* ■ Cancer, Scrofula, ® Qgfj Sores, Rheumatism, Gontagious BlcGii Poison, Chronic UScers. e s As the blood contains all the elements necessary to sustain life, it is impor­ tant that it be kept free of all impurities, or it becomes a source of disease, poisoning instead of nourishing the trody, and loss of health is sure to follow. Some poisons enter the blood from without, through the skin by absorption, or inoculation ; others from within, as when waste products accumulate in the system and ferment, allowing disease gertns to develop and be taken into the circulation. While alt blood troubles have one common origin, each has some peculiarity to distinguish it from the other. Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheumatism, Eczema and other blood diseases can be distinguished by a certain sore, ulcer, eruption or inflammation appearing on the skin. Every blood disease shows sooner or later on the outside anil on the weakest part of the body, or where it finds the least resistance. Many mistake the sore or outward sign for the real disease, aud attempt a cure by the use of salves, liniments and other external applications. Valuable time is lost and no jiermanent benefit derived from such treatment. BLOOD TROUBLES REOUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES; the poison must lie completely and perma­ nently eradicated -the blest. The boys behaved very well Halloween are to be hud at Hodson’s. night, and nothing in town was dis­ Sherman Wallace was able to walk Mr. Harris, circulation representative over to town from the college on election of the Evening Telegram, was canvassing turbed. day for the first time since his illness Miss Lena Martin, who is teaching this city on election day. from typhoid fever. near North Yamhill, came home Satur­ The first of January we exfiect to move I have money to loan on farm prop­ across the street in the Fenton building. day and Sundayed with her parents and erty at good terms. Parties wishing to We want to sell all the goods we can be friends. The meetings at the Baptist church borrow, call and see me. fore that time. Please come in and help It L. C onner . continue and much interest is mani­ us move them. H. M ills & S on . fested. Charles Griesen has a letter from bis j The Junior League in the Methodist Prof. J. B. Long, who has been at son Carl stating that he boarded the church has elected the following olfi- steamship Northland in New York har­ cerij for the ensuing gix months, Woods for the past four months running the “Kiowanda” up and down ttie Nes- bor on October 31st for Germany. President and four vice presidents, re- tucca, came home last Fliday looking a spectively : Lora Fletcher, Wretlia Mc ­ The St. Charles store pays cash for little muddy, but still in the ring. He veal, chickens, eggs, and all kinds of pro­ Donald, Blanche Wright, Bert Heath, reports the roads through the mountains Flora Walker; secretary, Charles Foster; duce we can ship on the market. as very bad. treasurer, Dena Foster. N. E. K echi , Prop. Frank Thomas is carrying his liaml in To remove a troublesome corn or bun­ a sling, tile result of getting his finger in Duncan Harris was in the city a few ion : First soak the' corn or bunion in the cogs of a sickle grinder. days this week, lie has been up in the sound country for some time, and during warm water to soften it, then pare it Last Saturday while helping run a down as closely as possible without draw- his absence from home has suffered a wood saw, Earnest Groves got two fin­ siege of typhoid fever. He leaves soon ing blood and apply Chamberlain’s Pain gers badly scratched. The accident liilm twice daily, rubbing vigorously for to spend the wintea in California. might have been more serious, and the five minutes at each application. A corn Earl Wright, Hugh Maloney and Will plaster should be worn for a few days, to young man is to be congratulated on his McClintock got home Sunday from I heir protect it from the shoe. As a general narrow escape. five weeks' hunt near 1 train. The weath­ liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness The endeavor business meeting