The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, February 01, 1901, Image 4

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Texas is boasting about the big-]
Yamhill County Reporter gest petroleum well in America. But
Dtiring the past few days the
then why shouldn't Texas have a ; Graphic has heard a number of re­
I». I. A »HU Kt, Editar A l'r»pr
right to the biggest oil well? There's 1 publicans from different parts of tile
Disease makes many a woman prema­
J U. Ef'K tl Alt, Associa I»• Editer
county express in very forcible In ang-
_ turely old. Dark-rimmed eye*, hollow
nothing too big for Texas.
uage their belief regarding influences cheeks and wasted form are accompan­
Subscription $1.00 Per Year.
that have been brought to bear on ied by listlessness and loss of ambition.
A legislative enactment calculated Mr. Butt which have induced him to Home duties are a weariness, and Social
to give comfort and encouragement I vote on the senatorial question just pleasures have no attraction.
One of the commonest expressions of
women c^ired by
Reading notice, in local column* 10 cents per to the humble farmyard hen would the opposite from what lie said be
line for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter. i no doubt be of greater benefit to Or­
Display advertiscnn'ids. annual rates, one inch
these assertions would not look well
Favorite prescrip­
permoath 91; eai h additional inch 50 cents per egon farmers than the protection of
tion is this: "It
in print and tbe Graphic has no ac­
Obituary and marriape notices not exceeding pheasants and ducks.
has made a new
cusations of this kind to make, but
10 lines published free, if furnished in time to I
woman of tne.”
the least it can say is this, that along
be current news. Additional matter 10 cent'per
There’s a world
The Missouri and Arkansas legis­ with many of the staunchest republi­
of meaning in the
------------ j---------
words. It mean*
latures have not been beard from on cans of Yamhill county it has been
FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1901.
the sparkle
the subject, but it is presumed they Graphic.
brought back to
will censure the Indians at Sitka,
the eyes; the com­
The Reporter has been quite con­
plexion tinted
The chaplain of the Kansas state Alaska, who lately resolved to make servative on this senatorial question
with the rosy hue
senate gets *3 a prayer. In Oregon the American Hag their own tribal all through, and for good reasons,
of healthy blood:
it is considered a compliment to be emblem.
the form rounded
but it always likes to see justice and
out anew in
fair play- We sent our representa- graceful curves; the whole body radiant
While considerable effort is being 1 lives to Salem absolutely unpledged with health.
The Oregon senatorial contest made by the legislature to protect to anybody for senator or anything Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong and sick
ought soon to reach the stage where game, it is a comfort to know that
else, except to act and vote from the women well.
It debilitating
being in the legislature amounts to the lawmakers will try to protect
heals inflammation and ulcera­
standpoint of republicans. We had drains,
and cures female weakness.
hunters also. House bill 139 pro­ some talk with Mr. Butt on two or tion
makes new women of those prematurely
Is now in Full Blast at the
vides punishment for persons who, three occasions, and never under­ aged by disease.
The *600 voted by the legislature while hunting game, shoot at human stood him to oe pledged to anybody. "Dr. Pierce’s medicines are the best I have
used," writes Mrs. C. Nelson, of Chemawa,
for a life-size portrait of Gov. Geer beings. It may be that the big game In fact, his talk with us was in line ever
Marion Co., Oregon. "My health was badly
equals about *10(1 per foot for our of the country should be preserved, with his vote for senator since. He run down when I consulted him by letter. My
limbs were cold and my head hurt me continu
still it is not desirable that hunters knew tbe sentiment was somewhat ally. I was so nervous that the least thing
would startle me almost into convulsions. I had
———♦ -------
should be shot instead of deer.
of the heart so bad that I could
divided, and yet back of everything palpitation
scarcely walk sometimes. I felt utterly discour­
“Long live the King” will have a
but two bottles of Dr. Pierce s Favorite
he knew that Mr. Corbett stands for aged,
Prescription and one of ‘ Golden Medical Dia-
curious sound to English ears, few
Prohibition Kansas has lost so unswerving party integrity. That covery ’ made a new woman out of me."
surviving British subjects have ever many saloons lately at the hands of there had been no equivocation on
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
heard it in their own realm.
an infuriated woman reformer, that the money question, no silvei ism, no Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
See onr Windows and watch this space next week
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
the Kansas legislature ought to see fiat, about Corbett. As much could 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper
Notwithstanding the senatorial the folly of cariying a law on the not be said for the others. Mr. Butt covers, or 31 stamps for it in cloth bind­
for prices.
deadlock, the legislature has been statutes which the officers and voters may have deceived us, but his vote ing. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, No. 663
hammering away at the introduction are unwilling to enforce. Under the in the legislature is right where we Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
. -4
and passage of bills, as if nothing prohibitory law of Kansas the sa­ placed him. The Graphic editor
We intend to clean np every remnant and broken
else were billed to happen. After loons should not exist, and the ques­ holds a federal position. He is nat­
Getting Kicli Too Fast.
