A Philanthropist# FORTUNE SMILED ON "Mr. Bigglcson is quite a philan­ THIS MONTANA GIRL. thropist, isn’t he?” “Yes. He always draws up the subscription papers other people are asked to sign. ” Demand for More Hatt lrahlp«. When the Secretary of the Naw recently demanded more battleship*, Congress con­ sidered his recommendations favorably, and authorized the construction of several powerful warships. Protection is what our seaports require, and fort it cations will not adequately supply this. Defense against all disorders ot the tligesive organs, such as dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, rheumatism and nervousness, is adequate­ ly afforded bv that efficient remedy, Hos­ tetler’s Stomach Bitters. Trv it. With Most People. Your guide and guard is the famous Oregon f lood Purifier, tested and true. William Andrews Clark, Jr., the fa­ Ute it now. vorite son and namesake of the Sena­ tor from Montana, Is to wed Miss Fos­ Wasted Theifi. ter. She Is a daughter of John W. He—They say the temperature in i Foster, a Montana innkeeper, band- Florida has been about 75 all this some and winsome and the belle of month. Butte. Fortune smiled on Clark. Sr., She—Isn’t that aggrivating? To but turned her back on Foster, both think that they should have tempera­ being pioneer miners In Montana. Miss ture like that there where it’s so warm Foster brings beauty, but no wealth anyway that they really don’t need it. to Hymen's altar, but young Clark has abundance, and will Install his bride Piso’B Cure cannot be too highly spoken 1 ns mistress of a Fifth avenue mansion. of as a cough cure.—J. W. O’B rien , 322 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., jam It is asserted that Senator Clnrk hopes to conquer the New York social world 6, 1900. through his beautiful daughter-in-law Has an Enviable Record. and the palace which is to be her home. Charles Bellamy has been a fireman for 16 years on the Chicago, Burling­ ton & Quincy railroad, and has nevei missed a trip. During that time he has traveled 606,840 miles, and burned 32,501 tons of coal. The Best Prescription for Malaria hills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove’s Tastelesi hill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine io a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. Price 50c S River of Ink. GARFIELD TEA. the medicine that Purifies the bipod and cleansea the ay-stem, brings good health to all who use It. It is made from herbs. Druggists sell it. Where They Went, Of 700 ten dollar marked bills paid on a Saturday night by a Massachu­ setts manufactory to its hands, 400 by the following Tuesday were depos­ ited in the bank by the saloon keep­ er*. CONSTIPATION Left Machinery, Implements, Farm Supplies, Etc. Mitchell Bicycles “LOtr-DflWH CYCLONE” Successful Scientific Egg Sellers. Danish eggs are taking the lead for their good qualities, thanks to the system of co-operation and selection adopted by the producers. Every egg shell supplied carries the name of its I raiser, and as the eggs are all tested, | a bad egg is traced home. Each raiser must supply eggs thrice a week. The central authority can reject an | egg several days old. The eggs are I tested and sorted according to their size by an automatic machine. $26 - $30 • $36 * $-40 OXFORD, DEFENDER and DUNLOP TIRES Dunlop Steel Rims. Full Line of Sundries. Agents Wanted. Send for Catalogue. Artificial Loin Chops. Mitchell, Lewis That our food will some day be [ built up chemically from nitrogen, First and Taylor Sts. | carbon and other necessary elements is a fascinating theory upon which most scientific men look skeptically. M. Berthelot, however, is cited as an eminent believer, and he is stated to foresee both artificial meat and arti­ ficial bread. & Staver Co., PORTLAND, OR. A Thresher designed by ua for thresh­ ing in the foothills. Write ua for par­ ticulars. RUSSELL & CO. Portland and Spokane NEW LIFE TO OLD FENCES! li".".’,““»“»’."S'.', Anchor Clamps and Uprights. Ants' Bites Lazy for Children In Guiania a child is slow in its movements the parents apply an ant to the child instead of a whip to make it move