NOVELTY Wasted Advice. BICYCLE. Here*. a Machine for the Very tied Riders» No other article used in the domestic economy of the household has so many enthusiastic friends among the house­ keepers of America. No other article of food has received such emphatic commendation for purity and wholesomeness from the most em­ inent authorities. The great popularity and general use of the Royal Baking Powder attest its superiority. The “ Royal Baker and Pastry Cook "—containing over Soo most practical and valuable cooking re­ ceipts—free to every patron. Send postal card with your full address. Avoid the imitation powders. They are sold cheap because they are made from alum. But alum is a poison dangerous to use in food ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. Give him Time. Chinese Era. “You haven’t explained how you came to have Mr. Smith's chickens in your possession,’ said the judge. “I’m trying to think, your honor, ” replied the accused. “Give me time.” “Very well,” replied the judge blandly. “Six months. ” The “Chinese era” begins B. C. 2697, with the accession of the Em­ peror Yao, who first devised a calen­ dar for the Chinese dividing the yeai into 365 days with an extra day every fourth year. So many bicycle riders maintain the uudiguitied position of “scorchers” when riding tor pleasure that it has oc­ curred to John C. Hehr, of Brooklyn, N. Y., to design a bicycle which will not permit a cycler to attain any other Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine In Very Strange. than an erect posture. Perhaps those a tasteless form. No cure. No Fay. Frice 50c. riders who care more for grace aud dig­ Brooks—Harduppe says he look a Scientific Penetration. nity than for speed may be induced to stranger for you yesterday. "Professor, how did you come to try this naw machine, but it is safe to Rivers—That's funny. Now today pro|>ose to me in the face of my con- 1 say that rhe ordinary wheelman will he took me for a stranger. prefer the regular makes Instead of tinned indifference?” “How’s that?” trying experiments with an innovation [ “I proceeded on the general propo- “He wanted to borrow $10 from i sit ion that whatever a woman seems of this class. In this new vehicle me. ’ ’ there is no chain for connecting the to be she isn’t. ” Aristocracy. sprocket wheels, but the power is “And Bhe is reckoned one of the aristocracy in Kentucky?” “Oh, decidedly! Her family fueds with the best people there.” BLOOD WAS THIN PATIENT TREATED FOR HEART D.SEASE AND CONSUMPTION. i One Good Thing. The Source. “As for the clergy, they're a pretty­ poor lot, ” said a grumbling layman. “Yes,” returned the bishop, "some of them are poor indeed. But con­ sider the stock from which they come! j You see we have to make them out ' of laymen.” Take Garfield Tea for constipa­ tion; it has this to recommend it; it is made from health-giving herbs and it surely cures. “He has built what he calls a Queen Ann villa, but it strikes me as being a tawdry imitation, merely.” “Extremely, tawdry! Why, the roof doesn’t leak, even.” Slop» tho Cough and Work, Off tho Cold. Laxative Hromo-Qulnine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, No Fay. Frice 25 cents. Work on Longfellow Memorial. The fund for a statue for Longfel­ low park, in Cambridge, has reached $816.44, and work will be begun on the meomrial early in the spring. “There is one good thing about this classical music, ” remarked Mr. Meddergrass. “You can start or stop anywhere you want to without spoil­ ing the sense of the music.” ABSOLUTE Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth­ ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children during the teething period. The Irony of Fate. There is the "irony of fate” in the fact that Rear Admiral Cervera got his promotion to be vice admiral in j advance cf either Sampson or Schley, whose ships destroyed his fleet. Vary ansali and as easy to take as sugar. CARTERS FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR NEABACNL DIZZHIESS. BILIOUSNESS. TORPID LIVER. CONSTIPATION. SALLOW SKIR. TME COMPLEXION accompanied by mucous patches in the mouth, enip. tions on the skin, sore throat, copper colored splotches, Allt •'T°l,en glands, aching muscles CURE SICK HEADACHE. IHII and bones, the disease is making v rapid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood is Beyond His Limit. promptly and effectually cleansed of this "Do you ever have moments, Mr. violent destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible Spoodlekins, when it seems as if you cure for this disease, the only antidote couldn’t think of anything?” for this specific poison. It cures the “Why, I nevah thought of that. worst cases thoroughly and permanently. I—I wondah if I do?” When the Hair, fans Mf CHdiflM CMM I contracted BI och ? IlVt RCCI Nt WtTSC. thr^doctorCbm ■ail Vila IW Wflit. their treatment did me no rood ; I was retting worse all the time ; my hair came out, ulcers appeared in my . throat and mouth, my body was almost covered I with copper colored splotches and offensive ■ores. I suffered severely from rheumatic pain« I In my shoulders and arms. My condition could have been no worse ; only those afflicted as I was can understand my sufferings. I had about lost all hope of ever being well again when I decided to try S. S. S.. but must confess I had little faith left in any medicine. After taking the third bottle I noticed n change in my condi­ tion. This was truly en­ couraging. and I deter­ mined to give S. S. S. a thorough trial. From that time on the improve­ ment was rapid ; S. S. S. seemed to have the dis- ’ ease completely under control . the sores and sleets healed and I was soon free from all signs of the disorder ; I have been strona and healthy ever since. L- W. S mith , Lock Box 611, Noblesville, Ind. Active man by large manufacturing house; |:)6.(K)in cash paid for 12 days trial: promotion and permanent position if satisfactory. Ad­ dress G. B. P. Co., 723 Chestnut St., Philada. Dangerous Business. Tourist—Why don’t you offer a reward for the desperadoes who robbed the bank here last week? Sheriff — Why, if they thought there was any money in the county treasury, they would come back and rob that too. Simplicity, strength .nd purity combined in Garfield Tea, the herb medicine that cures consti­ pation and liver troubles. Then Me Swore Off. He (producing cigarette case)—Do you object to cigarettes? She—Not at all. I don't blame the cigarettes—I only object to people is the only purely vege- who smoke them. table blood pun her known, f I, ooo is offered for proof that it contains a particle of tnercuqr. potash or other mineral poison. Tbi. aitnature ia oo every box of th. «on u foe Send for our free book on Blood Poison; Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabi«. it contains valuable information about th. ramadr that carea ■ rold la ono May this disease, with full directions for self treatment' We charge nothing for medi- Shopping. cal advice; cure yourself at home. Shopmarf — This matches your sam­ THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, NA. ple perfectly, madame. Customer—It certainly does. It couldn’t be closer. Shopman—How many yards do you wish? Customer—-Oh, not any, yet! You see, this is the first shop I have tried. But the Diagnosis Wai Wrong—When the Blood Wat Enrlchend the Symptoms Disappe: rd. From Presbyterian J urnal, Phila , ,Pa. transmitted to the driving wheel by means of a train of gears contained in the casing surrounding the crank axle. The steering is accomplished by means of a rack aud pinion attached to the handle bar and steering post respective­ ly, a turn of the handle bar a short dis­ tance in either direction rotating the post and pulling the steering wheel around by actuating the two rods which lead from the post to the steer- ing head. The handle bar also serves as a rest-for the back, and in ease of an accident the rider would he thrown clear of the wheel, as there Is nothing to obstruct his legs or body. The ma­ chine is also made in tricycle form, with a short shaft supporting two small wheels nt the rear of the steering and driving wheel. HIS SUN HAS SET. I do not believe Piso’s Cure for Con- The Rev. John J. Jo.per of “San Do i sumption has an equal for coughs ami TO Cl’RE A COLD IN ONE DAT Move" Fame 1» Nj More. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All colds,— J ohn F. B oyer , Trinity Springs. The Rev. John Jasper, the negro pas­ Irurgists refund the money if it fail! to cure. Ind., Feb. 15. 1800. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Not to be Uitu.ged. A Realist tor of the Sixth Mt. Zion Baptist Church, of Richmond, Va., whose fa­ mous sermon on the planets has been heard by thousands of per­ sons. died at bls humble home there recently. He posses sed much native dig­ nity and no one kkv . jAsp. it. "ho knew him doubted his faith in the Bible and in his dictum that “the sun do move.” lie was nearly ninety years old, and leaves a widow, who was his third wife. The Rev. John Jacob Jasper was known the world over by his declara­ tion that “The sun do move.” This one sentence he has persistently used in his sermons for fifteen years. For sixty-two years he had preached from the pulpit. He was a slave when h^ first propounded the gospel. In the sermon which made him famous lie de­ clared: "The eartli is square and Im­ movable. The sun rises In the east and moves toward the west, and there sets. The world is flat. Is anybody going to say that the sun was standing still before Josher told it to stand still? Do you thing Josher would have asked the privilege to stop the sun if she had not been moving? This morning when the sun rose it was over there,” he said, pointing to the East. “How could the sun get from that side of the house over to this (jiointing toward the Westi, unless It moved? The man who says the sun does not move, does not read the Bible.” The Bev. Jasper was born in Fluvanna County, Va., July 4, 1812. He was six feet two inches tall, and was remarkably well built. All his knowledge was self-acquired. He lectured throughout the country, and once he received an urgent request from Henry Ward Beecher to lecture in Plymouth Church, and at other times received pressing invitations to preach in the large churches of Europe. The Barmaid Question. Yale's Athletic Tax. Yale students are to be taxed apiece for athletics. : j j < 1 A Deep Cutter. “I was out in a revenue cutter, last I night,” remarked Dukane to Gaswell. “I thought you went sleigh rid­ ing’” “Well, it made quite a cut in my revenue. ” It was recently stated that England’s nrinv and navy is inadequate to properly defend herself from a sudden onslaught. England is, in this instance, like the indi­ vidual * h<> allows disease to creep into hi* system through a stomach too weak to properly digest the food taken into it. To strengthen the stomach there is nothing belter than Hostetter's Stomach hitters. it cures dyspepsia, constipation, inuiges- tion. liver and kidney trouble, and as a tonic is iticoinparanle'. Very Disastrous. She—Were you ever in a railroad disaster? He—Ye«, I once kissed the wrong girl in a tunnel. SUMMER ___ is best time to cure Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption. Our remedy is guaranteed, |1. P. O. Box »73. W. H. SMITH I CO., Buffalo, H. I. KEEP YOUR SADDLE. DRY! / ,, THE ORIGINAL^' POMMEL SLICKER BLACK OR YtLLOW 1 PROTECTS BOTH RIDER AND SADDLE Ssyü®®!"« HABPtïf STORrt loo» roas»0 CATAL0ÛUB3 FREE * 5MOWINÖ TULL LINE Of GARMENTS AND HATS A.J.TOWER CO.. BOSTON.MASS. ». irœMJ PEINSIOIN || BICKFORD, Washington, D. C.. they will re« ■ I ceive quick replies. B. Ath N. H. Vols. Stall 20th Corps. Prosecuting claim# since 1273. Ao. 18- 1IO1. M. P. N. Ü. HEN writing to advertisers please mention this paper. W Machinery, Implements, Farm Supplies, Etc. Mitchell Bicycles ADVANCE THRESHER CO. — Agents Wanted. Send for Catalogue. Well Meaning, But— Puffer—For goodness’sake! What’s happened to my meerschaum pipe? Mrs. Puffer—Why, dear, I noticed it was getting awfully brown and dis­ colored, so I put a coat of that white enamel paint on it.. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Easy to buy. easy to take, easy in action, easy ! in results—( ascarets Candy Cathartic, ideal liver regulator and intestinul tonic. All drug­ gists, 10c, 25c, 50c. Didn't Need One. “Clara, an indoor flying machine has been invented.” “Well, you needn’t get one, Clar­ ence. You break enough brie a brae now.” hows Tins; '.,’e offer One Hundred Doi for« Reward for any ease of Catarrh that ean not be cured by Hatl'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Prop«., Toledo, O. We tho under«iirned. have known F. J. Cheney for the past 15 vears. and Itelieve him perfectly houo-abl in all busln ss transactions and fin­ ancial1 - able to carry out any obligations made by t.ielr firm. War A T bvax . Wholesale DruuRists, Toledo,I W xldino , N issan A M acvis , Wnolesale Drug lets, Toledo O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is t ken n' rnally. acting 'Irec ly on tbu blood and m cons surfaces of the syst m. Frl e 78c per bo lie. Lo.d by all | drug. fats. Testi mo nl Is tree. Hul a Family Pl.) r th leaL BEST FOR THE BOWELS A curious source of wealth is reported by the French consul at Mengtze, in upper Tonkin. It lies in the wood mines. The wood originally was a fine forest, which the earth swallowed In some cataclysm. Some of the trees are a yard In diameter. They lie In a slant­ ing direction and in sandy soils, which cover them to a depth of about elgut yards. The wood furnished by these timlter mines is Imperishable, and the Chinese gladly buy ofBon. is dangerous. The gentlemen, we may take the report as violent .moot best, easiest most uerfect way or keeping the sc wils clear and cisan is to lake read!”—London Chronicle. Timber Mines. Kash—What was the cashier fired for? De Sales—For giving away one of the trade secrets, I Itelieve. Kash—You don’t say? De Sales—Yes; he told one of the customers that the boss was an old block head, and the boss overhead him. “So you let your leading man go?” "If you stay in Washington an­ “I had to,” answered Mr. Storm­ other year," his doctor told him, “He was too realis­ “you will lose your health alto­ ington Barnes. gether." tic in his ideas. ” "I am not here for my health,” | “Interfered with your work on the stage?” coughed Senator Graphter. “Jio not on the stage, in the box The Best Prescription for Malaria office. He wanted real money.” Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove’s Tastelesi Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., PORTLAND. OR. First and Taylor Sts. Branch House, Portland, Oregon. To be Prosperous, Use the “ADVANCE” THRESHER The greatest money-maker. For prices and catalogue see "Advance'' agents, or write Advine« Thre»her Co., Portland, Or. Or write . M. E. and E. T. Hay, Wilbur, Wash. PORTLAND’S FUTURE. R. L. Cate Predicts 190,000 Popula­ tion and Says All Eyes Are Pointed This Way. Portland is growing faster today than at any time in its past history, and will have a popu­ lation of not less than 150,000 in 1905. I am offering business and residence property today at prices that will pay 50 per cent net in 5 One or two horse: sizes 8, 9, 10 and 12. Call on McCormick agent, or address years. Call on or address A. H. BOYLAN, Gen. Agt., Portland, Or. R. L. CATE, For Catalogue and Prices. General Agent of the Hawthorne Estate. 'Phone Oak 1006. 319 Chamber of Commerce. POULTRY JOHN POOLB, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrison Street, Can give you Buggies, Plows. Windmills and Machinery. See the l>e8t bargains in Boilers and Engines, Pumps and General us before buying. NETTING. Buy from the manufacturer. Price in full rolls 2 feet wide, l <0 feet long. ...........................|l.M 8 *• •• m •• •• ............................... ¿.47 4 M 5 — • ** - «« - * «< - “ t« m - «« ........................... 3.30 .................... 4.» All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 149 Front St., Portlaud, Oregon. NEW LIFE TO OLD FENCES! Long Life to New Ones. How? By Using Our Anchor Clamps and Uprights. T h « O ld Fixe«. T he A nchob F bnci . Great Combination of strength and Beauty. “T hi T tb T h < t B imd «.” See Our Anchor Clamp You would be surprised It you knew how little it would cost you to fix up that old fence. Better send for some Anchor < lamps and Uprights, and a pair of our pinchers, and make your o’d wine fence look like a new one. ANCHOR PENCK looks so nice and is so strong that farmers sometimes think that it must be high priced. It isn't, though. CANDY CATHARTIC C law Biroa« Unxa. ~Pleasent. Palatable. Potent. Taste Gpod Do Good« Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. lOe. 60c Write for free sample, and booklet on bealtn. Address SUr11«< lm»d?(w^«f, Otea«*, New f«rk. RRSa Factory, Battle Creek, Michigan. Cattle, Sheep and Hog Tight. It Nivea Sure alter cltxln. FARM, RAILROAD AND LAWN FENCE. Write for Prices and Catalogue. The Portland Anchor Fence Co. Agents Wanted in Every Town. 7,1 Nicoki St.. PORTLAND, Oregon. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Chas. L. Mastick & Co. ” IATHFS M4cni'ts*5lppllts Il I I 3 foi»!» CO CASH BUYER8 OF HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW. Consignments solicited. Pay highest market price. PROMPT RETURNS, Dealers in leather and Finding«. Refer to Well«, Fargo