The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, November 23, 1900, Image 3

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    ■■M GAINING Ml
As Faotor in Settling Strikes
in Indiana.
The Moit Drplorabl* f ond It Ion« Exist
in th* Sweatshops of New York ami
New -Jersey.
Washington, Nov. 15.—The indus­
trial commission today heard the testi­
mony of I<. P. McCormack, labor com­
missioner of the state of Indiana, and
ot Professor John G. Brooks, of Cam­
bridge, Mass., president of the Na­
tional Consumers’ League.
Mr. McCormack’s testimony was de­
voted largely to the subject of arbitra­
tion. He said that mode of settling
labor disputes was rapidly gaining
favor in his state. In some trades ar­
bitration, he said, had almost sup­
planted strikes, and in many branches
of industry contracts between employ­
ers and .employes prescribed that in
lease of difficulty arbitration shall be
»resorted *o without cessation of work.
The result is constantly inreeasing good
feeling between employerand employe,
lie urged the necessity and wisdom of
enforced arbitration in extreme cases
where the interests of the public are
"concerned and where a long strike will
bring disaster to the people at large.
This method, he thought, would often
Rvert bloodshed, and he considered the
method more economical, as well as
more humane, than calling on the mili­
tary. Mr. McCormack said that most
of the labor troubles were with unor­
ganized lalior or new organizations,
the older organizations being the most
conservative. Mr. McCormack said
that while the labor organizations
jnight not be friendly to enforced arbi­
tration, the interests of the public at
flarge always should be consulted rather
(than the wishes of the few directly en­
gaged in a strike.
Professor Brooks’ testimony was de­
voted to the question of work in the
sweatshops, in the investigation of
which he has been engaged for many
years. He said the Massachusetts law
works fairly well, but that in New
York and New Jersey the conditions
were almost deplorable.
In those
states it was impossible to secure ade­
quate inspection, because of the fact
that work is done in private apart­
ments. The wages were the lowest
possible, and often were pieced out
with charity, making the competition
with high paid labor very tense. Peo­
ple thus employed work from 14 to 16
hours per day, to the injury of their
own health and the damage of the com­
“In New York,” said Professor
'Jlrooks, “politios get into the subject,
tendering it impossible to make inspec­
tion. Unless there is some influence
brought to hear strong enough to allow
us to get at the private homes of these
people, the tragedy will go on indefi­
nitely,” he said. He advocated the
substitution of factories, and argued
that the result need not, with the ubb
of proper machinery, be an increase of
the prices ot the goods manufactured.
The change also would result in higher
wages and an improvement of the gar­
ments. He dwelt on the danger of
spreading disease through the shops,
saying it is always immin nt. Prices
were getting to be so low, Mr. Brooks
said, that Americans very seldom en­
gage in the work. Most of the sweat­
shop work is done by immigrants from
Eastern Europe.
■ numeration of the Population of the
Territory Completed.
Washington. Nov. 16.—The census
bureau recently com pit ted the enu­
meration of the district of Alaska. The
schedules have been received at the
office and are now in process of tabula­
tion The director of the census today
gave out the following statement with
reference to the work in the territory:
“Samuel G. Dunham, who had
charge of the work in the northern dis­
trict, returned to Washington a few
days ago and submitted his final re­
port. He left Washington on this work
May 4, 1899.
‘‘The native and mixed population
of the northern district of Alaska is
12,652. The most populous district,
with respect to the native population,
is the country lying between the mouth
of the Yukon and the Kuskoquin rivers,
and extending back from the coast 100
miles. Maurice Johnson, the agentjfor
this district, traveled over 2,000 miles
with a dog team during the winter,
and enumerated 3,013 persons, all of
whom were Indians. The Indians in
this region are probably the most des-
t.tute people on the North American
emtineut. Mr. Johnson reports that
from December 1 to March 15 he visit­
ed 74 interior villages, and during the
time saw but three fires burning in the
shacks. The poor creatures huddle to­
gether in their miserable dwellings
during the long winter, and subsist on
frozen fish and a little seal oil, which
they secure on the coast during the
The fur-hearing animals,
which formerly furnished them with
natural clothing, are nearly extinct,
and they have been forced to adopt the
white man’s garb, and. as their poverty
prevents them from securing enough
to cover their nakedness, there is great
suffering from the cold.
“The spiritual condition of those
natives is no better than their physical,
as the missionaries devote their atten­
tion to the more attractive fields in the
gold regions and along the river, where
their work may be seen.
