The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, November 23, 1900, Image 1

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OIOL_—______ _ ______
Entered attbe Postofflceiu McMinnville,
as Second-class mailer.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Singlenumbersflve cents.
NO. 49.
$85,000 CUorth of First-Class Merchandise
Will be sold at Manufacturers’ Wholesale Price.
This will be one of the most important sales that ever has been or ever will be again in Oregon, which will take place at
R. .JACOBSON & CO’S., McMinnville, Oregon.
Close to $85 000 of first-class and well-selected stock will be sold at cost on account of a change iu business. R. Jacobson, the senior member of R. Jacobson and Co., has made
arrangements to connect himself with a Clothing Manufacturing House in San Francisco, in which he will enter about March ist or sooner. This change will be a great benefit to
this business, also to the consumers, and in order to make this change, we are obliged to make such sale to realize a large sum of money. This
Sale Will Commence Saturday, November 10th,
Bright and early, and continue until January, 1901, and after that day the business will be continued the same as before.
when you see the cut we have made.
Don’t miss the great opportunity.
You will be surprised
We Will Do Just What We Advertise. Some Goods will be sold One=Half off from Regular Prices.
Stock consists of the following lines: Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats & Caps, Ladies’Tailor-Made Suits, Capes, Jackets, Furs and Fur Collar­
ettes Millinery Fancy Goods, CArpets and Oilcloths, Blankets and Quilts, Trunks and Valises, and our whole stock of Piece Goods for Men’s Tailor-Made Suits.
Respectfully Yours,
R.‘JACOBSON & CO., flcMinnville, Oregon.
From serious throat and lung trouble depends on two things: First,
securing the right remedy; second, using it in time. We are confident
rS that the remedy most certain to give prompt and satisfactory results in
Jrv the curing of colds and coughs is Dr. Lowe’s White Ping Cough Syrup
with Tar.
A Fair
\1/E are now moved into our new’ quarters, one block north of the old stand, where wre will be pleased to have
’ *
you call and see us.
Saturday, November 24th
You are apt to have a cold this season. A cough will result and you
will want to cure it as quickly as possible. We want you to try this
remedy with the understanding that if it fails to give entire satisfaction
you are to have your money back.
----- We will commence our------
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacy.
McMinnville, Oregon.
And will make the lowest prices ever offered on DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, FURNISH­
The Drug Center of Yamhill County.
Men’s Clothing and Ladies’ Wraps At Cost.
McMinnville Grange & Farmers Co
CHAS. P. NELSON, Manager.
X LIAnChasa11 thenecessary sup _ Z
* nUDNUiN «hgaekiug connec’ J
New Sewers.
All Plumbing Work entrusted
to him will receive the best
possible attention.
Plows, Harrows and other implements at
Low Prices.
20th Century Opens
With January, 1901, and about that time
to his own building now occupied by the Racket
Store. He will open with a better stock then
ever—in fact the finest stock of Furniture
ever seen in McMinnville.
Present prices are made with reference to reduc­
ing Stock on hand. Investigate them.
* «
J acob W ortman , Pres.
E d H endricks , Vice Pres.
J ohn W ortman , Cashier.
A rthur M c P hillips , Asst. Cashier i»
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
The Oldest Bank in Yamhill Connty. Established in 1885.
Capital and Surplus, (90,000.
The First National Bank
Buys and sells exchange on all the principal cities of the United »
States, aud draws direct on all the principal points in Europe. The »
accounts of Firms and Individuals solicited.
Sets Aside a Day»Ing.
It has pleased Almighty God to bring
our nation in safety and honor through
another year. The works of religion and
charity have everywhere been manifest.
Our country, through all its extent, has
been blessed with abundant harvests.
Labor and the great industries of the
people have prospered beyond all prece­
dent. Our commerce has spread over the
world. Our power and influence in the
cause of freedom and enlightenment have
extended over distant seas and lands.
The lives of our official representatives
and many of our people in China have
been marvelously preserved. We have
been generally exempt from pestilence
and other great calamities, and even the
tragic visitation which overwhelmed the
city of Galveston made evident the senti­
ments of sympathy and Christian charity
by virtue of which we are one united
Now, therefore, I, William McKinley,
president of the United States, do hereby
appoint and set apart Th ursday, the 29th
of November next, to be observed by all
the people of the United States, at home
or abroad, as a day of thanksgiving and
praise to him who holds the nations in
the hollow of his hand. I recommend
that they gather in their several places
of worship and devoutly give Him thanks
for the prosperity wherewith He has en­
dowed us, for seedtime and harvest, for
the valor, devotion and humanity of our
armies and navies, and for all His bene­
fits to us as individuals and as a nation;
and that they humbly pray for the con­
tinuance of His divine favor, for concord
and amity with other nations, and for
righteousness and peace in all our ways.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
W’ m . M c K inlkv .
They had only a small farm out in the
A clearing in the forest of oak and pines,
Where the ferns grow tall on the mount-
tain side;
But down in the garden on the trailing
The big yellow pumpkins are the farm­
er’s pride.
They have cattle and sheep and goats
out there.
And little fat pigs and big ones too;
And chickens that scratch around every­
And wobbling fat geese and ducks in the
And turkeys that strut like a boy with a
There’s plenty to do on the little farm ;
And the children are glad when the holi­
days come.