and er was against them except the first and rheumatism, Pain Bahn is mi­ social at Roth’s hall last Tuesday night, week, but. notwithstanding Ibis they se­ equaled. For sale by Howorth A do., was another of those pleasant affairs giv­ en by that society. cured six deer. druggists. Election passed off quietly, and the re­ R. P. Ungerman of this city and Geo. sult is, some disap|>ointed, the rest W. Briedwell of Amity, have been drawn 1 iiter<-s 1 i 11 a «'Inarch Social. happy. to serve on the United States grand jury, The emleavorers of the Christian which convenes in Portland Nov. 12th. Rev. Douglas of Eugene, who is here church hail a large crowd and an inter­ carrying on revival meetings at the Bap­ esting time at their social Fliday even- C. F. Daniels carries a stock of Hour, feed and baled hay, and sells as cheap as ing. Their program consisted of viol in tist church, is a brother of the local the same can be bought anywhere in the selections bv Mr. <'irissen and Miss preacher of that denomination. He is Hamblin, a vocal solo by Miss Jennie one ot the most agreeable persons that valley. Synder, and recitations by Miss Rua the writer lias ever met, and we think Goucher and Mrs. J. A. Young, Each that much gcod will I k - done during the of these numbers was encored, The meetings. following menu was printed on the pro­ The Christian church people dispensed gram with prices accompanying, Tile with services Sumlav night last, that all parenthetic explanation of the bill ot who wished might attend worship at the tare did not appear on the program, but Baptist church. wai left to be guessed: Mis. Breon is no better, and there is Perpetual Motion—Tongue— . . 4c but little hope of her recovery. Condensed Fruit Juice—Jelly—. .2C Mr.4»sborn of South Dakota, a broth­ O. B. B —Oliver’s Brown Bread—2c er of our fellow townsman of that mime, New England Specialties—Boston will, we understand, make Atnitv his fu­ Baked Beans— .......... 4c ture home. Mineral Cake .Marble Cake—.. 4c Mr. ami Mrs. John Briedwell, Jr., took The Skipper's Home—Cheese—. . 2c Spring Offering—Water—. .. ic the early morning train for Portland election day. Thin, pa!c, anaemic girls Elixir of Life—Water—............. ic * need a fattv food to enrich their blood, give color to Bovine—Milk— .................... ... ..ic What a Young Man Gives his Sweetheart—Kisses— ... 2c their checks and restore their J 11. What a Young Lady Gives a Young Man—Taffy—....................................... jc It is Í health and strength 12. Chips of the Old Block — Saratoga safe to say that they nearly X Chips— ................................ ....... ic all reject fat with their food. ♦ <3- Printer’s Dilemma—Pie— ... 5c M. Mochajavario—Coffee .. 4C »5- Adam’s Stumbling Block- Apple ic 16. Fruit of tile Vine l’iekles- . 2C JC • 7 • Pride of the Valley—Bread— 18. Strength Personified Onions— . IV jc 19* Shanghai Berries Eggs— . COD LIVER OIL 20. "Gelatus l.actis Flos” Bread and WfPR HYPOPHOSPHITES of / !HE\SOOA Milk—.................... .. .IOC ------------------------------------------------ g All persons fouad talking to the onpo is exactly what they require; £ site sex were fined 5c, likew i>e those who it n«4 only gives them the im- « wore patent leather shoes, or had but­ portant element (cod-liver oil) f tonhole bouquets. The gross rece’pts of the evening were$18.27. S^utSlOH in a palatable and easily di-1 Mil I lli 4 U lKOKMt. gested form, hut also the hypo J phosphites which are so valua- * Notable among the pleasurra afforded hie in nervous disorders that S by the Shasta route is the w inter trip to southern California and Arizona. Re­ usually accompany an«vmia. ♦ newed acquaintance with thia section SCOTT’S EMULSION is a t will ever develop fresh tmititsof interest fatty food that is more easily t and added soutcra of enjoyment, under Z its sunny skies, in the variety of its in­ digested than any other form ♦ dustries. in its prolific, vegetation and of fat. A certain amount of t among its nutnl'.'rleaa resorts of mount­ ain, shore, valley and plain. The two flesh is necessary for health w daily Shasta trains form Portland to Cal , You can get it in this way. * ifornia have been recently equipped with i the most epjtroved pattern of standard ! IVe have known per- and tourist sleeping cars, bat the low sons to gain a pound a a I rates i>t'fare will still continue in effect. Hhistrated guides to the winter resorts of day while taking it. Mr »n 1 ft all dru i«tt. SCO» . 'N BO* Nl . < brill'u New Y.«k. ¿ C rlifornia and Arizona may be bail on ap- plication to «'. H. M aksii . hi , G. P. A., Portland. Oregon. Mrs. W. K. bniith is ill ot typhoid fever. .Mrs. Barrett of Port Townseml, Wash., the lady who held a str its of revival meetings here last winter, has been v¡sit­ ing m the city for several days She tilled the pulpit of the M. E. church here last Sunday, both xuoruiug and evening. Will Huston, son of Jos. Huston, is still very ill at his home in this city. Dre. Smith and Barber aided by Drs. Goucher ami Michaux of McMinnville, will perform some surgical operation, which is the only possible chance of life. It is hoped by his many friends that this may prove successful. Mrs. Ida Church of Astoria, who lias been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Potter ot this place, left for Portland Monday morning, upon receiving the sad intelligence of the death other fath­ er-in-law , Mr. Wm. Church, of Portland. Mr. Chas. Huston and Miss I Hive Cox were married at the residence of the bride's mother in this city last Wednes­ day evening, Oct. 31st, Rev. Edward Git- tens of the M. E. church officiating. The many friends of this worthy young couple wish them a happy and prosper­ ous life. Eugene Brown sold off’ his household goods Tuesday at public auction, prepar­ atory to removing to Sumpter, where he will in the future reside. in choosing a Grocer are these: Are his Goods fresh and wholesome? Does he keep up with the Market? Is he neat and elean? Does he deal fair with all Customers? If you find he is all this and more, he will do to tie to. We aim high, and are trying to fill this bill as Well us others left with us. Come and see us. L. E. Walker Where Can I Get School Books ? Why, at SCOTT & WILLIAMS Grissen’s Old Stand. A little son of J. R. Mendenhall was badly bitten 011 the face by a dog one day this week. Ad Newell and Carl Sbortridge of Mc­ Minnville, seem to be very much attract­ ed to this place of late, judging from the visits they jnake. That’s right, boys, the girls are always glad to see you. lOHO.M. FRIEND That is next to your wife is your Shirt, so you want to see that it is treated well when other people handle it. There is no one that will handle fine linen, in Walt. Sleppy, Earnest Brown and Bud Daugherty returned Saturday night from Washington, where they have been work­ ing in a logging camp for some time. They could not inissetheir vote. either shirts, collars or cuffs, more ten­ derly or with greater care when being renovated than we do »«>■’■« i : k . Very lovely weather for November. Have your table linen and your flat work done up on our new Steam Mangle. It gives an extra fine finish. Frank Stow spent Monday in McMinn­ ville. E. Lawrence visited at E. H. Taylor’s Sunday. Mrs. James Lough leaves the 8th for Ashwood, Crook Co., where she will join her husband. Mrs. J. Bakeman is spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. John Eborall Call and see me and get cut rates on Family Work. McMinnville Steam Laundry, Wm. Miss Mary Crown intends going to Portland this week to spend the winter. Miss Jennie Flynn spent a part of last In the County Court for Yamhill County, week at her brother Andrew’s, returning State of (>regon. to McMinnville Sunday. In the matter of the estate of Jacob T. Wil­ liamson, deeeased. Mr. and Mrs. Tawney, Mrs. Lawrence T<» John Winebrenner,Samuel M.Wiuebrenner, B«>rr«»ngbf, Elizabeth Eellers, Mary C. Cot- and daughter Mildred and Miss Guttry Sarah terill, Ma M.Cotterill, Emily V. Ro«ly,Georgette of the Highlands, visited with Mr. and Butclisch, M G. Small, S^rah R. Gorrell, Amelia Mchomil«!, I> .I. Sloan, Jr-., John II. V. Sloan, Mrs. Grohe, Sunday. Mary Sidney Sloan. Estulla Lee Sloan, Valentine Quite a large number attended church at