faster. This little ant bites more cruelly than a mosquito and its Great Combination of Strength and Beauty. hite is apt to be troublesome after­ •'Tax Tie T hat B ints .” ward. See Our Anchor Mrs. August Pfalzgraf, of South Byron. Wis., mother of the young lady whose portrait we here publish, wrote in January, 1899, saying her daughter had suffered for two years with irreg­ ular menstruation — had headache all the time, and pain in her side, feet e . . ................. — swelled, and was generally miserable. Garfield Tea hns lone been rec­ She received an answer promptly with ognized as the greatest remedy advice, and under date of March. 1899, for bowel and liver troubles; it the mother writes again that Lydia E. is made from simple herbs that Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured cure chronic constipation. her daughter of all pains and irregu­ Vaudeville. larity. Nothing in the world equals Lydia X “That girl has sure enough goo-goo Pinkham's great medicine for regu­ lating woman's peculiar monthly eyes. ” “Yes, and a cuckoo voice.” troubles. Clamp You would be surprised it you knew how little it would cost you to fix up that old fence. Better send for some Anchor Clamps anti Uprights, and n pair of our pinchers, and make your o!d wire fence look like a new one. ANCHOR FENCE looks so nice and is so strong that farmers sometimes think that it must be high priced. It isn't, though. C lamt B xtokx U sino . Cattle, Sheep and Hog Tight. It Navin SLirx alter closing FARM, RAILROAD AND LAWN FENCE. Taken at His Word. Fchool Pupils’ Dissipations. Teachers generally agree on one thing—they say let night entertain­ ments, if they have to occur in the school child’s life, come on Friday or Saturday night, but do not let them break in on study days. One teacher tells me she would much prefer it did not occur at all. and she points out as her best student the rosy faced, plainly gowned little girl with her hair neatly partedandhangingina long braid down her back. “Not only my best pupil,’’ she adds, “but my best girl; sweet-tem­ pered, courteous, and kind to all her fellows, rich or poor. She Is simple In her manners as In her clothes, and just a girl, not a young lady yet. You ask why? Simply because she has a lovely, wise, womanly mother, with the best interests of her child and the ui'eivsts of the whole school at heart, yet she is one of the wealthiest womeu In the city.”—Good Housekeeping. banded. Left handedness is said to be very common in birds and animals. Par­ rots seize objects with their left claw | by preference or exclusively. The What suffering frequently resulta lion strikes with the left paw, and from a mother’s ignorance ; or more ’ Livingstone stated as his opinion that The frequently from a mother's neglect to I all animals are left handed. parrot has been found to make a properly instruct her daughter I Tradition says “ woman must suf­ I readier use of the left claw for climb­ fer,” and young women are so taught. ing thau the right. There is a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration in this. If a you lg woman suffers severely she needs treat­ ment, and her mother should see that she gets it. Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examina­ tion : but no mother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter oi herself to Mrs. Pinkham's Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., and secure from a woman the most efficient advice with [ out charge. A Kansas City man has issued a pamphlet on the “Mission of Wealth.” With all respect to the author, the most trouble with most people is the ommission of wealth. In Algeria a river of ink is formed by the conjunction of two streams, one of which is impregnated with iron, and the other, which drains a peat bog, with gallic acid. The mix­ ture of the iron and the acid results in ink. The Duty of Mothers. A. —You cannot offend me. I com­ Write for Prices and Catalogue. The Portland Anchor Fence Co. Agents Wanted in Scribbler—Why do you send so pletely ignore you. 743 Nicolai St., PORTLAND, Oregon. Every Town. B. — Your ignorance troubles me many stamps with your poems? Scrawler—Some editor may lie hard very little. up some day and swipe the stamps. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, The Proper Thing. Then he would have to keep the Foot of Morrison Street, Mistress—I hope I didn’t disturb poem. Factory, Battle Creek, Michigan. you and your lover when I went into Can give you the best bargains in the kitchen last night? Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines, Cook—Not at all, mum 1 Oi told Win.lmills anil Pumps and General him you was my chappyrone! Machinery. See us before buying. For Infants and Children. He’d Hit It Some Day. ADVANCE THRESHER CO. CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought Limitations. First Cavalier—The king can do no wrong! Second Cavalier—Ah, yes! And what a wearisome life a king’s must be, to be sure! Bears the Signature of Hadn't Sampled IL She—Don’t you think I have a good mouth? He—It looks all right. HOWS Ttlls; Branch House, Portland. Oregon. To be Prosperous, Use the “ADVANCE” THRESHER We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that can not be cure! by Hall's The greatest money-maker. For prices Catarrh Cur— Or address and catalogue see ••Advance’* F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. agents, or write “I bate gon« 14L day« at a time without a We tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney ■oTameiit of tho bowel«, not being able to Some Signs of a Good Teacher. lor tue past 15 years, anil believe him perfectly more them except by using hot water injections. Advance Threaher Co., Portland, Or. hono-abl in all busin ss transaction: and fin­ She will read professional and other Chronic constipation for seven years placed me in ancial' - able tu carry out any oblig-tions made Or write FOU CATALOGUK AND PRICES. this terrihie condition; during Hint time 1 did ev­ I oks, educational and other papers, Thie signature is on every box of the genuino by their firm. erything I heard of butnever found any relief: such M. E. and E. T. Hay, Wilbur, Wash. W ist & T rva X, was my ease until 1 began using CA8CA11ETH. I and magazines. Laxative Bronio-Quinine Tablet. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, ■ow have from on« to three passages a day. and If 1 She will patronize public libraries th, remedy that rnrei n eol.l In one «lay WaLDINO, U innan <6 M acvis , was rich 1 would give 1100 IXJ for each movement; It HEISNER & CO., OF PORTLAND, Vtnolesale Drug ists,Toledo, O. and reading rooms, and if her pupils 1« such a relief. * A yi . mkic L. H unt . POULTRY NETTINC. nall’sCatarrh Cure ist ken n rnally, actlnf EXPLAIN THE SITUATION. 1(589 Russell Bt., Detroit, Ml oh. Buy from the manufacturer. Price in tull rolls are sufficiently advanced she will In­ I'frec.ly on the blood and m cous surfaces oi As to Some Handwriting. thesystm. Pri e Tic per l>o lie. bo.d by aL 2 feet wide, 150 feet long.......................... >1.65 fluence their reading along good lines. I The rapidly Increasing discoveries of petro- ists. Teatimoni Is free. 8 •• •• M “ - ............................... 2.47 CANDY Fred—Do you think a man’s char­ drug. 1 um oil on the Pacific Coast arecreating much She will attend punctually all teach Hall 's Family Pill r th lest. 4 •« “ “ “ - ............................ 3. 30 CATHARTIC excitement. AI readv in California many peo­ acter is shown in his handwriting? i •• * •• M M ............................. 4,12 ers’ meetings and do her share toward ple have grown suddenly rich irom oil. Oil 4 “ - •• M * 4.»5 Kate—If it is, some of them must How She Knew. wells are being bored in Oregon and Washing­ supporting the county and State organ­ All Kinds of W ire and Iron Work. ton, and in fact a'l up and down the coast. be perfectly dreadful. izations. “That horrid Maud has been gos­ PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS Even more exciting times of quickly gained 149 Front tit., Portland, Oregon. wealth are coming soon. Heisner Co., ot She will do a certaiu amount of call­ siping about me.” TRAOI MAAH PSOiSTtRSO Portland, Oregon, are publishing an interests Q/tEGONffLOOPPuRtHE/t “Why, how do you know?” ing on