The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 07, 1900, Image 8

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Safe for sale. O uei . i . A W ood .
Wire fence at the Fence Works.
Basket ball tonight at opera house.
Howard Heath is expected lio:ne to
opend Christinas
Fine line of mackintoshes at Ihe Rack­
Farm for sale—100 ai-res adjoining et store. D.» not buy till you see them.
town. Inquire at thiaoffiee.
Johnnie Rennie was down from Ei-
1.. I*. Pond returned Wedneed iy even­ gene over Sunday to visit ilia parente.
ing, after a two weeks* visit in t la» Ma­ He returned on Monday.
nias county.
Wayhiml Huneaker arrived home Mon­
The <¡range ik Farmers store will be day evening from a two weeks' business
headquarters for Christmas goods 4ft 3
trip to Sherman couuty.
We need room for our immense line of
it. M. < iilbert, who has been rebuild­
ing the big bridge across the Willamette holiday ami other goods, J’lease call and
see the bargaina we oiler at the Racket
at Salem, has returned home.
Photo mounts ent to any size you w isb store.
II B. Pierce and family arrived in the
al this ottiee, and for sale cheaper than
city lately, from South Dakota. Mr.
the cheapest.
“How to Listen’’ is the topic for the Pieri e is a brolher-in-law of S. D. Craw­
Epworth la-ague lesson next Sunday ford, who came out from the Dakotas
evening Mr Arthur Lambert w ill lead during the year, and the family will l<s;k
irouml probably with a view Io locating
the meeting.
among ns.
Bring your eggs, butter and poultry to
The first of January w e ex|>ecl Io move
the t.range & Farmers store. Taken in
exchange for gisela at highest market across the street in the Fenton building.
We want to sell all the gooda we call be
fore that time. Please come in and help
Mrs. Jessie High and eon Frankie
us move them.
II. Mu i . h A S on .
weld over the hills to the poor bouse in.
The public highway in the vicinity of
Mariou county, Thursday, to visit Mail
Ihe home of one of our farmers has been
High’s until Saturday.
I have money to loan ou farm prop littered up by a lot of old cans and trash
erty ut good terms. Parties wishing to being dumped out, ami the farmer justly
feels aggrieved at the disregard of the road
borrow, call and see me.
law ami tlie broken ruleH of equity by
It L. C onner .
the man who hauled the trash.
Mrs. Mulkey of Monmouth visited over
If you would have an appetite like a
Su iday with the family of C. D. John­
bear and a relish for your meals take
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­
The St. Charles store pays cash for
lets. They correct disorders of the stom­
veal, chickens, eggs, ami all kinds of pro­ ach and regulate the liver and bowels.
duce we can ship on the market.
Price, 25 cents. Samples free, at Ho-
N. E. K eoo , Prop.
worth’s drug store.
A. D. Hoskins took n trip to the Sound
The Newberg football team was defeat­
country, in Washington, a couple of ed on Thanksgiving day by the college
weeks ago, and returned last Monday
boys of this place. The score was 17 to
evening more fully impressed than ever
ti. The Newberg boys say they have
with tlm business advantages of Mc­
enough. The casualties so far as heard
from are: One man laid up w illi a
C. F. Daniels carries a stock of flour, sprained ankle, another picked up for
feed and baled hay, and sells as cheap as dead, another with head cut requiring a
the same can be bought anywhere in the physician, another with three broken
ribs, and one with a nose almost broken.
The O. A. K. of Forest Grove have pe­
No one can reasonably hope for good
titioned to have the state encampment
health unless his bowels move once each
held nt that place .lune 2>th. This date
day. When this is not attended to, dis­
will allow the national commander to be
orders of the stomach arise, biliousness,
present. The Washington state encamp­
headache, dyspepsia and piles soon fol­
ment will be held about the same time.
low. If von w ish to avoid these ailments
A good way to estimate the population keep your bowels regular by taking
of towns ami cities is to compare the Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­
census with votes cast at an election. lets when required. They are so easy to
The average is found to lie 5 ¡16 to one take ami mild and gentle in effect. For
voter. Taking the city vote of McMinn­ sale by Howortb A Co.
ville last year, which was a full vote
Arrangements have been made for a
owing to competitive tickets, and it gives
basket ball game between the girls of St.
us a population of 1,77ti. It should be re­
Helen’s Hall and McMinnville College.
