The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 21, 1900, Image 8

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Please Your Wife
There is considerable discussion at
It is currently reported that changes
present relative to the method to be
may be made in our road laws at the
By getting her a nice
adopted by the republicans in the next
Keep your eye on the St. Charles store.
next sitting of the legislature
If such
piece of Silver or Cut
legislature for choosing a United States
is the case, it will be well to add a clause
H-inch dolls free at Flynn, Mur'on A
senator. Some favor the old plan of se­
Co. ’s on Dec. 22d.
cret party caucus, others open caucus,
Xmas present. Reliable
way the farming community has in
The wise young man will now save
and yet others no caucus at all. We fa­
qualities at reasonable
Christmas money by falling out with his
vor the latter plan. Ever siuce the con­
the public domain.
I would like to
prices at
best gitl.
spiracy which defeated Hon. Sol Hirsch
know what right a fanner has in reset­
after he had received the caucus nomina­
Photo mounts cut to any size you wish
ting his fence on any portion of the roads
W m . F.
tion, secret caucuses have been the scan­
at this office, and for sale cheaper than
and leaving them there for all time, or
of the republican party in Oregon.
the cheapest.
DIELSCHNEIDER & B ro ’ s until he can reset again, perhaps a little dal
Men have made promises never to be
Today, from sunrise to sunset, is only
farther over. If 60 feet is the public do­
AV’ege table Preparation for As -
kept, by reason of the fact that the secret
The Jewelers.
a little over nine hours; the shortest day
main set apart for the purpose of the
sinulating (be Food and Regula­
in all the sad old year.
traveling public, 1 contend that no one
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
vote another without fear of detection.
has the right to monopolize any portion
I have money to loan on farm prop­
Safe for sale. O dell & W ood .
• of it for his owu benefit
If he moves
erty at good terms, Parties wishing to
as to promote disorder and violation of
Wire fence at the Fence Works.
his fence for the purpose of cleaning out
borrow, call and see me.
honor Not a single election for senator
R L. C onner .
Promote s Digestion,Cheerful­
Have you Been that new granite ware the old fence row, then he should place has been held in recent years but the se­
i« on his own property, and further, he
and Rest.Con tains neither
It ¡ h terrible easy for a woman who at Hodson’s Guaranteed the best.
cret party caucus has developed the most
Qpium.Morphine nor Mineral.
startH out to bay lier husband a |5 pres­
New line of groceries and holiday should be compelled to clear away all disgusting scandals, and all but disrupt­
the rubbish and old rails that are always
N ot N arcotic .
ent, to find one that costs $2.50 “that goods at Flynn, Murton & Co.’s. 52-2
ed the party. We think it should be
thrown on the highway, and often left
does just as well.”
done away with. When it comes to the
J. W. Harrison of Amity was married
The St. Charles store pays cash for to Miss Bessie Barker at Astoria last to rot, thereby occupying in many cases proper time for candidates to be named
a part of the road that could be traveled, and voted for, let every member of the
veal, chickens, eggs, and all kinds of pro­ week.
especially in winter weather.
It is a
dlx.Senna *
duce we can ship on the market.
If the man who lost a piece of money- common thing to hear strangers speak legislature stand up and honestly* and
ylntM Seid ♦
N. E. K ego , Prop.
on Third street, on last Monday will pay of the slovenly way that roads and
Miss Hattie Loughary, of Elgin, Union for this notice and call on Frank C. Fer­ fences are kept up in Oregon, and they no sneaking out of honest obligations,
Perm Seed -
voluntarily entered into, by means of
Co., visited with her cousin Mrs. Win. guson he can have it.