her children. ing pamphlet telling all about the pio>pect- and probable future developments. This in- No. 17—1901« “She kissed me twice when we met N. P. N. Ü. Occasionally she will be found tak­ i formation will lead plenty of jieople to riches. Anyone can have it for the asking bv Rending ing the childlren on a little trip to the Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, il KN writing ta advertisers please their address tills month to M ESSRB. fl EISNER Income Tax in Persia. park or some of the younger ones to a flood, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, mention this paper. A CO., Commercial Block, Port>and, Oregon. Hush! Don’t You Hear the Baby Cry? In Prussia an income tax is levied museum, and older pupils to certain ... CURE CONSTIPATION. *. The only safe medicine for sour curd colic in Sterile« Bwesdy Ceapsay, t'bUag«« ■•alraal, Haw Yark. MS factories which afford entertainment on all whose income exceeds $225 a nursing babies is CaSCarttS Candy Cathartic. Make mother’s milk mildly purgative. Drug­ and Instruction. These things will be year. gists. 10c. 2d.-. 50c.____________ A. H. BOYLAN, Portland, Or. THIS Bid OIL BOOMT W (DON’T GET WET! I a pleasure to her.—The New Educa­ tion. OILED CLOTHING R. L. Cate Predicts 150,000 Popula­ tion and Says All Eyes Are Pointed This Way. Portland 1« growing fatter today than at any time in its past history, and wi'l have a popu­ lation of not less than 150.900 in 1905. I am I offering bnsinesa and residence property today at prices that will pay 50 per cent net in i years. Call on or address R. L. CATE, General Arent of tho Hawthorne Estate. ’Phone Oak 100S. 319 Chamber of Commerce. That Seemed to Be IL “Yes, ” remarked Bquildig, "I made myself a present of this music box on my birthday. ” Revolver Only an Inch Ix>ng. "Giving yourself airs, eh?” added Stephen M. Van Allen, of Jamaica, Me., an expert shot with a rifle or re­ McSwilligen. volver, has received as a gift the small­ est revolver ever made. It Is only an •••••••••••••••••••••••a Inch long, and Is perfect in every de­ tail. It is self-acting and the chamber holds six cartridges. The bullets are the size of the bead of a large pin. The cartridges possess sufficient power to attacks of send the bullets through a half-inch pine board. Mr. Van Allen has tested the little weapon and found It accurate. Vandal Depredations in Florida. Keeley Cure SUMMER P. O. Box .73. V. I. SMITH I CO., Buffala, 1.1. In all towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, A I Prodigy. LE ROY Model 50, $35.00. LE ROY Model 50, $35.00. PORTLAND DELIVERY. PORILSN > DELIVERY, TO SELL LE ROY BICYCLES LISTED AT »30.00, IS..00 AND »40.00. Cotton Spinning In Italy. There are now In operation in Italy in the cotton Industry over 20.000 looms and more than 3.000.000 spindles. I tai ian-made cotton goods are now largely exported, especially to South America Adam had hie trials but be never bad to face a fool Jury. Neuralgia Free Trial 30 Days For the next 30 days we will ship this *5OU0 machine on SO day.’ fr.e trial In your own home for »21.75. Mend this - ad. end your name for full description­ end our free trial otr-r. We also sell- ■40.00 HlayelM for ■'40.SS. Writ* today. This is a chance of your lifetime. i WDIH8M People's Supply Co., Box 287 (B) Not an Explainer. come to many of ns, but however bad the case SL Jacobs Oil penetrates promptly and deeply, soothes and strengthens the nerves and brings a sure care. •••••••••••••••••••••••fl GUARANTEED TO JANUARY 1, 1902. Kind Lady—Have you a father? ■ I t i mi Ar. h st . Philadelphia. our instructions to discriminate as The Ancestral Relic Chase. Couldn't Square th* Circle. much as possible among them as "Haven’t you any of your grand | cornea in to eat. ” He — I thought you knew the mother's old things, Mrs. Newdash?” I "No; but I’ve got a lot of candle­ Browne. Don't you live in the same Mexico Buying Horses. sticks, old tables and chairs that be­ square? Mexico is now purchasing cavalry longed to a woman who lived next She—Yes, but you see, we don’t horses by the car load in thia country. door. ” move in the same circle.