The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 07, 1900, Image 4

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    habli of quietly marching from Kru-
gersdorp to Litchtenberg and back
to Patchefstrum notwithstanding
It. I. ASHUItY, Editer A l-ropr.
they are “licked." They surprise
J U. KCKMAN, Asseclute Editor
the British at Wakkerslrum, then
dodge around and furnish later news
Subscription $1 OO Per Year
from Ilaetnertsburg. But it is folly
for them to repeat, these playful at­
advertising rxteh .
tacks. They cannot now hope to
Beading noth'*' in local rolumnw 1« cent» per
line for first week and :• cent» per lim* thereafter achieve anything and must neeessur
Display a<lvertiiK* tile ids. annual rate«, one inch
per month fl; each additional inch .M) cent« ¡ m t
- ily expect ¡ill the more severe tt:e:i-
Obituary and marriage notice« not ctccrding ures from England in retaliation.
Yamhill County
10 line- nnblished free, if tnrnished in time to
be current new«. Additional matter 10ceul«|M.*r
It will be only a few weeks until
| the legislature will be wrestling
FRIDAY, DEC. 7, 1900.
I with the all absorbing question, the
I soul-stirring question, the leading
An eminent lady philosopher of j question—the election of a senator
Boston maintains that when a woman at the state capital. The logical can­
finds a man who she thinks would didates are Hon. H. W. Corbett and
suit her as a husband she may pro­ j tiie present incumbent. Senator G.
pose to him with propriety. It is un­ W. McBride. Each has served the
necessary to say that the man could I people during one term in the senate.
decline with equal propriety, and , and each has his own friends and ac­
that he probably would do so in most tive supporters, who are confident of
the election of their champion. Mr.
Corbett’s friends believe that by
‘ The New Democracy” is being making him the caucus nominee he
talked by one wing of the democrats will develop sufficient strength to
a& the name under which the party carry the election on first ballot,
will sail into power four years hence, Should this result not obtain, Mr.
and they do not include free silver Corbett will quietly stand out of the
as one of the planks of the platform, way, and his friends will make no ef­
The fatal error they make in their fort to obstruct the business of the
calculations is that they leave Bryan session by reason thereof. Senator
out of the game entirely, and do not McBride s friends,on the other hand,
consider the powerful opposing in­ will not object, to a caucus, but they
fluence he will be able to exert. Bry­ will insist upon the caucus being
an is still for free silver, and he made broad enough to embrace all
comes too near being the whole party tiie republican members of the legis­
to be dictated to.
lature, and that no transaction be
---------- ----------------
held which is not “open and above-
Henry M. Powell, a populist, of board.” With this demand faithfully
Kansas, thus airs a grievance: “I've complied with, they, too, will cheer­
beeu taking seven democratic and fully abide by the result, and in view
populist papers, and they had me of this evidence of good fellowship, a
way up in the clouds; told me every­ faint glow of the roseate hue that
thing was all right, and that all 1 precedes the dawn of the era of tiie
had to do Tuesday night was to get universal brotherhood of man so
ready to holler, but when I came to fondly hoped for, can be discerned
town I found the other fellows doing just, above the dome of the capitol at
the hollering. I’m disgusted. I'm Sa.em. What the people demand in
going right home and w’rite every the premises, is that the legislature
mother’s son of an editor that's been do its duty without the childish stub­
filling me up with lies what my un­ bornness that characterized the ses­
sion of 1897. Mr. Corbett is mag­
adulterated opinion of him is and nanimous, and will accept with good
stop my paper. It ain’t right to grace whatever verdict they render.
raise a man's hopes up that way and The friends of Senator McBride will
then let him fall like a basket of no doubt be equally as liberal, in
which event there is no probability
bricks, and I'm agin it.”
of a disgraceful hold-up.
The complaints of a tax-burdened
people are becoming so universal
that it would appear as if tiie mein
bers of the next legislature must pay
some heed to them. The next legis­
lature will offer a splendid opportun­
ity for its members to make a name
for themselves that will secure them
future favors from a grateful con­
stituency. The usual raids will be
made upon the state treasury. Ap­
propriations will be asked to further
various schemes and projects, and
unless the members of the legislature
frown them down once, and emphati­
cally, the schemers and fakirs will
increase in numbers at each session,
and lite available fund will diminish
and the rate of the state tax be itt
creased proportionately, Let the
coming session be known in history
as one where economy and good
“horse-sense" prevailed.
Work of the Experts.
Messrs. Clark & Buchanan, expert ac­
countants employed by the county court
to expert the books for the past six
years, are about through with the slier
iff’s office. They claim to have found
over ^600 due the county in discrepancies
during Sheriff Henry’s term, and a sonic
what lesser amount during the term of
Sheriff Henderson. It is believed the
errors are due to a lax and unsystematic
method of bookkeeping which has pre­
vailed in this office to a greater extent
than in the other county ofiices. Lor
instance, a taxpayer might make affida­
vit to overtaxation or double assessment,
and the rebate be allowed by the sheriff
or the county court and the affidavit be­
come lost without record being made ol
the same. In one entry made by—Mr.
Chas. Baling, tax receipt was issued for
f 17b, but the amount was entered upon
the roll as $76, making a shortage ot an
even $100. It is possible that some er­
rors may vet receive satisfactory explan­
ation by the persons making them.
J. I . Vickrey and I’. P. Olds were n p
from Lafayette on Wednesday.
President McKinley delivered his mes­
sage to congress at the convening of
body on Monday last. A synopsis of
same will be found on our third page.
We make a specialty of holiday goods,
hem e, we can suit yon better than those
who carry only a few as a side line
Come and see us. An elegaid present
given away .Ian. 1st.
Brigham Young sought to found
his prosperit y not only on industrial
ethics, but also upon the thrift and
happiness of his people. The Mor
mon leader's wisdom is clearly ex
hibited in his plan of industry laid
out for his followers. The central
idea in it was the small farm, and
S cott <k \ys.
the farm-village, lit Utah there are
Mr. Poole, an elderly gentleman living
many small valleys between the tow­ near Dayton, died Monday morning, and
ering mountains, and the village site was buried at Dayton the following day.
is generally located near the center lie was nlamt 80 years of age, and lived
of the valley, and the farms are in alone, his wife having died abjut two
the outlying lands, and consist of weeks ago. His deatli occurred at the
from two to twenty acres. Each home of Morris Cain, who found the old
small farm has a commodious barn, j man sick, and removed him to his house.
llev. Martin I., ltose. president of Eu­
and the usual quota of poultry and
swine, while a considerable space is gene divinity school, an elegant and ven
devoted to a market garden. The logical speaker, is assisting Rev. Lindsey
in holding meetings at tbo Christian
Mormon people are taught thrift as
church, which will likely continue dur­
a part of their creed, and the secret ing the month. Mr. Rose would lie de­
of their financial success would ap­ lighted to have all the children of this
pear to be due to small farms well city attend hie children's service Lord’s
tilled.-and ill the diversity of their day afternoon at 3 o’clock. Special music
agricultural products. We Oregon each evening Miss Yoran has returned
ians occasionally get a earload of and will sing laird's day evening.
Utah bacon. Utah “ranch'' eggs,
The ‘I'ncle Josh Sprucebv Co." se­
Utah sugar, Utah honev, and even cured a pretty good house in this city
Utah dried fruit Economizing everv Tuesday evening, after cutting their ad­
acre of high priced farm lauds makes vertised prices for reserved seats from $1
competition in farm products possi- to 75c. The company w as not as large
as advertised, but carried a good band j
ble, and in this way the Mormons
and orchestra. The placers were medio­
are never at a loss to find a ready cre, eicept the Dutchman, who was the
market for the surplus from their star. A dramatic company always loses
small farms.
favor with a misfit moustache, which
The Boers have made all England
quake with doubt and fear bv show­
ing up at Dewortsdorp with 2500
men and capturing the garrison of
400 men. Englund will have to face
several such surprises before the
trouble in the Transvaal is finally
settled, for the Boers have a playful,
«as the ease with the villian is this in­
stance •‘I'ncle Josh" seemed to link
enthusiasm in his part, probably due to
the fact that he had played it so often,
he was getting.tired.
__ j 11» K nd
lit* »I» ¡rRot q
License to si ll liquor in quantities less
than qu ii t granted to P. A. Flynn of
Willatnina for six months.
Petition tor county road and vacation
of part of road tiled by A. H. Leighton
et at was dismissed and bond declared
Road and Bridge Work
Wilbur Long ........
. .
A C Rice
C T Long ..........................
Win Wess
() B Corporan..................
C Westerfield..................
Henry Petit....................
Have Lachance
Van Parker..................
Joe Leno ..........................
Hugh Langley ............
A Braly..............................
D Leno ..........................
Wm Carey ....................
Prosper Lachance..........
Jas Sorenson............
Geo Leno...................... .
Wm Langley..........
A Countryman ..............
F I) Sitton..........................
W X Martin
John Scheller ..................
W Cummings................
W F Davis..........................
Poor Fund—
R E Smith......................
G W Kauffman ............
M Underwood................
MrsHugnelet ........
Grange & Farmers’ Co
T W Nash & Co ............
II McGuire
Nichols & Gabriel..........
E V Littlefield................
O B Parker ......................
J H Nelon ........................
J M Yocum ......................
W Arthur, poling place
W Goodrich, work on bike path .
G W Oldham, hauling booths. .
Jacob Hagey, gravel......................
.1 H Bell, rails................................
H M Edmiston, hauling ..........
J B Handley, labor . . »..................
E Mabe, rebate ou assessment . .
Clark X. Buchanan, expert’g books2oo
J C McAllister, tile........................ 2
A J Bewley, juror ..........................
J (J Pennington, juror .................... 2
.Slants & Abdill, blksmtg
C Grissen, voting place.................. 2
Telephone Co, rent ......................... 6
T \\ Nash, polling place
Yamhill Reporter, prtg.
W J Sargent, hdwr . . .
J R Martin, work on (? H yard
Surveyor’s report viewing road . 46
Fire! Flren
When that cry sounds how people
rush to help and sympathize ! And
when some fireman rescues a woman
from thé flames, the
streets echo with ap­
plauding shouts.
And yet if that
woman hail perished
in the flames it is pos­
sible that she would
have suffered less
than she suffers al­
most daily from the
inflammation which
disease has lighted in
' , i the delicate womanly
That fire of inflam-
•5®/ mation can be put
The gnawing
' ulcer can be cured.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
. Prescription not only
establishes womanly
1 regularity and dries
i enfeebling drains, but
t it heals inflammation
1 and ulcerations and
cures female weak­
ness. It makes weak
women strong and
sick women well.
" I suffered for four years with what four phy­
sician-, pronounced ulceration and prolapsus of
tin uterus," writes Mrs. Ada Brooks, of Kirhy-
villc. i alley Co. Missouri. " Also inflammation
of bladder and urethra. My case was chronic
and complicated. Had several good physicians,
but kept getting worse. Had been confined to
my bed five months when I wrote to you. I
received your reply very soon and then dia-
missed niv physician and began taking Dr,
Fierce.medicines. I took eight bottles of his
Favorite Prescription ’ and ‘ Golden Medical
Discovery.’ and la gan to get better at once In
two months I could sit up in a chair, and kept
getting better. In four months could do all my
house work, including washing and sewing.”
HAMBLIN, TheOne-PriceClothier 1
We are not selling out.
We are not selling at cost.
But we are selling
Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Shoes
Cheaper than any other house in Oregon.
Suits Made to Order.
— Hamblin,
Union Block, McMinnville.
Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical
Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
snip« llii’ Cough amt
I he Colil.
Work» Oil
Laxative Bro no-Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price
2 > cents.
Cards of Thanks.
I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks
25 to the neighbors and friends, who so
Not ChristmaR day nor Christmas week, but tiie plan lime—the best time, th®
25 kindiv assisted in the sickness and burial
time of head work, and heart work, the time of pleasureable anticipation and en­
50 of my dear little one.
joyable plans. The time oi looking and debating, and secret whisperings, out of
M rs . E i i a S tow ’.
which will be evolved the gifts most valued and appreciated, because carryiug with
them weeks of eelf-denial, search and loving forethought. For the Jeweler it is a
The Kind You Have Always Bought
time of buying, unfolding and displaying. The time when we can show you our
Bears the
choice selections, fresh from the packing boxe-c A time when early Christmas buy­
Probate Court.
ing means much to you. Our line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut
Glass,Silver Novelties, Ebouy Goods, Fountain Pens and Gold Pen Holders, etc.,
Estate ot Annie E Breon. Inventory
was never larger, but the best of the most extensive stock always goes to the “early
and appraisement filed and approved.
Ihe Rest Piaster*
birds.” Will you be ore. We are going to give away several valuable presents this
Estate ot J L Williamson. Final account
A piece of flannel dampened w ith year, as we have in former years.
heard and allowed. Joint executors dis
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to
charged and bondsmen exonerated.
WM. F. DIFLSCHNEIDER & BRO., The Jewelers.
Estate of E N Ford.
Final account the affected parts is superior to any plas­
filed and Jan. 8th set to hear same.
ter. When troubled w ith lame back or
Estate ot Wm. Hemstock. Final ac­
count heard, executrix discharged and pains in the side or chest, give it a trial
estate declared fully and finally settled and you are certain to be more than
------ *♦-. —.----------
pleased with the prompt relief which it
The City Council.
affords. Pain Balm also cures rheuma­
Mayor Maloney called the old council
to order Monday evening, and the last sale by Howorth & Co.
official acts of that body before final dis­
solution and surrender to their successors
Please Take Notice.
P aid C apital , $50,000
S urplus and P rofits , $25,000
were as follows:
Parties indebted to the firm of R. Ja­
Transacts a General Banking business and extends to its patrons every facility
Reports of officers and committees
consistent with safe and prudent banking.
cobson & Co. are respectfully requested
were re-lived and placed on file.
M F Kirk was allowed the sum of to settle at once, as accounts become due
#45-75 *«r damages sustained by one of Oct. 1, 1900. We must have the money.
L. E. Cowls
his horses falling into an excavation on
Wm. Campbell
W. L. Warren
R. J acobson & Co.
Third street.
L. Rogers, Vice Pres,
The bill of Yamhill county of $141 for
E. C. Apperson,Cashier W. S. Link, Asst. Cashier
rocking Lafayette avenue on east side To Celebrate INcxi Year anil Cen­
of the county road was laid on the table
Office hours 9 a m. to 4 p. m.
Bills aggregating #620.13 were allowed
There will be a union service held to
and ordered paid.
celebrate the incoming of the new year
The new members and officers were
and century, which will be held on the
then installed.
T uesday evening the new council met night of December the 31st. This was
in regular session.
decided Monday at the ministerial meet­
A light was ordered placed at the M ing of this city. Particulars will be an­
E. church corner, and the arc light near
Noll's corner was ordered placed higher. nounced later.
Mayor Wortman appointed the follow­
ing standing committees: Wavs and
means—Gee, Newell and Daniels; fire Thousands Tiave Kidney Trouble
and water—Jones, Burns and Gee; ac­
and Don’t Know it.
counts and current expenses—Burns,
in choosing a Grocer are these:
Jones and Logan; health and police—
How To Find Out.
Logan. Daniels and Jones, streets and
Fill a bottle cr common glass with your
public property—Newell, Burns and Gee; water and let it s'and twenty-four hours; a
Are his Goods fresh and wholesome?
judiciary Daniels, Newell and Logan.
t j sediment or set-
Does be keep up with the Market?
Several applications for positions to be
,, g
ding indicates an
Is he neat and clean?
filled by the council were read, after
r y—unhealthy condi­
which the following,were elected :
Does he deal fair with all Customers?
tion of the kid­
Superintendent water and light plant,
neys; if it stains
W 11. Sliger; treasurer, E. C Apperson,
your linen it is
If you find he is all 'this and more, he will do to tie to.
collector, Miss Stella Fatty; street com­
evidence of kid­
We aim high, and are trying to fill this bill as well as all
missioner. V Woodrum; surveyor, H. S.
ney trouble; too
others left with us.
Maloney ; chief engineer, T. N. Baker.
frequent desire to
Election of city attorney was deferred
pass it or pain in
and see us.
to a future meeting.
the back is also
<•11 motion the committee on wavs and convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­
means was instructed to prepare an esti­ der are out of order.
mate of t lie am >unt of money necessary
What to Do.
to raise bv taxation to run the city the
There Is comfort in the knowledge so
: ~
• ¿c -r -
ie st
ensuing year.
often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Re t, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
Columbia!« School Noir«.
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
I x.iminations are the main topic now. of the urinary passage. . I It corrects inability
Some of the bovs qre advocating or <0 hold water and scalding pain in passing
gani/11 g a football team but thev have ! “• or b,d effec,s following use of liquor,
wine or beer, an 1 overcomes that unpleasant
not done so yet.
necessity of being compelled to go often
The Good Old Santa Claus has made his headquarters at the old
The program for the debate next Fri during the day. and to get up many times
place. Our Stock of Presents is the most complete in the county,
day is as follows: i*
Song, society, recita during the night. The mild and thé extra-
and we have put the prices so low that all can have their share.
tion, Merle Nelson, es.-av,
..... 1 I.ila Wang i ordin iry effect of Swamp-Root is soon
m in. minute speech, Ida Stewartson; se­ realized. It stanJs the highest for its won­
Come and get yours. Owing to an intended change in our busi­
lect reeling, C il Hoskins; recitation. 1 derful cures of the most distressing cases.
ness January ¡st, we offer our stock of stationery at a great discount.
Madison Savage, essav, Minnie Gallen If you ne.-J a medicine you should have the
5c Tablets at 4c; loc for 8c.
tine, delmje. "Resolved, That the man best. Sold ty druggists in 50c. and $1. sizes.
without children should pay school tax,"
You may have a sample bottle of this
affirmative. \\ illie Eberhard. Minnie wonderful
Sutherland and Kelton I'eerv negative, and a book that tells
Stella Hubbard. Dana Potter ami Dow m< re about it. both sent [gj
absolutely free by mail,
address Dr. Kilmer & n.w .- 1 s.-unp-Rnot
Mrs. F W Ri dinotili is again serious­ 1 Co.. Binghamt ?n. bl. Y. When writing men­
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
ly ill.
L. E. Walker.
Santa Claus’ Headquarters
Christmas Goods !
W liât Can I Buy for a Christmas
Present ?
It’s very hard to decide. I would suggest that you call
and see the best hue ot Kodaks, Books, Fine Stationery, and
Ebonoid Sets in the town. You can find something to suit
your price. There will lx? some more of those beautiful pic­
tures on soon.
Where ?
At The Racket.
Immense Stock of Albums, poems by
noted authors, picture and story books,
stereopticon views, toys, etc. Our motto,
‘ Quick sales and small profits.”
\\ e Can Surely Please You.