LAW SETS WASH DAY. CHICAGO JUDGE RENDERS CISION IN QUARREL. For Sick DE­ I ecides on What Day Flat Occupants bhull Cleanse the Fumily Linen — Housekeeper« Muat Wash on the Days Allotted to Them, Women First— the medicine that holds the record for the largest number of abso­ lute Cures of female ills Is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Second—Mrs. Pinkham can show by her letter flies In Lynn that a mil­ lion women have been restored to health by her medicine and advice. Third -All letters to Mrs. Pinkham are received, opened, read and an­ swered by women only. This fact is certified to by the mayor and postmas­ ter of Lynn and others of Mrs. Pinkham's own dty. Write for free book con­ taining these certificates. Every ailing woman Is Invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham and get her ad­ vice free of charge. Strange as it may seem, the Chicago A'oiuau's Club has never discussed the problem of wash day in an apartment uuUillng; neither has the West End Woman s Club, nor the Arche Club, nor, so tar as anyone eau Und out, has any woman’s club of tlie city. It is a rare occurrence that a matter comes before the public mind which has not previously been considered by the woman's club. It Is seldom that women are forced to go outside the authority of their organizations for a solution of any really weighty problem. There can be no doubt that concerning the regula­ tion of wash day the clulw have been negligent. They have had mothers’ meet­ ings, they have given their best thought to the solution of social problems, they have dabbled in domestic affairs to the extent of the servant question. Why they should have so neglected the prob­ would not let so good an opportunity pass. Judge Tuthill has presided over the recreant masses these many years with never an opportunity for so distinguish­ ing himself as he has done iu the wash­ day decision. He has never hesitated to mete out Justice even of the sternest sort: he has never faltered in the doing of his duty, but it must be remembered that duty never came to him with so many perplexing complications as thia of the wash-tubs brought. If he quailed before the stern facts as they were presented by the two chief witnesses. If he hesitated in choosing between the rights of the two sides of the case, no one will ever know. Wisely he kept his peace and. advising with no one, with his duty ever before him. he chose to emphasize the rule which lias been held in many apartment bouses, and which the better Judgment of every thinking person will commend. It is now no longer a rule, but a law. unwritten, yet forceful nevertheless to hold every top flat occupant to her week's end wash day. As for the women's clubs. It Is too bad they did not “get In" on this discus­ sion before the question was settled. As it is, one of the North Side clubs has decided to talk about it next week, and if possible to find some excuse for the action of the woman from the third flat, The natives of Hawaii, be they ever poor, never steal or beg. These offences are confined almost exclusive­ ly to the Portuguese residents of the island. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT COMMON LAW I’BUTEUTU WASH DAY. ■«.Under rational treatment the average lem of wash-day rights no one can say yil jf a bee hive in Palestine is 100 —it is enough that they have, and that but for the timely intervention of the pounds. Judiciary serious things might have RHEUMATISM. SCIATICA, immediate- happened. ly relieved; positively cured by “Rheumatol ” It was Judge Tuthill who was brave Prepared only by the Rheumatol Co., 368 W. 11th St., New York. enough to attempt a settlement of the matter. The wash-dry litigation has When a mau is lost to all shame, a reached a successful termination, and club or a rawhide is the only argument the public is agreed that no greater ser­ left. vice has been rendered by the courts of Illinois. All America will look to Judge Tuthlll's decision for authority in ar­ ranging wash days, and the world can­ not but be influenced by Its message of domestic peace. It marks the passing of the Monday wash-day, opening a Catarrh has become such a common new epoch, which, influenced by the disease that a person entirely free from strenuous life of the times, will have this disgusting complaint is seldom met seven wash days instead of one. with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh There can lie no argument as to ss nothing more serious than a bad cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and which wash-dny belongs to