The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 12, 1901, Image 4

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I». I. AMRVBV, Editor A Prapr.
’ J I I '
T >
<J. Et kill’!, Akkoclate Editor.
Subscription $1 OO Per Year.
Yamhill County Reporter.
United $tates Senator_J. W..Bailey
of Texas and Carter Harrison, may
or of Chicago, have been suggested
as possible democrat ic candidates for
I’re.-iident and vice president in IBOJ.
Evidently the democrats are tired
chasing after theorist.-,, and are now
on Hie hunt for men. Bailey and
Harrison as democratic standard
bearers in the next • ampaign would
suggest to the republicans the neces­
sity of nominating some of their best
men against them.
Crying for
the Moon”
Reading noticed n local column* 10 cent« per
l'ne for first w»*ek and 5 cent* per line thereafter.
Display advertisements, annua) rates, one inch
per month *1, each additional inch 50 cents per
m »nth.
Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding
10 lines published free, if tu rubbed in time to
Cities and towns in various part;
be current news. Additional matter 10 cent* per
Met Tea ...
of California ajong the route of the J
1 N BrniitOli................................
president’s tour have undertaken to R
F Bird............................................
plant the vacant lots within their
l’oor Fund—
FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1901.
borders with flowers to serve to Susnn 1 alkiiK
grace the welcome of the honored Jas riioiiias
Kentucky has peace within her visitor; and the Call suggests that 1 li-ni v M< < luiré
borders just now, but more trouble when they see the good result it will It E Smith
may be looked for shortly.
The be in order for them to consider M I’nderwood
price of whisky is soon to be raised whether it would not be worth while J D Hiblw . ...
there, and the people of that warlike hereafter to make some such good 1 Sampson ....
state are not the ones tamely to sub- use of their vacant lots every year.
Stationery and Printing—
mit to having the necessities of life Why do everything for infrequent A V It Suj'der
put beyond their reach.
visitors? Why not make the liome
town beautiful for the sake of home Gun Gruber corduroy
J S.irenson
Those who have faced the fire of folks?
Wm He>B
the army rifle when in the hands of
American soldiers will see no neces­
Brigadier Funston has advanced N D Lacliner “
sity for the war department's pro­ in promotion by a series of gallant Chas Linton
Gallowtiv certificate ..
posal to improve the guns by increas­ military achievements, and it is sin­ Win
W L |{i-ml>rie n-bate on tax
ing the rapidity of their tire.
The cerely believed that he will be able G W lÍHiidersIiott soldier fund
enemy has never made any com­ to carry his honors with a level head. It I’ Bird wood and incidentals
plaint about the old model being All heroes should take warning from Clark & Bucbanan experts ....
the fate of Hobson, whose gallantry Jos Matty retíate on tax ............
is obscured by the ridicule incident
to his later exploits. Funston is a
former hero, and one of a succession
of like individuals,targets for the ex­
pression of our patriotic admiration
He is the only one of the series who
has come to the front a second time.
He has now proven beyond doubt
his heroic worth, and that the former
glory accorded him was not mis­
placed. However, it is the part of
wisdom for us to treat Funston, the
hero, soberly and sanely—as becomes
a nation of intelligent, level-headed
An official communication
compì uu ¡cation has people, generous in our praise of his
been received by the United States daring achievement, but sparing in
our flattery and our gush.
government from the Russian gov­
ernment concerning the situation in
China, in which Russia announces Well Stated Trulli l»y a Populist
her disinterested purpose and desire
C. Linden of Sheridan
for peace. Assurances are given, it
is said, of so sweeping a nature as to gave an excellent address of welcome to
leave but one conclusion, that Russia the farmers’ institute recently held in
is sincere in her peaceful intentions his town, and although he is one of the
toward China.
These assurances brightest men of the populist party in
have practically averted the crisis in this county, he has the fairness and
good sense to see and state conditions
President McKinley will tarry in
Portland from the afternoon of May
22d until the morning of the 23d.
Mr. McKinley will travel through
the state of Oregon, making a brief
stop where practicable. But out of
respect to the memory of the late
W. J. Bryan, who made the same
itinerary late in the nineteenth cen­
tury, President McKinley will make
no rear-platform speeches on his trip
to the Pacific coast.
