I Steamer Bonita LOCAL Leaves McMinnville tor Portland and way landings Tuesday, Thursdsy and Saturday mornings at 6:00 Arrive» Irom Portland on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 p. m Fare, round trip, tl.50. Freight at lowest rates. L. P. HOSFORD, Master. PHYSICIANS g E. COUCHER, H. D. Physician and Surgeon. NEWS. G. 8. Wright, dentist. Bob Linn. Everybody knows Bob Linn. Mrs. A. Shilling is visiting friends at Oregon City. . Wall paper at cut prices. Must be sold. Call and see Hodson. The new cigar maker at Wiesner A Ekstein's factory is Ad Silvy of Port­ land. Office over McMinnville National Bank. Duncan Ross was in the city Monday, (.'alls responded to Day and Night. having just recovered from a three- McMINNVILLl - - - - OREGON. weeks’ siege of grip. Bob Linn, the harness maker, has charge of Manning’s harness shop. Call and see him and get acquainted. Paine and Ingersoll memorial at the First Secular church next Sunday even­ Rooms in Jacobson Block, ing. Address by Nettie Olds-Haight. M c M innvillb , . . . OagoON. Literary and musical program. Tbe public cordially invited. J C. MICHAUX, n. O., W. L. Warren, J. P. Irvine and J. W. Hobbs went over to Salem early in the Physician and Surgeon, week. Mrs. L. W. Sitton of Portland has con sented to be a candidate for the office of M c M innville , OREGON. school director, and is likely to have the Office in Union Block. support of tbe city without opposition. The Oregon Fire Relief Association ATTORNEY will hold a meeting of its members on Tuesday, Feb. 12, 1901, to consider pro­ L. CONNER, posed changes in constitution and by laws. All members present have a right to vote, and all that can should attend. £OOK & CABLE, Physicians and Surgeons. Attorney and Notary Public Office rooms 9 and 10, Union Block. Mcninnville, . Oregon BICYCLE REPAIRER J S. ROSCOE, y UMBRELLAS Re-covered and Repaired Full line of repairs and all repair work done in the best style. South side Third Street near B. MEAT MARKETS Q STREET MEAT MARKET, Chas. H. Powell, Prop. Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all lor kinds constantly in stock. Cash paid ___ hides. Highest market price paid for all kinds of lat stock. yyiLLARD & EHRMAN, Proprietors of CITY MARKET. Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds South side Third 8t. between B and C. BARBERS Judge Bird has had biB turn at tbe grip, incurred while taking a cold ride to inspect some damaged bridges. The Judge has a remedy, if taken in time : Keep eating a little gum camphor every two or three hours. It is said to be very effective. H. M. Roberts, who bought out the general merchandise business of H. F. Bedwell at North Yamhill, took charge of the store last week. He retains Mr. Harry Gist as salesman. Mr. Frank Sladden will probably take a position with a Portland firm. The Valley Transcript says that it has been sold by its owner, Mr. Snyder, to an unknown party, and Mr. Harbaugh, who is operating under a lease, declares that he will fill out all unexpired sub­ scriptions. The daily Guard of Eugene contained a notice of Elder Lindsey’s recent reviv­ al meetings in that city which was very flattering. It said ‘‘that 800 to 900 peo­ ple were in their seats by 7:30 to hear the pulpit orator ot the northwest,” and that his audiences were held spellbound for from 40 to 60 minutes. Wheat 50c, oats, 35c@38c, baled hay$8; oats and cheat $8; poultry per doz, |2 to $3.50, pork, dressed 5j^c lb 6c, live 456c, bran 70c per 100 lbs, shorts 80c per 100 lbs, flour 80c a sack, potatoes 60c a sk, prunes 5c, beef $3.50 to $4.00 per 100, butter 35 to 40c, eggs 23c, hops 13c, wool 14c. D. M. Caldwell completed the work of taking the school census last Friday. The total number of children of school age found by him was 6^4—343 boys and 308 girls. The number of voters is 400, We are located opposite H. C. Burns’ and aim to give all customers good treatment fior little and the population was found to be 1,991. money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­ The latter figure is nearly as large as the ronage solicited. U. 8. census made tbe population of Salem. HARNESS Home Circle No. 57, Women of Wood­ |O(iAN BROS., BARBER. £?LSIA WRIGHT, Manufacture» and Deals In HARNESS, SADDLES. BRIDLES. SPURS, wild brushes, and sells them cheaper than they 2an be bought anywhere else in the Willamette Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. DRAYMEN gRGWER & SON, McniNNVILLE Truck and Dray Co Good» of all description* moved, and careful handling guaranteed. Collections will be made monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap. craft, met in their new hall in the Burns building on Monday evening, Jan. 28th. Installation of the following officers took place: Past guardian, M. L. Bardon; guardian, Mrs. Jennie (irissen; adviser, Clara Rhude; attendant, Mrs. L. Gaunt; magician, Mrs. Bertha Herkosky; clerk, Mamie Woodrum; banker, Mrs. M. J. Neal; captain of guards, Nettie Derby; inner sentinel, Mrs. M. Dennis; physi­ cian, Dr. Cook; managers, Henry Gee, Mrs. Hayes and L. E. Wright. After in­ stallation ceremony and other lodge business was over, the members repaired to the reception room, where they were joined by a goodly number of Woodmen to partake of supper, after which games and a social time were had until a late hour, all feeling that it was good to be there. • On Friday last Governor Geer appoint­ Revival services conducted by Rev. M. ed the seven delegatee to Washington, L Jones and Mrs. Barrett in the Meth­ odist church at Dayton, have resulted in D. C., provided by the bill in the inter­ over a score of additions to the church. est of pensions for Indian War veterans. The commission named is the same as We are informed that the recent high was recommended by the veterans them­ water damaged the south approach t< selves, with the exception of Hon. I-ee the bridge across the Yamhill river be Laughlin of this connty, who did not low Trnllinger's flour mill .... An old feel physically able to make the trip, gentleman bv the name of Gilbert died and recommended in his stead W. D. about seven miles sonthwest of thia Stilwell of Tillamook. The others are place last Saturday morning, and was- H. D. Mount, Marion county; Jaaon buried in the Stout cemetery on Monday. Wheeler, Linn; G. W. Riddle, Douglas, —North Yamhill Record. , , T. A. Wood, Multnomah; Col. O. Sum­ The claim of other cough medicines to mers, Portland; J. C. Cooper, McMinn­ be as good as Chamberlain's are effectu­ ville. The delegates left for Washington ally set at rest in the following testimon on Tuesday. It is their intention to se­ ial of Mr. C. D. Glass, an employe oi cure. .if possible, an iriterview with Pres­ Bartlett & Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me ident McKinley himself, who, being a He says: “I had kept adding to a cole veteran, and a man of near their own anerdoz for fresh eggs. W allacx A W alkkb . The gifts of Mrs. Leland Stanford are spoken of in the January Delineator. Now for sale at Grange store. Jones A Adams started the ox teams to the mill Tuesday, preparatory to en- gaging in logging during the early months of spring. We extend a special invitation to the Racket store in our new quarters on south side Third street. C.F M ills & Co. The T. B. Kay residence on Fifth street was sold to Scott Wright on Monday for $1,000. Mr. Wright will occupy the house at once. S. D. Gaunt, the former occupant, will move into the U. 8. Booth residence. Why do postmasters now holding office fear the loss of their positions if McBride is not elected senator? Hasn’t Presi­ dent McKinley as good as said that un­ der the civil service rules postmasters would not be removed except for cause ? Hon. Wm. Chrisman and wife re­ turned Thursday evening of last week from Pueblo, Colo. They left Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt at that place. Mrs. Gaunt’s health is about as good as ever, but that of Mr. Gaunt has grown very poor since he left McMinnville. At tbe evening service in the Baptist church next Sunday, Miss Trumbull will give an organ recital, beginning at 7:30 o’clock. This will be a treat that the people of McMinnville have never before enjoyed, and those who attend will not be disappointed. M. O. Warner, the piano tuner in whom McMinnville pianists have con- fidence, is in the city. His visit this time was delayed because of the large amount of work he had to do in other cities. Mr. Warner carries a testimonial of hie work from an eastern house for which he would not take $100. The teachers’ institute last Saturday in this city was attended by about (10 of tbe "profesh.” Every city principal was present except Prof. Linden of Sher­ idan, whose dignified presence and wise counsel were misBed. This office ac­ knowledges a pleasant call from Prof. Fisher, the new principal at Amity, and Prof. Dunean of Dayton. The next ses­ sion will he held on the last Saturday of February, in Newberg. The county commissioners at their meeting on Monday placed the county levy for taxes at 18 and 3-lOths mills, which is one-tenth miH less than last year. This levy added to the city and school