CANCEL Cannot be Gut Out or Removed with Piasters Surgical operations aud flesh destroying planters are useless, painful and dangerous, and besides, never cure Cancer. No matter how often a cancerous sore is removed, another comes at or near the same point, and always tn a worse form. Does not this prove conclusively that Cancer is a blood disease, and that it is folly to attempt to cure tins deep-seated, dangerous blood trouble by cutting or burning out the sore, which, after all, is only an outward sign ot the disease a place of exit lor Cancer runs in families through many generations, and those whose ancestors have been afflicted with it are liable at any time to be stricken with the deadly malady. Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another —further proof that Cancer is a disease of the blood. , To cure a blood disease like this you must cure the entire blood system—remove every trace of the jiolsou. Nothing cures Cancer effectually and permanently but S. S. S. ,, . . S. S. S. enters the circulation, searches out and removes all taint, and stops the formation of cancerous cells. No mere tonic or ordinary blood medicine can do this. S. S. 8. goes down to the very roots of the disease, and forces out the deadly poison, allowing the sore to heal naturally and permanently. S. S. S. at the same time purifies the blood and builds up the general health. A little pimple, a harmless looking wart or mole, a lump in the breast, a cut or bruise that refuses to heal under ordinary treatment, should all be looked upon with suspicion, as this is often the beginning of a bad form of cancer. s Mrs. Sarah M. Keesiing, 941 Windsor Ave., Bristol, Tenn., writes : ” I am 41 years old, and for three years had suffered with a severe form of Cancer on my jaw, which the doctors in this city said was incurable, and that I could not live more than six months. 1 accepted their statement as true, and had given up all hope of ever being well again, when my drug gist, knowing of my condition, recommended S. S S. After tak ing a few bottles the sore began to heal, much to the surprise of the physicians, and in a short time made a complete cure. I have gained in flesh my appetite is splendid, sleep is refreshing — in fact, am enjoying perfect health • Our medical department is in charge of physicians of long experience, who are especially skilled in treating Cancer and other blood diseases. Write for any advice or information wanted, we make no charge whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. The Sophomoien speak tonight. Safe for sale. O dell & W ood . George Gilson baa purchased two acres Fine line of mackintoshes at the Rack­ of land in Cozine’s third addition, and is Knight Olds is marketing a big lot of et store. Do not buy till you see them. building u bouse to be occupied by him­ The Grange & Farmers store will be self and family. potatoes at 50c per 100 pounds. Mr. Olds is one of those successful farmers headquarters for Christmas goods. 49-3 We need room for our immense line of who generally have some product or oth­ 8. A. Manning of this city, B. 0. Hoff­ holiday and other goods. Please call and er to sell at any time of the year. man of Whiteson and J. W. Allen of see the bargains we offer at the Racket Bring your eggs, butter and poultry to Newberg have been drawn as trial jurors store. the Grange & Farmers store. Taken in for the United States circuit court to be The service at the Cumberland Pres­ exchange for goods at highest market held in Portland December 3d. byterian church Sunday evening was in price. 49-3 The firat of January we expect to move charge of the Woman’s Missionary so­ Photo mounts cut to any size you wish across the street in the Fenton building. ciety. The program contained three at this office, and for sale cheaper than We want to Bell all the goods we can be­ well-prepared papers by Mrs. Macy, Mrs. fore that time. Please come in and help Williamson and Mrs. Johnson. The the cheapest. H.’ M ills A S on . The Epworth League will be led by us move them. latter was especially interesting as the Miss Hallie Reynolds next Sunday even­ Peter Thomasen lias traded his 30 personal recollection of the African mis­ ing. The topic is “Praise the Lord.” acres of land lying a short distance west sionary experience of Mrs. Johnson in I have money to loan on farm .prop­ of the college to Henry Bruer, for 160 the year 1853. erty at good terms. Parties wishing to acres of land six miles west of Stayton. When you feel that life is hardly worth borrow, call and see me. Mr. Bruer will at once become a resilient the candle take a dose of Chamberlain’s R L. C onner . of McMinnville. Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will At the M. E. church next Sunday cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver The St. Charles store pays cash for veal, chickens, eggs, and all kinds of pro­ morning the pastor will preach on the and regulate your bowels making you subject “A Wicked Business,” and in the feel like a new man. For sale by Ho- duce we can ship on Hie market. evening he will preach again at the usual worth & Co., druggists. N. 1» K ego , Trop. hour. All are invited to attend, especi­ There were a couple of surprises in C. F. Daniels carries a stock of flour, ally those who have no Church home mercantile circles the first of the week. feed and baled hay, and sells as cheap an C. H. Fleming, who has been with R. the name can be bought anywhere in the elsewhere. Jacobson & Co. several years, took a Hood River has a centenarian, David valley. Irwin, 101 yearH old, whose appearance at clerkship with the McMinnville Grange John Henry Thurman of Amity watt [ the polls on election dav drew a larger & Farmers Co., and he was succeeded at again pronounced insane last Saturday, crowd than the political speakers had Jacobson’s by P. M. Flynn, w ho some and recommitted to the aeylum. He is I done‘luring the campaign. Contrary to time ago severed bis former mercantile 34 years of age, and his affliction is due I the general rule with men of his age, Mr. relations on account of ill health. to imbecility Irwin was not pleased with the result of Report of public school in district No. Governor Geer has a potato of the i the election. 27, Yamhill county, Oregon, for month White Star variety which measures 26 In Little Ne6tucca precinct in Tilla­ ending Nov. 16th, 1900: High school inches one way and 13 the other, and I mook county the socialists outnumber and advanced divisions—Number of pu­ weighs three pounds. It was raised at the democrats. They came up to the pils enrolled 18, average daily attendance the reform school. polls with a solid 17 votes for the Debs 15, neither absent nor tardy during the The Woman’s Missionary society of ticket. Tbe republicans had 26 votes, month, Grace Wilson, Lenore Eisele, the Cumb Presbyterian church will the democrats 10 and the prohibitionists Otillia Hoffman. Primary division— have a cake sale at the home of Mrs. C. 5. This must be that famous social col­ Number of pupils enrolled 22, average C. Murton on Tuesday evening, Nov. 27 ony we have heard so much about, as es­ daily attendance 21, neither absent nor tardy during the month, Ray and Venel- TbefriendBof missions are respectfully tablished in Tillamook county. la Grimes, Max and Ray Peffer, Winnie invited to buy their Thanksgiving cakes E. W. Haines has bought the Wash Launer, Marguerite Unruh, Rea Drake, from these women, and thus aid in the ington county mill property at Forest Claude t’resleigh, Goldie Wilson, Walter eattse of missions. Grove, with the exception of the ma­ Eisele, Alice and Guy Mayberry. Geo. chinery, for #2500, and will at once move L. Seward and Ella B. Seward, teachers. his grist mill from Gales Creek to that place. The plant will be operated by electricity. Plans are now being consid­ ered to make the waters of Gales Creek, Notable among the pleasures afforded three mile« distant, furnish the power. by the Shasta route is the winter trip to LOCAL NEWS. Getting Thin is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. l oo fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get­ ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over­ work and under-digestion. . •». Stop over-work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can’t live on it—true—but, by it, you can. There’s a limit, however; you’ll pay for it. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for “can’t eat,” unless it comes of your doing no work—you can’t long he well anti strong, w ithout some sort of activity The* ffonulno has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it. send for free sample, its a- greea Me taste will surp-Iso you. SCOTT A BOWNE Chemists. 409 Pearl Street, New York. 60c. and $1.00; all druggists John Tyler and Charles Seeley Bold their onion crop of four acres for #1300, s»ya the Woodburn Independent. Five years ago Mr, Tyler rented this place, sit­ uated 2*a miles east of Woodburn, and two years afterwards bought the tract for #1500, and now owes nothing on it. <* A. Beantif, whose place adjoins Mr. Ty­ ler’s, this year raised 1000 sacks of onions on three acres, and disposed of the prod­ uct for #1100. Subjects for discussion at the Christian 1 church next Lord’s day are the following Morning—“The Relation of Missions to the Gospel." Evening—“The Tragedy I of King Saul, Jonathan and David.” Of course we exj>ect to have Thanksgiving services at the Christian church. We expect to have a first-class program of Portland and home talent. Sixteen male