“The Nome district is the moat pop­
ulous in Northern Alaska. The enu­
meration showed a permanent white­
population on June 1 of 6,704. During
the summer about 18,000 people landed
at Nome, about 2,500 of those coming
from Dawson. About 12,000 have re­
turned to their homes in the states,
leaving about 9,000 people in the region
contiguous to Nome.
It is probable
that the population of the town of
Nome during the winter will be be­
tween 4,000 and 5,000.”
A Decisive Engagement May Have Been
New York, Nov. 16.—Late advices
from Cartagena say a special froni
Panama, Colombia, indicates that a
decisive engagement may have been
fought between the revolutionists and
government troops in Bolivar province.
General Rafael Uride, head of the
rebels, was still at Coiogal on Novem-
hei 7, organizing his forces for an ad­
vance on Barranquilla. He had incor­
porated into his army most of the gov­
ernment troops he captured at Corogal,
and is said to have been joined by many
recruits from the surrounding country
who had been attracted by bis success.
With captured supplies and trans­
port he was then practically ready for
an adavnee, and it was believed he
would soon march on the important
coaBt ports.
General Ospina, with a strong gov­
ernment force on November 7 was re­
ported as having arrived at Ovejas, a
short march from El Carmen, where
the first opposition was to be offered to
the advance. El Carmen is a strong
stragetic point. Should Uride defeat
Struck a Rich Streak.
Ospina’s army, it is believed at Pana­
Cripple Creek, Colo., Nov. 15.—One ma the government resistance in the
of the greatest strikes ever made in the east would be practically overcome and
famous Cripple Creek gold mining dis­ Baianquilla and Cartagena will again
trict has just been uncovered in the fall into the hands of the rebels.
property of the Gold Bond Consoli­
I'aclflo Mall Presidencye
dated Mines Company on Gold Hill, of
New York, Nov. 15.—A meeting ot
which Charles N. Miller, of this city,
is the principal owner. The assays the directors of the l’acifio Mail Com­
on a narrow streak of the ore body runs pany is to be held tomorrow, at which
as high as $102,000 per ton, while the it is likely a president will be electea
vein from which this assay was taken, to succeed the late C. P. Huntington.
exclusive of the rich streak, has widen­ It was stated on good authority that
ed to a width of four feet and has given the man, if agreed upon tomorrow,
an average assay of $200 to $300 per will be named by Southern Pacific in­
toh. The great strike has created the terests. It as been further ascertained
most intense excitement in mining cir that the recent extraordinary buying
on the stock exchange of Pacific Slail
shares was made for the Southern Pa­
Cave-In In an Arizona Mine.
cific, and that thia company now con
Thoenix Ariz., Nov. 15.— While trols an absolute majority of the out
workmen were engaged in repairing
the timbering in a tunnel at the Tur­ standing stock of $20,000,000.
quoise Cop|>er Company's mine near
Ordered to Leave France.
Tombstone yesterday, the beams in the
Paris, Nov. 15.—Caesar Della Croce,
ceiling fell, letting down tons of rook who was naturalized in New York in
and debris. Antonia Lava was crushed 1893, has been ordered to leave France
to death and three other men were within 24 hours or be imprisoned.
severely injured. They escaped instant Croce said the reasons for his expul­
death by the protection afforded by the sion were political. He has recently
timbers falling partly across their bod­ been dependent on charity, seeking aid
ies, under which they were imprisoned from the United States embassy, con­
for many hours, while their fellow sulate and charitable institutions,
workmen labored desperately to break though he contends he is about to come
through the great mass of debris. into a fortune. Last year be was ar­
Late tonight the rescuing party reached rested at Toulouse, imprisoned and re­
the imprisoned men, who were nearly leased at the intervention of the Unit­
dead from their injuries and hunger. ed States embassy here.
They will recover.
Jene James* Widow.
General MacArthur, in his report on
the conditions and pioepects in the
"Philippine islands, says the future of
the people is bright, and that educa­
tion will eradicate the natives' distrust
of America.
Rsh-adsii by the Empre.s' Orders.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 15.—-Mrs.
Zeralda James, widow of Jesse James,
the noted Southwestern bandit, died
at ner home here today of a complica­
tion of diseases, after a lingering ill-
Effect of Colombian Earthquake.