are correct. In no place are there as
the secret ballot. If our representatives
Campbell lately, returning home last
Dressed turkeys and chickens, season­ slovenly road laws as in this state, I be­
intend to be honest and square, let them
A perfect Remedy forConslipa-
able articles for the holidays, at the mar­ lieve. When a person has been used to
all stand up and make manly declara­
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
C. F. Daniels carries a stock of flour, ket of H. A. Palmer & Co. Fresh cran­ travel on and use macadam roads, or the
tions of their choice for United States
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
feed and baled hay, and sells as cheap as berries, and a full stock of fine groceries. system even partially adopted, we can-
senator. Let us have no more intrigues,
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
the same can lie bought anywhere in the
We regret that women are beginning I not help noting the contrast. Again, a legislative holdups, deadlocks, violations
Facsimile Signature of
to introduce novelties into the stuffing man can move his fence out on what he of party obligations and caucus nomina­
This is the season to feel sorry for a of a turkey, thereby doing away with the may call his line, and, as I have known
tions, Let the selection of senator for
girl. She has two or three dollars for sacred traditions of onipns, sage and it, encroach on what has always been once be free from the charge of boodling.
known as the road survey, atnj he will
spending money, and a list of twenty to bread.
—Eugene Register.
boy Christmas presents for.
dare the public to move it until a certain
John Barker this week sold the North
Mrs. Nettie Hiveiy is canvassing for a Yamhill and Tillamook stage line to limitation has expired. Now then, if we
Ilow Io l ure Croup.
new publication culled “Hoskinson’s At- Orrin Madux aud Wui. Easom, who took have a term of limitation for encroach­
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
1 is and History of the World,” illustra­ possession Wednesday evening. We ment on the public rights, we can have a Duchess county, N. Y., says: “Chamber­
ted. It is geographical, historical and wish the boys the utmost success in their limitation in anything else, and dojust as lain’s Cough Remedy is the best medi­
we please, regardless of what is termed
commercial, and is brought up to date. undertaking.—Tillamook Herald.
cine I have ever need. It is a fine chil­
law. I regard a law as a law, and to be
It is a book that will be of special value
If yon would have an appetite like a enforced when legal. A road survey re­ dren’s remedy for croup and never fails
to teachers and students.
bear and a relish for your meals take corded and mapped by the appointed to cure.” When given as soon as the
The souvenir dishes, cups, plates, etc.,
Chamberlain’B Stomach and Liver Tab­ authorities of the county or state, is a child becomes hoarse, or even after the
of the college, high school and court
The Best Plaster.
let«. They correct disorders of the stom­ road survey to the width surveyed, and croupy cough has developed, it will pre­
house at the Grange store are something
ach and regulate the liver and bowels. should be for all time, if we have any vent the attack. This should be borne
A piece of flannel dampened with
new and novel.
Price, 25 cents. Samples free, at Ho­ road laws at all, and should not be made in mind and a bottle of the Cough Rem­ Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound to
This is the time of severest Btrain to worth’s drug store.
edy kept at hand ready for instant use the affected parts is superior to any plas­
a dumping ground for any rubbish a per­
McMinnville’s electric lighting appara­
as soon as these symptoms appear, For ter. When troubled with lame back or
On Thursday evening of last week, the son likes to deposit there.. Anything to
tus. Engineer Baker keeps the incan­
sale by Howorth & Co.
pains in the side or chest, give it a trial
barn of F. K. Heider of Sheridan was be a benefit may be all right with the
descent lights aglow about sixteen hours
and you are certain to be more than
consumed by fire. The barn was occu­ proper authority, and placed in accord­
each day, and the urc lights nearly
pleased with the prompt relief which it
pied by G. W. Hill, whose loss includes ance with road laws. Tile Slovenly way
thirteen hours. Eighty pounds of steam
affords. Pain Balm also cures rheuma­
four horses, a cow, two buggies, harness, 01 dumping gravel or rock, and leaving
from the big boilers keeps the pump go­
tism. One application gives relief, For
a calf, chickens, and a lot of hay and it to be spread bv the horses feet or wag­
ing and also propels the dynamo engine
grain. There was some insurance on on wheels, is in contradiction to the This signature is oil every box of the genuine sale by Howorth & Co.
with all the present voltage.
the building, but none on the contents. proper principle of making roads, and Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
W. H. Gillingham, who has been ser­ The origin of the fire is a mystery.
Heal Estate Transfer*.
should be forbidden. There is np ex­ the remedy that cures h cold in one day
iously ill some weeks, was taken to Port­
ending Dec. 19:
It is said that through overfeeding for
land on the steamer Bonita last Friday,
Ileatli to lleMhian Fly.
doing well," and certainly should be
Evangelical church to Yamhill
Dr. Rossiter and S. W. Sigler accom­
adopted in the. work of making roads.