all, though, the election of a senator tion arises whether or not the de­ urally with “the federal push.” That Representative Butt, of Yamhill coun­
line in the Store, regardless of cost.
is of only secondary importance to struction of their property was really “push” is trying to promulgate the^ ty’, has a notion that the secretary of
some of the much needed state legis­ a crime against the peace and dignity idea that the whole of Yamhill coun-1 state is getting rich altogether too last,
of the state. The law does not pre­ ty is for McBride. They never were : all<1 with tlle v‘ew of curtailing that of-
sume that a person can destroy more greatly mistaken. They are | A^aPs income, he on Friday introduced
a bill to cqt off a|l the fees that now go
Cleveland, Ohio, has been chosen something which does not exist.
traveling on the theory that every
into the coffers of the secretary. Mr.
by the G. A. R. council of adminis­
body is purchasable. Only one proof Butt declares that the fees received by
tration for the next annual encamp­ One of the joint resolutions intro­ is needed to show their error. Mr. the secretary of state under the present
ment to be held the week of Septem­ duced in the senate proposes an Corbett, according to tlieir own law bring his income up from *7500 to
ber 9. This is a great blow to Den­ amendment to the constitution theory, would have been senator sev­ $j5,ooo a year, a sufn out of all propor­
ver, which had pledges of several changing the date for holding gener­ eral day i ago if such was the case. tion to the earning capacity of this offic­
railroads for a cent a mile rate, but al election to the first Tuesday fol­ They should remember that it is ial. Mr. Butt’s bill, which provides for
the committee was not satisfied. lowing the first Monday'in Novem­ quite possible for some people to vote the turning over of all fees received by
Denver is so sore that she threatens ber, biennially. The object of the for Mr. Corbett -on principle. His the secretary of state to the state treas­
to hold a rival G. A. R. encampment. bill is to have the general elections record will bear comparison with urer, reads as follows:
“Be it enacted by the legislative as­
New Store 3d &. B Sts.
of this state occur simultaneous!}* any of them.
sembly of the state of Oregon:
If Mr. Rutt promised to support
Governor Geer has at last found a with those held in the majority of
“Section 1. That the secretary of
man who will accept the appoint­ the states. This measure has merits, McBride before his election, produce state shall account to the state and pay
ment of text book commissioner in and among other good features it the evidence. Show that yoq have over to the state treasurer, on or before
place of Mr. Lowell, namely, ('. A. would save the various counties of been deceived. If you can substan­ the first day pf ,1 angary qf each year, all
Johns, of Baker City. The personnel the state the extra expense ol hold tiate the assertion, you will be doing sums of money received by him either
of the commission is as follows: H. ing two elections in a presidential a future public service. Otherwise as secretary of state, or as commissioner
There is consternation among
Mr. Butt is placed in unfair jeopardy. or trustee of any and all commissions or
W. Scott, W. M. Ladd, of Portland, yeur, as under the present law.
pasteboard manipulators in Salem,
boards of which l)e is a commissioner or
P. L. Campbell, of Monmouth, W.
Compared with the law making member; all fees and licenses collected Mrs. D. M. Metzger of Dallas is visit­ by reason of a quiet order that went
M. Colvig, of Jacksonville, and C. A.
The Salem correspondent in Mon­ bodies of some of our sister states, by him from all notaries public, insur­ ing at Joseph Hoberg’s.
out from the mayor of the city to the
Johns, of Baker City.
day’s Oregonian rather throws the with United States senators to elect, ance companies, for the filing and re­ Geo. N. Reynolds left yesterday for effect that card gambling games
blame upon the McBride forces jn tffe Oregon legislature is having a cording ol articles of incorporation, and Portland, to work for Union Meat Co.
must cease. The authorities declare
The export figures for the calendar the failure to elect a senator. Speak­
all other fees and perquisites received by
that all gambling must cease.
nice, easy, comfortable and loving him from any and all sources whatso­
year 1900 have just been printed and ing of the supporters of Mr. Mc­
time. Montana and Nebraska are ever; provided, however, that he may Fellner, have been in the city to see Dr.
they show a total which would have Bride, he says: “They have always
Young the past week. The doctor isquite Kunm Women KmulaliiiR Hr»,
each in the midst of a deadlock, with , getp ¡or hjs own use aud as compensa-
been deemed incredible a decade ago. been clamorous for a viva voce vote,
tiott such sums as will in connection
Mo., Jan. 30—A
When in 1898 the sales of American and, when the majority called upon no prospect of an early breakup.