district levies makes the to­ tal rate in McMinnville 26.3 mills. One of our neighboring cities has a city levy alone of 27 mills, and another of 13. Considering these fignres, we are pretty well off. /There is strong probability that Mc­ Minnville’s poetoffice will change quar­ ters in the near future. Former pros­ pects for a change a few months ago were nipped in the hud by a remonstrance. Since that time Postmaster McCain has made shift with several inconveniences, such as lack of room, a leaky roof, no rear outlet, etc., until patience had ceased to lie a virtue. In response to his request the inspector again visited the city last Saturday, and examined the Odd Fellows building, just vacated by H. C. Burns. This seems the most available room, and the terms made are favorable. It is offered, with everything furnished, and a large window to be pot in the east wall, for $30 per month. The news that tbe office will go there, is looked for at any time. The location of Spaulding A Co.’s new lumber yard, which will open next month, will be the vacant lots of Geo. Bentley just east of W. J Loughary's residence. A new office will be con­ structed fronting on Third street near the railroad, and there will lie a drive­ way from Third to fourth streets. Spaulding A Co.'s mill is tbe old Dor­ rance miUpn the e rjrer at Newberg, and their suppl/ of k I'jgw is obtained from a tract of timber-fin the Luckiamute, and from tracts adjacent to tbe North Yam­ hill. Several million feel have been floated down th« IM lex r^ver this winter. To give them direct rail connection with this part o( tbe country they contemplate extending the switch now running tn the tile factory at Newberg on to the mill, thus saving a transfer charge at that point. This is tbe same firm which fur­ nishes the balm logs to tbe paper mill Oregon City. > CHICAGO STORE! Our Third Annual «^-Clearance Sale Continues only Ten Days longer. Sale appreciate the Those of you who have attended this STERLING BARGAINS offered throughout the house. If there are any who have failed to come and see us since this sale was inaugurated, our advice to you is, come at once. You Gan Save From 14 to 1-2 on all your purchases as every article in the House has been reduced from 25 to 50 per cent. THE CHICAGO STORE If in doilbt as to what to make or se­ lect as a New Year’s present, consult the January Itelineator. Now for sale at Grange store. People are divided into three classes now. Those who have had the grip and are over it, those who have it now, and those who are going to have it. Watt Henderson belongs to the second class We have to offer our and has been pretty sick. customers good When you want a physic that is mild z—- Heavy and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in prices in the follow­ effect use Chamberlain’s stomach and ing lines: liver tablets. Price, 25 cents, Samples free. Every box guaranteed, For sale Wait a little and see our offers on Summer Goods. by Howorth. Best Prices for Farm Produce. Date Wardle is a whole fire company W. A. HOWE, Carlton. in himself. Saturday night be discovered the roof of Mrs. Steward’s house to be on fire, and he climbed the roof and extin­ guished it in less time than it would have taken to give the alarm. Wardle is a man of action in such an emergency. Try H. A. Palmer for groceries, the best on the market at prices to suit your purse. Everything guaranteed. No poul­ try dressed after 5 p. m. Saturdays. Strictly cash or produce. Get your order in early. 7-2 The fat beef problem is worrying the butchers of McMinnville, notwithstand­ I ing this is the most favorable stockgrow- ing section on earth. Inquiries have been sent as far away as Corvallis, by our lo­ Is a wonderful surprise to the public. Every day cal butchers, but it seems that the supply during our Great Sale our patrons are sur­ of marketable l>eef cattle is about ex­ prised how first-class merchandise can be sold hausted throughout the valley. at such a ridiculously low price. C. J. Goodbrod, department comman­ der of the G. A. R. in Oregon, visited Custer post at this place last Saturday. We Are Determined to Clean Up Our Entire His visit was not less pleasant because unexpected. From here he went on to Stock of Winter Goods, Sheridan to visit a brother living there. Bulletin No. 63, on the prevention of Therefore we must cut prices nearly in two. If smut in oats, and bulletin No. 64, on in­ you have not visited our establish ment during vestigation of diseases in poultry, have our great sale, you had better do so at once, been issued from the Oregon