The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 22, 1901, Image 5

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    Steamer Bonita
G. S. Wright, dentist.
The glee club’s concert at the opera
Leave« McMinnville for Portland and way
house tonight, the 22d.
landings Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
G. S. Wright, dentist,
mornings al fl :oo Arrives troni Portland on
You are invited to try the No. 1
Monday, Wednemlav and Friday, at 6 p. in
O. II. Irvine is out again aftera secoud
Pare, round trip, 11.50. Freight at lowest
els at Kegg's. 10c per quart.
L. P. HO8POKD, Master.
s|>ell of sickness.
Pacilic College Will tsllteil the
Allegation. Hroughl Against
Their Orator.
The charge of plagiarism being brought
Have you seen that new granite ware against Elwood Minchin, the prize ora­
Wanted—Wool and mohair.
at Hodson’s. Guaranteed the best.
tor at the late contest at Corvallis, has
C hristenson & H ouck .
G. E. Martin and wife are occupying thoroughly aroused the Newberg people,
Proprietors of
Mrs. W. T. Vinton visited in Portland
who feel that a great wrong has been
the Durhatu cottage on Cstreet.
this week.
P. M Flynn arrived yesterday from <tone their college and their orator. A
Cut rates on wall paper for the next
Sumpter, where he has been living lately. delegation of representative men were in
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds month at Wm. Scott’s.
this city early in the week for an inter­
Farm for rent—180 acres, near Mon­
South side Third St. between B and C.
M. E. Hendrick was down to Portland
view with college authorities here, and a
mouth. Enquire at this office.
on business Wednesday.
comparison of the oration with the al­
Look in at H. A. Palmer's the last of leged source of inspiration. The state­
The St. Charles store asks no favors,
this week for a fresh line of vegetables. ment made last week that “some two
only an even chance.
R. Baird of North Yamhill was a busi­ hundred words were taken bodily” from
A new and beautiful Axminster carpet
ness visitor to McMinnville Wednesday. “Martyn's Life of Phillips,” was proved
has been laid in Dr. Wright’s office.
Bring your best butter and fresh eggs a misapprehension by the investigation.
Fresh English rye grass seed for sale
to Wallace it Walker and get their worth It revealed that the young man had
by R. Baird, North Yamhill.
made a close study of the book in pre­
and Surgeon. We are paying this week 35 to 40 cts in cash or mdse.
Warren Cressy and wife moved into paring his speech, and used it as a refer­
per roll for good butter and 11 cts
Office over McMinnville National Bank.
Mrs. Hodson’s residence on 1st street ence in writing his oration, instilling
( alls responded to Day and Night.
for fresh eggs. W allace & W alker .
some of the authors thoughts aud lan­
the week.
M c M innville -
O regon .
The members of Diana Lodge, K. of P.,
guage. Whether he exceeded the bounds
The wood air tight heater will save the j
are requested to be present at «ext meet­
of intercollegiate-oratorical propriety is
price of a stove in one year. Hodson
ing, March 27th.
the sole question in dispute. Pacific
sells them.
College thinks not, McMinnville and
We extend a special invitation to the
Why do you sell your eggs for 10c per other colleges think he did.
Racket store in our new quarters on
dozen when you ean get 11c at M. E
The newspapers are not the arbitra­
south side Third street.
tors of the question for the disputants.
Rooms in Jacobson Block,
C. F. M ills & Co.
G. W. Woolette has purchased a tract The Reporter's statements of the charge
M c M innvilli ,
O regon .
W. C. Arthur, the contractor, will
of land in the Cozine donation land last week were made on authority of
erect a neat seven-room cottage for F. S.
those bringing the charges, and with a
claim and will fit it up for a home.
J C. MICHAUX, n. D.,
E. H. Woodward, editor of the New- desire to correctly report local opinion,
Mark Sisters have a full line of spring berg Graphic, was in town on Tuesday, speculation and belief. It has no enmity
towards Pacific College or the good peo­
Physician and Surgeon, street hats. Opening of trimmed hats accompanied by Mrs. Woodward.
Saturday, March 23d.
ple of Newberg. The charge is a serious
Full line of field and garden seeds at
The meetings in the Cumlterland Pres­ the produce market of C. F. Daniels, one, and by the testimony of all, is made
M c M innville , OREGON.
against a most worthy young man, work­
byterian church are well attended, and
sold as cheap as they can be purchased
Office in Wright Block
Dr. Dalton of Portland is preaching force­
ing his way through college by personal
anywhere in the valley.
ful aud interesting sermons
effort. The fight is not personal, but is
Wm. Campbell and familj- arrived
brought on principle. It is quite possi­
N. E. Kegg will sell you a keg of pick-
home Wednesday evening from their so­ ble that other of the orators are open to
els cheap. Investigate.
journ of the past two months in Califor­ similar charges.
President Boardman
Billy Martin and son of Cottage Grove nia.
pilots not hesitate to say that he would
were in the city this week. Mrs. Martin
Peery Drug Co. carry a complete line not tolerate for a moment the use of a
is visiting her mother in Amity. They of drugs and sundries. Everything up
to date. Purest prescription drugs only book to the same degree in his institu-
are looking for a new location.
dispensed. Come in and see our line ■ of >on
' The new executive committee is the
The reception to Rev. R. W. King last fine perfumes.
Office roomy 9 and 10, Union Block.
Friday night was largely attended and
In the spring the young lady’s fancy proper authority to decide the case, and
Oregon tilled with good natured banter and rem­ turns to thoughts of a new organ or piano it will probably fall to their lot in the
Wm. Scott is supplying the demand all near future. Publication of “parallels”
iniscence between himself and friends.
up and down the vailey. Prices the low­
Land titles and land business a specialty.
has been made. Two illustrations are
R. Jacobson has been in Portland two est and payments easy. See him.
Ex-Regisur U. S. land office.
herewith given. Minchin wrote:
or three days this week. Mr. Jacobson
We are started now and can give yon
“Driven on by the ever potent desire
R obert a . miller
is very desirous of having some sort of
what you want in the line of feed. For for gain, men bartered away their fellow
manufacturing enterprise established
seed barley, flour, mixed feed, hay, oats, men; women and children were knocked
Attorney at Law
wheat, potatoes, grass seeds, garden
Oregon City, Or.
The farmers will do well to investigate seeds, chicken grit and supplies of al) down to the highest bidder; babies were
torn from their mothers’ arms and sold
our market for produce. N. E. K egg .
kinds, bee supplies, and lastly something by the pound.” The words of the book
All questions relating to land business prompt­
Prof. Rennie Doane, son-in-law of J. good for breakfast, see J. A. Derby & Son.
ly answered by letter.
are: “Here it was entirely proper to
C. Cooper, has been appointed by Gov. Farmers, bring in your produce, we
knock men down under the hammer of
Rogers to the office of fish commissi tier would like to have your patronage
the auctioneer, whip women and chil­
for the state of Washington
The office
dren, and sell babies by the pound.”
pays $2,000 per year.
We congratulate
The last paragraph is the one of which
our good friend, the professor.
Many fruit trees are in full bloom.
complaint is made.
1 am paying the top price for poultry
The second one comes where Minchin
United Evangelical conference in three
and eggs and want all I can get,as I have weeks.
speaks of an anti slavery editor who was
a special order to fill. Remember I pay­
Rev. E. B Lockhart went to Portland “shot down like a dog,” while Martyn
We are located opposite II. C. Burns’ and aim
H. A. P almer .
on Monday for business and a few days said, “Lovejoy was shot down like a
to give all customers good treatment for little cash.
money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­
among old friends.
mad dog.”
On account of poor health and failing
ronage solicited.
The grossbeaks are still with US, and
Other passages used from the book by
eyes, Brother Pearce of tbe North Yam­
are industrious and tame.
feed Minchin are much shorter than this, and
hill Record announces that he desires to upon maple seeds.
in nearly every case consisted of a
sell bis newspaper business.
Rev. G. W. Grannis of Salem will
___ phrase or clause constituting the ground­
Nelson C. Hulin, who is stopping in preach in the Methodist'cliurch on Sun­ work for an elaborated thought in his
Portland, came home last Saturday to day next, morning and evening. All in­
own language. In his arrangement of
Manufactures and Deals In
attend hie sister's wedding. He returned
Rev. A. A Winter went to Newberg the oration and the beauty of his cli­
on Monday last to begin a protracted maxes, all concede- that Minchin did
At the opera house this Friday evening, meeting there. Some of his brethren splendid work.
the men's glee chib of the college, assis­ will assist hitu.
.ndbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they
can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette ted by Seth Storey of Portland, will give
Quite a number of people went over to
Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are a concert. The admieeion will be only Dayton for the temperance rally on last
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them.
Thursday. All report a grand time
25 cents.
Col. Holt goes to Carlton next.
The office, platform and shed for Spaul­
Mrs. B. L. Kelly, of Lane county, and
I have opened up for the
ding & Co’s, new lumber yard are being Mrs E. Ruble, of Winona, Washington,
trade an entire new line
came the last of last week to see their
will beehipped in soon. The shed is be­ father, Rev. J. McIntire, who is nigh un­ of Millinery Goods. The stock
to death. All the children are now at
ing built 24x80 feet.
consists of all that is
home, two daughters and two sons.
All Oregonians who visit Portland
Rev. W. H. Kelogg D. D., of Port­
should not fail to take time to visit the land, will deliver an illustrated lecture
Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful rooms of the Oregon Historical society
prices are very reason­
on “Way Down in Dixie” at the Metho­
handling guaranteed. Collections will be made
monthly, Hauling of all kinds done cheap.
and see the fine exhibit that has been dist church on Friday night, March able.
are invited to call
collected. Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Himes or 29th. Admission 15 cents for grown and investigate.
people, small children free.
Mr. Greenfield are all obliging and after
Wood. Wood!
Rev. J. McIntire, while verging upon
M rs . M. E. H olmes .
such a visit you have a broader and bet­
dissolution, has rallied a little and is
Sealed bids will be received by Diet. No.
ter opinion of your state.
Store, Amity, Oregon.
better; can hear as well as ever, and
40, McMinnville, Or., up to March 23d,
talks plainer, but is still confined to his
at 7 o’clock p. in., for 40 cords of No. 1 old
bed. Mrs. Kelly of Lane county, his
fir wood and 40 cords of oak grub wood nership in dentistry with Wise Bros , daughter, started for home on Monday
for a few days. Mrs. Rable of Washing­
Fir wood to be free of large knots, and oak
not to be less than 3 inches at top end. Wright. Their head office will be in ton is still with her father.
The W. C. T. U. held an enthusiastic
Bdl to be delivered to Wm. Scott, dis­ Portland, in elegant quarters in the new
Failing building at cornea of Third and meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms last
trict clerk.
f J. P. I rvine ,
Directors •'F. E. R ogers ,
Washington, with branch offices in thia Saturday. Mrs. Grover and Mrs. Cook
of McMinnville met with them and gave
I E. E. G oucher .
city and Tillamook.
interesting addresses to the union. The
Come out among them and be ye so­ W. C. T U. made the Y. M. C. A. rooms
Good Cough .Tledlclne for Children.
cial, and I know you will enjoy the spe­ tbeir beadquarters and meet every Sat­
“1 have no hesitancy in recommend­
urday at 2:30 o’clock with the following
music at thq Christian church next officers: President, Mrs. Hyde; vice pres­
ing Chamberlain’s cough remedy,” says
idents, Mrs. U. Smith, Mrs. Baird and
F. I’. Moran, a well known and popular
Brother Lindsey will preach on the fol­ Mrs Shiver; recording secretary, Miss
baker, of Petersburg, Va. “We have
Cora Kimberlin; corresponding secre­
given it to our children when troubled lowing subjects: “Is God the father of tary, Mrs. Vickrey; treasurer, Mrs.
with bad coughs, also whooping Congb, all tbe race?” Evening, “Church unity Springer; and over twenty in member­
and it has always given perfect satisfac­ and fraternalism.” There were 42 ad­ ship.
tion. It was recommended to me by a ditions at Dallas.
Who are broken in health.
On last Tuesdsv about fifteen of the the best cough medicine for
Whose backs are weak.
Dr. G. 8. Wright will be in his office D. of H. went over to Carlton to visit the
children as it contains no opium or other
Whose vitality is wasted.
harmful drug.” Sold by Howorth.
Whose nerves are shattered.
here the first 15 days of each month, and lodge there. In returning, while com­
ing down the hill near Mr. English’s
Who are old while young.
the last 15 in his new office in Portland. farm, some part of the harness of Mr.
Clearance Rale of Shoe.,
Who are rheumatic.
Those wishing work done will do well to Hurlburt’s team gave way, and down the
Who have varicocele.
Now is the time to get some genuine remember this, and call when the office hill they went. They struck the bridge
bargains in ladies’ and men's
is not closed. Thia regulation will take and upset the hack, ami threw the load
Mrs. Ramsey and
we need room for spring stock, There is effect the 15th of next month, when he of passengers out.
the driver, Mr. Hurlburt, were the most
no place like the Racket Store for real will leave for Portland. No one will hurt. The horses broke loose and went
Enclose It to Me With
on towards home.
Other hacks came
Ten Dollars
along and took up the passengers and
Tuesday evening a party consisting of brought them on home about 2:30
Rrmarknhle rare« of Hkntmathm
Anti I will furnish you all complete,
From the Vindicator, Rutherfordton, N. C.
C. D. Johnson anti wife. Mrs. John o'clock a m. The rig was smashed.
ready for use, mv 1901. Model No.
The editor of the Vindicator has had Gault, Mrs. John Wisecarver, Mrs. John
it is superior in make, quality and
Fer Sale.
occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber Bennette, Mrs. E. J. Wood, and W. G.
power to any belt offered by other
Iain’s pain balnt twice with the most re­ Henderson, visited the D. of IL at Carl­
Small fruit farm, 28 acres; 20 acYes in
dealers for which they charge I30
markable results in each case. First,
with rhenmatism in the shoulder from ton, from this city. Just as they reached cultivation, 3 in prunes, 2 in other fruit,
or more.
which he suffered excruciating pain for tbeir destination one of the lines broke, good house and barn, near North Yam­
ten davs, which was relieved with two and Mr. Henderson, the driver, was un­ hill. Address box 85, North Yamhill.
< >
applications of pain balm, rubbing the ( able to control the team. Mr. Johnson
< »
Call or write for my free booklets, *
parts afflicted and realizing instant bene
Headache often results from a disor­
tit and entire relief in a very short time | i endeavored to alight from the hack tot
which explain all about my werld ‘
assist him, bnt fell and the wheels dered condition of the stomach and con-
famous appliances.
Second, in rheumatism i in thigh
iI joint,
almost prostrating him with severe pain, . |,aH«ed over hie shoulder and breast, giv­ stipation of the bowels. A doae or two
which was relieved by two applications. , ing him some rather painful bruises. of Chamberlain*, stomach and liver tab­
rabbin* with the liniment on retiring
St., Portland, Oregon. •
at night. and getting up free from pain. On their return tbe team again ran away
For sale by H ?worth.
C hicago S tore .
and Surgeons.
Attorney and
Notary Public
We place on Sale
Saturday JYIorning,
for Chree Days Only
Soo yards, 30 inch Percales, in Dark and
Medium effects in all the New Spring De­
signs. Choice for 3 days
iooo yards Mill Ends in Spring Outings
in Light, Medium and Dark Effects, reg­
ular ioc and 12c goods. Choice for 3 days
Bettei come in and look through the new
Spring Goods opened up in the past week.
They are in great abundance. Every de­
partment shows hosts of New Bright
Goods for Spring.
C hicago S tore
General Merchandise
We have to offer our
customers good
prices in the follow­
ing lines:
Rubber Goods
Winter Wear
ait a little and see our offers on Summer Gootltt.
Best Prices for Farm Produce.
HOWE, Carlton.
2ÎCW Spring UÍtllincry
Truck and Dray Co
For Weak Men
Most Complete Store in the Valley.
M bs - H. A. S wanson , C arlton , O r .
Ladies’, Misses and Children’s Goods.
Wait and see our new Spring and Summer Styles.
M rs - H. A. S wanson , C arlton .
War! War! War!!
Is being declared every day by Housekeep­
ers against dirt, and they will find it far
easier to win a victory if they secure their
Wall Paper, Cementico,
And Other Wall Dressings, at
The McMinnville National Bank.
P aid C apital , <50,000
S vrpluh and P rofit «, $25,000
Trannactn a General Banking buain«*«» and ex W ik I h to it* patrona every facility
consistent with »afe and prudent tanking.
L. E. Cowls
W. L. Warren
Lee Laughlin, Pres. • J. L. Rogers, Vice Pres,
E. C. Ap person,Cashier W. S. Link, Asst. Cashier
(Hike hour« o a m. to i rm.
Take The Reporter and Get the News
One Dollar Per Year.