S P. Hauser is fitting the Crawford
with the sum of *1500 allowed him by
special to the Star from Anthony,
goods to foreigners reached the re­ them to make their professions good
The legislature should be on it's the constitution and such other sums al­
markable figure of a billion and a and come into the caucus with the guard against the appeals of those lowed him by law, make him a salary of street for a second hand store. Mr Kansas, says: Early this morning be­
Schilling has stored his saloon fixtures fore most citizens had reached their
quarter the achievement was regard understanding that the ballot should state officers and state employes who *4500 per annum.
places of business, 12 women of the
ed as so phenomenal (hat many cau­ be by open roll call, they still held want to increase their salaries, or to “Sec. 2. Whereas, the fees attd com­ for a time.
tious persons predicted that it was out, saying it was too late. The protect their salaries and emolu­ pensation received by the secretary of The subjects to be discussed at the Anthony Womens Christian Tem­
not likely to be repeated Yet 1899 facts are that the opposition leaders ments against reduction. Tax pay­ state are excessive, an emergency exists, Christian church next Lord’s day are: perance Union, armed with ham­
saw a slight gain of some twenty mil­ are and have been for no caucus from ing is an easy thing, in the estima­ and this act shall be in full force and ef­ “The Three Great Temptations;” even­ mers, hatchets and pick-axes, raided
lions; and the yeur just ended re­ the first, and their various excuses tion of those who drain incomes from fect from and after its approval by the ing subject, “The Humiliation of a Great and completely demolished four
Man who Stood at the Top.” I was de­ “joints in Anthony. Husbands of
veals a leap forward of over two hun­ about “viva voce vote,” “a majority the public treasury
lighted with my large audiences last
the women went along armed to
dred millions. To be precise', our ex­ of ail republicans to elect,” “46or no
Mrs Peter Fellows is still in Illinois, Lord’s day morningand evening. Come
their wives. Among’ the
ports of merchandise ¡11 1918» amount­ caucus,” have been put forward to
On» great source of injustice to a ltd writes that ber father whose illness again. Yon shall be made welcome at
two or three school
ed in value to fl. 178,(150,854. Our hold in line those members who have taxpayers is the abuse of the privi­ ealla.l her thither,is gradually improving the Christian church.
who did some Of th^
imports reached *829,05'2,115, thus been friendly to them, but who have lege of perquisites allowed to office I in health.
Monday's Telegram had the following
leaving a clear balance of trade in nevertheless thought that a republi­ holders. An illustration is in the
concerning the locks at Lafayette: “Con­ most effective smashing. A
our favor of *648,998,738. It can can caucus was the proper place to bill before the legislature appropriat­
trary to the expectations of the captains, part of the havoc was finished
the freshet caused no damage at the La­ the police or mayor were awAi^Br^
fairly be said that no other nation determine republican differences. '
ing *1800 for the employment of a
fayette locks, in the Yamhill river, and what was going on. Tho actual dam­
begins the new century with such a
stenographer in the attorney gen-
the current at all times was age to personal property, aside from
favorable trade outlook as the Uni­ The Sentinel, a campaign paper eral’s office. This is an increase of
locks withstood the strain re­ the liquor destroyed, is estimated by
ted States
liability ti disease is greath
devoid of the personality afforded bv *600 over the appropriation made for le The
well. In the opinion of the the saloon keepers at *'2b0o.
se icd whi n the I h>o'l is in good con
an editor, proprietor or business the sunn1 purpose in 1899. and *1800 I ditio.i, and the circulation healthy and steamboatmen, the walls of the locks
Cutting down the rate of interest manager, is a Salem publication more than was ever appropriated vigorous. For then all refuse matte: are not of sufficient height to allow of
on the public debt of the United which makes this plea for botxlle prior to 1899. The appropriation is promptly carried out of the system : trips being made through the locks in DO YOU GET UP
States is scarcely second in iinpor “The wages of a number of stab' now asked is *75 per month. Before otherwise it would rapidly accumulate the evetfTof high water, and it is under­
— fermentation would take place, tin
tance to reduction of the principal. employes should be raised by the the accession of Attorney-General blood 1» come polluted and the consti stood an appeal is to be made to the gov­
Less than ten months ago, on March legislature at this session.' This the incumbents of that tution so weakened that a simple
ient-to increase the height of the walls.” Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
14 last, the gold standard law was would indicate that the Salem Senti­ office paid for their clerical aid out malady might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation mean?