whom. throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and Judge Tuthill has read the law on that eery dangerous disease; if not at first, it question, and occupants of apartments very soon becomes so. must consider the wash-day regulations The blood is quickly contaminated by before renting their flat. According to the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried the decree, the mater stands: First flat wash day. Monday; second flat wash to all parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis­ day, Tuesday; third flat wash day, factory and disappointing, because they Wednesday: fourth flat wash day, do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. Thursday, and so on until the seventh 6. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the flat Is reached, when, so the decree poison and eliminates from the system all catarrhal secretions, and thus cures thor­ reads, a new laundry shall l>e establish­ oughly and permanently the worst cases. ed. It is so planned that every six flats shall share a laundry, taking It day by Mr. P. H. McAllister, of Harrodsburg. Ky., writes: “Having been a terrible sufferer from day in turn, so that no two families will Catarrh, and being now expect to have the room on the same sound and well, the ques­ day. and so that no discussion can arise tion often put to me is, • What curea you?* In an­ as to which day the laundry belongs to swer I feel it my duty to which family. state that Swift’s Specific is the medicine. I am The case that brought the matter to a such a true believer in the efficacy of Swift’s Specific focus in the courts was that of a fam­ that 1 can houestly and ily living in the third flat of a building conscientiously recom­ mend it to any one suffer­ on Woodlawn avenue. The family In ing from Catarrh. Have question was more forehanded than its recommended it to many, and am happy t ■ say that neighbors, and thought to get soapsuds those whom I have induc­ and ill-tempers out of the way before ed to use it can bear me out in the statem^’t that it will cure any case of Catarrh if takerJFccord- • the middle of tbe week. Wednesday Ing to directions.’’ was Its allotted day for the laundry, *• ttie only purely veg- but, nothing daunted, the family house­ - etable blood purifier keeper set her clothes a-soak Monday ^^k known.and the greatest of all bl8od medicines night, with tbe intention of washing on Tuesday. Early Tuesday morning she MF —W«w «nd tonic». If you have Catarrh don’t wait until it was busy over tbe tubs, when the fam­ becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be­ ily from the second flat—a mother and gin at once the use of S. S. S.. and send two sturdy daughters—Invaded the for our book on blood and skin diseases basement. The discussion which fol­ and write our physicians about your case. lowed was a trying one. and but for the THE EWIFT SPECIFIC C0-, ATLANTA. BA. timely Intervention of the Janitor might have resulted no one knows how seri­ ously. Now, as luck would have it. the Jani­ tor. man fashion, was unconscious of wash-day trials and tempers. The matron of the third flat had taken to the tubs first, and by right of pos-esslon they belonged to her. So. at least, the janitor decided, never thinking that in breaking one of the rules of the estab­ lishment he was laying himself open to litigation. Tbe family of the second flat were vWrh. Mate 1 1 Udfw ar Genta wiU h i« wantad Wnta at onr« «• great “sticklers” for rules. They knew *. a«y not adreniwthta watrh *tt~»«prie« »c.n CitekyiEf'««. ffseeUior Watek Ce.. 347 Central Baak BlägCime«* the right of tbe laundry was theirs for the day. and. whether or not. they had no intention of being trampled on by un ro h- er the people from the flat overbend. o Belsdea that, they «ere persevering «"ople and food of argument, and CONSUMPTION ■ persistent and constant. The vita) functions are impaired, I food does not nourish, and th« whole system is run down. A medicine that strengthens th« At a street fair in Wichita *hia fall, state for 80 years, and found perfectly one of the chief features will be an . eatable at tbe end of that time. stomach, perfect« digestion, invig- arch 40 feet high, constructed entirely Mothers will find Mr». Winslow's Sooth­ ! orates and tones is needed. ing Syrup the best remedy to use for thr'v of apples. Children during the teething period. • 1OO REWARD S1OO. Tbe readers of thia paper will be pleased to Hearn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, aud that is catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis­ ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda­ tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitut on and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro­ prietors have so much faith in its curative power!, that they offer One Hundred Dollars ior any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimoniáis. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. 75c. Hall’s Family Fills are the best- An Egyptian contemporary says: “Our whole island is now giro led with golf courses. All the world is no longer a stage, but golf links.” From the Oregon Independent, Salem, Ore. bo who has, In their estimation, been un-i justly set upon throughout tbe trial. If such a decision Is not possible, the club may decide to send her a testimonial of sympathetic sisterhood, expressing the trust that she will be resigned to retarded housework and midweek' washings. Perhaps later in the year the Chicago club may undertake to throw further light upon the distress­ ing domestic situation of the woman who occupies the third flat.—Chicago; Chronicle. The Resources of Siberia. Under government encouragement It is said that Siberia is gaining 200,000 farmers per year. Among its exports are cereals, butter, wool, leather anti dried and preserved meats. Already this remote country, which the popular imagination is apt to picture as a vast waste, the abode of frost and snow, and misery, Is becoming talked of as a pos­ sible competitor with the well-known cereal-producing countries of the world. A member of the French bureau of for­ eign commerce estimates that, on the basis of the present population of Rus­ sia in Europe, Siberia can sustain 80.- 000,000 inhabitants, although it now has not one-tenth of that number. It produces one-tenth of the world’s yield of gold, but owing to climatic obstacles many of Its mines are not worked, and Its immense coal deposits have hardly been touched. Does Cooking Spoil Food? Prof. B. Tyler, of Indianapolis* snyn that human life would average three on four times longer than it does if people would reject the senseless prac­ tice of cooking their food. Animals and fowl live much longer In proportion to the period of full development than man. Says Prof. Tyler: "Man. for some unknown reason, eats dead cells (cooked cells) to replace the dead cells that have been separated from the body. In cooking food all the acids and gases so necessary for the conser­ vation and preservation of ideal health escape with the steam, and the food retains a greater supply of ash. lime and other such substances than nature requires for the amount of food taken into the system.” The daughter of Hon. J. H. Fletcher, formerly governor of South Dakota, nut now a resident of Salem, Oregon, has lately attaiued an enviable position. Iler success is remarkable, especially when the fact is known that for some time it was feared her career would be shortened because of ill health. Ex-Governor Fletcher in speaking of the happy event in his daughter’s life said: “For over two years my daughter had been declining from a strong, healthy, rosy-cheeked person to a pale, weakly and helpless girl. She was afflicted with terrible headaches, and apparently grew weaker and more lan­ guid, and apparently without cause. We became greatly alarmed and feared that her days were already numbered. “I tried several doctors, one after the other, but all without avail. Fin­ ally, to please a friend, I bought a box of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and to our surprise, before it was used her headaches ceased, the color began to return to her cheeks and lips and her strength began to assert itself. “I bought five boxes more and by the time she had finished them she was completely restored to her health, and today our heart* are gladdened with the society of a robust, rosy and healthy girl instead of a pale, tired and sickly one. In her case the transfor­ mation was rapid and wonderful, and I can never speak too highly of the splendid merits of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pill*.” No discovery of modern times has proved such a boon to women as Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on the bluod and nerves, invigorating the body, regulat­ ing the functions, they restore the strength and health to the exhansted woman when every effort of the physi­ cian proves unavailing. For the growing girl they are of the utmost benefit, for the mother indis­ pensable, for every woman invaluable. Everywhere Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are recognized as a specific for diseases of the blood aud