agricultur­ al experiment station at Corvallis, and as goods are moving out very fast. will be sent free to any resident of Ore­ gon who will write for them. A little local inserted in The Reporter last week of standing timber for sale by T. H. Rogers, broughtraany inquiries to the advertiser, and he made a very satis­ factory sale to D. C. Crawford. This timber is located on the south side of the Clearance Nnle nt Shot**, timbered portion of the J. W. Rogers do­ Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Hamilton visited nation land claim one mile southwest of Now ia the lime to get some genuine in Portland Wednesday. the city. It will make quite a change bargains in ladies’ and men’s shoes as Capt. H. S. Maloney is surveying near in the appearance of that section when we need room for spring stock, There is the Grand Ronde reservation. clearer! off. no place like the Racket Store for real Mrs. M. Hodson spent the past week The Oregon supreme court has ruled values. with her eon’s family, in Portland. that the special tax on bicycles for cre­ ating a fund with which to construct bi­ Mrs. R. Jacobson camo up from Port- Howorth, the druggist, will refund you cycle paths is unconstitutional, ami that your money if you are not satisfied after land Wednesday evening, for a few days' it contravenes Article IX, section I, using Chamberlain’s stomach and liver visit. which requires uniform aud equal rates tablets They cure disorders of the Station Agent Merriman returned from of assessment and taxa|4An, and a just stcuiiaeb, biliousness, constipation and a business trip to Roeebiurg Monday even­ valuation for taxaticw^of all property, headache. Price, 2.» cents. Samples free. ing. both real and personal, since it levies a George N. Reynolds of the D street There is a slow leak in the hydrant at uniform tax on ail bicycles regardless of meat market has sold his interest to the corner of Fifth and Grunt street« that age, pattern, condition and (quality. It Chas. H. Powell, his partner, the change needs attention. also operates to produce a double assess­ taking effect today. It is understood Mrs. J. W. Cowls arrived home during ment of bicycles. that Mr. Powell will enlarge the busi­ That much discussed and heralded ness by increasing the stock. Mr. Rey­ the week from a visit with relatives in play, “Way Down East,” which is now nolds will return to Portland soon, and Portland. touring the Pacific slope, under tlu> di­ again enter the employ of the Union Why do yon sell your eggs tor 20c per rection of Wm. A. Brady, begins a Meat Co., whom he has served for sev­ dozen when you can get 23c at M. E. week's engagement at the Marqnam eral years. Hendrick's? Grand opera house, Portland, on Mon­ The fifth place on the text book com­ Mr». W. D. McDonald and Mrs. Mary day, Feb. 4. The management promisee mission, made vacant by the resignation A. Mcltonald are visiting in Portland for an exact reproduction ot the great New of Judge Lowell, of Pendleton, has been a few days this week. York presentation, and with a cast that filled by the appointment of Charles A. W. M. Rennie arrived home from has received the unqualified endorsement Johns, the well-known attorney of Baker of the San Francisco papers. So strong county, and president of the Baker City Portland Wednesday, where he had been is the faith of the management that it school board. He is a graduate of Will­ visitiug bis daughter. will be given one entire week. Matinees amette University. He was formerly "A Turkish Bath’’ was played to • will be given on Wednesday and Satur­ county judge of Polk county, formerly small audience at the opera tionee Tues­ day only. The country within a radius mayor of Baker City, and has a good law day evening. The title seems to have net of a hundred miles of Portland has been practice. Mr. Johns was born in Missou­ connection with the character of the play* thoroughly advertised for thia engage- ri and was brought to Oregon when he which is a very airy little comedy de­ ment, and so confident is the manage­ was only two years old. The editor of signed tn make you laugh rather than to ment that the piece will duplicate ita The Reporter is personally acquainted study plots. There were six performers Portland as in other citiea, ow concluding to rergaua 1 with Mr. Johns, and believes him a good and a pianist. The acting and singing were both good, and the jokes were new. man (or the place. MOD. W, A. sicwe, General Merchandise Rubber Goods Heavy Winter Wear R. Jacobson & Co’s Clearance Sale R. JACOBSON & CO 8 I 'I a \ < .’Ji' JStei