The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 12, 1901, Image 5

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    I net W pp L
■-«¿loI ▼▼ VVl\
G. 6. Wright, dentist.
Your attention was called
to the fact that
k -
Would clone out his entire stock of Hardware and Implement Business
at Cost or below. Have you taken advantage of this chance? if not,
you are misbing
A Splendid Opportunity
To save money by this unprecedented offer.
There is no reserve. Everything goes at the re­
duced rates. Come and see the bargains offered, get
the prices, make an effort to raise the necessary
money and save many dollars thereby.
Don’t delay until the stock is broken, but come
: •
L^ =
«¡ You Are Interested
«« «
If you are a buyer of Groceries in getting the
most and the best for your money.
In the
coming and going of grocery stores the little
opera house grocery goes right along.
Sugar, Coffee, Flour and fruits are down to
bottom prices this month. Come and see.
« ♦j «
L. E. Walker
G. S. Wright, dentist.
Wanted—Wool and mohair.
11 m2
C hristenson & H ouck .
C. C. Murton is selling best country
butter for 25c per roll.
Ofliee over McMinnville National Bank.
Calls responded to Day and Night.
Cot rates on wall paper for the next
M c M innville - - - - O regon . month at Wm. Scott’s.
Freeh English rye grass seed for sale
by R. Baird, North Yamhill.
Newberg pays her city recorder a sal
C. A. Butt has
I ary of |15 per month.
just been elected to fill the office.
Rooms in Jacobson Block,
A number of growers are increasing
High prices are ex­
M c M innvillb ,
OBKGON. the hop acreage.
pected to prevail, and buyers are already
anxious to make contracts.
J C. MICHAUX, n. o.,
We are paying this week 30 to 35 cts
Physician and Surgeon, per roll for good butter and 12 cts
for fresh eggs. W allace & W alker .
Ray Barnhart, who has been recently
M c M innville ,
on the Oregon City Enter­
Oilice in Wright Block.
prise, visited at home in this city over
Sunday, and went up to Sheridan the
ßR. C. T. sniTH,
following day.
In the spring the young lady’s fancy
turns to thoughts of a new organ or piano
Wm. Scott is supplying the demand all
np and down the valley. Prices the low
I nion Block, McMinnville, Oregon.
est and payments easy. See him.
Ofliee Hours, 10-12 and 2-1.
You get the best values in hats, shoes,
corsets, hosiery, oil cloth, ribbons, lace
and embroidery, tinware and notions,
and big cut in rubbers at the Racket
Mrs. Jane Curtis, for a long time a
resident of McMinnville,died at Caldwell,
Idaho, of paralysis, on Feb. 15th, at the
We are located opposite H. C. Burns’ and aim home of Mrs. Emma McKenzie, her
to give all customers good treatment for little
money. Batb rooms in connection. Your pat­ daughter.
to -iage solicited.
Mrs, J. K. Weatherford of Albany,
president of the Rebekah assembly of
Oregon, was the guest of Mrs. D. I. As­
bury Tuesday. She paid an official visit
to Friendship lodge in tbe evening, and
home Wednesday.
Manufactures and Deals in
County School Supt. C. L. Starr was
in McMinnville, arranging with Super­
intendent Littlefield for a joint meeting
of the Polk and Yamhill county teachers’
a.nd brushes, and sells them cheaper than they
ean be bought any where else in the Willamette associations, to be held at Amity, April’
Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. 26 and 27.
Our cheese factory at Sheridan has now
started for the season, and we want all
tbe milk that can be delivered there. If
you can't deliver milk there, ship vonr
cream to us at Portland. Ship three
Proprietors of
times each week; will trade you United
States Separators for your cream. Write
for terms. T. S. Townsend Creamery Co.,
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds 44 Second St., Portland, Or.
Dr. G. 8. Wright will be in hie office
South side Third St. between B and C.
here the first 15 days of each month, and
the last 15 in his new office in Portland
Those wishing work done will do well to
remember this, and call when the office
is not closed. This regulation will take
effect tbe 15th of next month, when he
will leave for Portland. No one will
work in tbe office here but himself.
Charles Griesen is over in Coos county
Goods of all descriptions moved, »nd careful
handling guaranteed. Collections will be made selling pianos and organ«. Incidentally
monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap.
he is writing up the country in a fashion
that pleases the people. The Coast Mail
j of Marshfield says : “While his commu­
Two Fine Sialltens.
Van S., the trotter, and Pollox, the nication presents only facts it reads like
Percheron, will make the present season a boom article, because the facts them-
as follows: Amity. Mondays; Sheridan, | selves, when presented with the literary
Tueslavs, Wednesdays and Thursdays, skill of which Mr. Griesen is master, can
McMinnville, Fridays and Saturdays. not but impress the reader of the extra­
ordinary resources of this favored sec
Terms made known o.l application.
J. W. H erby .
and Surgeon.
and Surgeons.
Osteopathic Physician
Truck and Dray Co
This is Arbor day in Oregon.
Mr Wm. Scott of Ibis city ami Mr
Have you seen that new granite ware Ilallettof the Eilers piano house of Port-
| laud have eetubliaheii new warerooms
at Hodson's. Guaranteed thy liest.
one door south of the First National
You can save money buying your farm bank. They have a nice slock of Weber,
and garden tools of M itchel -L ewis C o .
Chickering, Kimball am! other high
grade pianos and organs at all prices,
Mrs. Grant Hoberg is visitingin Dallas, cash
or easy payments. Also eecoud-
the guest of Mrs. D. M. Metzger.
haud instruments taken iu exchange.
For Rent—7-room bouse and barn ou They are not "tramp salesmen” but are
under salary, direct from headquarters,
B street. Inquire of T. Root.
and do not sell on commission, so if there
Rus Logan, father of the Logan Bros , , are any inducements to offer they have
is here on a visit from Crook county.
them. There is always great satisfaction
in buying of home people, because you
Triplett & Hendershott have moved know
whom to trust and you get full
into their new quarters across the street. value for your money. A nice piano or
Dr. V. G. Davis, veterinary surgeon, oigan in the home, with an accomplished
wife, daughter or eon to play it, is the
formerly of this place but later of Pendle­ greatest
satisfaction a man can have, if
ton, is here on a visit.
he has any music w hatever in his soul.
For grain and feed, vegetable and gar­ These gentlemen have made uiany sales,
den seed, and farm produce, see J. A. and they have the first man to hear from
w ho is not greatly pleased w ith his bar­
Derby & Son.
gain. They will be pleased to have you
Miss Bertha Graves of Sheridan was call and examine the stock.
the guest of Mrs. George Bradley of this
city the past week.
Mrs. Wayland Hunsaker is visiting
Department No. 2,Judge Boise presid­
her mother in Linn county, being called ing. w ill convene next Monday, with the
by the latter's illness.
following docket:
1. R L Sabin vs M Fisk et al; foreclos­
Bring your best butter and fresh eggs
to Wallace & Walker and get tbeir worth ure.
2 . W A Howe vs John H Carse et al;
in cash or mdse.
3 D A Coovert vs Alice H Coovert;
O. O. Hodson and family expect to
in equity.
start home next Tuesday from Muncie, suit
4. John F Duffy vs Walter 1, French
Ind. They may stop a few days at dif­ et al ; foreclosure
5 Chas P Bacon vs Clara L E Antho­
ferent cities on their way.
ny et al; confirmation.
Callon Dr. Smith, the osteopath, and
6. Board School Land Commissioners
get a free diagnosis and examination. vs A Odell et al ; foreclosure.
He will examine you and tell you what
7. B F Huston vs Antoine LeFever et
disease you have without asking you a al; foreclosure.
8 Elnora Ferguson vs John Ferguson;
If you hear cowbells in town don’t take divorce.
9. Sarah M Crosby vs the City of Dun­
it that the cow ordinance is repealed. It dee ; injunction.
is Elsia Wright putting straps on three
10. O O Howard vs R A Frame et al;
dozen cowbells for John Wortman’s cat­ confirmation.
It. Irene Gourley vs A F Gourley; di­
tle ranch.
Peery Drug Co. carry a complete line
12. Ambia Mae Griffith vs Frank E
of drugs and sundries. Everything up Griffith; divorce.
to date. Purest prescription drugs only
13 S M D Shadden vs Amnion Shad-
dispensed. Come in and see our line of den; divorce.
fine perfumes.
14. T T Geer, Gov el al vs Gertrude J
H. A. Taltner pave the highest price Denuy as executrix et al; foreclosure.
15. T TGeer, Gov., el al vs Gertrude
for your eggs and poultry. He buys J Denny as executrix et al; foreclosure.
strictly on the market and pays the cash
16. Sidney Root vs Mary Root; di­
and sells you groceries as cheap as any­ vorce.
17. Mollie Rice vs Ralph L Rice; di­
Once in a while a “Buffalo” comes to
18. Phebe C Melotte vs Frank Me­
grief One iu the east w as told he would lotte; divorce.
19. Fred W Schmidt vs Alice Schmidt;
have no change back, but to drink all he
wanted. He got drunk, stole a horse,, 20. W W Wright vs A M Brown et al;
and was sent to the state penitentiary foreclosure.
for two years.
All kinds of good fresh vegetables at
If you do not understand osteopathy,
callon Dr. Smith, the osteopath, and he II. A. Palmer’s.
will cheerfully explain the method of "The North Yamhill creamery is to be
treatment. Do not a«k some one who started.
knows nothing of osteopathy. Office,
Mrs. J. W. Cowls returned home from
Union block.
tier visit to Rosalia, Wash., on Tuesday.
On Tuesday morning Lester Daniels,
Mrs. J. P. Turney of Spokane is visit­
Tom Brower, Will Newell and Elon Wal­ ing her mother, Mrs. R. M. Gaunt.
lace left for eastern Oregon and Wash­
Mrs. F W. Martin is enjoying a visit
ington. They were not decided as to lo­
from her mother, Mrs. Bogart, of Renton,
cation, but will stop wherever they can
do the best in the way of employment.
Forty-two school teachers are taking
At a late meeting of the trustees of the examination for certificates this
McMinnville college President Boardman week. This is an unusually large class ’
was authorized to confer with Mayor
Mrs. E. M. Barrett will preach morn­
Wortman and join him in a request to ing and evening on Sunday and every
Andrew Carnegie, the philanthropist, for evening during the coming week. Every­
body is cordially invited to come and
assistance in procuring a library.
hear her at the M. E. church.
Mrs. Barrett, the evangelist, is preach­
Mrs. Smith, wife of Dr. Smith, the
ing each evening at the M. E. church,
oiteopath, came up from Portland Satur­
to good audiences. She is interesting
day evening, to reside in McMinnville,
and logical, and with the necessary sup­
and the doctor says he seems much more
port will quicken the spiritual interests
at home now.
in this town. You are invited to attend.
We are pleased to see O. H. Irvine,
Mrs. Mary Bali and Mrs. J. E. Durham D. B. Kingerj' and D. C. Derby all get­
left yesterday for British Columbia. ting about since the fine weather. Each
Mrs. Durham returns home, after an ex in his particular way has been having a
tended visit with her parents, and Mrs. long siege of iilnese.
Ball goes to visit until next fall with her
Flattering comments on the beautiful
sons. .1. A. and George Long, the former
concert rendered at the Baptist church
living at Kaslo, and the latter at New
Sunday evening, under direction of Miss
Trumbull, have been numerous and
Send in your carpets, quilts, blankets hearty, The choir composed of about
and heavy bedding to the McMinnville two dozen voices rendered very accep­
Steam Laundry before the spring rush tably Concone’s Mass in F, besides nu­
is fairly on. That new feather bed reno­ merous anthems. The singing of Misses
vator is now ready for business, and the Yoran and l’atty was particularly good.
laundry is well prepared for all this
Some excitement has prevailed of late
heavy work. Satisfaction guaranteed
in the vicinity of the Hutchcroft school
and prices very low.
house near Carlton, over the movements
A splendid decoration representing of a supposed crazy man. Last Thursday
Easter bells was visible in the Grange evening as the teacher, Miss Roesner,
store windows over Sunday. Excellent was leaving the school building, a man
work in this line is being done every in disordered apparel was observed to
week in all the leading stores of McMinn­ the rear of the building acting in an in­
ville. A novel feature at Jacobson’s this sane manner. In great fright she ran to
week is a pyramid of summer dress-goods Hutchcroft's and reported the fact, but
made to slowly revolve by means of a no trace could he found of the man soon
small water motor.
after. Other movements in the neigh­
Erwin Scott, who left Newberg two borhood indicate that a man of this
is abroad. It is suspicioned
years ago and has since lived in the vi­ character
that the man is a paroled inmate of the
cinity of Los A ngelea, returned to Oregon asylum, but the fact is not substantiated
last week, and was th» guest of Recorder as yet.
Hoekins from Friday until Monday. He
i.icensca lo Harry.
reports very dry weather in ■California,
April 5—Jas. J Potter, 21, Edith A.
and if they chance to have the fifteenth
Dunn, 20. Martied by H. T. Atkinson
of an inch of rain, it gets into all the on
Easter Sunday, at the home of the
newspapers as a wonderful rainfall. He bride's mother near this city.
has come bar k to stay in Oregon w here
April 5—Geo. C. Cates, 27, and Irene
one doesn’t have to falsify about rain.
Jenkins, 26. Married by Rev. G.
“ W.
E. J. Wood returned home Monday Fender.
April 8—Archie L. Gubser, 21, and
evening from a week’s absence in the Ella
Hutchens, 20.
state of Washington. He visited his
April 10—A. C. K. Street, 28,
daughter at Aberdeen, and speaks of that nomah county, and Ada A. Potter, 23, of
town as the best he ever saw. The lum­ Sheridan.
ber mills have a pay roll including 2,(MX)
¡>eople, which is about half the popula­
and Ada A. Potter i
tion. Six coastwise vessels are in course
were divorced as husband and wife over
of construction there. Seattle was also a year ago, the decree being granted the
lively, and rente are rapidly rising. Mr. wife oa the ground of abandonment. It 1
Wood's mission was to interest parties transjnrcs that the husband was in Eng-1
in a scheme likely to materialize soon 1 land at the time, and knew nothing of
! the suit for divorce He returned re-
for lliis city, the character of which we j cently and effected a reconciliation. It
are pledged not to divulge. They do say -eenis to have all been a misunderstand-1
that McMinnville is soon to develop ing.andon Wednesday of this week,
something that will create a stir and they very sensibly, as their friends hope,
; renewed their vow* before Judge Bird,
keep ns before the eyes of the world in the presence of a few relatives, and
Izt it come, and the sooner the better. I start anew as man and wife.
C hicago S tore .
Is now under full headway. It is one of the
most important events ever held by us at
the commencement of the season.
Over 100 Kinds of Goods
in New Spring Merchandise
Selling far below their value. Many new
lines added for this week’s selling. Our
stock was never so complete for Spring as
at the present time ; never were better val­
ues offered than we are giving today.
You Had Better Be One of the
Of buyers, as your money \\ ill go farther at
the Chicago Store than any place in the
1000 Pieces New Ribbons Just Received.
100 Pieces Wide. Two-Toned Sash Ribbons, all Colors, worth
40c, Choice, 19 c.
C hicago S tore
Wc (jiOc elou
Wholesaler’s profit
Every day some buyer tells us we are selling our Clothing two or
three dollars a suit less than other stores ask for the same quality of
goods But why shouldn't we? We get our clothing direct from
the factory, at cost of making. Other stores are not connected with
the makers as we are and have to pay them a profit.
We are showing all the Latest in Every Department.
We Make Suits to Order, $13.50 to $35.
Why not try us for your next Suit ?
HAMBLIN, The Clothier,
M c M innville ,
—-, ÏÜ.
ore .
General Merchandise
We have to offer our
customers good
prices in the follow­
ing lines:
Rubber Goods
Winter Wear.
ait a little and see our offera on Summer Goods.
g^HBest Prices for Farm Produce.
W. A. HOWE, Carlton.
Most Complete Store in the Valley.
M rs - H. A. S wanson , C arlton , O r .
Ladies’, Misses and Children’s Goods.
Wait and see our new Spring and Summer Styles.
M rs - H. A. S wanson , C arlton .
The McMinnville National Bank.
of M c M innville ,
P aid C apital , 150,000
orehon .
S urplus and P rofits , 125,000
Transact* a General ¡tanking bii'inefis and extends tn its patrons every facility
consistent with Rafe and prudent bunking.
L. E. Cowls
Wm. Campbell
W. L. Warren
Lee Laughlin, Pr es.
J. L. Rogers, Vice Pres.
E. C. Apperson,Cashier W. S. Link, Asst. Cashier
OHkc hours « a.
m .
to 4 p. m.