membered, however, that there are whole
The game will take place in the opera
corners of this town not included within
house in McMinnville, tonight, Dee. 7th.
the city limits, as well as large suburban
The Portland girls will be accompanied
districts whose trade and interests are
by a earload of “rooters," ami some col
virtually one with the city. Including
lege spirit and enthusiasm will be mani­
these, it is believed that our claim for fest, ns well as some scientific basket
several years past of a population of
ball. Don't fail to attend. Admission
2,500 is rather under than above a con­
25 cents
servative estimate. Like many other
N. C. Christenson and Andy Johnson
cities we will be at a disadvantage when
our olticial census is announced, because have been doing some pretty close figur­
of the foregoing facta. If we want to ing lately on a proposition to put up a
stand on our local priile, we must en­ tirst-class grist mill of a hundred barrel
large our limits and help Yamhill county a day capacity on the railroad, but for
the present they have decided to let the
pay for some of the bridges.
matter rest until some other business
matters can be adjusted. In connection
with this proposition Mr. Christenson
made a partial canvass of the town to
see what could be done in the way of
running an electric light plant with the
mill engine, lie met with considerable
encouragement but did not follow it up
closely enough to determine just what
couhl lie done in the wav of securing
eiibaeribers. It is generally conceded
that it will require aliowt two hundred
lights to make a plant pay.—Newberg
I he most beautiful thing in
the world is the baby, ¡ill
dimples and joy. I he most
pitiful thing is that same baby,
thin and in pain. And the
mother does not know that a
little fat makes all the ditter-
I Pimples and joy have gone,
and left hollows and fear; the
fat, that was comfort and
color and curve-all but pity
and love-is gone.
The little one gets no fat
from her food. There is some­
thing wrong;it is either her food
or food-mill. She has had no
fat for weeks; is living on what
she had stored in that plump
little body of hers; and that is
gone. She is starving for fat;
it is death, lx quii k 1
Scotts Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is the fat she can
take; it will save her.
The genuine hx» I hi- pu ture on
II. I ike
If v»tu have noi tried it. -end
for tree -ample 11« agree«Idr
taste will »wrpri-e von
4OV Pearl St..
N. V.
BOc. and »1.00
all d'ugKiktv.
'The federated trades of Portland have
commenced nil active crusade against the
importation of Chinese ami the further
immigration of Japanese. It has adopt­
ed resolutions Hsking a re-enactment of
the Chinese exclusion act, and a illuditi
cation of the immigration and contract
labor laws, in such a manner as to make
the immigration of Japanese laborers in­
to this country impossible. Copies of
the resolutions will be sent to every labor
organisation in Ihe I'nited States, ami
to the Oregon slate legislature, with a
view to getting it to memorialize con­
gress. All the combined influence of
latair is to be used in getting congress to
take some action in the matter.
Treasurer and Marshal.
For Infants end Children.
KMvaKtm. Ji- 1»----- -T*~
The Kind You Hav
ÄVege table Preparation for As-
Simla ting UK Food and liciti la-
ling lite Stomachs and Bowels of
Bears the
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Snum,Morphine nor Mineral.
N arcotic .
Zixf/v (jf Old ErSAI''UELPiTCIIER
JKimpktn Seed'
dix Sauta *
Salii -
drutt Seed *
frontóni -
2ft I’arbunaftScda *
¡farm Seed -
Clarifud Sugar -
Aperteci Remedy for Constipa­
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Teveri sh -
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSmule Signature cf
The above is a good portrait of Mr. E. C. Apperson, who has again
been reappointed to the position of citv treasurer. He has held the office
for the past seven years. His books, accounts and annual statements are
always models of neatness and accuracy.
Timber Land Act J une 3,18TH.
Heal E«lnle Tramiti..
\V C and Serena J Arthur to
C A Wallace, west half of
w lif of lot 1 Fairlawn subdiv
J D Nairn toj F Frauendeiner lots
2 and 7 blk 5, Willamina
Mr. C. II. Neal holds a ton-year record as city marshal, and is just en­
tering upon a new year. This is a record which attests, stronger than
words, his popularity.
Evangelists, I,. F. Stephens and wife
will begin a protracted meeting at the
Christian church next Sunday.
The union Thanksgiving service at the
Christian church last Thursday was well
M. I). Smith, who has been in Wash­
ington since last summer, is expected
home soon.
Miss Maggie Fonts, who has been vis­
iting with her sister in Washington for
the past month, returned home last Wed­
Abe Stratton, who has been away
from home since last spring, came home
last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fouts spent last
Sunday in McMinnville visiting with
Mrs Fonts’ mother.
Mr. Wardle, the McMinnville barber,
was in Carlton visiting with his brother
one day List week.
Miss Ida Skinner of McMinnville was
in Carlton the fust of the week.
Grandma Hendricks has been out in
the country visiting wit'll hci son John
ami family the past week
She took
Thanksgiving dinner with them.
• • •
N I U HI !<<•.
Dresser A Co., the well-know n grocers
of Portland, with the aid of the O. R. A
Miss Mabel David is in Astoria for a
N. Co . have established a large chicken few weeks.
ranch at Blalock and expect soon to be
Mrs. W. M. Townsend has returned
furnishing fresh eggs to their customers. from a visit with relatives in Astori.i.
It this chicken ram h sm-ci-eds. others
Several days last week Mrs. W. N.
will be started with the assistance of the
Sutton visited in A-tori » ami Portland.
railroad company. Just now there is a
Mts. Tillie Stevenson of Butteville vis­
great scarcity el fresh ranch eggs in the
markets of this coast, and prices rule ited over Sunday w Nh her friend. Mrs
high 35 and 40 cents a dozen. We have Charles Barrie.
The firemen <t Ncwlx rg held a l»«»x
had these egg famines liefore. and the
price of hen fruit has gone even higher s ipper on Saturday evening last, and
than it is today. During these |>eriodi-I rv.ib/cd a neat sum from the sale of
c il egg famines there is a gieat scramble shadows.
to get into the chicken business, and by | Mr. ami Mrs Allen Smith are on their
the time Ihe enthusiast gets together homeward journey, alter a lengthy visit
enough hens to turn out eggs for market, with relatives in Kansas.
prices have gone down below- a point
M,rs C B. Fti. 'el. of Glendale, is here
that will allow of profit. The way to go
to sec her parents. Mr. and Mrs J C.
into the chicken business is to start on a
Sawver. prior to their departure for the
small scale and never keep more hens
east to spend the winter.
than your range will allow and you can I
• • •-
properly care for A few hens will pay |
We have never heard of any one making BMntu
Its» Rwp BayM
money with a great number.— Hood
I Hirer Glacier.
A B Swaine and wf to Alex Ache­
son 12 rods int3T2 ............ ..
| Timber Land, Act Jnne .3, 1S7 8.—Notice^
lor Publication.
Alexander Acheson to A L Watson
25 a secs 9 and 16 t 3 r 2.............. 1,500
Lizzie Yarborough to William Kir­
by- lots 13 and 14 blk 3 Bibee’s
add to Sheridan..........................
Henry Pape to Wilhelmina Pape
644 64 a 13 r 3 .................................
Rosa N Garrisli tojoseph Williams
I a roadway t 2 r 4 ......................
W H Mears and wf to Joe Ego 20 a
lift V LTTE.
in t 3 r 2.......... .............................. 1,200
Mrs. M Smith is visiting in Salem.
II J Minthorn and wf to Laura
Rev. J. McIntire is in very poor health.
Forclit tract 60 ft x 4 39 rods in
He can scarcely walk or talk.
Newberg .........................................
The young folks’ basket sociable to­
night, Dec. 7th, by M. E. church.
Prof. Adolph Bittner of Ihe Dallas
Mr. Burbank is improving every day.
academy was in the city on Saturday.
He can walk about the house some,
He had been visitingin Lafayette.
Rev. Branch of Dayton preached in
the Presbyterian church twice on last
Elder C. C Poling was here last Mon­
day on his way home from Dayton. He
took the night train for Dallas.
people are killed every year in this
Mrs. Harvey Denny, who has been country by CONSUMPTION. The'
quite sick, is Letter now. Miss Edith
fault is theirs. No one need have
Denny has be. n helping to take care of
consumption. It is not hereditary.
T. C. Bel. lit r and family were up from It is brought on by neglect. You
Portland to visit his father here, and have a slight cold and cough. You
had i'liank-eiving dinner. All returned
do nothing to get rid of it.
to l’ortl.ind tor business in a few days.
