The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 12, 1901, Image 1

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Kuleredatthe PoMofficein McMinnville,
aaflecond-claiz matter.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single number, fire cent a.
NO. 17.
Itoll a Hit.
'Twas said of old,
The stone that rolled
Ne’er gathered any moss.
They argued, too,
That he who knew
No Venture, knew no loss.
Who rolls, you bet,
Some dust will get,
Some knowledge will he gain;
Who ventures not—
Ab! sad his lot -
A mossbaek will remain.
—Toledo (O.) Tinies.
Spring of 1901 is Coming fast
----- COMING IN TO------
Yaquiua's recent f:»,ouo tire is said to have
been caused by a cigarette.
<>eo. H. Lambeison has been chosen the new
secretary of the state board of horticulture.
Some don't believe that Brownell is slated for
Tongue's seat, but we know it isa fact. —Wood­
bum Independent.
HE STOCK has been per-
sonally selected by Mr.
Nayberger, one of the firm,
and from the Largest Manu­
facturers in New York City,
for spot caSh, and all of the
newest styles out. Everyone
in this community is well
aware that we disposed of the
biggest portion of our large
stock last fall during our great
sale. Therefore we will have
all new and stylish goods for
the Spring and Summer sea­
son’s trade, and prices lower
than anyone else in the state,
quality considered. Our stock
will consist of the following:
James Akin of Portland, was convicted last
Saturday of the murder of Gue Wue Sue at
Rale gh last December 31
Smallpox exists at Glendale, Douglas county,
one lady, Mrs F. O. Plotner, having died of
the disease Strict quarantine is maintained.
Geo W Coh ig of Jacksonville has been ap
pointed by President McKinley, on recommen­
dation of Senator Mitchell, consul to Barrau-
quilla, Colombia.
Governor Geer has named the follow ing com-
tuis.ioners tor the Lewis X-Clark exposition at
Portland In 1905: Hon. 11. W. Corbett, Judge
C. B. Bellinger, Portland; Hon. C. W. Fulton,
Astoria; Edward Everett Young, Baker City;
H. E. Ankeny, Jacksonville. It looks now as if
the name “Lewis and Clark Centennial" would
be adopted by common usage and consent.
I met a man in Oregon who hadn't any
teeth—not a tooth in his head—yet that man
could play on the base drum better than any
man 1 ever met. lie kept a hotel. They have
queer hotels In Oregon. 1 remember one where
they gave me a bag of oats for a pillow. 1 had
the nightmare of course, ill the morning the
landlord said: "How do you feel old hose—hey?”
I told him I felt my oats.—A. Ward.
Dress goods and Silks of All Shades and Qualities
The horse abattoir at I.lnnton has again
started up. So many cayuse ponies were left in
the country when the abattoir shut down that
the stockmen whose ranges were being eaten
over by them were very anxious to have it re­
sume business. As there is a better demand
than ever lor Oregon horse meat, it is decided
to recommence the slaughtering of horses. 1 lie
winter has been so ndld on the ranges that
the cayusea are in very good condition. About
800 have beep sent in from the ranges and dis­
posed of, Oregon horse meat has found favor
in Norway and Sweden because it is the only
horse meat in the world put up under the same
conditions that cattle and sheep are raised for
food. In putting up horse meat for shipment,
only large pieces from the thighs, shouldersand
muscular portions of the back are salted. Every
piece is packed under the supervision of an
official of the bureau of animal industry, who
brands every piece “horse flesh.” The remain­
ing portions of the meat are cooked and dried,
and with the blood, made into a fertilizer, which
is in demand for the sugar plantat'ons of the
Sandwich islands and elsewhere. The skins
are shipped to Ban Francisco tanneries, and the
glue stock to Ran Francisco glue factories. It
takes all the large, muscular pieces from about
six horses to make a barrel of pickled horse
meat. Not a particle of the horse killed is
used here, though there are many who believe
that horse flesh Is just as good and wholesome
in every way as beef. If the price of beef and
mutton keeps on Increasing, as it has In the
past few years, there are many who will proba­
bly be glad to get a good hotse steak.
Ladles’ Tailor-Made Sults, Separate Skirts, Jackets, Capes,
Largest and Best Line of Shirt Waists ever Shown In the State,
‘Thousand Radies’, (pisses aqd (jjtjildreq s ^rirqrqed
__ ___C LOT HING
To fit the Smallest Boy, the Largest Fat and Slim Man.
And prices which will surprise you all.
I^eq’s |uits |^|ade to Qrder iq our [^iqe ^ailoriqg [jjepartnqeqt.
Cannot be excelled in the State for Prices, Quality and
It is impossible to mention all we carry in stock.
Respectfully Yours,
R,. Jacobeon & Co.,
McMinnville’s Greatest Store.