Washington, Nov. 10.—Mr. Russell,
United States charge at Caracas, re­
ports thst the earthquake in Colombia
last month was much more severe than
at first discovered. The people desert­
ed their bouses and slept in the streets,
and between 12,900 and 15,000 build­
ings were destroyed or damaged.
Berlin, Nov. 15.—The Lokal An-
ceiger publishes the following from its
from Hankow ray that the empress be­
headed a number of telegraph officials,
who accepted a secret message from
Epmeror Kwang Hsu to Count yon
Walderaee, informingdiim that he (the
emperor) was being kept a prisoner
Plague In Egypt.
and was unable to return to Pekin.
Cairo, Nov. 15.—Two fresh cases of
They also say that other executions oc­ bubonic plague are reported in Alex­
curred in connection with the matter.' andria.
Secretary Hay Has Been A*k**d to Hue
Hit* Good Office* to Prevent Closing
of Markets to Americans.
Washington, Nov. 17.—SecretaryHay
has received a petition from nearly all
of the leading cotton manufacturers of
the South to take such action as msy
lie within his power to prevent the in­
terference by any European power
which might close the foreigu markets
to the cotton manufacturers of the
United States and injure other Ameri­
can interests, the petitioners declare
that the "open door” policy is neces­
sary to secure the letention of the im­
portant trade in cotton drills and shirt­
ings with China, most of which are
manufactured in Southern states. It
is declared the withdrawal o this
trade in Manchuria would seriousiy
affect not only the manufacturers of
cotton goods but Southern cottou-grow-
era and employers and employes and
laborers in the cotton mills. The peti­
tioners represent fully $15,000,000
in capital and declare they have lost
half their trade since the Boxer upris­
ing and are running on half time.
General Chaffee has cabled the war
department the following from Taku,
under date of November 16:
‘‘Sixth regiment. United States
cavalry, will remain in China, under
command of Lieutenant-Colonel Theo­
dore J. Wint, with troops I, K, L, M. i
Evidence Contained in Ancient Record*
Unearthed in Pekin.
Monterey, Mex., Nov. 17.—The re­
port that American officers have un­
earthed ancient records in I’ekin show­
ing that the Chinese discovered Ameri­
ca 1,500 years ago, and erected temples
in Mexico, has aroused the greatest in­
terest among the scientific men of Mon­
terey and throughout this country.
The Chinese temples alluded to are in
the state of Sonora, on the Pacific
coast. The ruin of one of the temples
was discovered near the town of Ures,
in that state, about two years ago.
One of the large ston6 tablvlJ found in
the ruins was coveied with carved
Chinese characters, which were partly
deciphered by a learned Chinaman who
visited the ruins at the request of the
Mexican government. This Chinaman
made the assertion at the time that the
ruins were those of a temple which had
been erected many centuries ago by
Chinese, but his statement was not re­
ceived with credence.
It has been long claimed that the In­
dians of the state of Sonora are the de­
scendents ot the early Chinese settlers.
They possess many traditions and
characteristics of the Chinese. If the
report of the finding of these records
in Pekin is verified an expedition will
go from here to explore further the
ancient temples of Sonora.
Increasing Demand for Winter Ooada
la Noted.
So Say Cotton Manufacturers
of the South.
may be plowed under In season to plant
potatoes again or some other later crop.
We do not Ike the Idea of growing two
crops of potatoes on the same land for
two years in succession, but there are
many other crops which would follow
well after the rye was plowed In. and
nearly all crops can be taken off In time
to sow rye after them, which will be
large enough to plow under In the
spring. But do not trust to the rye
alone as a fertilizer, but use It as an
Rat proof Corehouae.
Many farmers suffer a great waste addition to the other fertilizer applied.
from vermin In the corncrib, and fre-
Going Back to the Farms.
quently it is very serious. Rats are
While the census shows that the cities
especially a great enemy in this respect.