A Michigan fanner has hit upon a new
county, court house square and e
panied him on the boat and to Good Sa­ mice. In every house nowadays there We_talk about our beautiful state and plan for freeing his wheat of the Hessian
hfblk 32 Lafayette......................... $
maritan hospital. Mr Gillingham stood
beautiful clitnat^' ut!-Fi stead of contrib­ fly, says a correspondent of the North­
the trip very well. After he arrived at
uting to this beauty, we dlY ’st the op­ western Miller. Seeing that the grain
Kinnon 40 x 60 ft in Amity.........
the hospital he wished to return to Day­ ing a mouse, turn and run for her life.
Can anything loQ^X
“rthan was Covered by the young brood, he let
Gaby and wf to Martha J
ton. It is probable he will be brought
The meetings at the Christian church to see clean roadways and pretty K ces his sheep into thp field. The result was
Gaunt lots 3. 4, 5 and 6 blk 13
back here.—Dayton Herald,
will continue for the remainder of this in fr«,nt of pretty dwellings ?. It eP- that
___ millions
____ ____ of ___
_ __ o gave up their
the ___
Rowland’s add to McM.............. 2,350
Tile rendition of the Christmas can­ week, Elder Roee in charge. The sub­ hances the value of property, and noth-’V odies to fatten the,sheep,
_ . There are
W Lancefield and wf to C E
tata, “The Light of Life,” by the choir
ing more so than good roads rfnd good ne llies now to l»e se<hr .-nul the farmer
Drummeller 3oat5r6................ 1,000
of the Curnb. Presbyterian church occurs Friday evening, “No Difference;” Satur­ fences. < Jregon of today is not Oregon thinks h<: has solved the question.
next Sunday evening, taking the place of day evening, “Almost Persuaded;” Lord’s of 30 years ago, wheti one could build a
Earl B Watt and wf to Arlington
” ■
the regular service. It will be an at­ day morning, “The Lord’s Prayer
B Watt 170 a t 6 r 4....................... 3,000
fence or not, or take it down aud go
lacks*,, (Lvnl, tor Corbett.
tractive and enjoyable hour to all who
through a man’s field to avoid a mud­
The race for the United States senatpr- N D Ferguson and wf to Harriet A
love good singing, ami the attendance dially invited,
hole. The good old pioneers did not ship is begitininfj to wax warm in every
Shcasgreen lot 3 blk 4 McM Col­
will doubtless be large. All are cordial­
No one can reasonably hope for giKxi mind that in their days.
Oregon »«a part of Oregon. The tight, as it is now
lege 2d add to McM......................
ly invited.
health unless his bowels move once each theirs by right of conquest. They fought shaping itself, seems to be wholly and John Glen and wf to Jane H Pill­
day. When this is not attended to, dis­ and surmounted all known difficulties to exclusively between Hon. H. W. Corbett,
man lots 162, 164 and 165 Dayton
orders of the stomach arise, biliousness, win their western hotties, and were as of Portland, and Senator McBride, the
headache , dyspepsia and piles soon fol­ one family and brotherhood.
Today present representative of Oregon at
a pt D Ramsey dlct3r2.......... 1,300
low. If you w ish to avoid these ailments marks the era of conquering time. Ore­ Washington. As between these two
McPhillips and wf to J F
keep your bowels regular by taking gon is not Oregon. It is a country of known candidates, the choice in this sec­
and C D Taylor r.43 a pt S Co­
<'liamberlaitt’s Stomach and I.iver Tab­ developed resources in the march of tion is, so far as our canvass of opinion
zine die..........................................
lets when required. They are so easy to progress—Oregon in name only. We has been made, almost unanimous for
take aud mild and gentle in effect. For must keep in line of march of new peo­ Mr. Corbett. Of course the people do Martha Melinda Wickham to La-.,
sale by Howorth A Co.
fayette and Alice A Townsend
ple, new ways, new ideas, a new- era. A not elect the United States senators, but
640.88 a D J Townsend die....
