The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 07, 1900, Image 6

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If only sweetest bells were rung
How we should miss the minor chimes
l'f only grandest poets sung,
There'd be no simple little rhymes;
The modest clinging vine adds grace
To all the forest's giant oaks.
And 'mid earth's mighty is a place
To people with just common folks.
Necessary Waste of Lumbering Mam­
moths Over Fifty Per Cent—Forestry
Department Deman I 'Ihut Efforts Be
Made to have Few Remaining Groves.
Not they the warriors who shall win
Upon the battlefield a name
To sound the awful din;
Not theirs the painter’s deathless fame;
Not theirs the poet's muse that rings
The rhythmic gift his soul invokes;
Theirs but to do the simple things
That duty gives just common folks.
Fate has not lifted them above
The level of the human plane;
They share with men a fellow love
In touch with pleasure and with pain.
One great, far-reaching brotherhood,
With common burdens, common yokes,
And common wrongs and common good—
God's army of just common folks.
Reported the Lincoln-Douglas debates
Capital represented by him. .$100,000,000
Reported the first Lincoln campaign.
Ills personal wealth............. 22,000,000$ War correspondent, the Civil War.
Copper interests represented 75,000,000 > Foreign correspondent of American
First price paid for his cop-
S newspapers.
In 1801 owned New York Evening
O tell me, old fellow, how on
per mine................................
35,000 ) Post and Nation.
earth it is possible for such a
His annual wage roll paid..
8,000,000^ In 1875 president Oregon Steamship
metamorphosis to have taken
1,000,000' Company.
place. Not a month ago we sat here,
Receiver of Kansas Pacific Railroad
300,000? Company.
two hnrdened bachelors, determined to His works of art cost.............
remain so to the end of our days, and His private car cost...............
40,000 ? Completed in 1883 the Northern Pacific
now 1 find you transformed into a most His hotel coat..........................
200,000? Railroad.
President Northern Pacific Railroad
devoted husband.”
A hearty laugh was the Immediate His personal living cost per
annum ....................................
5,000) President Edison General Electric Com­
answer to this outburst, and Dr. Tre»-
ton, to whom It was addressed, took a His annual income was ap­
Chairman in 1889 of the Northern Pa­
puff at his pli>e before replying.
proximately ..........................
2,500,000) cific directory.
“Well, you sw, Jim,” he said, “I
Marcus Daly graduated from digging potatoes to digging copper and accumu­
thought It would be fun to surprise you
lated a fortune of $50,000,000. Henry Villard rose from reporter to railroad
thoroughly for once. But Della shall
president, became a Napoleon of finance, lost two enormous fortunes, and died
tell you the story, and you may be sur­
a millionaire.
prised to learn that you yourself, un­
An Unconscious Matchmaker.
Gifford Plnchot, United States fores­
ter, has issued a pamphlet coueeruiug
the big trees of California which has
created no little comment through its
endeavors to state clearly aud emphat­
ically the necessity for the preservation
of the California mammoths. The
writer protests against the rate at
which the big trees are being destroyed
by private owners, pointing out clearly
that the chances of a renewal of the
wonder growths are to be little consid­
"Most of the scattered groves of big
trees are privately owned and, there­
fore, In danger of destruction," he
consciously, I admit, made up the
leave you to lunch alone and shall find
"1 suppose it Is for penance. Will, a home elsewhere.’
“While puzzling about what this
that I am to uarrate my own mistakes
and misdeeds to Mr. Allison. Two might mean, I heard a terrific yell from
months ugo I was a stupid little coun­ Della, my parrot; I opened the store­
try girl. My eldest brother had sent room door and Della, my wife, fell into
for me to keep bis house. Our parents my arms.
“After explanations had been made
have been dead many years anil I had
lived with an aunt. Henry, my brother, I restored her to brother Henry as
had written me that ft would be impos­ housekeeper, but claimed her In five
sible for him to meet me at the depot, weeks for my own. Now do you be­
and that I should drive to the Tudor lieve that you are a matchmaker?”—
Flats, where he was living on the Boston Post
fourth floor. My poor brain was cer­
tainly In a whirl after my loug drive
through the noisy streets. When 1 ar­
rived at the Tudor b'lats I walked Young Men Invite Fuilure by Essay­
ing lintriel Fields.
bravely up the stairs.