voices, Hobbs-Patty quartette, and quar­ tette of brass. Something special next Sunday eveniug. To remove a troublesome corn or bun­ ion: First soak the corn or bunion in warm waler to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without draw­ ing blood and apply Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice daily, robbing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few «lays, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruiese, lantentws and rheumatism, Pain Balm is tin equaled. For sale by Howorth A Co., druggists. Mr. Colton, international secretary of the Y. M. C. A. for the west United States, addressed the students <4 tlie col lege and others Monduv evening. He is a polished speaker, and quite a young nian. He took the position that the shortcomings of Christian people, and their failure to live an overcoming lite is oueofthe greatest stumbling Lio ks in the pathway of Christian progress, and that it ha- Itef. He urged closer and (uurw avsteiii- atie bible study, prayerfulnestt kh J Ja-r jsonal ixxumniiiou with ChrM*. southern California and Arizona. Re­ newed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest and added sources of enjoyment, under its sunny skies, in the variety of its in­ dustries, in its prolific vegetation and among its numberless resorts of mount­ ain, slmre, v alley ami plain. The two daily Shasta trains from Portland to Cal ifornia have been recently equipped with the most approved pattern of standard and tourist sleeping cars, but the low rates of fare will still continue in effect. Illustrated guides to the winter resorts of California and Arizona may be had on ap­ plication to C. II. M vhkham , G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. LUI’III l< Very stormy weather. J E. Stow visited Bellevue Monday. Mr. 1 indie took a load ot hogs to Amity Monday, getting 4c per pound for them. Mrs. J. Eborall returned home Sunday, after a week's visit with relatives in and near McMinnville. Prof. H. B. Blood spent Saturday and Sunday in McMinnville. Mrs . Cronin \isited with her daughter. Mrs. Dan Kirby, at Bellevue, on Thurs- day ami Friday of last week. Born, Nnvember 14th, to the wife of Frank Stow, a aon. Mother ami son do­ ing well and Frank looking very smiling. Mrs E l.e Phillips, who has been visit­ ing with relatives here the last few­ wet ks, has returned home. G Bnln, of the Highlands, was in Gopher one day last week looking for good sheep. ktlterllseti t ellers. The following letters remain uncalled for iu ths McMinnville postotfice No­ ve in tier 2,1, 190U Edgar Bneley, Mary IM.ashnienf. Edith E. Hargrove, Mine Bertha L. Kab- kt?e. Samuel Kaalett»n. Mr. Knit, Frank Vance, Will E Tallant, H F Wilson, Mm. Hattie White, Jackob Hemp. J ames M c C ain . P. M. John Wuiiuiiiaker'a New Magazine The latest development in magazines is the entrance of the firm of John Wan- amaker into the publisher’s field. They will take over and publish, beginning with the December issue, Everybody’s Magazine. “We have set ourselves the task of building up in character and cir- culation an illustrated magazine of our own and of the best type” says the an- nouncement. So radical a departure seems to call for some explanation ; the statement is made that the Wanamaker stores have become the largest sellers of books at retail in the country, and they think that a popular magazine belongs naturally to this organization. A highly attractive Christmas number is promised with contributions from Janies Whit­ comb Riley, Miss Mary E. Wilkins, Charles Major, author of “When Knight­ hood was in Flower,” Edwin Asa Dix of “Deacon Bradbury,” fame and a novel serial by a new southern woman writer of whom much is expected. A Village llluiTrsilli t li saved Little Non'» Life. Ilia Mr. FT. H. Black, the well-known vil­ lage blacksmith at Grahamaville, Sulli­ van Co., N. Y., says: “Our little soa, five years old, has always been subject to croup, and so bad have the attacks been that we have feared many times that lie would die. We have hail the doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequent doses when the croupy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled.” There is no danger in giving this remedy, for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by Ho- worth & Co., druggists. Mr. Jonathan Bogue of McMinnville, his daughter, Mrs. Blair, and grandson, H. T. Blair and wife, late of Illinois have moved to-JIillsboro, and taken up a resi­ dence in North Hillsboro. Mr. Bogue has some acreage property a few miles from town —Hillsboro Independent W. II. Gillingham, an old veteran who used to live in the mountains west of town, but. who now lives in Payton, re­ cently antlered a stroke of paralysis, and was found by one of his neighbors lying on his face upon the timr of Lis house, near the stove. Medical assistance was summoned and the patient has since im­ proved. Shiloh’s Consumption Cure cures coughs and colds a< We don’t mean that it relieves you for a little while —it cures. It has been doing this for half a century. It ha» saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours il you give it a chance. "1 have receh—d «o much benefit from it, th*- I «!