The demand for rural mail delivery new evolution of things surrounds our they do elect the state legislators who
routes is certain to sw amp the postoffice country and our state, atid we must I have to do with the election of the state’s Jas Cruikshank to First Nat’l Bank
of McMinnville nw qr of sw qr
department, and it is also certain that evolve with them. This far west and representatives at Washington. With­
sec 16 and lot 2 of sec 17-5-4 ..
many routes now in existence will be north will be a might in itself in the out any attempt at a possible coercion of
Our pretty legislative opinious from this end of the F P Sheasgreen and wf to N D
abolished when the demand for retrench­ commerce of the world
ment comes. The first routes abolished valley must keep pace with progression's stale, the Mail feels that it is safe in pos­
Ferguson and wf lots 1 and 2 blk
i will be those whore bad roads must be march, and we must improve our ways. itively stating that if a vote cf the peo­
6 and lots 7, 8 and 9 blk 5 New­
traversed. Farmers who want to retain We have long been the last etui of Amer­ ple was to be taken Mr. Corbett would
by’s 3d add to McM...
. ....
their routes hail bettor get busy ami fix ica. Ouly a few more years and we will receive an overwhelming majority. The John Crawford to Sherman Craw­
their roads. We believe the rural routes be the first, foremost* and always. Far' republicans of this end of the state ad­
ford 2 6 ints in 649 a pt of Sam’l
so far as established in Yamhill county better would it lie for Oregon if there mire representative men politically; men
Gilmore and John R. Walling
are proving a damage to the towns from was a family on every 160 acres. It wlio have been republicans from princi­
d 1 c’s, also lots 3 and 4 sec 25-5-
which they start, and w e believe that the would mean more consumers, and better ple, rather than policy; meu who have
4, 2.68 a ...........................................
business meu think so. They are no roads and more wealth. This grasping convictions to back t^eir opinion, and
Fred Crawford and wf to Sliennan
idea of owning all the land one can,
doubt a great convenience to those who means a relapse of progress, impoverished men with sufficient brain matter to form
Crawford r 6 int in same land.. 1800
get their mail at their doors, but the laud and no roads.
opinious and courage to express them.
A. O Y ates .
merchant in larger towns is certainly the
Farm for sale—166 acres adjoining
Fr.b.te Cart.
gainer over the smaller dealer, as the at I mo-
Hon4 H. W. Corbett.—Medford Mail.
town. Inquire at this office.
farmer goes farther to trade when Che
lianship of Lydia May Wixson
necessity of going to his local town for R / e.( , is li'ed for payment of all money
Notice to Creditore, and Notice of
on liaixl, tti? -mirdiati is discharged and
mail no longer exists
Appointment of Executor.
his bondsmen exonerated and estate de­
The Newlterg Graphic puts up a good
clared fully and finally settled.
X’ < »TICE is hereby given that the undersigned.
argument for the proposed improvement
Estate of Isaac Agee. Inventory and from a cough to consumption. LN E. C. Appersou, has been by an order of
the county court of Yamhill county, Oregon,
of the bicycle paths in the vicinity of
appraisement filed and approved.
duly appointed as executor of the estate of
that town. The proposition is to gravel
Annie E. Breon, deceased Now, therefore, all
Estate ot R L. McMillan
Petition to Don’t neglect a cough—take uer-ioDs havingclaims against said estate are
the paths by voluntary subscriptions,
notified and required to preseut the
sell notes and assign mortgage filed and
same to the undersigned at McMinnville, Ore­
and the following remarks concerning
gon, duly verified, within six months from the
the benefits to accrue will apply equally
date of this notice.
granted as prayed for.
Dated this November 30th, 1900.
well to McMinnville: "As the bicycle
E. C APPER8ON. Executor of said Estate.
F. W FENTON. Attorney for Estate.
tax law has been declared unconstitu­
tional, and this opinion is extremely like­
Scott & Williams, Grissen’s old stand.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava
Always Bought
Bears the
Kangs On
You have used all
I sorts of cough reme­
I dies but it does not
I yield; it is too deep
1 seated. It may wear
itself out in time, but
j I it is more liable to
produce la grippe,
pneumonia or a seri­
ous throat affection.