Some published fragments of the new
"I know you will laugh at me dread­
fully, Mr. Allison, but you must remem­ census statistics are very depressing to
ber that I had never before seen so the old fashioned, yet very sensible,
many stairs. In m.v Ignorance I was people who have been hoping that the
unaware that the entresol does not movement of villagers and country peo­
count; therefore, when I arrived at a ple to the large cities had been cheeked.
What is the meaning of the continu­
landing where a door was ajar and an
old man servant replying to an inquirer ous rush to the cities? The old expla­
the the doctor would uot be home until nation was’ that farmers’ sons' and
2 o’clock, I naturally concluded that I daughters wearied of work that was
had reached m.v journey's end, for my never finished; they had heard of city
brother also bears the title doctor. To demands for labor and of city wages,
old James' astonishment 1 walked payable always In cash and at stated
dates. They had also heard of city
calmly In, saying:
pleasures, some of which were said to
“ 'The doctor expects me. Please have
cost nothing, while others were very
my luggage seen to.’
cheap. But young people do not con­
“ 'But, miss, I don’t know,’ he ven­
tured, 'I have the strictest orders never stitute the whole body of people who
to allow any one to enter my master's are crowding into the cities, for me­
chanics and artisans of all kinds are in
study during his absence.’
throng, for In the villages and coun­
“ ‘I am the doctor's sister, ami he him­
self arranged my coming,' I answered, try districts employment Is Irregular
and pay uncertain. The more aspir­
"With that he admitted me, mutter­ ing of them hope for the larger oppor­
ing: 'Never heard about a sister.' Into tunities ami recognition that the coun­
the smoky, dusty apartments, which 1 try dares uot promise; they know, too,
that such of their children as incline to
assumed to be my brother’s.
“Much to James’ consternation, I set study may become fairly, even highly,
to work and dusted furniture and educated lu the city without s|>eclal
books, spread a clean doth on the table, cost to their parents. Of the “seamy”
and prepared a lunch (though James In­ side of city life they know nothing,
formed me 'Master never «situ at home') for their acquaintances who "went to
of fresh butter, home-made bread, town” have not returned to tell of It;
cheese, luim ami npples; then decorated few of them could return if they would.
the room with roses and honeysuckle The few who go back to the old home­
steads are the men who have succeed­
brought from home.
“To pass away the time, I took up a ed, and in any village such a man In
book and began to read. A note fell out effect resembles a gold Inden miner
of this Issik. My eyes fell on the first from Cape Nome or the Klondike—bls
words ami my attention was Instantly example threatens to depopulate the
attracted. It was signed Charlie Alli ; town.
Nevertheless the rural districts are
son, and read:
| not going to be depopulated, except
“ 'Dear Old Man: So you have decided
| when their soil Is very poor and their
to Install that awful creature in your
| malaria overrlch.
A countryward
house, though you acknowledge that all
- movement started In some cities a few
hopes of pence and comfort of your life
years ago and ft has l»een Increasing In
will tie gone. My dear fellow, do be ad­
volume. It may l»e almost Invisible In
vised amt give up this preposterous
some localities, for 3,<W,000 square
Idea. At any rate, don’t be surprised If
| miles Is an area so great that any city’s
I cut your acquaintance for the present,
overflow might l»e lost In It. The men
' and leave you to enjoy the company of
| who are trying scientific farming are
Miss Della. Your friend,
all from the cities and they have car­
ried their city Ideas with them. As a
"My dear lady," Interrupted Charlie,
“you don’t mean to say it Isn't possible | rule, city brain and city money are
that any misunderstanding arose out of suggesting and backing the rural at­
tempts to have good roads, pure wat­
that? My dislike and----- ”
“I do mean to say so." she replied, er. |>erfect drainage, high farming,
high grade schools, free libraries and
laughing; “It was quite ¡»ossible- in­
| many other ameliorations of old-time
deed, natural I should assume that
those words referred to me. 1 was at conditions. Yet In one respect the city
first highly Indignant and then began man In the country Is a disappointment
to cry. My resolution was «mm formed; j to all classes of the dissatisfied, for
I would go away at once and not ever : when they talk of going to the city he
see the heartless brother who had dis­ J persistently says. "Don't." and lie sup-
cussed me In such a manner before my 1 ports his advice with a dismal array
. of facts and figures.—Saturday Even­
ing Post.
