The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, May 24, 1901, Image 4

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    Yamhill County
l>. I. ASHUHV, Editor & I’ropr.
J.ta. EIK’ItN, Asawetute Editor.
Subscription $1.00 Per Year.
It is an encouraging outlook when
such a panic in stocks as has recent­
ly been witnessed in New York has
not in the least interfered with the
business interests of the country.
Bradst reet's Weekly Review of Trade
says: “One looks in vain at this
writing for any evidence that the
general business of the country has
been in any way interfered with by
the severest full in prices in the his
toryof the New York stock exchange.
A very general conclusion reached
is that the crisis is purely a ‘stock
panic,’ not involving or connected
with the general industries of the
country in any wav. There will not,
in fact, be a bushel of wheat or a ton
of coal less in the country as a result
of this convulsion. Speculation in
grain and other staples has, how­
ever been checked by the concentra­
tion of interest upon the stock mar­
General trade advices this
week are, in the main rather more
favorable than those of last week,
mainly because of the improvement
in crop prospects due to seasonable
rains following planting.”
Oi Mountains and Glaciers, and
Boiling Springs.
In a letter written to his family fretn
Fort Wrangel, Alaska, dated May 14th.
V. V R. Snyder says, concerning his
Reading notices in local cohiinnw 10 cents per
trip, in part:
line for first week ami •> cents per line thereafter.
“One who has never traveled by water
Display advertisement«. annual rates, one inch
I>«r month fl; each additional inch 50 cents jm r
from Seattle to this place cannot con
Obituary ami marriage notices not exceeding
cieve of the magnitude and grandeur of
10 lines published free, if furnished in time to
the trip Aside from about loo miles
be current now m . Additional matter 10 cent« per
on the route one is simply on an inland
sea, running between islands, at limes
the channel widening out to ten or twelve
FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1901.
miles and then narrowing down till you
can almost throw a stone across it. On
Kansas has just discovered that
either side, all the way up, side chan­
Carrie Nation is crazy. The reason
The dial of the punch­
nels leave the main channel, and if it
ing machine won’t
the discovery was not made before
were not that a competent pilot is aboard answer that question.
is that Carrie did not act very much
any vessel could easily become bewil­ Strength depends on
different from some Other Kansas
dered and its passengers get out and nutrition. When the
stomach and other organs of digestion
' eat with the bears.” And the scenery and nutrition are diseased, the body fails
is just simply grand.
Little islands to receive its full supply of nourishment
stand out by themselves, covered with and hence grows weak. That is why no
They strike oil in Texas and gold
foliage, bearing all the colors of the rain­ man is stronger than his stomach.
in Georgia about once a day on an
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
bow’. I have often thought that artists cures diseases of the stomach and the
average. This shows that the new
allied organs of digestion and nutrition.
south is “catching on.” That kind
overcome anything that nature could The fooa eaten is then perfectly digested
of advertisement is not charged up
produce. But since making this trip I and assimilated and the body is made
strong in the only possible way—by nu­
at so much per.
have become undeceived and can now trition.
On Memorial Day it has been the state that an artist cannot use more col­ " I was troubled with indigestion tor about two
The shipyards of the country have annual custom to remember the de­ ors than may be seen on either side of a iears,” writes Wm Bowker. Esq., of Juliaetta.
,atah Co., Idaho. « I tried different doctors and
combined with a capital of $65,001»,- parted ones restingin earthly graves person in coming north. Almost all the remedies
but to no avail, until I wrote to you
you told me what to do. I suffered with a
000. The Union iron works of San- with appropriate exercises and floral way up the water was as smooth as glass and
Sain in my stomach and left side and thought
lat it would kill me. Now I am glad to write
Francisco and six large eastern com­ emblems. Last year a plan formed except at a couple of stretches where this
and let you know that I am all right I can
panies are in the deal.
Now is a some time ago in California was in­ old ocean got action on narrow strips, do my work now without pain and I don’t have
that tired feeling that I used to have. Five bot­
good time for the government to stituted in many of the coast towns and at these points, if a man had par­ tles of Dr Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
two vials of his ' Pleasant Pellets ’ cured
stop all talk of subsidies to ship­ of that state. It was the beautiful taken of too hearty a meal, he “fed the and
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets stimulate
form of paying tribute to the sailors just when to put in an appearance for a
the liver.
and soldiers whose unknown graves good square meal. But I retained my
It is explained that the reason the are in the mighty sea. The schools
“equilibrium” and was ready to go to
British are losing so much ocean took active interest and bands of the table every time the gong sounded.
carrying business is that they are children marched to bluff or wharf or We were a trifle less than three days young man!” Wrangel, yojt know, is
situated on Wrangel island seven miles
slow; they hold fast to old methods water's edge and cast their flowers from Seattle to Wrangel.
from the mouth of the Stikeen river. A
and are opposed to new ones. Owing on the waters. It is now proposed
“ As to Wrangel: By the last census it few years ago there was a great rush for
to the objection of dock laborers in to make the idea a national custom, is given a population of 800. It is nes­ mines on that river and many rich veins
England to labor saving devices, it and it is hoped the appeal to high tled in a little nook in the mountains have been discovered. The people of
costs three times as much to handle government officers and other influ­ where several prongs of the bay come this section still claim that prospects
freight in British ports as it does in ential persons to become interested together, and its surroundings are not are good for rich strikes and many par­
so wild but altogether different from
American ports.
will bear fruit.
Admiral Sampson what I had pictured it in my mind. In­ ties will soon leave for the head of the
writes of the plan:
“It certainly stead of being built on a level tundry stream for the purpose of making further
Those who imagine that marrying merits hearty approval at a time belt, its site gradually slopes back from investigation and believe they will strike
a man with money ends all financial when monuments are being erected the water’s edge for three or four hun­ it. There sre said to be many novelties
along the Stikeen river, not only in the
troubles have a warning in the case to unknown and unnamed dead bur­ dred yards, when it bucks right up way of scenery, but otherwise. At one
of Prince Henry of Mecklenburg, ied on our battlefields, and it seems against a steep mountain side. Look point, forty miles from here, is a spring
who married Queen Wilhelmina for especially fitting that some one whichever way you may and you see from which the water gushes so hot that
her money. The scenes between the should remember the unknown and snow; but it is not cold, in fact the peo­ one cannot hold his hand in it, while
two have been very stormy ever unnamed of the dead of the navy ple here say it never gets cold to speak just across the river opposite a glacier of
since the marriage and at times have whose resting place will have no of, being so thoroughly sheltered from solid ice towers hundreds of feet high.
become violent. The queen is rich monument and whose sacrifices must the winds from all directions. But it When the river is high enough to sub­
but refuses to pay a single one of be remembered by grateful and pat­ rains pretty easily here; we had a “gen­ merge the hot spring, the water is said
tle shower" last night, just like Webfoot to be the right temperature for comfort­
her husband's debts, and in this she riotic. citizens.”
for all the world. Hence in that respect able bathing, even though a few
----- ♦ --------
is upheld by her mother. Even the
I am at home.
Considerable business
There has been a chilliness in the is transacted at this point. There is a ments before it has run between
husband of a queen has his troubles.
cliffs. The people here believe
atmosphere at night lately that sug­ large sawmill here running a large force country has a great future before it
In passing upon the verdict of a gests a lingering touch of winter and of men; seven salmon canneries operate
cause of its richness in mineral,
jury in a murder case the Washing the fact has become apparent, espe­ within a few miles and most of them
swarms of fish in its waters and its mil­
ton state supreme court lately re cially to farmers and fruit growers, get their supplies here. Two fine docks lions of acres of fine timber; and from
fused a reversal asked for because that this part of the country is ex­ are built here and steamers are coming what I have seen so far I am led to be­
one of the jurors had admitted read periencing an unusually late spring. in here almost daily. Three were here lieve that they are right in their belief.”
ing an account of the case in the Mr. Beals, of the weather bureau, last night and the town was full of peo­
newspapers. The idea that a man gives a scientific explanation of the ple. Two good stores, a restaurant,
most and the best for your money.
In the 4»
must be an ignoramus or a hermit causes that have produced this pro­ lodging house, a boarding home or two, of republicanism Yamhill county ven­
tures to boast of a man the counterpart
little 4»
in order to possess the necessary tracted coolness, from which the
Mr. H.
several saloons make up the town’s of shorn cannot be produced.
opera house grocery goes right along.
Our 4»
qualifications of a juror is plainly in­ average person, who does not make business circle. Wrangel has two schools P. Webster, a respected citizen of this
dicated bv the questions list'd in test a special study of the subject can —one public and the other run by the county, a man who hore a musket in de­
Sugar, Coffee, Flour and fruits are down to 4»
ing the fitness of the panel in an im­ draw but one conclusion. The trou­ government. But they teach no ad­ fense of bis country’s honor during the
bottom prices this mouth. Come and see.
portant case, but. the ruling of the ble is due to the inconstancy of the vanced grades and both of them are at­ civil war, will be 73 years of age next Sep­
supreme court is encouraging as it sun. Juliet cited the moon as an ex­ tended by Indians. This, I consider the tember. lie cast his first vote after at­
takes a common sense view of the ample of inconstancy when Romeo worst drawback to the place. There is a taining bis majority for Fremont and
Dayton, the old free-soil presidential
matter and is an admission that a offered to swear by that orb. but Presbyterian church here, but at present candidates. The free-snilers were merged
man may know something and yet there is nothing so inconstant as the the pastor is away and no services are into the republican party of today, and
during all the. e yesri Mr. Web-ter has
do jury duty.
sun in its influence upon the weath­ “Wrangel is not made up of Indians, as never missed voting at an election, nor
------ »•«------
er. The character of a season de­ 1 presumed it was I have met many east, a vote (or a candidate other tin n
There is now and then a pathetic
of the party ot his choice, the re­
pends on the distribution of atmos­ citizens this morning and all are of the those
Demoi-rats boast of their
story told over the wires stories
pheric pressure.
But just what highest type of American citizenship, stating qualities, but we lielieve the re­
which cause one to ponder, if not to
causes a high pressure to be main­ civilization and culture, so in that re­ publicans will have to make long and
pause. There was a little story
tirelee« search to beat Yamhill s record
tained in some places and low in spect I was very badly deceived. 1 have for
part}• fealty.
went out from New York the other
others cannot be put in black and
day—a story woven from the warp
white. High pressure is a con­ they are not here very much in the sum­
and woof of happiness, misery and
dition of the atmosphere that forces mer and not very many in the winter.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Sanitary Plumbing of
dispair. The story, briefly stated,
the barometer to ascend, and a low “The custom house is nicely situated
Homes or Offices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop with S. A.
was how Tillie Fink, a nineteen year
on a promintorv overlooking the town
pressure is a more rarefied condition and the bay for miles. The office is in
Manning. Phone Main 41.
old Russian girl came to this country
that causes it to fall. Pressure con­ one room and there are several large
and left behind a lover bold and gav.
trols the winds.
If high pressure rooms down stairs, besides there are sev­ are among the best known
of how she toiled and saved, and fi­
exists along a northern border of a eral rooms up stairs.
of the many dangerous
nally purchased a ticket for him and
country, where the sun has not yet
"There are no horses here; everything wild plants ami shrubs.
sent it across the ocean wild and
To touch or handle them
got in its work on the effects of win is hauled in hand trucks. However, quickly
produces ^J.elling
wideund waited for him to come.
J acob W ortman , Pres.
E d H endricks , Vice Pres.
ter, there will naturally be a move­ there is a calf, a colt and a goat here, and inflammation with in­
Of how he wrote Jier that be had
J ohn W ortman , Cashier.
A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier
tense itching and burning
ment of cold air from that direction. and they are constant companions and of
the skin. The eruption
found another girl—his own true love
The trend of the atmosphere thus far are given the freedom of the streets. But soon disappears, the suf­
—and how he cared no longer for
this spring has been from the north. there is a good dairy here that furnishes ferer hopes forever; but
the one who had slaved and saved
as soon as the little blisters and
The prevailing storms have been the residents the best of milk and butter almost
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
for him. Of how, from her pack's
the year around. Then we have crows, pustules appeared the poison had reached
from the southwest, due to low pres
the blood, and will break out at regulai
sea gulls and songsters that sing as intervals and each time in a more aggra­
scant treasure she hail taken monev
The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885.
sure in low latitudes The world is sweetly as the birds of any section of
Capital and Surplus, (90,000.
and bought a bottle of carbolic acid,
vated form. This poison will loiter in the
waiting for the man who will be able I country.
system for year«, and every atom of it
Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United tw
and how. after two hours of agony
States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The »T
to anticipate the irregularity and in­ “The stores here carry almost every­ must be forced out of the blood before you
in a hospital, she had given up the
accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited.
constancy of the sun in the exercise thing to be found aAvwltere. except can expect a perfect. permanent cure.
ghost and crossed the dark river,
of its power Ho will be able to tell household furniture. As to prices, thev
but not to me t the one who was all
when there will be a protracted are natuatlly a little higher. Flour is
the world to her.
