VOL. XXXI. Entered atthe Postofficein McMinnville, as Second-class matter. M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, MAY 17,1901. Commencing Saturday, May 18 and Closing Saturday, June 8th. One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbersflve cents. NO. 22. The Greatest Bargain=Giving Ever Known in the very heart of the Trading Season. CHICAGO STORE Nineteen Days' Bargain Carnival Beginning Saturday, Hay i8th, we shall inaugurate one of the greatest Unloading Sales ever known in Yamhill County, in the very heart of the Trading Season. We Give you Values Below JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE PRICES HATS TUMBLE SHOES TUM BLE All $1.50 Hats ..................................................... 98c AU$200 Hats.............................................. fr.59 AU$250 Hats ... $i"9 All $joo Hats..................................................$1.98 AH $3 5° Hats.................................................. $2.39 Men’s $175 Satin Calf................................ $1.09 Men's $2.50 Colt Skin ........ $159 Men's $3 co Shoes.......................................... $1.98 Men's $3 50 Shoes ... .............................. $2.14 Men’s $4.00 Shoes ........ .................. $2 98 Ladies’ $t 50 Shoes ...................... . $1.19 Ladies' $2.00 Shoes ................ ................$1.48 Ladies’ $2.50 Shoes.......... ...................... $189 Ladies’ $3 50 Shoes .... ........ .......... $2.39 Best Print light and dark ........................ 4Lic Best Indigo Blue Print.................... 4XC 13 lie yard wide percales best goods .. 8Jj'c Good Double Void Percale . .............................. 5c 550 Shirt Waists the 75c kind ....................... 39c 10 and 12 Ji cent Demities.................. 8*rjc 35c Foulard....................................................... 23c 35c Mercerized Lenos for waists...................... 23c Great unloading of Dress Goods lot one worth up to 50c, choice............................................. 25c Lot 2 worth up to 90c, choice............................ 43c Fine Wool Albatros, all colors, 38 in. wide..43c 100 Boys Suits worth $2.50, choice $1.48 150 Boys Suits worth $3.50, choice . $2.29 85 Boys Suits worth $5 00, choice............... $3-19 Boys Banner Waists the 50c grade............... 39c Boys 35c Waists..................................................... 19c Plaid Crash Skirting worth l63yc, choice 10c All 50c Work Shirts................ 39c All 65c Work Shirts ......................................... 48c All 75c work Shirts.......... . .............. 59c All $1.00 Work Shirts .. ........................ 79c Best 9 Oz Blue Overalls, all sizes................... 39c Boss of the Road Black Bib Overalls . 39c Monarch & Standard Fancy $1.25 Shirts. . 79c Best unlaundried White Shirts pure linen fronts................................................................... 39c Parasols, 33JÌ per cent off....................................... Umbrellas, 25 per cent off....................................... Best L L Muslin ............................................... 4%c * JEWELRY DOWN All 25c articles .................................................. 18c All 50c articles . 38c All 75c articles.................. 58c All $1.00 articles.................... 69c Best French Flannel Waistingsthe 75c sort..50c 36 inch Imported Covert Cloth, 20c value .14c All oo and $r.25 Boys Wash Suits choice .65c 25c grade Crash Hats ...................................... 19c 50c grade Crash Hats................ 39c 75c grade Crash Hats .................................. 59c $t.oo grade Crash Hats ................ 79c Lace Curtains $2 00 grade . . ........................ $150 Lace Curtains $2.50 grade ........................ $189 Lace Curtains $3.00 grade.......................... $2 15 Lonsdale and Fruit Loom Muslin .......... 7?jc Full 40 inch wool Albatross all colors.. . .43c Such reductions in the very heart of the season are unusual. Gents’ fine fancy imported Socks........ .21c 50 Ladies' $1.25 Petticoats...............................79c 20 doz. Gents’ Golf Shirts, 75c and $1 kind..48 c Heavy 25c Cottonades 12c Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear .39c Chiffon Pompadour Collarettes 1, off.......... Fine Colored Dress Swiss . . ... .19c Heavy Black and Blue Twill Shirting . 10c All $ 1 50 Sweaters.................................. ¡ft 00 All $2.00 Sweaters............................. $150 All $3.00 Sweaters....................... ..$>13 Men's fine Suspenders .................................. 19c 75c Suspenders................................................... 39c Fine 10-4 Cotton Blankets.......................... 69c You can’t afford to overlook this sale. It means a saving of one- third on all your purchases. Highest market price paid for eggs. MEN’S PANTS $1.50 grade...................... ........................... $2.00 grade...................... 7 .............. $2.50 grade ..................................................... $3.00 grade .............. f3- 50 grade...................................................... $1.00 $1 .39 $1.64 $2.00 $2.14 Men's seamless Cotton Socks . .. 4c Mens’ 75c Balbriggan Underwear, choice 45c cents. Table Linen and Napkins I4 off Jackets, Capes ami Tailor made suits I', off 'A per cent off on Ladies’ Dress Skirts .... On account of the extremely low prices which are made throughout our house the terms must be strict­ ly cash. Do not ask for credit, as it will be impossible to grant it. Men’s and Boys’ Heavy Sweaters.................. 39c Best Domestic Gingham .................................... 5c ioc German Calico............................................ 7 \*c 12c German Calico ................. 9c Fine Summer Corsets ................................... 39c Men’s Gloves 25 per cent off.................................. Boys’ 25c and 35c Knee Pants......................... 19c Boys’ 50c Knee Pants.........................................39c Boys’65c and 75c Knee Pants.. . ..48c Best Turkey Red Table Linen ....................... 39c Best Table Oil Cloth.......................... 15c Men's $1.00 laundried Fancy Shirt, choice .59c Men's Black and Fancy Socks ..................... 7c Boys’ 25c Hose ..................................................... 15c Children’s ami Boys' Shoes X off........................ Hundreds of .articles throughout the store reduced from 25 to 33*^ per cent. DRESS SILKS REDUCED Amoskeag Teasel Downs................................. 8J,c 75c Foulard Silks ..............................................50c 150 pcs wide fancy Ribbons worth 35 and 40 cents, choice....................................................... 19c All 75 and 50 cent Gent Neckwear........... 39c All 25c Neckwear ...................... •. 19c Gents’ 15c Linen Collars................................... tic Gents' 20c Linen Collars... ............ 14c Celluloid Collars................................................. 7c Ladies’ 50c Hose................................. 39c Ladies’ 35c Hose ............................................... 23c Ladies’ 25c Hose................................................. 19c Ladies’ toe Hose .......................... 7c Ladies’ Summer Underwear 8, 15, 16 and 21 Ladies’ and Misses’ Sunbonuets ...................17c If you want to buy your fall under­ wear now we can save you A Monster Stock in all departments. All the new productions for Spring at Clearance Sale Prices. We’ve got to raise money. We’re forced to reduce our stock in order to make needed improvements in our store for fall. Iii times like these when niouey is scarce you need to make your dollars go as far as possible. Io this great Unloading Sale you can make a dollar do the work of two. Every department feels the shock. Hundreds of articles not enumerated in this list will be placarded. There’ll be a scramble such as McMinnville has never seen before. Come while the stock is complete. You’ll regret It if you don’t. CHICAGO STORE, McMinnville, Oregon. r