“While repacking my bag I came upon
a photograph of myself. A sudden Ini
Th«« American Is Vulgar.
pulse made me write a few words on
“We must all agree that the American
the back of It and leave It on the table. has beyon«l other men an Innate rv«pect
Then I heard steps outside. It was for women ami for helpless things,"
Henry. I thought. He should not tlml writes "An American Mother" In the
me there. Seeing the door of a small Ladies' Home Journal. "He has usu­
room open. I sllp|ied In ami close-1 It ally. too. a w hie acquaintance with the
world which hinders him from intoler­
behind me.”
“Let me tell the rest,” Interrupted the ance and vanity. He has also a tact
doctor; "I fancied I was dreaming as too fine to blurt out unpleasant facts to
I tws ame aware of the iur Itlnglv spr> a I his companions, as do«-« the English­
table; then I noted two covers laid as man. w lio. quite unprovoked, hurls dis
If for a delightful tetea tele, and upon agreeable truths at you with a ferocity
iny napkin a photograph of the sweet- and a gusto that Is Indecent. A week
e-t face I had ever seen. Listen to what with your dearest English friend« Is
enough to make you in love with lying
was written under It:
“'As I am so ugly; as I destroy your I he dearer you are to them the more
peace and drive away your friends, I I likely are they tv talk lucess.rutly of
the mole on your nose, or your vulgar
kinsfolk. The American has a vivacity
almost French: he gives himself easily
to the occasion: be is ready to weep and
laugh with you. and is sincerely inter­
ested in your new bicycle or baby. At
the same time he has something of the
phlegm of the Asiatic, and seldom frets
or grumbles. He sniffs the odors of
foul drains, quaffs typhoid germs in
his water, sits in overheated steam cars
and stands In overcrowded street cars
year afteryear with Imperturbable good
"Why, with all these qualities—why
Is he not a more agreeable fellow? Why,
with all the traits that go to make up
a courtly gentleman—why is he vulgar?
Simply because he is not certain of his
own position. He asserts himself every
moment lest you may mistake him for
an inferior. This uneasy self-assertion
is the explanation of all our bad man­
ners. 'I’m as good as you!’ is the secret
thought with which too many of us
meet every fellow-creature.”
writes. “Lumbering is rapidly sweep­
ing them off; forty mills and logging
companies are now at work wholly or
lu part upon big tree timber. The
southern groves show some reproduc­
tion, through which there Is hope of
perpetuating these groves. In the
northern groves the species hardly
holds its owu.”
Iu Introducing a history of the big
trees, with facts concerning each of the
groves now existing, the writer says:
“At the present time the only grove
thoroughly safe from destruction is the
Mariposa and this is far from being the
most Interesting. Most of the other
groves are either in process of or In
danger of being logged. The very finest
of all, the Calaveras grove, with the
biggest and tallest trees, the most un-
contamluated surroundings and prac­
place, the enormous size and weight of
the trees necessarily entails very con­
siderable breakage when one of them
falls. Such a tree strikes the ground
with a force of nany hundreds or even
thousands of tons, so that even slight
inequalities are sufficient to smash the
brittle truuk at its upper extremity into
almost useless fragments. The loss
from this cause is great, but It Is ouly
one of the sources of waste. The great
diameter of the logs, and, in spite of the
lightness of the wood, their enormous
weight make It Impossible to handle
them without breaklug them up. For
this purpose gunpowder Is the most
available means. The fragments of
logs blown apart In this way are not
ouly ofteu of wasteful shapes, but un­
less very nice Judgment Is exercised iu
preparing the blast a great deal of
wood Itself Is scattered in useless splin­
"At the mill, where waste Is the rule
In the manufacture of lumber In the
United States, the big tree makes no
exception. This waste, added as it is
to the other sources of loss already men­
tioned, makes a total probably often
considerably in excess of half the total
volume of the standing tree, and this Is
only one side of the matter.