There weie two tickets here at the
town election
We all know what they
repr. >. lit lure. The four councilmen
were i tie. Elected —For mayor. S.
Can, for recorder, O. It. Corporon; for
treasurer, I L. Vickrey; for marshal,
Ja.-oli Harrington. They are not saloon
will cure a cough or cold in one
It«»«, to .lire Croup.
Nov. 2S John M. Cox, Jo, of Lane
Co . and Mary Graves,
of Yamhill.
Ihe l—T. B. I.add, 41, and Lizzie
Dodson. 33, of McMinnviUe.
I »vc 5—Oscar Tetherow. »8, of Doug­
las . nintv. Wash . and Elsie M. Wilson.
20, of Vatnhill.
is on «-very Is'« of Ihe yenuina
lavatile Bn hiio Quinine t » òi » u
the remedy that « nrew a ceM in one day
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore.
November 13, l'.H)».
^OTICE is hereby given that in compliance
lx with the pro> ismns of the act of congTess
of June 3, I'?1', entitled‘ An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Oiegdli,
Nevada and \\ ashington Territory, ’ as extend« <1
to all the public lamt states bv uct of August 4,
1892, William E Bush, of Kalama, county of
Cowlitz, stale ot Washington, lias this »lay tiled
in this office hissworn statement No. .’»322, tor
the purchase ot W ’2 <»t \\ 12 ot Section No. js, in
Township No. 1 S . Range No. fi W., and will
offer proof to show that tiie land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul­
tural purposes, and to establish Ills claim losaid
land before the Register and Receiver oi Ibis
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the
26th day ot January. l‘.H)l.
He names as n ttiiesscs: E Iwin I'. Crumb, of
Carrollton, Wash., Albert II Nunn, Ewald («.
sheythe and Moses Mel». Bullock, of Kalama,
Any and all persons claiming adversely ihe
above-described lands are requested to hie their
claims in this othce on orbeioresaid 2<ith day of
January, 101. CHAS. B. MOORICS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.—Notice
for Publication.
United States Land Office. Oregon City, die.
Novcnibc r I3.'1'.HM).
’OTICE is hereby gi\en Hint in compliance
w ith the provisions of the act of congress
of June 3, 18;s, entitled ‘An act tor Hie sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory, ’ as ex­
tended to all the public land states by act of
August 4, ls,.r2, Herbert Nunn, of Kalama, coun­
ty of Cowlitz, state of Washington, Las this day
tiled in this office* his >tvorn statement No. .'»::i9,
for the pun base of tin’ E hi st 1 M SE 1 of NEG
and NW ‘4 of SE 11 of Section No. 32, , ...
in Town-
ship No. 4 S., Range No. 6 W., and will otter
proof to show that the land sought is more val­
uable for its timber or stone than for agricultu­
ral purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before tiie Register and Receiver ot this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the
26th day of January, 1901
He names as witnesses: Edwin F Crumb,zof
Carrollton. Wash., Moses MeD. Bullock. William
E. Bush and Albert 11. Nunn, of Kalama. Wash.
Any and all |k?rsons claiming adversely the
above-described lands ate requested fo file their
claims in this office on or before said 26th day of
January, 1901.
CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Timber I.mid. Act June 3, |S78—No­
tice for Publication.
Mr. R Gray, uho livea near Amenia.
“Shiloh’s is an unfailing* cure for coughs
throat and lung troubles. It will cure con
Du. liens conntv, N Y.,says: "Chanitier-
sumption. It is a remarkable remedy ”
lain's ( oiigh Remedy is the beet medi­
A. E. SAL I ER, M. D , Bufalo, N. Y.
cine I have ever used. It is a fine chil-
Shiloh’s Consumption Cure Is gold by all
at 25c, 5Oc, SI JO A bottl*. A
di< n'- remedy for croup and never fails drugKists
printed guarAntre goes with every bottle
tocure." When given as eoon as the If you Are not *Ati*fir<i go to yonr druggiw’
au «I get your money back.
. lul l b»c me« hoar«e, or even after the
Write for illustrated book on con«umptioo. Sen’
■ roiq.v conxb ba» developed, it will pre­ without cost to you. S. C. Wells Jk Co., LeRoy, N. Y
vent t lie attack
This should be borne
in mind and a Untie of the Cough Rem­
edy kept at hand ready for instant use Timber Land. Act June 3. 187 8.—Notice
for Publication.
is soon as these symptom’ appear. For
sale by lloworth A Co.
• • •
l ii rinri i. vinery.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore.
November 13, 1900.
’OTICE is hereby given »hat incompliance
with the provisions of the act of congress
of June 3, 1 n 78. entitled ‘ An act f»»r the sale • f
timber lands in the states of caliLirnia, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend­
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, 1892, Albert H. Nunn, of Kalama, county of
Cowlitz, state of Washington, hasthis day tiled
in this office his sworn stateim-nt No. -3 jo , for
the purchase of tiie ¡southwc't Quarter of
Section No. 20, in Township No. 4 South,
Range No 6 W. and will oiier proof io show thut
the land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Rcg-
ister and Receiver of this otib e at .uregon City,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 26tii day ot January,
He names as witnesses: Edwin 1'. Crumb, <»t
Carrollton, Wash . Wiliam E. Busti, Moses ak I>.
Bullock and Herbert Nnnn, ot Kalama, Wash.
Aliy and all per.-ons claiming adversely ihe
above desi’ibed lands are rifjiD ted to ide their
claims in this office on or betoif said jtith day of
January, 1991. ( HAS. B MOORES, Register.
W D Wright and wf to Elzina
Steward lot 3 blk 29 Oak Park
add to McM ....................................
A H Pape and wf to B F Yergen
314 64 a of R C Kinney d 1 c t 3
r 3 ................................................... 4,oco
Clara A Broadwell et conjux to A
M Brown 229 96 a pt A E Garri­
son d 1 c 13 r 4 and 5 .................. 1,000
Notice for
Week ending Dec. 5th :
United States Land Office. Oregon City, Ore
November 13, 19U0.
’oTlcE i* hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the art of congress
of Juue 3. 187S, entitled "An act for the srte
timber land* in the Mate« of »'alifomia, Oregon,
N\ vada and Washington Territory.” a« extended
to all the public land Mates by act of August 4.
I"92. Ewald (i. Sheythe. of Kalama, county of
t ow lit/, state of Washington, hasthis day tiled
in this office his *worn -tatemrnt No. 5321. for the
purchase of the W’4 NF. ‘4. E NW »¿rot Section
No >. in Township No. 4 S-. Range No 6 W .
and will otter proof to show that the land sought
i* more valuable for its timber or «tone than for
agricultural purpose«, and to establish his c laim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of
thi« office al Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday,
the 26th day of January. HM.
Hr names as w itnes-A’s Edwin F Crumb, of
Carrollton. Wash . Maw Mei» Bullock. Herbert
Nunn and Albert H. Nunn of Kalama Wash-
Any and all peixms claiming adversely the
above-described land» are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said J6th day of
January. 19»»1. CHAS. B MOORES, Register
United States Land office. Oregon City. Ore.
November 10, 19 ud .
'OTICE is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress
of Jnne 3,1878. entitled An act for the sah of
timber lauds m the states of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington T. riitory," as
extended to all the public laud states b\ h < t of
August 4. 1892, Mo*e> Mel). Bullock, of Kalama,
county of Cowlitz, state of Washington, has this
day fl led in this office his sworn statement No.
5317. for the purcha.'c of the Northeast quarter
of Section No. 30, in Township No * south,
range No. 6 west, and will offer "pioof to h,,w
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone thau for agricultural purposes,
and to establish hi* claim u» said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore­
gon City. Oregon, ou Saturday, the 2tah day of
January. 1901.
He uamv« as witnesses: Alttert H. Nunn and
Herbert Nnnn of Kalama. Wash , Edwin F
Crumb of Carrollton. W ash., and W ilham Wood
of Whitt son, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deacribcd lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 2»»th day of
January. 1901.
UN tl. %< < H( NT NOTICI:.
E is hereby given that th.* un l.r* g*.. |
»be estate of E. N. Ford, deceased, in the county
«rourt for Yamhill county, Oregon and that said
court has set Tuesday. January Sth. 1901, at the
hour of io a. m., to pass upon the same. All
persons are therefore notified that at said time
in the court room of «aid court, ibis executrix
will ask the c.Hjrl lo allow said neevuHl and dis
charge her from said office, and ail persons hav­
ing any objections to «aid account mux present
them on or before said date.
SUSIE M F(»R1>, Executrix of «aid Estate,