Now- l.ook Hui tor Yamhill.
Plumbing and Tinning
Boiler & Steam Engine
Repa i r i n
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Sanitary Plumbing of
Homes or Offices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop with S. A.
Manning. Phone Main 41.
J acob W ortman , Pres.
J ohn W ortman , Cashier.
E d H endricks , Vice Pres.
A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier
The First National Bank
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
The Oldest Bank in Yamhill County. Established in 1885.
Capital and Surplus, {90,000.
Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United
States, and draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The
accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited.
We never have had a time-worn stock of Furni­
ture, but we are making a Clearance sale just now
of a nice, durable and medium grade of goods, and
in their place will put in the best stock ever landed
in McMinnville, both as to styles and quality.
Along with this we will continue to carry the
cheaper goods to suit that class of trade. But for
Something Really Nice in Furniture
You should see
Third St., former stand of Racket Store.
Secretary Wisdom, of the state board of
agriculture, whose announcement can be
depended on, informs The Reporter that
C. M I.afollette, who won first premium
on Marion county exhibit at the state
fair last year, will get up an exhibit for
Yamhill county this year, having re­
cently become a resident of this county.
He will do his best to capture first prize
for us, and there isn’t a better man in
the state for the work. All Yamhillers
are asked to render Mr. I.afollette al! the
assistance they can, as it will mean more
than usual this year to capture the first
prize, because the fair will probably be
attended by more home seekers than
4 any ever held in the state.
For Weak Men |
Who are broken in health.
Whose backs are weak.
Whose vitality is wasted.
Whose nerves are shattered.
Who are old while young.
Who are rheumatic.
Who have varicocele.
Howard Ellson is out on the road run-
" uing a peddling wagon.
Splendid weather is now the order of
I the day, and everyone is busy.
Enclose It to Me With t
Ten Dollars
The revival meetings at the ME.
church closed last Friday night.
Chas. Ayers of southern Oregon is
here visiting his wife, who has been sick
for some time.
And I will furnish you all complete, 7
ready for use, mv IOOI, Model No. Z
Elmer Martin will tie here in a few
7, SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT 4 days to pay a visit to his father. He
It is superior in make, quality and I comes from Iowa.
power to any belt offered by other
The Christian Endeavor will give an
dealers for which they charge fjo
ice cream social on the evening of the
or more.
19th of this month.
The Amity picnic grounds since living
fenced and put in order will be an invit­
Call or write for my free booklets,
ing place for people to spend a holiday
which explain all about my world
The mother of Mrs. Combs was buried
famous appliances.
here last Tuesday. The funeral was at
the M. E. church and was largely at­
169 Fourth St., Portland, Oregon.
April 9th was the 731! birthday anni­
versary of Rev. Joseph Hoberg, and as
usual he invited a number of friends to
including a Reporter representa­
I have opened up for the dinner,
tive, who also had a birthday, and his
spring trade an entire new line family, Mrs. R. W. King and son, and
of Millinery Goods. The stock Mrs. Verona Nelson and son Mr. and
Mrs. Hoberg are good to everybody, but
consists of all that is
we have always felt specially fortunate
and the prices are very reason­ in having the papers to show that we
able. You are invited to call had a birthday that keeps time with that
of the old gentleman. His large circle
and investigate.
of friend* over the county will be pleased
to know that he passed the 73d milestone
in rather better health than usual.
lien? Spring llliliinery.
M . M. E. H
Roth’s Store, Amity, Oregon.
It will be pleasing news to many people in Yamhill county to know
that their friend Judge Caples, after fo ir years'absence from the state as
U. S. consul at Valparaiso, is soon to return home. A letter received by
his daughter, Mrs. M C. Matthieu of Portland, on the 4th inst , states that
he is returning with his daughter Jennie via Europe, and was then sight­
seeing in France. Judge Caples’ history is one full of honors—the natural
outgrowth of a life of industry and honest endeavor. He was born in
Maryland in 1832, moved to Ohio and was in 1853 admitted to the bar. He
practiced in that state five years, and in Indiana seven, before coming to
Vancouver in 1865, and then to Portland one year later. He dearly loves
Oregon, and says it is the fairest spot “on God's green earth.” Up to the
time of his consular appointment lie had practiced law in Portland and
surrounding counties 29 years, six years ot which period he was district
attorney for the counties of Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, Colum­
bia and Clatsop. lie was elected to the legislature in 1872. The Judge is
a very social gentleman, and his close t friends never saw him “out of
humor.” His excellence as a political campaigner for the republicans is
well known, and it is in this particular that he is best known in this
county. We never heard him make a speech that he didn't propose three
Cheers and a tiger at the close. He never failed to meet with a hearty re­
sponse, and will get it again when he next comes to McMinnville.
' "
Mr. Woodie Kutch spent Sunday in
We are having most beautiful spring
Carlton visiting relatives.
Mrs. C. C. Linden was taken suddenly
Mrs. Lida Helvie has been quite sick
ill last Sunday, but is much better now. for the past week.
Ray G. Barnhart, former proprietor of
The Easter exercises at the Christian
the Sheridan Sun, is visiting in the city, church on Sunday morning were very
R. L. Bewley left on Monday morning much enjoyed by all present.
for Portland to have some dental work
The infant son of W. A. Howe has
been quite sick with membranous croup,
W. E. Martin, a former resident of but is reported better at the present
Cottage Grove, was in our town on Mon­ writing.
Rev. Budroe of the Eugene divinity
Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Cain have moved to school will preach in the Christian
Portland. We regret very much to lose Church Sunday morning and evening,
April 14th.
The missionary program at the Bap­
Chas Young of McMinnville is visiting
with the family of his sister, Mrs. R. L. tist church Sunday was very interesting.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Campbell of Mc­ meet at the home of Mrs. Roberts April
Minnville spent Sunday with relatives 23d
in this city.
The question for Friday night is: Re­
Miss Ora Buel, our efficient deputy sol veil, That it is right for a man with­
postmistress, is confined to her hottie out children to pay school tax.
with the measels.
ative—Mr. Jones, Bell Hudson, Abe
Negative—Ida Smith, Mr.
A. J. Bewley has entered into partner­ Stratton.
Strong, Milton York.
ship with Sam Yocotn, the butcher, and
the firm is now Yocotn & Bewley.
On Friday last Carlton public school
Joseph Yocotn of McMinnville has was favored by an address by Brother
been up here several days looking after Day, in which, after relating several
atnusiug anecdotes of his early school
his farming interests in this vicinity.
career, he outlined the course of true
Walt Sleppy and family left on manhood and womanhood, which was
Wednesday morning for Oakland, Wash., accepted by the hearty approval of all.
where he has secured work for the sum­
Ou Friday last the pupils of the upper
Mrs. Kate Mendenhall, living several grilles resolved themselves iuto a mock
miles above Willamina, has been spend­ senate. Several bills relating to the
ing the week with her daughter, Mrs protection of harmless birds, taxation of
dogs, prohibiting the stopping of trains
A. J. Bewley.
so as to obstruct the public highways,
Mr. Franklin, who has been running etc , were passed.
Several interesting
the Mack House, has quit the hotel speeches were made by the pupils, es­
business and has moved into the Allyn pecially on the bill relating to the tax­
Yocotn house in North Sheridan
ation ol dogs. At lour o'clock the sen­
ate adjourned and all went home teeling
Masters Carl and Ray Maloney drove that they knew a great deal better how
up from McMinnville on Sunday last, laws are made.
and returned Monday morning accom­
panied by their sister, Mrs. Walter Scott.
Rev Day made a brief visit to the
Ben Evans, the stage driver, had a county seat last week.
lively little runaway last Saturday just
after coming into town, which resulted
Mrs, Kutch, who has been quite ill, is
in no more damage than the breaking of now reported convalescent.
a few hotties of soda water.
Miss Kate Johnson of North Yamhill
Joe Churchman, son of P. M. Church­ visited friends liere last week.
man, came in on the train last Friday
Several school teachers in and about
evening. Joe has hut recently returned
from Manila, and has been in the hos­ Carlton are in McMinnville this week
pital in San Francisco for a number of taking the examination.
weeks. His many friends are glad of his
John W. Loder, a promising young
safe return.
lawyer of Oregon City, made his father
a short visit a short time ago.
-------- -------------
Chance lor n Home.
Miss Maggie Triplett, who is teaching
Six acres for sale adjoining McMinn­ a term of school at Wapato, spent Sun­
ville, planted to onions and other vege­ day at her home near this city.
Our enterprising bartier, Wm. Hudson,
tables. Large torootn house, barn and
chicken house. Orchard and greenhouse. .made several additions to his barbering
paraphernalia and is now prepared to do
Windmill and pump for irrigating gar­ business in first-class style.
den. A big bargain. Enquire at this-
< ieorge Roberts, the S. P. agent at
this place, returned home last Thursday
evening from a visit of a few days in
There is a growing confidence at Al Portland, and resumed his duties Friday
bany that preparations are being made morning.
for the extension of the Corvallis A E «st­
Our scho<4 under the excellent prin-
ern, airtl for the introduction of several cipalslnp of Prof. Kitigtry, is progress­
ing nicely. The students are contem­
industries there.
plating giving an entertainment in the
Wall paper at cut prices. Must be near future for the purpose of benefiting
their library.
•old. Call and see llodaon.