“The big tree stands as a rule In a
mixed forest, composed of many spe­
cies. The result of sequoia lumbering
upon this forest is almost ruinous. The
destruction caused by the fall of euor-
mous trees is In itself great, but the
principal sourse of damage Is the Im­
mense amount of debris left on the
ground—the certain source of future
fires. This mass of broken branches,
trunks and bark. Is often five or six or
more feet in thickness and necessarily
gives rise to fires of great destructive
power, even though the big tree wood is
not specially inflammable. The devas­
tation which follows this lumbering is
as complete and deplorable as the un­
touched forest Is unparalleled, beauti­
ful and worthy of preservation. As a
rule it has not even had the advantage
of being profitable. Very much of this
appalling destruction has been done
without leaving the owners of the big
tree as well off as they were before It
began." '
Series of Pamphlet, to Be Iestied.
The pamphlet which was published
by the forestry division of the Depart­
ment of Agriculture is one of a series
which will be issued in behalf of the
big trees. The report was prepared for
the Information of the Senate Commit­
tee on Public Lands, which was at the
An Epitaph lor Buskin.
The London Academy lias awarded a
prize of one guinea to J. R. Anderson,
I-airbeek, Keswick, for the best in­
scription suitable for the proposed me­
dallion of John Ruskin In Westminster
Abbey. Mr. Anderson's epitaph is as
He Taught Us
To Hold
In Loving Reverence
I’oor Men and Their Work
Great Men and Their Work
God and His Work.
In connection with this competition It
Is Interesting to quote what Ruskin
himself said on epitaphs: “Take care
that some memorial Is kept of men who
deserve memory in a distinct statement
on the stone or brass of their tombs,
either that they were true men or ras­
cal»—wise men or fools. How beauti­
ful the variety of sepulchral architec­
ture might be. In any extensive place
of burial, if the public would meet the
small expense of thus expressing Its
opinions In a verily instructive manner,
and if some of the tombstones accord­
ingly terminated in fools’ caps, and oth­
ers, Instead of crosses and cherubs,
latre engravings of cats-o’-nine-tails as
typical of the probable methods of en­
tertainment in the next world of the
(tersons not, It Is to be hoped, reposing
Key Io the Working-Girl’s Success.
"Whatever vocation the girl wage­
worker settles upon she may as well
accept the fact, first as last, that slip­
shod performance and Inadequate
equipment will win no favor, will not
even secure a foothold," writes Marga­
ret E. Sangster iu the Ladies' Home
Journal. "The ranks are everywhere
crowded, and the second-rate work
must go to the wall. Iu moat flehle the
supply la well lu excess of the demand,
and only the capable, the efficient. the
competent and the trustworthy may
hope to fin«! tlieir niche. As a grain of
satisfaction let it be addv«l that those
possessed of these desirable qualities,
those who are ready for service and
are responsible In their work, are sure
to be appreciated aud will never cease
to be wante«L"
"I should like to subscribe to your
paper. Would you be willing to take
it out in trade?"
Country Editor—Guess so; what’s
your business?
"I’m the undertaker."—Brooklyn Life
tliisnl« on European Royalty.
Every royal palace in Europe has Its
s|HH-lal private police, who. iu oue guise
or another, are always on the lookout
for suspicious persons.
English Public lluil.lings.
Th«> public buildings of England alone
are salut'd at a sum approaching
A woman Is never so prou«! as when
lier ls>y voluntarily asks for a fork
with which to eat bis pie.
tically all the literary and scientific as­
sociations of the species connected with
It, has been purchased recently by a
lumberman, who came Into full posses­
sion on the 1st of April, 1900.
“The Sequoia and General Grant Na­
tional parks, which are supposed to em­
brace and give security to a large part
of the remaining big trees, are eaten
Into by a sawmill each and by private
timbering claims amounting to a total
of 1,172,870 acres. The rest of the
scanty patches of big trees are In a fair
way to disappear—In Calaveras, Tuo­
lumne, Fresno and Tulare counties,
they are now disappearing—by the ax.
In brief, the majority of the big trees
of California, certainly the best of
them, are owned by people who have
every right and In many cases every
intention, to cut them into lumber.”
' cientitlc Value of Big Trees,
Further along these same lines the
value of the big tree is thus considered:
"The big trees are unique In the world
the graudest, the oldest, the most ma­
jestically graceful trees and If it were
not enough to be all this, they are
among the scarcest of known tree spe­
cies and have the extreme scientific val­
ue of being the best living representa­
tives of a former geologic age. They
are trees which have come down to us
through the vicissitudes of many cen­
turies solely because of their superb
qualifications. The bark of the big tree
Is often two feet thick and almost non-
combustible. The oldest specimens
felled are still sound at the heart aud
fungus Is an enemy unknown to it. Yet
with all these means of maintenance
the big trees have apparently not ln-
creased tlieir range since the glacial
epoch. They have only just managed
to bold their owu ou a little strip of
country where the climate is locally fa­
Everyone who is Interested In the big
trees, as everyone must be either from
curiosity, a natural love of the forest
or for scientific reasons, must deplore
the destruction of these forests. Every­
one who has visited a forest In any part
of the world will regret the destruction
of these Jungles of beauty. Every
thoughtful American Is waking to a
realisation of the criminal carelessness
with which the forests of this country
have tx’en wiped out. The lumbering
of the big trees, with Its accompanying
waste an«! devastation, seems a partic­
ularly unnecessary aud almost immoral
Forester Plnchot says of It: "The
lumbering of the big tree Is destructive
to a most unusual Jegree. Ln the first
time considering the preservation of the
Calaveras and Stanislaus big tree
groves. It is the first document on the
subject which has ever been published
by the government, strange as the fact
may seem. Prof. W. R. Dudley, of
Stanford University, who aided with
the work, is now preparing a more de­
tailed account of the big trees and the
big tree groves, which will be published
by the government forestry office. The
pamphlet now out contains an excellent
map of the forests of California, con­
taining big trees, together with a de­
tailed account of each of the larger
King Oscar Was His Host.
A story illustrating the simple bon­
homie of the King of Sweden and Nor­
way is told by M. Gaston Bonnier, the
botanist. M. Bonnier was botanizing
near Stockholm, when be met a
stranger similarly occupied. The two
botanists fraternized, and M. Bonnier
suggested that they should '.unch to­
gether at an Inn.
“No; come borne and lunch with me
instead,” said the stranger; and he Ld
the way to the palace and opened the
M. Bonnier was naturally astonished,
but bls new acquaintance was most
“I’m sorry.” he said, “but I happen
to be the king of this country, and this
is the only place I’ve got to entertain
anybody in." So they went in and
lunched, and talked botany together
all the afternoon.
Florida Tobacco.
It Sounded Easy When His Wife Pro«
posed It-Was Different in Shop.
When the man with the red mustache
started down the stalls his wife ran to
the door and called him back.
"Donald,” she said. "I want you to
go into a hardware store to-day aud get
a saw. Don't forget it, please. We need
one badly.”
Beiug uu accommodating person, the
man with the red mustache said he'd
get It. He chose the luncheon hour as
the most opportune time for making his
simple purchase. He was iu a good
humor aud smiled blandly when be
went bustling Into the store and said,
“I want a saw, please.”
The clerk who had come forward to
wait on him had a merry twinkle lu his
eye, aud the twinkle overflowed at the
question aud spread all over bls face
lu dimples.
“What kind of a saw?” he asked.
The prospective purchaser began to
perceive what an intricate business the
buyiug of a saw really is.
"Why,” said be, “I don’t know. Just
a saw. Any kind will do, I suppose."
The clerk sighed. “If you only knew
what you want to use it for, perhaps
I could advise you,” he suggested.
"What I want to use It for?” echoed
the man with the red mustache. “Why,
I want to saw, of course. At least, my
folks do.’’
“Saw what?” asked the clerk.
“I don’t know.” admitted the non­
plussed shopper.
The clerk brightened up again and
led the way to the rear of the store.
“I will show you a few of the different
varieties of saws we have on hand,”
he said. “Observation and an explana­
tion of tlieir uses and prices may assist
you in making a decision. Here's a
metal saw. It is the hardest saw there
is. It is made of highly tempered steel
and will saw iron, copper, lead and all
manner of metals. It is small in size
amlsellsfor $2 to $2.50, according to the
style of the handle, which comes in
beechwood and oak, the latter being
more expensive. Is that the kind of saw
you want?”
The man with the red mustache was
sorely perplexed. “No,” said he, “I
don’t think so. We have no metals at
our house to work on. that I know of.”
“Perhaps you would like a meat
saw?” suggested the clerk. “Steel in
those is of hardly so high a grade, and
I could let you have a good one for a
dollar. But you're not a butcher?”
The man who wanted a saw shook
his head mournfully and the clerk cou-
“There is a regular kitchen saw for
general utility purposes, which will
cost you only 50 cents. How does that
strike you? No? Then here's the cab­
inetmaker’s saw. I can give you a very
good one for $3. Then I have over here
plumbers’ saws, the fine delicate saws
used by all manner of artificers, and
the ordinary wood saws which will cost,
you anywhere from 50 cents to $4. In
that back room we have still other va­
rieties—the two-man ten foot saws,
buzz saws and circular saws. If you
want to pay a big price you’d better
take one of the latter. I'll give you a
good one for $50. Would you like to see
The man with the red mustache look-
ed about him wonderingly.
“No. thank you.” he said. "I never
dreamed that thero were so many dif­
ferent kinds of saws. I guess I won't
take any till I find out just what kind
I want."
The clerk bowed affably. “I regret
being unable to make a sale,” he said,
“but I really think that the wiser
plan.”—New York Sun.
Our Overfurnished Homes.
“More simplicity in our homes would
make our lives simpler,” writes Ed­
ward Bok, In a plea for the exercise of
better taste lu furnishing our homes, In
the Ladles’ Home Journal. “Many wom­
en would live fuller lives because they
would have more time. As It Is. hun­
dreds of women of all positions in life
are to-day the slaves of their homes
and what they have crowded Into them.
Comfort is essential to our happiness.
But with comfort we should stop. Then
we are on the safe side. But we get on
and over the danger line when we go
beyond. Not one-tenth of the things
that we think are essential to our hap­
piest living are really so. In fact, we
should be an infinitely happier and
healthier people If the nine-tenths were
taken out of our lives. It is astonishing
how much we can do without, and be a
thousand times the better for It. And
It doesn’t require much to test this gos­
pel of wisdom. We need only to be nat­
ural—to get back to our real. Inner
selves. Then we are simple. It Is only
because we have got away from the
simple and the natural that so many of
our homes are cluttere«l up as they are,
and our lives full of little things that
are not worth the while. We have bent
the knee to show, to display, and we
have lowered ourselves with the trivial
and the useless; and filling our lives
with the poison of artificiality and the
unnatural, we have pushed the Real,
the Natural, the Simple, the Beautiful
—the best and most lasting things out
of our lives.”
Florida, according to local papers. Is
becoming one of the great tobacco-pro­
ducing States, and the product has been
pronounced In some respects equal to
that of Cuba. Sumatra wrapper tobac­
co raised In Florida recently took the
prize at the Paris exposition over the Heavy Penalties for Helling Whisky.
Charles Stelnbrink. who was convict­
ed at St. John. Kan., on forty-nine
A Matter of Taste.
counts of selliug whisky in violation of
“Beg pardon.” said the postal clerk the prohibitory law, was fined $4.<ks)
who had sold her the stamps, "but you
ami sentenced to forty-nine months in
don't have to put a 5-cent stamp on a
jail. As he cannot pay his fine he will.
letter for Canada.”
“I know." said she. "but the shade If the sentence Is carried out have to
Just matches my envelope, you know.” serve it out In Jail at the rate of 50
cents a day. making his total sentence
—Philadelphia Press.
practically thirty years and nine
When people say they will do any­ months.
thing In the world for you. they mean
A hospitable shoemaker has a card
about as much as a candidate when be
In bls window reading: “Any man,
says his ambition Is to serve bis
woman or child can have fits in this
country and his countrymen.
You can't tell by the site of the bill
A tailor Is justified in giving his cus­
»hat the slxe of a ton of coal la
tomers fits occasionally.