But, after all,
spell of high pressure atmosphere in $t -5 to t .50 per sack; ham. 16c; eggs,
when one has thoroughly digested
2JC; to lbs. lard. $t 25; sugar, to lbs. to,
the storv. and its pathos has tiegun the north ami low pressure in the |t.oo and other things m proportion. is the only cure for Toison Oak, Toison
south, and by the same rule he will
Ivy, ami all noxious plants. It is com­
to fade, there can be but little sym
By the way. you shonld see my cat—a
know whether winter will linger in ! great big grey fellow, and he lays right posed exclusively of roots and herbs. Now
pathv fora II* year old girl, or a 25
is the time to get the poison out of your
the lap of spring or hike out early. , in front ot me on the table, purring as if system. as delay makes your condition
or 30 year old girl who destrovs her I
If. in addition to anticipating these he were at home. So you see this is not worse. Don't experiment longer with
life for a tickle fool.
itevotlon in !
variations in the sun's energy, the entirely out of the world and there is no 1 salves, washes and soaps—they never cure
man or woman is always an admit
Mr s M Marshall, bor-kk-eper of th« Atlanta
n«w prophet can control them he hklihood of one starving. I have seen (Ga 1 Gas U’’bt Co . wes p ivi-i-d with Polson
able trait, but the sentimental kind
He le k Sulphur, Arseni« and rariou<
will be aide to put a belt of low pres almost everything here except dudesand other dm«,
and applied externally nnmereui To introduce our goods we will sell for a short time as follows .
which impels the victim of misplaced
t salves with no beneSt At times the
Beet boiled linseed oil. per gallon ...................
sure around the equator, a band of kodak fiend«. The former could not ex- I swelling an and
inflam mi lion wo no ew-e hesv
devotion to take cartxdic acid or
second grade linseed oil
“ .
blind For eight years the p mm woald
high pressure around the upper ist here and the latter would certainly I llr.w
break out every sea«, n its condition was much
rough on rats, is not the genuine de­
edge of the north temperate »oce and
Pioneer white lead
“ .
. 8 23
b-ellee cleared hx Hood of the p-narn and
votion so divinely portrayed.
far north
And speaking of directions, a all few
give you !»!» degrees in the shade In j
. 6 20
do vou know that 1 am over 700 miles
course, if Tillie was weeping over
Princess metallic (and all other metallic« per cwt
People are often poisoned without
2 2Ó
It will be to your interest to call and see us before buying.
west of you- about as far west as north? I knowing when or how Explain vour case
the money she had squandered
Well, that's what I am, strange as it fully to our physicians, and they will
I or Bole.
well, that was different. But to die
Choice milk cow, dur to calve. An ! may appear The route traveled from cheerfully give such information and ad­
‘because an ordinary plug ugly had1
vice a« you require, without charge, and I
good milk and butter cow— seldom Seattle is northwesterly all the wav. So I we will acud at the s.ime time an interest­
jilted her, exhibited a pitiable degree extra
such l >r sale. No fault C D. N airn ,
you see many men are still carrying out ! ing tsxik on Blood and Skin Diseases
Sheridan farm near Ballston. <>r.
of weakness.
Old Postoffice Building. Third Street.
Horace Greejy'a injunction to “Go west. t
Commencing' May 18th we will in*
aug’iirate the greatest
Cut Price Sale
Ever held in Yamhill County. We
will do just what we say. We will
otter our entire stock of Clothing'at
20 per cent discount.
In this sale will be included near­
ly every line in the store.
Every Ladies’ Trimmed Hat
(Dust Go!
See our windows Saturday for Prices.
I You Are Interested
L. E. Walker.
Plumbing and Tinning
Boiler & Steam Engine
Repai ri ng^==2>-
Poison Oakl
Poison Ivy
The First National Bank
O Nature's Aatlttc
VOONature's Palsais.
Sherwin-Williams' Mixed Paints!
*^=Best Prepared Paint on Earth.- >