the school house Sunday, to hear the new minister preach. They report them­ selves as quite well pleased with his preaching. < Ì IÜ I O5. Last Tuesday was a lively day in Carl­ ton on account of the election There were men on the streets who no doubt hadn't been in Carlton since last June. The ladies of the ('lit istian church served chicken dinner, supper and midnight lunch. A crowd consisting of Misses Jessie and Carrie Einlev, Miss Ida Smith and Deputy Sheriff Haggerty, drove over to Salem and back last Sunday. Mrs, Swanson will move her dress- making into the new building in a few days. Carlton is having quite an improve­ ment nowadays in new sidewalks. \ Sloan, Charles I» Johnson. Lydia Roland, Sarah E shrode, Lillie Wageley, Annie A. Erye, Allre«l R Johnson, James E. Johnson, Bessie Johnson, ami 1«» all other children or grandchil­ dren of Mary Winebrenner or Margaret Small, late ot the slate of West Virginia,deceased, and to all other persons known or unknown in any manner interested in the estate of Jacob T. Wil­ liamson, deceased: I N THE NAME oETHE STATE OF OREGON, 1 Y «»11 and eat h of y«m ure hereby cite«l ami rv«|Uire«l to be and appear in the county court of Yamhill eounty, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 4th day ot l>««eem)»er, \. I). I'. mhi ,at the hour of one o’clock p. m., «»fsaid day, in the county court room in the court house <»f the city of McMinn ville, in sai«i county and stale, and then and there show cause, if any exists, why the said e«»urt should not make an order directing the executors «»I said ««state to distribute an«l pay «nil all the rcsidm- of said estate a fie r th«* pay­ ment oi the Npecifie be<|iiests contained in said will in th«* manner tolhiwing: To M. G. small, Sarah R. Gorrell, Amelia Me- l><»i»iil«l John W niebreiiner, Samuel M. Wine- lireiiner. Sarah Born »light' ami Elizabeth Fellers, each «»1 ic-<• 1 vv«'HIh thefeo/. Io II J sioHii, Jr., John H. V. Sloan, Mary Soln« y Sl«»an, Fstella Lee Sloan, Valentine A. Sl«»an. Lilli«' Wagclcj. Annie A. Frye, Alfred L. Jithnsoii. James E. Johns«»n ami Bessie Johnson, each oiic-tifty-tiIlli thereof To Charles i>. J«»hiiM»n, Lydia Roland. Sarah E. Shrode, each «ine-thirt)-third there«»!. To Mary C. Cotterill. I«!a M. Cottcrill, Emily V. Ro«fy and Georgette Butefisch, cadi one-ioi- ty f«»111 th thereof. \\ ilness the Hon. R. 1’. Bird, judge of the ab«>v« entitle«! e«»urt, and the seal of said court Hllixed this 24th «lay of October, lHO. 45-Ü I J. H. NELSON, County Clerk. IRVINE the excellent ami gracious the tough nineiis and by giving frequent words that shall tlow from the heart of" doses when the i-rmipy symptomsappear such a man of God. \\’e deem it a great we have ........ I that the dreaded croup is privilege to make this announcement to cured before it gets settled.’’ t here is the public, for we feel that the presence nodanger in giving this remedy, for it I of that tall, fine looking, useful man, contains no opium or other injurious , alone is trulv an inspiration to anv per- drug and uhv be given as confidently to ! son. Mrs. Dubbs. former editor of the a lud»e as to an adult. For sale by Ilo- Missionary Titlings, will also have words I of greeting and farewell to all. We in­ worth «\ Co., «Iru^g.s’s vite all our friends fr«»ni far and near to Next Sunday will be quarterly meet- attend this memorable meeting, Please ingday at the M. E. church. Preaching remember the time, November 12. . at — 7 7 45 in the morning will be bv the pastor, and p. m. All are welcome. A A. W inter iu the evening Dr. Watters of Salem will be here and will preach, and at this time When yon feel that life is hardly worth also the communion service will lie held the candle take a dose of Chamberlain's On Momlav the husim'sa meeting will lie Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will held at s 30 in the morning cleanse vow stomach, tone up your liver Fred and George Bertram. Ed Ifada- and regulate your bowels making yon For sale by llo- way and I'avid Seth, who were out in the feel like a new man coast range on a hunt, came home with I worth A Co., druggists. deer. They killed another one bnt failed The subjects to be discussed at the to get it. They shot a large bear which, Christian church next lz>nl'» day are m aa anp|xwed. was mortally «omi.led. bnt follows Morning- The Hidden Treaa- it ran into the brush where they could ure. Evening—The Tragedy of Dsvid not get to it.