Almost everybody who reads the news­
passed, and its provisions included nel man, whatever his name, is one of their salaries of *3000 per year
Mrs. E L. Gale, of Independence
good digestion and strong, health)
papers is -sure to know of the wonderful
uuthorit v to refund certain classes of of the state employes, and that his During the past two years the state nerves.
came down yesterday on a visit to
cures made by Dr.
outstanding government bonds into motto is, “1 am better than thou.'' has paid *50 per month for a stenog­
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S relatives.
the great kidney, liver
new gold 2 per cents. The treasur­ The tendency of the times is for high rapher in that office, and it Is not has n<> equal. It is the safest and best
Miss Nellie Gardner will go to Sa­
and bladder remedy.
er of the United States estimated er salaries and greater emoluments known that the atttorney general remedy for old people and children lem this morning to visit friends and
It is the great medi­
al cal triumph of the nine-
that *4(8»,(kkl.iMHl would be the ex­ of office, while the common business has had any difficulty in securing a made exclusively of tools and herbs.
see how the election of senator is
iiiil ,een,h century; dis-
tent of the refunding, though others man—the man who pays the faxes
satisfactory assistant at that price.
No other remedy so thoroughly and prevented.
WI covered after years oi
in the treasury department thought finds himself forced to work on a Farmers who are struggling to get effectually cleanses the blood of iin
M scientific research by
purities. At the
Dr. Kilmer, the emi­
The Oregonian aptly says: “The
him optimistic. But he was under smaller margin of profit in order to enough money together to pay their
fame time it builds state, Ke are told by an editor who
nent kidney and blad­
the mark, for the refunding closed at meet the requirements of the tax taxes will not look with favor upon
der specialist, and is
tip the weak and de
the end of the last month with total gather. Their advice to the legisla­ tho proposition to increase by half
bilitated. and reno also is a postmaster, needs Senator wonderfully successful in promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­
exchanges amounting to *4I3.UUU. ture would be to reduce the salaries the salary of the attorney-general's
vates the entire sys McBride's services. Then wouldn't bles
and Bright s Disease, which is the worst
it be well for him to be giving his form of kidney trouble.
<xsi The result is that nearly 45 of tfee employes of the state until
Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root is not rec­
services to the state?'
per cent of the tumiied debt is now they are within the bounds of the re
The nun who doesn't advertise simply
Mr. 11. E. Kelly, at Urbana, O., «-rites
for everything but if you have kid­
I b i.t Eczeini cn my hand* and face fot
It might be added: Or any other ommended
in 2 per ceut bonds, which means an in uni-ration for competitive industry. because hi* grandlnther did not, ought to
ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
five years. It would break out in littlf
annual saving of *8,500,000 in future The acceptance of a position with the a e«r knee breeches and a queue. The white pustule«, crusts would form »nd senator.
just the remedy you need. It has been tested
drop oft. I. aving tbe akin rod and luflam
in so many ways, in hospital work, in private
interest payment*. In this opera state is not compulsory outside of man who does not advertise liecause it ed. The doctor* did me no I aaec
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­
»11 the m" t. -ated aoapa and salve* without
tlon Secretary < luge dbqtosed of *44. - the penitentiary, and if Tiie employes costa money should quit paving rent for benefi'. 8. 8. 8. cured me. and my akit
chase relief and has proved so successful in
toria occurs tomorrow. One of the every case that a special arrangement has
aa clear and smooth a., any one'»."
000.000 of the surplus by the pay are dissatisfied with tlieir wage scale tha same reason. The man who does ta Mrs
Henry Slut-fried. of Cape May, N dignitaries who will be present is been made by which all reader* of this paper
Mu*nt of differences between the par they might, without a great deal of not advertise because he tried it and J., save t.iat twenty-one bottles of 8. 8. 8 King Carlos I of Portugal
who have not already tried it, may have •
cnrwfh'rof Cancer of the breast
waive and present worth of the old persuasion, induce others just as failed, should throw away hia cigars tore and frtsnda thought her case hope
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
bond«. It is a splendid investment ■ competent to take their places. Oth when the light goes out. The man who
The vote for U. S. senator remains telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble,
doeeu'l advertise because he don't know suffered for yer.ra with Roil*. Two bot­ unchanged from one week ago.
a notalAe feat in economic finance I ‘ ers have the same right to live as how , should »top eating because be can't tles
w hen writing mention reading this generous
of 8 8. 8. p it hia blood in good con
A saving of *8.500.000 a year in in­ state employes and state officials. cook. The man who doesn't advertue dttion and the Boils disappeared
offer in this paper and
The fine weather is not without its send your addtes3 to’
Semi for onr fret book, and write
terest payment« in a form of debt re­ | Ix*t the dissatisfied ones reSign and because some one said it didn't pay.
our physicians about your case attendant evils, for orchardists fear Dr. Kihr. er & Co., Bing­
daction that all the people can ap­ usher in a new and more deserving ought not to believe the earth is round Medical adv ice free.
that the fruit may suffer m conse­ hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and wr—©t
because the ancients said it was flat.
I class.
“A New Woman.”
Grange & Farmers Store
Big Bargains in Groceries,
Shoes, Hats, Clothing,
Dress Goods,
Furnishing Goods, etc
McMinnville Grange & Farmers Co
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggtsw,