▼ GOLF PLAYING EXTRAORDINARY. Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forms of eczema or salt rheum, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions pro­ ceed from humors, either inherited, or acquired through defective di­ gestion and assimilation. To treat these eruptions with drying medieiueR is dangerous. The thing to do is to help the system discharge the humors, and to strengthen it against their re­ turn. Hood’s Sarsaparilla permanently cured J. G. Hines, Franks. 111., of eczema, frop=. which he had suffered for some time; a« I Miss Alvina Wolter. Box 212, Algona. Wis., of pimples on her face and back ami chafed skin on her body, bv which she had been greatly troubled There are more testimonials in favor of this great medi­ cine than can be published. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Northwest Champion Strikes the Ball Lliud folded. A unique golf tournament was re­ cently played In Tacoma, Wash. Mr. S. D. Bowers, who won ihe tournament by defeating iu the finals Mr. Gifford of Portland, the ebampion of the North­ west, made a wager of a dinner with some of the players present that he could play the 18-bole course blindfold­ ed in 180 strokes. Of course the player was only to be blindfolded during the act of striking the ball, after which he was at liberty to remove the blindfold, walk up to the ball and take his stand with his club resting on the ground preparatory to striking. After having assumed the desired position the bllnd- I j fold was readjusted and he made his stroke. Tbe’strlct rules of the game governed. The difficulty of playing In this manner is apparent to any golfer, as the player Is uuabie to "keep bis eye on the ball.” the omission to do which ‘ Promises to cure and keeps the promise. No longer put off treat­ ment. Buy a bottle of Hood’s to­ day. One Good Law in Boston. A law in Boston permits residents to keep street musicians 300 feet from their houses. and gives New Life by purifying the blood. New Use for Aluminum. Experiments are being made to dis­ cover if aluminum may not be used in the manufacture of high-class wind instruments. If this could be done it it is thought it would be very desir­ able, on acconnt of verdigris deposits, and as it is not easily affected by changes of temperature the instruments would be lees likely to get out of tune. MR BOWERS STRIKING. usually results fatally as every player knows. It In effect substitutes mem- | ory and mechanical motion for sight. I To hit the ball every stroke as Mr. Bowers succeeded in doing, requires a ! machine like swing which only long practice and knowledge of the game j can give. Not only did Mr. Bowers succeed in hitting the ball every stroke, but he often made drives of from 130 to 180 yards, and, in fact, was beyond the green on the seventeenth hole in two strokes, a distance of 320 yards. In putting. Mr. Bowers did remarkably well, and seldom took three strokes on a green. Approaching seemed to lie his hardest task, though at times his work in tills line was also good. The blindfold used was a heavy plush lady’s work bag which was worn like a cap, and pulled down over the eyes, nose and mouth, and tied around the neck, thus assuring beyond cavil, abso­ lute obstruction of the vision, and not even permitting a glimpse of the ball or ground Don't Accept a Substitute! Immigration Into Canada. Immigration returns show that 24,000 people settled iu Canada in the last six months. The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves. Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form No Cure, No Pay. Price EOe. For 1904 Kansas Exposition. Kansas is already laying plans for • great exposition to be held at Topeka in 1894 in celebration of the 50th an­ niversary of her organization as a ter­ ritory. The Oldest and Best J S. S. S. is a combination of roots and herbs of great curative powers, and when taken into the circulation searches out and removes all manner of poisons from the blood, without the least shock or harm to the system. On the contrary, the general health begins to improve from the first dose, for S. S. S. is not only a blood purifier, but an excellent tonic, and strength­ ens and builds up the constitution while purging the blood of impuri­ ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt . Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles, and is an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease, Contagious Blood Poison. A record of nearly fifty years of successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever. It numbers its friends by the thousands. Our medical corres­ pondence is larger than ever in the history of the medicine. Many write to thank us for the great good S. S. S. has done them, while others are seek­ ing advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have made a life-long study of Blood and Skin Dis­ eases, ana better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who specialty of no one disease. We are doing great good to suffering humanity through our consulting de­ partment, and invite ‘ you to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charga whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA. QA. I. Ten Huge Dynamos. In the central station ot the Sagars Falls Power Company there are 10 huge dynamos in operation, each one of which generates 5,000 electrical horse power. Thus under the roof of this magnificent building is a total de­ velopment of 50,000 horse power, which is said to be the largest amount of electricity generated under a single roof in the world. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A LEADER IN CIVIC REFORM. When you a-k for Cascarets, be sure von get the genuine Caseareta txtidy Cai h r tie! Don’t accept fraudulent aubstitutes, imitations or counterfeits! When built, will prove the link between prosperity ami many people. It will prove a blessing to humanity in general, improv­ ing the conditon of tne nation, as Hostet­ ter’s Stomach Bitters does that of the indi­ vidual. Nothing to equal inis remedy has ever been discovered for all ailments of the stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys. It w ill quickly cleanse the blood and sharften the appetite, bee that our Private Rev­ enue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. os O hio , citv or tolzdo , ( „ L ucas C ounty . | **• F risk J. CHINKY makes oath that he is tbs senior carter of the firm of F. J. < HKNXY & co., doing bujinesN in the Citv of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav thesumol ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each apd every ease of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of H all ’ s C atarrh C vrx . FRANK J. CHENEY 8worn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this Sib day of December, A. D. 18S6. t—^- j A. W. GLEASON, I I Notary Public Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken internally amt acts directly on the blood and mucous surfacea of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. .!. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 75c. When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste­ form. No Cure, No Pay. PREVENTS ANI> CURES DISEASE Garfield Tea is a wonderful HERB MEDICINE that .deanaea the ayatem The Nicaragua Canal. B tati TOO KNOW WHAT TOtJ AllE TAKING Wireless Telegraphy in Hawaii. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 26.—Ad- vices from Honolulu have been re- ceived of the putting in practical Working operation of the svstem oi wireless telegraphy between the city of Honolulu and the various islands of the Hawaiian group. Stations have been established on all the islands. The tests showed good working. The ------ sevrice includes all the islands except Kauai. ] By means of a cable messages can be sent from Lanai to the island of Mani. By this means and by tele­ phone all the group is in close com­ munication. Big Log for the Pi•- American. One of the attractions of the Oregon ixhibit st the Pan-American exposi­ tion will be a log 30 lest long and 13 feet in diameter. Thia is the biggest log the railroads could conveniently transport. To accomnicdate the 80- loot log, with the diameter of 13 feet, in tne forestry building at the exposi­ tion, it will be necessary to put extra braces under that part ol the floor of the forestry building. Dr. Felix Ailler, Kminent Hebrew Scholar and Lecturer. Life Line 34 Miles Long. The Chicago drainage canal has a permanent life line, consisting of a storng wire cable stretched along its entire distance of 34 miles. It is there for use and safety in case of accident. To Accommodate Live Stock. Arrangements are made for the live stock department of the Pan-American exposition. Thia aignature ia on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet, the remedy that earea a cold In one day F* Physicians are often puzzled by an ailment that does not yield to the usual remedies, patients are caused much suffering and expense while experi­ ments are being tried upon them, when in many cases the seat ot the disorder is in the blood. If this vital fluid ia impoverished disease is sure to follow. Build up the blood, the diseased part is nourished and strengthened, and health results. This is the simple his­ tory of what often appears to be a com­ plicated case. Mr. Ezra Edwards, the well-known merchant of Webster City, Iowa, passed through such an exper­ ience. He says: “I have always believed that my trouble was due to the impoverished condition of my blood. About lour vaars ago my ankles began to swell and cause me great path. 1 am quite heavy and as 1 was ou my feet constantly I suffered intensely. Finally the swell­ ing became so bad that I could not walk and for a week I was confined to my chair or bed. Three doctors treated me but did not effect a cure. “I first heard of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People through an ad­ vertisement iu a religious paper. About six months ago 1 began taking the pills and 1 felt good results from the first box. I continued taking them as directed for nearly five mouths. 1 am uow 42 years old and am the picture of health. I am will­ ing to tell the world that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cured me ami I know they will cure others if they are given a thorough trial. “Hardly a day passes that I do not tell some one of the benefits I have re­ ceived from Dr. Williams’ l’ink Pills for Pale People, for I think that any one suffering from any disorder of the blood or nerves should give them a thorough trial. Signed, EZRA EDWARDS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of November. 1900. Willis G. Bonner, (Seal) Notary Public. At all druggists or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 50 cents per box; 6 boxes, $2.50. Bacili 11« of Grip. Hundreds of car loads of Peruns are shipped in all directions to meet the extraordinary demand of the grip epidemic. Everybody laying in a stock of this valuable remedy in time to meet the terrible enemy, the Grip. The extensive facilities of the manufacturers taxed to their ut­ most to meet the urgent demand for Peruna. Almost, every body has the grip. Almost every body must have Pe­ runa. Taken at the appearance of the first symptoms of the grip, not only is Peruna a prompt cure for the grip but it prevents those dis­ astrous after effects so character­ istic of this dread disease. Peruna not only cures the grip MaKiilHed 16.000 Times. but prevents it. Taken in time thousands of lives will be saved in this present epidemic. Every family should take the precaution to secure a supply of Peruna at once, for the retail and wholesale stock of the remedy u>ay be exhaust­ ed by the enormous demand for it. It is wisdom to have Peruna in the house even before the grip at­ tacks the household. It has lieen ascertained by a reporter that the following people of national reputation have given public endorsement and testimonials to Peruna as a remedy for la grippe: Congressman Howard, of Alabama, says: ”1 have taken Peruna for the grip «nd recommend it as an excellent remedy to all fellow-sufferers.” Congressman White, of North Carolina, says: “1 find Peruna to be an excellent remedv for the grip. I have used it in my family and they all join iii'- in recommending it.” M'se Frances M. Anderson, of Washington, D. C.. daughter of Judge Anderson, of Virginia says: “I was taken very ill with the grip. I took Peruna and was able to leave my bed in a week.” Mrs. Ilarriette A. 8. Marsh, president of the Women’s Benovelent Association, of Chicago, writes: “I suffered with grip seven weeks. Nothing helped me. Tried Peruna and within three weeks was fully re­ stored. Shall never be without it again.” At the appearance of the first symptoms of the grip people should stav indo irt and take Peruna in smalldoies (teaspoonful every hour) until thei symptoms disappear. This will prevent a long, disastrous sickness it.Hl un J ivcuiva. and perhaps il* fatal results. f 2 . Spoiled Children. Spoiled children are not the children ol self sacrifice, but of selfishness and cowardice—the selfishness which seeks the easiest way; the cowardice * hioh shrinks from facing dangers thereby engendered. — February Ladies’ Home Journal, Lazy Liver WÉÍ! bra br M*° W ill K eep Y ou D ry M qìtkiiiki © Hass W.L ÏAHt No S ustituts . re« CeTALOGue. SnowtHc F ull L imc of G arments and H ats . A.J. T ower Co. bmtw , mass . ■ 1,11 ' tat RLSsrn UIW——— communs trac nos ■tai B> RVSMU 1 1. ■MS MUM The “Russell” Compound Stops tho Oough and Wonka Off tho Oold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Not Much Left. Lady—Where is my trunk? Baggage Man—I couldn’t find any trunk, mum, but I’ve got the handle with the check on. ! Ptmaant. Palatable. Potent. Taele Good De Good. Never Sinken. Weaken, or Gripe. Ihr lúe. AOe. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. Bl.rll.t k-a-ej Censeey. ENGINE Is here to stay. It is the Most Economical and Powerful Engine built. ... ««. MeMrvel. ■•■ Teri. IM Write us for full particulars. MH. TH.RAP ®<)ld and guaranteed by all dnif- NU- I U-DAU g|SU u> C1JHE Tobacco HablU RUSSELL & CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. SEED DEALERS. SENO NO MONET Until you haw« soon and tested our wiick W. m H «t Faster/ Frire at One-Half ani lass than what you havo to pay alsaivher« Onr watchM are fitted with the unequalM Im. 11 Jeweled Bpeeial Limited or 7 jewe Wallhaaa or Bigi« ■•«•■•at, knowt tho world over aa the bete. an< WARRANTED 20 TlARI Mend for Free Catalogua. PORTLAND SEED CO., I» Frani St., PsrHand. Or. PUHI LAMBERSON’S SEEDS! Annual i'atalofiie now ready. Mailed free on reou< ai. Full line of aupplies for fa in. poultry, bee« or garden. BUELL LAMBERSON’S SONS. I8O Front Street. Portland, Ore. C« m la hunting solid fold patten engraving, extra 14 karat goU plate good oroueh for a ral I rote proaident. Spoetai Offer ter tte neat <0 darai Send your addiwa and we will aend watch COD with privilege of full «innlns tlon Call In any axpert and * footed perfectly antiafactory ant the heat watch over offered for aud a price pay kA 75 and ai press ch arg otherwise not ona cent FREE < BO ehate for next 30 daya with aven valrh. Stete ff Ladlee or Gente watch ia wanted Write at onoe« may not advertise thia watch at thia prie« again. Catalogue free XuMlsior Watch Ca.. 847 Castrai Bank Chioas« If* CLAIMANTS FOR r^ IL II Wrl a toHAIHAN SKS eh | ms M t IV O I VZ IV BICKFORn. Waihlngtan. 0 C.. they will r» ■ ■ cetre quick repilea. B Mh N. H. Vola. Stag 70th Corpa. Procediti ng claim« «ime IS7S. Alw»y» Fresh. Alw»> the CASTOR IA It 1 b not generally known that the 5-cent nickel coin of the United States currency was designed with special ref­ erence to its use as a unit of weight or measurement by the decimal system, but It is true. For some reason the metric system, though Its nse has been legalized In this country, does not "take” with the American people, and It has not come Into general use—perhaps never will. If ever It does, the usefulness of this coin will become at once apparent. It Is exactly five grammes In weight and two centimeters in diameter. This Is. of course, not an accident, and If there shall be any future change In onr system of coinage, other con­ venient measurements and weights, ac­ cording to the same systeto, may very properly be adopted. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow a Sooth­ ing bvrup the beat re.nedy to uae for tltHr children during the teething period. Ren*«*'raventlllll''u«nera. I>motGnp«ortteYea. T. DROPSY 10 OATJ'TMATHEKT FULL ■ OSANKOCO.. rwMMHM. r» Mar« nsde Dropiy and it« eoa- licstion« a «pecialty for tw««ty ears Titk »« a««t wonderfil HOMS.- Hsv« esr«4 bmj IMO- sad CM««. ____ ILLLttlUIEIl Bax B, Allaala, Ga, MADE Mitchell.. COMMERCIAL TAILORING CO. ■ mb BETTER Toa ean’t make a míatele It yoa gali w ritiri on. j, ■—mnt