You need something
that will give you
strength and build
up the body.
will do this when everything
else fails. There is no doubt
about it.
It nourishes,
strengthens, builds up and
makes the body strong and
healthy, not only to throw
off this hard rough, but to
fortifv the system against I
further attacks.
If you arc
run down or emaciated you
should certainly take this f
nourishing food medicine.
It’s a Short Road
ly to be upheld by the supreme court,
wheelmen ought to have little hesitation
in contributing at least the amount of
the tax toward the project. Merchants
will find any change which makes access
to the city, during winter easier, bene­
ficial to trade. Indeed many of them
have already expressed their willingness
to assist in the scheme. If the improve­
ment can 1« made, it will be a great con­
venience to all parties concerned, as
many of the farmers nowr own w heels,
and even those who do not will appreciate
| clean dry sidewalks to walk into town on
during ths winter. If every one will
contribute a moderate amount of either
mooey, material or labor, the scheme
Yamhill lodge No. 10 D. of 11 elected
the following officers last Friday evening :
Chief of Honor, Mrs. Minnie Bennett;
lady of honor, Mias Alta Booth; chief of
ceremonies. Mrs. Nellie Kuns; recorder,
Mies Valeria Batty; receiver, Mrs. Mary
Noll; financier, Miss Stella Patty; nsher,
Mrs. Susie Ford; inner guard, Mrs. Mary
Kly ver ; outer guard. Miss Anna John­
son; trustee, Mrs. Ella Booth ; installing
officer, Mrs. Jennie Irvine. Installation
occurs January 4lh, in connection with
the Workmen.
B**rt th*
when your cold appears. The
“ounce of prevention” is
better than years of illness.
’*1 «uSered for ««an from a cough, bronchial
aad lung trouble. Raised blood frequently.
Spent v««r* in the 1’akotar and other parts of
west but got no relief. Returned eaat and
began taking S niloh
A few bottler oat
pleiely cured me. I remaider it the greateet ot
HFNRV T DITCHER, F. L. Camp a Oo., Brokers. Buffalo. N. Y.
Shlloh'a Con.umpUon Cure la gold by *11
drucKUla at »»r. S»r, 01.00 * bottle.
printed guarantee goee with eeery hettle
If ywn are not aailefle.« ro to your <4ru«i«t
and gel ruse money barb
Wnte for illustrated booh on coasnmptioa. Seat
S. C. Wtlb * Ca . LeRoy. Hi.
can easily be made a success.''
I wnkoat coat la ye*.
Timber Lami. Ac« June 3, 1818.—Notice
for rnbllcatlon.
United State« Land Office, Oregon City, Ort.
November 18, 1900.
VOTht is hereby given that in compliance
a .1
w ith the provision» of the act of congress
of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of
timber lands in the stak-a of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended
to all the public land states by act of August 4.
W»2. Ewald G. Sheythe, of Kalama, county of
CowltU. state of Washington, has this day filed
in thi< office bis «worn «tatement No. 5321, for the
punhase of the W»t NE ».<, E «. NW Mr of Section
No. > in Township No. < 8., Range No 6 W.,
ami will otter proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purpose« ami to establish bis claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of
this omce at Oregon City, Oregon .m Satnrdar,
the 26th day of January, lSiil.
Henaroe« a* witneaars: Edwin F Crumb, of
Carrollton. Wash , Moses McD Bullock. Herbert
Nunn and Albert H. Nunn, of Kalama. Wash
Any and all p**rons claiming adverselv the
above-described lands are requested to lie their
claims in this office on or before said 26th day of
January, 1*»1.
CHA8. B MOORES. Register .
Timber Land Act Jllne.3, 1878__ Notice for
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore.
November 13, 1900.
1VTOTICE is hereby given that in complianct-
with the provisions of the act of congress
Of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend­
ed to all the public land states by uct of August
4, 1892, Albert H. Nunn, of Kalama, county of
Cowlitz, state of Washington, has this day filed
in this office his sworn’statement No. 5320, for
the purchase of the Southwest Quarter oi
8ection No. 20, in Township No, 4 South,
Range No. 6 W., and will otter proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber
OF »tone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Reg­
ister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 26th day of January,
He names as witnesses: Edwin F. Crumb, of
Carrollton, Wash., Wiliam E. Bush, Moses McD.
Bullock and Herbert Nunn, of Kalama, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above dead bed lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or uefore said 26th day of
January, 1901. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Timber Land. Act June 3, 1818.—Notice
for Publication.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore.
November 13, lyOo.
OTICE is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress
of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘ An act for the shie oi
timber lands in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory, ' asextended
to all the public land states by act of August 4,
1892, William E Bush, of Kalama, county of
Cowlitz, state of Washington, has this day filed
in this office his sworn statement No. 5322, lor
the purchase of W 14 of W of Section No. 28, in
Township No, 4 8., Range No. 6 W., and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber t»r stone than lor agricul­
tural purpoaea, and to establish bis claim to said
land beforetbe Register aud Receiver oi this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the
26th day of January, 1901.
He names as witnesses: Edwin F. Crumb, of
Carroll ton, Wash., Albeit II. Nunn, Ewald
SUeythe and Moses McD. Bullock, of Kalama,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file'their
claims in this office on or beiorv said 26th dav of
January, 1901. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Timber Lami, Art June 3, 1873,—Notice
for Publication,
United States Land Office. Oregon City, Ore.
November 13 i'.OO.
VrOTK’E is herehy given that in compliance
-LN with th.- provisions of the act ot coii|-res<
of June 3,187s, entitled "An act for the sale' of
timber lands In the states of California, On-
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex­
tended to all the public land states by act of
August 4, UH, Herbert Nunn, oi Kalaiim, coun­
ty of Cowlitz, state of Washington, has this dnv
tiled in this office bis sworn statement Mo. 531-i
for the pur< hase of the EhfSE
SE 1. ot M. i
and tin J4 of SE ’c of Section No 32 m Town
ship No. 4 S., Range No. « IV., anrl will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is more ral-
liable for its timber or stone than for agricultu­
ral purposes, and to establish his r-taiur to said
laud before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the
Stith day of January, 1901.
lfc names as witnesses: Edwin I Crumb, of
Carrollton, Wash., Moses McD. Bullock, William
E. Bush and Albert H. Nunn, of Kalama. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-desertbeu lands are requested to tiletheir
claims tn this office on or before said J in day of
January, 1901.
CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
United States Land Office, Oregon City. Ore.
November 10, 19 ijo .
WTOTICE is hereby given that in compliance
Lw with the prot Mons of the act of congress
of June 3, 1878, entitled An act for the sab- of
timber lands iu the states of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land states bv a t of
August 4. 1892, Moses McD. Bullock, of Kalama,
county of Cow litz, state of Washington, ha> this
day filed in this office his sworirstatement No.
5317, for the purchase of the Northeast quarter
of Section No. 30, in Township No 4 south,
range No. 6 west, and will offer' proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes
and to establish bis claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore­
gon City. Oregon, on Saturday, the 26th day of
January. 1901.
He names as witnesses: Albert H. Nunn and
Herbert Nunn of Kalama. Wash , Edwin F.
Crumb of Carrollton. Wash., and W illiam Wood
of Whitcson, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-describea lands are requested to tile their
claims in thia office on or before said 26th dav of
January. 1901.
l^OTICl is hereby given that the undersigned
IN has flle«l her final account as executrix of
the estate of E. N. Ford, deceased, in the county
court for Yamhill county, Oregon, and that said
court has «et Tuesday, Januarv sih. !'*>!, at the
hour of 10 a. m., to pass upon the Mime. All
per*>ns are therefore notified that at said time
in the court room of *aid court, this executrix
will ask the court to allow «aid account an»1 <lis
charge her from said office, nnd all person* hav
ing any objections to said account must present
them on or before said date
SUSIE M FORD, Executrix of said Eatate.