Salem is having a wild time over
the introduction of the occupation
tax. While the principle of an oceu-
pation tux works well in some in-
stances, it is undemocratic and a
relic of the past, and Salem will find
before long that the law will have to
be repealed or there will be plenty
of empty' stores, offices and shops, in
the town. The injustice of tin1 tax
can easily be comprehended, when it
is shown that sawmills pay but *15 a
year while a poor cobbler pays *25.
The Lagrande Chronicle recites the
fact that a prominent fruit dealer
of New York declared recently that
the only really good apples that the
retailers were able to secure come
from Idaho and Oregon. The old or
chards in the east are dying out and
new ones are not taking their place.
Good apples are becoming scarce,
even a rarity. Some of the Oregon
and Idaho apples brought the fancy
price of *1.110 per dozen.
And yet
people say that opportunities for
making fortunes in Oregon have all
been taken.
Five hundred Filipinos are to be
enlisted in the United Stat<
for service on board lite former
Spanish gunboats and other small
vessels, which are to be maintained
exclusively in the Philippines. These
men will form the nucleus of an ini
portant service, composed solely of
enlisted men. Rear Admiral Crow
inshield, chief of the bureau of navi
Ration, believes that besides result
ing in the government obtaining
efficient service, the employment of
natives will spread respect for the
American flag and create a strong
feeling of loyalty.
of prosperity as they’ exist in a general
sense under a republican administration.
Hear him :
In every avenue of life except among
the wheat farmers of the Willamette val­
ley, and those affected by their condi­
tion, our people are enjoying an uuprece
dented era of thrift and prosperity
to the great commercial centers, investi­
gate the prodigious manufacturing en­
terprises, compare the present conditions
in the mining districts with the past,
look upon the cotton fields of the south,
and, finally, examine thé bank accounts
of the farmers of the middle west and
everywhere you will find abundant evi­
dence of contentment and plenty. Think
of what ten cents a pound for cotton
means to the southern planter! Four
and a half cents for pork to the Missouri
and Iowa farmer! Five dollars a head
lor sheep, five cents a pound on foot for
beef, twenty live and thirty cents a pound
for good creamery butter! Do not these
conditions warrant the farmer's being
the most independent man on earth? Do
not these ligures justify his going forth
with head erect, with contentment writ­
ten on his brow, with gratitude in his
heart, while he lifts up his voice in grat­
itude to his Creator, that liis lol was cast
m such pleasant places?
1 remarked a while ago that these con­
ditions obtain throughout our country .ex­
cept in our own midst. Here, for several
years past, the wheat raiser has not
iomid bis farm profitable; perhaps it
would be safe for me to say that while
our neighbors have been enjoying such
splendid advantages and unparalleled
prosperity, we, in order to make ends
meet, have been compelled to economize
more in the last three years than ever
before. To enquire into the causes that
have produced this condition, and sug­
gest a remedy therefor, is the object of
this meeting—is the paramount question
before this institute, as 1 understand it.
In the opinion of vour humble servant,
it is high time that something was doue
ill this direction. The time is fully ripe,
ill tile language of Jerry Simpson, to
find out "where we are at," and do some­
thing to correct the mistakes that have
brought upon us such straitened financial
circumstances. There certainly can be
no good reason why we, who dwell in
the fairest land beneath the shining
sun—a land where nature has poured
out her wealth in such profusion—where
everything seems to conduce to man's
happiness and comfort—I say there is no
good reason why we should go about
with sad countenances and downcast
eyes, toiling, planning and worrying
from early morning till late at night,
trying to devise some plan to keep the
wolt from the door. I say, here, without
fear ot successful contradiction, that, bv
n proper application of modern methods
and business principles, the farmers of
this Willamette Talley will not only
have an abundance ot the necessities ot
life, but may have every luxury that
money can purchase.
. 23
. 66
. Ô
•5 become a pro
verbial phrase to ex­
press the futility of
mere desire. There
are a great tuany peo­
ple who think it is as
useless to hope tor health as to cry for the
moon. They have tried many medicines
and many-doctors, but all in vain.
A great many hopeless men and women
have been cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery; people with
obstinate coughs, bleeding lungs, night
sweats and other symptoms of disease
L’H which if neglected or unskillfully treated
bn find a fatal termination in consumption.
"Golden Medical Discovery ” has a won­
derful healing power. It increases the
of the body, and so gives strength
0G nutrition
to throw off disease. It cleanses the blood
DO from poisonous impurities and enriches it
(Ml with the red corpuscles of health. It is
(Ml not a stimulant, but a strength giving medi­
4M» cine. It contains no alcohol, neither opium,
(»O cocaine, nor any other narcotic.
Sometimes the extra profit paid by
inferior medicines tempts the dealer to
offer a substitute as "just as good ’’ as " Dis­
(HI covery.’’ If you are convinced that "Dis
covcry ” will cure you accept nothing else.
Count)’ Exhibit* nt lite state luir.
The liberal premiums offered for coun-
ty exhibits at the Oregon state fair this
year will afford every county in the state
an opportunity to exhibit her resources.
There is no question about the great num­
ber of liotneseekers coming to the state
this year, and the state fair will afford
them an excellent opportunity to judge
for themselves of our resources,
this reason alone every county that
makes any pretention to general agri­
culture should make a good showing
The premium offered on county exhibits
is $r,000, divided into five parts, as fol­
lows: First premium, $300; second prem­
ium, <250; third premium, *200; fourth
premium, $150; fifth premium, $too.
The Southern Pacific company hauls all
exhibits to and from the fair free of
charge, and a very liberal rate is made
on all other lines in the eastern portion
of tlie state.
Clyde Akin was on the sick list last
week. We wonder why.
All are cordially invited to attend the
Arbor day exercises held this afternoon.
Edythe and Hugh Bristow were visit­
ing in Portland part of last week and two
days of this week.
We will publish the program for the
literary society, which meets two weeks
from today, next week.
The regular meeting of the Young
Men's Literary Club was held in the
Columbus building last Wednesday eve­
ning The program w as opened by a few
short but pleasing remarks by Prof. Al­
derman. He spoke of the needs of a lit­
erary society etc , and extended a cor
dial welcome to the girls of the 7th, Sth,
9th and toth grades The next on the
program was a recitation by Earnest
Poole, followed by an impromptu bv
Will Eberhard.
Leroy Peterson then
read an essay on “The Progress of the
Century." It showed careful study and
was well given.
Harry Woodrum de­
livered a recitation and then Clifford
Reid read an original poem. The next
was an impromptu speech by Wm.
Palmer upon the subject “Dissipation."
Mr. Palmer bandied his subject well.
Then Dow Walker made a short speech
on "Aguinaldo and whatthe U S. should
do with him.” After a short recess the
debate was given.
The question was:
Resolved, That the IT S is justified in
her actions in the Philippines. Those
on the affirmative were Thos Hutchens,
Dow Walker, Walter Long and Truman
Northup; while those on the negative
were Fred Bradley, Earl Wisecarver.
Adeu Stevens and Joe Neal. The judges
were Miss Bird, Miss Akin and Miss I p-
degrapli. They rendered their decision
in favor of the affirmative. There being
no other business the society adjourned
Several of the teachers and Director Ir­
vine were present, and all reporta splen­
did time.
$eù) p öiee
i Is
New Spring Hats
Spring Derbys of the celebrated
Thoroughbred and Waldorf Spec­
ialty are here in Black, Brown and Stone Shades.
Step in some time and see them.
♦ ♦
Is Complete in all the
batest Spring Style
Grange & Farmers Co
C has . P. N elson , Mg’r.
I h often joked about, but the condition itself is no joke. It indicates
serious derangement of ttie blood and nervous system.
People cannot
help feeling lazv and worn out if impure blood flowing through al! the
organs is poisoning them and paralyzing their activity
Spring is the season of blood impurity. Nine | e »pie out of ten
would feel better through use of
Dr. Lowe’s Sarsaparilla
This is a blood purifier that really purifies. Pure, rich blond means
bouyant health
Be your best this year by giving nature a little help.
Dr. Lowe's Sarsaparilla costs less than otheis and is guaranteed.
ROGERS BROS.’ Pharmacy
All who use Chamberlain's pain balm
for rheniiiatisui are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it affords.
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, say’s : “Sometime ago 1
had a severe attack of rheumatism in my
arm and shoulder. 1 tried numerous
remedies but got no relief until 1 w as rec
ommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Parsons &
Co., druggists of this place, to try Cham­
berlain’s pain balm. They recommended
it so highly that I bought a bottle, I
was soon relieved of all pain, 1 have
sin, e recommended ti.jr liniment lo
many of my friends, who agree with me
that it is the best remedy tor muscular
rheumatism in the market.” For sale
by Howorth & Co.
Woven Wire Fence,
The Best Remedy for Rheumatism.
Quick Relief from Pain.
After spending several weeks in Ore­
gon Mr. Hurlburt returned to his home
in Wisconsin.
While here lie visited
with his brother, Wm. Hurlburt.
Wm. Ensign (lied of heart disease
Monday while standing in the livery
stable. lie was buried iti the North
Yamhill cemetery Wednesday.
leaves a wife and one small daughter.
One of the latest postoffice frauds
now being investigated by the post-
office authorities at Washington is
that of a doctor who advertised to
cure deafness for *18.50 without fail.
To those who sent the required
amount the doctor forwarded 2000
pills, with directions to take one
each day, and on no account to miss
a day, or the charm would be broken,
aid it would be necessary to start
all over again. As the truth of this
claim cannot be put to the test until
the end of about five and a half years,
the authorities are puzzled what
course to take.
ri qg
In the New Spring Shapes. These
garments are made of serviceable,
Fancy Worsted Fabrics, Clays and
Cassinieres possessing in a high degree the latest
inventions of the Artist Tailor craft. Also a
complete line of
Dr. Pierce’s Pleas­
ant Pellets cure con­
stipation by curing its
Fence !
BRING newness is commencing
to roll in. Advance Spring
Styles in Gentlemen’s Ready-to-
wear apparel have made their ini­
tial appearance at the Grange
Store. We are just in receipt of a
"I was in poor health when I commenced
taking Dr Pierce’s medicine,” write» Mr, Gliner
I.awler, of Volga, Jefferson Co,, Indiana. ”1
had stomach, kidney, heart, and lung trouble.
Was not able to do any work. 1 had a severe
cough and hemorrhage of the lungs, but after
using jour medicine a while I commenced to
gain in strength and flesh, and stopped cough­
ing right away. Took about six bottles of the
Golden Medical Discovery ’ then, and last
spring I had Grippe, and it settled on my lungs,
leaving aie witii a severe cough. I had the
doctor, but he didn’t seem to help me any; so
I commencedyout med­
icine again and took
three or four Irottles of
the ‘ Discovery’ and two
vials of Dr. Pierce’s Pel­
lets and that straight­
ened me up. I feel like
a different person. I
gladly recommend your
medicine to all suffer­
ers, tor 1 know it cured
The blood may be in bad condition,
yet with no external signs, no skit
eruption or sorcs to indicate it. The
»■■lnptotns in such cases being a variable
ippetite, poor digestion- an indescribable
weakness and nervousness, loss of flcsl
1 ud a general run-down condition of thi
lystem — clearly showing the blood ha:
lost its nutritive qualities, has become thir
1 nd watery. It is in just such cases that
S. S. S. has done some cf its quickest anc
poltrii 1 inini.i.
most effective work by building up tilt
blood and supplying the elements lackinf
C. F. Hayes spent the week in Port­
to make it strong and vigorous.
land and Astoria.
Easter exercises w ere held in tile Un­
*' My wife used sev­
ion church Sunday evening
eral I ottles of S. S. S.
Miss Mina Murton of McMinnville is as a blood purifier and
to tone up a weak and
staying with Mrs. Jeremiah Williams.
emaciated system.with
Misses Belle and Roxa Laughlin re­ very marked effect by I
turned home Saturday from Portland.
wav of improvement.
"We regard it a
Mrs. Myrtle Porter of Fresno, Calif., is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. great tonic and blood
purifier."—J. F.D uff ,
Robt. Mayhew arrived here from Gres- Princeton, Mo.
hatn Monday and will soon open up a
is the greatest of si!
barber shop.
tonics, and you wall
F. L. Trullinger and wife returned on
find the appetite im
Monday evening from a week's visit on
proves at once, strength
Puget sound.
Mrs N. 11 Perkins and daughter ltervl returns, and nervousness i anislies as new
spent the week in Eugene visiting Miss rich pure blood once more circulate!
Elsie an I Cloan
through all parts c.f the system.
Mrs I. C Foties of ih-osta. Wash ,
S S. S. is the only purely vegetable
was visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs J.
lilood purifier known. It contains no min-
M. Bunn last week.
Miss Carrie Merchant of Portland is ■tals whatever. Send for our free book
spending a few weeks, with her sister >n blood and skin diseases ’.nd write out
Mrs. L Si. Morgan.
physicians for any information or advic*
Wm Noel returned to home in Mts- wanted No charge for medical'ad vic*.
souri after spending a few weeks with
bis nephew J. M. Bunn.
Mrs. J C McKern and Mrs. Emma
Perkins were elected delegates to attend
grand lodge of Rebekahs at Raker Citv.
A. C. Goodrich is making an exten­
sive trip over Idaho and western Wash­
ington in the interest of his fruit drver
On Monday Drs Michaux and Gouch­
er performed a difficult surgical opera­
np row line, and save land taken
tion on M.s. T. P. Johnson. Mrs John­ up I lighten
r fence corner« hr building wire fence- be
son is recovering nicely.
•Id* improving the
vour faini an.1 beer-
Mrs. J. K Weatherford, president of tu« ,<k within bound.
the Oregon Rebekah Assembly, made A Vinûi'ûBS Smut Gumita U Wirt facili
the Rebekahs of this place an official
The capture of Aguinaldo Ims been
I’rnhNtr < nurt.
greatly praised bv the many ami se­
John Dumphrev. Proofs
verely ct it Icised by llm few
few blame General Funston for the heard in reference to claim of Elizabeth
Shellenberger against deceased, after ar­
manner of the capture. ■ ome of them gument
by counsel the matter taken un­
terming it "deception ami "for der advisement until 9 a. tn., April loth.
gory.” In time of war and in time Claim tor personal services rendered de
of peace there are not necessarily cedent as housekeeper, nurse, etc.,
two standards of morality But, in amounting to *1248 not allowed, Claim
the deteetivn service deception ami for money paid out to Dr. S. A. Young
to *168
75, „„
falsehood are deemed legitimate for and others, amounting t„
the capture of criminals S>, in war. cash wages of decedent, collected by
*107, making a balance of
the code attains greut latitude in the claimant.
*01 75, allowed.
capturing of an enemy I11 a cam
paign against an enemy there are
Queen Victoria saved *3,01X1,000 while
two alternatives—to employ the use
she was queen.
The average yankee
of strategy, or to stand up and be
needlessly exposed to the fire of the politician with a t’G year job would have
enemv. Funston employed strategy saved more money.
and the antis at home are then fort
A new Fisher book typewriter is ou
making a great ado, notwithstanding trial at the county clerk's otllca, the first
1 yisit Friday.
the code of warfare was not violated. 1 that ever came to McMinnville,
First Comers ^Spring
McMinnville, Oregon.
The Drug Center of Yamhill County.
It is 8,000 Miles Long
The Burlington Route ranks among the
greatest of the world s railroads.
Over 8,000 miles long; employing 35,000
men; reaching 1.300 towns and cities in the
eleven states traversed by its lines; having
through-car arrangements which e.xtmd more
than half way across the continent and earn­
estly striving to give its patrons absolutely
unequaled service, it is the line YOU should
select, next time you go east.
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas Citv, St. Louis —and
A. C. S hbldon , General Agent,
Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore
War! War! Wttrl!
Is being declared every day by Housekeep­
ers against dirt, and they will find it far
easier to win a victory if they secure their
Wall Paper, Cementico,
And Other Wall Dressings, at