The force this every one and hear a good speaker.
M r. and Mrs. W. H Young, of Mc­
year will be about the same size as that
which was employed last summer, and Minnville, came in on Saturday night’s
in making the appointments due prefer­ train and visited over Sunday with the
ence will be given to those who were em­ family of their daughter, Mrs. R. L.
ployed as rangers during past seasons, Bewley.
provided their service was satisfactory
Mrs. Daisy Smith who had been a
There will be from forty-five to fifty I guest of Mrs. F. B Churchman for two
rangers in both Oregon and Washington weeks, was called to her home tn Port
Inasmuch as this force was competent to land last Friday, by telephone, on ac-
propetly guard the forest against fires count of sickness in her family.
and depredations a year ago, there is
now 00 apparent necessity for making
A *• *"*’
,re prepar-
any increase tn numbers.
I tug a program for Decoration day. In
General Merchandise
We have to offer our
customers good
prices in the follow-
ing lines:
Rubber Goods
Winter Wear
Wait a little and see our offers on Summer Goods.
Best Prices for Fann Produce.
W. A. HOWE, Carlton.
Most Complete Store in the Valley.
M rs - H A S wanson , C arlton , O r .
Ladies’, Misses and Children’s Goods.
Wait and see our new Spring and Summer Styles.
M rs - H. A.S wanson , C arlton .
the forenoon they will march to the1 CAPITAI. «I H1IH MHIJtAL, »A-
l.l:vt HRF.GAS.
cemetery, headed by the band. After
rendering appropriate exercises there, | Two terms of six weeks each
they will proceed to decorate the graves. | term opens May 6th; second term opens
July ist.
In the afternoon, weather permitting, a
Classes will be formed in all branches
program will be rendered at the city j required for state and county papers.
Excellent instructors. Tuition $5 per
term. Address
Take Metlee. Indian War Veterans!
Capital Business College, Salem, Or.
The annual meeting of Hembree Camp
I No. 3 Indian War Veterans will be held
The officers of South Yamhill ceme­
at the opera house, McMinnville, nt
10:30 a. tn. on Friday, June 7th 190t. tery request all concerned to meet st
All Indian War Veterans are urged to lie I cemetery grounds Tuesday, May 28th,
I present.
L kk L aughlin , Capt. 1 to prepare for decoration.