Unless the cornhouse is so made that have Increased In population more rap­
there are no biding places, it is impos­ idly than the smaller towns between
sible to dislodge the rats from their re­ 1890 aud 1900, this increase is not gen­
treat. The cornhouse shown In the erally so great a percentage above that
illustration, which Is reproduced from of the towns as was shown by the cen­
the Ohio Farmer, is made so it is Inac­ sus of 1890 for the tea years previous
cessible to rats or mice, and there are to that date. This is more particularly
no hiding places beneath it. It is ele­ true In what are known as the agricul­
vated three feet above the ground on tural States than in those where large
firmly set stone posts, neatly dressed. manufacturing Industries have been
The cribs may be made from six to established in or near the cities. And
eight feet wide and of any desired even in the latter case there seems to
length. For 4,000 bushels of corn in be a teudency for many of the employes
the ear the building should be 40 feet to seek a residence in the suburbs or
long with cribs 8 feet wide and 12 feet some small town near by, where they
high. In building this one should use are retired from the noise and bustle of
the city, and where they can have room
6x8 timber for sills and 2x8 joist
to have fruit trees, gardetj and poultry
yard to occupy leisure hours, or such
days as they are not employed. And
perhaps some credit may be given to
the character of the immigrants who
have come to us. They are more largely
from agricultural sections, and prefer
to go to the country where they will be
classed as skilled laborers, than to join
the unskilled laborers of the city en­
gaged in the hardest kinds of manual
Beet Huizar and Bounty,
culation of air among the corn. The
studding should be 2x6 set three feet
on centers, with 2x4 girts notched into
the studding. The ends of this build­
ing are sided with seven-eighth inch
matched drop siding put on horizontally
except the gable, which is put on ver­
tically. The sides are covered with
1x3 inch strips set a half inch apart
and are put on vertically. The space
between the cribs Is twelve feet wide,
and is closed Inside from the bottom of
the cribs to ground, forming an Inside
shed, which is not accessible to any
farm animals. This Inner shed is
closed by rolling doors at ea«h end.
The cribs are boarded up inside the
shed with three-lnch strips placed hori­
zontally a half Inch apart to admit air.
aud by openinng the doors free circula­
tion of air can be obtained In fine
weather. The shed la floored over above,
forming an apartment twelve feet wide
by forty feet long.
It has lately been decided that a State
has not a constitutional right to pay a
bounty to beet sugar growers or to the
factories for manufacturing the sugar.
Yet this is the way It Is done in Euro­
pean countries, either by paying boun­
ties or by taxiug the use of sugar at
home, and remitting the tax on that
exported, so that their owu citizens can­
not obtain it at home as cheaply as the
citizens of other countries. By this
policy Austria-Hungary produced In the
year ending July, 1899, 1,<141,700 tons ot
raw sugar from beets, and In the year
ending July, 1900, 1,100,000 tons, the
largest product they have ever known.
Germany also Increased her product for
the nine mouths from August, 1898, to
April. 1899. Inclusive, from 1,495,804
metric tons to 1.554,492 metric tons for
the same months In 1890 and 1900.
Adapt the Crop to the Boll.
Alva Ager writes to the National
Stockmau that last year he regretted
not having plowed up one acre of wheat
aud planted It to potatoes. The soil
was too rich for the wheat, which
Dishonest Official*.
lodged before heads filled, aud de­
Yokohama, Nov. 17.—Several mem­
stroyed the clover seeded with It. His
bers of the Tokio city council, having
Well-Braced End Post.
reason for uot doing so was that he did
been accused of accepting a bribe from
The illustration shows an effective want to cut off one acre for a different
the Mitsui lead pipe factory, all the way of securely anchoring the end post
members resigned en bloc, but were of a wire fence. The post (a) should be crop from the rest of the field. Result,
no returns fur the labor done or seed
subsequently re-elected with the ex­
sown. Last fall he sowed It to rye, and
ception of the incriminated members,
last spring planted it to potatoes,
warrants for whose arrest have been
adding $3 worth of acid phosphate, and
tills fall he harvested over 200 bushels
Fire in a Bridge Plant.
of merchantable potatoes or $80 worth
Detroit, Mich., Nov.
as they sell there, besides the unmer­
which started in the engine-room of
chantable ones. He thinks rock and
the Detroit Bridge & Iron Works early
rye a good combination for his soil,
today did between $65,000 and $75,-
meanlug the South Carolina phosphate
000 damage. Five hundred men are
thrown out of employment. The loss
is covered by insurance. Repairs will
Weeds In the Pastore.
be begun immediately and the works
A weed Is as much "a plant out of It*
started again as soon as possible.
proper place” In the pasture as else­
where, and where the pasture Is de­
Queen Braga Mot Dead.