nerves. For paralysis, locomotor atax­ ia, and other diseases long supposed incurable, they have proved their effi­ cacy in thousands of cases. They are one of the greatest blessings ever be stowed upon mankind. This remedy is sold by druggists generally, or will be sent, postpaid, bv the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Sche­ nectady, N. Y., on receipt of price, 50 cents per oox, six boxes for $2.50. What Hood’s Sarsaparilla did for Mrs' ' L. B. Garland, Shady, Tenn., it ha-» done for others. She took it w hen she was all I run down—without apatite, losing tiesh, and unable to do her work. I t restored I’iso’s Cure tor Consumption is an infal­ I her appetite, increased her weight, aud ’ lible medicine for coughs and cold».—N. made her well ami strong. This is her W. S amuel , Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, own unsolicited statement. 1900. ____________________ Before the next tonrist season opens the Swiss railway from Spiez to Fouti- gen will be completed. If a man take no thought about what Hood9» Sarsaparilla is distant he will find sorrow in (tore. Promises to cure and keeps the HELP WANTEl». WANTED—Men anti women of good character to represent established house on salary; spleixihi opportunity Ad- tiresH P. <>. Box 587, Portland, Oregon. PILES promise. The earlier treatment is begun the better—begin it today. A fruit true propagator baa produced a seed less apple. These new apples are suprior iu flavor to the ordinary kinds. High prices are beiug paid for , the trees. Stops Cough and Works Off the Cold. •‘I «ufFered the torture« of the damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa­ tion with which I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the town of Newell. la., and never found anything to equal them. To-day 1 am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man” C. H. K kitz . 1411 Jones St., Sioux City. Iw CANDY CATHARTIC Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cur« a cold in one day. No cure, No I’ay. Price 25 cent*. Rural mail delivery is progressing iu a way to satisty both the people and i the department. In Carroll county, Maryland, every farm house now has a daily free mail delivery. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU AHU TAKING Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Cnmpiiny, Ch leaf «, Montreal. >•" fork. Sift NO-TO-BAC Sold and guaranteed by all drug- tiisrs to <’|T It F. Tobacco Habit. When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste­ less form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. In China a doctor’s fee varies from i 8 cents to a quarter. (The Famous German Wood Preserver) CARBOUNEUM.. ..AVENARIUS ....Permanently Destroys..— ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. “““'- american MOVEMENT ’■'‘•'Ion, full) nickel fin i■11 P r.. pe 11 y reg II • •• ■ r 11 ■ *1 i’’•1 quick t and wrih modern In fa< t one < lie finest mad«. w 1th proper care w i 11 la«t ■ a* 20 year guarantee * pearance «qua Ito any |40 solid gold wat' h RentC.O D for M.ftl and expreaacharg* «, with privilege of FltKE EXAMINATION. If pot «iti.f artery, ran be returned at our expenee. p p» An elegant Gold plated Cham worth One Dollar, ri t L ff la tent with order. Where no Express Offlre | < l>5 muat be eent with order and yooda will be ehipped by registered Biail. Writ* whether Genie or l,a 00 and tipward delivered free to machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, nearest Railroad or Steamer landing. Blank plows, belts and windmill«. Tbe new Cate* and Kegs. steel IXL windmill, sold by him, is un« equalled._____________________ AIL Sciatica Lumbago GOOD GOODA LOUIS CAHEN & SON Established 80 Year*. RAN St Jacobs Oil XXX ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick neadachc and Dya pepala, ft mo e Pimples,Purify tho ftluod, A!d Dlges* tloii, I revent IHilouRrv’Ka. Do not Gripe or Bic ken. To convince y u. will mall «amp efree; tu!l box.USc. DR. BO8ANKO CO.. >*hii«4.tphi*, Pa. 8 djby Druggista FI(A>(!*<<>, CALIFORNIA. IF CLAIMANIS FOR Pl R Al O I n Rl Writ to MA HAN “ KL IM O I IM BICKFOR* . Washington, U C . they will re- •eive quick replies. R. 5th N. H. Voh. Staff 20th Corpa Prosecuting elaima since 1S7H. DROPSY CUTLER'S CIMOLITE ol IODINE 13 OAli' TiIATUt T Hitt y .nditneom- y hr twenty » must wonderfdl cared n»oy tb.M- aiura text, Atluu, U. A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and Consumption SI Of) D Lock Box 145. W. I. ISITH acu.Jnffji«, N.Y.Pnp’i. a. r. n . u. .*•. 47 ■*»•. ' HEN writing t*» advertiser« pl*»«« mention this paper. W