*•»* re,,’mmet>d Shiloh'» for coughs tlwai. bi an. hud sad lung tmubls.” CH AS V ANDEBCAR,, N. Y. ahili'h’s < i»n«Hmptios Car« is «old Uj >1 dr'iiCKi«!« at «Ac. A«r. 91.00 a bottle. 4 printr«i gn*r,antee goes with every bottle If yon are n«t satisfied go to yoar druggW an«l get your money back. W rite for illustrated booh on consomption. Sen Without «t 10 you. S. C. W.tH a Co., LeRoy, N.Y Timber Lami Act J line 3,1878. LUCAL LUDGE 1IBTOH1 Ui»atice Tulilleatioil. Stuteiuent oi Froff reaa a.ns of June 3, lh7b, emitted “An act for the sate of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend­ ed to all the public land states by net of August 4. lsjrj, Albert 11. Nunn, of Kuiaina. county of Coalitz, state of Washington, hasthis day til« 4 iu this office his suoru statement No. .»320, tor the ¡» of the Southwest Quarter of Section No. 20, in Township No. 4 .^outli, Range No. 6 \\., ami will oiler proof to show thm the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to «aid land before the Reg­ ister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the 26th day of January, 190L He names as witnesses: Edwin F. Crumb, ot Carrollton, Wash., Wiliam E. Bush, Moses Mel). Bullock and Herbert Nunn, of Kalama, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-descibvd lands are rtqut-ted to tile their claims in this office on or beiore suid 26th day of January, 1901. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. Dr J. D. Baker, who has been record­ er of the above lodge for eight years, has prepared some interesting history of this lodge, from which we gather the fol­ lowing facts: Charity lodge No. 7, A O. U. W., was instituted Nov. 29th, 1S78, being 22 years old this month. During these years it has not only survived the many trials that always must be overcome by a society of its character, but has contin­ ually increased in public favor and con­ fidence. In 1892 the lodge had 56 mem­ bers, now it has 141. The average age of the membership eight years ago was 41 years, now it is 40. Whole number initiated since 1892, 140. Number of deaths during same time, 9. Amount paid to beneficiaries, $17,000. The old­ est member of the lodge at this time is George W. Olds, who is about 69 years. The lodge was instituted with 13 charter members, five of whom are still living in McMinnville, viz., R. Nelson, C. D. John­ son, G. W. Jones, W. G. Henderson and B. F. Hartman. The number of charter members who have resided in this local­ ity for so many years proves the stability of the order aud its favor among busi­ ness men. Eight years ago the amount paid on an assessment was $56; the last assessment was $269.53. There w’ere no other fraternal beneficiary societies in this community eight years ago, now there are three others in active opera­ tion, each soliciting members and being fairly successful. During this period one of the most severe panics in the his­ tory of the country has been upon us, and has been a severe strain upon soci­ eties of this nature, making it impossi­ ble for many members to pay their as­ sessments, and consequently they were dropped. The general mode of assess­ ment was changed three years ago from the level to the classified plan, causing a good deal of dissatisfaction at the time, many of the older members preferring the old plan. Considering the three ob­ stacles mentioned, the lodge should be pleased with the progress made and en­ couraged with the outlook for the future. Much has been done to assist the fami­ lies of sick members, and many other charitable deeds which cannot be enu­ merated. McMinnville is not the only place where this order has prospered. In the Oregon jurisdiction it has increased 250 per cent in the same time, making this the leading state in number of mem­ bers per capita. In the whole country there was initiated last year 56,000 mem­ bers, being the largest number in any one of the 32 years of its existence up to that time. The first seven months of this year there have been initiated 44,000 members. This is the latest in­ formation at hand. 1 I Timber Land. Act June 3, 1878.