voted to dairy stock It may be doing
Paris Nov. 15.—Inquiries made by
a representative of the press at the set at least three feet in the ground and more damage there than It would iu
Servian legation here show that there four is much better. The cross pieces mowing or cultivated field. It takes up
is no truth in the report published by (ii) are 2x8 inch boards, 24 inches long. food and moisture that are needed for
the Echo de Pairs today that Queen The stone (e) is firmly buried aud tlie useful plants, and It sometimes is
Draga of Servis is dead. The legation should Just about tit the hole. The post of such a character as to be poisonous
officials have not even heard that the (b) is aliout six feet from (a), and to the animal, and often weeds Impart
through tlie hole (f) the cable from the unpleasant odors aud flavors to the
queen is ill.
burled stone is passed. The brace (c) milk and Its products. If the pastures
Wealthy Man** Suicide.
is a 2x6 board securely spiked in place. could be cleared of weeds and bushe*
Fort Wayne. Ind., Nov. 17.—Frank When the posts and the stone are being and their place given to better gras*,
Aiderman, a wealthy real estate man, put In position the soli should be not only would they produce enough for
killed himself today. He walked into tamped until it is very flrm. Secured many more animals, but the milk prod­
a hardware store, purchased a revolver, in this way, an end post will remain ucts would be of more uniform good
loaded it and then sent a bullet into his Immovable for many years.
quality. If the whole pasture cannot
brain. He is thought to have been in­
be cleaned In one season, clear a little
sane. He was a promiuent Republican
To Make the Hen. Lay.
each year.
If the hens don’t lay, turn them out
Filled < hee«e*
and let them dig and hunt In the ground
Another North Sea Cable.
Here I* what fillet] cheese has don*
Washington, Nov. 17.—Consul Leis- for food, is the advice of T. F. Mc­
toe, at Rotterdam, in a report to th* Grew, in the Country Gentleman. Bury for thl* country since 1880: In that
state department, says that a third small grain where they will And it year the United States exported 127,-
telegraphic cable has been constructed when they dig. This will Induce them 000,000 pounds. It was that year that
recently between The Netherlands and to hunt, and while thus employed they our chief customer, Great Britain,
England and will expedite the delivery will find bugs and worms that will “smelled the rodent.” The next year
quicken the production of eggs. It Is the exports fell to 95,000,000 pound*
of American cablegrams via London.
well to follow this plan as soon as the and ba* gradually decreased until In
Farm Machinery Plant Bnrned.
1890 we exported but 38,000.000, of
Chicago, Nov. 17.—A special to the spade will turn the ground, for It adds which Great Britain took only 24.000,-
Record from Geneva. 111., says: Fire
000 pounds. Honesty I* the beat policy
totally destroyed the plant of the Ap­ sures strong, healthy chicks. The lazy, In cheese making. Canada and Den­
pleton Manufacturing Company in this idle hen is of no use, but to sit about, mark are now supplying the trade that
city. It started in the paint shop. eat and grow fat If she will not work, once was ours.
The loss is $250,000.
The company she will not lay. If she will not lay.
her life should end. aud her fat carcass
manufactured farm machinery.
grace the table. You can always rest
When Boltina Pay«.
MacArthur Removal the Cenaorshlp.
Nearly every dairyman has experi­
assured that the indolent hen Is a non­
Manila, Nov. 17.—The censorship producer; soon she becomes too fat to enced the shrinkage that comes in mid­
was removed today.
General Mao- lay and too tough to be eaten.
summer. when the pastures dry up and
Arthur, however, has issued directions
grass Is scarce. It la at thia time that
to the cable companies ordering them
soiling will pay and pay liberally. In
Potatoes in i Rye.
to furnish him with a copy of all press
Potatoes do excellently well upon what better way can a person realize
land where a crop of green rye has from $23 to $25 per acre for hi* green
been plowed In. being usually very free corn or green alfalfa? When the cows
Return nt th. Lagan.
Ban Francisco, Nov. 17.—The trans­ from scab, fair and smooth, says the look over the fence with longing eyes
port Logan arrived from Manila tonight American Cultivator. Early potatoes at the corn, the effort* usuvlly sjfent
and went into quarantine. The Logan can be taken off In time to sow rye. In keeping the cows out of the corn
brings 278 sick soldiers, 19 psisiMTs which will make growth enough to bad better be spent In throwing the
furnish a good fail pasture or a spring corn over to the cows, say* a Kansas
aad eight insane^
pasture for cattle or sheep, and then it ; farmer.
Bradstreet’s says: The tonic effect of
seasonably cold weather is again testi­
fied to by reports from practically all
markets, o( a brisk demand for winter
clothing and wool wear. This in turn
is reflected in increased re-orders from
Western, Northwestern and Southern
jobbeis, aud a perceptible improvement
in tone ot wholesale trade at the East,
which hopes to participate later in the
results of the existing good consump­
tion demand.