But when frosts set in and begin to coat
The vines of the pumpkins like sugar
And the maple trees down by the mount­
ain brook
Look ghostly at night, like an upturned
Then said the farmer to his boy one day ;
“We will catch the fattest of turks, and
Of geese and of ducks a load beside.
For tomorrow we’ll hitch up and drive
to town,
Where we will for your winter’s clothing
And when Thanksgiving came around at
The mother had a turkey fat and plump,
And of yellow and juicy pumpkin pies
"A plenty for ourselves,” said mother,
and some
For the good old parson and neighbor’s
The parson said grace, and with head in­
Did offer up thanks to the Lord on high:
“O give us this day our daily ”—
Then Johnnie looked over at sister and
'Cause he thought he’d rather have
pumpkin pie'
—M urikl G ray .
Reduction Sale of Boots and Shoes I
dbristmas is abeab, but were
This seems to be a period of Bargain Sales in McMinnville, and we propose to
be in it with the rest of them. We can save you money. Everything at cost and
all broken lines, and goods a little behind the seasim below cost. Don’t fail to call
on us before vou bnv.
Sign of the Big Boot.
abeaò of <£bvistinas !
Call and see the pretty things already here—the ad­
vance guard nt the Christmas provision. Looking-around involves no obli­
gation to purchase. We are glad to have your present praise—we will let
Boot« and Shoes. the futnre take care of itself. A half hour in our store will prove a liberal
education in the latest phases of the Beautiful in Art.
Take The Reporter and Get the News
WM. F. DIELSCHNEIDER & BRO., The Jewelers.
Jack Frost has visited in Carlton the
Christmas and Santa Claus will soon
last few days.
be here.
Deputy Sheriff Hagerty visited Carlton
The show last Saturday night did not
last Sunday.
get rich.
There will be preaching at the Chris­
The “beautiful snow” made its first
tian church next Sunday.
appearance Monday morning.
Scott McCutcheon and Miss Leona
Miss Ella Ingram of Corvallis is here
Peterson were married last Thursday.
visiting her sister, Mrs. R. O. Jones.
Mrs. Breon, who has been lying sick | Mrs. Pierce has returned home after
here for some time, died last Tuesday i visiting in eastern <tregon a few weeks.
W. A. Howe lias gone east, and will
Thanksgiving will soon be here, and spend Thanksgiving with his mother in
already there is seen an anxious look on New York
the turkeys’ faces.
There will lie union thanksgiving ser­
Mr. Haney of Lafayette is teaching a vices at the Christian church onTbanks-
very satisfactory term of school in the giving day, at 10:90. Prof. Ralph Storey
of McMinnville will preach the eermon.
Briedwell district, just west of town.
All are cordially invited.
Choir practice at the Christian church
Tuesday nights under the leadership of
Mr. Emmet is well attended and en­
City election next month—first Mon­
Revival meetings at the Baptist church day.
closed last Friday night. Much interest
Wm. O’Conner is not well, blit is able
was manifest during the meetings, sev­ to be around.
eral additions was the result.
Mr. Burbank is «till improving, and
J. W. Briedwell, our enterprising mer­ gaining strength slowly.
chant, has laid a plank floor around the
Mr. Begun is on the sick list, was not
hitching racks adjoining his store. This
able to keep his store for a few days.
is for the accommodation of his many I
Winter is on now. Had several show­
The following pupils of the seventh j ers of snow the 19th; all went off by
grade of our public schools were last night; cleared off and turned cold.
Elder C. C. Poling held quarterly
week advanced to the 8th grade. Leota
Holmes, Lepha Hawley, Laura McDow­ meeting here last Saturday evening and
Sunday. He went to Newberg at 3 p. m.
ell, Nellie Mahood and Willie Brown.
The Degree of Honor lodge of this and prea'cbed , came back at night and
place will give a social Thanksgiving took his departure for home Monday
evening. Baskets containing supper will night.
------ a
be sold, and it is expected that a general
Probate Court.
good time will take place, as the ladies
Estate of Isaac Agee. Will admitted
of that order are famous for their enter­ to probate upon proofs taken in open
tainments and suppers.
court. Janies and Jasper Agee appoint­
It should tie the duty of every citizen ed joint executors without bonds. Henry
to never “let up” until a creamery or Gee, J H Eisele and W W Wright ap­
cheese factory is secured for this place. pointed appraisers.
This would be the very best industry
Estate cf A B Faulconer. Final ac­
we could have, for it is a continual source count filed and set for hearing Jan. 7th,
of revenue to every farmer who sells a 1901, at I p tn.
pound of milk. More institutions of this
Guardianship of Elsie A and Geo A
kind throughout this valley would cause
a general revival of business, and a trial Young, minors. Louisa L Cornell ap­
would soon relegate the mortgage breed­ pointed guardian. Bonds fixed at J500.
ing wheat field to the rear. Such is the
case where it has been tried.
• a«
“I have need Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find
it to be a great medicine,” saye Mr. E. S.
Phipps of Poteau, Ark. “It cured me of
bloody flux. I cannot apeak too highly
of it.” This remedy alwaye wine the
This aimature la on every box of the gonulnn
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tawna good opinion, if not praise, of those who
use it. The quick cures which it effects
the ramedy that ewres n eaM in an* Aa,
---------- »a*----------
even in the most severe cases make it a
Farm for sale—lWi acres adjoining favorite everywhere. For sale by Ho
town. Inquire at this office.
worth A Co., druggists.