—Notice tor Publication. United States Land Oilier, Oregon Oily, Ore. Nuvelmx-r 13, 190,.. OTICE is hereby given that 111 compliance with the protisions of the act ol eongiess ol'June 3,1878, entitled "Ait act tor the sa.e oí timber lauds in the states oi < aliloriua, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ asextended to all tile public laud slates by ael of August 4, 1892, William E Bu-b, of Kalama, county of Cowlitz, stale oi Washington, has Ulis day riled iu this othee his swum statement No. 5322, lor the purchase 01 W ot W ot Section No. 28, 111 fown-hip No, 4 8., Range No. 6 W., and will otter proof to show- that me land sought is more valuable fur its timber or stone than lor agricul­ tural purposes, ami to establish his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oreguu, on .Saturday, the ziith day ot January, 1901. He names as witnesses: Edwin F. Crumb, of Carrollton, Wash., Albert 11. Nunn, Ewald u. Sbeytne aud Muses Mell. Bullock, of Kalaiua, Wash. Any aud all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to nle their claims iu Illis omce on or bemre said 20th day oi January, 1901. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. N Timber Land, Act June 3, 187 8.—Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore. November 11‘ juo . ■VTOTICE is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the act of congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled “An act tor the sale of timber lands 111 tbe status of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wasliing'ou Territory,” a& extended to all the public land states by act of August 1, 1*92, Ewfrtd G. Sheythe, oi Kalama, county of Cowlitz, state of Washington, hasthis day riled in this office bis sworn statement No. 5321^for the purchase of the W'2 NE z‘t, E ' 2 NW Qrot Section no . 28; in Township No. 1 t., Range No 6 W., aud will otter proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land betöre the Register and Receiver of this-office at Oregon City, Oregoi*. on Saturday, the 26ih day of January. 19U1. He names as witnesses: Edwin F. Crumb, of Carrollton, Wash., Moses Mcl). Bullock, Herbert Nunn and Albert H. Nunn, of Kalama, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 26th day of January, 19vl. CHA8. B. MOORES, Register. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Ore. November 10. 1900. OTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of Hie ael ot congress of June 3,1878, entitled "An m t lor the sale of timber lands in the states ot California. Ore­ gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the public la. d states by act oi August 4, 1802, Moses MeD. Bullock, of Kalama, county of Cowlitz, state of Washington, hasthis day hied iu this othte his sworn statement No. 5317, for the purchase of tile Northeast quarter of Section No. 30, in Township No. t south, range No. 6 west, aud will offer proof to -I ioa that the land sought is more valuable L - * timber or stone than for agricultural p is, and to establish his claim to said land • Yyre the Register and Receiver of tins office at •Ore­ gon City, Oregon, ou Saturday, the 2Gih day of January, 1001. He names as witnesses: Albert H. Nunn and Herbert Nuun of Kalama. Waste, Edwin F Crumb of Carrollton, Wash., and M llliarn Wood of Whiteson, Oregon. 4 Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lamia are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said ZUtli day of January. 1901. MOORES, Register. N “Vambill Against The World.” Yamhill county has almost every sort of celebrity, not to say freak. The latest is an inventor at Sheridan, who says he will soon demonstrate perpetual motion as an actuality. He calls his invention "The Glory of Eden ” In an article in the Sun he says: “The scientific world has been reach­ ing out for many ages to discover this great secret bidden among the undis­ covered mysteries of science. The most towering intellects tackled and wrestled over that thing during their lives, wrecked their brains, squandered their fortunes, beggared their families, and finally were assigned a place in the in­ sane asylum. It was undiscovered by them for the time w-as not yet. The be­ lief was planted in their minds that it was possible. That belief still stands in­ delibly fixed in the minds of many scien­ tists which lures them on to victory. Wait! Watch! “I have had almost to fight this thing through fire and blood, the owls hooting, and among them scientist owls prompt­ ing the little owls to hoot; the forces I employed sometimes a little belligerent, all conspiring to “down breaks,” and a mantle of gloom would sometimes get up a confusion among the molecules of my brain and make me restless; but the source and cause of all phenomena came to my aid and gave me energy that would overcome all contending elements, owls included You discover that I like to pluck the feathers from those astute pro­ mulgates. to smooth those troubled waters, those billows around me, it gives me rest.” We will wait and watch, as directed, but fear that "confusion among the mol­ ecules" will assign another victim to the’ insane asylum. CITATION. e In the County Court for Yamhill Count}’, State ot Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Jacob T. Wil­ liamson, deceased. To John Winebrenner,Samuel M.Winebrenner, Sarah Borrougbf, Elizabeth Fellers,Mary C. Cot- teriil. Ida M. Cotterill. Emily V. Kody, ie Johnson, aud to all other children or grandchil­ dren oi Mary Winebrenner or Margaret Small, late ot the state of West Vnginia. deceased, ami to all other persons known or unknown m any manner interested iu the estate of Jacob T. \\ tl- liamson, deceased: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, 1 You and each of you are hereby cited and required to be and appear in the county court of Yamhill county, Oiegon, on Tuesday, the 4th day of December, A. D. 1900,at the hour of one o’clock p. m., ol suid day, in the county court room in the court house of ihe city of McMinn vllle. in said county and state, and then and there show cause, it any exists, why the said court should not make an order directing the executors of said estate to distribute aud pay out all the residue of said estate after, the pay­ ment of the specific bequest« contained in said will in the manner following: To M. G. small, Sarah R. Gorrell, Amelia Mc­ Donald. John Winebrenner, Samuel M. Wine­ brenner. Sarah Borrougbf and Elizabeth Fellers, each one-eleventh thereoi. io D. J Sloan. Jr., John H. V Sloan, Mary Sidney Sloan, Estella Lee Sloan. Valentine A. Sloan. Lillie Wageley. Annie A. Frye, Alfred R. Johnson. James E Johnson and Bessie Johnson, each one-fifty-fifth thereof. To Chariest#. Johnson, Lydia Roland. Sarah E. Shrode, each one-thirty-third thereoi. To Mary C. Cotterill, Ida M. Cotterill, Emily V. Body and Georgette Butefisch, tach one-for- ty-fqurfh thereof. WituesMhe Hon. R. P Bird, judge of the above-entitled court, and the seal of said court affixed this 24th day of October, UO). 45^ J H. NELSON, County Clerk. IRVINE & VINTON, Att’ys tor Executors. NOTICE, Secretary of War Root is prepar­ ing for congress an enormous scheme for Pacific coast defenses from Puget Sound to San Diego. which will cost many millions of dollars. Tn the Count? Court for the County of Yarn­ bill, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Jacob T Wil- liamson, deceased. BJOTICM is hereby given that the undersign«.! A’W executor* of the last will and testament of tie above named deceased, have filed in the ~ . 1 above-entitled court tht ir final account a*, such Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878.—Notice executors, and that said court ha* affixed and for rublh-ation. appointed Tuesday, the 4th day of December 19t»0. at the hour of one o'clock p. m of said day. at the county court room in ihe < ourt United State« Land Office. Oregon City. Ote. house in the city of McMinnvdle. in said coun­ November 13, |900. ty, as the time and place for the hearing of ob. OTTCE 1« hereby given ,tfiat ip (“ompllaqce jections to mid final account and for the final with the provision« 01 thp act of congreee IfUlnjtieut of said estate. P B of June 3,1873, entitled ‘An act for the eeir of Dated at McMinnville, Oregon, this th« ’uh timber lands in the states of California, Oro» day of October 1900 ** gon, Nevada and Washington Territory, ’ as ex­ J. E HUBBARD AND IVAN DANIEL tended to all tne public land states by act of Executors of the last will and testament of August 4. 18S2, Herbert Nunn, of Kalama, Cuun- Jacob T. Williamson, deceased tv of Cowlitz, MatA of Washington, ha« this day I RY INK A VINTON, Att*ys for Executors. tiled in this office hN sworn statement No. 8319. for the pun base of the E hfS* ’4, SK % of Nt \ and NW of SK of Section No 32. in Town­ ship No. 4 8.. Range No. 6 W., and will offer proof to show that the land «ought is more val uable for its timber or stone than for agricultu­ ral purports, and to establish his claim to said Warranty Deeds ~ — Real Estate Meneare land before the Register and Receiver of this Quit-claim Deeds Chattel Mongare office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the Bond for Deed Satisfaction ot Mort 26th day of Janna -y, 1901 Farm Lea»e Transfer of Mortmure He name* as wit.jesees Edwin F Crumb of Notes and Revet pls Bill of »sic Carrolltdri. Mote* McD. Bnllork. Wuham I'rop Mort ex » Cni'r btvrtt. E Bush ant} Albert R. Nu'nh. of Xalhti.a. H ath 4c|tn0W¡«Mmants. .< Wtract; ■" Any and $11 perwms < ¡aiming‘ adteHefr the ¿nrtice»' But-ks. aboverdeacribed lands are requested to filetheir i * ’e carry Í 'W ’«Miouery lad We a U — ‘ claims in this office on or before said 26th Jay of l0nk° ,o‘> PAn,in« °f *»««7 ron in tu. January, 1901. CHAS. B. NUORKB, Reglit«r | I Í \ LEGAL BLANKS. I beai «vie of the an and at low figure». * f