--bayton Herald. aud Goliath. Special music. Lumbert, Prop. « No $3.50 Shoe Quite as good as the Victor THE \ ’TOR is mad«^ for men only in nil sorts of leathers, atn.1 it uiay be had in all lasts that are tip to date and comfortable. The Victor quality is of the highest. The models,aro most comfortable. The price is unbeatable. Oh, ves, there are other $4.50 shoes Bnt (here is no shoe for men on sale in any McMinnville store that, will match the Victor, noteven those that are sold at $1.50. One pair will prove it. We’er closing out many lines of Men’s, Ladies’, Bovs and Children’s "hoes al Cost Prices. We want to make a clean sweep, F. Dielschneider, V '11 H l' is herein given that th ■ Gnai aveouni I’ ol Mar; A II. instock us uxvi'tltrix of the estate of Wifiiam llviustovk. dveeaKt-.|. has been tiled in the county court of Yanihiil county, stale of Oregon, and that the tilth day of N<>- \ einla-r, r.so, al the hour of 10 o'clock a. iu.. ha* been .Inly appointed by such court for the hear­ ing of objections to such (Inal account and the settl. na-ni thereof, al which time any person in- tore-ted in such .-stale may ap|a-ar amt tile ob­ 'OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned jection* thereto ifl a riting and contest the same. executrix ot th«* la*! will ami testament AlAKY A. HEMSTOCK. '»( John h C«u»k, deeca*ed. has tile«! the lilial ac­ II-' Executrix of the batata. count of her a.iministrati«»n «»1 theestah* of said d«‘Ccn'« d. in the (Mninty court of Yanihiil «*onn- ty, Oregon, and said (*oiirl has ap|M»inte«i Mon- l ook Nrhnol Noles» «lay. the .'hl «tav of rhTember, \. 1». vtm, hi io o ’ehH’k in tti«‘ for«*nar in I the o«»ntity court room in McMinnville, in -aid Miss Williams has organized a Sun­ ; county, at said time, to -h«»w caiiR««. if any th» r«* account imnt shall n«»t not ta* he settled. settle’.!. «|. shine society in her room. The dues to ' be, why said ao. lowed and approved a- prayed for then in. and l»e paid are kind deeds done to some exei-utrl, .1.-. Iiarged. an.I said estate forever and tlnailt settled creature. Dated October Pith, A. D. 1900. *4-.’> E. A. COOK, Revs. Atkinson and Fender made us a Executrix of the last will and testament of pleasant call on Monday, and gave us John F. Cook, deceased. RHODES A RHODES, Attorneys for the estate. Shoe Dealer N real encouragement. Call again, gentle­ men. notici -;. The different rooms held an election on election day as a lesson in voting. In the County Court for the Conntr of Yam- SUte of Oregon. No politics were allowed but much inter­ hill, In the matter of the estate of lat ob T Wil- lianiMtn, demmed. est was shown. \ The society of the eighth grade decid­ the alMV.’ named deceased, have tile«l in the ed that the inventions of Franklin have above entitled court their final ae<*ount hr Rtirh executors, and that-aid coiih haR affix«*! un«| dene more for civilization than the inven­ I <*••* fth «lay .>1 In« . !uU r. tions of Edison. There will be no de- I ,*‘**‘- :lt !5e ,”’”r - oi one °cl«a -- ■«■-— k - |». m »1 of MAi«1 «lay at the county court r$»om in ill«* < «.nrt bate in two weeks, as a historical ques­ house in the city of McMinnville in *ai«1 boun­ ty, as the time and place f«.r th«« h« smut of ob> tion I h > x will take its place. jectfom to aai«l tinal account ami f.*r the final settlement of sai l eMate Dat»*d at M««Minnville, Oregon, this the '4th Mrs. H. L. Boardman returned on day of October, l.sio Monday from quite an extended visit J. E HCRBARB AXn IVAN DANIEL, , Executors of the in-t Hill and ieMamet.t oi with relatives in Eugene. 1 Jacob T. ill jam ««tn d«-« euaed IR\ INE A \ INTuN. Ali’y» i«»r Exceulnm. MrW. J. E. Durham of Rowland, B. C.,: expects s<>on to visit her parents, Mr. The R kfortkr and Weekly Oregonian and Mrs. Geo. Olds of Bellevue. one rear for >2, strictly in advance