The renewed advance in cotton, an­
other result of cold weather, has proved
a stimulus to Southern trade, and also
made cotton goods agents and uiaufac-
turers rather indifferent to new buai-
nesss offered at old rates.
looked like an improvement tn wool
demand and prices seems to have re­
ceived a temporary setback from th«
failure of a large commission nona«
with woolen mill connections.
The strength of prices is stl” mot«
manifest in iron and steel, demand foe
which continues large, both for crud«
and finished materials. The action
the billet pool in advancing prioea i*
claimed to have checked demand.
In finished material the activity <4
moat marked, and mills are generally
well supplied with orders and indiffer­
ent to future business at present rates.
The awarding of the government con­
tract for armor plate at $425 per ton
will swell the output of the steel indus­
try by $15,006,000.
Wheat, including flour shipment* fo*
the week aggregate 4,062,000 bushel*,
against 3,555,507 bushels last week.
Failures for the week in the United
State* number 227, against 161 last
Canadian failures
number 2T,
against 17 last week.
Seattle Marked.
Onions, new, lHo.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per oral«.
Potatoes, new. $16.
Beets, per sack, 85c®$l.
Turnips, per sack, $1.00,
Beane, wax, 4c.
Squash—1 %o.
Carrots, per sack, 90c
Parsnips, per sack, $1.25.
Cauliflower, native, 75c.
Cucum bers—40 @ 50c,
Cabbage, native and California,
lJic per pounds.
Tomatoes—80® 50e.
Butter—Creamery, 29o; dairy, 18®
22c; ranch, 16c pound.
Poultry—12c; dressed, 14c; spring.
13® 15c turkey, 18c.,
Hay—Puget Sound timothy, $14.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy.
Corn—Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $25.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour—Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
blended straights, $3.25; California.
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra­
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $8.25; rye flour, $3.80®4.00.
Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, $18.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed—Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef
steers, price 7Hc;cowa, 7c; mutton
7Hi pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9®
llama—Large, 18c; small, 18H;
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt tide*,
8 He.
___ ___
Fortland Market.
Wheat—Walla Walla. 54@54Ho;
Valley, nominal; Bluestem, 57o per
Flour—Best grades, $8.40; graham,
Oats—Choice white, 42o; choio*
gray, 41c per bushel.
Barley—Feed barley, $15.50 brew­
ing, $16.50 ,*er ton.
Millstnffs—Bran, $15.50 ton; mid­
dlings, $21; shorts, $17; chop, $16 pea
Hay—Timothy,$12® 12.50; clover,$T
®9.50; Oregon wild hay, $6® 7 per ton.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 45® 50c;
-tore, 80c.
Eggs—82 Ho per dozen.
Cheese—Oregon full cream, 12 He;
Young America, 13c; new cheese 10«
per pound.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $2.60®
8.50 per dozen; hens, $4.00; spring*.
$2.00®8.50; geese, $6.00®7.00 doa;
ducks, $3.00®5.00 ,<er dozen; tnrkeya.
live. 11c per pound.
Potatoes—50®65c per sack; sweets,
1HC per ponno.
Vegetables—Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab­
bage, lHo per pound; [«orsuips, 85c;
onions, $1; carrots, 75c.
Hope—New crop, 12® 14c
Wool—Valley, 13®14o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 9® 12c; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton—Grose, >>eet sheep, wether*,
anil ewee, 8H0; dressed mutton, 6H®
7c per pound.
Hoge—Gross, choice heavy, $5.75;
light and feeders, $5.00; dressed,
$6.O0®6.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef—Gross, top steen, $3.50®4.00;
cows, $3.00®3.50; dressed beef, 6®
7c per pound.
Veal—Large, 6H®7H*: small, 8®.
8 He per pound.
Nan Franeneo Market.
Wool—Spring—Nevada, 11® 13c pea
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10® 14c; Vat
ley, 15®I7c; Northern, 9® 10c.
Hope—Crop, 1900, 13® 16c.
Butter—Fancy creamery 22 H*.
do seconds, 21c; fancy dairy, 2*
22c; do seconds, 19o per pound.
Eggs—Store, 28c; fancy ranch,
Millatuffa — Middlings, $16.50 ®
19.00; bran, $18.00® 18.50.